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Summary Homogeneous, small, single-bilayer vesicles were prepared from egg phosphatidylcholine with various concentrations of cholesterol by ultrasonic dispersion in 0.1m KCl, 0.01m Tris, pH 8.0, buffer, followed by gel chromatography. The shape and size distributions of the fractionated vesicles were investigated for preparations with cholesterol compositions from 0 to 50 moles/100 moles, using freeze-etch electron microscopy. The size distribution was estimated from the shadow width of vesicles which were exposed by etching and the vesicle shape was checked by comparing the images obtained by tilting the replicas. The widths of the vesicle diameter distributions were relatively broad, corresponding to standard deviations in the range 60–90 Å, but showing no systematic variation with cholesterol composition. In all cases it was found that 70% of the vesicle diameters lay within 150 Å of the modal value. The apparent vesicle diameters remained constant for cholesterol compositions up to 20 moles/100 moles (modal diameter=330 ± 20 Å, mean diameter = 350 ± 3 Å), but there was a sharp net increase in diameter at 30 moles cholesterol/100 moles reaching a model diameter of 430 ± 20 Å (mean diameter = 430 ± 3 Å) at 50 moles cholesterol/100 moles. Using the tilted microscope stage it was found that all vesicles were spherical at all cholesterol compositions studied, including those above 30 moles cholesterol/100 moles. The molecular mechanism by which cholesterol controls the vesicle size is discussed in terms of the asymmetric distribution of cholesterol across the vesicle bilayer.  相似文献   

Spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) were measured above the phase transition temperature on sonicated vesicles of egg- or dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine containing cholesterol and/or the polyenic antibiotic, lucensomycin. T1 values of only the terminal methyl groups of the fatty acyl chains were significantly reduced by cholesterol. Lucensomycin caused, more markedly in cholesterol-containing vesicles, a selective reduction of the T1 values of the N-methyl groups. An even more conspicuous decrease, occurring only in cholesterol-containing vesicles, was observed for the transverse relaxation times (T2) of the N-methyl signals upon addition of lucensomycin. The polyene failed to remove the well-known broadening effect of cholesterol on phosphatidylcholine methylene signals. These results indicate that as lucensomycin binds to cholesterol-containing membranes, there is a detectable perturbation of the dynamic structure of the N-methyl groups with an increase in the degree of motional anisotropy. But the non-polar region of the bilayer seems not significantly perturbed by the polyene.  相似文献   

The solubility of the three steroid hormones, progesterone, testosterone, and estradiol-17 beta in water and phosphatidylcholine vesicles was measured after shaking and ultrasonication. All three steroids have low water solubility, which increases considerably at sonication for testosterone and estradiol-17 beta. The phosphatidylcholine vesicles have a very small solubilising capacity for the steroids; about 20 mumol/mol. This increases at sonication for estradiol-17 beta and decreases for testosterone. The capacity for progesterone is almost unaltered. The incorporation of cholesterol in the vesicles decreased the solubilisation capacity for testosterone and estradiol-17 beta but increased that for progesterone of shaked preparations. For the sonicated systems the cholesterol decreased the solubilising capacity for estradiol-17 beta but increased that for testosterone. The solubilisation experiments indicate that the steroid hormones are solubilised in the hydrocarbon part of the phosphatidylcholine bilayer and also 13CNMR results support this conclusion.  相似文献   

The Cl- permeability of membrane vesicles prepared from the electric organ of the marine ray Torpedo californica was studied by means of radioactive tracer exchange and by measuring the changes in the scattered-light intensity caused by osmotically induced volume changes. Both types of experiments indicate that a substantial fraction of the vesicles is extremely permeable of Cl-. Furthermore, this permeability pathway is inhibited by 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-disulfonic acid stilbene, a well-known inhibitory of anion transport in a variety of systems. The properties of this permeability pathway are consistent with its identification as the voltage-aged Cl- channel studied in planar bilayers.  相似文献   

Summary The ion permeability of rabbit jejunal brush border membrane vesicles was studied by measuring unidirectional fluxes with radioactive tracers and bi-ionic diffusion potentials with the potential-sensitive fluorescent dye, diS–C3-(5). Tracer measurements provide estimates of the absolute magnitudes of permeability coefficients, while fluorescence measurements provide estimates of relative and absolute ion permeabilities. The magnitudes of the permeability coefficients for Na+, K+, Rb+, and Br were approximately 5 nanoliters/(mg protein × sec) or 10–5 cm/sec as determined by radioactive tracer measurements. The apparent selectivity sequence, relative to Na+, as determined by bi-ionic potential measurements was: F, isetheionate, gluconate, choline (<0.1)+(1.0)–(1.5)=NO 3 (1.5)–(2.3)+(2.4)+(2.5)+(2.6)+(3.9) 4 +(12)–(40). The origin of this selectivity sequence and its relationship to the ion permeability of the brush border membrane in the intact epithelium are discussed.  相似文献   

An externally applied electric field across vesicles leads to transient perforation of the membrane. The distribution and lifetime of these pores was examined using 1,2-di-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) phospholipid vesicles using a standard fluorescent microscope. The vesicle membrane was stained with a fluorescent membrane dye, and upon field application, a single membrane pore as large as approximately 7 microm in diameter was observed at the vesicle membrane facing the negative electrode. At the anode-facing hemisphere, large and visible pores are seldom found, but formation of many small pores is implicated by the data. Analysis of pre- and post-field fluorescent vesicle images, as well as images from negatively stained electron micrographs, indicate that pore formation is associated with a partial loss of the phospholipid bilayer from the vesicle membrane. Up to approximately 14% of the membrane surface could be lost due to pore formation. Interestingly, despite a clear difference in the size distribution of the pores observed, the effective porous areas at both hemispheres was approximately equal. Ca(2+) influx measurements into perforated vesicles further showed that pores are essentially resealed within approximately 165 ms after the pulse. The pore distribution found in this study is in line with an earlier hypothesis (E. Tekle, R. D. Astumian, and P. B. Chock, 1994, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91:11512--11516) of asymmetric pore distribution based on selective transport of various fluorescent markers across electroporated membranes.  相似文献   

Based on the structural properties of cholesterol and egg phosphatidylcholine, and on the assumption that the van der Waals' type attactive interaction between the steroid nucleus and the fatty acyl chains provides a stabilizing force for the cholesterol-egg phosphatidylcholine complex, some specific orientation and configurations of the fatty acyl chains around the steroid nucleus in the interacting system are proposed in terms of an optimal packing. The proposed model suggests that the saturated chains are largely facing the flattened (α) surface of the steroid nucleus of cholesterol, while the unsaturated chains can interact with both the α and β surfaces of the steroid nucleus. It is also suggested that the angular methyl groups on the β surface of the steroid nucleus lock the unsaturated fatty acyl chain in a relatively immobile configuration. Experimental evidence which provides support for the proposed stereochemical model is presented.  相似文献   

The preparation and isolation of [3H]phenyl azide, a photosensitive non-polar probe, is reported. The reagent partitions into the lipid bilayer of egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles and bovine myelin membranes. On photoactivation to generate the nitrene grouping, as much as 90% of the covalently attached label is associated with the fatty acyl residues of the constituent phospholipid molecules. The remainder is found in the polar head groups. The cholesterol component of myelin membranes is also heavily labelled. These results suggest that such reagents may be used to probe the hydrophobic regions of natural membranes.  相似文献   

The kinetics of osmotically induced changes in vesicular volume and internal solute concentration were analyzed for membrane vesicles containing fixed quantity of impermeable osmoticum in the lumen. The kinetic curves of the concentration and volume changes were shown to be dissimilar. The average durations of these two processes may differ by several tens of percents, depending on the extent and polarity of the initially imposed osmotic gradient. For vesicles containing identical solutes in the internal and external solutions, the problem is analyzed of how the concentration and volume changes are manifested in changes of the effective scattering cross-section of the vesicle. The light scattering changes, directed oppositely to volume changes, were found to coincide roughly with the kinetics of volume changes. The analysis shows that calculations of water permeability coefficient should be based on average duration of volume changes rather than the duration of concentration changes. The replacement in calculations of the first parameter with the second one may result in overestimation of water permeability by a factor of 1.5. This might be relevant to the reported discrepancies in water permeability values determined by the osmotic and isotope methods. Although the allowance for 1.5-fold overestimation cannot fully account for the differences observed, it significantly lowers the discrepancy between these estimates in some cases. The opposite signs of light scattering and volume changes originate from the presence of two components in the optical path of the vesicle, i.e., the membrane and the lumenal solution.  相似文献   

Methods for predicting peptide chain conformation have been applied to amino acid sequences adjacant to the carbohydrate attachment sites of glycoproteins containing the N-glycosylamine type of protein-carbohydrate linkage. Of 31 glycosylated residues examined 30 occur in sequences favouring turn or loop structures. Twentytwo of the glycosylated asparagine residues occur in tetrapeptides predicted to have the β-turn conformation. Carbohydrate attachment is therefore associated with peptide sequences which favour the formation of β-turn or other turn or loop structures.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from homogenised yeast cells by filtration, differential centrifugation and aggregation of the mitochondrial vesicles at pH 4. As judged by biochemical, cell electrophoretic and electron microscopic criteria a pure plasma membrane vesicle preparation was obtained.The surface charge density of the plasma membrane vesicles is similar to that of intact yeast cells with an isoelectric point below pH 3. The mitochondrial vesicles have a higher negative surface charge density in the alkaline pH range. Their isoelectric point is near pH 4.5, where aggregation is maximal.The yield of vesicles sealed to K+ was maximal at pH 4 and accounted for about one third of the total vesicle volume.The plasma membrane vesicles demonstrate osmotic behaviour, they shrink in NaCl solutions when loosing K+.As in intact yeast cells the entry and exit of sugars like glucose or galactose in plasma membrane vesicles is inhibited by UO22+.Counter transport in plasma membrane vesicles with glucose and mannose and iso-counter transport with glucose suggests that a mobile carrier for sugar transport exists in the plasma membrane.After galactose pathway induction in the yeast cells and subsequent preparation of plasma membrane vesicles the uptake of galactose into the vesicles increased by almost 100% over the control value without galactose induction. This increase is explained by the formation of a specific galactose carrier in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The glucose permeability of bilayers formed from phosphatidylcholine, Brij30, and sodium octadecyl sulfate has been determined via an enzymatic reaction. Glucose is encapsulated in either uni- or multilamellar vesicles (MLV) and its concentration in the dispersion medium is monitored by spectrophotometry analysis through the rate of glucose oxidase-catalyzed reaction of glucose oxidation. A kinetic model of leakage, taking explicitly into account one, two, or n(w)-walls (n(w) > 1) for the vesicles and assuming an enzymatic Michaelis-Menten behavior, is proposed and used to fit the experimental data. The two-wall model was chosen to fit experimental data obtained on MLV since an average value of 1.7 bilayers was estimated for MLV by cryo-TEM imaging. A permeability value of 5.8 +/- 4.4 10(-9) cm/s was found. The proposed model is validated by the measurement of the bilayer permeability deduced from the modeling of glucose leakage from unilamellar vesicles with the same composition. In this latter case, a value of 8.3 +/- 0.7 10(-9) cm/s is found for the permeability, which is within the error bar of the value found with MLV.  相似文献   

Cation fluxes were measured in right-side-out and inside-out vesicles obtained from human red cells. Rubidium, which is spontaneously released at very slow rates, can be rapidly released from both types of vesicle by addition of valinomycin. P-Chloromercuriphenyl sulfonic acid (PCMBS) also increases the cation permeability of the vesicles with reversal to normal after addition of dithiothreitol. The effect of PCMBS is considerably larger and appears faster in the inside-out vesicles as compared to the right-side-out vesicles, the difference being greater at low temperatures. These data indicate that the SH groups responsible for the changes in cation permeability are more accessible from the inside face of the membrane. The response to PCMBS was not diminished after selective removal of extrinsic proteins by alkaline extraction, and/or after the membranes were exposed to proteolytic enzymes. The major polypeptide component remaining in vesicles after both treatments was a 17 000-dalton transmembrane fragment derived from band 3 which might, therefore, be responsible for the permeability response. Addition of Ca2+ to either right-side-out or inside-out vesicles, in the presence or absence of ionophore A23187, was without effect on monovalent cation permeability, indicating that the mechanism of Ca2+-induced K+ permeation was lost or inactivated during the preparation of the vesicles.  相似文献   

Phospholipid vesicles fuse with a planar membrane when they are osmotically swollen. Channels in the vesicle membrane are required for swelling to occur when the vesicle-containing compartment is made hyperosmotic by adding a solute (termed an osmoticant). We have studied fusion using two different channels, porin, a highly permeable channel, and nystatin, a much less permeable channel. We report that an osmoticant's ability to support fusion (defined as the magnitude of osmotic gradient necessary to obtain sustained fusion) depends on both its permeability through lipid bilayer as well as its permeability through the channel by which it enters the vesicle interior. With porin as the channel, formamide requires an osmotic gradient about ten times that required with urea, which is approximately 1/40th as permeant as formamide through bare lipid membrane. When nystatin is the channel, however, fusion rates sustained by osmotic gradients of formamide are within a factor of two of those obtained with urea. Vesicles containing a porin-impermeant solute can be induced to swell and fuse with a planar membrane when the impermeant bathing the vesicles is replaced by an isosmotic quantity of a porin-permeant solute. With this method of swelling, formamide is as effective as urea in obtaining fusion. In addition, we report that binding of vesicles to the planar membrane does not make the contact region more permeable to the osmoticant than is bare lipid bilayer. In the companion paper, we quantitatively account for the observation that the ability of a solute to promote fusion depends on its permeability properties and the method of swelling. We show that the intravesicular pressure developed drives fusion.  相似文献   

A possible modulation of permeabilities of membrane vesicles to anions and cations was explored by light scattering techniques, evaluated by measuring the capacity of the vesicles to shrink and swell in response to changes of the osmolarity of the incubation medium. Membrane fractions were obtained by phase partition. Purity was evaluated by detection and quantification of membrane enzyme markers: vanadate-sensitive ATPase for the plasma membrane, nitrate-sensitive ATPase for the tonoplast and azide-sensitive ATPase for mitochondria. Membrane vesicles (250 g protein) were exposed to hypertonic solutions of salts (0.6 osmolar). Kinetics of the changes in apparent absorbance at 546 nm were observed by the addition of potassium, nitrate and chloride salts. The diffusion of ions into vesicles was induced by an osmotic gradient across the membrane and brought about volume changes of vesicles. Upon addition of vesicles to the different solutions the following ion permselectivity sequences were observed: PNO 3 >PCl >PSO 4 2– and PK +PNa +>PNH 4 +.Abbreviations ATP adenosine 5-triphosphate - EDTA ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid - Tris-Mes (Tris[hydroxymethyl]aminomethane, Mes-(2-[N-Morpholino]ethanesulfonic acid) - PEG polyethylene glycol  相似文献   

Conditions promoting the formation of sealed membrane vesicles from corn roots with reduced proton permeability were examined using the probe 9-aminoacridine as a rapid indicator of pH gradient formation and dissipation. Plasma membrane vesicles isolated by differential and density gradient centrifugation were leaky to protons and rapidly equilibrated when exposed to artificially imposed pH gradients. The leaky plasma membrane vesicles showed reduced proton permeability when incubated with calcium or with excess phospholipids. However, these vesicles were unable to form ATP-induced pH gradients. Sealed vesicles isolated by discontinuous Ficoll gradient centrifugation of a microsomal fraction displayed reduced proton permeability and were osmotically active. In contrast to purified plasma membrane vesicles, the microsomal-derived vesicles were more suitable for studies of active proton transport.  相似文献   

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