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[3H] choline and [3H] acetyl CoA were injected into the cell body of an identified cholinergic neuron, the giant R2 of the Aplysia abdominal ganglion, and the fate and distribution of the radioactivity studied. Direct eveidence was obtained that the availabliity of choline to the enzymatic machinery limits synthesis. [3H] choline injected intrasomatically was converted to acetylcholine far more efficiently than choline taken up into the cell body from the bath. Synthesis from injected [3H] acety CoA was increased more than an order of magnitude when the cosubstrate was injected together with a saturating amount of unlabeled choline. In order to study the kinetics of acetylcholine synthesis in the living neuron, we injected [3H] choline in amounts resulting in a range of intracellular concentrations of about four orders of magnitude. The maximal velocity was 300 pmol of acetylcholine/cell/h and the Michaelis constant was 5.9 mM [3H] choline; these values agreed well with those previously reported for choline acetyltransferase assayed in extracts of Aplysia nervous tissue. [3H] acetylcholine turned over within the injected neuron with a half-life of about 9 h. The ultimate product formed was betaine. Subcellular distribution of [3H] acetylcholine was studied using differential and gradient centrifuagtion, gel filtration, and passage through cellulose acetate filters. A small portion of acetylcholine was contained in particulates the size and density expected of cholinergic vesicles.  相似文献   

The choline required for synthesis of acetylcholine is derived exogenously by Aplysia ganglia. Under physiological conditions choline was taken up primarlily by neuropile and nerves and not by cholinergic cell bodies. In addition, compared with their contents of choline acetyltransferase, those components of nervous tissue which contain nerve terminals and axons synthesized acetylcholine far more efficiently. Choline was accumulated by high and low affinity uptake processes; the high affinity process appeared to be characteristic of cholinergic nuerons (Swartz, J. H., M. L. Eisenstadt, and H. Cedar.1975. J. Gen. Physiol. 65:255). The two uptake processes were similarly affected by temperature with a Q10 of 2.8. Both were dependent on a variety of ions in a complicated manner. High affinity uptake seemed to be more dependent on Na+, showed greater inhibition by ouabain, and was selectively inhibited by oxotremorine. We found that the functional state of neurons did not alter uptake of radioactive choline by either process, nor did it change the conversion to radioactive acetylcholine.  相似文献   

Although acetylcholine is a major neurotransmitter in Aplysia, labeling studies with methionine and serine showed that little choline was synthesized by nervous tissue and indicated that the choline required for the synthesis of acetylcholine must be derived exogenously. Aanglia in the central nervous system (abdominal, cerebral, and pleuropedals) all took up about 0.5 nmol of choline per hour at 9 muM, the concentration of choline we found in hemolymph. This rate was more than two orders of magnitude greater than that of synthesis from the labeled precursors. Ganglia accumulated choline by a process which has two kinetic components, one with a Michaelis constant between 2-8 muM. The other component was not saturated at 420 muM. Presumably the process with the high affinity functions to supply choline for synthesis of transmitter, since the efficiency of conversion to acetylcholine was maximal in the range of external concentrations found in hemolymph.  相似文献   

In the present study the occurrence and localization of urotensin I (UI, a corticotropin releasing factor-like peptide) in the CNS of Aplysia californica were investigated by immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay. The RIA cross-reactivity pattern indicated that the UI antiserum used recognized an epitope in the C-terminal region of the UI, but it did not cross-react with mammalian corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and partially recognized sauvagine (SVG, a frog CRF-like peptide). The use of CRF-specific and sauvagine-specific antisera failed to give positive immunostaining. The application of UI antiserum (which does not cross-react with CRF in RIA) gave a positive staining, which was blocked by synthetic sucker (Catostomus commersoni) UI, but not by rat/human CRF (10 microM). On the basis of immunostaining and RIA parallel to fish UI displacement curves of cerebral ganglia extracts, the unknown UI/CRF-like substance in the Aplysia ganglia is likely to have greater homology with sucker UI than with the known CRF peptides. Urotensin I-immunoreactive (UI-ir) neurons were seen mainly in the F neuron clusters, located in the midline and rostrodorsal portion of the cerebral ganglia. Few UI-ir neurons were also found in the C and D neuron clusters of the cerebral ganglia, as well as in the left pleural and abdominal ganglia. In addition, numerous fine and coarse, and beaded UI-ir fibers were found in the cerebral commissure. UI-ir fibers were also seen in the neuropile of the buccal, pedal and pleural ganglia, and abdominal ganglion. A cuff-like arrangement of UI-ir fibers was seen in the supralabial nerves.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The response of the gill of Aplysia calfornica Cooper to weak to moderate tactile stimulation of the siphon, the gill-withdrawal response or GWR, has been an important model system for work aimed at understanding the relationship between neural plasticity and simple forms of non-associative and associative learning. Interest in the GWR has been based largely on the hypothesis that the response could be explained adequately by parallel monosynaptic reflex arcs between six parietovisceral ganglion (PVG) gill motor neurons (GMNs) and a cluster of sensory neurons termed the LE cluster. This hypothesis, the Kupfermann-Kandel model, made clear, falsifiable predictions that have stimulated experimental work for many years. Here, we review tests of three predictions of the Kupfermann-Kandel model: (1) that the GWR is a simple, reflexive behaviour graded with stimulus intensity; (2) that central nervous system (CNS) pathways are necessary and sufficient for the GWR; and (3) that activity in six identified GMNs is sufficient to account for the GWR. The available data suggest that (1) a variety of action patterns occur in the context of the GWR; (2) the PVG is not necessary and the diffuse peripheral nervous system (PNS) is sufficient to mediate these action patterns; and (3) the role of any individual GMN in the behaviour varies. Both the control of gill-withdrawal responses, and plasticity in these responses, are broadly distributed across both PNS and CNS pathways. The Kupfermann-Kandel model is inconsistent with the available data and therefore stands rejected. There is, no known causal connection or correlation between the observed plasticity at the identified synapses in this system and behavioural changes during non-associative and associative learning paradigms. Critical examination of these well-studied central pathways suggests that they represent a 'wetware' neural network, architecturally similar to the neural network models of the widely used 'Perceptron' and/or 'Back-propagation' type. Such models may offer a more biologically realistic representation of nervous system organisation than has been thought. In this model, the six parallel GMNs of the CNS correspond to a hidden layer within one module of the gill-control system. That is, the gill-control system appears to be organised as a distributed system with several parallel modules, some of which are neural networks in their own right. A new model is presented here which predicts that the six GMNs serve as components of a 'push-pull' gain control system, along with known but largely unidentified inhibitory motor neurons from the PVG. This 'push-pull' gain control system sets the responsiveness of the peripheral gill motor system. Neither causal nor correlational links between specific forms of neural plasticity and behavioural plasticity have been demonstrated in the GWR model system. However, the GWR model system does provide an opportunity to observe and describe directly the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of distributed representation and parallel processing in a largely identifiable 'wetware' neural network.  相似文献   

Abstract: The metabolism of polyamines was investigated by injecting purified [3H]putrescine directly into the soma of the giant neuron R2 of Aplysia . Injected putrescine was rapidly metabolized to spermidine, spermine, and several catabolites, including GABA and monoacetylputrescine. Identification of these products was by comparison with the authentic compound using ion exchange chromatography. When R2 was injected with amounts of [3H]putrescine determined so that the intracellular content of labeled precursor was less than 6 × 10-6 M , metabolism was rapid and occurred via pathways similar to those in mammalian tissues. At concentrations of labeled precursor greater than 2 × 10−4 M , relatively little putrescine was converted to product. By 4 h after injection, putrescine and its labeled products appeared in R2's axon, where additional metabolism occurred. These results indicated that the enzymes involved in polyamine interconversion are not restricted to R2's cell body, and this suggestion was corroborated by finding ornithine decarboxylase and S -adenosylmethionine decarboxylase activities in Aplysia nerves. The distribution of the polyamines along R2's axon was compared with that of 3H-glycoproteins, with the finding that while the acid-soluble polyamines move by diffusion, labeled polyamines associated with protein are rapidly transported.  相似文献   

Neurons of Aplysia californica are naturally pigmented and the pigment accumulates with age. In the present study the pigment was examined in the same neuron from Aplysia of three postmetamorphic ages: young, sexually mature, and old. The large central neuron, R2, was examined by light and electron microscopy to determine if the pigment possessed properties similar to lipofuscin pigment seen in aging mammalian neurons. We used the same microscopic techniques that demonstrate the presence of lipofuscin in mammalian neurons. Light microscopic studies demonstrated a regional correlation between autofluorescence, staining with Sudan Black, and the naturally occurring pigment in old R2s. Electron microscopic studies revealed the presence of large vacuolated and lamellated membrane-bound bodies in the peripheral cytoplasm of old R2s, similar to those found in mammalian neurons. The bodies were located in the same region in which autofluorescence and Sudan Black staining were observed. Although the naturally occurring pigment accumulates with age, it acquires characteristics of lipofuscin pigment in the neurons of older sexually mature animals. The presence of these pigment characteristics can be used as an index of aging in Aplysia neurons as they are in mammalian neurons.  相似文献   

Application of an ethylene glycol lysis technique to extract water-soluble, low molecular weight polypeptides in Aplysia neurons, was used in conjunction with microgradient gel electrophoresis and micro-isoelectric focusing, to identify unique polypeptides in specific, identified neurons. The polypeptides found in neurons R15, R3-13, R14, and the bag cells were particularly abundant, consistent with the previously suggested neurosecretory role for these cells. Water extraction of the strongly basic polypeptides (pI 10.7) in R3-13 and R14 required an acidic lysis medium.  相似文献   

A sustained postsynaptic potential is observed in an identified synapse of Aplysia when the presynaptic neuron is depolarized in the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX). This prolonged postsynaptic potential appears to be at least in part due to the summation of quantal events. It is still observed when 30 mM CoCl2, which is known to inhibit Ca2+ influx, is added to the external media.  相似文献   

The marine mollusc Aplysia californica has proved to be a useful preparation for analyzing the development of learning and memory on both behavioral and cellular levels. An important issue in this analysis concerns the anatomical substrate upon which learning is superimposed during development. As a first step in examining this question, in the present study we have determined the number of neurons in all the major central ganglia at each stage during juvenile development, a time when several forms of learning first emerge in Aplysia. We found that a large and highly nonlinear proliferation of neurons occurs during juvenile development, with the greatest increase in cell number occurring during a specific juvenile stage: Stage 12. The neuronal proliferation is system-wide, occurring in each of the central ganglia simultaneously, suggesting the action of a general developmental signal or trigger (perhaps a hormone). Accompanying the increase in neuron number in Stage 12 there is a large increase in neuropilar volume (150-fold), which significantly increases the opportunity for synaptic interactions late in juvenile development.  相似文献   

The content, synthesis and transport of d ‐aspartate (d ‐Asp) in the CNS of Aplysia californica is investigated using capillary electrophoresis (CE) with both laser‐induced fluorescence and radionuclide detection. Millimolar concentrations of d ‐Asp are found in various regions of the CNS. In the cerebral ganglion, three adjacent neuronal clusters have reproducibly different d ‐Asp levels; for example, in the F‐ and C‐clusters, up to 85% of the free Asp is present in the d ‐form. Heterogeneous distribution of d ‐Asp is also found in the individual identified neurons tested, including the optical ganglion top‐layer neurons, metacerebral cells, R2 neurons, and F‐, C‐ and G‐cluster neurons. The F‐cluster neurons have the highest percentage of d ‐Asp (~58% of the total Asp), whereas the lowest value of ~8% is found in R2 neurons. In pulse‐chase experiments with radiolabeled d ‐Asp, followed by CE with radionuclide detection, the synthesis of d ‐Asp from l ‐aspartate (l ‐Asp) is confirmed. Is d ‐Asp in the soma, or is it transported to distantly located release sites? d ‐Asp is clearly detected in the major nerves of A. californica, including the pleuroabdominal and cerebrobuccal connectives and the anterior tentacular nerves, suggesting it is transported long distances. In addition, both d ‐Asp and l ‐Asp are transported in the pleuroabdominal connectives in a colchicine‐dependent manner, whereas several other amino acids are not. Finally, d ‐Asp produces electrophysiological effects similar to those induced by l ‐Asp. These data are consistent with an active role for d ‐Asp in cell‐to‐cell communication.  相似文献   

Endogenous nitric oxide (NO) is generated by nitric oxide synthases (NOSs), which convert arginine (Arg) and oxygen to citrulline (Cit) and NO. Cit can be enzymatically transformed back to Arg by argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) and argininosuccinate lyase (ASL) via a pathway involving argininosuccinate (ArgSuc). Arg, Cit, and ArgSuc levels have been measured in single neurons, neuronal clusters, and neuropil from the nervous system of the common neurobiological model Aplysia californica. Using capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection, ArgSuc was found to be present in the nervous system in millimolar concentrations at levels significantly exceeding Cit levels (p<0.01). ArgSuc levels are proportional to Arg concentrations in single neurons, whereas they have no clear correlation to the Cit or Arg/Cit ratio. NOS-expressing neurons often exhibit fixative-resistant nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) staining. Incubation of ganglia with Arg results in an increase in Cit and ArgSuc levels in the NADPH-d-positive neuropil with no effect on ArgSuc levels in NADPH-d-negative neurons, suggesting NOS activity in the neuropil. Similar incubation with Cit leads to decreased ArgSuc levels in NADPH-d-negative neurons. These results can be explained by localization of NOS and ASS in different neurons; therefore, the complete Arg-Cit-NO cycle may not be present in the same neuron. The surprisingly high intracellular ArgSuc concentration suggests alternative sources of ArgSuc and that at least a portion may be formed by the reverse reaction of ASL (catalyzing the conversion of Arg to ArgSuc), which can be inhibited by Cit.  相似文献   

We have used an antibody that specifically recognizes eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) when it is phosphorylated at Ser(207) to characterize eIF4E phosphorylation in the nervous system of APLYSIA: The level of phosphorylated eIF4E, but not the level of total eIF4E, was significantly correlated with the basal rate of translation measured from different animals. Serotonin (5-HT), a transmitter that regulates the rate of translation in APLYSIA: neurons, had mixed effects on eIF4E phosphorylation. 5-HT decreased eIF4E phosphorylation in sensory cell clusters through activation of protein kinase C. 5-HT increased eIF4E phosphorylation in the whole pleural ganglia. In the APLYSIA: nervous system, eIF4E phosphorylation correlated with phosphorylation of the p38 MAP kinase, but not the p42 MAP kinase (ERK). Furthermore, an inhibitor of the p38 MAP kinase significantly decreased basal eIF4E phosphorylation, but an inhibitor of the MAP or ERK kinase (MEK) did not. Despite the correlation of eIF4E phosphorylation with the basal rate of translation, inhibition of eIF4E phosphorylation by an inhibitor of the p38 MAP kinase did not significantly decrease the rate of translation.  相似文献   

Incorporation of L-[3H]fucose into glycoproteins was studied in R2, the giant neuron in the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia. [3H]fucose injected directly into the cell body of R2 was readily incorporated into glycoproteins which, as shown by autoradiography, were confined almost entirely to the injected neuron. Within 4 h after injection, 67% of the radioactivity in R2 had been incorporated into glycoproteins; at least 95% of these could be sedimented by centrifugation at 105,000 g, suggesting that they are associated with membranes. Extraction of the particulate fraction with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), followed by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in SDS revealed the presence of only five major radioactive glycoprotein components which ranged in apparent molecular weight from 100,000 to 200,000 daltons. Similar results were obtained after intrasomatic injection of [3H]N-acetylgalactosamine. Mild acid hydrolysis of particulate fractions released all of the radioactivity in the form of fucose. When ganglia were incubated in the presence of [3H]fucose, radioactivity was preferentially incorporated into glial cells and connective tissue. In contrast to the relatively simple electrophoretic patterns obtained from cells injected with [3H]fucose, gel profiles of particulate fractions labeled with [14C]valine were much more complex.  相似文献   

The distribution of (Na+ + K+) ATPase over the plasma membranes of the proximal convoluted tubule from canine renal cortex has been determined. Ultrathin frozen sections of this tissue were stained with rabbit antibodies to this enzyme and ferritin-conjugated goat antirabbit gamma-globulin. It is demonstrated that high concentrations of this enzyme uniformly line the intercellular spaces of this epithelium. The consequences of this observation are discussed in terms of the low resistant tight junctions of these tubules and the isotonic fluid transport which they support. Furthermore, antibodies to (Na+ + K+) ATPase recognize an antigen on the luminal surfaces of the tubules within the brush border. It is proposed that the enzyme is present in this region of the plasma membrane as well, although at much lower concentration. To further substantiate this conclusion, a brush border fraction has been purified from rabbit kidney and been shown to contain significant (Na+ + K+) ATPase. These results contradict earlier conclusions about the location of (Na+ + K+) ATPase in this tissue.  相似文献   

D-aspartate (D-Asp) is found in specific neurons, transported to neuronal terminals and released in a stimulation-dependent manner. Because D-Asp formation is not well understood, determining its function has proved challenging. Significant levels of D-Asp are present in the cerebral ganglion of the F- and C-clusters of the invertebrate Aplysia californica, and D-Asp appears to be involved in cell-cell communication in this system. Here, we describe a novel protein, DAR1, from A. californica that can convert aspartate and serine to their other chiral form in a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent manner. DAR1 has a predicted length of 325 amino acids and is 55% identical to the bivalve aspartate racemase, EC, and 41% identical to the mammalian serine racemase, EC However, it is only 14% identical to the recently reported mammalian aspartate racemase, DR, which is closely related to glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase, EC Using whole-mount immunohistochemistry staining of the A. californica central nervous system, we localized DAR1-like immunoreactivity to the medial region of the cerebral ganglion where the F- and C-clusters are situated. The biochemical and functional similarities between DAR1 and other animal serine and aspartate racemases make it valuable for examining PLP-dependent racemases, promising to increase our knowledge of enzyme regulation and ultimately, D-serine and D-Asp signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Central pattern generator (CPG) circuits control cyclic motor output underlying rhythmic behaviors. Although there have been extensive behavioral and cellular studies of food-induced feeding arousal as well as satiation in Aplysia, very little is known about the neuronal circuits controlling rhythmic consummatory feeding behavior. However, recent studies have identified premotor neurons that initiate and maintain buccal motor programs underlying ingestion and egestion in Aplysia. Other newly identified neurons receive synaptic input from feeding CPGs and in turn synapse with and control the output of buccal motor neurons. Some of these neurons and their effects within the buccal system are modulated by endogenous neuropeptides. With this information we can begin to understand how neuronal networks control buccal motor output and how their activity is modulated to produce flexibility in observed feeding behavior.  相似文献   

The biosynthetic capabilities of individual neurons of the abdominal ganglion of the marine mollusc Aplysia californica have been analyzed after intrasomatic injection of 3H-monosaccharides. Glycopeptides prepared from the metabolically labeled cells were fractionated using serial lectin affinity and gel filtration chromatography. The fractionation procedure yielded eight populations of glycopeptides, and comparison of two different neurons (R2 and R14) showed that the quantity of the individual species produced is cell-dependent. Structural analysis indicated that the glycoconjugates produced by the Aplysia neuron constitute both O- and N-linked structures as well as an unusual class of oligosaccharide whose linkage to protein is unknown. The O-linked units are small and consist only of N-acetylglucosamine or N-acetylgalactosamine attached to protein. High-mannose-type asparagine-linked units are produced by the neurons, and some of these appear to be processed to biantennary complex-type units that bind to lentil lectin-agarose. Overall, although the Aplysia neurons produce oligosaccharides of a nature similar to that produced by higher eucaryotes, the N- and O-linked structures produced by the neurons do not achieve the complexity of the comparable structures produced by mammalian cells. The results provide a basis for further studies aimed at understanding the role of glycoconjugates in the development of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Substantial progress has been made in unraveling the organization of the circadian system of Aplysia californica. There are at least three circadian pacemakers in Aplysia. One has been localized in each eye and a third lies outside the eyes. Removal of the eyes disrupts the free-running locomotor activity rhythm; however, an extraocular oscillator can mediate a free-running rhythm in some eyeless animals. Although photoreceptors sufficient for entrainment of the ocular oscillator have been localized in the retina, photoreceptors outside the eyes are capable of "driving" a diurnal rhythm of locomotor activity and may also influence entrainment of ocular pacemakers. Finally, attention has been focused on the optic nerve as a coupling pathway between various parts of the system. The evidence suggests that information transmitted in the optic nerves is involved in entrainment of the ocular pacemaker by light, and in ocular control of the locomotor activity rhythm.  相似文献   

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