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A genetically-isolated herd of 14 Camargue horses left unmanaged for 6 years produced 58 living foals and developed a social system similar to that of wild horses. Paternity of the foals was determined by blood-typing. Inbreeding coefficients were calculated and were lower than expected on the hypothesis that mating was random with respect to relatedness. The horses showed reduced levels of sexual behaviour with members of their entourage as juveniles — mother, herd stallion and maternal siblings.  相似文献   

The influence of age, dominance rank, kinship and aggressiveness over affiliative relationships and sexual behaviours were analysed in a herd of Sorraia horses, Equus caballus, kept under extensive management. Subjects were 10 adult mares 5-18 years old that had known each other since birth, and a stallion introduced into the group for breeding for the first time. Kinship coefficient and dominance rank were the most important factors affecting affiliative relationships. Bonds were reciprocal and stronger among mares with higher kinship. Mares spent more time in proximity to close-ranking and lower-ranking females. Mares with stronger affiliative relationships or higher relatedness were not less aggressive towards each other. Affiliative relationships between the stallion and the mares were not reciprocal: lower-ranking mares formed stronger bonds with the stallion but he preferred the less genetically related mares for proximity. However, the stallion was involved in sexual behaviours more frequently with the mares that were more genetically related to him. These results suggest that kinship beyond close relatives may affect affiliative relationships both among familiar and among unfamiliar horses. However, the influence of kinship does not imply that horses possess a kin recognition system and alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of maternal rank and experience on patterns of maternal care and social relationships of foals were investigated in a managed herd of Sorraia horses, Equus caballus. Social interactions and spatial relationships of 13 foals (seven females and six males) born to seven mares were examined from birth to 10 months of life, within the three major periods of foal development. Conflict over suckling between dam and foal was not generally affected by rank and experience, but higher-ranking mothers allowed more suckling during late lactation than lower-ranking mothers. Foals of higher-ranking mares spent more time in proximity to the mother during socialization. Maternal rank and experience did not significantly affect maternal protectiveness, foal independence from the mother or the development of affiliative relationships between foals and group members. Foals of higher-ranking mares received lower frequencies of aggression from other horses only in the first month of life. Dominance relationships among foals depended mainly on aggressiveness and were not associated with maternal rank. The large variability in maternal behaviour, the absence of a significant association between maternal rank and body condition at parturition and the stable social environment within this herd may partly account for the reported results.  相似文献   

In Black-and-White cattle, polymorphism of acid phosphatase (AcP) of blood leukocytes is determined by a pair of autosomal alleles. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between AcP polymorphism and the metabolic efficiency of phagocytes in the first months after calving of cows naturally infected with the bovine leukaemia virus. The studied population consisted of 91 Black-and-White cows aged 3-6 years, from one herd. Enzootic bovine leukaemia (EBL) was diagnosed with the immuno-enzymatic ELISA method and a PCR molecular test. Additionally, agarose gel electrophoresis and the cytochemical method were used to determine the AcP polymorphism and activity in leukocytes. The metabolic activity of phagocytes was determined by the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction test. Significant differences in metabolic efficiency of granulocytes were observed between cows representing different AcP phenotypes. No significant differences in levels of the analysed indices were observed between the EBL-positive and EBL-negative cows and between the three subsequent months after calving.  相似文献   

Factors related to dominance rank and the functions of aggression were studied in a herd of Sorraia horses, Equus caballus, under extensive management. Subjects were 10 adult mares 5-18 years old and a stallion introduced into the group for breeding. Dominance relationships among mares were clear, irrespective of rank difference, and remained stable after introduction of the stallion. The dominance hierarchy was significantly linear and rank was positively correlated with age and total aggressiveness. Higher-ranking mares received lower frequency and intensity of agonistic interactions. Nevertheless, higher-ranking dominants were not more likely to elicit submission from their subordinates than lower-ranking dominants. Neither close-ranking mares nor mares with less clear dominance relationships were more aggressive towards each other. Agonistic interactions seemed to be used more importantly in regulation of space than to obtain access to food or to reassert dominance relationships. Contexts of aggression were related to mare rank. The results suggest that dominance relationships based on age as a conventional criterion were established to reduce aggressiveness in a herd where the costs of aggression are likely to outweigh the benefits.  相似文献   

Many governments have signed up to greenhouse gas emission (GHGE) reduction programmes under their national climate change obligations. Recently, it has been suggested that the use of extended lactations in dairy herds could result in reduced GHGE. Dairy GHGE were modelled on a national basis and the model was used to compare emissions from lactations of three different lengths (305, 370 and 440 days), and a current ‘base’ scenario on the basis of maintaining current milk production levels. In addition to comparing GHGE from the average ‘National Herd’ under these scenarios, results were used to investigate how accounting for lactations of different lengths might alter the estimation of emissions calculated from the National Inventory methodology currently recommended by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Data for the three lactation length scenarios were derived from nationally recorded dairy performance information and used in the GHGE model. Long lactations required fewer milking cows and replacements to maintain current milk yield levels than short ones, but GHGEs were found to rise from 1214 t of CO2 equivalent (CE)/farm per year for lactations of 305 days to 1371 t CE/farm per year for 440-day lactations. This apparent anomaly can be explained by the less efficient milk production (kg milk produced per kg cow weight) found in later lactation, a more pronounced effect in longer lactations. The sensitivity of the model to changes in replacement rate, persistency and level of milk yield was investigated. Changes in the replacement rate from 25% to 20% and in persistency by −10% to +20% resulted in very small changes in GHGE. Differences in GHGE due to the level of milk yield were much more dramatic with animals in the top 10% for yield, producing about 25% less GHGE/year than the average animal. National Inventory results were investigated using a more realistic spread of lactation lengths than recommended for such calculations using emissions calculated in the first part of the study. Current UK emission calculations based on the National Inventory were 329 Gg of methane per year from the dairy herd. Using the national distribution of lactation lengths, this was found to be an underestimate by about 10%. This work showed that the current rise in lactation length or a move towards calving every 18 months would increase GHGE by 7% to 14% compared with the current scenario, assuming the same milk yield in all models. Increased milk yield would have a much greater effect on reducing GHGE than changes to lactation length, replacement rate or persistency. National Inventory methodology appears to underestimate GHGE when the distribution of lactation lengths is considered and may need revising to provide more realistic figures.  相似文献   

Many animals aggregate into organized temporary or stable groups under the influence of biotic and abiotic factors, and some studies have shown the influence of habitat features on animal aggregation. This study, conducted from 2002 to 2004 in the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, Central African Republic, studied a herd of forest buffaloes (Syncerus caffer nanus) to determine whether spatial aggregation patterns varied by season and habitat. Our results show that both habitat structure and season influenced spatial aggregation patterns. In particular, in open habitats such as clearings, the group covered a larger area when resting and was more rounded in shape compared to group properties noted in forest during the wet season. Moreover, forest buffaloes had a more aggregated spatial distribution when resting in clearings than when in the forest, and individual positions within the herd in the clearing habitat varied with age and sex. In the clearings, the adult male (n = 24) was generally, on most occasions, located in the centre of the herd (n = 20), and he was observed at the border only four times. In contrast, females (n = 80) occupied intermediate (n = 57), peripheral (n = 14) and central positions (n = 9) within the group. Juveniles (n = 77) also occurred in intermediate (n = 64) and peripheral positions (n = 13). Based on these results, we concluded that habitat characteristics and social behaviour can have relevant effects on the spatial distribution of animals within a group.  相似文献   

Temporary confinement during parturition and early postpartum may provide an intermediary step preceding loose housing that offers improvement in sow and piglet welfare. Three experiments were conducted to investigate the implications of replacing farrowing crates (FCs) with an alternative housing system from 3 days postpartum until weaning. In each experiment sows farrowed in FCs and were randomly allocated at day 3 of lactation to either a FC or a pen with increased floor space (lactation pen (LP)) until weaning. In experiment 1, piglet growth and sow and piglet skin injuries were recorded for 32 sows and 128 focal piglets in these litters. Behaviour around nursing and piglet behavioural time budgets were also recorded for 24 of these litters (96 focal piglets for time budgets). In experiment 2, measures of skin injury and behavioural time budgets were conducted on 28 sows and 112 focal piglets. The behavioural response of sows to piglet vocalisation (maternal responsiveness test (MRT)) was also assessed. In experiment 3, piglet mortality from day 3 of lactation until weaning was recorded in 672 litters over 12 months. While housing did not affect piglet weight gain in experiment 1, or piglet skin injuries in experiments 1 or 2, sows in both experiments sustained more injuries in LP than FC (experiment 1, 2.9 v. 1.4; experiment 2, 2.5 v. 0.8 lesions/sow; P<0.05). Sow–piglet interactions were more frequent in LP than FC at days 11 and 18 postpartum in both experiment 1 (day 11, 1.4% v. 1.2%; day 18, 1.7% v. 1.0% of observations; P=0.05) and 2 (day 11, 1.0% v. 0.3%; and at day 18 were 1.0% v. 0.6% of observations; P<0.01), and LP sows were more responsive in the MRT in experiment 2 (2 v. 0 median number of tests in which sows react, P<0.01). In experiment 1 piglets played more (0.7% v. 0.3% of observations, P=0.05) and manipulated others less (0.3% v. 0.7% of observations, P=0.04) in LP, but more piglets missed nursing bouts (0.2 v. 0.1 piglets/bout, P<0.01) compared with FC. There was no effect of housing on piglet mortality from day 3 of lactation until weaning in experiment 3 (0.63 and 0.64 deaths/litter for LP and FC, respectively, P>0.05). Thus, housing sows and litters in LP from day 3 of lactation minimises piglet mortality while improving maternal behaviour in sows and social behaviour in piglets.  相似文献   

Housing conditions for horses impose various levels of confinement, which may compromise welfare. Lying behaviour and activity can be used as welfare indicators for domestic animals and rebound behaviour suggests a build-up of motivation resulting from deprivation. The objective of this study was to determine if activity and lying behaviour of horses are affected by housing conditions and to investigate the occurrence of rebound behaviour after release from confinement. Eight horses were subjected, in pairs, to each of four experimental treatments; paddock (P), fully stabled (FS), partly stabled (PS) and yard (Y). Each horse received 6 days acclimatisation prior to the 24 h recording period. Time spent in lying and activity were electronically recorded using a tilt switch and motion sensor connected to a data logger worn on the horse's left foreleg. Time spent active during the first 5 min of release from stable to paddock in the PS treatment (days 1 and 5) and at the same time of day in the P treatment was used as a measure of rebound behaviour. Effect of housing conditions on total time spent active was highly significant (FS = 123 s, PS = 158 s, Y = 377 s, P = 779 s, P < 0.001). Housing conditions did not significantly affect total time spent lying (P = 0.646). Horses were significantly more active, compared with baseline paddock behaviour, on release from stabling on both days 1 (P = 0.006) and 5 (P = 0.025) of PS treatment. These results suggest that activity patterns of horses, but not lying behaviour, are affected by the housing conditions tested and that rebound activity occurs in horses after a period of confinement.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic activity of Anabaena cirdnalis and associated changes in buoyancy were determined from prepared suspensions exposed in the natural light field of Crose Mere. The observations are related to variations in subsurface irradiance and temperature. Parallel experiments, aimed at trapping algal colonies undertaking controlled vertical movements within the lake system, are also described. Buoyancy loss and downward migration are clearly associated with specific photosynthetic rates: rates as low as 1.8 mg O2 (mg chlorophyll a) h−1 are shown to be sufficient to effect buoyancy loss, while movements in the lake tend towards a depth where rates of 5–7 mg O2 (mg chlorophyll a)−1 h−1 are possible. These rates are significantly less than those possible at light saturation. The effect of increasing temperature is to depress the population in the light-gradient. The significance of this response is discussed in relation to the growth of natural populations of blue-green algae.  相似文献   

Cervetto  G.  Pagano  M.  Gaudy  R. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):237-248
This paper deals with the variations on feeding activities and diel migrations of Acartia tonsa Dana, the dominant copepod species in Berre lagoon (west Mediterranean French coasts).A 27 hour in situ study was carried out during June 1989, at a station located in the south west of the lagoon. Vertical profiles of salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen taken each 12 hours showed a stratification of the water column in two distinct layers: (1) a superficial layer with higher temperature, moderate salinity, and high oxygen concentrations; (2) a colder, more saline and almost anoxic deep layer. In situ chlorophyll a measurements were made at –1, –3 and –5 m; concentrations were relatively homogeneous through the water column during the whole sampling period.Zooplankton samples were collected every 3 hours with a 200 µm mesh net, in three strata (0–2 m, 2–4 m, 4–6 m). A complete dominance of A. tonsa was observed in the zooplankton community. Our results point out clearly a nocturnal migration, with individuals concentrating in both superficial layers; thus an unimodal migratory pattern can be inferred. Gut flourescence measured following the Mackas & Bohrer technique (1976), showed higher values during night time, and values for females were the highest with wider day—night variations. Similar results were found in laboratory experiments with copepods fed with a culture of Dunaliella tertiolecta.Gut evacuation rate was measured in two laboratory experiments either mixing or separating males and females. Evacuation rate was 17.92 and 27.25 min for males and females respectively.Phytoplankton daily ration for A. tonsa calculated by gut flourescence and gut evacuation rate was particularly low, for it represents only 10% of the individual carbon weight.Moreover, grazing impact on phytoplankton is very restricted, it represents less than 1% of the daily phytoplankton stock.  相似文献   

The adhesion of bacterial slime increases the oxygen reduction rate on surfaces of titanium, nickel and 70Ni30Cu alloy exposed to natural aerated seawater at ambient temperature (25±2°C). The consequences of this phenomenon are an ennobling of the free corrosion potential of alloys in the passive state and an increase in the corrosion rate, up to about two orders of magnitude, on alloys in the active state.  相似文献   



Crib-biting and windsucking (CBWS) behaviour in horses has been associated with increased risk of colic in general, recurrence of colic and specific forms of colic. The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence of colic within a population of horses that display CBWS behaviour and to identify risk factors for colic.


Owners/carers of horses in the general UK equine population that display CBWS behaviour were invited to participate in a questionnaire-based survey about the management and health of these horses. Data were obtained for a number of variables considered to be possible risk factors for colic. The prevalence of colic was calculated and multivariable logistic regression was used to identify associations between horse- and management-level variables for two outcomes of interest: a history of colic ever and a history of colic in the previous 12 months.


Data were obtained for 367 horses. One or more episodes of colic had been observed in 130 horses (35.4%). A total of 672 colic episodes were reported and 13 colic episodes required surgical intervention in 12 horses. Where the horse/pony had been in that persons care over the previous 12 months (n=331), colic had been observed in 67 horses (20.2%) during that time. A total of 126 colic episodes were reported in the preceding 12 months of which veterinary attendance was required in 69 (54.8%) episodes. Increased duration of ownership, increased duration of stabling in the Autumn months (September-November), crib-biting/windsucking behaviour associated with eating forage and horses that were fed haylage were associated with increased risk of colic (ever). Increasing severity (frequency) of CBWS behaviour and increased duration of stabling in the Autumn were associated with increased risk of colic in the previous 12 months.


The prevalence of colic in a population of horses that display CBWS appeared to be relatively high. The results of this study can be used to identify horses that display CBWS who are at increased risk of colic and identifies areas for further research to determine if there are ways in which this risk might be reduced.

In many mammals, the energetic costs of lactation double a female's daily energy requirements on her activity budgets, food choice and ranging behaviour–but the effects of lactation have rarely been documented. In this paper, the ecological consequences of lactation in free-ranging Red deer ( Cervus elaphus ) hinds on the lsle of Rhum is examined by comparing the feeding behaviour, habitat use and ranging behaviour of hinds that were supporting calves (milk hinds) with hinds that did not have calves (yeld hinds). In summer, milk hinds graze for approximately two hours longer per day then yeld hinds. This difference has disappeared by the latter half of the winter, when the grazing budgets of milk and yeld hinds are similar. Both in summer and winter milk hinds spend more time grazing on the most strongly selected plant communities (short, herb-rich greens) where standing crops are low but food quality is comparatively high. Inter-year variation in habitat use by milk hinds is also closely related to variation in rainfall—while this is not the case among yeld hinds. Both in summer and winter, yeld hinds range more widely than milk hinds.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms (~24 h) in biochemistry, physiology and behaviour are found in almost all eukaryotes and some bacteria. The elucidation of the molecular components of the 24 h circadian clock in a number of model organisms in recent years has provided an opportunity to assess the adaptive value of variation in clock genes. Laboratory experiments using artificially generated mutants reveal that the circadian period is adaptive in a 24 h world. Natural genetic variation can also be studied, and there are a number of ways in which the signature of natural selection can be detected. These include the study of geographical patterns of genetic variation, which provide a first indication that selection may be at work, and the use of sophisticated statistical neutrality tests, which examine whether the pattern of variation observed is consistent with a selective rather than a neutral (or drift) scenario. Finally, examining the probable selective agents and their differential effects on the circadian phenotype of the natural variants provides the final compelling evidence for selection. We present some examples of how these types of analyses have not only enlightened the evolutionary study of clocks, but have also contributed to a more pragmatic molecular understanding of the function of clock proteins.  相似文献   

Group foraging can be beneficial for ungulates by decreasing the time required for vigilance, but it can also prove costly because of competition. To determine responses to gregarious behaviour, we studied foraging activity and vigilance of impala ( Aepyceros melampus ) near Kruger National Park, South Africa. We measured time spent foraging, vigilant, moving, grooming, engaging in social interactions and determined herd size and group distribution (i.e. density). We calculated accepted food abundance (AFA), food ingestion rate, steps per minute and percent vigilance for female, bachelor male and herd male impala. There was no relationship between herd size and vigilance, but vigilance decreased with increasing density ( t 1,311 = 4.91, P  <0.0001). Additionally, AFA decreased ( t 1,61 = 5.96, P  <0.0001) and steps per minute increased ( t 1,311 = 14.38, P  <   0.0001) as more individuals fed in close proximity to each other. Impala could be altering their behaviour to accommodate a perceived change in resources because of intraspecific competition and these adjustments might be related more to the distribution of herd members than to herd size. Further studies should examine the behaviour of gregarious animals in relation to the distribution of herd members in addition to group size.  相似文献   

The spatial heterogeneity of grasslands determines the abundance and quality of food resources for grazing animals. As plants mature, they increase in mass, which allows greater instantaneous intake rates, but the cell wall concentrations increase too, reducing diet quality. In ruminants, daily intake rates are often constrained by the time needed for the ingesta to pass through the rumen, which is influenced by the rate of digestion. It has been suggested that the digestive constraint should have much less effect on hindgut fermenters such as equids. Horses play an increasing role in the management of grasslands in Europe, but the data on the influence of the heterogeneity of the vegetation on their daily intake and foraging behaviour are sparse. We report here the results of a preliminary study concerning the effects of sward structure on nutrient assimilation and the use of patches of different heights by horses grazing successively a short immature, a tall mature and a heterogeneous pastures (with short and tall swards). Daily nutrient assimilation was higher in the heterogeneous pasture compared to the short (+35%) and the tall (+55%) ones. The digestive constraints may have limited voluntary intake by horses on the tall swards. In the heterogeneous pasture, the mean height used for feeding (6 to 7 cm) by horses was intermediate between the heights used in the short (4 to 5 cm) and tall pastures (22 to 23 cm), and the animals may thus have benefited from both short swards of high quality and tall swards offering a higher instantaneous intake rate.  相似文献   

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