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The presence of reverse gyrase, an unusual ATP-dependent type I topoisomerase first isolated from thermophilic archaebacteria, has been detected in four strains of Thermotogales, an order of extremely thermophilic eubacteria. This result suggests that reverse gyrase plays a key role in high-temperature-living organisms, independently of the evolutionary kingdom to which they belong.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 216 Icelandic aerobic, heterotrophic, thermophiles belonging to three different genera were screened for type II restriction endonucleases. The frequency of positive strains was 44% for both Thermus and Bacillus but 63% for Rhodothermus. Approximately half of the enzymes from each group were characterised and a total of 14 different restriction enzymes were found. In all cases they were isoschizomers of known enzymes. Thermus contained 9 different types, Bacillus 6 and Rhodothermus had 3. This is the first time that isoschizomers of BspEI, BglI, EagI and EcoRV are found in Thermus and BstBI and EcoRV are found in Rhodothermus.  相似文献   

The plasmid profile of two thermophilic bacterial strains isolated from recreation thermal springs in Jordan has been investigated. These strains are Streptococcus thermophilus and Bacillus sp1, which have been isolated from Zerka – Maeen and Himma hot springs respectively. Supercoiled and circular plasmid forms were detected, explaining the effect of DNA conformation on the mobility of the plasmid in the agarose gel electrophoresis. Two plasmids have been isolated and characterized by restriction endonucleases to facilitate their use as cloning vectors in thermophilic strains. The sizes of the plasmids were approximately 3 kb (from Streptococcus thermophilus) and 7 kb (from Bacillus spl). These plasmids were then digested with three different restriction enzymes (EcoRI, Bam HI, and HindIII), one of which was found to possess a single site for both plasmids, this enzyme is EcoRI.  相似文献   

Triamines such as norspermidine, spermidine, and homospermidine and tetraamines such as norspermine, spermine, thermospermine, and aminopropylhomospermidine were found to be distributed ubiquitously in the eight extremely thermophilic (growing at 70 degrees C) Thermus species tested. Three linear pentaamine (caldopentamine, homocaldopentamine, and thermopentamine), two linear hexaamines (caldohexamine and homocaldohexamine), two tertiary branched tetraamines (N4-aminopropylnorspermidine and N4-aminopropyl-spermidine), and quaternary branched pentaamines such as N4-bis(aminopropyl)norspermidine and N4-bis(aminopropyl)spermidine were detected in T. thermophilus HB8, T. filiformis Wai33 A1, T. flavus AT-62, and T. caldophilus GK24. The linear hexaamines and branched polyamines were absent in T. aquaticus YT-1, T. sp. X-1, T. sp. T2, and T. sp. T351, in which linear pentaamines were minor components. Moderately thermophilic Thermus ruber and Thermus sp. K-2 contained putrescine, spermidine, norspermidine, homospermidine, spermine, norspermine, thermospermine, and aminopropylhomospermidine. No pentaamines, hexaamines, or branched polyamines were found in these two moderately thermophilic Thermus species. On the other hand, moderately thermophilic, acidophilic Acidothermus cellulolyticus was devoid of all the polyamines.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-six thermophilic archaebacteria and nine extremely thermophilic eubacteria have been screened on solid media for extracellular amylase, protease, hemicellulase (xylanase), cellulase, pectinase and lipase activities. Extracellular enzymes were detected in 14 archaebacteria belonging to three different orders. Twelve of these were able to degrade starch and casein and the two Thermofilum strains were able to degrade starch, xylan and carboxymethylcellulose. Three of the eubacteria could degrade only starch. The other six (including four Thermotoga strains) all had activity against starch, xylan and carboxymethylcellulose, and one also had activity against casein. Some of the amylolytic archaebacteria released -glucosidase, -glucosidase, amylase and transglucosylase activities into liquid media containing starch or maltose. Thermotoga strain FjSS3B.1 released amylase, xylanase, cellulase and -glucosidase activities into the medium when grown in the presence of substrates. When the partially purified enzymes from Thermotoga and some of the archaebacteria were compared with known thermostable enzymes the majority were found to be the most thermostable of their type. The -glucosidase, xylanase and cellulase from Thermotoga and two -glucosidases, a -glucosidase, an amylase and a pullulanase from archaebacteria all have half-lives of at least 15 min at 105°C.  相似文献   

棉秸秆降解高温菌株的筛选及产酶分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从新疆地区分离具有降解棉秸秆纤维素功能的菌株,得到4株耐高温真菌(50°C)。纤维素酶学性质分析表明,该4株菌的纤维素酶具有良好的耐酸性(最适pH为4.5)和耐高温性(最高达60°C)。以羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)、微结晶纤维素、棉花、滤纸、淀粉、果胶为底物测定酶活力,滤纸酶活力(FPA)最高达2.63 U/mL、淀粉酶活力最高达6.17 U/mL、果胶酶活力最高达5.86 U/mL。4株真菌酶学特性分析表明,该系列菌株在秸秆生物质利用方面有很大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

五种假单胞菌的分离鉴定及其生物活性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】从湖南长沙市采集到的土样中分离假单胞菌并进行归类,研究各菌株抑菌和抗肿瘤生物活性,以丰富假单胞菌菌种资源并为微生物次级代谢物的挖掘奠定基础。【方法】采用大蜡螟诱集法诱集分离假单胞菌,结合形态观察、生理生化特征和16S rRNA基因序列同源性分析,鉴定并归类各细菌,通过平板扩散法、对峙培养法和肿瘤细胞毒性试验分别研究各菌株抑制细菌、拮抗真菌和抗肿瘤细胞等生物活性。【结果】从湖南长沙市郊区菜地、林地中分离得到5株假单胞菌,归类并命名为Pseudomonas protegens CY01、绿针假单胞菌CY02(Pseudomonas chlororaphis CY02)、栖稻假单胞菌CY04(Pseudomonas oryzihabitans CY04)、Pseudomonas sp.CY05和恶臭假单胞菌CY06(Pseudomonas putida CY06)。P.protegens CY01和P.chlororaphis CY02对枯草芽胞杆菌(Bacillus subtillis)和金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)具有较好的抑菌效果,P.chlororaphis CY02对水稻稻瘟病菌(Pyricularia oryzae)具有良好的拮抗作用,对小鼠黑色素瘤细胞B16具有较强的细胞毒性。【结论】分离得到的P.chlororaphis CY02,在抑制病原细菌、拮抗水稻稻瘟病菌和抗肿瘤细胞等方面具有显著效果。  相似文献   

Kuo, M. J. (Iowa State University, Ames), and P. A. Hartman. Isolation of amylolytic strains of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris and production of thermophilic actinomycete amylases. J. Bacteriol. 92:723-726. 1966.-Of 759 isolates obtained from dung, compost, and soil samples, a culture of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris (strain 5) was selected for further study on the basis of quantities of amylase produced in synthetic and nonsynthetic media, rapid growth and sporulation, culture stability upon prolonged storage at 5 C, and growth temperature range. Inoculum preparation, temperature optimum for amylase formation, and the effects of various kinds and levels of carbon and nitrogen sources on amylase production were studied with T. vulgaris strain 5. An optimal procedure for production of T. vulgaris amylases is proposed.  相似文献   

Thermophilic mutants were isolated from mesophilic Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus pumilus by plating large numbers of cells and incubating them for several days at a temperature about 10 degrees C above the upper growth temperature limit for the parent mesophiles. Under these conditions we found thermophilic mutant strains that were able to grow at temperatures between 50 degrees C and 70 degrees C at a frequency of less than 10(-10). The persistence of auxotrophic and antibiotic resistance markers in the thermophilic mutants confirmed their mesophilic origin. Transformation of genetic markers between thermophilic mutants and mesophilic parents was demonstrated at frequencies of 10(-3) to 10(-2) for single markers and about 10(-7) for two unlinked markers. With the same procedure we were able to transfer the thermophilic trait from the mutant strains of Bacillus to the mesophilic parental strains at a frequency of about 10(-7), suggesting that the thermophilic trait is a phenotypic consequence of mutations in two unlinked genes.  相似文献   

This is the first detailed report of xylanolytic activity in Thermus strains. Two highly thermophilic xylanolytic bacteria, very closely related to non-xylanolytic T. thermophilus strains, have been isolated from the hottest zones of compost piles. Strain X6 was investigated in more detail. The growth rate (optical density monitoring) on xylan was 0.404.h-1 at 75 degrees C. Maximal growth temperature was 81 degrees C. Xylanase activity was mainly cell-bound, but was solubilized into the medium by sonication. It was induced by xylan or xylose in the culture medium. The temperature and pH optima of the xylanases were determined to be around 100 degrees C and pH 6, respectively. Xylanase activity was fairly thermostable; only 39% of activity was lost after an incubation period of 48 h at 90 degrees C in the absence of substrate. Xylanolytic T. thermophilus strains could contribute to the degradation of hemicellulose during the thermogenic phase of industrial composting.  相似文献   

Thermophilic eubacteria were screened for thermostability of DNA ligases and DNA polymerases. A total of 103 and 248 strains were screened respectively. The strains belonged to four distantly related genera of Thermus, Bacillus, Rhodothermus and Hydrogenobacter. Thermostable DNA ligases were found in 22% of the strains and thermostable DNA polymerase were found in 15% of the strains. Thermus strains gave the highest frequency of both heat tolerant enzymes.  相似文献   

The present study surveys 37 thermophilic fungal strains, that were isolated from various Tunisian biotopes such as litter, husk and compost, for their involvement in lignin degradation activities. Oxido-reductase and hydrolase activities were screened. Oxido-reductase activities, such as Extracellular Oxidase, Laccase, Tyrosinase and Peroxidase, were tested. Hydrolase activities, namely Lipase, Protease, Amylase and Cellulase, were also revealed. Strain ST26, isolated from locally made compost, and showed an important laccase activity with ABTS and DMP, was selected. Laccase activity of strain ST26 was 1575 U/l in liquid media. This strain was identified and was belonging to Scytalidium genus and more precisely to the specie Scytalidium thermophilum using 5.8S rRNA gene sequencing analysis.  相似文献   

In a search for potential ethanologens, waste compost was screened for ethanol-tolerant thermophilic microorganisms. Two thermophilic bacterial strains, M5EXG and M10EXG, with tolerance of 5 and 10% (v/v) ethanol, respectively, were isolated. Both isolates are facultative anaerobic, non-spore forming, non-motile, catalase-positive, oxidase-negative, Gram-negative rods that are capable of utilizing a range of carbon sources including arabinose, galactose, mannose, glucose and xylose and produce low amounts of ethanol, acetate and lactate. Growth of both isolates was observed in fully defined minimal media within the temperature range 50–80°C and pH 6.0–8.0. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences revealed that both isolates clustered with members of subgroup 5 of the genus Bacillus. G+C contents and DNA–DNA relatedness of M5EXG and M10EXG revealed that they are strains belonging to Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius. However, physiological and biochemical differences were evident when isolates M5EXG and M10EXG were compared with G. thermoglucosidasius type strain (DSM 2542T). The new thermophilic, ethanol-tolerant strains of G. thermoglucosidasius may be candidates for ethanol production at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Six microbial strains (JT) of endospore-forming, anaerobic, thermophilic and cellulolytic bacteria were isolated from camel feces, compost, soil and hot spring water in Japan. These strains are gram negative and classified as the genus Clostridium. Strains JT3-1, JT3-2 and JT3-3 can digest starch. All of the strains produce a high activity of extracellular cellulases in cellobiose and cellulose media.Strain JT1 produced 1.36 units/ml of CMCase (endo-β-1,4-d-glucanase, EC, 66.2 units/ml of β-glucosidase (ED and 39.9 units/ml of β-xylosidase (EC in 1% cellobiose medium. Strain JT3-3 produced 1.87 units/ml of CMCase, 166.3 units/ml of β-glucosidase and 23.6 units/ml of β-xylosidase in 1% cellulose medium.  相似文献   

【背景】随着CO_2排放增加,全球变暖愈发严峻,嗜热蓝细菌作为能够在45°C及以上环境中生长并实现生物固碳的微生物,具有重要的研究意义。【目的】对从广东惠州地区采集的藻种进行分离鉴定,并筛选出2株嗜热蓝细菌,研究其生长特性,为嗜热蓝细菌的后续应用提供依据。【方法】通过16SrRNA基因、藻蓝蛋白链A基因(PhycoA)序列分析确定从惠州地区采集到的菌株的分类学位置。对PKUAC-GDTS1-24和PKUAC-GDTS1-29两株嗜热蓝细菌进行形态观察和主要细胞成分(灰分、糖类、脂质、蛋白质和色素)分析。【结果】共分离出12株嗜热蓝细菌,其中PKUAC-GDTS1-24和PKUAC-GDTS1-29菌株,形态上呈蓝绿色球形毛状体,是由细胞形成密集的簇,彼此附着形成的。两株嗜热蓝细菌的主要细胞成分是糖类,分别占细胞干重的36.42%和28.46%。PKUAC-GDTS1-24的灰分、脂质和蛋白质含量分别为24.41%、21.40%和26.64%。PKUAC-GDTS1-29的细胞中,灰分、脂质和蛋白质含量分别为24.72%、23.92%和12.93%。藻蓝蛋白(Phycocyanin,PC)在PKUAC-GDTS1-24和PKUAC-GDTS1-29中的含量分别为157.29 mg/g DW和374.86 mg/g DW,类胡萝卜素分别为65.13 mg/g DW和18.87 mg/g DW。【结论】基于系统发育树研究,本实验的2个分离株属于细鞘丝藻亚科(Leptolyngbyaceae),与研究较少的纤发鞘丝蓝细菌属(Leptolyngbya)菌株相近,可能是广东和四川温泉中存在的一种新型丝状轻度嗜热蓝细菌属或Leptolyngbya新种。嗜热菌株PKUAC-GDTS1-24和PKUAC-GDTS1-29的形态和细胞组成相似,通过比较,2个菌株的藻胆蛋白含量远远高于其他研究报道的Leptolyngbya蓝细菌,尤其是PKUAC-GDTS1-29可以作为藻蓝蛋白生产的潜在菌株。  相似文献   

Several plasmid DNAs have been isolated from mesophilic and thermophilic archaebacteria. Their superhelical densities were estimated at their host strain's optimal growth temperature, and in some representative strains, the presence of reverse gyrase activity (positive DNA supercoiling) was investigated. We show here that these plasmids can be grouped in two clusters with respect to their topological state. The group I plasmids have a highly negatively supercoiled DNA and belong to the mesophilic archaebacteria and all types of eubacteria. The group II plasmids have DNA which is close to the relaxed state and belong exclusively to the thermophilic archaebacteria. All archaebacteria containing a relaxed plasmid, with the exception of the moderately thermophilic methanogen Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Marburg, also exhibit reverse gyrase activity. These findings show that extrachromosomal DNAs with very different topological states coexist in the archaebacterial domain.  相似文献   

Hamana K  Niitsu M  Samejima K  Itoh T 《Microbios》2001,104(409):177-185
Cellular polyamines of four new thermophiles located in three early branched eubacterial clades, were investigated for the chemotaxonomic significance of polyamine distribution profiles. The thermophilic anaerobic Thermosipho japonicus, belonging to the order Thermotogales, contained norspermidine, norspermine and thermospermine in addition to spermidine and spermine. The polyamine profile was identical to the polyamine composition of Thermotoga, Fervidobacterium and Petrotoga species of the order. Spermidine, norspermidine, spermine, N4-bis(aminopropyl)spermidine and agmatine were found in thermophilic aerobic Thermaerobacter marianensis. Some differences were observed in the polyamine compositions of the phylogenetically related thermophilic anaerobes, Moorella, Dictyoglomus, Thermoanaerobacterium and Thermoanaerobacter species. Thermophilic anaerobic Caldicellulosiruptor kristianssonii and Caldicellulosiruptor owensensis contained a linear penta-amine, thermopentamine, and two quaternary branched penta-amines, N4-bis(aminopropyl)spermidine and N4-bis(aminopropyl)norspermidine, as the major polyamines. A novel tertiary branched penta-amine, N4-aminopropylspermine, was found in the two Caldicellulosiruptor species.  相似文献   

Abstract The HSP70 genes of eukaryotes show up to 50% nucleotide sequence homology to the dna K gene of Escherichia coli . This extreme structure conservation implies conservation of a function that may be needed by all cells, suggesting that other bacteria may have sequences related to HSP70 and dna K. Amongst other functions, HSP70-like proteins may act to limit thermal protein denaturation. In this study DNA isolated from thermophilic archaebacteria (from the family Desulfurococcus ) and thermophilic eubacteria (from the families Bacillus and Thermus ) was probed with sequences from a heat shock inducible HSP70 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Hybridization was detected under conditions of low stringency, indicating the existence of HSP70-related sequences in the thermophilic bacteria studied.  相似文献   

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