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1. We investigated the association between field body temperatures (Tb), field air temperatures (Ta), and their differences (Δ) with measurements of foraging activity (percentage of time moving (PTM), number of movements per minute (MPM) and proportion of prey attacked while moving (PAM)) for 25 species of lacertid lizards.

2. Lizards active at relatively high field body temperatures tended to have higher PTM and PAM values. We found no association between temperatures and MPM. The difference Δ did not co-vary with PTM and MPM, but showed a positive trend with PAM.

3. Our results seem robust with regard to the assumptions of different models of evolution and to the phylogenetic trees used.

Keywords: Foraging; Thermal ecology; Lizard; Lacertidae; Evolution  相似文献   

Foraging behaviors exist along a continuum from highly sedentary, ambush foraging, to more continuous searching, or active foraging. Foraging strategies, or modes, are defined based upon locomotor behaviors (e.g. percent time moving, moves per minute). In lizards, traits correlated with ambush and active foraging have been of interest for some time; however, general patterns of correlated evolution between locomotor morphology and locomotor behavior have only recently begun to be quantified. In this study, variation in hindlimb morphology is investigated in a model group of lizard species that vary between active foraging and more sedentary (or mixed) foraging mode. Canonical variates analysis reveals that the two active foraging species occupy similar regions of the morphospace, while the two more sedentary species occupy different regions. The active foraging species have a narrow pelvis with shorter tibia and femora. The more sedentary species have a wide pelvis, long tibia and femora, and slightly longer metatarsals. Phylogenetic patterns of trait variation were examined through ancestral character state reconstruction and show morphological shifts in concert with foraging mode in these species. The observed shifts in locomotor morphology are discussed in light of published data on sprint speed and endurance in these species. Together, the data show that linking morphological variation to variation in stride length and stride frequency is critical to understanding the evolution of locomotor performance. Much more stride length and frequency data are needed among ambush, mixed, and active foraging species because these parameters, and their morphological components, are likely correlated with variation in food acquisition mode.  相似文献   

Lizards are a diverse clade in which one radiation consists entirely of sit-and-wait foragers and another consists of wide foragers. Lizards utilizing these two foraging modes are known to differ in diet, but little is known about how feeding morphology relates to diet and/or foraging mode. This study tested the hypothesis that skull morphology and biting performance are related to diet preference, and consequently, coevolve with foraging mode. Four species of lacertid lizard were studied because they vary in foraging mode, their phylogenetic relationships are known and they are well studied ecologically. Using an 'ecomorphological' approach, skull morphology and biting performance were quantified and mapped on to the phylogeny for the species. The results indicate that sit-and-wait species have shorter, wider skulls than the wide foraging species, and that all are significantly different in overall head shape. The sit-and-wait species had similar values for biting performance; however, clear phylogenetic patterns of covariation were not present between sit-and-wait and wide foraging species for either biting performance or skull morphology. Thus, skull morphology and performance have little influence on diet and foraging mode in these species. Instead it is likely that other factors such as seasonal prey availability and/or life history strategy shape foraging mode decisions.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 403–416.  相似文献   

The occurrence and form of sex chromosomes were investigated with the aid of C-banding and 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining in 13 species of lacertid lizards. The results obtained show the presence in five species of a female heterogamety in which the two sex chromosomes have the same shape and size, but the W differs from the Z in being almost entirely heterochromatic. This condition is clearly similar to that found in some snakes and considered to be an early stage of differentiation of sex chromosomes by Singh et al. (1976, 1980). A more evolved condition may be that found in three other species in which the W is distinctly smaller than the Z. A third situation is that found in all Podarcis species which, even though they are considered to be among the more evolved species in the family, possess two sex chromosomes that are indistinguishable. In general, the situation in lacertids may be compatible with the hypothesis of sex chromosome evolution put forward by Singh et al. (1976, 1980). However a differentiation mechanism of this kind does not seem to be well established in lacertids, and is probably not the only mechanism that is in operation in this family.  相似文献   

1. Lactate production and physical performance during intense activity were measured in Lacerta vivipara, Podarcis muralis and Podarcis hispanica, temperate lizards from progressively lower latitudes. 2. Rates of lactate production during the initial 30 sec of bursts of activity (means = 1.75 mg g-1) and their Q10S (means = 1.36) are similar to previously obtained values for lizards. 3. Maximal anaerobic scope at activity body temperatures is lowest in Lacerta vivipara, which correlates with a tendency to less strenuous behaviour than that of the Podarcis species and may reflect the need for energy economy. 4. Q10S of maximal performance are lower in Lacerta vivipara and Podarcis muralis than Podarcis hispanica, a difference having no demonstrated metabolic basis but which is thermally adaptive for these cooler climate species.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes are believed to be stable in endotherms, but young and evolutionary unstable in most ectothermic vertebrates. Within lacertids, the widely radiated lizard group , sex chromosomes have been reported to vary in morphology and heterochromatinization, which may suggest turnovers during the evolution of the group. We compared the partial gene content of the Z‐specific part of sex chromosomes across major lineages of lacertids and discovered a strong evolutionary stability of sex chromosomes. We can conclude that the common ancestor of lacertids, living around 70 million years ago (Mya), already had the same highly differentiated sex chromosomes. Molecular data demonstrating an evolutionary conservation of sex chromosomes have also been documented for iguanas and caenophidian snakes. It seems that differences in the evolutionary conservation of sex chromosomes in vertebrates do not reflect the distinction between endotherms and ectotherms, but rather between amniotes and anamniotes, or generally, the differences in the life history of particular lineages.  相似文献   

History and function of scale microornamentation in lacertid lizards   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Differences in surface structure (ober-hautchen) of body scales of lacertid lizards involve cell size, shape and surface profile, presence or absence of fine pitting, form of cell margins, and the occurrence of longitudinal ridges and pustular projections. Phylogenetic information indicates that the primitive pattern involved narrow strap-shaped cells, with low posteriorly overlapping edges and relatively smooth surfaces. Deviations from this condition produce a more sculptured surface and have developed many times, although subsequent overt reversals are uncommon. Like variations in scale shape, different patterns of dorsal body microornamentation appear to confer different and conflicting performance advantages. The primitive pattern may reduce friction during locomotion and also enhances dirt shedding, especially in ground-dwelling forms from moist habitats. However, this smooth microornamentation generates shine that may compromise cryptic coloration, especially when scales are large. Many derived features show correlation with such large scales and appear to suppress shine. They occur most frequently in forms from dry habitats or forms that climb in vegetation away from the ground, situations where dirt adhesion is less of a problem. Microornamentation differences involving other parts of the body and other squamate groups tend to corroborate this functional interpretation. Microornamentation features can develop on lineages in different orders and appear to act additively in reducing shine. In some cases different combinations may be optimal solutions in particular environments, but lineage effects, such as limited reversibility and different developmental proclivities, may also be important in their genesis. The fine pits often found on cell surfaces are unconnected with shine reduction, as they are smaller than the wavelengths of most visible light.  相似文献   

While global variation in taxonomic diversity is strongly linked to latitude, the extent to which morphological disparity follows geographical gradients is less well known. We estimated patterns of lineage diversification, morphological disparity and rates of phenotypic evolution in the Old World lizard family Lacertidae, which displays a nearly inverse latitudinal diversity gradient with decreasing species richness towards the tropics. We found that lacertids exhibit relatively constant rates of lineage accumulation over time, although the majority of morphological variation appears to have originated during recent divergence events, resulting in increased partitioning of disparity within subclades. Among subclades, tropical arboreal taxa exhibited the fastest rates of shape change while temperate European taxa were the slowest, resulting in an inverse relationship between latitudinal diversity and rates of phenotypic evolution. This pattern demonstrates a compelling counterexample to the ecological opportunity theory of diversification, suggesting an uncoupling of the processes generating species diversity and morphological differentiation across spatial scales.  相似文献   

Locomotion is important to animals because it has direct implications for fitness through its role in predator escape, prey capture, and territory defence. Despite significant advances in our understanding of animal locomotion, studies exploring how substrate properties affect locomotor performance remain scant. In the present study, we explore how variation in substrate (sand, slate, cork) affects locomotor performance in lacertid lizards that differ in morphology. Moreover, we explore whether substrate effects are the same for different types of locomotor performance (speed, acceleration, and stamina). Our results show that the substrate affected most types of locomotor performance studied but not always in the same way. Although substrate effects were species‐dependent for the maximal speed over 50 cm and the distance run to exhaustion, this was not the case for acceleration capacity. These results suggest that substrate texture differentially affects burst performance vs. longer duration measures of locomotor performance. Finally, straightforward relationships between habitat use and the substrate on which performance was maximized were not observed. This suggests that the evolution of locomotor capacity is complex and that animals may show compromise phenotypes allowing them to deal with a variety of substrates in their natural environment. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●●, ●●–●●.  相似文献   

We explored the ontogenetic dynamics of the morphological and allometric disparity in the cranium shapes of twelve lacertid lizard species. The analysed species (Darevskia praticola, Dinarolacerta mosorensis, Iberolacerta horvathi, Lacerta agilis, L. trilineata, L. viridis, Podarcis erhardii, P. melisellensis, P. muralis, P. sicula, P. taurica and Zootoca vivipara) can be classified into different ecomorphs: terrestrial lizards that inhabit vegetated habitats (habitats with lush or sparse vegetation), saxicolous and shrub‐climbing lizards. We observed that there was an overall increase in the morphological disparity (MD) during the ontogeny of the lacertid lizards. The ventral cranium, which is involved in the mechanics of jaw movement and feeding, showed higher levels of MD, an ontogenetic shift in the morphospace planes and more variable allometric patterns than more conserved dorsal crania. With respect to ecology, the allometric trajectories of the shrub‐climbing species tended to cluster together, whereas the allometric trajectories of the saxicolous species were highly dispersed. Our results indicate that the ontogenetic patterns of morphological and allometric disparity in the lacertid lizards are modified by ecology and functional constraints and that the identical mechanisms that lead to intraspecific morphological variation also produce morphological divergence at higher taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

1. 1. Set point temperatures at which Podarcis muralis and Lacerta vivipara ceased basking (Tmove; upper set point) and commenced basking (Tbask; lower set point) increased incrementally with increasing i.r. irradiance; values for all set point temperatures were higher in the former species.
2. 2. Changing the i.r. irradiance during a bask resulted in a shift in the upper set point temperature to a level intermediate between the values expected at constant previous and new irradiances (experiment with L. vivipara only).
3. 3. The changes in set-point temperatures following changes in i.r. irradiance were not due to changes in light intensity.
4. 4. The ability to respond to immediate changes in i.r. irradiance is adaptive for lizards in areas in which rapid changes in amounts of sunshine are a feature of the climate.

Ecology of lacertid lizards in a desert area of eastern Morocco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some basic aspects of the ecology of five lacertid lizards inhabiting the desert area of Tafilalet, in south-eastern Morocco, are considered: Mesalina guttulata , occupying almost exclusively the hammada habitat; Mesalina olivieri, Acanthodactylus boskianus and Acanthodactylus scutellatus found on sand and bare-ground reg ; and Acanthodactylus longipes , inhabiting the sand-dune habitat, the erg.
Acanthodactylus scutellatus, A. boskianus, A. longipes and M. olivieri had a bimodal diel activity pattern; in M. guttulata daily activity was centred on the morning hours. All species exhibit fairly precise thermoregulation with a strong relation between body and substratum temperature, particularly for species occupying softer substrata. Mesalina guttulata had a diverse diet during both seasons observed, while in the remaining species termites and ants formed the bulk of the food.
The foraging behaviour, diet and ecological characteristics of Lacertidae from the Tafilalet, especially the genus Acanthodactylus , seem to be optimal for the challenging environmental conditions of this desert area. The implications of the foraging strategy of Tafilalet's Acanthodactylus for other species of the genus are discussed.  相似文献   

1. The composition and phyletic distribution of a highly repetitive satellite DNA, isolated from Podarcis sicula, was studied. 2. This DNA was rich in adenine and thymine and displayed frequent adenine stretches. It was always located on the centromeric heterochromatin even in quite taxonomically distant species. 3. Southern blot hybridization of the Taq I satellite on various species of lacertid families showed a close affinity among Podarcis, Algyroides and Lacerta dugesii. 4. All the other taxa investigated did not seem to possess this repeated sequence.  相似文献   

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