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We present a 19-year-old male with laxity of skin and joints, sparse scalp hair, facial dysmorphism, epilepsy, multiple exostoses, scoliosis, gastroesophageal reflux, cardiovascular defects, and an 8q23.3–q24.22 deletion detected by array comparative genomic hybridization. The patient was previously misdiagnosed as having Ehlers–Danlos syndrome. However, his clinical findings are in fact correlated with trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type II/Langer–Giedion syndrome and Cornelia de Lange syndrome-4. We discuss the genotype–phenotype correlation and the consequence of haploinsufficiency of TRPS1, RAD21, EXT1 and KCNQ3 in this case.  相似文献   

Honey  N. K.  Sakaguchi  A. Y.  Lalley  P. A.  Quinto  C.  Rutter  W. J.  Naylor  S. L. 《Human genetics》1986,72(1):27-31
Summary A rat cDNA probe for preprocarboxypeptidase A was used to follow the segregation of the human gene for carboxypeptidase A (CPA) in 49 human x mouse somatic cell hybrids using Southern filter hybridization techniques. CPA was assigned to human chromosome 7q22qter. Similarly, the probe was used to follow the segregation of the mouse gene for carboxypeptidase A (Cpa) in 19 mouse x Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids. Cpa was assigned to mouse chromosome 6. The gene for carboxypeptidase A forms part of a syntenic group that is conserved in man and mouse.Preliminary chromosomal assignments of carboxypeptidase A in man and mouse have been made in abstract (Honey et al. 1983a, b)  相似文献   

The DNA sequence of 106 BAC/PAC clones in the minimum tiling path (MTP) of the long arm of rice chromosome 11, between map positions 57.3 and 116.2 cM, has been assembled to phase 2 or PLN level. This region has been sequenced to 10× redundancy by the Indian Initiative for Rice Genome Sequencing (IIRGS) and is now publicly available in GenBank. The region, excluding overlaps, has been predicted to contain 2,932 genes using different software. A gene-by-gene BLASTN search of the NCBI wheat EST database of over 420,000 cDNA sequences revealed that 1,143 of the predicted rice genes (38.9%) have significant homology to wheat ESTs (bit score 100). Further BLASTN search of these 1,143 rice genes with the GrainGenes database of sequence contigs containing bin-mapped wheat ESTs allowed 113 of the genes to be placed in bins located on wheat chromosomes of different homoeologous groups. The largest number of genes, about one-third, mapped to the homoeologous group 4 chromosomes of wheat, suggesting a common evolutionary origin. The remaining genes were located on wheat chromosomes of different groups with significantly higher numbers for groups 3 and 5. Location of bin-mapped wheat contigs to chromosomes of all the seven homoeologous groups can be ascribed to movement of genes (transpositions) or chromosome segments (translocations) within rice or the hexaploid wheat genomes. Alternatively, it could be due to ancient duplications in the common ancestral genome of wheat and rice followed by selective elimination of genes in the wheat and rice genomes. While there exists definite conservation of gene sequences and the ancestral chromosomal identity between rice and wheat, there is no obvious conservation of the gene order at this level of resolution. Lack of extensive colinearity between rice and wheat genomes suggests that there have been many insertions, deletions, duplications and translocations that make the synteny comparisons much more complicated than earlier thought. However, enhanced resolution of comparative sequence analysis may reveal smaller conserved regions of colinearity, which will facilitate selection of markers for saturation mapping and sequencing of the gene-rich regions of the wheat genome.  相似文献   

A major gene-rich region on the end of the long arm of Triticeae group 2 chromosomes exhibits high recombination frequencies, making it an attractive region for positional cloning. Traits known to be controlled by this region include chasmogamy/cleistogamy, frost tolerance at flowering, grain yield, head architecture, and resistance to Fusarium head blight and rusts. To assist these cloning efforts, we constructed detailed genetic maps of barley chromosome 2H, including 61 polymerase chain reaction markers. Colinearity with rice occurred in eight distinct blocks, including five blocks in the terminal gene-rich region. Alignment of rice sequences from the junctions of colinear chromosome segments provided no evidence for the involvement of long (>2.5 kb) inverted repeats in generating inversions. However, reuse of some junction sequences in two or three separate evolutionary breakage/fusion events was implicated, suggesting the presence of fragile sites. Sequencing across 91 gene fragments totaling 107 kb from four barley genotypes revealed the highest single nucleotide substitution and insertion–deletion polymorphism levels in the terminal regions of the chromosome arms. The maps will assist in the isolation of genes from the chromosome 2L gene-rich region in barley and wheat by providing markers and accelerating the identification of the corresponding points in the rice genome sequence. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary The human progesterone receptor gene was mapped by in situ hybridization using two cDNA probes corresponding to the 5′ and 3′ part of the coding sequence. This gene was localized to 11q22-q23.  相似文献   

Summary Tenascin (TN) is a hexameric extracellular matrix glycoprotein that is highly expressed in solid tumors but has a restricted distribution in normal adult tissues. Each TN subunit is composed of segments with high homology to the sequences of epidermal growth factor, fibronectin and fibrinogen. Furthermore, it has been suggested that TN could modulate epithelial-mesenchymal and neuronal-glial interactions. Here, using a cDNA probe to human TN, we have carried out Southern blot analysis of the genomic DNAs from a panel of human-hamster somatic cell hybrids carrying different complements of human chromosomes. The results demonstrate that the human TN gene is located on chromosome 9. Furthermore, in situ hybridization studies demonstrate that human TN is located at 9q32–q34.  相似文献   

Summary We have used four independently isolated cDNA probes for human apolipoprotein B (apo B), to isolate overlapping genomic recombinants for the 3 portion of the apo B gene. The cDNA clones and a unique fragment from the genomic recombinant have been used to identify the human apo B gene in DNA from a series of roden x human somatic cell hybrids. Our results provide evidence for the assignment of this gene to the short arm of human chromosome 2 (p23-pter). We have used the cDNA probes to identify three common DNA polymorphisms. The first, detected with the restriction enzyme XbaI and our probe pAB4, has a rare allele frequency of 0.48. The other two polymorphisms are detected with the probe pAB3. The enzyme MspI detects at least three alleles, with frequencies of 0.67, 0.16 and 0.15, while that detected with the enzyme EcoRI has a rare allele frequency of 0.12. The relative position of these polymorphisms has been mapped using the genomic recombinants.Investigation of a small number of haplotypes indicares that there is linkage equilibrium between the polymorphisms, which have a total polymorphism information content (PIC) value of more than 0.8. These polymorphisms will provide useful markers for genetic studies on chromosome 2 and for the analysis of the involvement of variants of the apo B gene in the development of hyperlipidaemia.  相似文献   

Summary A complementary cDNA clone (900 bp) representing the 3 untranslated region and almost the entire coding sequence of the human erythrocyte membrane glycophorin C has been used to determine the chromosomal location of the blood group Gerbich locus by in situ hybridization. The results indicate that this locus is assigned to the region q14–q21 of chromosome 2.  相似文献   

Summary The gene encoding a tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases, TIMP, has previously been shown to be X-linked in both the human and mouse genomes. We have used a series of somatic cell hybrids segregating translocation and deletion X chromosomes to map the TIMP gene on the human X chromosome. In combination with previous data, the gene can be assigned to Xp11.23Xp11.4. Genetic linkage analyses demonstrate that TIMP is linked to the more distal ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) locus at a distance of about 22 centimorgans. The data are consistent with the conclusion that TIMP maps to a conserved synteny and linkage group on the proximal short arm of the human X chromosome and on the pericentric region of the mouse X chromosome, including loci for synapsin-1, a member of the raf oncogene family, OTC, and TIMP.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the KLK3 gene on chromosome 19q13.33 are associated with serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. Recent genome wide association studies of prostate cancer have yielded conflicting results for association of the same SNPs with prostate cancer risk. Since the KLK3 gene encodes the PSA protein that forms the basis for a widely used screening test for prostate cancer, it is critical to fully characterize genetic variation in this region and assess its relationship with the risk of prostate cancer. We have conducted a next-generation sequence analysis in 78 individuals of European ancestry to characterize common (minor allele frequency, MAF >1%) genetic variation in a 56 kb region on chromosome 19q13.33 centered on the KLK3 gene (chr19:56,019,829–56,076,043 bps). We identified 555 polymorphic loci in the process including 116 novel SNPs and 182 novel insertion/deletion polymorphisms (indels). Based on tagging analysis, 144 loci are necessary to tag the region at an r 2 threshold of 0.8 and MAF of 1% or higher, while 86 loci are required to tag the region at an r 2 threshold of 0.8 and MAF >5%. Our sequence data augments coverage by 35 and 78% as compared to variants in dbSNP and HapMap, respectively. We observed six non-synonymous amino acid or frame shift changes in the KLK3 gene and three changes in each of the neighboring genes, KLK15 and KLK2. Our study has generated a detailed map of common genetic variation in the genomic region surrounding the KLK3 gene, which should be useful for fine-mapping the association signal as well as determining the contribution of this locus to prostate cancer risk and/or regulation of PSA expression.  相似文献   

The ability of a previously developed sandwich-type enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for discriminating incorrectly folded recombinant human interferon -2b (IFN-2b) molecular species from multi disulphide-bonded species was investigated. This ELISA was applied to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the renaturation of IFN-2b, a step that is currently used in the large-scale production of IFN-2b produced in recombinant Escherichia coli strains.  相似文献   

The analysis of protein–protein interactions is important for developing a better understanding of the functional annotations of proteins that are involved in various biochemical reactions in vivo. The discovery that a protein with an unknown function binds to a protein with a known function could provide a significant clue to the cellular pathway concerning the unknown protein. Therefore, information on protein–protein interactions obtained by the comprehensive analysis of all gene products is available for the construction of interactive networks consisting of individual protein–protein interactions, which, in turn, permit elaborate biological phenomena to be understood. Systems for detecting protein–protein interactions in vitro and in vivo have been developed, and have been modified to compensate for limitations. Using these novel approaches, comprehensive and reliable information on protein–protein interactions can be determined. Systems that permit this to be achieved are described in this review.K. Kuroda, M. Kato and J. Mima contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The rate of mutation for nucleotide substitution is generally higher among males than among females, likely owing to the larger number of DNA replications in spermatogenesis than in oogenesis. For insertion and deletion (indel) mutations, data from a few human genetic disease loci indicate that the two sexes may mutate at similar rates, possibly because such mutations arise in connection with meiotic crossing over. To address origin- and sex-specific rates of indel mutation we have conducted the first large-scale molecular evolutionary analysis of indels in noncoding DNA sequences from sex chromosomes. The rates are similar on the X and Y chromosomes of primates but about twice as high on the avian Z chromosome as on the W chromosome. The fact that indels are not uncommon on the nonrecombining Y and W chromosomes excludes meiotic crossing over as the main cause of indel mutation. On the other hand, the similar rates on X and Y indicate that the number of DNA replications (higher for Y than for X) is also not the main factor. Our observations are therefore consistent with a role of both DNA replication and recombination in the generation of short insertion and deletion mutations. A significant excess of deletion compared to insertion events is observed on the avian W chromosome, consistent with gradual DNA loss on a nonrecombining chromosome.  相似文献   

Sublocalization of the human protein C gene on chromosome 2q13–q14   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Summary The localization of human protein C gene on chromosome 2 was investigated by in situ hybridization using a partial cDNA for protein C. Silver-grain analysis indicates that the protein C gene is located on 2q13-q14.  相似文献   

Three suppressor loci for position-effect variegation, one dominant temperature-sensitive (DTS), three Minute genes, and two recessive visible mutants (ed, tkv) have been cytogenetically localized by using duplications and deficiencies in regions 23-25 of chromosome arm 2L of Drosophila melanogaster. Two of the suppressor loci studied proved to represent haplo-abnormal genes localized in regions 23A6-23F6 and 24E2-25A1, respectively. The third one is a strong triplo-abnormal suppressor mapping in 25F4-26B9 which affects white variegation in wm4h when present in three doses. The l(2)2DTS mutation, which belongs to a group of noncomplementing dominant temperature-sensitive mutations, is localized in the 25A4-B1 region. Furthermore, two Minute genes have been localized in region 24 that are included in Df(2L)M11 and can be separated employing translocation (Y;2)P8 (24E2-4): M(2)LS2 in 24D3-4-24E2-4, and M(2)z in 24E4-5-24F5-7. A third Minute gene (M(2)S1) is localized in 25C3-8-25C9-D1. The usefulness of the isolated chromosomal rearrangements for further genetic studies of region 23-26 is discussed.  相似文献   

Although large deletions comprise 65% of the mutations that underlie most cases of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies, the DNA sequence characteristics of the deletions and the molecular processes leading to their formation are largely unknown. Intron 7 of the human dystrophin gene is unusually large (110 kb) and a substantial number of deletions have been identified with endpoints within this intron. The distribution of 28 deletion endpoints was mapped to local sequence elements by PCR. The break points were distributed among unique sequence, LINE-1, Alu, MIR, MER and microsatellite sequences with frequencies expected from the frequency of those sequences in the intron. Thus, deletions in this intron are not associated primarily with any one of those sequences in the intron. Nine deletion junctions were amplified and sequenced. Eight were deletions between DNA sequences with minimal homology (0–4 bp) and are therefore unlikely to be products of homologous recombination. In the ninth case, a complex rearrangement was found to be consistent with unequal recombinational exchange between two Alu sequences coupled with a duplication. We have hypothesized that a paucity of matrix attachment regions in this very large intron expanded by the insertion of many mobile elements might provoke a chromatin structure that stimulates deletions (McNaughton et al., 1997, Genomics 40, 294–304). The data presented here are consistent with that idea and demonstrate that the deletion sequences are not usually produced by homologous DNA misalignments.  相似文献   

Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome (RSTS) is a well-known autosomal dominant mental retardation syndrome with typical facial and skeletal abnormalities. Previously, we have reported two patients presenting with RSTS and additional clinical features including failure to thrive, seizures, and intractable infections (Bartsch et al. in Eur J Hum Genet 7:748–756, 1999). Recently we identified a third patient with this condition, termed here severe RSTS, or chromosome 16p13.3 deletion syndrome. The three patients died in infancy, and all displayed a specific mutation, a chromosomal microdeletion including the 3′-end of the CREBBP gene. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization and closely spaced DNA probes, we characterized the deletion intervals in these patients and in three individuals with a deletion of CREBBP and typical RSTS. The deleted DNA segments were found to greatly vary in size, spanning from ∼40 kb to >3 Mb. Four individuals, including the patients with severe RSTS, exhibited deletions containing gene/s in addition to CREBBP. The patients with severe RSTS all had deletions comprising telomeric neighbor genes of CREBBP, including DNASE1, a dominant gene encoding a nuclease that has been associated with systemic lupus erythematodes. Our findings suggest that severe RSTS is distinct from RSTS and represents a novel true contiguous gene syndrome (chromosome 16p13.3 deletion syndrome). Because of the risk of critical infections and high mortality rate, we recommend that the size of the deletion interval should be determined in CREBBP deletion-positive patients with RSTS, especially in young children. Further studies are needed to delineate the clinical spectrum of the new disorder and to clarify the role of DNASE1.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidosis IV A (MPS IV A) is a lysosomal storage disease produced by the deficiency of N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase (GALNS) enzyme. Although genotype–phenotype correlations have been reported, these approaches have not enabled to establish a complete genotype–phenotype correlation, and they have not considered a ligand–enzyme interaction. In this study, we expanded the in silico evaluation of GALNS mutations by using several bioinformatics tools. Tertiary GALNS structure was modeled and used for molecular docking against galactose-6-sulfate, N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate, keratan sulfate, chondroitin-6-sulfate, and the artificial substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-d-galactopyranoside-6-sulfate. Furthermore, we considered the evolutionary residue conservation, change conservativeness, position within GALNS structure, and the impact of amino acid substitution on the structure and function of GALNS. Molecular docking showed that amino acids involved in ligand interaction correlated with those observed in other human sulfatases, and mutations within the active cavity reduced affinity of all evaluated ligands. Combination of several bioinformatics approaches allowed to explaine 90 % of the missense mutations affecting GALNS, and the prediction of the phenotype for another 21 missense mutations. In summary, we have shown for the first time a docking evaluation of natural and artificial ligands for human GALNS, and proposed an update in genotype–phenotype correlation for Morquio A, based on the use of multiple parameters to predict the disease severity.  相似文献   

The receptor with high affinity for immunoglobulin E (FcERI) is a key molecule in triggering the allergic reaction. It is tetrameric complex of one subunit, one subunit, and two disulfide-linked subunits. This receptor is present exclusively on mast cells and basophils. Molecules identical to the subunit of FcRI also form cell surface complex with other Fc receptors such as mouse FcRIIa in macrophages and most probably with human FcRIII (CD16) in natural killer (NK) cells. Here we show by in situ hybridization that the human genes for the (FCER1A) and subunits (FCER1 G) of FcERI and the gene for FcRIII (FCGR3, CD16) are located on human chromosome band 1823.  相似文献   

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