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Activity-dependent modification of excitatory synaptic transmission is a fundamental mechanism for developmental plasticity of the neural circuits and experience-dependent plasticity. Synaptic glutamatergic receptors including AMPA receptors and NMDA receptors (AMPARs and NMDARs) are embedded in the postsynaptic density, a highly organized protein network. Overwhelming data have shown that PSD-95-like membrane associated guanylate kinases (PSD-MAGUKs), a major family of scaffold proteins at glutamatergic synapses, regulate basal synaptic AMPAR function and trafficking. It is now clear that PSD-MAGUKs have multifaceted functions in regulating both basal synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity. Here we discuss recent advancements in understanding the roles of PSD-95 and other family members of PSD-MAGUKs in synaptic plasticity, both as an anchoring protein for synaptic AMPARs and as a signaling scaffold for mediating the interaction of the signaling complex and NMDARs.  相似文献   

Composition of the synaptic PSD-95 complex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95), a specialized scaffold protein with multiple protein interaction domains, forms the backbone of an extensive postsynaptic protein complex that organizes receptors and signal transduction molecules at the synaptic contact zone. Large, detergent-insoluble PSD-95-based postsynaptic complexes can be affinity-purified from conventional PSD fractions using magnetic beads coated with a PSD-95 antibody. In the present study purified PSD-95 complexes were analyzed by LC/MS/MS. A semiquantitative measure of the relative abundances of proteins in the purified PSD-95 complexes and the parent PSD fraction was estimated based on the cumulative ion current intensities of corresponding peptides. The affinity-purified preparation was largely depleted of presynaptic proteins, spectrin, intermediate filaments, and other contaminants prominent in the parent PSD fraction. We identified 525 of the proteins previously reported in parent PSD fractions, but only 288 of these were detected after affinity purification. We discuss 26 proteins that are major components in the PSD-95 complex based upon abundance ranking and affinity co-purification with PSD-95. This subset represents a minimal list of constituent proteins of the PSD-95 complex and includes, in addition to the specialized scaffolds and N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, an abundance of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors, small G-protein regulators, cell adhesion molecules, and hypothetical proteins. The identification of two Arf regulators, BRAG1 and BRAG2b, as co-purifying components of the complex implies pivotal functions in spine plasticity such as the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and insertion and retrieval of proteins to and from the plasma membrane. Another co-purifying protein (Q8BZM2) with two sterile alpha motif domains may represent a novel structural core element of the PSD.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic density 95 (PSD-95/SAP-90) is a membrane associated guanylate kinase (GK) PDZ protein that scaffolds glutamate receptors and associated signaling networks at excitatory synapses. Affinity chromatography identifies cypin as a major PSD-95-binding protein in brain extracts. Cypin is homologous to a family of hydrolytic bacterial enzymes and shares some similarity with collapsin response mediator protein (CRMP), a cytoplasmic mediator of semaphorin III signalling. Cypin is discretely expressed in neurons and is polarized to basal membranes in intestinal epithelial cells. Overexpression of cypin in hippocampal neurons specifically perturbs postsynaptic trafficking of PSD-95 and SAP-102, an effect not produced by overexpression of other PDZ ligands. In fact, PSD-95 can induce postsynaptic clustering of an otherwise diffusely localized K+ channel, Kv1.4. By regulating postsynaptic protein sorting, cypin may influence synaptic development and plasticity.  相似文献   

Kim MJ  Futai K  Jo J  Hayashi Y  Cho K  Sheng M 《Neuron》2007,56(3):488-502
The scaffold protein PSD-95 promotes the maturation and strengthening of excitatory synapses, functions that require proper localization of PSD-95 in the postsynaptic density (PSD). Here we report that phosphorylation of ser-295 enhances the synaptic accumulation of PSD-95 and the ability of PSD-95 to recruit surface AMPA receptors and potentiate excitatory postsynaptic currents. We present evidence that a Rac1-JNK1 signaling pathway mediates ser-295 phosphorylation and regulates synaptic content of PSD-95. Ser-295 phosphorylation is suppressed by chronic elevation, and increased by chronic silencing, of synaptic activity. Rapid dephosphorylation of ser-295 occurs in response to NMDA treatment that causes chemical long-term depression (LTD). Overexpression of a phosphomimicking mutant (S295D) of PSD-95 inhibited NMDA-induced AMPA receptor internalization and blocked the induction of LTD. The data suggest that synaptic strength can be regulated by phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of ser-295 of PSD-95 and that synaptic depression requires the dephosphorylation of ser-295.  相似文献   

Fukata M  Fukata Y  Adesnik H  Nicoll RA  Bredt DS 《Neuron》2004,44(6):987-996
Palmitoylation is a lipid modification that plays a critical role in protein trafficking and function throughout the nervous system. Palmitoylation of PSD-95 is essential for its regulation of AMPA receptors and synaptic plasticity. The enzymes that mediate palmitoyl acyl transfer to PSD-95 have not yet been identified; however, proteins containing a DHHC cysteine-rich domain mediate palmitoyl acyl transferase activity in yeast. Here, we isolated 23 mammalian DHHC proteins and found that a subset specifically palmitoylated PSD-95 in vitro and in vivo. These PSD-95 palmitoyl transferases (P-PATs) showed substrate specificity, as they did not all enhance palmitoylation of Lck, SNAP-25b, Galpha(s), or H-Ras in cultured cells. Inhibition of P-PAT activity in neurons reduced palmitoylation and synaptic clustering of PSD-95 and diminished AMPA receptor-mediated neurotransmission. This study suggests that P-PATs regulate synaptic function through PSD-95 palmitoylation.  相似文献   

PSD-95, a principal scaffolding component of the postsynaptic density, is targeted to synapses by palmitoylation, where it couples NMDA receptor stimulation to production of nitric oxide (NO) by neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). Here, we show that PSD-95 is physiologically S-nitrosylated. We identify cysteines 3 and 5, which are palmitoylated, as sites of nitrosylation, suggesting a competition between these two modifications. In support of this hypothesis, physiologically produced NO inhibits PSD-95 palmitoylation in granule cells of the cerebellum, decreasing the number of PSD-95 clusters at synaptic sites. Further, decreased palmitoylation, as seen in heterologous cells treated with 2-bromopalmitate or in ZDHHC8 knockout mice deficient in a PSD-95 palmitoyltransferase, results in increased PSD-95 nitrosylation. These data support a model in which NMDA-mediated production of NO regulates targeting of PSD-95 to synapses via mutually competitive cysteine modifications. Thus, differential modification of cysteines may represent a general paradigm in signal transduction.  相似文献   

Maintaining a population of stable synaptic connections is probably of critical importance for the preservation of memories and functional circuitry, but the molecular dynamics that underlie synapse stabilization is poorly understood. Here, we use simultaneous time-lapse imaging of post synaptic density-95 (PSD-95) and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) to investigate the dynamics of protein composition at axodendritic (AD) contacts. Our data reveal that this composition is highly dynamic, with both proteins moving into and out of the same synapse independently, so that synapses cycle rapidly between states in which they are enriched for none, one or both proteins. We assessed how PSD-95 and CaMKII interact at stable and transient AD sites and found that both phospho-CaMKII and PSD-95 are present more often at stable than labile contacts. Finally, we found that synaptic contacts are more stable in older neurons, and this process can be mimicked in younger neurons by overexpression of PSD-95. Taken together, these data show that synaptic protein composition is highly variable over a time-scale of hours, and that PSD-95 is probably a key synaptic protein that promotes synapse stability.  相似文献   

Rapid redistribution of synaptic PSD-95 in the neocortex in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Most excitatory synapses terminate on dendritic spines. Spines vary in size, and their volumes are proportional to the area of the postsynaptic density (PSD) and synaptic strength. PSD-95 is an abundant multi-domain postsynaptic scaffolding protein that clusters glutamate receptors and organizes the associated signaling complexes. PSD-95 is thought to determine the size and strength of synapses. Although spines and their synapses can persist for months in vivo, PSD-95 and other PSD proteins have shorter half-lives in vitro, on the order of hours. To probe the mechanisms underlying synapse stability, we measured the dynamics of synaptic PSD-95 clusters in vivo. Using two-photon microscopy, we imaged PSD-95 tagged with GFP in layer 2/3 dendrites in the developing (postnatal day 10–21) barrel cortex. A subset of PSD-95 clusters was stable for days. Using two-photon photoactivation of PSD-95 tagged with photoactivatable GFP (paGFP), we measured the time over which PSD-95 molecules were retained in individual spines. Synaptic PSD-95 turned over rapidly (median retention times τr ~ 22–63 min from P10–P21) and exchanged with PSD-95 in neighboring spines by diffusion. PSDs therefore share a dynamic pool of PSD-95. Large PSDs in large spines captured more diffusing PSD-95 and also retained PSD-95 longer than small PSDs. Changes in the sizes of individual PSDs over days were associated with concomitant changes in PSD-95 retention times. Furthermore, retention times increased with developmental age (τr ~ 100 min at postnatal day 70) and decreased dramatically following sensory deprivation. Our data suggest that individual PSDs compete for PSD-95 and that the kinetic interactions between PSD molecules and PSDs are tuned to regulate PSD size.  相似文献   

Qi J  Hou XY 《生理科学进展》2007,38(2):171-173
PSD-95(postsynaptic density protein 95)是在兴奋性突触后密集区中纯化鉴定出的一种脚手架蛋白。通过PDZ(1-3)、SH3和GK结构域,PSD-95募集多种信号分子,在谷氨酸受体的信号整合和转导中具有关键性作用。PSD-95的功能异常与多种神经精神疾病密切相关,是多种重大脑病防治的新的药物作用靶点。  相似文献   

The postsynaptic density protein PSD-95 influences synaptic AMPA receptor (AMPAR) content and may play a critical role in LTD. Here we demonstrate that the effects of PSD-95 on AMPAR-mediated synaptic responses and LTD can be dissociated. Our findings suggest that N-terminal-domain-mediated dimerization is important for PSD-95's effect on basal synaptic AMPAR function, whereas the C-terminal SH(3)-GK domains are also necessary for localizing PSD-95 to synapses. We identify PSD-95 point mutants (Q15A, E17R) that maintain PSD-95's influence on basal AMPAR synaptic responses yet block LTD. These point mutants increase the proteolysis of PSD-95 within its N-terminal domain, resulting in a C-terminal fragment that functions as a dominant negative likely by scavenging critical signaling proteins required for LTD. Thus, the C-terminal portion of PSD-95 serves a dual function. It is required to localize PSD-95 at synapses and as a scaffold for signaling proteins that are required for LTD.  相似文献   

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The tyrosine kinase Src upregulates the activity of the N-methyl-D-aspartate subtype of glutamate receptor (NMDAR) and tyrosine phosphorylation of this receptor is critical for induction of NMDAR-dependent plasticity of synaptic transmission. A binding partner for Src within the NMDAR complex is the protein PSD-95. Here we demonstrate an interaction of PSD-95 with Src that does not require the well-characterized domains of PSD-95. Rather, we show binding to Src through a 12-amino-acid sequence in the N-terminal region of PSD-95, a region not previously known to participate in protein-protein interactions. This region interacts directly with the Src SH2 domain. Contrary to typical SH2 domain binding, the PSD-95-Src SH2 domain interaction is phosphotyrosine-independent. Binding of the Src-interacting region of PSD-95 inhibits Src kinase activity and reduces NMDAR phosphorylation. Intracellularly administering a peptide matching the Src SH2 domain-interacting region of PSD-95 depresses NMDAR currents in cultured neurons and inhibits induction of long-term potentiation in hippocampus. Thus, the PSD-95-Src SH2 domain interaction suppresses Src-mediated NMDAR upregulation, a finding that may be of broad importance for synaptic transmission and plasticity.  相似文献   

NMDA receptors (NMDARs) activation in the hippocampus and insular cortex is necessary for spatial memory formation. Recent studies suggest that localization of NMDARs to lipid rafts enhance their signalization, since the kinases that phosphorylate its subunits are present in larger proportion in lipid raft membrane microdomains. We sought to determine the possibility that NMDAR translocation to synaptic lipid rafts occurs during plasticity processes such as memory formation. Our results show that water maze training induces a rapid recruitment of NMDAR subunits (NR1, NR2A, NR2B) and PSD-95 to synaptic lipid rafts and decrease in the post-synaptic density plus an increase of NR2B phosphorylation at tyrosine 1472 in the rat insular cortex. In the hippocampus, spatial training induces selective translocation of NR1 and NR2A subunits to lipid rafts. These results suggest that NMDARs translocate from the soluble fraction of post-synaptic membrane (non-raft PSD) to synaptic lipid raft during spatial memory formation. The recruitment of NMDA receptors and other proteins to lipid rafts could be an important mechanism for increasing the efficiency of synaptic transmission during synaptic plasticity process.  相似文献   

Schlüter OM  Xu W  Malenka RC 《Neuron》2006,51(1):99-111
PSD-95 and SAP97 are scaffolding proteins that have been implicated in regulating AMPA receptor incorporation and function at synapses. Gain- and loss-of-function approaches, however, have generated conflicting results. To minimize adaptations during development and potential dominant-negative effects of overexpression, we have combined silencing of endogenous PSD-95 in mature neurons with heterologous expression of specific SAP97 or PSD-95 isoforms. We find that both PSD-95 and SAP97 contain alternative N termini expressing either double cysteines that normally are palmitoylated (alpha-isoforms) or an L27 domain (beta-isoforms). Whereas alpha-isoforms of PSD-95 and SAP97 influence AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic strength independent of activity, the effects of beta-isoforms are regulated by activity in a CaMKII-dependent manner. Importantly, the synaptic effects of the beta-isoforms are masked by the endogenous alpha-isoform of PSD-95. These results demonstrate that the different N termini of the predominant endogenous forms of PSD-95 (alpha-isoform) and SAP97 (beta-isoform) govern their role in regulating synaptic function.  相似文献   

Proteomic analyses have revealed a novel synaptic proline-rich membrane protein: PRR7 (proline rich 7), in the postsynaptic density (PSD) fraction of rat forebrain. PRR7 is 269 amino acid residues long, and displays a unique architecture, composed of a very short N-terminal extracellular region, a single membrane spanning domain, and a cytoplasmic domain possessing a proline-rich sequence and a C-terminal type-1 PDZ binding motif. A fraction of PRR7 accumulates in spines along with synapse maturation, and colocalizes with PSD-95 in a punctate pattern in rat hippocampal neural cultures. Immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assays demonstrated that PRR7 binds to the third PDZ domain of PSD-95. In addition, the NMDA receptor subunits, NR1 and NR2B, specifically co-immunoprecipitated with PRR7. These results suggest that PRR7 is involved in modulating neural activities via interactions with the NMDA receptor and PSD-95, and PSD core formation.  相似文献   

Synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97) and postsynaptic density 95 (PSD-95) are closely related membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologs (Maguks) implicated in the synaptic targeting and anchoring of alpha-amino-5-methyl-3-hydroxy-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-selective glutamate receptors. Prompted by accumulating evidence for an oligomeric nature of Maguks, we examined the potential of SAP97 and PSD-95 to form heteromeric complexes. SAP97 and PSD-95 coimmunoprecipitated from rat brain detergent extracts and subsequent glutathione S-transferase pull-down and immunoprecipitation experiments showed that the interaction is mediated by binding of the N-terminal segment of SAP97 (SAP97(NTD)) to the Src homology 3 domain of PSD-95 (PSD-95(SH3)). In cultured hippocampal neurons, expression of green fluorescent protein-tagged PSD-95 triggered accumulation of SAP97 in synaptic spines, which was totally inhibited by coexpression of PSD-95(SH3). Furthermore, overexpression of green fluorescent protein-PSD-95 induced dendritic clustering of GluR-A subunit-containing AMPA receptors, which was strongly inhibited by cotransfection with SAP97(NTD) and PSD-95(SH3) constructs. Our results demonstrated a direct interaction between SAP97 and PSD-95 and suggested that this association may play a functional role in the trafficking and clustering of AMPA receptors.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been considered for some time only in the context of oxidative stress-induced cell damage. In this review, we discuss the growing body of evidence that implicates ROS in general, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in particular, in regulatory events underlying synaptic plasticity. H2O2 is regarded in this context as a specific diffusible signaling molecule. The action of H2O2 is assumed to be carried out via the release of calcium ions from internal stores, modulating the activity of specific calcium-dependent protein phosphatases. These phosphatases eventually affect neuronal plasticity. We discuss the role of H2O2 in these systems, stressing the importance of cellular regulation of H2O2 levels that are altered in aging individuals, in the ability to express plasticity. These studies highlight the function of H2O2 in processes of learning and memory and their change in elderly individuals, irrespective of neurodegeneration found in Alzheimer’s patients.  相似文献   

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