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A shallow turbid man-made impoundment was studied intensively for five years. The carbon (C) budget indicated a well balanced system, where phytoplankton productivity and respiratory losses accounted for the major inputs and outputs. The carbon content was dominated by dissolved organic carbon, followed by detritus > fish > phytoplankton > bacteria > zooplankton > zoobenthos.From an analysis of a matrix flow model, three dominant components of C-flow in the system were identified, i.e. dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and fish. Phytoplankton and detritus were the important components of POC. The largest flow of C was through the largest pool, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), whilst the second largest flow was through the fifth largest pool, the phytoplankton. Phytoplankton was very important in determining the structure of the system, and variations in phytoplankton primary productivity influenced the entire system. This also applied to the input of organic material from macrophytes, but not to variations in the inflow and outflow of water from the impoundment.The input of detrital material from a littoral macrophyte community also markedly influenced the system. DOC was identified as a carbon buffer in the system, and differential flow occurred through this component upon variations in phytoplankton productivity.  相似文献   

Twinch  A. J.  Breen  C. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):395-404
Changes at the mud surface in Midmar Dam, following impoundment, were studied by examining vertical profiles of selected parameters in sediment cores. Distinct stratification in organic carbon, pH and exchangeable Al3+ was evident. Phosphate adsorption characteristics in the stratified sediments was quantified using Langmuir adsorption isotherms. The adsorption maxima and bonding energy constants in the surface sediments (0–3 cm) were markedly lower than those below 3 cm, indicating that the surface layers are less efficient at binding phosphate than the deeper layers. Radiotracer experiments indicate that the layers comprising the top 3 cm of sediment predominate in PO4-P exchange with the overlying water.  相似文献   

Keulder  P. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):341-353
As part of an ecosystem study of a small mesotrophic turbid impoundment in the semi-arid part of South Africa, an investigation was made of the particle size distribution, organic content and inorganic chemical composition of the sediment. Nine transects 50 m apart were made during February 1980. Sediments were sampled with an Eckman grab. The following analyses were made: size fractionation by wet sieving, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable Na, K, Ca, Mg and PO4, total P, and loss on ignition. From the results it was clear that the finer particles, in or near the original river bed, had higher cation exchange capacity, total P, exchangeable phosphorus and organic content. Littoral areas with avian habitat and extensive macrophyte vegetation, contained coarser sediments. Organic detritus apparently migrated to the deeper part of the impoundment. Sediments of lacustrine and fluvial origin were identified by means of the Passega classification.  相似文献   

Knowledge of spatial heterogeneity characteristic of reservoir plankton communities is fundamental to a variety of ecological studies. Degree of spatial heterogeneity in the zooplankton community of Center Hill Reservoir, with water residence times of 50–250 days, was positively correlated with rate of water influx. Important spatial differences resulted from the contrast between zooplankton associated with new and longer-impounded water. The nature of spatial heterogeneity differed fundamentally from the more riverine impoundments where spatial differences are often persistent and characterized by gradual change (as opposed to contrast) in plankton assemblages with respect to location. Magnitude of plankton spatial heterogeneity in nonriverine impoundments may be predictable from inflow rates. Areas, between which major differences in plankton communities exist, may also be definable from knowledge of inflow dispersal patterns in these impoundments.  相似文献   

V. Kannan  S. V. Job 《Hydrobiologia》1980,69(3):267-271
The phytoplankton biomass was estimated in terms of chlorophyll in Sathiar reservoir. The chlorophyll values were high during the low water phase in the reservoir which was also the period of summer. Following the rains and increase in water depth phytoplankton biomass decreases on account of (a) dilution, (b) loss from the reservoir through the outlets and (c) settling to the bottom along with silt. The diel variations of chlorophyll showed that the peak value was reached mostly at 12 noon due to the migration of phytoplankton to the surface.  相似文献   

The parasitic fish fauna in Guelph Lake, a four-year old impoundment, were compared with those in upstream and downstream localities. The lacustrine assemblage of the young mesotrophic to eutrophic impoundment was dominated by the cestodes, Ligula intestinalis and Proteocephalus ambloplites, and the nematode, Philometra sp. The acanthocephalan, Neoechinorhynchus saginatus, and the nematode, Rhabdacona cascadilla dominated the rheophilous assemblage of fish parasites, but the prevalence rate and intensity of R. cascadilla was significantly reduced downstream.  相似文献   

Certain terrestrial animals use sky polarization for navigation. Certain aquatic species have also been shown to orient according to a polarization stimulus, but the correlation between underwater polarization and Sun position and hence the ability to use underwater polarization as a compass for navigation is still under debate. To examine this issue, we use theoretical equations for per cent polarization and electric vector (e-vector) orientation that account for the position of the Sun, refraction at the air-water interface and Rayleigh single scattering. The polarization patterns predicted by these theoretical equations are compared with measurements conducted in clear and semi-turbid coastal sea waters at 2 m and 5 m depth over sea floors of 6 m and 28 m depth. We find that the per cent polarization is correlated with the Sun's elevation only in clear waters. We furthermore find that the maximum value of the e-vector orientation angle equals the angle of refraction only in clear waters, in the horizontal viewing direction, over the deeper sea floor. We conclude that navigation by use of underwater polarization is possible under restricted conditions, i.e. in clear waters, primarily near the horizontal viewing direction, and in locations where the sea floor has limited effects on the light's polarization.  相似文献   

In mainland Australia and in southern Africa, the aridity of the climate and sparse vegetative cover increase the susceptibility of the soils to erosion, and as a consequence surface waters are usually turbid. The inanimate suspensoids in such waters, the tripton fraction of the limnologist, are responsible for virtually all the light scattering, and also, by virtue of the yellow-brown humic materials adsorbed on their surface, for a substantial part of the light absorption. Spectral absorption data for suspensoids in terms of theirin situ absorption coefficient values, and the contribution of suspensoids to absorption of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) are given for certain Australian water bodies.To understand the effect of suspensoids on attenuation of the solar flux with depth, the scattering coefficient must also be known, and this can be determined from the nephelometric turbidity or from up- and down-welling irradiance measurements. The effect of particle size on scattering efficiency is discussed.An equation expressing the vertical attenuation coefficient for downward irradiance as a function of absorption coefficient, scattering coefficient and solar altitude is presented, and is used to explore the effects of absorption due to dissolved colour and suspensoids, and the effects of scattering by suspensoids, on the penetration of PAR.Suspensoids, by increasing the rate of attenuation of the solar flux with depth, can greatly diminish the euphotic depth of a water body, with a consequent decrease in the ratio of the euphotic to the mixed depth: thus turbidity can reduce productivity of a water body substantially below that which might be expected on the basis of nutrient availability. Shallow turbid waters of low intrinsic colour can, however, be highly productive. By diminishing the depth of the layer within which solar energy is dissipated as heat, suspensoids can greatly modify the hydrodynamic behaviour of water bodies, and this also has far-reaching ecological consequences.Suspensoids drastically impair the visual clarity of water, a fact of major significance for the aquatic fauna, as well of aesthetic significance for humanity. The reciprocal of the Secchi depth is more correctly thought of as a guide to the vertical contrast attenuation coefficient rather than to the vertical attenuation coefficient for irradiance. The reflectivity of a water body, being at any wavelength proportional to the backscattering coefficient divided by the absorption coefficient, is highly dependent on the concentration, and optical character, of the suspensoids present. This has implications not only for the appearance (colour, muddiness) of the water to an observer, but also for the remote sensing of water composition by air- or satellite-borne radiometric sensors.  相似文献   

1. Grazer control of phytoplankton and water transparency was responsive to interannual variations in river discharge and corresponding water retention time in Ford Lake, Michigan, U.S.A. 2. A simple mathematical model was developed to separate the effects of washout from in situ zooplankton population dynamics. The threshold reservoir flushing time for development of a large Daphnia population and corresponding clear water phase during May was about 20 days. Predation by Leptodora was insufficient to cause the subsequent decline of the Daphnia population. 3. Recruitment success by the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha appeared responsive to flushing time indirectly, through hydrological effects on the magnitude of the spring diatom crop.  相似文献   

亚热带常绿人工针叶林冠层内光能利用率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以我国南方主要造林树种湿地松(Pinus elliottii)、马尾松(P.massoniana)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为研究对象,采用Li-6400便携式CO2/H2O红外气体分析仪测定生长中期(7月)和后期(10月)树冠内部不同层次(上层和下层)、方位(阳面和阴面)和叶龄(当年生和1年生)光环境、净光合速率(Pn),计算了光能利用效率(LUE)。结果表明:光合有效辐射(PAR)在树冠不同层次和方位间存在显著差异(P<0.05);当年生叶所处环境PAR高于1年生叶所处环境PAR,即在一定光环境之下发育的叶片往往被后来形成的新叶所遮荫。两时期3树种上层针叶的Pn均高于下层针叶;生长中期下层针叶的LUE高于上层叶,而生长后期层次间LUE相近或下层针叶不及上层针叶。不同方位针叶Pn因树种不同而不同,湿地松和马尾松阳面叶Pn高于阴面叶,而杉木阴面叶Pn高于阳面叶;两时期3树种阴面叶LUE均高于阳面叶。总体而言,叶片Pn和LUE对森林树冠内部光环境做出较强的可塑性。由于当年生针叶生理机能和光环境均优于1年生针叶,两时期3树种当年生针叶Pn均高于1年生针叶;生长中期湿地松和马尾松当年生...  相似文献   

Urrutia  M. B.  Iglesias  J. I. P.  Navarro  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,355(1-3):173-180
Resuspension of bottom sediments by wind andtide-driven currents often occur in shallow waters,coastal embayments and estuaries. These processes maylead to dramatic variations in the concentration andorganic richness of suspended particle assemblages.Since resuspended matter is mainly inorganic,decreasing organic contents are usually associatedwith higher seston loads.Under this environmental context the feeding behaviourof bivalves shows a wide degree of plasticity, whichhas been interpreted as having high adaptive value. Inorder to evaluate benefits derived from thisbehaviour, we have used functional relationshipsobtained in previous studies, relating feedingparameters to characteristics of suspended food, topredict the effect that different feeding responseswould have exerted. In cockles, main processesdetermining energy acquisition are feeding rates andpreingestive food selection. Thus, the procedurefollowed in the present work consisted of simulatingrates of food absorption under alternative feedingbehaviours characterised by: (a) no preferentialingestion of filtered organic matter and (b) maintenance ofconstant clearance rates. In theabsence of selection of organic matter at thepreingestive level, ingestion rate of organics (OIR)would decline with increasing seston loads to 30% ofvalues predicted by functions fitted to experimentaldata; difference in absorption rate (AR) would be evengreater, falling to 10%, due to the strong effectthat the organic content of ingested matter exerts onabsorption efficiency. On the other hand, had theclearance rate (CR) kept constant despite theincreasing seston load, OIR and AR would have fallento values respectively 30% and 49% lower than actualvalues.From these results it is concluded that the ability ofsorting particles before ingestion and the capabilityof adjusting clearance rate are key elements in thefeeding behaviour that enable cockles to be welladapted to cope with changes in the water columncaused by resuspension events.  相似文献   

1. The process‐based phytoplankton community model, PROTECH, was used to model the response of algal biomass to a range of mixed layer depths and extinction coefficients for three contrasting lakes: Blelham Tarn (eutrophic), Bassenthwaite Lake (mesotrophic) and Ullswater (oligotrophic). 2. As expected, in most cases biomass and diversity decreased with decreasing light availability caused by increasing the mixed depth and background extinction coefficient. The communities were generally dominated by phytoplankton tolerant of low light. Further, more novel, factors were identified, however. 3. In Blelham Tarn in the second half of the year, biomass and diversity did not generally decline with deeper mixing and the community was dominated by nitrogen‐fixing phytoplankton because that nutrient was limiting to growth. 4. In Bassenthwaite Lake, changing mixed depth influenced the retention time so that, as the mixed depth declined, the flushing rate in the mixed layer increased to the point that only fast‐growing phytoplankton could dominate. 5. In the oligotrophic Ullswater, changing the mixed depth had a greater effect through nutrient supply rather than light availability. This effect was observed when the mixed layer was relatively shallow (<5.5 m) and the driver for this was that the inflowing nutrients were added to a smaller volume of water, thus increasing nutrient concentrations and algal growth. 6. Therefore, whilst changes in mixed depth generally affect the phytoplankton via commonly recognized factors (light availability, sedimentation rate), it also affected phytoplankton growth and community composition through other important factors such as retention time and nutrient supply.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Temperature, oxygen and secchi disc transparency were measured in 5-m diameter isolation columns positioned in water approximately 4 m deep. In general the difference in thermal conditions between the adjacent open water and columns was slight. Oxygen levels in bottom waters in the enriched columns were often slightly lower than in the open water but never dropped below 50% saturation. It seems unlikely that sufficient depletion occurred to markedly increase release of phosphorus from the sediment. Light penetration in the columns was more varied than in the open water but was seldom sufficient to permit the development of large stands of benthic algae.  相似文献   

Many estuaries of medium to high tidal range exhibit an accumulation of fine cohesive material in their upper reaches in the region of the limit of saline intrusion. Much, or all, of this material is suspended each tidal cycle and the entire region undergoes a seasonal variation which appears to depend on fluvial input. Two factors which are throught to influence the formation and maintenance of turbidity maxima are the differing magnitudes of the bed shear stress (τ0) on flood and ebb tides and the large vertical density gradient which developes on the ebb tide. Crucial to the importance of the first factor is that τ0 exceeds a critical value, at which erosion occurs, for a greater period on the flood than on the ebb. The effect of the density gradient is that upward propagation of bed generated eddies is inhibited and the sediment is not transported into the upper part of the flow where it will be most effectively transported. It is not clear which, if either, of these mechanisms is dominant. Data consisting of vertical profiles of velocity, salinity and suspended solids were collected at four stations in the Tamar estuary during a high range tidal cycle. One station, at which the depth mean salinity (S d ) varied from 0.0 to ∼ 12.0‰, was occupied permanently. The other stations were occupied such that data were collected asS d varied in the range 0.0 to ∼ 4.0‰. In this way each station was occupied for a period of time on the ebb and flood tide. Observations show that during the early ebb, when the flow is relatively deep and slow, stratification persist untilS d ∼ 0.0‰ and that no significant transport occurs while the flow is saline but that there is a rapid increase in suspended solids concentrations after this time. During the later ebb the shallower faster flow allowed the density gradient to be erode and significant transport was observed atS d ∼ 5.0‰. On the flood tide the flow in the low salinity region is well-mixed troughout. Computation of the fluxes and total transport per unit breath of estuary show that on the ebb tide the quantity of solid material being transported by the low salinity (0–3‰) region remains nearly constant as this region of the flow is advebted seaward. On the flood tide, however, as the same region is advected landward the quantity of material being transported increases. It is concluded that in the Tamar estuary the early ebb tide stratification contributed to the formation and maintenance of a turbidity maximum which is strongly associated with the low salinity region of the flow. It is also speculated that the differences in the ebb and flood tide transport are caused by differences in the availability of mobile material on the bed at different stages of the tidal cycle.  相似文献   

Abstract Two Australian cladocerans, Moina australiensis Sars and a species of Ceriodaphnia, were evaluated as possible biological indicator organisms to assess the toxicity of irrigation supply and drainage water of the Murrumbidgee and Coleambally Irrigation Areas. M. australiensis, being large (~2000 μm) and orange, was initially chosen to overcome visibility problems in highly turbid Australian inland waters. However, the organism responded erratically in culture. Mortality was high and neonate production was unpredictable when cultured under recommended United States Environmental Protection Agency protocols. Attempts to improve culture performance by optimizing food (quality and quantity), water (control source, hardness, volume) and temperature were only marginally successful. Similar difficulties were not evident when Ceriodaphnia sp. was used as the test organism. Although Ceriodaphnia sp. is small (~1000 μm), grey and more difficult to see in turbid water its responses were more predictable and reliable than those of M. australiensis. Results of initial trials comparing the two organisms suggest that Ceriodaphnia sp. was a better test organism and more suited to local requirements.  相似文献   

An examination is made of the effect of light attenuation in the water column on the hydrodynamics, and in particular on temperature stratification in reservoirs. Numerical experiments are described which examine the differences in light profile in the water column when the spectral character of the incident radiation and light penetration is and is not taken into account. It was found that the exponential character of light penetration remains but the exponent may be increased by up to 20% in clear waterbodies and less in waterbodies with higher extinction values when I0(λ) and Kd(λ) are incorporated. The error may be higher when the spectral character of the extinction is due to colored organics rather than phytoplankton. The numerical, one dimensional hydrodynamic model DYRESM is used to isolate and examine the influence of changing the light attenuation in the water column in a reservoir, and on its hydrodynamics, when keeping other conditions unchanged. Not surprisingly, the simulations show that when the extinction rate increases, mixing depth decreases markedly, and although the same energy enters the water column, surface temperatures increase slightly while deep temperatures decrease. Some other surprising effects were found and are described. The results presented and comparison of the model results with real-world data indicate that the pronounced dependence of mixing depth on light extinction is a general phenomenon which cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

A major decrease in air temperature with an increase in wind stress created thermal instability resulting in overturn. Surface oxygen values decreased from 12.6 (170% saturation) prior to overturn to 0.4 mg · l–1 (5.7%) after overturn. Recovery of surface oxygen concentrations to supersaturation took approximately three months. Changes in the nitrogen balance after overturn indicated that extremely high rates of nitrification occurred. Little change in phosphorus concentration was observed. Surface chlorophyll concentrations decreased from 235 to approximately 2 mg · m–3, resulting in very low primary production values (Amax = 12.4 mg C m–3 h–1). Reduced rates of primary production were maintained for several months after overturn, mainly owing to the low ratio of Zeu/Zm (0.17). No significant changes occurred in the total bacterial population other than a redistribution within the water column. Significant changes occurred in the distribution and density of the zooplankton population. No fish kills were observed although fish populations were oxygen-stressed.  相似文献   

The light distribution profiles of plate-type photobioreactors were investigated. Light reaching individual channels of a plate module is dependent on the orientation of the module to the sun, the position of the channel within a plate and the position of the plate. The highest incident radiation was measured at the south oriented side of the first channel of the front plate. The light intensity decreased from top to ground channels. Different types of light diffusing optical fibers (LDOF) were characterized with respect to their applicability in photobioreactor systems.  相似文献   

A study of polarized light transport in scattering media exhibiting directional anisotropy or linear birefringence is presented in this paper. Novel theoretical and experimental methodologies for the quantification of birefringent alignment based on out‐of‐plane polarized light transport are presented here. A polarized Monte Carlo model and a polarimetric imaging system were devised to predict and measure the impact of birefringence on an impinging linearly polarized light beam. Ex‐vivo experiments conducted on bovine tendon, a biological sample consisting of highly packed type I collagen fibers with birefringent property, showed good agreement with the analytical results.

Top view geometry of the in‐plane ( a ) and the out‐of‐plane ( b ) detection. Letter C indicates the location of the detection arm.  相似文献   

The characteristics of light penetrance in Lake Kinneret, Israel, were observed over the years 1970 to 1973. Light measurements were made concurrently with those of algal speciation and biomass, chlorophyll concentrations and primary production. Vertical extinction coefficients of green light (filter VG9), the most penetrating spectral component, ranged from 0.15 (August 1970) to 0.93 In units m–1 (April 1970), reflecting the large differences between algal standing crops in non-bloom and bloom seasons. During the dinoflagellate bloom (Peridinium cinctum fa westii) from February through June, the increment of extinction coefficient per unit increase of chlorophyll concentration was 0.006 ln units mg–1 m2. The uneven vertical distribution of algae at this period caused irregularities in the depth curves of light penetrance. At other times, when the phytoplankton cells were more homogeneously dispersed with depth, regular light penetrance curves were observed; however, as previously noted (Rodhe, 1972), attenuation of algal photosynthetic activity often appeared to be regulated by the blue spectral component (filter BG 12). Ratios of absorbed to scattered light in the upper water column ranged from 85:15 to 75:25.  相似文献   

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