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We investigated the effects of the year of birth (cohort effect), sex and birth date on the variations observed in birth weight and postnatal growth rate in 209 newborn fawns marked during eight consecutive fawning seasons from a highly productive roe deer population under good nutritional conditions. Roe deer exhibited a fast body development with a birth weight of 1628 g and a postnatal growth rate of 139 g/day constant over the first 20 days of their life. As previously reported for dimorphic and polygynous ungulates, there was a marked cohort effect on the rate of body development. This variability was partly explained by climatic conditions during late gestation. When fewer than 5 days with rainfall over 5 mm occurred in April, fawns were heavier. High temperatures during April and during the winter could also be involved in fast body development of roe deer fawns. Sex of fawn did not affect roe deer growth pattern. This was expected on the basis of low sexual dimorphism in size and low polygyny level characteristic of roe deer. Lastly, the date of birth did not affect the body development of roe deer fawns. High constancy of mean birth dates and high synchrony of births observed in this population could account for this result.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the reliability of computed tomography (CT) for diagnosing bot fly infestations by Cephenemyia stimulator (Clark) (Diptera: Oestridae) in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) (Artiodactyla: Cervidae). For this purpose, the heads of 30 animals were analysed, firstly by CT and then by necropsy, which was used as the reference standard method. The prevalence values obtained by both methods were identical; the prevalence of infestation was 40.0% overall, and was higher in males (45.5%) than in females (25.0%). These results highlight the usefulness of CT as an alternative or non‐invasive method for diagnosing cephenemyiosis in live‐captured roe deer and in hunting trophies or museum collections that cannot be destroyed or damaged.  相似文献   

We sequenced 704 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region nucleotides and genotyped 11 autosomal microsatellites (STR) in 617 European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) samples, aiming to infer the species' phylogeographical structure. The mtDNA sequences were split in three distinct haplogroups, respectively, named: Clade West, sampled mainly in Iberia; Clade East, sampled mainly in Greece and in the Balkans; and Clade Central, which was widespread throughout Europe, including the eastern countries and Iberia, but not Greece. These clades might have originated in distinct Iberian and Balkanic refuges during the penultimate or the last glaciations. Clades East and West contributed little to the current postglacial mtDNA diversity in central Europe, which apparently was recolonized mainly by haplotypes belonging to Clade Central. A unique subclade within Clade Central grouped all the haplotypes sampled from populations of the Italian subspecies C. c. italicus. In contrast, haplotypes sampled in central and southern Spain joined both Clade Central and Clade West, suggesting that subspecies C. c. garganta has admixed origin. STR data support a genetic distinction of peripheral populations in north Iberia and southern Italy, and show the effects of anthropogenic disturbance in fragmented populations, which were recently reintroduced or restocked and not may be in mutation-drift equilibrium. Roe deer in central Europe are mainly admixed, while peripheral populations in north Portugal, the southern Italian Apennines and Greece represent the remains of refugial populations and should be managed accordingly.  相似文献   

Aim This paper describes the dispersal process of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus Linnaeus, 1758) with respect to climatic factors, landscape characteristics and human activity. We hypothesized that environmental characteristics constrain the relative abundance and dispersal process of roe deer. Location The study was conducted in the Iberian Mountains, north‐eastern Spain, during 1986–2000. Methods Roe deer colonization dates in the study area were obtained from a survey for large mammals and from direct interviews with the employees of the Fish and Game Agency. We used a 10 × 10 km UTM grid as the sampling unit (n = 91). The relative abundance of roe deer was estimated by counting the number of pellet groups in line transects, which were representative of the habitat availability in the 10 × 10 km UTM grid. Climatic factors were obtained from meteorological stations placed near to the plot. Landscape structure indices, topography and human activity factors were obtained from digital maps using fragstats 3.3 and idrisi 32. We discarded a number of variables with no statistical significance and avoided multicollinearity by using Spearman rank correlation. Then, we used GLMz (with a multinomial error distribution and a logit link function) to analyse the influence of each variable considered in the dispersal process. Finally, GLMz (with a binomial error distribution and a logit link function) were used a posteriori to differentiate between the effects of the explanatory factors on a particular phase of the dispersal process. Results Our results indicate that proximity to a previously colonized grid significantly affected the global process of roe deer colonization. Independently of the proximity of the nearest population in the previous phase of colonization, our results also indicated that the dispersal process was influenced by precipitation and landscape structure, leading the species to colonize even apparently hostile places. Original nuclei of these populations occurred in territories with high and constant precipitation, and a landscape formed by mosaics of agricultural land with a high proportion of forests. During the expansion process, roe deer colonized territories with summer droughts, dominated by large agricultural patches and with few forest patches. Main conclusions These data support the working hypothesis that environmental characteristics constrain roe deer relative abundance and dispersal process through the Iberian Mountains. The location of the original nuclei of these populations probably had environmental conditions that were more favourable for the roe deer. Areas settled in the final phases of the dispersal process had low relative abundances of roe deer, and are likely to act mainly as dispersal corridors rather than being able to sustain viable populations themselves.  相似文献   

James F. Rieger 《Oecologia》1996,107(4):463-468
The timing of reproduction affected litter size, offspring mass, and offspring survival in the Uinta ground squirrel, Spermophilus armatus, in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Survival of juvenile females to yearling age varied negatively with date of weaning and positively with individual offspring mass. At the same time, juveniles weaned early in the season were lighter, and juveniles weaned later in the season were heavier. The coefficient of variation for juvenile body mass, originally measured at weaning, significantly decreased by the time juveniles entered hibernation, indicating that individuals weaned early and light caught up in body mass to individuals weaned later and heavier. From the perspective of the mother's investment in the litter, litter size (corrected for mother's mass) decreased with later wcaning dates, while the relationship of weaning date to litter mass (corrected for mother's mass) was significant in only one year. Maternal allocation of resources in litters changed over the season so that mothers produced many, small offspring early in the season, and fewer, large offspring late in the season.  相似文献   

Roe deer is a protected species in Iran as its population and distribution in the country have considerably declined. Roe deer are threatened by several factors such as habitat fragmentation and road mortality, so studying their distribution and movement through the increasing habitat destruction and fragmentation is necessary. This will become increasingly important because climate change will transform the species’ future habitat and connectivity patterns. We evaluated the roe deer’s potential distribution range in northern Iran and, for the first time, developed connectivity models and designed corridors for the present and future to make better conservation plans. We collected 91 points indicating the presence of roe deer in the study region. After developing ensemble models using six species distribution algorithms, we defined high-ranked habitat cores using the concept of landscape suitability prioritization. From these, we designed connectivity and corridors in two time-frames with the help of least-cost paths and circuit theories to predict the potential movement throughout the study area. We estimated that the overall core habitats for roe deer in the present and future periods are, respectively, around 1200 km2 and 2600 km2, corresponding to 2 and 4 percent of the whole area. This suggests that the habitat core will expand in the future as a result of climate change. Similarly, the connectivity among the cores will strengthen. We also conclude that the temperature-driven and anthropogenic variables significantly affect the distribution of roe deer in northern Iran. It is necessary that conservationists and managers consider the designed corridors in the present study while planning conservation strategies.  相似文献   

 This study reports the findings of an integrated, comprehensive analysis of lactation energetics in harp seals conducted using longitudinal measurements of mass, body composition and milk composition from mother-pup pairs in conjunction with water flux measurements in pups. The nursing period of harp seals is a short, intense and relatively efficient period of energy transfer from mothers to pups. The average daily milk intake for pups was 3.65±0.24 kg which is equivalent to 79.5 MJ of energy. Eighty-one per cent of the energy received in the milk was metabolisable and 66% of the energy was stored by the pups as body tissue. The field metabolic rate of pups was 3.9±0.4 time basal metabolic rate. The pups were growing at a rate of 2.2 kg per day during the nursing period. The distribution of this mass gain varied in terms of tissue composition, depending on the age of the pups, but over the whole nursing period approximately half of the tissue was stored as fat. Harp seal mothers lost an average of 3.1 kg per day during lactation which was composed of 37% water, 50% fat, 11% protein and 2% ash. Mothers spent half of their time during the lactation period actively diving and only one-third of their time on the surface of the ice. Milk compositional changes followed the normal phocid pattern with increasing fat content and decreasing water content as lactation progressed. The mean mass transfer efficiency was 73%. However, this value cannot be used without qualification because female harp seals in this study fed to varying degrees, consuming an estimated 0–4.8 kg of fish per day. Feeding does not appear to be required in order to achieve the energy requirements for lactation, given the energy stores possessed by females, and some females do fast through the entire period so feeding may be considered opportunistic in nature. Accepted: 25 April 1996  相似文献   

To understand the interaction of the many contextual variablesthat affect parental behavior a number of static optimalitymodels have been developed. Among these the one by Lazarus andInglis (1986) is the only one to specifically predict the magnitudeof unshared parental investment (PI), i.e., of parental carethat carries a cost to the parent and that benefits all currentoffspring equally because it cannot be divided among them. Weinvestigated specifically how parent great tits (Parus major)gear their brood defense, a form of unshared PI, to the sizeof the brood at stake and to the risk incurred as a functionof the type of predator. The predators used were dummies ofthe great spotted woodpecker (Picoides major) and of the tawnyowl (Strix aluco). Normally, adults can approach the woodpeckerwith impunity; it had inflicted heavy losses to nestlings ofthe study populations of great tits near Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony.Parent great tits whose brood had been artificially reducedto two young responded to the dummy with less defense than dida control group with their pre-test brood size left intact.The nature of defense was qualitatively the same as that elicitedby a live woodpecker. Parents confronting the owl near theirbrood decreased their response with an artificial reductionin brood size much less. Because the owl used poses a seriousrisk to the defenders, as compared to the woodpecker, the resultlends powerful support to the "total loss" version of the modelof unshared PI; it predicts brood size to affect unshared PImore strongly when there is less risk to the parent. This interpretationis correct to the extent that one premise of the model, namelythat of uncompromised parentage, can be relaxed; great tit broodscontain a sizeable number of extrapair young. Males defendedtheir brood more strongly than did females. Sex and brood manipulationadded up linearly when affecting defense level, i.e., therewas no interaction.  相似文献   

 This study investigated why sibling cannibalism is so rare in the second instar of the wolf spider Pardosa pseudoannulata (Araneae: Lycosidae), despite the fact that the spider is cannibalistic and does not discriminate kin from non-kin. Laboratory experiments revealed that relative size difference between the cannibal and its victim affected the occurrence of nymphal cannibalism, as in other spiders. The degree of the size difference, measured as the coefficient of variation (CV), was smaller within a brood than among broods, but was greater in smaller clutches that might have been produced by less well fed females. Statistical analysis confirmed that intraclutch cannibalism would occur in less than about 1% of encounters among siblings that were randomly selected from the same clutch, because about 99% of intrabrood encounters fell within a 10% size difference, which is the marginal value above which frequent cannibalism occurs. Thus, interclutch cannibalism was expected to occur much more frequently than intraclutch cannibalism. Considering the potential benefit of cannibalism under food stress and high nymphal mortality, even with the sacrifice of their full sibs, the small intraclutch variance in spiderling body size may be understood as a tactic adopted by mother spiders to avoid sibling cannibalism. Received: May 10, 2002 / Accepted: November 13, 2002  相似文献   

We studied the nest defense behavior of Eurasian kestrels (Falcotinnunculus) towards a stuffed pine marten (Martes martes) througha 3-year vole cycle (1990–92) in western Finland. Survivalprobability of offspring decreases with a later start of breeding,and, therefore, early breeders should protect their offspringmore than late ones. We found this true for males during theincubation period, but not for females. In addition, we expectedthe nest defense intensity to increase with offspring number.During the incubation period, this was true for females, butnot for males. During the nestling phase, parents did not adjusttheir defense effort to natural or manipulated (by one to twoyoung) brood size. Survival prospects of kestrel offspring werehighest in the increasing vole year 1991 and lowest in the decreasingvole year 1992, and, therefore, we expected the defense activityof kestrels to follow the same trend. However, the oppositeresult appeared true for females with a similar tendency formales. Most hypotheses predicting avian nest defense behaviorwere not supported by our data. Temporally heterogeneous environmentand low degree of nest-site tenacity of migratory kestrels maymake them unfamiliar with environmental variation and survivalprospects of their offspring. Therefore, fitness benefits ofparental care are not predictable, and kestrels may thus adjusttheir parental effort to their own future reproductive potential(i.e., number of future breeding attempts), rather than to somecurrent investment indicator, like offspring age and number.  相似文献   

T. Tsuruishi 《Limnology》2003,4(1):0011-0018
 The life cycle of a giant carnivorous caddisfly, Himalopsyche japonica (Morton), was studied in two mountain streams in Nagano Prefecture, Central Japan. Field surveys and rearing experiments in the laboratory were conducted from October 1997 to September 2001. The life cycle of H. japonica was estimated to be a complex univoltine cycle that partly includes bivoltine populations. The adults had a long flight period, from April to September, with three distinct peaks of emergence. First to third instar larvae were collected from June to February, and the last (fifth) instar larvae and pupae appeared throughout the year. In autumn, the larvae belonging to all instars were found, and younger ones overwintered in the fourth instar stage and others in the fifth instar stage. On the other hand, fifth instar larvae and pupae ceased developing in autumn even though the water temperature was higher than the developmental zero temperature. The overwintered pupae emerged as adults in April, and the overwintered fifth instar larvae pupated in May and emerged in June. The larvae which overwintered in the fourth instar stage probably emerged after June. Received: March 19, 2002 / Accepted: January 10, 2003 Present address: United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1193, Japan Tel. +81-265-77-1401; Fax +81-265-74-7496 e-mail: himalo@f8.dion.ne.jp Acknowledgments The author thanks Prof. T. Yoshida, Prof. H. Nakamura, and Associate professor K. Soma, Shinshu University; Mr. T. Nozaki, Kanagawa Environmental Research Center; and Mr. N. Kubota, Environmental Assessment Center in Matsumoto laboratory for their advice and help in accomplishing this research. The author is also grateful to Prof. K. Tanida, Osaka Prefecture University; Dr. T. Ito, Hokkaido Fish Hatchery; Mr. K. Okazaki, Kutchan City Museum; and Mrs. Y. Isobe, Nara Women's University, for suggesting references. Miss. T. Ishiyama, Mr. H. Kojima, Mr. M. Yagyu, and the students of the Forest Animals Laboratory in Shinshu University kindly provided field samples. Correspondence to:T. Tsuruishi  相似文献   

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