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Primary apocrine carcinoma of the sweat gland is a neoplasm with a very low incidence that may represent a clinical and histological diagnostic challenge, as well as for adequate local, adjuvant, and advanced disease management. The average age of patients is around 67 years with no gender preference. This cancer develops primarily at the axillary and scalp levels and is clinically characterized by slow growth, but can progress aggressively with local, nodal, and metastatic involvement (primarily lung, liver, and bone). The recommended management, once the histology is established, consists of a wide local resection with a clear margin of 1 to 2 cm and regional lymphadenectomy if clinically positive nodes are detected. The adjuvant treatment (radiotherapy or chemotherapy) and for the advanced disease is not established.We report here the cases of two female patients initially diagnosed with breast cancer who were finally diagnosed with apocrine carcinoma of the sweat gland.  相似文献   

Localized prostate cancer is characterized by a tumor confined to the prostate gland at clinical evaluation. Since the onset of PSA screening, the detection of localized prostate cancer has increased. Prognosis factors are clinical stadification, PSA value, PSA doubling time, tumor volume related to needle biopsy pathologic findings (Gleason score, percentage biopsies involved). Treatment depends on tumor prognosis, symptoms and performance status of the patient. Localized prostate cancer can be treated by surgery (radical prostatectomy, high intensity focused ultrasound) or radiotherapy (conformational radiation therapy, brachytherapy). Active follow-up can be proposed to very low risk patients.  相似文献   

The birth of agriculture east of the Fertile Crescent, between the Iranian plateau, Central Asia and South Asia, is poorly known. This area is vast and the archaeological data relating to this period, the Neolithic, is extremely limited. Most researchers agree that plants and animals’ domestication was introduced in this area from south-west Asia, similarly to what happened in Europe. In this scenario, agriculture emerged in the Fertile Crescent, between the Levant, Anatolia and the Zagros, 12.000 to 11.000 years ago, and then spread to other regions further east, across the Iranian plateau to Central Asia and the north-western part of the Indian subcontinent, beginning between the 8th and 7th millennia BCE. This article summarizes the main available data relating to this topic with a focus on the Indo-Iranian Borderlands, between southeastern Iran and Pakistan. Currently available paleoclimatic, paleogenetic and archaeological records are presented. A synthesis and discussion is then provided in the conclusion as well as reconstructions based on these records. Issues or challenges relating to the research on the earliest farming villages are mentioned while directions for future research are evoked.  相似文献   

Daniel Rayson 《CMAJ》2022,194(19):E691

The X-ray structure analysis of a crystalline sample of 2-azabicyclo-[2,2,2]-octanone-3 or 3-isoquinuclidone shows that the molecules of this compound are associated in centrosymmetrical dimers stabilized by two N? H? O?C hydrogen bonds in which the N,H,O atoms are nearly collinear. As a consequence of this interaction, the H atom is shifted from its usual position and the Cα? N? H angle is increased to 125°. Using infrared spectroscopy (νN–H frequency range), it is possible to demonstrate that 3-isoquinuclidone is mainly in a dimeric form when dissolved in an inert solvent such as CCl4 and to observe the dimer-monomer equilibrium on dilution from saturation to a low concentration (0.005 mole/l.). On the contrary, dimers are broken off when operating in a polar medium (acetonitrile, deuterochloroform). In the same experimental conditions, measurements of the J vicinal coupling constant, by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, afford a concentration-dependent result in the case of CCl4 solutions (increasing from 5.4 to 5.7 Hz when diluting from 0.5 to 0.005 mole/l.) and a constant one (5.8 Hz) in the case of CH3CN or CDCl3 solutions. Then the 0.4-Hz difference can be attributed to geometrical changes in the Hα? Cα? N? H system when dimers are broken off and the valence angle Cα? N? H consequently decreases from 125° to its standard value (about 115°). This experimental observation is consistent with the result of a theoretical analysis performed by the INDO method. Then it seems that the use of the formulas proposed by Karplus to account for the valence angle distorsions in ethane-like systems, in the case of the Hα? Cα? N? H sequence, could yield overstimated corrections.  相似文献   


La sinéfungine dont nous avons récemment achevé la synthèse (1) possède une activité antiparasitaire en particulier sur différentes souches de Leishmania (2) mais présente 1′inconvénient d'ine toxicité non négligeable; nous avons donc entrepris la synthèse d'analogues, en particulier du dérivé 9’ désamino è partir de l'adénosine et è partir du ribose.  相似文献   

La prise en charge par le biologiste de certaines analyses délocalisées se trouve grandement facilitée par la mise en place d’un système informatique reliant l’analyseur délocalisé et le laboratorie. Elle apporte un niveau de sécurité nécessaire pour la prise de responsabilité du laboratoire dans l’acte de biologie délocalisé. L’architecture réseau de la plupart de h?pitaux permet maintenant de transmettre très facilement et de manière fiable des données entre plusieurs services voire entre établissements. Les analyseurs de gazométrie sanguine permettent cette connexion, de plus en plus d’industriels développent d’autres paramètres en plus des simples gaz du sang comme dernièrement l’urée et la créatinine. Les analyseurs permettant de doser les marqueurs cardiaques, ceux réalisant l’hémostase sont désormais fréquemment connectables. Chaque industriel du diagnostic proposant des analyseurs de glycémie a ou va prochainement commercialiser un modèle connectable. Il en est de même pour les bandelettes urinaires. Il est donc probable, et les biologistes sont les premiers demandeurs, que la connexion informatique d’analyseurs de biologie installés dans les unités de soins, soit un pré-requis pour la gestion des analyses délocalisées par le biologiste, et sa prise de responsabilité dans les résultats biologiques issus de ces analyseurs.  相似文献   

Résumé L'analyse de la structure fine des chromatides obtenue par dénaturation ménagée par la chaleur permet de rapporter un nouveau cas de trisomie pour le bras court du chromosome 9.Un nouvel examen, avec cette même technique, des cas précédemment publiés a permis d'identifier les chromosomes impliqués dans les diverses translocations familiales, de localiser les points de cassure et, par là, de préciser les diverses trisomies ou monosomies associées à la trisomie 9p observée chez les patients.La confrontation des données cytologiques ainsi recueillies et des données phénotypiques observées chez dix patients permet de dégager l'ensemble malformatif correspondant à la trisomie du bras court du chromosome 9 à savoir: Un syndrome dysmorphique: microcéphalie modérée, énophtalmie, obliquité en bas et en dehors des fentes palpébrales, hypertélorisme modéré, oreilles décollées, nez charnu, coins de la bouche tombants, hypoplasie de certaines phalanges. Une particularité des dermatoglyphes: pli palmaire transverse, absence ou fusion de b et c. Une débilité mentale sévère.
Giemsa-R-banding analysis of the trisomy 9p and report of a new case
Summary Analysis of the chromatid fine structure after heat denaturation led to the identification of another case of trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 9. Reexamination of cases already published by means of this technique permitted identification of the chromosomes involved in the various familial translocations, localization of the breakage sites, and, consequently, detailed statements on the respective trisomies or monosomies occurring in connection with trisomy 9p in the patients.Comparison of the chromosomal findings and the clinical phenotypes of 10 patients reveals that a characteristic clinical entity corresponds to the trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 9 consisting of the combination of the following features: A Malformation Syndrome. Moderate microcephaliy, enophthalmus, antimongoloid slant of palpebral fissures, mild hypertelorism, protruding ears, globulous nose, downward slanting mouth hypoplasia of phalanges. A Peculiarity in the Dermal Ridge System. Transverse palamar flexion crease, absence of a digital triradius or fusion of the triradii b and c. Severe Mental Retardation.

Zusammenfassung Die Analyse der Feinstruktur der Chromatiden nach Hitzedenaturierung erlaubte die Identifizierung eines neuen Falles einer Trisomie des kurzen Armes von Chromosom 9. Die Nachuntersuchung bereits publizierter Fälle mit dieser Technik ermöglichte die Identifizierung der an den verschiedenen familiären Translokationen beteiligten Chromosomen, die Lokalisierung der Bruchstellen und damit auch genauere Angaben über die unterschiedlichen Trisomien oder Monosomien, die im Zusammenhang mit der bei den Patienten beobachteten Trisomie 9p auftraten.Die Gegenüberstellung der Chromosomenbefunde und der phänotypischen Merkmale bei 10 Patienten erlaubt die Angrenzung der folgenden Kombination klinischer Merkmale, die der Trisomie des kurzen Armes von Chromosom 9 entspricht: Ein Mißbildungssyndrom. Mäßige Mikrocephalie, Enophthalmie, schräg nach außen und unten gerichtete Lidachsenstellung, mäßiger Hypertelorismus, abstehende Ohren, fleischige Nase, abfallende Mundwinkel, Hypoplasie einiger Phalangen. Eine Eigentümlichkeit im Hautleisten- und-furchensystem. Transverse palmare Beugefurche, Fehlen eines digitalen Triradius oder Fusion der Triradien b und c. Schwere geistige Retardierung.

Maître de Recherches à l'Inserm.

Chargé de Recherches au C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

D. Le Lannou 《Andrologie》1997,7(4):427-432
Examination of sperm morphology is one factor of evaluation of sperm function, but it can also be considered as a biomarker of testicular function. All publications showed a high variability in observed results, in relation with different methods of staining slides and classifying sperm morphology, and a large subjectivity in the visual assessment. Automated sperm morphology analysis (ASMA) have the potential to provide more objective, accurate, and precise morphometric measurements of spermatozoa. Standardisation of the methods of slides preparation is first essential. Analysis of the sperm head morphometry appears the more accessible for the ASMA and could give selective parameters in the evaluation of fertility, in complement with motion sperm analysis. In the other hand automated analysis of all sperm abnormalities appears illusory with actual instruments, because the midpiece or the flagellum is a little structure weakly stained, and thus difficult to be identified by the computer. Until more rigorous and consistent definitions of sperm features can be developped, in relation with testicular function, the pronostic value of existing sperm abnormalities classifications is limited.  相似文献   

The nature and content of free sterols, analyzed by MIKE spectrometry, were investigated in in vitro cultures submitted to different light regimes with or without the addition of exogenous mycosporin. The sterol composition was related to varying degrees of induced sexual morphogenesis, particularly when mycosporin was added to the nutrient medium.  相似文献   

Effects of the “Amoco Cadiz ” oil spill on the sublittoral benthos, north of Brittany. Effects of hydrocarbons on the sublittoral macrobenthic communities have been observed through (1) studies of population dynamics of selected communities, conducted prior to the spill by the tanker “Amoco Cadiz ” in spring 1978 and (2) comparisons between the situation in summer 1978 with that in earlier years, with continuation of the observations in some selected sites. The effect of the spill has been selective, involving a limited number of species, mainly crustaceans, molluscs and the sand-urchinEchinocardium cordatum. The spill mainly affected communities on fine sediments and, to a lesser degree, those on mixed sediments. Notably, the destruction of the dominant populations ofAmpelisca, in areas of fine sands in the Bay of Morlaix, has led to a marked decrease of biomass and production. Moreover, repopulation will be difficult because of the isolation of such communities on the southern side of the English Channel. The effects evolved with time; after a phase of sharp and selective mortality, which did not last more than a few weeks, secondary effects on the recruitment of the remaining species do not seem to have occurred on a large scale. Nevertheless, a proliferation of polychaetes has been noticed.   相似文献   

The concept of risk-adapted therapy in lymphoma is increasingly accepted as a way to achieve higher cure rates with a lower or equal risk of treatment-related morbidity and mortality. Tailoring and individualizing therapy according to the need of the patient is a therapeutic option which could maybe soon become the standard of care. However, it is still not proven that modifying therapy based on interim-PET can improve patient outcomes. Therefore, this issue must be analyzed in appropriately designed clinical trials. 18F-FDG PET enables evaluation of the early metabolic changes rather than the morphologic changes which occur later during therapy. In lymphoma these early metabolic changes are highly predictive of the final treatment response. PET performed after a few courses of standard chemotherapy is a reliable prognostic tool to identify poor responders to therapy. Interim-PET is a powerful prognostic tool when compared to other well-established clinical parameters in lymphoma. However, the major drawback in the literature appeared to be related to the lack of uniform and reliable criteria for interim-PET scan interpretation. Therefore, in April 2009 an international meeting took place in Deauville (France), where uniform criteria were established for interim-PET scan interpretation. On the other hand, when PET is used to assess treatment response after completion of therapy, the criteria established in the International Harmonization Project in 2007 must be applied. These recommendations were designed to standardize the interpretation of interim PET and PET at the conclusion of therapy of patients with lymphoma both in clinical practice and clinical trials.  相似文献   

Résumé Les variations de la teneur en acide sialique (acide N-acétyl-neuraminique) de la peau d'Anguilla anguitta L. sont étudiées chez des animaux, intacts ou hypophysectomisés, traités avec de la prolactine ovine ou du sérum physiologique, en eau douce. La concentration en acide est évaluée après coloration à l'acide thiobarbiturique et mesure au spectrophotomètre.Chez l'Anguille intacte, l'injection quotidienne de prolactine pendant 11 à 13 jours ne modifie pas le taux d'acide sialique, qui reste identique à celui d'animaux intacts recevant du solvant.L'hypophysectomie entraîne une chute marquée de la concentration en acide N-acétyl-neuraminique. Cette réduction, très significative après 20 jours, s'accentue après 50 jours (40 injections de solvant), en dépit d'une chute passagèrement moindre après 30 jours. L'injection quotidienne de prolactine ovine, débutant immédiatement après l'hypophysectomie, s'oppose à cette chute et permet le maintien d'une teneur en acide légèrement inférieure ou égale à celle des témoins, soit significativement supérieure à celle des hypophysectomisés recevant du solvant.Il existe un parallélisme intéressant entre l'évolution de la teneur en acide sialique de la peau et celle de la natrémie après hypophysectomie et apport de prolactine, étudiées chez les mêmes animaux.Les données publiées concernant l'effet de la prolactine et de l'ablation de l'hypophyse sur la taille et le nombre des cellules à mucus de la peau sont résumées et discutées; ces résultats suggèrent fortement l'idée que le taux de l'acide sialique, constituant du mucus, peut refléter valablement la quantité de mucus cutané. Ils indiquent que le mucus est susceptible de jouer un rôle dans l'osmorégulation de l'Anguille et se trouve soumis à un contrôle prolactinique.
Effect of prolactin in intact and hypophysectomized eelsVII. Effect on the concentration of sialic acid (N-acetyl-neuraminic acid) in the skin
Summary Sialic acid (N-acetyl-neuraminic acid) levels were determined after staining with thiobarbituric acid and spectrophotometric measurement, in the skin of intact and hypophysectomized eels, treated with ovine prolactin or solvent (6 per 1000 sodium chloride) in fresh water.No modification of sialic acid content was detected in the skin of intact eels treated with ovine prolactin, the values being similar to those of control eels injected with solvent only.The sialic acid concentration is significantly reduced after hypophysectomy, this effect being more marked after 50 days than after 20, although it is slightly less significant after 30 days; these animals received 15, 25, and 40 solvent injections.Prolactin injections, starting immediately after hypophysectomy, prevent this decrease and maintain a normal or subnormal sialic acid content, higher than that of hypophysectomized animals injected with solvent.There is an interesting parallelism between the variations of sialic acid concentrations of the skin and those of blood sodium levels after hypophysectomy and prolactin treatment, studied in the same animals.Published data on the effect of prolactin and pituitary removal on the size and number of the skin mucous cells are summarized and discussed. Results obtained strongly suggest that sialic acid level, the presence of which was detected in the mucus with histochemical technique, may constitute a valid indication of the amount of cutaneous mucus. It also suggests that mucus may play a role in osmoregulation in the eel and is under prolactin control.

Nous remercions bien vivement le Pr. M. Fontaine, qui a mis à notre disposition de nombreuses anguilles hypophysectomisées par les soins de Mme de Lignières, ainsi que Melle J. Olivereau pour le travail histologique réalisé.La prolactine utilisée au cours de cette expérience a été gracieusement fournie par le National Institute of Health de Bethesda, Endocrinology Study Section, à qui nous exprimons notre profonde gratitude.  相似文献   

Résumé La prolactine ovine provoque une activation de l'interrénal de l'Anguille intacte en eau douce, mise en évidence par une étude histologique et histométrique (numération des noyaux sur une surface de 1600 2 et mesure du diamètre nucléaire). Après hypophysectomie, ce traitement stimule encore l'interrénal et s'oppose partiellement à l'involution consécutive à cette ablation, que l'hormone soit injectée immédiatement ou 5 à 7 semaines après l'opération.Après une durée expérimentale de 50 j. la prolactine ovine est réellement capable de maintenir une natrémie sensiblement normale chez l'Anguille en eau douce, injectée aussitôt après l'hypophysectomie. De même, elle s'oppose à l'augmentation de la teneur en eau du muscle causée par l'ablation de l'hypophyse.L'effet de la prolactine ovine sur la natrémie ne se manifeste dans ces conditions expérimentales que si elle est administrée aussitôt après l'ablation de l'hypophyse; si elle est injectée un mois après celle-ci, quand la natrémie s'est déjà abaissée, cette hormone ne peut la rétablir à des valeurs normales après 5 ou 10 j. de traitement bien que l'interrénal présente des signes évidents de stimulation. Il semble donc que l'effet de la prolactine sur le taux de sodium sérique s'exerce en grande partie par un mécanisme indépendant de celui de l'activation de l'interrénal.
Effect of prolactin in intact and hypophysectomized eelsVI. Histological structure of interrenal and water and electrolyte metabolism
Summary Injections of ovine prolactin stimulate the interrenal of intact eels kept in freshwater, according to histological criteria and histometry (number of nuclei in an area of 1,600 2 and measurement of nuclear diameter). In hypophysectomized animals, a prolactin treatment still stimulates the interrenal and the involution induced by pituitary removal is partly prevented when it is injected immediately or 5 to 7 weeks after the ablation.In freshwater, prolactin effectively maintains a normal blood sodium level 50 days after hypophysectomy when injected immediately after the operation; it also prevents the increase of water content in the dorsal muscle which normally occurs after hypophysectomy.As prolactin can act on the blood sodium level only when it is injected soon after hypophysectomy and as it stimulates the interrenal in eels treated shortly after the ablation or 5 to 7 weeks later, it seems that the effect of prolactin on sodium level is not directly mediated by an activation of the interrenal; more probably it appears rather independent of this stimulation which was detected with histological techniques.

Nous remercions bien vivement le Professeur M. Fontaine qui a mis à notre disposition de nombreuses Anguilles hypophysectomisées par les soins de plusieurs collaboratrices, en particulier Mme de Lignieres. Les dosages des électrolytes plasmatiques ont été réalisés par Meile Sicard que nous remercions sincèrement ainsi que Melle Lemoine qui, dans la dernière série, a participé activement aux injections des animaux. Toutes les prolactines, S3, S6, S8 et S9 utilisées au cours de ces expériences ont été gracieusement fournies par le National Institute of Health de Bethesda, Endocrinology Study Section, à qui nous exprimons notre profonde gratitude pour son inlassable générosité.  相似文献   

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