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Transneuronal autoradiography was used to study the effects of visual deprivation on the ocular dominance stripes in layer IVc of the striated cortex of Erythrocebus patas (Old World) monkeys. The animals were studied after: (a) 21-28 days of monocular deprivation starting at, or within, a few days of birth; (b) the same treatment followed by a further 3, 6, 15 or 126 days of monocular vision through both eyes (reopening). One other monkey was monocularly deprived from birth to 1890 days. In most cases the behaviour of the ocular dominance stripes formed by the initially closed eye was studied. After 24 days of monocular deprivation from birth, the input from the normal eye was distributed uniformly within layer IVc, with no periodicity evident. After 21 days of deprivation, the deprived eye's input formed narrow stripes occupying about 38% of layer IVc in the operculum. Seven months of monocular deprivation reduced this to about 29%. Opening the closed eye after the deprivation produced no change in the area innervated: when periods of 15 or 96 days of binocular vision followed the deprivation, the areas innervated by the initially deprived eye were 26 and 30% respectively. However, in both cases the deprived eye's input formed blobs and spots, rather than uniformly narrow stripes. In contrast to reopening, reverse suturing increased the fraction of layer IVc occupied by input form the initially deprived eye. In the operculum, the effects of reverse suturing appeared to be fully developed after only 6 days of reversal: the initially deprived eye's stripes having expanded to occupy about 50% of layer IVc. A further 9 days' reversal produced little change in this. In the visual cortex in the calcarine fissure, the effect of the initial deprivation ws more severe, and the expansion induced by reverse suturing more pronounced. The initial deprivation caused the stripes to shrink to occupy 24% of layer IVc; after 6 days of reverse sulture the proportion increased to 52%, while after 15 days of reverse suture about 88% of IVc was occupied. These results show that reverse suturing can cause fresh growth of afferent axons in regions of layer IVc from which they had been at least partially removed, either by the normal process of segregation, or as a consequence of monocular deprivation. Taken in conjuction with the findings of the accompanying two papers (Blackemore et al...  相似文献   

The cross-sectional area was measured of neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus (l.g.n.) of monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) subjected to monocular deprivation by unilateral eyelid suture, and of others in which the closed lids had been subsequently opened (either alone, "reopening', or together with closure of the previously open eye, "reverse suture'). Monocular deprivation for the first month of the monkey's life retards l.g.n. cell growth such that neurons in the laminae innervated by the closed eye are about 15% smaller in cross-sectional area than those in normally innervated laminae. This failure of normal growth can be countered by reverse suture for even short periods of time, the size difference between laminae being abolished within 6 days after reverse suture performed at the age of 1 month. Simply reopening the closed eye has little or no effect on l.g.n. neuronal recovery. These morphological results in the l.g.n. correlate closely with studies on the width of ocular dominance "stripes' in layer IVc of the visual cortex of the same animals: the stripes, narrower than normal after monocular deprivation, "expand' with a time course similar to that of l.g.n. cell recovery, as judged by single unit recording and by autoradiography in the cortex after transneuronal transport of labelled tracers injected in an eye.  相似文献   

Frenkel MY  Bear MF 《Neuron》2004,44(6):917-923
We used a chronic recording method to document the kinetics of ocular dominance (OD) plasticity induced by temporary lid closure in young mice. We find that monocular deprivation (MD) induces two separate modifications: (1) rapid, deprivation-induced response depression and (2) delayed, deprivation-enabled, experience-dependent response potentiation. To gain insight into how altering retinal activity triggers these cortical responses, we compared the effects of MD by lid closure with monocular inactivation (MI) by intravitreal injection of tetrodotoxin. We find that MI fails to induce deprived-eye response depression but promotes potentiation of responses driven by the normal eye. These effects of MI in juvenile mice closely resemble the effects of MD in adult mice. Understanding how MI and MD differentially affect activity in the visual system of young mice may provide key insight into how the critical period ends.  相似文献   

Response patterns recorded with 30 microelectrodes from area 17 of anaesthetized monkeys are analysed. A proportion of the patterns are used to define prototype response patterns. These in turn are used to recognize the stimulus from further non-averaged response patterns. In comparison, recognition by a feedforward neural network is much slower, and slightly inferior. The excitation time structure, with a resolution of about 20 ms, is found to contribute strongly to the recognition. There is some inter-ocular recognition for oriented moving bars, and for on and off phases of switched lights, but none for colours. Generalizations over some stimulus parameters (i.e. cases of confusion) are examined: If small jerking shapes are incorrectly recognized, in general the jerk direction often is the correct one. The onset of a response can most easily be found by determining the dissimilarity relative to spontaneous activity in a sliding window.  相似文献   

The basal dendrites of Meynert cells in the striate cortex have been studied with the Golgi method in the brains of monkeys that had been reared for varying periods with the eyelids closed over one eye. The lengths and arrangement of the dendrites were compared with those in normal brains. In the visually deprived brain almost half of the cells had basal dendrites that were apparently normal with the dendritic fields in the form of an ellipse and the long axes parallel to the direction of the ocular dominance bands. The other cells had dendritic fields that have rarely been seen in normal material and two distinct types could be recognized. The 'lop-sided' cell had an ellipsoidal dendritic field with the major axis parallel to the ocular dominance bands, but the extents of the dendrites along the minor axis were very asymmetric; the ratio of the means of the long and short arms of the minor axis of the 'lop-sided' cell is 2.3:1 compared with 1.1:1 in normal brains. The 'perpendicular' type of cell also had an ellipsoidal dendritic field but the relation of the major and minor axes to the direction of the ocular dominance bands was the reverse of the normal cell, with the long axis of the ellipse being aligned perpendicular to the bands. 'Lop-sided' cells formed approximately 18% of the total of Meynert cells studied and the 'perpendicular' 32%. The proportion of the cells with abnormal basal dendritic fields, and particularly the 'perpendicular', increased with longer durations of eyelid closure. It is suggested that the alterations in the dendritic fields of the 'lop-sided' and 'perpendicular' cells may be correlated with the changes in width of the ocular dominance bands that are known to occur after monocular eyelid suture.  相似文献   

By means of quantitative histochemical methods it has been shown that an early photic deprivation (animals kept in a dark chamber for two months after their birth) leads to a decrease in the activity level of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the visual area of the cerebral cortex. With the recovery of the visual function (animals kept in normal photic conditions for two weeks) the AChE activity becomes markedly normalized. The obtained data allow to suggest that the decrease in AChE activity due to deprivation is functionally determined.  相似文献   

The rhesus monkey's visual cortex was studied on Golgi material. The terminal arborization of the geniculate fibres and non-specific vertical fibres have been analysed. The interneurons (intrinsic neurons) of the area described in detail and classified on the basis of their axonal and dendrite arborizations. The stellate neurons in layer IV are discussed.  相似文献   

C J McAdams  J H Maunsell 《Neuron》1999,23(4):765-773
To determine the physiological mechanisms underlying the enhancement of performance by attention, we examined how attention affects the ability of isolated neurons to discriminate orientation by investigating the reliability of responses with and without attention. Recording from 262 neurons in cortical area V4 while two rhesus macaques did a delayed match-to-sample task with oriented stimuli, we found that attention did not produce detectable changes in the variability of neuronal responses but did improve the orientation discriminability of the neurons. We also found that attention did not change the relationship between burst rate and response rate. Our results are consistent with the idea that attention selects groups of neurons for a multiplicative enhancement in response strength.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials arising in the visual cortex and superior colliculus to stimulation of the collateral eye by single, paired, and repetitive flashes were recorded in rabbits reared in darkness or in normal illumination. The absence of significant change in the latent period and amplitudes of the first two components of the collicular responses and of the recovery cycle and response to repetitive stimulation in the light-deprived animals suggest that photic stimulation does not affect the normal functional development of the rabbit retinotectal system. However, functional deafferentation in the early postnatal period gives rise to serious disturbances of visual cortical function, as reflected in a marked decrease in amplitude of the primary response, lengthening of the recovery cycle, and narrowing of the range of rhythm-binding frequencies of flashes. These disturbances were reversible. The period of maximal sensitivity of the rabbit retinocortical system to visual deprivation begins at the end of the first month of postnatal life. The possible mechanisms lying at the basis of these functional disturbances in light-deprived animals are discussed.  相似文献   

L M Gershte?n 《Tsitologiia》1975,17(4):437-441
Early visual deprivation was interferometrically shown to entail changes in the concentration and contents of the protein substance with simultaneous changes of the neurons size. The changes are statistically significant in the lamina V and not in the laminasIII and IV. The changes in each lamina are associated with definite group of the neurons the development of which is, probably, determined by visual stimuli.  相似文献   

If is is believed that neural mechanisms mediating stereoscopic vision may be localized in specific areas of the visual cortex, then it becomes necessary to be able to define these areas adequately. This is no easy matter in the rhesus monkey, an animal close to man, where the cytoarchitecturally uniform prestriate cortex is folded into deep sulci with secondary gyri. One way around this awkward problem is to use the callosal connections of the prestriate cortex as the anatomical landmarks. Callosal connections are restricted to regions at which the vertical meridian is represented. Since the visual fields, including the vertical meridian, are separately represented in each area, each has its own callosal connections. These are of great help in defining some of the boundaries of these areas, since the boundaries often coincide with the representation of the vertical meridian. With the visual areas thus defined anatomically, it becomes relatively easy to assign recordings to particular areas. Studies of binocular interactions in these areas reveal that most cells in all prestriate areas are binocularly driven. Hence, theoretically, all of the prestriate areas are candidates for stereoscopic mechanisms. The degree of binocular interaction varies from cell to cell. At the two extremes are cells which either respond to monocular stimulation only and are inhibited by binocular stimulation or ones which respond to binocular stimulation only. Changing, as opposed to fixed, disparity is signalled by two types of cells. In one category are cells activated in opposite directions for the two eyes. Such cells are always binocularly driven. In the other category are cells, some of which are monocularly activated, that are capable of responding to changing image size. In the monkey, both these categories of cells have so far been found in the motion area of the superior temporal sulcus only.  相似文献   

Visually evoked potentials obtained from the cerebral cortex of pigmented rabbits in response to monocularly applied flashes were studied. In agreement with their morphology, the VEP of the cerebral cortex of the rabbit were classified in three fundamental types: the first one is characterized by the presence of a large positive wave, (P1), followed by a negative wave, (N1), and finally, another positive wave, (P2); these last two being of quite variable amplitudes. The second one is characterized by an initial large negative wave, (N1), followed by a usually large positive wave, (P2). Should a positive, (P1), appear previous to N1 there would be little amplitude. The third one is characterized by the presentation of an early negative wave, (N0), of variable amplitude. This is usually followed by a large wave, (P1). N1 and P2 are present but their amplitude is variable.  相似文献   

The visually evoked potentials in the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulated eye in rabbit, can be described topographically as follows. While a positive wave (P1) begins forming in the anterior zones and in the V I binocular zone, the N0 wave, at times very large, is produced in a more occipital zone, which corresponds to the visual streak. Immediately afterwards, the positivity, P1, practically invades the whole of the hemisphere. After this, the N1 wave which is produced in the most posterior parts of the V I, begins forming. The whole phenomenon comes to an end when the P2 wave is generated in the most occipital zones.  相似文献   

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