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The efficient degradation of complex xylans needs collaboration of many xylan degrading enzymes. Assays for xylan degrading activities based on reducing sugars or PNP substrates are not indicative for the presence of enzymes able to degrade complex xylans: They do not provide insight into the possible presence of xylanase-accessory enzymes within enzyme mixtures. A new screening method is described, by which specific xylan modifying enzymes can be detected.Fermentation supernatants of 78 different fungal soil isolates grown on wheat straw were analyzed by HPLC and MS. This strategy is powerful in recognizing xylanases, arabinoxylan hydrolases, acetyl xylan esterases and glucuronidases.No fungus produced all enzymes necessary to totally degrade the substrates tested. Some fungi produce high levels of xylanase active against linear xylan, but are unable to degrade complex xylans. Other fungi producing relative low levels of xylanase secrete many useful accessory enzyme component(s).  相似文献   

Metagenomic resources representing ruminal bacteria were screened for novel exocellulases using a robotic, high-throughput screening system, the novel CelEx-BR12 gene was identified and the predicted CelEx-BR12 protein was characterized. The CelEx-BR12 gene had an open reading frame (ORF) of 1140 base pairs that encoded a 380-amino-acid-protein with a predicted molecular mass of 41.8 kDa. The amino acid sequence was 83% identical to that of a family 5 glycosyl hydrolase from Prevotella ruminicola 23. Codon-optimized CelEx-BR12 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified using Ni–NTA affinity chromatography. The Michaelis–Menten constant (Km value) and maximal reaction velocity (Vmax values) for exocellulase activity were 12.92 μM and 1.55 × 104 μmol min−1, respectively, and the enzyme was optimally active at pH 5.0 and 37 °C. Multifunctional activities were observed against fluorogenic and natural glycosides, such as 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-d-cellobioside (0.3 U mg−1), CMC (105.9 U mg−1), birch wood xylan (132.3 U mg−1), oat spelt xylan (67.9 U mg−1), and 2-hydroxyethyl-cellulose (26.3 U mg−1). Based on these findings, we believe that CelEx-BR12 is an efficient multifunctional enzyme as endocellulase/exocellulase/xylanase activities that may prove useful for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Arabinoxylan (AX) is among the most abundant hemicelluloses on earth and one of the major components of feedstocks that are currently investigated as a source for advanced biofuels. As global research into these sustainable biofuels is increasing, scientific knowledge about the enzymatic breakdown of AX advanced significantly over the last decade. This review focuses on the exo-acting AX hydrolases, such as α-arabinofuranosidases and β-xylosidases. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the diverse substrate specificities and corresponding structural features found in the different glycoside hydrolase families. A careful review of the available literature reveals a marked difference in activity between synthetically labeled and naturally occurring substrates, often leading to erroneous enzymatic annotations. Therefore, special attention is given to enzymes with experimental evidence on the hydrolysis of natural polymers.  相似文献   

Summary It is believed that all present-day organisms descended from a common cellular ancestor. Such a cell must have evolved from more primitive and simpler precursors, but neither their organization nor the route such evolution took are accessible to the molecular techniques available today. We propose a mechanism, based on functional properties of enzymes and the kinetics of growth, which allows us to reconstruct the general course of early enzyme evolution. A precursor cell containing very few multifunctional enzymes with low catalytic activities is shown to lead inevitably to descendants with a large number of differentiated monofunctional enzymes with high turnover numbers. Mutation and natural selection for faster growth are shown to be the only conditions necessary for such a change to have occurred.  相似文献   

6-Hydroxymellein (6HM) synthase is a multifunctional polyketide enzyme induced in carrot cells, whose fully active homodimer catalyzes condensation of acyl-CoAs and the NADPH-dependent ketoreduction of the enzyme-bound intermediate. 6HM-forming activity of the synthase was markedly decreased when the reaction mixture pH was adjusted from 7.5 to 6.0. However, under these slightly acidic conditions, the acyl condensation catalyzed by the dissociated monomer enzyme was appreciably stimulated by addition of free coenzyme A (CoA). In contrast, the condensation reaction at pH 6.0 was significantly inhibited in the presence of CoA when the reaction was carried out with the NADPH-omitted dimer synthase. Among the kinetic parameters of the acyl condensation, velocity of the monomer-catalyzing reaction at the acidic pH was appreciably increased upon addition of CoA while K(m)s did not show any significant change in the presence and absence of the compound. These results suggest that CoA associates with a specific site in the dissociated monomeric form of 6HM synthase, and the velocity of the acyl condensation reaction catalyzed by the CoA-synthase complex appreciably increases in acidic conditions.  相似文献   

酶的分子设计、改造与工程应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
酶工程的研究已经发展到分子水平 ,在体外通过基因工程、化学、物理等手段改造酶分子结构与功能 ,大幅提高了酶分子的进化效率和催化效率 ,生产有价值的非天然酶。对酶工程学若干“热点”和前沿课题的研究、应用进行了概述 ,分析了国际上酶工程研究及应用技术、手段、方法 ,包括体外分子进化、核酶和抗体酶的设计、酶分子的定向固定化技术、酶蛋白分子的化学修饰、融合酶、人工合成及模拟酶等技术 ,并展望了酶工程的技术进步和应用的新进展。  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2020,47(7):2001-2002
酶工程是酶学与工程科学融合的综合性科学技术,新酶的发掘、对酶的结构与功能的认知及酶的改造是合成生物学、生物制造技术的重要科学与技术基础。在合成生物学的发展方兴未艾的今天,酶工程更是不可或缺的研究领域。  相似文献   

Summary Although aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) is an independent, monofunctional enzyme in Escherichia coli, mammalian ATCase is one of the globular enzymatic domains of the multifunctional CAD protein. We subcloned fragments of the hamster CAD cDNA and assayed polypeptide products expressed in E. coli for ATCase activity in order to isolate a stretch of cDNA which encodes only the ATCase domain. Three such expression constructs contain fragments of hamster CAD cDNA similar in length to the gene encoding the E. coli ATCase catalytic subunit (pyrB). These constructs yield stable proteins with ATCase activity, ascertained by both in vivo and in vitro assays; the clones also possess sequence homology with the pyrB gene at both the 5 and 3 ends. The clone producing the most active ATCase contains cDNA which is analogous to the entire pyrB gene, plus a small amount of CAD sequence upstream of this region. Because these constructs produce independently folded, active ATCase from a piece of cDNA the size of the E. coli pyrB gene, they open the door for the in-depth investigation of the isolated mammalian enzyme domain utilizing recombinant DNA technology. This approach is potentially useful for the analysis of domains of other multifunctional proteins.Abbreviations (EC ATCase, aspartate transcarbamylase - CAD the trifunctional protein catalyzing the first three steps of pyrimidine biosynthesis in higher eukaryotes - (EC CPSaseII, glutamine-dependent carbamylphosphate synthetase II - (EC DHOase, dihydroorotase - IPTG isopropyl--d-thiogalactopyranoside  相似文献   

The enzymes of the β-decarboxylating dehydrogenase superfamily catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of d-malate-based substrates with various specificities. Here, we show that, in addition to its natural function affording bacterial growth on d-malate as a carbon source, the d-malate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli (EcDmlA) naturally expressed from its chromosomal gene is capable of complementing leucine auxotrophy in a leuB strain lacking the paralogous isopropylmalate dehydrogenase enzyme. To our knowledge, this is the first example of an enzyme that contributes with a physiologically relevant level of activity to two distinct pathways of the core metabolism while expressed from its chromosomal locus. EcDmlA features relatively high catalytic activity on at least three different substrates (l(+)-tartrate, d-malate, and 3-isopropylmalate). Because of these properties both in vivo and in vitro, EcDmlA may be defined as a generalist enzyme. Phylogenetic analysis highlights an ancient origin of DmlA, indicating that the enzyme has maintained its generalist character throughout evolution. We discuss the implication of these findings for protein evolution.  相似文献   

酶工程课程教学改革探索   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
"酶工程"是生物工程专业的主干课程,其主要内容是研究酶的生产和应用。结合课程教学实践,从认真选择教材、优化教学内容,改进教学方法和手段,完善考核形式等方面对"酶工程"课程教学进行了初步探讨,以期提高教学效果。  相似文献   

The biotechnologial approaches to conferring crop selectivity to herbicides have been demonstrated for a number of compounds such as glyphosate, glufosinate, imidazolinones and cyclohexanediones. Imidazolinone-resistant and cyclohexanedione-resistant maize lines are already in the market. There are several other effective and environmentally benign herbicides such as dicamba, for which engineering crop selectivity is desirable, to broaden the product utility in different crops and provide new solutions for weed control. One of the most effective approaches to conferring dicamba selectivity in crops is to incorporate a gene for its rapid metabolism. It is advantageous to have different dicamba-metabolizing enzymes in order to maximize the chances of at least one functioning optimally in a plant environment. Three different metabolizing enzymes are currently available to engineer crop selectivity. The first one is the folate-dependent O-demethylase from Clostridium thermoaceticum, that converts dicamba to herbicidally inactive 3,6-dichlorosalicylate. The second enzyme is the NADH-dependent, multi-component monooxygenase from Pseudomonas maltophilia DI-6 that also converts dicamba to 3,6-dichlorosalicylate. The third enzyme is from corn endosperm cultures that catalyzes the 5-hydroxylation of dicamba. The merits of these three enzymes are discussed with respect to conferring crop selectivity to dicamba. In addition, a rapid microbial screen was conceived for discovery of new dicamba-degrading bacteria, which resulted in identification of Pseudomonas orvilla. This bacteria degraded dicamba by the same pathway, perhaps using a similar enzyme system as Pseudomonas maltophilia DI-6. However, the microbial screen has the potential to identify novel bacteria that degrade dicamba by a different pathway, providing more options for metabolizing enzymes to confer herbicide selectivity in crops. Received 13 February 1997/ Accepted in revised form 26 June 1997  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for xylose fermentation has often relied on insertion of a heterologous pathway consisting of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) NAD(P)H-dependent xylose reductase (XR) and NAD+-dependent xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH). Low ethanol yield, formation of xylitol and other fermentation by-products are seen for many of the S. cerevisiae strains constructed in this way. This has been ascribed to incomplete coenzyme recycling in the steps catalyzed by XR and XDH. Despite various protein-engineering efforts to alter the coenzyme specificity of XR and XDH individually, a pair of enzymes displaying matched utilization of NAD(H) and NADP(H) was not previously reported. We have introduced multiple site-directed mutations in the coenzyme-binding pocket of Galactocandida mastotermitis XDH to enable activity with NADP+, which is lacking in the wild-type enzyme. We describe four enzyme variants showing activity for xylitol oxidation by NADP+ and NAD+. One of the XDH variants utilized NADP+ about 4 times more efficiently than NAD+. This is close to the preference for NADPH compared with NADH in mutants of Candida tenuis XR. Compared to an S. cerevisiae-reference strain expressing the genes for the wild-type enzymes, the strains comprising the gene encoding the mutated XDH in combination a matched XR mutant gene showed up to 50% decreased glycerol yield without increase in ethanol during xylose fermentation.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(12):2101-2106
The poor solubility and dispersibility of fatty acids in aqueous reaction media may limit the catalytic activity of fatty acid transformation enzymes. Therefore, we studied a novel method to increase the catalytic activity of an esterase by introducing a presumed substrate-binding domain. The primary structure of an esterase from Pseudomonas fluorescens WI SIK (PFEI) is similar to that of an esterase in P. fluorescens DSM 50106 (PFEII) but not Bacillus subtilis DSM 402 (BS2). However, the reaction kinetics for the formation of octylacetate and a ricinoleic acid-derived ester (3) were more similar to the kinetics in BS2. For instance, the kcat value of PFEI with 3 was similar to that of BS2, which was approximately 12-fold lower than the kcat value of PFEII. Furthermore, fusion of PFEI to the N-terminal hydrophobic domain of PFEII led to a substantial increase (an approximate 6-fold increase in the kcat value) in its hydrolytic activity of 3. These results indicate that the N-terminal domain of PFEII, which is assumed to be involved in anchoring the enzyme in the membrane, interacts with fatty acid-like substrates, resulting in an improved enzymatic activity. Therefore, we conclude that the membrane-anchoring domains can be used to increase the catalytic activity of fatty acid transformation enzymes.  相似文献   

多功能菌群混合施用的生态效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从蔬菜地黄瓜根围土壤中经分离筛选,得到两个对黄瓜枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinum)有抑制作用,并能明显促进黄瓜生长的菌株ZJY-1(Brevibacillus brevis)和ZJY-116(Bacillus subtilis).将这两菌株与一株毒死蜱降解菌DSP3(Alcaligenes faecali)按照不同组合处理黄瓜种子,以研究多功能菌群在环境中发挥生态效应的可行性.结果表明,这两株具有生防和促生功能的菌株与DSP3按不同组合混合后,对黄瓜的防病促生作用均不受影响.同时对黄瓜根围土中毒死蜱含量检测分析发现,DSP3与这两株细菌混和施用后其降解率与单独施用相比没有明显差异.实验初步证明,不同功能的菌株混合施用后可以发挥其生态效应.  相似文献   

Disaccharide phosphorylases are increasingly applied for glycoside synthesis, since they are very regiospecific and use cheap and easy to obtain donor substrates. A promising enzyme is cellobiose phosphorylase (CP), which was discovered more than 50 years ago. Many other bacterial CP enzymes have since then been characterized, cloned and applied for glycoside synthesis. However, the general application of wild-type CP for glycoside synthesis is hampered by its relatively narrow substrate specificity. Recently we have taken some successful efforts to broaden the substrate specificity of Cellulomonas uda CP by directed evolution and protein engineering. This review will give an overview of the obtained results and address the applicability of the engineered CP enzymes for glycoside synthesis. CP is the first example of an extensively engineered disaccharide phosphorylase, and may provide valuable information for protein engineering of other phosphorylase enzymes.  相似文献   

Degradation of xylan requires several enzymes. Two chimeric enzymes, xyln-ara and xyln-xylo, were constructed by linking the catalytic portion of a xylanase (xyln) to either an arabinofuranosidase (ara) or a xylosidase (xylo) with a flexible peptide linker. The recombinant parental enzymes and chimeras were produced in E. coli at high levels and purified for characterization of their enzymatic and kinetic properties as well as activities on natural substrates. The chimeras closely resemble the parental enzymes or their mixtures with regard to protein properties. They share similar temperature profiles and have similar catalytic efficiencies as the parental enzymes when assayed using substrates 4-nitrophenyl-alpha-L-arabinofuranoside or 2-nitrophenyl- beta-D-xylopyranoside. The chimeras also show unique enzymatic characteristics. In xylanase activity assays using Remazol Brilliant Blue-xylan, while the parental xylanase has a pH optimum of pH 8, the chimeras showed shifted pH optima as a consequence of significantly increased activity at pH 6 (the optimal pH for ara and xylo). Both chimeras exhibited additive effects of the parental enzymes when assayed at wide ranges of pH and temperatures. The xyln-xylo chimera had the same activities as the xyln/xylo mixture in hydrolyzing the natural substrates oat spelt xylan and wheat arabinoxylan. Compared to the xyln/ara mixture, the xyln-ara chimera released the same amounts of xylose from oat spelt xylan and approximately 30% more from wheat arabinoxylan at pH 6. Our results demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of generating bifunctional enzymes for the improvement of xylan bioconversion.  相似文献   

The existence of low levels of intersubunit communication in homooligomeric enzymes is often difficult to discover, as the identical active sites cannot be probed individually to dissect their interdependent contributions. The homodimeric paralogs, E. coli aspartate- (AATase) and tyrosine aminotransferase (TATase), have not been demonstrated to show allostery. To address this question, we engineered a hybrid aminotransferase containing two distinct catalytic pockets: an AATase and a TATase site. The TATase/AATase hybrid was constructed by grafting an engineered TATase active site into one of the catalytic pockets of E. coli AATase. Each active site conserves its specific catalytic and inhibitor binding properties, and the hybrid catalyzes simultaneously each aminotransferase reaction at the respective site. Importantly, association of a selective inhibitor into one of the catalytic pockets decreases the activity of the second active site by up to 25%, thus proving unequivocally the existence of allosteric communication between active sites. The procedure may be applicable to other homologous sets of enzymes.  相似文献   

We describe a simple and rapid quantitative assay for biotin and biotin conjugates. The assay is based on the kinetic analysis of the enhancement of fluorescence of streptavidin/fluorescein biotin complexes in the presence of biotin. The kinetic response of fluorescence enhancement is proportional to the concentration of biotin. Standard calibration curves based on the kinetic response are obtained and detection limits of approximately 10(-9)M are established. Because the assay is amenable for use in small volumes of 5-50 microL or bead-based assays, the detection limits can be extended to the femtomole range. Since the assay depends on kinetic analysis, routine quantitation can be achieved without reference to standard curves. The dynamic aspects allow the assay to be extended to a broader range of applications including its use as an indicator of reagent mixing in laminar-flow assays carried out in microfluidic devices.  相似文献   

In enzyme engineering, the main targets for enhancing properties are enzyme activity, stereoselective specificity, stability, substrate range, and the development of unique functions. With the advent of genetic code extension technology, non-natural amino acids (nnAAs) are able to be incorporated into proteins in a site-specific or residue-specific manner, which breaks the limit of 20 natural amino acids for protein engineering. Benefitting from this approach, numerous enzymes have been engineered with nnAAs for improved properties or extended functionality. In the present review, we focus on applications and strategies for using nnAAs in enzyme engineering. Notably, approaches to computational modelling of enzymes with nnAAs are also addressed. Finally, we discuss the bottlenecks that currently need to be addressed in order to realise the broader prospects of this genetic code extension technique.  相似文献   

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