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The morphology of the larval hyobranchial apparatus of discoglossoid frog species representing the genera Ascaphus, Alytes, Bombina, and Discoglossus is described and the resulting characters were analysed cladistically. Seven species representing seven major lineages of frogs were included in the cladistic analysis of characters. Several changes in the terminology of the musculature are introduced, and a new interpretation of the subarcualis-muscle system is presented. The phylogenetic analysis suggest that the hyobranchial apparatus was substantially altered in the lineages leading to and within the Pipanura. This notably involved fusion, reduction and loss of skeletal structures and muscles, and splitting of certain muscles into muscle groups. The result confirm previous hypotheses based on the study of adults: discoglossoid species retain the most numlerous plesiomorphic characters among extant ianurans. The larval hyobranchial apparatus is in many features structrually similar to that of urodeles. Many of their character states were most likely present in the most recent common ancestor of all living forgs. The cladistic analysis of 31 characters of ithe larval hyobranchial apparatus supports major clades: Anura, Bombinanura, Pipanura, and Pelobatoidea + Neobatrachia. The cladiostic analysis and interpretation of larval characters is in part compatible with phylogenetic hypotheses based on characters of adults and rRNA sequences, but is in conflict with the Mesobatrachia and Archaeobatrachia concepts of other authors.  相似文献   

Larval muscle development in the abdominal region of five species of hylid frogs (Scinax nasicum, S. fuscovarium, Hyla andina, Phyllomedusa boliviana, Gastrotheca gracilis) was studied using differential staining techniques. These five species represent three major hylid subfamilies. The development of the main abdominal muscles, the rectus abdominis, the two lateral muscles (obliquus externus and transversus), and the lateral pectoralis abdominalis is described. The number of myotomes of the rectus abdominis varies between five and six, and the abdominal muscles associated with the rectus abdominis (obliquus externus, pectoralis abdominalis, and rectus cervicis) vary interspecifically in time of appearance and configuration. The presence of gaps in the configuration of the rectus abdominis has been related to the lotic habits of the larvae. However, our observations indicate the presence of such gaps in larvae that inhabit lentic environments as well. These results suggest that the presence of these gaps is unrelated to larval habitat. There are relatively small differences in muscle morphology among these closely related species, which apparently cannot be explained by morphological adaptations related to their ecology. In the species studied, the number of elements that form the abdominal musculature in larvae is equal to that observed in adults. Likewise, the general morphology of the muscles is ontogenetically conserved. This suggests that both the axial skeleton and musculature are more ontogenetically conserved in relation to the substantial changes that are observed in the skull and head muscles of developing anurans. J. Morphol. 241:275–282, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The chondrocranium and cranial muscles of Lysapsus limellum, Pseudis cardosoi, P. minuta and four subspecies of P. paradoxa (caribensis, occidentalis, paradoxa and platensis) are described. Lysapsus and Pseudis are related to the Hylidae by: (1) vertical processus anterolateralis of the larval crista parotica, and (2) presence of m. mandibulolabialis inferior and superior (the latter reversed in P. cardosoi). We confirm some larval synapomorphies previously proposed for the pseudids, except the m. subarcualis obliquus II having one head and the absence of copula anterior. We add three new features for the pseudids: (1) the distal end of ceratobranchiales III and IV projects towards either the capsula auditiva (Lysapsus) or the processus basicapsularis – new term – (Pseudis); (2) the arcus subocularis is twice as wide at the level of the processus ascendens as it is just posterior to the processus muscularis quadrati, and (3) the lateral corner of the processus articularis quadrati largely projects laterally. We diagnose Lysapsus larvae (the states of Pseudis in parentheses) as follows: (1) short processus pseudopterygoideus (long), (2) absence of lateral development of larval crista parotica (presence), (3) absence of commissura proximalis II (presence), (4) presence of processus lateralis hyalis – new term – (absence), (5) absence of processus basicapsularis (presence), (6) processus ascendens slightly curved along its entire extent (curved at the union with the basi cranii only), and (7) absence of m. tympanopharyngeus (presence).  相似文献   

We propose a novel classification of frogs in the family Mantellidae, based on published phylogenetic information and on a new analysis of molecular data. Our molecular tree for 53 mantellid species is based on 2419 base pairs of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, tRNAVal and cytochrome b genes, and of the nuclear rhodopsin gene. Because the genus Mantidactylus Boulenger sensu lato is confirmed to be paraphyletic with respect to Mantella Boulenger, and is highly diverse in morphology and reproductive biology, we propose to partition Mantidactylus into seven genera by elevating four subgenera to genus rank (Blommersia Dubois, Guibemantis Dubois, Spinomantis Dubois, and Gephyromantis Methuen) and creating two new genera (Boehmantis gen. n. and Wakea gen. n.). In addition, we create the new subgenera Boophis (Sahona) subgen. n., Gephyromantis (Duboimantis) subgen. n., G. (Vatomantis) subgen. n., and Mantidactylus (Maitsomantis) subgen. n. The following species are transferred to Spinomantis, based on their phylogenetic relationships: S. elegans (Guibé) comb. n. (formerly in Mantidactylus subgenus Guibemantis); S. bertini (Guibé) comb. n. and S. guibei (Blommers-Schlösser) comb. n. (both formerly in Mantidactylus subgenus Blommersia); S. microtis (Guibé) comb. n. (formerly in Boophis Tschudi). Within Boophis, the new B. mandraka species group and B. albipunctatus species group are established. Boophis rhodoscelis (Boulenger) is transferred to the B. microtympanum group. The following five species are revalidated: Mantidactylus bellyi Mocquard and M. bourgati Guibé (not junior synonyms of M. curtus (Boulenger)); M. cowanii (Boulenger) (not syn. M. lugubris (Duméril)); M. delormei Angel (not syn. M. brevipalmatus Ahl); Mantella ebenaui (Boettger) (not syn. M. betsileo (Grandidier)). The new classification accounts for recent progress in the understanding of the phylogeny and natural history of these frogs, but it is still tentative for a number of species. Future modifications may be necessary, especially as concerns species now included in Gephyromantis and Spinomantis.Full article published online at: http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/06-11.htm  相似文献   

We studied the morphological variation of the nuptial pads using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in 26 species of phyllomedusines (Anura: Hylidae), representing the five currently recognized genera. All phyllomedusines have single nuptial pads with dark colored epidermal projections (EPs). Spine‐shaped EPs occur in Cruziohyla calcarifer, Phrynomedusa appendiculata and in one species of Phasmahyla. The other species have roundish EPs. The density of the EPs on the pad is variable. Species in the Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis Group have EPs with a density that varies between 764 ± 58/mm2 and 923 ± 160/mm2. In all other studied species (including the Phyllomedusa burmeisteri and Phyllomedusa perinesos groups, Phyllomedusa camba, Phyllomedusa boliviana, Phyllomedusa sauvagii, Phyllomedusa bicolor, and Phyllomedusa tomopterna) the density of EPs varies between 108 ± 20/mm2 and 552 ± 97/mm2. Pores were observed with SEM in C. calcarifer, Agalychnis lemur, Agalychnis moreletii, but its presence is confirmed through histological sections on several other species. Its visibility using SEM seems to be related with the level of separation between adjacent EPs. The pores in the four studied species of Agalychnis are shown with SEM and histological sections to have a characteristic epidermal rim, that is absent in the otherphyllomedusines. Unlike most previous reports on breeding glands, those of phyllomedusines are alcian blue positive, indicating the presence of acidic mucosubstances on its secretions. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We use histological techniques and computer‐aided three‐dimensional reconstructions made from serial histological sections to describe the ontogeny of the ethmoidal endocranium of discoglossid frog Discoglossus pictus. We identify a pattern of development for the suprarostral cartilage that differs from previous findings and probably represents the ancestral anuran pattern. The nasal cartilages, including the inferior prenasal cartilage, are de novo adult structures. The only larva‐derived structures of the adult nasal capsules are the posterior aspects of the solum nasi and septum nasi. We also identify patterns of development for the ethmoid plate and postnasal wall that occur during early in ontogenesis. These patterns are associated with development events during metamorphic climax. The pattern of timing of chondrification of the anterior nasal cartilages more closely coincides with that of the neobatrachian species than that recorded for the pelobatid frog Spea. In addition, this study supports a sister taxon relationship between Discoglossus and Alytes. J. Morphol. 271:1078‐1093, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Hyla pulchella species group was performed to test its monophyly, explore the interrelationships of its species, and evaluate the validity of the taxa that were considered subspecies of H. pulchella. Approximately 2.8 kb from the mitochondrial genes 12s, tRNA valine, 16s, and Cytochrome b were sequenced. The analysis included 50 terminals representing 10 of the 14-15 species currently recognized in the H. pulchella group, including samples from several localities for some taxa, several outgroups, as well as two species previously suspected to be related with the group (Hyla guentheri and Hyla bischoffi). The results show that the H. pulchella and Hyla circumdata groups are distantly related, and, therefore, should be recognized as separate groups. As currently defined, the H. pulchella group is paraphyletic with respect to the Hyla polytaenia group; therefore, we recognize the Hyla polytaenia clade in the H. pulchella group. Two subspecies of H. pulchella recognized by some authors are considered full species including Hyla pulchella riojana because it is only distantly related to H. pulchella, and Hyla pulchella cordobae because molecular and non-molecular evidence suggests that it is specifically distinct. With the inclusion of the H. polytaenia clade, H. guentheri, and H. bischoffi, and the recognition of the two former subspecies of H. pulchella as distinct species, the H. pulchella group now comprises 25 described species. All representatives of the H. pulchella group with an Andean distribution are monophyletic and nested within a clade from the Atlantic forest from south-southeastern Brazil/northeastern Argentina, and Cerrado gallery forest from central Brazil.  相似文献   

Bruno Viertel 《Oecologia》1990,85(2):167-177
Summary Ingestion and filtering rates in larval Xenopus laevis, Bufo calamita, Rana temporia and Bufo bufo fed suspensions of Chlorella fusca were investigated. Concentrations were measured with a Coulter Counter. (1) For all species, filtration occurred at concentrations far below those reported by other authors for Rana sylvatica feeding on Chlorella pyrenoidosa. For Bufo bufo, only larvae near metamorphosis showed ingestion at low particle concentrations. Since buccopharyngeal ventilation continues even in the absence of food particles, this threshold feeding behaviour in the younger larvae must be due to different mechanisms to those found in Daphnia and Calanus studied by other authors: probably reduction of the buccal pumping rate and the mucus production of the filter apparatus. (2) For B. calamita, R. temporaria and X. laevis the highest suspension feeding efficiency was at early tadpole stages, corresponding with the high growth rate of these stages. (3) The life histories of the species provide the basis for understanding their different retention efficiencies and functional responses.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft-DFG  相似文献   

This paper provides data on the skeleton, musculature, buccal apparatus, buccopharyngeal cavity and diet of Ceratophrys cranwelli tadpoles, and attempts to contribute to the knowledge of relations between morphology and ecology in anuran larvae. Both in morphological characters and feeding habits, these tadpoles are very similar to other species within the genus. They possess many of the structural features usually found in predaceous tadpoles: strong, keratinized jaw sheaths and keratodonts, reduced buccal papillation, high values of in‐lever arm proportion and buccal floor area, well‐developed ceratohyals, and hypertrophied jaw muscles. Food sources consist of other tadpoles, microcrustaceans, larvae of insects, plant fragments, as well as rotifers and microalgae. As facultative carnivores, they are likely to play an important role in regulating the aquatic communities of the ephemeral ponds where they develop.  相似文献   

Evolution of reproduction in the Rhacophoridae (Amphibia, Anura)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rhacophorid treefrogs have different reproductive modes: some go through a tadpole stage and some have direct development, and the adults of some species produce foam nests. Philautus is the only genus characterized by direct development. The production of foam nests has been reported in the genera Polypedates, Rhacophorus, Chiromantis and Chirixalus. Recent molecular studies did not provide a robust hypothesis concerning the origin of these reproductive modes in the Rhacophoridae. In order to better understand the evolution of these reproductive modes, we tried to clarify relationships within this group, using DNA sequencing. Our data set consists in a large number of new sequences (1676 base pairs corresponding to threee genes) for five outgroup ranoids and 48 Rhacophoridae, including 16 undescribed species from Sri Lanka and southern India, and all homologous data available in Genbank. After the inclusion of Philautus from India, our data show that the separation of Philautus into clades does not coincide with their geographic distribution. Our data point to the existence of a clade, including the genera Rhacophorus, Polypedates, Chiromantis and Chirixalus, which confirms the results of Wilkinson et al. (2002) and suggests that the ability to produce foam nests has emerged only once in the Rhacophoridae, as already stated by these authors.  相似文献   

Digit loss is a common theme in tetrapod evolution that may involve changes in several developmental processes. The skink genus Hemiergis provides an ideal model to study these processes in closely related taxa: within three Western Australian Hemiergis species, digit quantity ranges between two and five. For three consecutive reproductive seasons, gravid females of Hemiergis were collected in the field and their embryos prepared for histological analysis of limb skeletal development (chondrogenesis and osteogenesis). Comparative studies of skeletal developmental morphology demonstrate that limbs with fewer than five digits do not result from a simple truncation of a putative ancestral (five-digit) developmental program. The developmental and adult morphologies in two-, three-, and four-digit Hemiergis are neither predicted nor explained by a simple model of heterochrony involving either chondrogenesis or osteogenesis. In postnatal Hemiergis, digit number and relative limb length do not correlate in a simple linear fashion. Instead, limb size and digit reduction may correlate with substrate conditions and burrowing behavior.  相似文献   

Exechia and Bibio have retained several plesiomorphic groundplan features of Diptera and Bibionomorpha, including a fully exposed and sclerotized head capsule, the transverse undivided labrum, the absence of movable premandibles, and undivided mandibles without combs. The fusion of the hypostomal bridge with the head capsule and largely reduced antennae are derived features shared by both taxa. The absence of teeth at the anterior hypostomal margin is a potential autapomorphy of Bibionomorpha. A basal position of Anisopodidae is suggested by a number of plesiomorphies retained in this family. Apomorphies of Bibionomorpha excluding Anisopodidae are the reduction of tentorial elements, the partial fusion of the labrum and clypeus, one-segmented antennae, the absence of a separate submental sclerite, the loss of the labial palpus, and the reduction of the pharyngeal filter apparatus. Head structures of Bibio are largely unmodified. The subprognathous orientation is one of few autapomorphic features. In contrast, the mouthparts of Exechia are highly modified in correlation with the specialized food uptake. The rasping counterrotating movements of maxillae and mandibles with teeth oriented in opposite directions are carried out by strongly developed extensors and flexors of the paired mouthparts. The modified labium mechanically supports the “drill head” formed by the mandibles und maxillae. The necessary stability of the head capsule is provided by the hypostomal bridge which also compensates the far-reaching reduction of the tentorium.  相似文献   

We reassess the phylogenetic relationships of genera of hemiphractine hylid frogs (Marsupial Treefrogs) and discuss the evolution of several distinctive characters within this group using parsimony analysis. Fifty-one morphological and life-history characters were sampled from two species of Cryptobatrachus , three species of Flectonotus , 17 species of Gastrotheca , all five species of Hemiphractus , and one species of Stefania as the ingroup and three hyline, one phyllomedusine, and one pelodryadine species as outgroups. Our results support the mon-ophyly of Flectonotus, Cryptobatrachus , and Hemiphractus. Gastrotheca is paraphyletic with respect to Hemiphractus , dorsal pouches were lost in the ancestor of Hemiphractus. Direct development is a synapomorphy for Hemiphractinae and tadpoles were regained independently several times. These results stand in stark contrast to the prevailing paradigm regarding marsupial frog relationships.  相似文献   

On the assumption that the holotype of the South American frog Hylopsis platycephalus, described by Franz Werner in 1894, had been lost, Lynch (1981) designated a neotype, but in so doing incorrectly associated a centrolenid species with that name. As a result of the neotype designation, the genus Centrolenella Noble, 1920 (Centrolenidae) became a junior subjective synonym of Hylopsis Werner, 1894.
The holotype of Hylopsis platycephalus, which has never been lost, was obtained from the Institut fur Zoologie der Universität Wien and on examination was found to be a species of Sphaenorhynchus Tschudi, 1838 (Hylidae) distinct from other known members of the genus. Centrolenella Noble is thus validated and Hylopsis (ayn. nov.) becomes a junior subjective synonym of Sphaenorhynchus.
The rules of nomenclature relating to the neotype are discussed and Sphaenorhynchus platycephalus comb. nov. is redescribed. The centrolenid species which Lynch (1981) assigned to Hylopsis platycephalus is named Centrolenella savagei sp. nov.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a 22-month survey and the examination of the intestinal content of 356 specimens of Xenohyla truncata (Anura: Hylidae) from Restinga de Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Our results confirm prior observations that fruits are intrinsic to the diet of these frogs. In addition, these new data increase our understanding of the relationship between frogs and the plants they feed upon. Plant consumption follows availability of fruits in the area, indicating that the diversity of fruits consumed by the frogs does not represent choice, but rather plant phenology and fruit availability.  相似文献   

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