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The behaviour of sharp-shinned hawks (Accipiter striatus) confronted by water barriers was examined during fall migration at Cape May Point, new Jersey (Delaware Bay) and during spring migration at Whitefish Point, Michigan (Lake Suerior). Both study sites were at the end of long peninsulas where hawks must either cross approximately 18–24 km of water or fly hundreds of kilometres around the water barriers. Sharp-shinned hawks readily crossed at both sites when winds lateral (perpendicular) to crossing directions were light, but rarely when winds were strong, suggesting that the preferred to cross when the potential for being blown off course was minimal. A greater proportion of hawks also crossed when flight at the shoreline was at high as opposed to low altitudes, and when land on the opposite side of the water barrier was visible. At Cape May, hawks compensated for lateral winds of up to 6 m/s during flights over water, although very few birds attempted to cross when lateral winds exceeded 5 m/s. At Whitefish, hawks compensated only partially for lateral winds. The difference in realized flight direction between sites was attributable to differing topographies, not to a difference in the hawks' ability to compensate for lateral wind. It was hypothesized that there is a threshold for drift at lateral winds between 5 and 8 m/s for sharp-shinned hawks using powered flight over water.  相似文献   

Intraspecific migration patterns in birds have both spatial and temporal components. Two commonly reported spatial patterns are leap-frog and chain migration. Temporal migration patterns refer to the timing of migration of populations from different breeding latitudes. We investigated the spatial and temporal migration patterns of hatching-year (HY) sharp-shinned hawks Accipiter striatus of interior North America using stable-hydrogen isotope and band encounter analyses. Feather samples were collected from hawks migrating through New Mexico, USA and measured for their stable-hydrogen isotope ratios (δD) to distinguish individuals originating from relatively high and low natal latitudes. We then examined the relationship between feather δD values and passage dates through New Mexico, USA. We also gathered band encounter data from the Bird Banding Lab of the United States Geological Survey to determine the wintering latitudes of HY sharp-shinned hawks relative to their passage date through migration banding sites in interior North America. Combining these data, we found that during fall migration HY sharp-shinned hawks used a chain migration pattern, that is, hawks originating from lower latitudes wintered further south than those from higher latitudes. In addition, birds originating from lower latitudes passed through interior North America earlier than those from higher latitudes. We also found that hawks from higher latitudes were significantly larger than those from lower latitudes, and that females from higher latitudes had significantly higher estimated fat levels than females from lower latitudes.  相似文献   

W. John  Richardson 《Ibis》1974,116(2):172-193
Migration over Puerto Rico was recorded by time-lapse filming of the display of a long-range surveillance radar on 40 days and 37 nights in the period 2 March-29 May 1971. Moderate density movements occurred every night; low density movements occurred on most days. Many birds, primarily passerines, took off from Puerto Rico each evening at 20–45 minutes after sunset.
Almost all birds flew to the west, NW or north. Birds were seen approaching from the direction of the Windward Islands and Venezuela, over Puerto Rico, and departing towards the Bahamas and eastern coast of the U.S. Uni- and multivariate analyses showed that the number of birds departing W-N each evening was positively correlated with following winds.
There is less night-to-night variation in the amount of migration at Puerto Rico than in eastern North America. However, this is apparently the result of less variable weather in the tropics, not the result of any lesser degree of meteorological selectivity by the migrants.
The tracks of the birds were correlated with wind direction. Birds moved WNW-NW with NE side winds but NW-NNW with SE following winds. The tracks were rarely exactly downwind. The variance amongst the directions of individual birds at any given time was usually small and not correlated with cloud cover or magnetic disturbances. The estimated headings of the birds varied from day to day in a pattern suggesting adjustment of headings to compensate at least partially for lateral wind drift.
In autumn many birds approach Puerto Rico from the north or even east of north; in spring few birds moved in the opposite directions. This difference in routes takes advantage of prevailing wind patterns.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of the mitochondrial control region were analysed from 298 individual sharp-shinned hawks (Accipiter striatus velox) sampled at 12 different migration study sites across North America. The control region proved to be an appropriate genetic marker for identification of continental-scale population genetic structure and for determining the historical demography of population units. These data suggest that sharp-shinned hawks sampled at migration sites in North America are divided into distinct eastern and western groups. The eastern group appears to have recently expanded in response to the retreat of glacial ice at the end of the last glacial maximum. The western group appears to have been strongly effected by the Holocene Hypsithermal dry period, with molecular evidence indicating the most recent expansion following this mid-Holocene climatic event 7000-5000 years before present.  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the primary assumptions associated with many wildlife and population trend studies is that target species are correctly identified. This assumption may not always be valid, particularly for species similar in appearance to co-occurring species. We examined size overlap and identification error rates among Cooper's (Accipiter cooperii) and sharp-shinned (A. striatus) hawks specific to a raptor migration count station along the Pacific Coast of North America. Illustrating the difficulty of distinguishing between these 2 species, we found overlap in 7 metrics among species-sex groups and in 2 metrics between species, and a principal components analysis revealed a continuum of discrete clusters for each species-sex combination in morphospace. Among juvenile hawks (n = 940), we found the greatest misidentification rate for male Cooper's hawks (23% of the 156 males were identified as sharp-shinned), lesser error rates for female Cooper's (8%, n = 339) and female sharp-shinned (6%, n = 246), and the lowest misidentification rate for male sharp-shinned hawks (0%, n = 199). We observed a similar pattern of misidentification among adult hawks (n = 48). We attempted to use conditional probabilities (identification rates) from calibration data to calculate the true number of adult and juvenile Cooper's hawks and sharp-shinned hawks. Discrepancies between total number of observed accipiters and estimated number using calibration data suggest that daily observer misclassification rates are higher than misclassification rates estimated from calibration data and prevent correction of the raw data. Our results illustrate the importance of testing for and quantifying observer error in species identification in wildlife census and population trend studies particularly when target species may be easily confused with other nontarget species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Studies comparing numbers of nocturnal migrants in flight with numbers of migrants at stopover sites have produced equivocal results. In 2003, we compared numbers of nocturnal migrants detected by radar to numbers of passerines observed at the Atlantic Bird Observatory in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada. Numbers of nocturnal migrants detected by radar were positively correlated with numbers of migrants as determined by mist-netting, censuses, and daily estimated totals (daily estimates of birds present based netting and census results and casual observations) the following day. On nights with winds favorable for migration (tailwinds), the peak correlation between ground counts and radar counts the night before occurred just after sunset. On nights with unfavorable winds (headwinds), the correlation increased through the night, with a peak just before sunrise. The patterns of correlation are consistent with a scenario where birds accumulate at the coastline during periods of unfavorable wind, likely because they are not willing to cross a major ecological barrier, the Gulf of Maine. On nights with favorable winds, many birds departed, but some, possibly after testing wind conditions, apparently decided not to cross the Gulf of Maine and returned. Our results suggest that combining data collected using different methods to generate a daily estimated total provides the best estimate of the number of migrants present at a stopover site. Simultaneous studies at multiple locations where different census methods are used, making more effective use of temporal data (both from radar and diurnal counts), will more clearly elucidate patterns of flight behavior by migratory songbirds and the relationship between ground counts and counts of birds aloft.  相似文献   

Thomas  Alerstam Staffan  Ulfstrand 《Ibis》1974,116(4):522-542
The migration of Wood Pigeons in southern Scandinavia was studied from 21 September to 10 October 1971 and from 16 September to 15 November 1972 using radar stations supplemented with observations from an aircraft and a network of ground observers. By far the largest quantities of Wood Pigeons migrated after cold front passages with northwesterly to northeasterly tailwinds. Most birds departed on a few days, apparently as a consequence of strong preference for tailwind situations. With northwesterly winds a proportionately high migratory activity was recorded in the Kattegatt area. With northeasterly winds activity was higher in the Baltic area. This allowed the Wood Pigeons to make maximal use of the tailwind component, and their ground speed usually exceeded 80 km/h. The calculated mean air speed was 60 km/h. Their dependence on tailwind was particularly strong when the birds were engaging in long sea-crossings, such as across the Kattegatt. Different coastlines affected the geographical pattern of migration in different ways. Frequently Wood Pigeon flocks flew almost parallel to the coast but some distance off shore, until they finally departed. The deflective force of coastlines was greatest when the birds' ground speed was low, that is, under headwind conditions or in calm weather. Mean track directions measured over two areas in northern Skane, called Inland W and Inland E, situated about 60 km apart, differed by 11, those over the western area being directed more to the south than those over the eastern. No significant correlation with wind directions was found in these areas. Combining data from the whole land area, however, track directions were found to vary from day to day in significant correlation to the wind direction. Mean track directions over the Baltic agreed with those over Skane, but both differed significantly from those over the Kattegatt. Both over the Baltic and over the Kattegatt directions were significantly correlated with wind directions, and showed greater variation than track directions over land. Daily track differences over the Baltic resulted both from differences taking place over the land, and from real wind deflection (drift). Both over the land and over the sea heading directions were correlated with wind directions, suggesting compensatory efforts on the part of the birds. On three days extensive fog covered much of the study area. Wood Pigeons continued to migrate, but certain aberrations in their behaviour were noted. Over land migration was relatively heavier in the west with northwesterly winds and in the east with northeasterly winds. The correlation demonstrated between wind direction and the mean track direction was based upon the fact that populations with different inherent primary directions made up different proportions of the migrating cohorts under different wind conditions (pseudo-drift). The incomplete compensation for wind deflection over the sea is ascribed to the lack of visual orientation cues. The more accurate orientation possible over land suggests one reason for the birds' reluctance to flights across the open sea. When mean track directions of Wood Pigeons in different parts of southern Scandinavia were related to the migratory goals of these birds, it was found that they have to change their primary direction in the course of their journey from breeding to wintering areas.  相似文献   

Roth TC  Lima SL 《Oecologia》2007,152(1):169-178
Studies focused on how prey trade-off predation and starvation risk are prevalent in behavioral ecology. However, our current understanding of these trade-offs is limited in one key respect: we know little about the behavior of predators. In this study, we provide some of the first detailed information on temporal patterns in the daily hunting behavior of bird-eating Accipiter hawks and relate that to their prey. During the winters of 1999–2004, twenty-one sharp-shinned hawks (A. striatus) and ten Cooper’s hawks (A. cooperii) were intensively radio tracked in rural and urban habitats in western Indiana, USA. Cooper’s hawks left roost before sunrise and usually returned to roost around sunset, while sharp-shinned hawks left roost at sunrise or later and returned to roost well before sunset. An overall measure of Cooper’s-hawk-induced risk (a composite variable of attack rate and activity patterns) generally reflected the timing of prey activity, with peaks occurring around sunrise and sunset. In contrast, risk induced by the smaller sharp-shinned hawk did not strongly reflect the activity of their prey. Specifically, an early morning peak in prey activity did not correspond to a period with intense hawk activity. The lack of early morning hunting by sharp-shinned hawks may reflect the high risk of owl-induced predation experienced by these hawks. The net effect of this intraguild predation may be to “free” small birds from much hawk-induced predation risk prior to sunrise. This realization presents an alternative to energetics as an explanation for the early morning peak in small bird activity during the winter.  相似文献   

Wind directions measured at two different heights (850 hPa and 700 hPa) and at different hours of the night were analysed during the spring migration passage at a bird stopover site located in the western Mediterranean, in order to evaluate the importance of wind components for a stopover decision. From a huge ringing campaign of bird migration in north-east Spain, data from the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus have been used for the analysis. From a total of 2,478 reed warblers captured between 1993 and 1997 data recording significant days, with a high number of captures, and decrease days, with few captures, have been selected to develop an analysis of wind direction in relation to stopover and flight resumption. On days with a high capture the winds had mainly a fourth-quadrant flow (from the north, north-west and west), these being mainly head winds. Winds with westerly component (from the north-west, west and south-west), which enhance the flight, account for the majority of the days when there was a low capture of reed warblers. Wind direction therefore appears to be a determining factor for stopover decisions and resumption of flight for the reed warblers at an intermediate stage of their spring migration where topographical characteristics govern the winds.  相似文献   

John  Wilcock 《Ibis》1965,107(3):316-325
Radar observations through one autumn in Aberdeenshire are described showing that more migration takes place in anticyclonic weather than transitional weather, and even less migration takes place in disturbed weather. More migration is detected by radar with following winds than with opposed winds.
Comparison of data collected in Norfolk and Aberdeenshire during one season at each shows that more migration is detected by radar in Norfolk, and westward movements, which are a feature of migration into Norfolk, appear in Aberdeenshire only when birds are first drifted northwards.
Dawn ascent and reorientation movements of birds in the northern North Sea are described, showing that changes in heading were consistently between S.W./S.S.W. and S.S.E. during the autumn studied.
Weather data, radar data and ground observer data from Aberdeenshire and the Isle of May Bird Observatory were analyzed and show again that the normal migration pattern is to fly high with following winds and low only with opposing winds as in Norfolk. However, the weather in Aberdeenshire was more disturbed than it had been in Norfolk, with the consequence that weather factors, other than wind, which affect the normal migration pattérn were found to be much more common.  相似文献   

Aim A number of terrestrial invertebrates are known to have distributions limited to the immediate coastal zone, but the factors controlling their distributions are not well understood. This study was planned to correlate the distribution of a coastal terrestrial amphipod, Austrotroides maritimus Friend 1987, which is only found within 100 m of the high tide mark, with soil characteristics and salt deposition. Location South Cape Rivulet Bay on the south coast of Tasmania (146°47′ E, 43°36′ S). Methods Abundance of the amphipods was examined at four sites c. 200 m apart that varied in their exposure to onshore westerly winds. At each site four replicate transect lines were established 3 m apart, with pitfall traps set at 2‐m intervals. The lines were at right angles to the high water mark and extended beyond the inland limit of A. maritimus. Amphipods were trapped at three times of the year, in winter, spring and summer (1993–94), and the sodium content, organic content and moisture content of the soil at each trap site were measured. The sodium content of rain falling on the transects, was also measured, and lysimeters were used to assess the concentration of sodium in water penetrating the soil profile. Results The inland penetration of A. maritimus varied between 18 and 44 m from the seaward edge of woody terrestrial vegetation (itself <10 m horizontally from the high tide mark). Inland penetration increased from west to east around the bay, following an apparent gradient of increased exposure to onshore winds. At the most easterly and apparently most exposed site, however, the species penetrated only 18 m, but this site differed markedly from the others in its topography, caused by erosion of the dunes, with an 8‐m cliff at its seaward end. The soils at this site were also unusually clayey and waterlogged. Amphipod abundance did not correlate strongly with any of the soil parameters. The salt content of rainfall generally declined inland, as did the concentration of lysimeter leachate, but the inland declines were not all smooth, and both rainfall and lysimeter leachate concentration showed some tendency to increase inland at the most sheltered site. Main conclusions Austrotroides maritimus is strongly restricted to the immediate coastal zone. The extent of its inland penetration correlates with exposure to onshore winds, and circumstantial evidence supports the hypothesis that this may be due to differences in the amount of salts deposited.  相似文献   

A limitation of standardized mist netting for monitoring migration is caused by the lack of knowledge about the relationship between trapped birds and birds flying aloft. Earlier studies related nocturnal radar counts with trapping data of the following day. In this study, we compared for the first time data gathered simultaneously by radar and mist netting, separately for diurnal and nocturnal migration. Trapping numbers were strongly correlated with migratory intensities measured by radar (r>0.6). A multiple regression analysis, including wind speed and wind direction explained 61% of variation in the number of captures. During the night, and particularly with favourable winds, birds flew at higher altitudes and hence escaped the nets to a higher proportion. The number of nocturnal migrants trapped during daytime was well correlated with migratory intensities observed by radar in the preceding night. The diurnal time patterns, however, revealed fundamental differences between trapping counts and radar observations. This was mainly due to increasing and decreasing flight altitudes in the course of the night, and by the limitations of the radar technique that underestimates migratory intensities during the day when birds aggregate in flocks. In relation to the migratory intensity recorded by radar, diurnal migrants are trapped in a much higher proportion than nocturnal migrants. Finally, our results confirm that trapping data from a site hardly used for stopover are well suited to represent the ongoing migration during the day and night.  相似文献   

A surveillance radar in southwest Iceland was recorded by time-lapse filming in order to monitor the migration pattern of birds departing from or passing Iceland on their way to high-arctic breeding grounds in late May and early June 1988–1990. An overwhelming majority of the radar echoes from migrating bird flocks departed from Iceland but a few seemed to pass over from further south. Timing of movements and supplementary field observations indicated that mainly four species were involved, i.e. Knot Calidris canutus , Turnstone Arenaria interpres. Sanderling C. alba and Brent Goose Branta bernicla. Departures in late May from stopover sites in Iceland took place mainly in the afternoons, peaking between 1700 and 1900h in all 3 years. The departure intensity was lowest between 0100 and 1300h. Flight paths were generally straight, and the average track direction was towards the northwest (315°), suggesting that the majority of birds were heading for a transglacial migration across the Greenland icecap on their way to breeding grounds in northwest Greenland and northern Canada. Track directions varied with wind, although to a rather small degree, indicating partial drift or pseudodrift. More echoes were registered in easterly winds (tailwinds) and fewer in northerly winds than expected from random. Airspeeds were significantly slower than groundspeeds (average 17.0 and 18.7 m/s, respectively), showing that the birds more often than not benefited from tail wind assistance.  相似文献   

C. De  Lucca 《Ibis》1969,111(3):322-337
The present paper is based on data obtained during several years' observations and three recent surveys. Little has previously been published on migration through the Maltese Islands. The geographical, vegetational and climatic factors of the islands are discussed in so far as they affect the migrants. Visible migration is seen with anticyclonic weather and westerly winds. Birds are found grounded after night migration in cyclonic weather with southwesterly or easterly winds, much larger numbers and variety being seen with the latter. When there is a deterioration in the weather during the night, a large influx of birds is seen on the following morning, and in addition large flocks of migrating Turtle Doves are seen. Several trans-Saharan migrants may pass in smaller numbers during autumn than spring, but the difference may be more apparent than real because in early autumn the birds may depart after only a very short stay, and a few conspicuous species are absent or scarce. By contrast several species which winter north of the Sahara pass only or in much larger numbers during autumn, and these more than make up for those which are absent or rare. There is no evidence from bird ringing that in spring Malta regularly gets birds from Tunisia, at any rate from that part covered by the ringing stations (Cap Bon, Enfidaville, Gabes). The migrants which pass through Malta probably originate from an area in North Africa around Tripoli and some way westwards of it. During autumn the bulk of recoveries is from eastern European countries with a smaller percentage from northern and central Europe. Several species or groups of species are dealt with individually. In the discussion stress is laid on the very close relationship between migration and weather, especially the wind component. The comparatively small numbers of birds seen at Malta probably form part of a larger movement travelling on a broad front. It is argued that the large “falls” of migrants in bad weather result from drift acting on a mass passing mainly to one side or the other of the islands. Since much larger densities are seen with easterly than with westerly winds, it follows, if the hypothesis of drift be correct, that the numbers of birds travelling to the east of Malta are larger than those to the west of it. Moreover, since day migrants are seen with westerly winds and the bulk of night migrants with easterly ones, it is inferred that day migrants normally pass to the west, and the bulk of night migrants to the east, of the Maltese Islands. A parallel is drawn between the autumn migration and the performance of racing pigeons which are flown from the north and NE at this season.  相似文献   

Many species of birds that normally migrate during the night have been observed engaging in so‐called morning flights during the early morning. The results of previous studies have supported the hypothesis that one function of morning flights is to compensate for wind drift that birds experienced during the night. Our objective was to further explore this hypothesis in a unique geographic context. We determined the orientation of morning flights along the southern shore of Lake Erie's western basin during the spring migrations of 2016 and 2017. This orientation was then compared to the observed orientation of nocturnal migration. Additionally, the orientation of the birds engaged in morning flights following nights with drifting winds was compared to that of birds following nights with non‐drifting winds. The morning flights of most birds at our observation site were oriented to the west‐northwest, following the southern coast of Lake Erie. Given that nocturnal migration was oriented generally east of north, the orientation of morning flight necessarily reflected compensation for accumulated, seasonal wind drift resulting from prevailingly westerly winds. However, the orientation of morning flights was similar following nights with drifting and non‐drifting winds, suggesting that birds on any given morning were not necessarily re‐orienting as an immediate response to drift that occurred the previous night. Given the topographical characteristics of our observation area, the west‐northwest movement of birds in our study is likely best explained as a more complex interaction that could include some combination of compensation for wind drift, a search for suitable stopover habitat, flying in a direction that minimizes any loss in progressing northward toward the migratory goal, and avoidance of a lake crossing.  相似文献   

Capsule: Bird migration was recorded by an infrared device at three sites in the southeastern Bay of Biscay, indicating seasonal east–west differences in migration flow.

Aims: The main aims of this study were to quantify and describe nocturnal migration dynamics in proximity of a sea barrier, and to assess seasonal and geographical drivers of migration patterns.

Methods: A thermal-imaging camera was used at two coastal study sites (Punta Galea, Cape Higuer) in spring and three study sites (coast: Punta Galea, Cape Higuer; inland: Iregua Valley) in autumn for four hours from sunset over 90 nights in 2014 and 2015.

Results: Migration was strong at both coastal sites in early spring. Autumn migration was weak at the western coast, but strong at the eastern coast and inland. Tailwind had no significant effect on migration intensity, but migration ceased during strong cross- or headwinds despite clear skies. The majority of the targets were passerines.

Conclusions: The patterns observed suggest spring migration occurs on a broader front, potentially involving sea crossing further to the west, while autumn migration concentrates more eastwards over land. In both seasons, there was no significant response to wind conditions.  相似文献   

J. Sneyd Taylor 《Ostrich》2013,84(4):240-247
TREE, A. J. 1979. Biology of the Greenshank in southern Africa. Ostrich 50:240-251.

The Greenshank Tringa nebularia is a widespread visitor to southern Africa but is only normally common at favoured coastal sites. First migrants arrive at the end of July and the last birds leave in early May. Small numbers overwinter. Birds in the interior are forced to move coastward or southwestward once the summer rains set in and rapidly inundate suitable habitat. Peak numbers occur in January at Port Alfred, a coastal site. Greatest concentrations of Greenshanks occur on eutrophic bodies of water in the interior while at coastal localities the density of prawns appears to determine Greenshank numbers. It is normally a diurnal feeder but will feed at night in tidal areas when fattening up for return migration. It roosts communally standing in shallow water. Birds can be aged on plumage condition and primary feather moult. Birds have a lean mass of about 170 g while the potential migratory range on fat deposits accumulated is calculated to carry birds from the Cape coast to the East African lakes and thence to the Mediterranean or Caspian Seas. There is a considerable disparity in mass between inland and coastal localities. One banding recovery in Cyprus is noted; a low retrap rate is gradually being improved by colour ringing.  相似文献   

Seasonal altitudinal migration to lower altitudes including the coast has been ascribed to a number of forest birds, of which 14 species occur at Fort Fordyce Reserve in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Based on our observations and ringing at this site (2007–2017), as well as concurrent data from the South African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP2), we suggest that in this region only three species, the African Dusky Flycatcher Muscicapa adusta, White-starred Robin Pogonocichla stellata and Barratt's Warbler Bradypterus barratti, are regular altitudinal migrants. For two other species, the Grey Cuckooshrike Coracina caesia and Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler Phylloscopus ruficapilla, local movements apparently occur, but these may take place within the coastal zone rather than between the coast and inland forests.  相似文献   

Migration is a significant event in the annual cycle of many avian species. During migration birds face many challenges, including unfamiliar foraging and refuge habitats, resulting in a much higher rate of mortality during migration than during other seasons of the year. Weather may significantly affect a bird's decision to initiate migration, the course and pace of migration, and its survival during migration. Each of these influences may impact the counts of migrating birds at geographical convergence zones or bottlenecks. It is important to quantify the effect of short‐term weather on these counts to appropriately interpret and use such counts in other analyses. To this end, we aim to assess the effects of local and regional weather conditions on the migration counts of soaring birds at the Strait of Gibraltar during post‐breeding migration. We used information‐theoretic approaches to analyse the influence of local weather and weather in northern Spain on the migration counts of five soaring bird species from two count sites near the Strait of Gibraltar. Migration counts were higher on days with local northerly and westerly winds, often following a day of easterly winds, on days with local high pressure systems, and often following a day of lower pressure. Weather conditions in northern Spain influenced migration counts at the Strait of Gibraltar, but the effects were much weaker than local weather conditions. We confirm that short‐term weather conditions, locally and regionally, can influence migration counts and should thus be considered when these counts are used in other analyses.  相似文献   

On their migratory journeys, terrestrial birds can come across large inhospitable areas with limited opportunities to rest and refuel. Flight over these areas poses a risk especially when wind conditions en route are adverse, in which case inhospitable areas can act as an ecological barrier for terrestrial migrants. Thus, within the east-Atlantic flyway, the North Sea can function as an ecological barrier. The main aim of this study was to shed light on seasonal patterns of bird migration in the southern North Sea and determine whether departure decisions on nights of intense migration were related to increased wind assistance. We measured migration characteristics with a radar that was located 18 km off the NW Dutch coast and used simulation models to infer potential departure locations of birds on nights with intense nocturnal bird migration. We calculated headings, track directions, airspeeds, groundspeeds on weak and intense migration nights in both seasons and compared speeds between seasons. Moreover, we tested if departure decisions on intense migration nights were associated with supportive winds. Our results reveal that on the intense migration nights in spring, the mean heading was towards E, and birds departed predominantly from the UK. On intense migration nights in autumn, the majority of birds departed from Denmark, Germany and north of the Netherlands with the mean heading towards SW. Prevailing winds from WSW at departure were supportive of a direct crossing of the North Sea in spring. However, in autumn winds were generally not supportive, which is why many birds exploited positive wind assistance which occurred on intense migration nights. This implies that the seasonal wind regimes over the North Sea alter its migratory dynamics which is reflected in headings, timing and intensity of migration.  相似文献   

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