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Zusammenfassung Die unter den NamenMicropus longifolius Boiss. etReut. bzw.Cymbolaena longifolia (Boiss. etReut.)Smoljan. gut bekannte Art wurde zuerst alsStylocline griffithii A.Gray beschrieben. Ihre taxonomische Stellung in bezug auf die GattungenMicropus undStylocline wird diskutiert. Es erscheint am richtigsten, die Art in eine eigene monotypische Gattung zu stellen, ihr korrekter Name ist dannCymbolaena griffithii (A.Gray)Wagenitz, comb. nov.
Summary The species usually known asMicropus longifolius Boiss. etReut. orCymbolaena longifolia (Boiss. etReut.)Smoljan. was described for the first time in 1873 asStylocline griffithii A.Gray. The taxonomic position in relation to the generaMicropus andStylocline is discussed. It seems most appropriate to regard this species as belonging to a monotypic genus. In this case its correct name isCymbolaena griffithii (A.Gray)Wagenitz, comb. nov.

On the basis of allozyme and cultivation data, and of additional herbarium material, a taxonomic and nomenclatural revision ofTaraxacum sect.Piesis A.J. Richards exKirschner et?těpánek is provided. The section is made up of halophilous, sexually reproducing taxa. InT. stenocephalum Boiss. etKotschy,T. pindicum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., andT. perenne Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a tetraploid chromosome number has been recorded, representing the only known case of sexuality at the tetraploid level in the genus. The complex ofT. stenocephalum, includes some geographically and morphologically extreme populations treated as subspecies: subsp.gumusanicum (Soest)Kirschner et?těpánek, comb. nov., subsp.magnum Kirschner et?těpánek, subsp. nov., and subsp.daralagesicum (Schischk.)Kirschner et?těpánek, comb. nov. In addition toT. bessarabicum (Hornem.)Hand.-Mazz., a widely distributed Eurasian species,T. stenocephalum, a complex centred in Transcaucasia and Anatolia, andT. pachypodum H. Lindb., a North African endemic, four new species are described:T. salsum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a diploid endemic confined to E Crimea,T. perenne Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a tetraploid sexual species known only from SW Crimea,T. pindicum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a remarkable tetraploid endemic to the Pindos Mts., Greece, andT. salsitatis Kirschner, ?těpänek etYirdirimli, sp. nov., an Anatolian diploid species. Furthermore, a hybrid betweenT. salsum andT. bessarabicum from Crimea (documented on the basis of allozyme data elsewhere) is given a binomial,T. xmesohalobium Kirschner et?těpánek, nothosp. nov.  相似文献   

E. B. Mains 《Mycopathologia》1959,11(4):311-326
Summary Additional information is given from studies of types and authentic specimens for 25 species of Hypocrella.Stereocrea aurantiaca is transferred to Hypocrella asH. aurantiaca (Petch) comb. nov.,H. caulium is considered an invalid name andH. brasiliana (P. Henn.) comb. nov. is proposed. It is concluded thatH. sloaneae, H. nectroides, H. citrina, H. melaena, H. disjuncta andH. amazonica all are valid species.H. verruculosa is considered conspecific withH. phyllogena. H. fluminensis is a synonym ofH. epiphylla andH. guaranitica, H. spegazzini, H. orbicularis andH. cornuta are synonyms ofH. palmae. Similarities between several species of the eastern and western hemispheres are noted.Paper from the Herbarium and the Department of Botany, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Arnebia purpurascens (A.Rich.)Baker wird ausführlicher beschrieben, als dies in der bisherigen Literatur geschah.Arnebia euchroma (Royle) I. M.Johnst., die zur UntergattungMacrotomia (DC. exMeisn.) H.Riedl, stat. nov., zu rechnen ist, wird in drei Unterarten geteilt, nämlich ssp.euchroma, ssp.grandis H.Riedl, ssp. n. aus Südwestpersien und ssp.caespitosa Rech. f. etRiedl, ssp. n. aus Ost-Afghanistan und Chitral.Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung durch National Science Foundation Grant G 16325.  相似文献   

Taxonomic considerations and nomenclatural adjustments as a part of a revision ofLinaria Mill. undertaken within the “Flora iberica” project are presented. Data on morphology, seed coat surface, chorology, ecology, synonymy and variability of 11 accepted taxa are reported. The following new combinations are proposed:Linaria aeruginea subsp. cardonica (Font Quer)L. Sáez etM. Sainz,Linaria depauperata subsp.ilergabona (M.B. Crespo etV.J. Arán)L. Sáez, andLinaria saturejoides subsp.angustealata (Willmott)L. Sáez etM.B. Crespo.  相似文献   

The species of flies breeding in bovine manure, their parasites and predators as well as other associated arthropods in 3 localities in and near Bangalore are recoreded. The flies areMusca domestica L.,Musca pattoni Austen,Stomoxys calcitrans L.,Physiphora aenea F.,Physiphora demandata F.,Sargus metallinus F.,Sepsis thoracica R.-D.,Sepsis nitens Wiedemann,Sphaerocera scabricula Hal, andLeptocera (Coproica) hirtula Rondani. Four species of hymenopterous pupal parasites of these flies have been obtained:Spalangia cameroni Perkins from pupae ofM. domestica, M. pattoni, S. calcitrans, P. aenea andP. demandata; Spalangia endius Walker from pupae ofM. domestica, M. pattoni andS. calcitrans; Spalangia nigroaenea Curtis from pupae ofM. domestica andS. calcitrans; andDirhinus trichiophthalmus Masi from pupae ofSargus metallinus F. Percentage parasitism of fly puparia in field samples was noted. Four species ofHister andAleochara puberula Klug feeding on various immature stages ofM. domestica, 2 species of scarabaeid beetles, 2 species of ants and a pseudoscorpion were also found in the manure. The importance of biotic regulatory factors in the control of flies is discussed.
Résumé Dans 3 localités de Bangalore ou proches de cette ville, on a inventorié les espèces de mouches vivant dans le fumier de vache, leurs parasites et prédateurs ainsi que d'autres arthropodes associés. Les mouches récoltées sont:Musca domestica L.,Musca pattoni Austen,Stomoxys calcitrans L.,Physiphora aenea F.,Physiphora demandata F.,Sargus metallinus F.,Sepsis thoracica R-D.,Sepsis nitens Wiedemann,Sphaerocera scabricula Hal. etLeptocera (Coproica) hirtula Rondani. Quatre espèces d'hyménoptères parasites des pupes ont été obtenues de ces mouches:Spalangia cameroni Perkins deM. domestica, M. pattoni, S. calcitrans, P. aenea etP. demandata: Spalangia endius Walker deM. domestica, M. pattoni etS. calcitrans, P. aenea etP. demandata; Spalangia endius Walker trans; etDirhinus trichiophthalmus Masi deSargus metallinus F. On a noté le taux de parasitisme des nymphes dans les conditions naturelles. Quatre espèces deHister etAleochara puberula Klug s'attaquant aux divers stades non imaginaux deM. domestica, 2 espèces de scarabeides, 2 espèces de fourmis et un pseudoscorpion ont été également trouvés dans le fumier. L'importance de ces facteurs biotiques dans la régulation des populations de mouches est discutée.

Paper presented at the seminar on utilization of farm wastes for rural industrial growth, National Dairy Research Institute, Bangalore, 31 st December, 1975.

This paper is published with the permission of the Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi  相似文献   


Part 4(3) of this monographic series of papers on the genus Hypericum is prefaced by an introduction to the genus and a summary of the aims and methods of the project. This is followed by treatments of the remaining parts of sect. 9. Hypericum sensu stricto and the last segregate section from the original sect. Hypericum, sect. 9b. Graveolentia. Both hitherto untreated parts of the reduced sect. Hypericum are mainly Japanese, but some species extend in distribution as far as Kamchatka, eastern Siberia, central China, and Sabah (Mt. Kinabalu). Sect. Graveolentia is North and Central American. Sect. Hypericum subsect. Hypericum series Senanensia contains seven species from northern Japan and adjacent areas, including H. pibairense (Miyabe & Y. Kimura) N. Robson, stat. nov., H. nakaii subsp. miyabei (Y. Kimura) N. Robson, comb. et stat. nov., H. nakaii subsp. tatewakii (S. Watanabe) N. Robson, comb. et stat. nov. and H. senanense subsp. mutiloides (R. Keller) N. Robson, comb. et stat. nov. Sect. Hypericum subsect. Erecta contains 23 species and one hybrid from Japan, Korea, central China, Taiwan, Luzon, Sabah and Sumatera, including H. kawaranum N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. watanabei N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. kimurae N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. pseudoerectum stat. et nom. nov., H. kitamense (Y. Kimura) N. Robson, stat. nov., H. kurodakeanum N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. furusei N. Robson, sp. nov., H. nuporoense N. Robson, sp. nov. and H. ovalifolium subsp. hisauchii (Y. Kimura) N. Robson, stat. nov. Sect. Graveolentia contains nine species and one hybrid from southeastern Canada, the eastern half of the United States, Mexico and western Guatemala, including H. oaxacanum subsp. veracrucense N. Robson, subsp. nov. and H. macvaughii N. Robson, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Veronica quezelii M.Fischer aus hochalpinen Felswänden in Lycien (Kleinasien) ist eine neue Art aus der Verwandtschaft vonV. kotschyana Benth.; sie ist durch die reichliche Bedrüsung der ganzen Pflanze ausgezeichnet.Veronica saturejoides Vis. subsp.munellensis M.Fischer ist eine neue Unterart aus der alpinen Region des Berges Munella in Nord-Albanien, die — ähnlich wie die gleichfalls als Subspecies einzustufendeV. kellereri Degen etUrum. — von der typischen Subspecies hauptsächlich durch Merkmale der Behaarung unterschieden und durch eine Areallücke getrennt ist.
Summary Veronica quezelii M.Fischer from calcareous rocks of the alpine region of Lycia (Asia Minor) is a new species akin toV. kotschyana Benth. and characterised by the glandular pubescence of the whole plant.Veronica saturejoides Vis. subsp.munellensis M.Fischer is a new subspecies from the alpine region of Mount Munella in Northern Albania. SimilarlyV. kellereri Degen etUrum. has to be treated as subspecies ofV. saturejoides. Both differ from the typical subspecies by characters of the indumentum, and occur in separate areas.

Camarosporellum cercocarpi sp. nov. is described from lesions onCercocarpus ledifolius and the genus is compared withCamarosporium andNeohendersonia. Neohendersonia kickxii (Westend.) comb. nov., type species of the genus is redescribed and illustrated. The genusSeptogloeum is reviewed and compared withPhloeospora, andPhloeospora cercocarpi (Bonar) comb. nov. (Septogloeum cercocarpi Bonar) is redescribed. Conidial ontogeny is stressed as a valuable taxonomic character to be used in distinguishing between genera.  相似文献   

Summary Two new species ofHeliotropium sect.Catimas DC. from the desert Registan in south-eastern Afghanistan are described, one of which,H. arenicolum Rech. f. et H.Riedl, is very closely related toH. Rechingeri H.Riedl (1967) and different from it only in the colour of the stems and the longer basal part of the style. The other one,H. leucocladum H.Riedl, belongs to a very natural group of xerophytic and halophytic species includingH. digynum (Forssk.)Aschers.,H. eremobium Bge.,H. Aucheri DC.,H. halame Boiss. etBuhse,H. Popovii H.Riedl andH. carmanicum Bge. Adaptations to the extremely dry habitat are discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Etiennea Matile‐Ferrero is synonymized with Hemilecanium Newstead (Hemiptera: Coccidae). We base this decision on a morphological comparative study of adult females, adult males and first‐instar nymphs (crawlers), including a phylogenetic analysis. We recovered a sister group relationship between the type species of the two genera, Etiennea villiersi Matile‐Ferrero and Hemilecanium theobromae Newstead; that is, each was more closely related to the other than either was to other species in their respective genera. All species hitherto included in Etiennea are transferred to Hemilecanium: H. bursera (Hodgson & Kondo) comb. nov., H. cacao (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. candelabra (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. capensis (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. carpenteri (Newstead) comb. nov., H. cephalomeatus (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. combreti (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. ferina (De Lotto) comb. nov., H. ferox (Newstead) comb. nov., H. gouligouli (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. halli (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. kellyi (Brain) comb. nov., H. madagascariensis (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. montrichardiae (Newstead) comb. nov., H. multituberculum (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. petasus (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. sinetuberculum (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. tafoensis (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. ulcusculum (Hodgson) comb. nov., and H. villiersi (Matile‐Ferrero) comb. nov. Keys to the adult females of all 26 species and known adult males and first‐instar nymphs are provided. The adult males and first‐instar nymphs of H. theobromae Newstead and E. villiersi Matile‐Ferrero are for the first time fully described and illustrated. One new potential pest species of Hemilecanium, H. uesatoi Kondo & Hardy sp. nov., which was collected on three islands of the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, is described and illustrated based on the adult female, adult male and first‐instar nymph. We discuss evidence that H. uesatoi is a new introduction to the Ryukyu Archipelago. The first‐instar nymphs of Hemilecanium can be divided into two distinct morphological groups, the petasus group and the theobromae group.  相似文献   

Summary Hypoxylon stygium (Lév)Sacc.,H. archeri Berk.,H. bovei Speg. var.microspora Miller,H. truncatum (Schw.ex Fr.)Miller,H. nummularium Bull. ex Fr. var.merillii Miller (=Hypoxylon asarcodes (Theissen)Miller?) andH. deustum (Hoff. ex Fr.)Grev. (=Ustulina zonata (Lév.)Sacc.), occurring in the tea gardens of Assam are illustrated and described. In addition, the following species ofHypoxylon hitherto reported from this country are enlisted:H. multiforme Fr. (=H. atropurpureum Fr., =H. hookeri Berk.)H. fragiforme (Pers. ex Fr.)Kickx. (=H. coccineum Bull.),H. rubiginosum Pers. ex Fr. (=H. fusco-purpureum (Schw.)Berk. et Curt., =H. nectrioides Speg., =H. perforatum Schw. ex Fr.),H. hypomiltum Mont.,H. indicum (=H. haematostroma Mont.? =H. distillatum Berk. et Fr.),H. investiens (Schw.)Curt.,H. crocopeplum Berk. et Curt. (=H. ochraceo-flavum Berk. et Cooke),H. pistillare Pers. ex Fr.,H. haematostroma Mont. (=H. vividum Berk. et Br.).H. jecorium Berk. et Rav. (=Nummularia cinnabarina P. Henn.),H. suborbiculare (=Nummularia suborbicularis (Welw. et Currey() =H. sclerophaeum Berk. et Curt? Sacc.),H. truncatum (Schw. ex Fr.)Miller (=H. annulatum (Schw.)Mont.) andH. stygium (Lév.)Sacc.  相似文献   

The genus Hemistola Warren from China is reviewed, and seven new species are described: H. viridimargo, sp. nov., H. glauca sp. nov., H. asymmetra sp. nov., H. arcilinea sp. nov., H. flavifimbria sp. nov., H. orbiculosoides sp. nov. and H. stueningi sp. nov. Two species, acyra and christinaria, are transferred from Hemistola to Maxates and Comostola, respectively: Maxates acyra comb. nov. and Comostola christinaria comb. nov. Including the 25 species previously known from China, a total of 32 species is now recorded. All Chinese species are redescribed. Generic characters based on all species are summarized. Illustrations of adults and genitalia are presented.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Algenpartner vonVerrucaria aquatilis Mudd besteht im Flechtenthallus aus abgerundeten, zumeist völlig isolierten Zellen mit einem parietalen Chromatophor, der rund um das Pyrenoid und im Stroma Stärke speichert. Lokale Verdickungen in der Zellwand und Kanäle in diesen, die von eng anliegenden Pilzzellen ausgehen, sprechen für das Auftreten intramembranöser Haustorien und ihre Abwehr.Bei Kultur in oder auf verschiedenen Medien wächst die Alge in Form verzweigter Fäden aus lang zylindrischen Zellen aus. In alten Kulturen zerfallen sie in Einzelzellen.Die Alge kommt auch freilebend am gleichen Fundort wie die Flechte in Seitenarmen des Lunzer Seebaches (Niederösterreich) vor. Es handelt sich mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit umDilabifilium incrustans (Vischer)Tsch.-Woess (=Pseudopleurococcus incrustans Vischer), das freilebend und als Flechtenalge aus dem Rhein bekannt ist.In Kulturen vonDilabifilum arthopyreniae (Vischer etKlement)Tsch.-Woess (=Pseudopleurococcus arthopyreniae V. etKl.) treten Sporangien von charakteristischer Form und Lage auf, in denen viergeißelige Zoosporen oder Aplanosporen gebildet werden, was bisher nicht bekannt war. Deshalb und aus anderen Gründen wird vorgeschlagen, die GattungPseudopleurococcus aufzulassen und drei ihr bisher zugerechnete Arten unterDilabifilum n. gen. zu vereinen.
Summary The phycobiont ofVerrucaria aquatilis Mudd in the liehen thallus consists of rounded mostly isolated cells with one parietal chloroplast, which contains starch around the pyrenoid and in the stroma. Local thickenings of the algal wall and narrow channels within them emerging from closely attached cells of the mycobiont are signs of the occurence of intramembranous haustoria and a reaction in defence by the phycobiont.From small fragments of the lichen thallus kept in or on artificial media the phycobiont grows out, forming branched filaments of long cylindrical cells. In old cultures the filaments break up into isolated cells.The alga occurs also free-living in the same locality as the lichen, namely in small arms of the river Seebach near Lunz, Lower Austria. Most probably it is identical withDilabifilum incrustans (Vischer)Tsch.-Woess (=Pseudopleurococcus incrustans Vischer), which lives free and as phycobiont of a species ofVerrucaria (kernstockii or evenaquatilis?) in the Rhine near Basel (Switzerland).Cultures ofDilabifilum arthopyreniae (Vischer etKlement)Tsch.-Woess (Pseudopleurococcus arthopyreniae V. etKl.) show sporangia of characteristic form and position. In these aplanospores or zoospores with 4 cilia are formed. These hitherto unknown facts and other reasons lead the author to abandon the genusPseudopleurococcus and to join three of its former species in the newly erected genusDilabifilum.

Riassunto Viene descritto un lievito osmofilo, isolato da mosto d'uva naturale, tassonomicamente vicino aSacch. elegans Lodder etKreger-van Rij.Questo lievito viene riguardato comeSacch. elegans var.intermedia nov. var. (pro tempore).
Summary Here is described an osmophilic yeast isolated from natural grape must which is taxonomically similar toSacch. elegans Lodder etKreger-van Rij.This yeast is regarded asSacch. elegans var.intermedia nov. var. (pro tempore).

Resumo Nêste trabalho descrive-se uma levedura osmofila isolada de môsto de uva natural taxonomicamente proxima aSacch. elegans Lodder etKreger-van Rij.Esta levedura è considerada então, comoSacch. elegans, var.intermedia nov. var. (pro tempore).

Zusammenfassung Veronica chamaedrys L. subsp.micans M.Fischer, unterscheidet sich vonV. chamaedrys L. subsp.chamaedrys hauptsächlich durch die meist hellgrün gefärbten und im Leben oberseits stets schwach glänzenden Laubblätter, deren Blattrand durchschnittlich mehr (9–11) Zähne aufweist, durch die stets drüsenlose Infloreszenzbehaarung, die kleineren Blüten mit schmäleren Sepalen und hellblau (nicht leuchtend-sattblau) gefärbten Corollen sowie durch die diploide Chromosomenzahl (2 n=16). Sie tritt in der mittleren Bergstufe zusammen mit subsp.chamaedrys auf, ersetzt sie jedoch in der oberen Bergstufe und in der Krummholzstufe an±gleichen Standorten fast vollständig (mit Ausnahme der stark eutrophierten Standorte, die ausschließlich von subsp.chamaedrys besiedelt sind). Die neue Sippe ist bisher nur aus den nordöstlichen Alpen bekannt geworden (vgl. S. 77).
Cytotaxonomy ofveronica chamaedrys L. agg., II.: subsp.micans M.Fischer, a new diploid race
Summary Veronica chamaedrys L. subsp.micans M.Fischer differs fromV. chamaedrys L. subsp.chamaedrys mainly by: leaves bright green, in the living state always slightly but distinctly shining on the upper surface; margins on the average with more (9–11) teeth at each side; indumentum of the inflorescence without any glands; flowers relatively small with bright blue corollas and narrow sepals; chromosome number diploid: 2 n=16. In the upper mountain and subalpine region, where it replaces the common tetraploid subsp.chamaedrys L.; it is known up to now only from the Northeastern Alps (see p. 77).

A systematic reassessment of megafossil records ofFagaceae in Central Europe has been undertaken on the basis of leaf cuticular characters. The oldest representatives date back to the Eocene:Quercus subhercynica spec. nova,Dryophyllum furcinerve (Rossm.)Schmalh.,Trigonobalanopsis rhamnoides (Rossm.) gen. & comb. nov. In the Oligocene other members of extant genera appear:Quercus rhenana (Weyl. & Kilpp.)Knobloch & Kvaek,Fagus attenuata Goepp.,Lithocarpus saxonicus spec. nova. In the Neogene these ancient taxa (except inFagus lineage), are gradually replaced by deciduous species ofQuercus andCastanea. Trigonobalanus andCastanopsis are recorded by fruits (or wood) only.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Die mikroskopische Untersuchung eines am Strand der Helgoländer Düne gesammelten Stückes Treibborke erbrachte den Neufund eines Deuteromyceten, der in die GattungBrachysporium (Sacc.)Mason etHughes zu stellen war und alsB. helgolandicum nov. spec. beschrieben wird.2. Die neue Art unterscheidet sich von den übrigen Vertretern der GattungBrachysporium vor allem durch ihre großen, breit birnenförmigen, 2- bis 3-septierten Konidien, die jeweils auf einer bemerkenswert langen, spiralisierten Trägerzelle an der Spitze des Konidienträgers entstehen.3. Dem gegenwärtigen Hyphomyceten-Klassifikationssystem vonBarron (1968) folgend, ist der Pilz in die Reihe der Aleuriosporae einzuordnen.4. Außer durchB. helgolandicum war das Substrat durchMonodictys pelagica (Johnson)Jones,Corollospora maritima Werd.,C. trifurcata (Höhnk)Kohlm. sowie zwei weitere, z. Z. nicht näher bestimmte Pilzarten besiedelt.5. Ob und inwiefernB. helgolandicum als eine typisch marine Species anzusehen ist, läßt sich auf Grund des bisher vorliegenden Materials nicht beurteilen.
Brachysporium helgolandicum nov. sp., a new deuteromycete on driftbarks in the sea
The new fungus described differs from the known species of the genus by its large, 2- to 3-septate, broadly pyriform conidia, which are attached to the conidiophore by long, spirally coiled pedicels. With regard to the modern classification system of the Hyphomycetes, the fungus belongs to the series Aleuriosporae sensuBarron (1968). Within the genusBrachysporium (Sacc.)Mason etHughes,B. helgolandicum is the first species reported from marine habitats.

Teil einer Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades im Fachbereich Biologie der Universität Hamburg. Die Untersuchungen wurden durch eine Sachbeihilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert.  相似文献   

The acidophilous taxa of theFestuca varia group appearing in the Alps (F. varia Haenke s.str.,F. scabriculmis (Hack.)K. Richt. subsp.scabriculmis, F. scabriculmis subsp.luedii Markgr.-Dann., andF. acuminata Gaudin) have been investigated with regard to their taxonomy, phytosociology and ecology. Morphometrical analyses of the different taxa confirm that the division of the species group is justified. Moreover three varieties ofFestuca varia s.str. can clearly be distinguished. Apart from the already knownF. varia var.varia and var.handel-mazzettii Krajina a newF. varia var.winnebachensis Wallossek etMarkgr.-Dann. is described. The ploidy levels of 30 samples from all taxa have been determined by means of flow cytometry.Festuca acuminata is diploid (2n=14), although this taxon occurs in ecologically different habitats within an altitudinal range between 200 and 3100 m.Festuca varia var.varia is tetraploid whereas the other varieties occur in hexaploid populations, which can be associated with inter- or post-glacial migration stages. Hexaploidy was also determined for both subspecies ofF. scabriculmis. The phylogenesis of these taxa by allopolyploidy seems possible, as they show a morphologically intermediate position betweenF. acuminata and the basiphilousF. quadriflora Honck. The spatial distribution and separation of the taxa is shown by means of precise area maps. As a result of a numerical classification of 534 relevés, the Alpine variegated fescue grasslands can be subdivided into six independent phytosociological associations of theFestucion variae: the East AlpinePulsatillo albae-Festucetum variae, Gentianello anisodontae-Festucetum variae ass. nov. andSeslerio-Festucetum variae ass. nov. as well as the West AlpineFestucetum scabriculmis, Euphorbio cyparissiae-Festucetum luedii ass. nov. andFestuco scabriculmis-Potentilletum valderiae. The mixture of basiphilous and acidophilous species in theSeslerio-Festucetum variae can be explained by soil heterogeneity with acid and alkaline conditions alternating within a very small space.Festuca acuminata can rather be regarded as a rock plant as it preferably occurs in associations of the allianceAndrosacion multiflorae.  相似文献   

G. Fabres 《BioControl》1974,19(1):55-60
Résumé Habrolepis neocaledonensis spec. nov., obtenue en Nouvelle-Calédonie dePseudaonidia trilobitiformis Green est décrite. Cette espèce vient se joindre à quatre autres espèces qui constitutent au sein du genre un groupe particulier. La question de l'homogénéité de ce groupe et de l'opportunité d'une redéfinition du genre est abordée.
Summary Habrolepis neocaledonensis spec. nov., reared fromPscudaonidia trilobitiformis Green in New Caledonia, is described. It belongs to a group of the genusHabrolepis with 4 other species (H. aeruginosa, H. obscura, H. setigera, H. occidua). The homogeneity of this subdivision and the timeliness of a revision ofHabrolepis is discussed.

Nous remercionsM. H. Compère spécialiste Emeritus de l'Université de Californie-Riverside pour l'enseignement qu'il nous a prodigué pendant notre séjour dans son laboratoire et le DrD. P. Annecke qui nous a procuré des specimens d'H. obscura et d'H. occidua.  相似文献   

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