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动物通道是缓解高速公路对其周边野生动物生境隔离的有效措施,通道的位置是影响其使用效率的关键因素,然而现有研究对通道的选址却甚少涉及。以武深高速为例,推荐一种基于物种运动路径识别的通道选址方法,选取影响动物生境选择的环境因子构建评价体系,借助GIS手段对公路周边野生动物生境适宜性进行分析,在此基础上借鉴水文分析原理快速准确地刻画出物种在生境中的潜在活动路径,从而确定了5处高速公路上建设动物通道的理想位置。结果表明,该方法能定量地反映出生境的质量格局对于物种运动的影响,准确定位出物种运动受到阻碍的关键区域,在景观层次上,提出的通道位置能有效地缓解栖息地破碎化造成的生态压力;研究不但能弥补目前研究的不足,同时亦为道路网设计、城市生态规划等相关领域研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

道路对野生动物适宜繁殖地影响的定量研究是目前道路生态学领域有待深入的内容之一.本文以国家一级保护动物朱鹮为研究对象,利用物种分布模型(SDM)中MaxEnt模型,通过对影响朱鹮繁殖地的环境变量进行自相关分析,剔除自相关系数大于0.8的环境变量,最终选择了10个环境变量为朱鹮繁殖地的影响因子,分别为最冷季度平均气温、景观类型、归一化植被指数、坡度、坡向、距水体距离、距水田距离、距高等级公路(县级及以上道路)距离、距低等级公路(乡镇和林间道路)距离、距居住地距离.通过对环境变量的贡献率进行分析表明: 最冷季度平均气温、景观类型以及距水田距离、距高等级公路距离是影响朱鹮筑巢的主要因子.分别研究了含道路变量(情景Ⅰ)、不含高等级公路(情景Ⅱ)以及不含低等级公路(情景Ⅲ)3种情景下朱鹮繁殖地适宜区分布.结果表明:道路对朱鹮繁殖地干扰影响显著,高等级公路的影响比低等级公路大,高等级公路和低等级公路的存在分别使朱鹮繁殖地适宜区的面积减小了66.23和35.69 km2.朱鹮筑巢对高等级公路有明显的回避效应,平均回避距离为1500 m.本研究对未来制定朱鹮的保护管理措施具有重要意义,同时可为工程建设项目对野生动物的环境影响定量评价提供应用示范.  相似文献   

对2002~2004年唐家河自然保护区周边林缘社区4个村与野生动物产生冲突进行调查分析,发现野生动物主要对农作物、林果和家畜家禽造成危害。其主要原因是狩猎活动减少、退耕还林后,野生动物数量逐年增多、活动范围扩大,林缘社区出现自然减员现象,传统防范难见成效。提出解决人与野生动物矛盾和冲突的对策是实施移民、调整种植结构、建立生态旅游小区提高村民的经济收入、发展特色经济。  相似文献   

周学红  杨锡涛  唐谨成  张伟 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6708-6718
生态文明建设对野生动物资源保护提出了新的要求。在实践中,需要借鉴国内外研究成果和成功案例,并克服目前我国野生动物保护中存在的问题。综述了国内外相关文献,认为:目前世界上的野生动物就地保护方式主要是建立保护区和国家公园,在发挥保护作用同时,也给周边居民带来负面影响,从而制约了野生动物保护与当地社区经济的协调发展。传统的"命令-控制型"保护政策忽略了当地居民的生活需求,不利于形成居民积极的保护态度;居民的保护态度除了受来自野生动物造成的损害的影响,还和周边居民的年龄、受教育程度、经济收入等密切相关;为提高居民保护积极性,经济激励机制有着重要作用。目前,国内外保护工作中一般应用的经济激励措施主要包括直接经济补偿、生态旅游、现代狩猎、生态补偿等。  相似文献   

深圳市梧桐山风景区杜鹃花科植物种类少,仅4种,分别为杜鹃属的毛棉杜鹃Rhododendron moulmainense、丁香杜鹃R.farrerae、映山红R.simsii和吊钟属的吊钟花Enkianthus quinqueflorus,但4种杜鹃花科植物资源储量丰富,形成独特的杜鹃林。在自然条件下,杜鹃林中杜鹃花科植物种群优势度处于退化状态,生长状况较差。自2006年以来,梧桐山风景区分析杜鹃种群退化原因,对其资源进行保育研究,通过对强势乔木进行间伐、修枝等措施,改善目的树种小生境;采取施肥等复壮措施,改善杜鹃资源生长状况;利用人工繁殖,增加种苗数量;加强病虫害防治等保育措施取得成效,营造了一批杜鹃生态景观林。建议对梧桐山杜鹃资源遵循保护大环境,改善小生境的原则持续进行人工抚育,并建立完善的生态景观林监测与管理信息系统。  相似文献   

辽宁省预防医学会微生态专业委员会换届会议暨辽宁省第四次微生态学术研讨会于2005年9月20日-11日在美丽的棋盘山风景区鸿宇山庄隆重召开。  相似文献   

天门山风景区于2006年8月被国家水利部正式命名为国家水利风景区,它位于福建省永泰县葛岭镇溪洋村,距省会福州50公里,距永泰城关12公里,交通十分便捷。景区方圆面积70平方公里,其中水域面积44.7平方公里,是以水资源、水生态景观为主要特色的水利风景区。景区内溪流纵横,溪潭众多,瀑布奇特,峡谷幽深,有别具特色的水域风光和生物景观,也有国内罕见、造型奇特的地文景观,有配套齐全的住宿、餐饮及服务设施,是旅游休闲、观光度假之胜地。  相似文献   

天目湖位于江苏、安徽、浙江三省交界处的历史名城溧阳市境内,地处长三角中心地带,四通八达的高速公路使天目湖与南京、常州、无锡、苏州、上海、杭州等城市连成一体。湖周群山环抱,湖水清冽,间有画若棋盘的田畔、疏密错落的茶园,到处是一幅幅纯自然的田园风光图,湖岸蜿蜒曲折,自然景色与人工点缀相得益彰。景区内古树名木众多,野生动物栖息繁衍,山、水、林、禽、兽同生共荣,构成一幅奇特的大自然生态图。  相似文献   

在世界范围内,观赏和投喂野生猿猴是最常见的野生动物旅游形式之一。其中游客与动物的关系越来越成为动物学、人类学和社会学学者研究关注的热点。游客在娱乐的过程中,存在被猿猴威胁甚至咬伤等问题。对人猴接触行为的客观分析,是提高旅游服务管理和保障游客安全的必要措施。本研究记录了2012-2014年海南南湾猴岛景区内游客与猕猴的接触行为,并分析了景区医务室近两年的游客就诊记录,主要探讨:(1)哪些游客会参与人猴接触,及其游客的认识误区;(2)哪些猕猴会频繁参与人猴接触;(3)哪些原因会引发人猴接触行为。本文旨在了解景区内游客与猿猴的互动关系,探讨游客受伤原因及其解决办法,为完善野生动物旅游的健康发展提供基础资料。  相似文献   

马奔  严冬  温亚利 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4202-4211
国家公园内人与野生动物冲突严重,建立野生动物肇事保险机制是减缓冲突的重要举措。以大熊猫国家公园周边社区为例,分析建立国家公园以及农户风险偏好对野生动物肇事保险购买意愿的影响,并探讨冲突程度和制度信任的中介效应。研究结果表明建立国家公园显著增加了农户野生动物肇事保险购买意愿,而农户风险偏好对保险购买意愿会产生负向显著影响。冲突程度和制度信任是重要的中介变量,冲突程度和制度信任均对农户保险购买意愿产生正向显著影响。建立国家公园显著增加了人与野生动物冲突严重程度,进而对保险购买意愿产生正向影响。此外,建立国家公园显著降低了农户制度信任,进而对保险购买意愿产生负向影响。农户风险偏好对野生动物肇事损失程度产生正向显著影响,进而对保险购买意愿产生正向影响。农户风险偏好对制度信任影响并不显著。基于此,研究提出吸纳社会资本参与,拓宽野生动物肇事保险资金来源,开展社区共管、地役权补偿等措施提升社区信任以及建立基于农户自主防护行为的野生动物肇事保险机制等政策建议。  相似文献   

黄鼬在吉林环长白山旅游公路路域活动的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年11~12月,采用样线法对环长白山旅游公路改扩建工程全线路域200 m范围内黄鼬活动情况进行了3次调查.调查结果显示:K10~K45路段黄鼬穿越公路较多;黄鼬穿越公路频率与路域植被类型和雪被深度有密切的关系;黄鼬已经开始利用涵洞穿越公路;公路对黄鼬具有吸引效应,影响域范围约为50 m.为此提出了相应的保护对策.  相似文献   

长白山国家级自然保护区两栖类动物道路致死特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解旅游道路交通导致的两栖类致死效应,于2007~2014年在环绕长白山国家级自然保护区的环长白山旅游公路(环区公路)、头道环区公路以及白山公路分别选取1条样线,采用直接计数法统计了交通致死的两栖类种类、数量,以及致死个体处于交通路段的位置,共统计257次,累计调查样带总长2 441 km。道路致死两栖类种类有5种,累计致死个体数为7 910只,平均致死率为3.34只/km。最容易致死的两栖类动物是中国林蛙(Rana chensinensi)、东方铃蟾(Bombina orientalis)、中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargariza),这3种动物占到致死总数的96.36%;经Moses Test检验,白山公路的致死率、头道公路的致死率及环区公路致死率均与对照土路致死率差异显著(白山公路:n=67,P=0.000;头道公路:n=76,P=0.000;环区公路:n=164,P=0.000)。白山公路与头道公路两栖类致死率差异显著(n=93,P=0.010),白山公路与环区公路的两栖类道路致死率差异显著(n=181,P=0.000);头道公路与环区公路的两栖类道路致死率差异显著(n=190,P=0.000)。两栖类道路致死高峰期在8月份,其次较集中出现在4~6月的繁殖期。从公路年度致死变化来看,2007~2014年期间除了中国林蛙和中华蟾蜍致死率呈小幅波动外,其他种类致死率总体呈下降趋势,只有日本树蟾(Hyla japonica)年度致死率差异显著(Kruskal Wallis Test:χ2=18.031,df=7,P=0.012);不同月份中华蟾蜍(Pearson:R=0.939,n=7,P=0.002)、中国林蛙(Pearson:R=0.912,n=7,P=0.004)、日本树蟾(Pearson:R=0.904,n=7,P=0.005)致死率与交通量显著相关。本研究认为,两栖类的道路致死率与两栖类种群大小、种群密度、生活史及交通量等都存在显著相关性。  相似文献   



Sick building syndrome (SBS) includes general, mucosal and skin symptoms. It is typically associated with an individual''s place of work or residence. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of traffic exposure on SBS symptoms in Beijing, China.


From January to May, 2011, recruitment occurred at kindergartens in 11 districts in Beijing. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed by teachers to legal guardians of children and then returned to teachers. The questionnaire asked them to recall the presence of 12 SBS symptoms from the previous three months. Living near a highway or main road (within 200 meters) was used as a proxy for traffic exposure. Multivariable logistic regression was used to test the association between traffic exposure and a higher number of SBS symptoms, controlling for key covariates.


There were 5487 valid questionnaires (65.0% response rate). Univariate analysis showed that living near a main road or highway (OR = 1.40), female gender (OR = 1.44), and environmental tobacco smoking (ETS) (OR = 1.13) were significant risk factors for general symptoms. Grandparent’s generation (OR = 0.32) and home ownership (owner vs. renter) (OR = 0.89) were significant protective factors. The adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for the association between living close to a highway and general symptoms remained significant in the multivariable model (aOR = 1.39; 95% CI = 1.21: 1.59). ORs and aORs were similar for mucosal and skin symptoms.


This study found traffic exposure to be significantly associated with SBS symptoms. This finding is consistent with current literature that indicates an association between adverse health effects and living near highway or main road.  相似文献   

分析道路交通对濒危有蹄类动物行为模式的影响,阐明其行为反馈与适应机制,对制定道路工程干扰下濒危物种的保护方案具有重要意义。2015年和2016年6—8月,调查了国道216线白昼运营对新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类野生动物自然保护区鹅喉羚(Gazella subgutturosa)集群特征和警戒行为的影响。研究发现,国道216线的扰动导致鹅喉羚集群规模显著增加;随着距国道216线距离越近,鹅喉羚警戒行为投入时间越多,距离道路500m可能是国道216线对鹅喉羚集群和警戒行为影响的阈值。本研究结果表明,道路带来的人为干扰与捕食风险相似,迫使鹅喉羚调节其集群规模和警戒水平。未来应加强道路等交通工程影响下保护区内野生动物的行为反馈和适应机制研究,据此提出减缓措施,降低道路对野生动物的负面影响。  相似文献   

选取雾灵山自然保护区莲花池至燕山主峰段盘山公路周边的植被为对象,调查分析了公路建设对沿线植被组成、盖度、密度、生物量的影响。结果表明:1)公路干扰作用下,公路沿线乔木数量减少,但出现不同种类的幼龄乔木;草本植物群落生物量较高,物种丰富度指数、多样性指数较高。2)随样地与路肩距离的增加,草本与灌木层植物群落的生物多样性逐渐降低,乔木层植物群落的密度、高度、胸径均有所增加;距离路肩30m以上时,灌草植物群落组成趋向稳定;距离路肩150m以上时,乔木层植物群落结构趋于稳定。3)公路对植被的干扰作用包括正负2种,乔木层主要受负干扰影响,灌木和草本层主要受正干扰影响,且灌草植物群落所受的干扰作用大于乔木植物群落。4)公路干扰对于边坡上、下区域植被群落物种丰富度影响强度不同,对上边坡植物群落的影响大于下边坡植物群落。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Road mortality is often spatially aggregated, and there is a need for models that accurately and efficiently predict hot spots within a road network for mitigation. We surveyed 145 points throughout a 353-km highway network in New York State, USA, for roadkill of reptiles and amphibians. We used land cover, wetland configuration, and traffic volume data to identify features that best predicted hot spots of herpetofauna road mortality. We resampled 40 points an additional 4 times over 4 years to evaluate temporal repeatability. Both amphibian and reptile road mortality were spatially clustered, and road-kill hot spots of the 2 taxa overlapped. One survey provided a valid snapshot of spatial patterns of road mortality, and spatial patterns remained stable across time. Road-kill hot spots were located where wetlands approached within 100 m of the road, and the best predictor was a causeway configuration of wetlands (wetlands on both sides of the road). We validated causeways as predictors of road mortality by surveying 180 causeways and 180 random points across 5 regions (17,823 km2) of northeastern New York. Causeways were 3 times more likely than random locations to have amphibian and 12 times more likely to have reptile mortality present, and causeways had a 4 times higher total number of amphibian roadkill and 9 times higher reptile roadkill than did random points. We conclude it is possible to identify valid predictors of hot spots of amphibian and reptile road mortality for use when planning roads or when conducting surveys on existing roads to locate priority areas for mitigation.  相似文献   

Road barrier effect is among the foremost negative impacts of roads on wildlife. Knowledge of the factors responsible for the road barrier effect is crucial to understand and predict species’ responses to roads, and to improve mitigation measures in the context of management and conservation. We built a set of hypothesis aiming to infer the most probable cause of road barrier effect (traffic effect or road surface avoidance), while controlling for the potentially confounding effects road width, traffic volume and road age. The wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus was used as a model species of small and forest-dwelling mammals, which are more likely to be affected by gaps in cover such as those resulting from road construction. We confront genetic patterns from opposite and same roadsides from samples of three highways and used computer simulations to infer migration rates between opposite roadsides. Genetic patterns from 302 samples (ca. 100 per highway) suggest that the highway barrier effect for wood mouse is due to road surface avoidance. However, from the simulations we estimated a migration rate of about 5% between opposite roadsides, indicating that some limited gene flow across highways does occur. To reduce highway impact on population genetic diversity and structure, possible mitigation measures could include retrofitting of culverts and underpasses to increase their attractiveness and facilitate their use by wood mice and other species, and setting aside roadside strips without vegetation removal to facilitate establishment and dispersal of small mammals.  相似文献   

车辆运营对鸟类的影响已经引起了国际上广泛的关注,我国还鲜有相关研究。本文以云南三江并流区穿越云南高黎贡山国家级自然保护区的S316六库-片马公路为研究对象,采用慢速行车结合徒步调查的方法,于2009~2010年研究了交通视觉因素(车色、车型、车速)、交通噪声因素(路肩处与路域100m范围)、鸟类距离因素与鸟类行为反应之间的关系。结果表明,与鸟类行为反应有关系的因子有路肩噪声值(P=0.045,Spearman Correlation R=0.200)、路域100m范围噪声值(P=0.048,Spearman Correlation R=0.319)、车速(P=0.010,Spearman Correlation R=-0.236)、车型(P=0.030,Spearman Correlation R=-0.196)以及鸟类距公路的距离(P=0.027,Spearman Correlation R=-0.254)。为此提出在部分敏感路段应采用禁鸣、减噪路面等措施来减少交通运营对鸟类的影响。  相似文献   

Efforts to reduce the negative impacts of roads on wildlife may be hindered if individuals within the population vary widely in their responses to roads and mitigation strategies ignore this variability. This knowledge is particularly important for medium-sized carnivores as they are vulnerable to road mortality, while also known to use available road passages (e.g., drainage culverts) for safely crossing highways. Our goal in this study was to assess whether this apparently contradictory pattern of high road-kill numbers associated with a regular use of road passages is attributable to the variation in behavioral responses toward the highway between individuals. We investigated the responses of seven radio-tracked stone martens (Martes foina) to a highway by measuring their utilization distribution, response turning angles and highway crossing patterns. We compared the observed responses to simulated movement parameterized by the observed space use and movement characteristics of each individual, but naïve to the presence of the highway. Our results suggested that martens demonstrate a diversity of responses to the highway, including attraction, indifference, or avoidance. Martens also varied in their highway crossing patterns, with some crossing repeatedly at the same location (often coincident with highway passages). We suspect that the response variability derives from the individual''s familiarity of the landscape, including their awareness of highway passage locations. Because of these variable yet potentially attributable responses, we support the use of exclusionary fencing to guide transient (e.g., dispersers) individuals to existing passages to reduce the road-kill risk.  相似文献   

Major roads and highways disrupt ecological flows and create barriers or filters to the movement of many species of wildlife, including gliding mammals. Mitigating these impacts presents major challenges for road authorities. One approach has been the retention of forest vegetation in median strips to serve as ‘stepping stones’ for gliding mammals to cross road gaps otherwise beyond their glide capacity. A recently upgraded section of the Pacific Highway through tall open forest near Bonville in north‐east New South Wales retained forest within two 10‐ to 45‐m‐wide median strips separating each carriageway and a service road. We investigated whether Sugar Gliders (Petaurus breviceps) used these median strips to cross an 85 to 135 m‐wide road corridor. Three radio‐collared Sugar Gliders (one male and two females) moved between both highway medians and forest on either side of the road corridor during 32 days of radio‐tracking. Although the sample size is small, these results suggest that highway median strips, featuring mature vegetation with a major den tree, can provide ‘stepping stones’ for gliding mammals to cross a highway that would otherwise function as a movement barrier or filter. Longer‐term research with greater numbers of animals at this and other sites is required to determine whether such strips would be commonly used when den trees are absent and whether gliding via median strips may also increase road mortality of the species.  相似文献   

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