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Hidalgo  Pamela  Escribano  Ruben 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):153-160
A 2-year time series (17-d interval) of zooplankton, sampled from June 1996 through January 1998, along with oceanographic data, allowed the study of species abundances and diversity during non-El Niño and El Niño conditions at Mejillones (23° S), northern Chile. A total of 28 species was identified, of which the most abundant were the calanoids Paracalanus parvus, Calanus chilensis, Acartia tonsa, and Centropages brachiatus, the cyclopoid Oithona similis, and the poecilostomatoids Oncaea conifera and Corycaeus typicus. El Niño Southern Oscillation (El Niño) was first detected in the area in May 1997 and persisted until March 1998. We divided the time series into two parts: non-El Niño and El Niño conditions. The number of species significantly increased during El Niño conditions, but total abundance of copepods was greater during non-El Niño conditions. Although some expatriate species appeared during El Niño, such as the harpacticoid Microsetella norvegica and Eucalanus subtenuis, the diversity index of Hulburt was not significantly different between the two periods. Despite the dramatic alteration of oceanographic conditions during the El Niño period, we concluded that the community of pelagic copepods was not subject to drastic changes either in total abundance or in structure.  相似文献   

Seasonality, amplitude, and magnitude of spawning events were determined for Argopecten purpuratus in the La Rinconada marine reserve, Antofagasta, Chile, between December 1995 and January 2004. During the same period, samples of scallop larvae were obtained in vertical plankton hauls recovered within this reserve in an area routinely exposed to circular, gyre-like currents which helped retain the larvae within the bay. The reproduction of this population in normal or cool (e.g. "La Ni?a", 1998-2000) years occurred throughout the year, with a more active period between September and April, declining in June and August; this contrasted with the warmer "El Ni?o" oceanographic period of 1997-98 in which reproductive activity was more intense and prolonged throughout the entire year. The reproductive events in this population were mostly synchronous, although one asynchronous period occurred each year following the more intense March to May spawnings. This reproductive activity generated a continuous presence of larvae in the area in which no strict relation could be found between the intensities of spawning and numbers of larvae in the water. Larval presence was, however, generally correlated with active spawning periods. Important increases in larval numbers recorded at the end of 1999 and the beginning of 2003 were correlated with census data showing a higher percentage presence of broodstock over 90 mm in shell length during these years. An adequate stock of this size class is needed for a successful seed capture program in the reserve (for mass culture).  相似文献   

Abstract: In order to understand the vertical distribution of planktonic organisms in the oceans, it is important to consider a number of factors. Including oceanic circulation patterns, the vertical structure of the water column and the vertical position of the thermocline. This study examines the hydrography of Golfo Dulce, a tropical fjord -like embayment in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, and the influence of the 1997-1998 ENSO on the system. Five sampling stations were selected and visited once a month for two years in order to obtain vertical profiles of temperature (degrees C), salinity (% per hundred) and dissolved oxygen (mg O2/l). Results show a strong vertical stratification of the water column associated to the morphology of Golfo Dulce's basin and to the effects of ENSO. Moreover, the existence of significant differences between the hydrographic characteristics of the inner and outer parts of the basin was detected. Finally, biannual events in the influx of cold, high salinity, and oxygen rich oceanic water masses into the basin were detected. These events might be related to the same forces driving the coastal upwelling system in the Gulf of Panama.  相似文献   

We examined the changes in four intertidal macroalgal assemblages sampled at 3-month intervals during and after the 1997–98 El Niño. The assemblages were analyzed using several numerical analyses (specific richness, H′ diversity) and multivariate techniques (ANOSIM, cluster, and MDS analyses). During El Niño 1997–98, the water temperature in the sampled zone was almost 5°C above the long-term mean. The apparent impact of this factor was greatest in winter–spring 1998. Our results suggest that El Niño influenced the structure of these assemblages in four different ways: (a) El Niño was associated with number of species (lowest in 1998) and H′ diversity, which increased in the winter of 1999, when the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) was inactive, from 1.2 to 2.3. (b) The average biomass of the macroalgae was significantly greater in the ENSO year (139 g dry weight/m2) than in the non-ENSO year (42 g dry weight/m2) (c) El Niño conditions were associated with a high population abundance of species of tropical affinity, such as Agardhiella tenera (22.05 g dry weight/m2 in 1998 versus 0.7 g dry weight/m2 in 1999), Amphiroa misakiensis (32 versus 1.1), Caulerpa sertularoides (15.35 versus 0), Padina durvillaei (9.2 versus 0.2), Jania capillacea (4.1 versus 0), and Jania mexicana (1.5 versus 0). In 1999, other species with a more temperate affinity appeared, such as Laurencia pacifica (0.12 versus 8.76 g/m2) and Colpomenia sinuosa (0 versus 4.8). (d) The multivariate techniques showed that differences among the structure of the four assemblages were more evident in 1999. The greatest homogeneity was detected during ENSO winter–spring, which suggests a communitywide change consistent with the El Niño event.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The abundance, sizes, and when appropriate, diversity of gymnamoebae were documented at approximately monthly intervals for four years (1995–1998) at a grassy, terrestrial site slightly upslope from a freshwater pond. Soil samples were analyzed for viable gymnamoebae using a standard laboratory culturing protocol. The mean density of gymnamoebae based on the total data set was ca. 1,600/g (s.e. ± 190). Minimum densities of gymnamoebae (156/g) occurred in January 1995, and a maximum for the sampling period (5,838/g) occurred in July 1997, when a rainy period followed an extended period of drought. Among the environmental variables monitored (precipitation, soil moisture, organic content, and temperature) only precipitation correlated significantly with abundance of gymnamoebae (r= 0.34 , p = 0.02 ). During the mild, moist El Niño winter of 1997–1998, a larger than usual number of gymnamoebae was recorded at the site (~3,800/g) compared to a mean density of ~900/g for comparable periods in preceding years. The mean sizes were also larger. Since gymnamoebae are increasingly recognized as major members of soil microbial communities enhancing soil fertility through nutrient mineralization, it is important to document environmental variables that influence their abundance and activity in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

The impact of the El Ni?o 1997-1998 phenomenom on plankton dynamics was studied during 1997 at the Punta Morales estuary, Gulf of Nicoya, Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The study covered dry season/transition and the rainy season. Phytoplankton (microphytoplankton > 30 microm and nanophytoplankton) were collected at two depths (50 and 10% light incidence) using a 5 L Niskin bottle, and samples taken to determine chlorophyll a. Temperature, salinity, oxygen, and Secchi depth were measured. Horizontal sub-surface zooplankton hauls were conducted with a conic zooplankton net of 0.49 m diameter and 280 microm mesh width, supplied with a flowmeter. Surface sea water temperature average was 29.9 +/- 0.9 degrees C, with a maximum of 31.5 degrees C in April and a minimun of 28 degrees C in March and October. Chlorophyll a concentration (phytoplankton net) averaged 3.1 +/- 1.7 mg/m3, with higher values during the rainy season and lower values during the transition. Nanophytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration averaged 2.5 +/- 1.2 mg/m3, with a maximum during the transition season. For both fractions there were significant differences between transition and rainy seasons, and for nanophytoplankton between dry and transition seasons (p < 0.05). In the last case, differences were explained by temperature. Herbivorous copepods dominated the abundance and biomass of zooplankton, with a biomass maximun of 167.3 in October and a minimun of 7.1 mg DW/m3 in December. These values are higher than those found some years ago in the same zone and those reported for some places in the Caribbean. The El Ni?o 1997-1998 phenomenon in the plankton dynamics appears to have produced a change in the phytoplankton structure. This is the first attempt to evaluate the possible impact of El Ni?o on the plankton dynamics of the Pacific coast of Central America.  相似文献   

The ichthyofauna fished in Bahía de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico in the Central Pacific was surveyed during 1998. Six thousand nine hundred and fourty-four organisms of 130 species were caught which weighted 3,231 kg. Nearly 30% of the species belonged to Carangidae. Haemulidae and Sciaenidae. The most important species in number and biomass were Microlepidotus brevipinnins, Caranx caninus and C. caballus. Species number, abundance and biomass fluctuated during the year. The largest number of species was caught in June (61), the minimum in March (33). January had the maximum abundance (1,397 organisms), while the minimum was obtained during August (251). The maximum biomass values were from January (556.5 kg), and the lowest from August (114.7 kg). Eighteen species accumulated 87% of the total abundance, while 20 species represented 86.3% of the biomass. There were large in differences species number, abundance and biomass nets of different mesh size.  相似文献   

Rainfall erosivity (RE) is the ability of rainfall to cause soil or regolith erosion. Understanding the spatial distribution and temporal trends of RE is critical for assessing soil erosion risk and improving upon soil conservation planning. The aim of this paper is to study the temporal and spatial changes in RE in the Huaihe River Basin, China. This will be based on daily precipitation data from 67 meteorological stations in the Huaihe River Basin for the period 1971 to 2016. The assessment of the resulting RE values involved inverse distance-weighted (IDW) interpolation, Sen's slope estimation, and the Mann-Kendall nonparametric test. In addition, the possible influence of the El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on RE in the Huaihe River Basin will be examined by the use of Cross Wavelet Transform (XWT) and Wavelet Coherence (WTC), where the relationship between RE and the multivariate ENSO index (MEI) are analyzed. The results showed that the spatial distribution of RE is characterized by it increasing from west to east and north to south. In most areas, the annual RE has increased slightly, while this upward trend in the southeastern part of the study area was more significant. The rainfall erosivity of rainstorms (RE-SM) in the Huaihe River Basin played a leading role in the annual RE, and 97% of the stations displayed the order of importance of the different categories of rainfall as rainfall erosivity of rainstorms (RE-SM) > rainfall erosivity of heavy rain (RE-HR) > rainfall erosivity of moderate rain (RE-MR). Over monthly time scales, the RE was the highest in July, while it was lowest in December, with the monthly differences being apparent. The RE in the Huaihe River Basin were relatively large during non-El Niño/La Niña periods and relatively small during El Niño/La Niña periods. Finally, correlations between RE and the MEI in various parts of the basin showed different characteristics over time and space, with both displaying similarities and differences.  相似文献   

There are accumulating reports showing that the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has a significant effect on the population dynamics of marine fishes. However, the influence of ENSO on the physiology of fishes, as possible components of those ecological changes in fish populations, is not fully understood. This study investigated the cellular, physiological, and organismal stress responses in a wild fish population under natural thermal stress. The sea surface temperature at the subtropical ocean of Okinawa, Japan, was the highest in the last 10 years (>32°C) during the summer of 1998 with a strong ENSO. To examine the effects of those unusually warm ocean temperatures on fish, we compared tissue 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) levels and growth rates between the ENSO summer of 1998 and the normal summer of 1999 in a common fish species in Okinawa, the Indo-Pacific sergeant, Abudefduf vaigiensis. We also conducted a complementary heat shock experiment in the laboratory. The field collected Indo-Pacific sergeant had significantly higher muscle HSP70 levels in 1998 than 1999. Higher muscle HSP70 and plasma cortisol levels were observed at 32°C than at 28°C in the laboratory heat shock experiment, indicating that the highest summer ocean temperature in 1998 was sufficient for the fish to up-regulate the cellular and physiological stress responses. In support of this effect, otoliths showed slower growth rates of the fish during the summer of 1998; this may reflect the significant energetic cost of these stress responses.  相似文献   

We are reporting on the results of a 4-year study that allowed for the analysis of the effects of the 1997–1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event on the cnidarian community of the naturally high-turbidity reefs of northern Bahia, Brazil. Cnidarian densities were significantly different between pre- and post-ENSO years, with significant consequent changes in community composition. BIOENV analysis identified variations in turbidity, mean temperature variance, and cloud cover as the factors best explaining changes in the community. We suggest that the 1997–1998 ENSO event, the most intense on record, had a differential effect on the cnidarian community. Highest mortalities were suffered by minute hydroid colonies, partial mortality by octocorals and actiniarians, while large hydroid colonies and scleractinians were the least affected. Such an ability to survive under the stressful environmental regime imposed by this ENSO event is attributed to the presence of morphological pre-adaptations (e.g., size of colony polyps, abundance of certain nematocyst types) and the inherent phenotypic plasticity that results from long-term exposure to naturally stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Donax dentifer is a dominant member of the sandy beach communities of the Colombian Pacific coast. A population of this bivalve was monthly sampled in Playa Chucheros at the Bay of Málaga, Colombian Pacific, between August 1997 and July 1998, during the "El Ni?o 1997/1998" phenomenon. Quantitative samples were taken in perpendicular and parallel to the coastal line transects to determine the population density and a length-frequency distribution. Qualitative samples were taken to study the reproduction and monthly length weight relationship. Sea surface temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH in the water was monthly registered in the sampling station. Additionally, a tagging-recapture experiment was performed to growth estimations. Results indicate a continuous reproduction cycle with two annual spawning seasons in December and March. The growth parameters of the non-oscillating von Bertalanffy growth function were K = 0.62 yr-1 and L infinity = 29.3 mm. Mortality (Z) was higher (2.65 yr-1) for small individuals (between 2 mm and 5 mm) while a lower Z value (1.71 yr-1) were obtained for larger ones (between 19 mm and 25 mm). An annual mean biomass value of B = 1.229 g ash-free dry weight m-2 and an annual somatic production of Psom = 1.215 g ash-free dry weight m-2 were estimated, which correspond to a Psom/B value of 0.988. Population density increased in November and April, but any population density pattern related with "El Ni?o" was evident. Low body weight during November-December seems to show a relation between reproductive cycle in D. dentifer and El Ni?o 97/98 event. The fluctuation in dissolved oxygen show a high correlation with parameters of the reproductive cycle, which could be related to assimilation process and body weight cycle. Growth in D. dentifer in the Colombian Pacific coast was faster than other Donax species, as can be expected for tropical bivalves mollusks in comparison whit high latitude bivalves. The mortality pattern suggest that the population was selectively affected by El Ni?o 97/98, due to smaller individuals are living in the lowest areas of the beach, where they are exposed to abnormal seawater conditions for a longer time. Individual and population production was higher for medium-size animals than each for small-size ones, which were the most abundant in the population.  相似文献   

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