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Medical care for rural populations is an important problem facing the medical profession nationally and locally. The mechanism for solution lies in the existing American Medical Association and California Medical Association committees on rural medical service and further development of "local health councils."Additional emphasis on training of physicians for general practice is essential through medical school graduate and postgraduate periods. The problem of providing additional adequately equipped and staffed hospitals must receive much consideration.Recognizing that passiveness invites aggressive non-medical agencies to foster bureaucratic dictation inimical to the practice of medicine, the rural physician must act through medical and community organizations to correct weaknesses in the structure of medical practice.  相似文献   

One of the concerns of the Committee on the Role of Medicine in Society of the California Medical Association is the apparent “attitude gap” between medical students and physicians already established in practice. In November 1967, the first of a series of meetings took place between Committee members and senior students from each California medical school. Discussion ranged from curriculum planning to individual and organizational politics, and revealed differences of opinion between students and physicians on such issues as Medicare and the financing of health care for the nation.These discussions suggested to members of the Committee that several clearly defined subject areas were worthy of further investigation. It was decided, therefore, that a questionnaire be sent to medical students and residents, with the goal of gaining a better understanding of the nature and extent of such differences of opinion. Some of the highlights of the findings of this survey are discussed in this Socio-Economic Report.  相似文献   

Six Canadian medical students record their experience at a summer school of tropical medicine in Haiti, sponsored by the Canadian Association of Medical Students and Internes. The social, economic and medical background is described, including “Voodoo” practices, language and Haitian art. Attention is directed to the occurrence of umbilical tetanus, diarrhea and malnutrition. From even a brief stay in a country such as Haiti one comes to appreciate that a public health program in an underdeveloped nation is not strictly a medical undertaking but must be seen in its social and economic contexts.  相似文献   

All applicants and those who subsequently enrolled for the 1964-65 session in the Western medical schools were studied with the hope that it would encourage a national registration of applicants. Seven hundred and sixty-four applicants completed 865 applications for 288 places in four schools. Although the principal factor in selecting medical students in all Western schools is pre-medical performance, 49 “good-quality” (academically of good standing and under 30 years of age) resident applicants were not accepted in their own provincial school, and 49 places were filled with “poor-quality” students.The loss of good applicants to the Western medical schools and the 20% overlap of each school''s applicant pool with that of other schools suggests that objective standards of quality must be developed, and that a regular annual national assessment of applicants should be conducted by the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges.  相似文献   

Fifty years after the founding of the field of medical anthropology, the Society for Medical Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association held its first independent meeting on September 24-27, 2009, at Yale University.Fifty years after the founding of the field of medical anthropology, the Society for Medical Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association held its first independent meeting on September 24-27, 2009, at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The conference, Medical Anthropology at the Intersections, drew an international audience of more than 1,000 scholars.In her opening remarks, program Chair Marcia Inhorn noted that medical anthropology has been interdisciplinary since its inception. This assertion was supported at a roundtable discussion, Founding Medical Anthropology and the Society for Medical Anthropology, which featured four of the field’s founders.Asked to identify the factors that led to the development of medical anthropology, the panelists emphasized the role of changes in the practice and landscape of medicine in the late 1950s and early 1960s in the United States. According to Hazel Weidman, who helped spearhead the Society for Medical Anthropology, medical personnel sought social scientists’ guidance in the new clinical environments created by the increasing involvement of U.S. physicians in global development work and by the community-oriented approach to mental health encouraged by the Community Mental Health Act of 1963. The novel inclusion of lifestyle as a determinant of health at this time also played a role, according to Clifford Barnett. Norman Scotch, author of a 1963 review that had helped define medical anthropology as a field, noted that physicians at the time were very interested in the possible applications of the social sciences to medicine [1,2]. Joan Ablon recalled that this emphasis on application led some academic anthropologists to dismiss the medical anthropologist as a “handmaiden to the doctors.” Despite such resistance, interest in medical anthropology as a sub-field was clearly growing among anthropologists. When Weidman helped organize the first gathering of medical anthropologists at an anthropology conference in 1967, attendance was twice what was expected. Panel organizer Alan Harwood noted that the Society for Medical Anthropology transformed its newsletter into a professional journal, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, in 1983. According to Inhorn, the society has 1,300 members today.For the panelists, medical anthropology’s potential for application makes it a compelling scholarly pursuit. As Barnett stated in explaining his decision to work in anthropology: “If you know how a society works, you can change it.”  相似文献   

This article was prepared by Mr. William M. Whelan, Director of Special Services, California Medical Association, under the supervision of Dr. Francis J. Cox, Chairman of the Medical Services Commission of the Association, and Mr. Howard Hassard, the Association''s Legal Counsel. It is intended as a brief synopsis of the California Workmen''s Compensation Law as it applies to the physician in private practice. It is not an exhaustive treatment of the subject. A physician who desires to acquaint himself in detail with California industrial practice should consult the article entitled “The Physician''s Role in Workmen''s Compensation,” California Medicine, 82:352-362, April, 1955. Inquiries regarding industrial medicine should be addressed to Mr. William M. Whelan, California Medical Association, 450 Sutter St., San Francisco 8.  相似文献   

Adverse influences on motivation for recovery from alcoholism must be searched for in three areas: society, the medical practitioner and the patient. Society is ambivalent because there is a vicarious release through identification with the cheerful “drunk” coupled with unconscious envy and resentment leading to punitive action.The current “alcohol culture” decrees that to drink is to be well, not to drink is to be ill.The medical profession attempts to suppress, deny, rationalize or reject the problem of alcoholism because it involves a change in attitude and recognition of limitations.The alcoholic patient has a notorious lack of motivation, but this must be recognized as a symptom of his disease, and with certain techniques this symptom is treatable. Furthermore, motivation fluctuates and many opportunities for treatment are available when the medical practitioner can detect that motivation is high. At times a coercive approach is required, at times a permissive one; and the optimal use of such approaches will increase the motivation to an effective level.  相似文献   

Hunter P 《EMBO reports》2011,12(2):110-112
The 2001 EU Clinical Trials Directive aimed to harmonize the regulation of medical research, but achieved the opposite. Various attempts are underway to update the directive to make it easier to safely conduct medical research in Europe.Medical research, similarly to finance and business, works best with light regulation; however, protecting patients during clinical trials, and afterwards when treatments have been approved, requires regulation. Attempts to square this circle and the challenge of testing sophisticated drugs and therapies have resulted in increasingly strict regulation of clinical research, particularly in Europe''s leading medical research powers Germany, France, the Netherlands and the UK. There is growing concern among these countries with established pharmaceutical industries that clinical trials are increasingly hard to conduct; in fact, the number of applications has declined significantly during the past decade (Cressy, 2010).There is growing concern among these countries with established pharmaceutical industries that clinical trials are increasingly hard to conduct…Meanwhile, the number of applications for clinical trials has increased in the USA, Canada and some southern European countries, notably Italy and Spain, where the regulatory touch has been lighter and combined, in some cases, with financial incentives, according to Paul Stewart, Dean of Medicine at the University of Birmingham in the UK. There is a danger therefore that Europe''s leading research nations could lose their competitive edge in medical research at a time when radical new treatments are on the horizon. “Europe''s weight in clinical research is diminishing,” commented Markus Hartmann, senior consultant at European Consulting & Contracting in Oncology (Saarbrücken, Germany), which provides advice about medical regulatory affairs. The risk of falling behind extends beyond drug-based therapies to surgery and medical devices, Hartmann added. He explained that the European Commission now considers medical devices and drugs as ‘products'' that can be sold in the internal market, and therefore require a common and harmonized regulatory framework.Hartmann, along with other researchers, traces the recent decline in European clinical trial activity back to the European Union (EU)''s Clinical Trials Directive (CTD) 2001/20, which was supposed to provide a common framework for unifying regulation within the EU by 2020. “The Clinical Trials Directive is contributing to this effect, but is not the only factor,” said Hartmann.The root cause of the problem might be growing aversity to risk—which puts more emphasis on patient protection even when this is not necessary—but the EU directive has certainly fuelled this mood. “That initial EU Directive was actually quite a sensible document, but what was crazy was the legal creep that followed,” said Stewart. “What the lawyers did was legislate for the worst possible scenario, instead of seeing the directive as a facilitating document enabling people to go and do research.”The directive actually had the opposite effect from the original intent: it led to even more regulatory fragmentation within the EU. This was first identified in a 2006 report, co-authored by Hartmann, which cited significant divergence in the national implementations of the EU directive (Hartmann & Hartmann-Vareilles, 2006). France was found to have the strictest regime, in which all trials including those involving cosmetics were rigorously supervised.The directive actually had the opposite effect from the original intent: it led to even more regulatory fragmentation within the EUThis divergence still exists. “Basically, the lack of harmonisation has not been resolved, as the Clinical Trials Directive has been transposed into national legislation in the form of laws, ordinances and rules of implementation that still differ in so many procedural and technical aspects,” said Hartmann.Moreover, although the 2001 directive underlined maintaining current levels of patient protection, Hartmann argued that it has done little if anything to improve safety. “Do not forget the TeGenero disaster with compound TGN1412, tested in spring 2006 in a Northern London hospital,” he said. “This was Europe''s largest clinical research catastrophe so far and happened in the UK, after the UK switched from a very liberal trial notification system, where phase I trials with healthy volunteers were even exempted from notification or authorisation, to the provisions laid down by the Clinical Trials Directive.”These problems have now been acknowledged by both national governments and the EU itself, according to Liselotte Højgaard, chair of the Standing Committee of the European Medical Research Councils, and a medical imaging specialist at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. “We have had very many meetings in Brussels about the issue […] and in the last year the EU has become convinced it is a problem,” she said. As a result the directive is going to be redrafted well before it runs its full 20-year course. “We have been invited to help them draft a new directive,” said Højgaard. “That is a major achievement.”The aim is to learn from previous mistakes and frame the new document to encourage harmonization and a reduction in bureaucracy and paperwork. “We must make it easier to implement in each member state,” commented Højgaard, who added that the approval process also needs to be streamlined so that clinical trial teams do not have to repeat the same steps at different stages of the approvals process. “One of the things we are thinking about here in Denmark is whether we can make a one-stop-shop approvals process so you don''t have to go in and send an application to the medicinal agency, and also to the ethical committee, and also to clinicaltrials.gov,” said Højgaard. She hopes this new structure will be in place by the time Denmark holds the EU presidency in early 2012, and will encourage the rest of Europe to adopt a similar approach.The aim is to learn from previous mistakes and frame the new document to encourage harmonization and a reduction in bureaucracy and paperworkHartmann also acknowledges progress on the harmonization front. He cited the Voluntary Harmonisation Procedure (VHP), which was introduced in early 2009 by a network of national authorities, the Clinical Trials Facilitation Group (CTFG). It was set up precisely to coordinate implementation of the 2001/20 directive across EU member states, with little success at first. Now, the VHP allows applicants to submit protocols for trials to be conducted in many EU countries to the respective authorities, which agree on an assessment. “Then in a subsequent step, the applicant can submit the protocol to the national authorities for authorisation,” said Hartmann. “The VHP pilot aims to prevent divergent outcomes in the trial authorisation process, for example when a protocol approved in one country is blocked in another country.”These developments could eventually lead to a Europe-wide agency dedicated to clinical research regulation, along the same lines as the European Research Council for fundamental research, which Højgaard described as a great success. Such an agency would organize trials across the whole continent through a single streamlined approvals process, thereby covering a population of 500 million people.Attempts to amend the EU 2001 directive have also been welcomed by big funding bodies such as the Wellcome Trust in the UK, a charitable foundation that funds medical and clinical research globally. “We recently issued a response to a public consultation paper from the European Commission, Assessment Of The Functioning Of The “Clinical Trials Directive” 2001/20/EC, in which we highlighted areas where the Directive could be streamlined to reduce bureaucracy, while maintaining an appropriate regulatory framework,” said David Lynn, Head of Strategic Planning and Policy at the Wellcome Trust. “We would like to see a more risk-based approach to regulation of clinical trials, a rationalisation of the multiple layers of bureaucracy and the approvals process.”Bureaucracy notwithstanding, a fundamental problem is finding the right balance between risks associated with different drugs or therapies. The 2001 directive has instead led to a one-size-fits-all approach, according to Stewart. “Part of the work we''ve been doing at the level of the UK Clinical Research Consortium is to look at risk–benefit analysis, so that you have a lower level of regulation on some things and higher on others that are unproven.” If, for example, an existing drug turns out to be effective against a disease for which it was not originally developed, it would not be necessary to conduct thorough safety trials. This was the case with aspirin, initially developed as a pain killer over a century ago, which also protects against both vascular disease and bowel cancer (ATT Collaboration, 2009; Din et al, 2010). During these trials, safety was still an issue as the drug was being used in a different context, but, even so, it was clear that acute side effects were highly unlikely.Bureaucracy notwithstanding, a fundamental problem is finding the right balance between risks associated with different drugs or therapiesWhile medical regulations in Europe err on the side of safety, they do little to regulate and harmonise the reporting of results after trials have occurred. The results from many clinical trials are never published as they fall victim to reporting bias for various reasons, notably because the pharmaceutical companies providing funding have an interest in promoting results favourable to their products and suppressing negative findings. A recent study by the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) in Cologne, Germany, confirmed widespread publication bias in the past, which harmed patients through under-reporting of side effects (McGauran et al, 2010).“The most prominent example of harm caused by publication bias is probably the case of Class I anti-arrhythmic drugs,” said Beate Wieseler, deputy head of IQWiG''s Drug Assessment Department. In this 1980 trial, 9 of 49 patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction who were treated with a class I anti-arrhythmic drug (lorcainide) died, compared with only one patient in the placebo group, and yet the investigators ludicrously dismissed this as chance (Cowley et al, 1993). The results of the trial were not published until 1993 and, although the development of lorcainide was discontinued for commercial reasons, the investigators concluded that as a result of this delay in publication, the continuing use of class I drugs had led to several unnecessary deaths.By the same token, ineffective drugs have sometimes gained market approval after over-reporting of their benefits, in some cases ignoring other, more negative, studies. Wieseler and colleagues found that studies reporting positive results for a particular drug were published in higher impact journals and were more likely to be picked up by other publications and the mass media.Many cases of reporting bias, especially involving suppression of negative results, occurred 10 or more years ago. According to Stewart the situation has improved, although he concedes that, almost inevitably, journals will be drawn towards positive results given the increasing competition for readers and advertisers. “Whether publication bias goes on to the same extent now is debatable,” said Stewart, pointing out that clinical trials now have to be registered in Europe and the USA so that the data is public, even if it is not published in a journal.There will inevitably be some risk of bias in research funded by pharmaceutical companies, which, after all, are in the business to make money. It is therefore important to support ‘investigator-driven'' trials that are independent of any company, and it is here that the Wellcome Trust has an important role. “The Wellcome Trust supports the proposal for Investigator Driven Clinical Trials as joint collaborations across Europe,” said Lynn. “We fund academic clinical trials, which are usually independent of drug company interests.”Independent money for academic clinical trials has indeed been more crucial during the past few years, since the EU 2001/20 directive tends to favour research funded by drug companies with the money and resources to overcome the increasingly high bureaucratic hurdles. Lynn commented that universities had not been well served by recent legislation. “Academic institutions are less-well resourced and equipped than commercial sponsors to deal with the bureaucratic burden imposed by the Directive,” he said.In some cases these burdens have caused even young scientists to give up on promising research because they cannot stomach the paperwork involved…In some cases these burdens have caused even young scientists to give up on promising research because they cannot stomach the paperwork involved, according to Højgaard. “For the first time in my life as a boss, I had the experience when I came in to a morning conference and asked one of the young consultants ‘shouldn''t we do a clinical study on this'' and he said ‘no I simply haven''t got the energy for all this paper workload''.” This experience spurred her to lobby for change. Critics such as Højgaard and others therefore hope that the redrafting of the amendment and the ensuing changes in national legislation will liberate European medical research from the regulatory shackles that have held it back.  相似文献   

This “news and comment” report on the recent annual meeting of the American Medical Association was written by Mr. Ed Clancy, director of public relations of the California Medical Association.  相似文献   

In his plenary session entitled Five Questions on the Future, Harvard anthropologist Arthur Kleinman capitalized on the 2009 Society for Medical Anthropology Conference’s theme of Medical Anthropology at the Intersections to speculate on the future of the discipline.As he reflects on the field of anthropology, which had lacked theory, ethnography, and strong ties to public health and medicine, Harvard anthropologist Arthur Kleinman celebrates the accomplishments made by his contemporaries by saying, “My generation has made medical anthropology what it is today.” However, he is now looking to the future of the discipline, saying it must re-examine itself as a field.During the 2009 Society for Medical Anthropology Conference at Yale University, Kleinman capitalized on the theme of Medical Anthropology at the Intersections in his plenary session entitled Five Questions on the Future. Casting the conference itself as a kind of intersection, Kleinman not only lauded its size and diversity, but asserted that it marked a pivotal moment in which medical anthropology must re-evaluate its central questions.  相似文献   

The Public Relations Committee of the California Medical Association recognizes that medical public relations is a reflection of every event in each doctor''s office, every action or inaction of each medical society and every public utterance of each doctor speaking officially or unofficially. The importance of good medical public relations has been emphasized repeatedly through the years in various actions of the Council and the House of Delegates of the California Medical Association.The goal of the medical profession is, through all its activities, including public relations, to achieve and preserve the best medical care for every individual.  相似文献   

Yaari G  Eisenmann S 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e24532
The long lasting debate initiated by Gilovich, Vallone and Tversky in is revisited: does a “hot hand” phenomenon exist in sports? Hereby we come back to one of the cases analyzed by the original study, but with a much larger data set: all free throws taken during five regular seasons () of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Evidence supporting the existence of the “hot hand” phenomenon is provided. However, while statistical traces of this phenomenon are observed in the data, an open question still remains: are these non random patterns a result of “success breeds success” and “failure breeds failure” mechanisms or simply “better” and “worse” periods? Although free throws data is not adequate to answer this question in a definite way, we speculate based on it, that the latter is the dominant cause behind the appearance of the “hot hand” phenomenon in the data.  相似文献   

B K Hennen 《CMAJ》1993,148(9):1559-1563
Fifty years ago family practice in Canada had no academic presence. Stimulated by a number of general practitioners and with the support of the Canadian Medical Association, the College of General Practitioners of Canada (CGPC) was founded in 1954. In 1962, conferences on education for general practice attended by the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges and the CGPC led to pilot postgraduate residencies in family practice supported by Department of National Health and Welfare. The first certification examination was held in 1969 and, by 1974, all Canadian medical schools had a family medicine residency program. Today departments of family medicine contribute substantially to undergraduate education in all 16 schools. In Canada, the medical profession, governments and the medical schools have demonstrated the importance they place on appropriate education for family physicians.  相似文献   

Charlotte Gray 《CMAJ》1996,154(4):541-543
All parts of Canada''s health care system are facing fiscal pressures these days, but they are particularly great at Canada''s medical schools. However, Dr. David Hawkins of the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges is optimistic that all 16 of Canada''s medical schools will remain open, mainly because of the huge impact they have on health care in their local communities. “We don''t just turn out students — we raise the standard of health care in a whole community,” he says.  相似文献   

Wolinsky H 《EMBO reports》2011,12(2):107-109
Considering a patient''s ethnic background can make some diagnoses easier. Yet, ‘racial profiling'' is a highly controversial concept and might soon be replaced by the advent of individualized medicine.In 2005, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA; Bethesda, MD, USA) approved BiDil—a combination of vasodilators to treat heart failure—and hailed it as the first drug to specifically treat an ethnic group. “Approval of a drug to treat severe heart failure in self-identified black population is a striking example of how a treatment can benefit some patients even if it does not help all patients,” announced Robert Temple, the FDA''s Director of Medical Policy. “The information presented to the FDA clearly showed that blacks suffering from heart failure will now have an additional safe and effective option for treating their condition” (Temple & Stockbridge, 2007). Even the National Medical Association—the African-American version of the American Medical Association—advocated the drug, which was developed by NitroMed, Inc. (Lexington, MA, USA). A new era in medicine based on racial profiling seemed to be in the offing.By January 2008, however, the ‘breakthrough'' had gone bust. NitroMed shut down its promotional campaign for BiDil—a combination of the vasodilators isosorbide dinitrate, which affects arteries and veins, and hydralazine hydrochloride, which predominantly affects arteries. In 2009, it sold its BiDil interests and was itself acquired by another pharmaceutical company.In the meantime, critics had largely discredited the efforts of NitroMed, thereby striking a blow against the drug if not the concept of racial profiling or race-based medicine. Jonathan Kahn, a historian and law professor at Hamline University (St Paul, MN, USA), described the BiDil strategy as “a leap to genetics.” He demonstrated that NitroMed, motivated to extend its US patent scheduled to expire in 2007, purported to discover an advantage for a subpopulation of self-identified black people (Kahn, 2009). He noted that NitroMed conducted a race-specific trial to gain FDA approval, but, as there were no comparisons with other populations, it never had conclusive data to show that BiDil worked in black people differently from anyone else.“If you want to understand heart failure, you look at heart failure, and if you want to understand racial disparities in conditions such as heart failure or hypertension, there is much to look at that has nothing to do with genetics,” Kahn said, adding “that jumping to race as a genetic construct is premature at best and reckless generally in practice.” The USA, he explained, has a century-old tradition of marketing to racial and ethnic groups. “BiDil brought to the fore the notion that you can have ethnic markets not only in things like cigarettes and food, but also in pharmaceuticals,” Kahn commented.“BiDil brought to the fore the notion that you can have ethnic markets not only in things like cigarettes and food, but also in pharmaceuticals”However, despite BiDil''s failure, the search for race-based therapies and diagnostics is not over. “What I have found is an increasing, almost exponential, rise in the use of racial and ethnic categories in biotechnology-related patents,” Kahn said. “A lot of these products are still in the pipeline. They''re still patent applications, they''re not out on the market yet so it''s hard to know how they''ll play out.”The growing knowledge of the human genome is also providing new opportunities to market medical products aimed at specific ethnic groups. The first bumpy steps were taken with screening for genetic risk factors for breast cancers. Myriad Genetics (Salt Lake City, UT, USA) holds broad patents in the USA for breast-cancer screening tests that are based on mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, but it faced challenges in Europe, where critics raised concerns about the high costs of screening.The growing knowledge of the human genome is also providing new opportunities to market medical products aimed at specific ethnic groupsThe European Patent Office initially granted Myriad patents for the BRCA1 and BRCA2-based tests in 2001, after years of debate. But it revoked the patent on BRCA1 in 2005, which was again reversed in 2009. In 2005 Myriad decided to narrow the scope of BRCA2 testing on the basis of ethnicity. The company won a patent to predict breast-cancer risk in Ashkenazi Jewish women on the basis of BRCA2 mutations, which occur in one in 100 of these women. Physicians offering the test are supposed to ask their patients whether they are in this ethnic group, and then pay a fee to Myriad.Kahn said Myriad took this approach to package the test differently in order to protect its financial interests. However, he commented, the idea of ethnic profiling by asking women whether they identify themselves as Ashkenazi Jewish and then paying extra for an ‘ethnic'' medical test did not work in Europe. “It''s ridiculous,” Kahn commented.After the preliminary sequence of the human genome was published a decade ago, experts noted that humans were almost the same genetically, implying that race was irrelevant. In fact, the validity of race as a concept in science—let alone the use of the word—has been hotly debated. “Race, inasmuch as the concept ought to be used at all, is a social concept, not a biological one. And using it as though it were a biological one is as a much an ethical problem as a scientific problem,” commented Samia Hurst, a physician and bioethicist at Geneva University Medical School in Switzerland.Switzerland.Open in a separate window© Monalyn Gracia/CorbisCiting a popular slogan: “There is no gene for race,” she noted, “there doesn''t seem to be a single cluster of genes that fits with identification within an ethnic group, let alone with disease risks as well. We''re also in an increasingly mixed world where many people—and I count myself among them—just don''t know what to check on the box. If you start counting up your grandparents and end up with four different ethnic groups, what are you going to do? So there are an increasing number of people who just don''t fit into those categories at all.”Still, some dismiss criticism of racial profiling as political correctness that could potentially prevent patients from receiving proper care. Sally Satel, a psychiatrist in Washington, DC, USA, does not shy away from describing herself as a racially profiling physician and argues that it is good medicine. A commentator and resident scholar at the nonpartisan conservative think tank, the American Enterprise Institute (Washington, DC, USA), Satel wrote the book PC, M.D.: How Political Correctness is Corrupting Medicine. “In practicing medicine, I am not color blind. I take note of my patient''s race. So do many of my colleagues,” she wrote in a New York Times article entitled “I am a racially profiling doctor” (Satel, 2002).…some dismiss criticism of racial profiling as political correctness that could potentially prevent patients from receiving proper careSatel noted in an interview that it is an undeniable fact that black people tend to have more renal disease, Native Americans have more diabetes and white people have more cystic fibrosis. She said these differences can help doctors to decide which drugs to prescribe at which dose and could potentially lead researchers to discover new therapies on the basis of race.Satel added that the mention of race and medicine makes many people nervous. “You can dispel that worry by taking pains to specify biological lineage. Simply put, members of a group have more genes in common than members of the population at large. Some day geneticists hope to be able to conduct genomic profiles of each individual, making group identity irrelevant, but until then, race-based therapeutics has its virtues,” she said. “Denying the relationship between race and medicine flies in the face of clinical reality, and pretending that we are all at equal risk for health problems carries its own dangers.”However, Hurst contended that this approach may be good epidemiology, rather than racial profiling. Physicians therefore need to be cautious about using skin colour, genomic data and epidemiological data in decision making. “If African Americans are at a higher risk for hypertension, are you not going to check for hypertension in white people? You need to check in everyone in any case,” she commented.Hurst said European physicians, similarly to their American colleagues, deal with race and racial profiling, albeit in a different way. “The way in which we struggle with it is strongly determined by the history behind what could be called the biases that we have. If you have been a colonial power, if the past is slavery or if the past or present is immigration, it does change some things,” she said. “On the other hand, you always have the difficulty of doing fair and good medicine in a social situation that has a kind of ‘them and us'' structure. Because you''re not supposed to do medicine in a ‘them and us'' structure, you''re supposed to treat everyone according to their medical needs and not according to whether they''re part of ‘your tribe'' or ‘another tribe''.”Indeed, social factors largely determine one''s health, rather than ethnic or genetic factors. August A. White III, an African-American orthopaedic surgeon at Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA, USA) and author of the book Seeing Patients: Unconscious Bias In Health Care, noted that race is linked to disparities in health care in the USA. A similar point can be made in Europe where, for example, Romani people face discrimination in several countries.White said that although genetic research shows that race is not a scientific concept, the way people are labelled in society and how they are treated needs to be taken into account. “It''d be wonderful at some point if we can pop one''s key genetic information into a computer and get a printout of which medications are best of them and which doses are best for them,” he commented. “In the meantime though, I advocate careful operational attempts to treat everyone as human beings and to value everyone''s life, not devalue old people, or devalue women, or devalue different religious faiths, etc.”Notwithstanding the scientific denunciation, a major obstacle for the concept of racial profiling has been the fact that the word ‘race'' itself is politically loaded, as a result of, among other things, the baggage of eugenics and Nazi racism and the legacies of slavery and colonialism. Richard Tutton, a sociologist at Lancaster University in the UK, said that British scientists he interviewed for a Wellcome Trust project a few years ago prefer the term ethnicity to race. “Race is used in a legal sense in relation to inequality, but certainly otherwise, ethnicity is the preferred term, which obviously is different to the US” he said. “I remember having conversations with German academics and obviously in Germany you couldn''t use the R-word.”Jan Helge Solbakk, a physician, theologian and medical ethicist at the University of Oslo in Norway, said the use of the term race in Europe is a non-starter because it makes it impossible for the public and policy-makers to communicate. “I think in Europe it would be politically impossible to launch a project targeting racial differences on the genetic level. The challenge is to find not just a more politically correct concept, but a genetically more accurate concept and to pursue such research questions,” he said. According to Kahn, researchers therefore tend to refer to ethnicity rather than race: “They''re talking about European, Asian and African, but they''re referring to it as ethnicity instead of race because they think somehow that''s more palatable.”Regardless, race-based medicine might just be a stepping stone towards more refined and accurate methods, with the advent of personalized medicine based on genomics, according to Leroy Hood, whose work has helped to develop tools to analyse the human genome. The focus of his company—the Institute for Systems Biology (Seattle, WA, USA)—is to identify genetic variants that can inform and help patients to pioneer individualized health care.“Race as a concept is disappearing with interbreeding,” Hood said. “Race distinction is going to slowly fade away. We can use it now because we have signposts for race, which are colour, fairness, kinkiness of hair, but compared to a conglomeration of things that define a race, those are very few features. The race-defining features are going to be segregating away from one another more and more as the population becomes racially heterogeneous, so I think it''s going to become a moot point.”Hood instead advocates “4P” health care—“Predictive, Personalized, Preventive and Participatory.” “My overall feeling about the race-based correlations is that it is far more important to think about the individual and their individual unique spectra of health and wellness,” he explained. “I think we are not going to deal in the future with racial or ethnic populations, rather medicine of the future is going to be focused entirely on the individual.”Yet, Arthur Caplan, Director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA), is skeptical about the prospects for both race-based and personalized medicine. “Race-based medicine will play a minor role over the next few years in health care because race is a minor factor in health,” he said. “It''s not like we have a group of people who keel over dead at 40 who are in the same ethnic group.”Caplan also argued that establishing personalized genomic medicine in a decade is a pipe dream. “The reason I say that is it''s not just the science,” he explained. “You have to redo the whole health-care system to make that possible. You have to find manufacturers who can figure out how to profit from personalized medicine who are both in Europe and the United States. You have to have doctors that know how to prescribe them. It''s a big, big revamping. That''s not going to happen in 10 years.”Hood, however, is more optimistic and plans to advance the concept with pilot projects; he believes that Europe might be the better testing ground. “I think the European systems are much more efficient for pioneering personalized medicine than the United States because the US health-care system is utterly chaotic. We have every combination of every kind of health care and health delivery. We have no common shared vision,” he said. “In the end we may well go to Europe to persuade a country to really undertake this. The possibility of facilitating a revolution in health care is greater in Europe than in the United States.”  相似文献   

Ghana is a developing country in West Africa with a population of about 25 million. Medical illnesses in Ghana overlap with those in developed countries, but infection, trauma, and women’s health problems are much more prominent. Medical practice in rural Africa faces extremely limited resources, a multiplicity of languages (hundreds in Ghana), and presentation of severe illnesses at later stages than seen elsewhere. Despite these limitations, Ghana has established a relatively successful national medical insurance system, and the quality of medical practice is high, at least where it is available. Ghana also has a well-established and sophisticated administrative structure for the supervision of medical education and accreditation, but it has proven very difficult to extend medical training to rural areas, where health care facilities are particularly short of personnel. Physicians are sorely needed in rural areas, but there are few because of the working conditions and financial limitations. Hospital wards and clinics are crowded; time per patient is limited. This article details some of the differences between medical practice in Ghana and that in wealthier countries and how it functions with very limited resources. It also introduces the medical education and training system in Ghana. The following article describes an attempt to establish and maintain a residency training program in General Medicine in a rural area of Ghana.  相似文献   

Howard Wolinsky 《EMBO reports》2013,14(10):871-873
Will the US Supreme Court''s ruling that genes can no longer be patented in the USA boost venture capital investment into biotech and medical startup companies?Three years ago, Noubar Afeyan, managing partner and CEO of Flagship Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, was working with a biotech start-up company developing techniques for BRCA gene testing for breast cancer risk that avoided the patents held by Myriad Genetics, a molecular diagnostics company in Salt Lake City (Utah, USA) and the only operator in the field. However, despite the promise of the start-up''s techniques, investors were put off by Myriad''s extensive patent portfolio and fiercely defensive tactics: “A lot of investors were simply not willing to take that chance, even though our technology was superior in many ways and patentably different,” Afeyan said. The effort to launch the start-up ultimately failed.…it is also not clear how the Supreme Court''s ruling will affect the […] industry at large, now that one of the most contested patents for a human gene has been ruled invalidAfeyan believes the prospects for such start-ups improved on the morning of 13 June 2013 when the US Supreme Court ruled in an unanimous vote that Myriad''s fundamental patents on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes themselves are invalid, opening up the field to new competitors. The court''s ruling, however, validated Myriad''s patents for BRCA cDNA and methods-of-use.The court''s decision comes at a time when venture capital investment into the life sciences is projected to decline in the years ahead. Some believe that the court''s decision sets a precedent and could provide a boost for products, diagnostics and other tests under development that would have been legally difficult in the light of existing patents on human and other DNA sequences.The US Patent Office issued the original patents for the BRCA 1 and BRCA2 genes in 1997 and 1998 for the US National Institute of Environmental Health Services, the University of Utah and Myriad Genetics. One year earlier, Myriad had launched its first diagnostic test for breast cancer risk based on the two genes and has since aggressively defended it against both private and public competitors in court. Many universities and hospitals were originally offering the test for a lower cost, but Myriad forced them to stop and eventually monopolized BRCA-based diagnostics for breast cancer risk in the USA and several other countries.“Myriad did not create anything,” Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in the Supreme Court''s decision. “To be sure, it found an important and useful gene, but separating that gene from its surrounding genetic material is not an act of invention.” Even so, the court did uphold Myriad''s patents on the methodology of its test. Ron Rogers, a spokesman for the biotech firm, said the Supreme Court had “affirmed the patent eligibility of synthetic DNA and underscored the importance and applicability of method-of-use patents for gene-based diagnostic tests. Before the Supreme Court case we had 24 patents and 520 claims. After the Supreme Court decision, we still have 24 patents. […] [T]he number of our patent claims was reduced to 515. In the Supreme Court case itself, only nine of our 520 patent claims were at issue. Of the nine, the Supreme Court ruled that five were not patent-eligible and they ruled that four were patent-eligible. We still have strong intellectual property protection surrounding our BRCA test and the Supreme Court''s decision doesn''t change that.”Within hours of the ruling, capitalism kicked into high gear. Two companies, Ambry Genetics in Alieso Viejo, California, and Gene by Gene Ltd in Houston, Texas, USA, announced that they were launching tests for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes for less than the US$3,100 Myriad has been charging privately insured patients and US$2,795 for patients covered by Medicare—the government health plan for the elderly and disabled. Several other companies and universities also announced they would be offering BRCA testing.Entrepreneur Bennett Greenspan, a managing partner of Gene by Gene, explained that his company had been poised to offer BRCA testing if the Supreme Court ruled against Myriad. He said, “We had written a press release with our PR firm a month before the release of the Supreme Court with the intention that if the Supreme Court overruled the patent or invalidated the patent that we would launch right away and if they didn''t, we would just tear up the press release.” His company had previously offered BRCA gene testing in Israel based on guidelines from the European Union.Myriad Genetics has not given up defending its patents, however. On 9 and 10 July 2013, it slapped Ambry and Gene by Gene with lawsuits in the US District Court in Salt Lake City for allegedly infringing on patents covering synthetic DNA and methods-of-use related to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Rogers commented that the testing processes used by the firms “infringes 10 patents covering synthetic primers, probes and arrays, as well as methods of testing, related to the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.”On 6 August 2013, Ambry countersued Myriad, arguing that the company “continues a practice of using overreaching practices to wrongfully monopolize the diagnostic testing of humans'' BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in the United States and to attempt to injure any competitor […] Due to Myriad''s anticompetitive conduct, customers must pay significantly higher prices for Myriad''s products in the relevant market, often nearly twice as high as the price of Ambry''s products and those of other competitors” [1].Just as the courts will have to clarify whether the competitors in this case infringe on Myriad''s patents, it is also not clear how the Supreme Court''s ruling will affect the biotech and diagnostics industry at large, now that one of the most contested patents for a human gene has been ruled invalid. In recent years, venture capital investment into the life sciences has been in decline. The National Venture Capital Association and the Medical Innovation & Competitiveness Coalition reported from a survey that, “An estimated funding loss of half a billion dollars over the next three years will cost America jobs at a time when we desperately need employment growth” [2]. The survey of 156 venture capital firms found that 39% of respondents said they had reduced investment in the life sciences during the previous three years, and the same proportion intended to do so in the next three years. “[US Food and Drug Administration] FDA regulatory challenges were identified as having the highest impact on these investment decisions,” the report states, adding that many investors intended to shift their focus from the US towards Europe and the Asia/Pacific region.Another report from the same groups explains how public policy involving the FDA and other players in “the medical innovation ecosystem”—including the US patent system, public agencies, tax policy, securities regulation, immigration laws and private groups such as insurers—affect the decisions of investors to commit to funding medical innovation [3].Some investors think that the court decision about the patentability of human DNA will increase confidence and help to attract investors back to the life sciencesSome investors think that the court decision about the patentability of human DNA will increase confidence and help to attract investors back to the life sciences. “The clarity is helpful because for the longest time people didn''t do things because of ambiguity about whether those patents would be enforceable,” Afeyan said. “It''s one thing to not do something because of a patent, it''s another to not do something because you know that they have patents but you''re not sure what it''s going to stop you from doing because it hasn''t been really fully fleshed out. Now I think it is reasonably well fleshed out and I think you will see more innovation in the space.”Others also appreciate the clarification from the Supreme Court about what is a patentable invention in regard to human genes and DNA. “The Myriad decision was a very solid reading of the underlying purpose of our patent law, which is to reward novel invention,” commented Patrick Chung, a partner with New Enterprise Associates, a venture capital firm in Menlo Park, California, which invested in 23andMe, a personal genomics company based in Mountain View (California, USA), and who serves on the 23andMe board.But not everyone agrees that the Supreme Court''s decision has provided clarity. “You could spin it and say that it was beneficial to create some certainty, but at the end of the day, what the Court did was reduce the scope of what you''re allowed to get patent claims on,” said Michael Schuster, a patent lawyer and Intellectual Property Partner and Co-Chair of the Life Sciences Group at Fenwick & West LLP in San Francisco, California, USA. “It''s going to be a continuing dance between companies, smart patent lawyers, and the courts to try to minimize the impact of this decision.”Kevin Noonan, a molecular biologist and patent lawyer with McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP in Chicago, Illinois, USA, commented that he does not expect the Supreme Court decision will have much of an impact on venture investments or anything else. “This case comes at a time fortunately when biotechnology is mature enough so that the more pernicious effects of the decision are not going to be quite as harmful as they would if this had happened ten, 15 or 20 years ago,” he said. “We''re now in the ‘post-genomic'' era; since the late ‘90s and turn of the century, the genomic and genetic data from the Human Genome Project have been on publicly available databases. As a consequence, if a company didn''t apply for a patent before the gene was disclosed publicly, it certainly is not able to apply for a patent now. The days of obtaining these sequences and trying to patent them are behind us.”Noonan also noted that the Myriad Genetics patents were due to expire in 2014–2015 anyway. “Patents are meaningless if you can''t enforce them. And when they expire, you can no longer enforce them. So it really isn''t an impediment to genetic testing now,” he explained. “What the case illustrates is a disconnect between scientists and lawyers. That''s an old battle.”George Church, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School (Boston, Massachusetts, USA) and Director of the Personal Genome Project, maintains that the Supreme Court decision will have minimal influence on the involvement of venture capitalists in biotech. “I think it''s a non-issue. It''s basically addressing something that was already dead. That particular method of patenting or trying to patent components of nature without modification was never really a viable strategy and in a particular case of genes, most of the patents in the realm of bio-technology have added value to genes and that''s what they depend on to protect their patent portfolio—not the concept of the gene itself,” he said. “I don''t know of any investor who is freaked out by this at all. Presumably there are some, because the stock oscillates. But you can get stock to oscillate with all kinds of nonsense. But I think the sober, long-term investors who create companies that keep innovating are not impacted.”Church suggests that the biggest concern for Myriad now is whole-gene sequencing, rather than the Supreme Court''s decision. “Myriad should be worrying about the new technology, and I''m sure they''ve already considered this. The new technology allows you to sequence hundreds of genes or the whole genome for basically the price they''ve been charging all along for two genes. And from what I understand, they are expanding their collection to many genes, taking advantage of next generation sequencing as other companies have already,” he said.Whatever its consequences in the US, the Supreme Court''s decision will have little impact on other parts of the world, notably Europe, where Myriad also holds patents on the BRCA genes in several countries. Gert Matthijs, Head of the Laboratory for Molecular Diagnostics at the Centre for Human Genetics in Leuven, Belgium, says that even though the US Supreme Court has invalidated the principle of patenting genes in America, the concept remains in Europe and is supported by the European Parliament and the European Patent Convention. “Legally, nothing has changed in Europe,” he commented. “But there is some authority from the US Supreme Court even if it''s not legal authority in Europe. Much of what has been used as arguments in the Supreme Court discussions has been written down by the genetics community in Europe back in 2008 in the recommendations on behalf of the European Society for Human Genetics. The Supreme Court decision is something that most of us in Europe would agree upon only because people have been pushing towards protecting the biotech industry that the pendulum was so way out in Europe.”Benjamin Jackson, Senior Director of legal affairs at Myriad Genetics, commented that Myriad holds several patents in Europe that are not likely to be affected by the Supreme Court''s ruling. “The patent situation both generally and for Myriad is a lot clearer in Europe. The European Union Biotech Directive very clearly says that isolated DNA is patentable even if it shares the same sequence as natural DNA,” he said. “Right now, it''s pretty uncontroversial, or at least it''s well settled law basically in Europe that isolated DNA is patentable.” However, while the Directive states that “biological material which is isolated from its natural environment or produced by means of a technical process” might be patentable “even if it previously occurred in nature”, the European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich, Germany, requires that the subject matter is an inventive step and not just an obvious development of existing technology and that the industrial application and usefulness must be disclosed in the application.Myriad has opened a headquarters in Zurich and a lab in Munich during the past year, hoping to make inroads in Europe. In some EU countries, Myriad offers its BRCA test as part of cancer diagnosis. In other countries, BRCA testing is conducted at a fraction of what Myriad charges in the USA, either because institutions ignore the patents that are not enforced in their jurisdictions, or because these countries, such as Belgium, were not included in the patent granted by the European Patent Office. Moreover, in various countries BRCA testing is only available through the healthcare system and only as part of a more extensive diagnosis of cancer risk. In addition, as Matthijs commented, “[t]he healthcare system in Europe is very heterogeneous and that''s also of course a big impediment for a big laboratory to try and conquer Europe because you have to go through different reimbursement policies in different countries and that''s not easy.”Ultimately, it seems the Supreme Court''s decision might turn out to have little impact on biotech firms in either the USA or Europe. Technological advances, in particular new sequencing technologies, might render the issue of patenting individual genes increasingly irrelevant.  相似文献   

In May 1964 the Royal Commission on Health Services declared that “health research is essential to health progress”. However, since that time the means of providing adequate health care have received far less attention than have methods of payment for physicians'' services. Because medical education and research is the source from which all other health benefits flow, urgent attention must be paid to the adequate support of teacher-scientists, as set forth in the Woods, Gordon (Gundy) report. It is the numbers and quality of these men and women, more than any other factor, that will determine the shape of medical science and, hence, medical practice in Canada in the future. Expensive as it is, Canadian medicine and Canadian medical scientists must have generous support if medical care in this country is to be of high quality.  相似文献   

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