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The filamentous and branched thallus of Antithamnion plumula is constitued of two different kinds of branches with apical growth: the cladomial axes with a continuous or indefinite growth, and the pleuridia with a limited growth. The size of the pleuridia depends on their position with respect to the lateral cladomial axes.The growth kinetics of 35 pleuridia were analysed using Nelder's generalized logistics. Each sigmoidal curve, which was divided into four growth stages from the instantaneous acceleration variations, was thus characterized by ten kinetic parameters: lengths at the time of the changes in growth stage, durations of the growth stages and maximum growth rate.The data showed that all curves displayed a marked left dissymmetry which reflected the brevity of the accelerated growth stage (1/5 of total growth duration). The maximum acceleration stage occurs between the individualization of the pleuridial initial cell and the first mitosis. Previously known experimental data were related to this quantitative result so as to put forward a biological meaning. New research pathways were suggested.The kinetic parameters investigated were used for a classification of pleuridia. The smallest ones displayed the slowest growth: they needed twice more time to reach their maximum size than the largest pleuridia whose growth was the fastest. This association of traits was related to the occurrence of acropetal fluxes along the main axis of the thallus.  相似文献   

Ceramium cimbricum, originally described from Limfjorden, Denmark was isolated into unialgal culture form several localities in southern Norway. The distinguishing features include straight, often unequal apices, 4–5 periaxial cells and narrow cortical bands. Reproductive structures are described for the first time in European material and a Polysiphonia-type of life history was demonstrated, though irregularities were also seen. Culture observations of phenotypic variability and examination of type material suggest that C. cimbricum and the widely recorded C. fastigiatum may be conspecific. However, the latter binomial is illegitimate.  相似文献   

Antithamnion makroklonion sp. nov. is described from Elat, Gulf of Aqaba (Gulf of Elat) in the Red Sea, where vegetative, spermatangial, and tetrasporangial specimens were found growing in the upper sublittoral zone. The new alga belongs to a group of Antithamnion species characterized by distichous-alternate ramification of branches, sessile tetrasporangia, and decussately arranged laterals along the bearing axis. It shows a unique combination of distinctive features, including the proximal development of gland cells on elongate branchlets that overtop the parent branch. In addition to the characteristic position, and in contrast to congeners, gland cells of A. makroklonion often have a large and prominent cytoplasmic band and one or two vacuoles. Morphological features of A. makroklonion and eight related species are tabulated and the characteristics of the new species are discussed.  相似文献   

The binding of FITC labeled lectins to repair cells of Antithamnion nipponicum Yamada et Inagaki and Griffithsia pacifica Kylin, and their physiological effects on somatic cell fusion have been studied. Results indicate that repair cells strongly bind the lectins ConA and LCA, whereas other lectins did not bind to the cell, The binding of these lectins to the dead cell wall shows ConA and LCA specific substances are secreted from the tip of the repair cells. When fluorescently labeled ConA or LCA was added at various time intervals after wounding, it firstly bound (3 h post-wounding) as a thin layer at the tips of the adjacent cells. Later (4–5 h post-wounding) labeling also appeared at the tips of the repair ceils. Intense labeling at these sites continued throughout the wound-healing process until repair cell fusion, at which time the lectin labeling was reduced to a narrow ring around the area of fusion, When added to plants prior to wounding and with continued monitoring, these same lectins were found to act as inhibitors to the wound-healing response. Other control lectins showed no inhibitory effects. These results suggest that a signal glycoprotein with α-D-mannosyl residues is involved in the wound-healing process of Antithamnion nipponicum. Lectins conjugated with visible tags can be used as a very fast and useful tool to monitor these signal substances.  相似文献   

The effect of weathered, crude oil on Ascophyllum nodosum was tested in an outdoor experiment and in a laboratory experiment. Adult A. nodosum plants which were exposed to oil in an outdoor basin for 3 days showed reduced growth for a certain period of time, after which growth recovered. Also, some necrotic damage was observed. Three-week-old and 1-year-old germlings placed under the adult plants showed no significant reduction in number compared to control plants. In the laboratory experiment some of the 1-month-old germlings were initially exposed to oil for 6 min, some for 1 h, some for 3 h and some for 5 h. After 3 weeks in running, filtered water oil-exposed germlings had reached the same length as those in the control groups, and no effect of exposing the germlings to oil for different lengths of time at the start of the experiment was found. The results indicate that a limited oil pollution of weathered, crude oil may reduce growth and biomass of adult plants for a certain period of time. However, this need not be detrimental to a population with good recruitment from germlings or vegetative shoots growing under a dense canopy layer.  相似文献   

Antithamnion cruciatum (C. Agardh) Nägeli var. scandinavicum var. nov. is described from material collected on the Danish and Swedish coasts. The variety was found growing on small stones, shells and on Zostera at depths between 0.5 to ca. 10m. A comparative study was made with var. cruciatum , var. radicans (J. Agardh) Collins et Hervey and Antithamnion tenuissimum (Hauck) Schiffner, including examination of type material and laboratory cultures of isolates from the Mediterranean and the Swedish west coast. Variety scandinavicum differs from the other varieties mainly by absence or rare development of gland cells, and sparsely branched whorl-branches. A. tenuissimum is distinguished from A. cruciatum by its shorter thallus, a sympodial type of branching, apparent absence of gland cells and adaxial-monostichous branchlets. Asexual reproduction was found to occur commonly in culture in the two species and their varieties, the morphology of which is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract A comparison of some of the methods used to determine whether aquatic plants have the ability to utilize bicarbonate ions as a source of inorganic carbon for photosynthesis has been applied to the intertidal macroalga Ascophyllum nodosum. These include: observing photosynthesis at a high pH (below the alga's CO2 compensation point), pH compensation point determinations, comparing the photosynthetic characteristics at low pH (5.20) and at high pH (7.95), estimating the maximal rates at which CO2 can diffuse through the unstirred layer and the rate at which CO2 can be produced from bicarbonate dehydration in the unstirred layer. All indicated that Ascophyllum nodosum can use bicarbonate ions for photosynthesis, though some were not always consistent. Calculating the total inorganic carbon concentration from pH measurements and acidification CO2 determinations revealed that the assumption that the alkalinity remains constant during pH drift experiments is not always valid.  相似文献   

Ang  P. O.  Sharp  G. J.  Semple  R. E. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):321-326
The use of a Norwegian suction cutter to harvest populations of the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis in southwestern Nova Scotia started in 1985. The impact of this type of mechanical harvest on the algal population structure was evaluated. Changes in the length and density of individual plants (clumps) within 0.25 m–2 quadrats, as well as the length of individual shoots within clumps were monitored before and after an experimental harvest. The mechanical harvest cut mainly the longer plants, thus changed the initial bimodal size structure of the population to unimodal. There was a 20 to 36% plant mortality, reducing the plant density from 92.6 to 73.6 individuals m–2. Pre-harvest size distribution of the tagged shoots was skewed to the right and became more normal after the harvest. Tagged shoots in the harvested quadrats suffered a 42% mortality as compared to 11% of those in the control quadrats. An understanding of the impact of the mechanical harvesting on the harvested population is essential in the design of a management strategy. Sources of variation in the impact of mechanical harvest include the tide level at time of harvest, length of time the machine operated in one site, skill of the machine operator, and sharpness of the machine cutting blades.  相似文献   

The increase in length of Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis was measured in copper concentrations varying from 14–5000 μg/1 sea water. The growth was unaffected by concentrations of 33 μg/1 or less added for a period of 11 days, but at higher concentrations growth was gradually reduced. When the number of days (x) of exposure to a concentration (y) (y > 33 μg/1) is compared with z (the corresponding percentage reduction of growth rate), the data fit the equation z = 0.084 xy up to at least z = 60%.  相似文献   

The increase in length of apices of Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis was measured in paired combinations of Cu, Hg, and Zn.Significant antagonistic effects appeared with exposure to Cu + Zn after 3 days (P < 0.001), and with Hg and Zn after 4 days (P < 0.01). When Cu and Hg were combined, only a weak antagonistic effect was indicated after 7 days of exposure. It is supposed that the observed detoxificating effect of Zn to Cu and Hg is partly related to the relative number of ions present.  相似文献   

Polysiphonia nigrescens was sequentially extracted with water at room temperature, 70 and 90 degrees C. The extracts were analyzed and the major one, isolated at 70 degrees C, was fractionated by ion-exchange chromatography, eluting with water and solutions of increasing sodium chloride concentration; five main fractions were separated. Structural analysis, carried out by methylation analysis and NMR spectroscopy, showed that four of these were partially cyclized agarans that were highly substituted on C-6 mainly with sulfate, although methyl ether and single stubs of beta-D-xylose were found in minor proportions. A fifth fraction comprising 6-sulfated agarose was also isolated. The use of 2D NMR techniques allowed us to assign the 1H and 13C NMR resonances of the G6S-->L6S diad for the first time.  相似文献   

J. Mollion 《Hydrobiologia》1992,232(1):43-46
The red alga Gelidium madagascariense, endemic to SE Madagascar, has been exported on a small scale to Japan for over two decades. The lack of information on the chemical characteristics of the phycocolloid contained in this species is the main reason for limitation of its commercialization. FT IR and GLC analysis show that it is an agar polymer, in which the methylated fraction contains predominant 6-0-methyl galactose and traces of 4-0-methyl galactose.  相似文献   

Chloroplast banding occurs in Griffithsia pacifies Kylin in a daily rhythm. At the start of the light period, chloroplasts have a uniform distribution. During the light period chloroplasts move away from the ends of the cell leaving two chloroplast-free regions by mid-afternoon. Later in the light period these bands disperse as chloroplasts return to the ends of cell where they remain throughout the dark period. After enzyme treatment with β-glucuronidase to permeabilize cell walls, non-banded plants did not form bands after the addition of 5 μg ml?1 cytochalasin B in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). When enzyme-grown plants with chloroplast bands were treated with cytochalasin B, bands were retained for at least three days. Plants grown in media supplemented with β-glucuronidase or DMSO alone gave banding consistent with untreated controls. Staining of microfilaments with rhodamine-phalloidin before and after treatment with cytochalasin B gave results consistent with chloroplast movement studies. This is the first report of actin-mediated organelle movement in red algae.  相似文献   

A structure is proposed for the complex xylogalactan sulfate from Chondria macrocarpa. The hot-water extract of C. macrocarpa was desulfated or alkali-treated and Smith degraded. Constituent sugars and their substitution patterns were identified using a modified Hakamori methylation procedure suited to sulfated polysaccharides and a double hydrolysis-reduction protocol that yielded derivatives from all of the sugar residues, including the labile 3,6-anhydrogalactosyl residues. The polymer has an agar-type backbone of alternating 3-linked \-d- and 4-linked -L-galactopyranosyl units. The d-residues are partially sulfated on O-2 (50%) and O-6 (20–30%). About 40% of the l-residues are present as the 3,6-anhydride and 25% as its precursor l-galactose 6-sulfate. A significant proportion of the remaining l-galactosyl residues have both a d-xylopyranosyl substituent on O-3 and a sulfate ester on O-6 and are stable to alkali.  相似文献   

Parasitic red algae grow only on other red algae and have over 120 described species. Developmental studies in red algal parasites are few, although they have shown that secondary pit connections formed between parasite and host and proposed that this was an important process in successful parasitism. Furthermore, it was recorded that the transfer of parasite nuclei by these secondary pit connections led to different host cell effects. We used developmental studies to reconstruct early stages and any host cell effects of a parasite on Vertebrata aterrima. A mitochondrial marker (cox1) and morphological observations (light and fluorescence microscopy) were used to describe this new red algal parasite as Vertebrata aterrimophila sp. nov. Early developmental stages show that a parasite spore connects via secondary pit connections with a pericentral host cell after cuticle penetration. Developmental observations revealed a unique connection cell that grows into a ‘trunk-like’ structure. Host cell transformation after infection by the parasite included apparent increases in both carbohydrate concentrations and nuclear size, as well as structural changes. Analyses of molecular phylogenies and reproductive structures indicated that the closest relative of V. aterrimophila is its host, V. aterrima. Our study shows a novel developmental parasite stage (‘trunk-like’ cell) and highlights the need for further developmental studies to investigate the range of developmental patterns and host effects in parasitic red algae.  相似文献   

This work describes the rhizomorphs and their relation to thallus development in the squamulose lichen Aspicilia crespiana Rico ined. The rhizomorphs capture algal cells, giving rise to new squamules terminally or laterally. The thallus thus consists of a network of lichenized squamules interlinked by mycobiontic rhizomorphs. A previously proposed comparison of lichen rhizomorphs to the prothallus (hypothallus) of crustose lichens is applied and expanded upon. Other less organized prothallic structures sometimes produced by A. crespiana are also described. The importance of lichenizing rhizomorphs as an essential feature of thallus growth in this species is emphasized and a competitive role in substrate occupation and thallus expansion is suggested.  相似文献   

Two populations of the red alga Laurencia majuscula (Harvey) Lucas (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) from Taketomi Island and Hateruma Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, have been characterized on the basis of both morphological features and halogenated secondary metabolite content. These populations have smaller and more slender thalli than those of other regions. Furthermore, the populations contain two chamigrane-type Sesquiterpenoids, (2R, 3R, 5S)-5-acetoxy-2-bromo-3-chlorochamigra-7(14),9-dien-8-one and (2R, 3R)-2-bromo-3-chlorochamigra-7(14), 9-dien-8-one, and a laurane-type sesquiterpenoid, debromoisolaurinterol, as secondary metabolites which are different from those previously reported from other populations. These results are consistent with the concept of ‘chemical races’ within a single species of Laurencia.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in the synthesis of halogenated secondary metabolites in the Japanese marine red alga Laurencia nipponica Yamada (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) has been investigated in laboratory crossing experiments and chemical analyses, F1 tetrasporophytes and F1 gametophytes resulting from crosses within chemical races produced major metabolites characteristic of these races. F1 tetrasporophytes derived from reciprocal interracial crosses produced: (i) both parental types of secondary metabolites; (ii) either of the parental types; or (iii) a further major compound in addition to both parental types or in addition to either of the parental types. The latter cases suggest that hybrid-specific products were formed by the combined enzymatic complements of the parents, as F1 gametophytes derived from these interracial F1 tetrasporophytes yielded one or other of their parental products in an approximate 1:1 ratio. The population structure was analyzed at localities in Hokkaido, where two of the chemical races occur sympatrically. At Usujiri (Minami-kayabe), where the prepacifenol race and the laureatin race were sym-patric, hybrid gametophytes (recombination type) were found in high frequency in addition to hybrid tetra sporophytes, which strongly suggests that a new, pre-pacifenol/laureatm race is beginning to be produced by natural hybridization and recombination. By contrast, at Oshoro Bay, where the laurencin race and the epi-lauraliene race grew together, the interracial hybrids were rare: only a few tetrasporophytes (probably F1 generation) were found, suggesting that racial integrity may be retained by habitat segregation and/or the absence of recombination-type gametophytes.  相似文献   

A gamete recognition mechanism in Antithamnion sparsum Tokidais proposed based on experiments using various lectins and carbohydrates.Spermatial binding to trichogynes is inhibited by pre-incubationof spermatia with concanavalin A (ConA) and/or L-fucose, whiletrichogyne receptors are blocked by the complementary carbohydrate-methyl D-mannose and/or the lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin(UeA1). Binding inhibition (40–50%) was observed with10–50 mM carbohydrates and 25–50 µg ml-1 lectins.The inhibitory effects of ConA and UeA1 is partially reversed(to 80–90% of controls) by addition of -methyl D-mannoseand L-fucose, respectively. Lectin binding to spermatial surfaceswas visualized by Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugatedConA, whereas carbohydrate receptors along the trichogyne andspermatium were localized with -mannosylated-FITC-albumin andL-fucosylated-FITC-albumin, respectively. These results suggestthat gamete recognition in Antithamnion sparsum is mediatedby a double-docking recognition system consisting of spermatiapossessing surface L-fucose receptors and -methyl D-mannosemoiety, and trichogynes possessing the complementary receptors. (Received December 5, 1995; Accepted April 22, 1996)  相似文献   

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