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Plants can survive a limiting nitrogen (N) supply by developing a set of N limitation adaptive responses. However, the Arabidopsis nla (nitrogen limitation adaptation) mutant fails to produce such responses, and cannot adapt to N limitation. In this study, the nla mutant was utilized to understand further the effect of NLA on Arabidopsis adaptation to N limitation. Grown with limiting N, the nla mutant could not accumulate anthocyanins and instead produced an N limitation-induced early senescence phenotype. In contrast, when supplied with limiting N and limiting phosphorus (Pi), the nla mutants accumulated abundant anthocyanins and did not show the N limitation-induced early senescence phenotype. These results support the hypothesis that Arabidopsis has a specific pathway to control N limitation-induced anthocyanin synthesis, and the nla mutation disrupts this pathway. However, the nla mutation does not affect the Pi limitation-induced anthocyanin synthesis pathway. Therefore, Pi limitation induced the nla mutant to accumulate anthocyanins under N limitation and allowed this mutant to adapt to N limitation. Under N limitation, the nla mutant had a significantly down-regulated expression of many genes functioning in anthocyanin synthesis, and an enhanced expression of genes involved in lignin production. Correspondingly, the nla mutant grown with limiting N showed a significantly lower production of anthocyanins (particularly cyanidins) and an increase in lignin contents compared with wild-type plants. These data suggest that NLA controls Arabidopsis adaptability to N limitation by channelling the phenylpropanoid metabolic flux to the induced anthocyanin synthesis, which is important for Arabidopsis to adapt to N limitation.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana gene (AtLPP1) was isolated on the basis that it was transiently induced by ionizing radiation. The putative AtLPP1 gene product showed homology to the yeast and mammalian lipid phosphate phosphatase enzymes and possessed a phosphatase signature sequence motif. Heterologous expression and biochemical characterization of the AtLPP1 gene in yeast showed that it encoded an enzyme (AtLpp1p) that exhibited both diacylglycerol pyrophosphate phosphatase and phosphatidate phosphatase activities. Kinetic analysis indicated that diacylglycerol pyrophosphate was the preferred substrate for AtLpp1p in vitro. A second Arabidopsis gene (AtLPP2) was identified based on sequence homology to AtLPP1 that was also heterologously expressed in yeast. The AtLpp2p enzyme also utilized diacylglycerol pyrophosphate and phosphatidate but with no preference for either substrate. The AtLpp1p and AtLpp2p enzymes showed differences in their apparent affinities for diacylglycerol pyrophosphate and phosphatidate as well as other enzymological properties. Northern blot analyses showed that the AtLPP1 gene was preferentially expressed in leaves and roots, whereas the AtLPP2 gene was expressed in all tissues examined. AtLPP1, but not AtLPP2, was regulated in response to various stress conditions. The AtLPP1 gene was transiently induced by genotoxic stress (gamma ray or UV-B) and elicitor treatments with mastoparan and harpin. The regulation of the AtLPP1 gene in response to stress was consistent with the hypothesis that its encoded lipid phosphate phosphatase enzyme may attenuate the signaling functions of phosphatidate and/or diacylglycerol pyrophosphate that form in response to stress in plants.  相似文献   

Living organisms respond to phosphate limitation by expressing various genes whose products maintain an appropriate range of phosphate concentrations within each cell. We identified previously a two component system, which consists of histidine kinase SphS and its cognate response regulator SphR, which regulates the expression of the phoA gene for alkaline phosphatase under phosphate-limiting conditions in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In the present study, we used DNA microarrays to investigate the role of SphS and SphR in the regulation of the genome-wide expression of genes in response to phosphate limitation. In wild-type cells, phosphate limitation strongly induced the expression of 12 genes with induction factors greater than 7. These genes were included in three clusters of genes, namely, the pst1 and pst2 clusters that encode phosphate transporters; the phoA gene and the nucH gene for the extracellular nuclease. Phosphate limitation strongly repressed the expression of only the urtA gene with induction factors below 0.2. Inactivation of either of SphS or SphR completely eliminated the phosphate limitation-inducible expression of the 12 genes and the phosphate limitation-repressible expression of the urtA gene. These results suggest that the SphS-SphR two component system in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is the dominant sensory system that controls gene expression in response to phosphate limitation.  相似文献   

When grown with inadequate quantities of inorganic phosphate (Pi), plants synthesize and secret acid phosphatases into the rhizosphere. These secreted acid phosphatases are thought to release the Pi group from organophosphates present in the surrounding environment and to thereby increase Pi availability to plants. So far, however, the genetic evidence to support this hypothesis is still lacking. Previously, we showed that overexpression of Arabidopsis purple acid phosphatase 10 (AtPAP10) improved the growth of plants on Pi-deficient medium (P- medium) supplemented with the organophosphate compound ADP; in contrast, the growth of atpap10 mutant lines was reduced on the same medium. In the current research, we determined the growth performance of these lines on P- medium supplemented with four other organophosphates. The results showed that AtPAP10 could utilize rhizosphere organophosphates other than ADP for plant growth but with different utilization efficiencies. This work provides further genetic evidence that AtPAP10 phosphatase is a component of plant adaptive mechanism to Pi limitation.  相似文献   

Wang L  Dong J  Gao Z  Liu D 《Plant & cell physiology》2012,53(6):1093-1105
When plants are subjected to a deficiency in inorganic phosphate (Pi), they exhibit an array of responses to cope with this nutritional stress. In this work, we have characterized two Arabidopsis mutants, hps3-1 and hps3-2 (hypersensitive to Pi starvation 3), that have altered expression of Pi starvation-induced (PSI) genes and enhanced production of acid phosphatase (APase) when grown under either Pi sufficiency or deficiency conditions. hps3-1 and hps3-2, however, accumulate less anthocyanin than the wild type when grown on a Pi-deficient medium. Molecular cloning indicated that the phenotypes of hps3 mutants were caused by mutations within the ETO1 (ETHYLENE OVERPRODUCTION 1) gene. In Arabidopsis, ETO1 encodes a negative regulator of ethylene biosynthesis, and mutation of ETO1 causes Arabidopsis seedlings to overproduce ethylene. The ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor aminoethoxyvinyl glycine or the ethylene perception inhibitor Ag(+) suppressed all the mutant phenotypes of hps3. Taken together, these results provide further genetic evidence that ethylene is an important regulator of multiple plant responses to Pi starvation. Furthermore, we found that a change in ethylene level has differential effects on the expression of PSI genes, maintenance of Pi homeostasis, production of APase and accumulation of anthocyanin. We also demonstrated that ethylene signaling mainly regulates the activity of root surface-associated APases rather than total APase activity.  相似文献   

pBNiR1, a cDNA clone encoding part of the barley nitrite reductase apoprotein, was isolated from a barley (cv. Maris Mink) leaf cDNA library using the 1.85 kb insert of the maize nitrite reductase cDNA clone pCIB808 as a heterologous probe. The cDNA insert of pBNiR1 is 503 by in length. The nucleotide coding sequence could be aligned with the 3′ end of other higher plant nitrite reductase apoprotein cDNA sequences but diverges in the 3′ untranslated region. The whole-plant barley mutant STA3999, previously isolated from the cultivar Tweed, accumulates nitrite after nitrate treatment in the light, has very much lowered levels of nitrite reductase activity and lacks detectable nitrite reductase cross-reacting material due to a recessive mutation in a single nuclear gene which we have designated Nir1. STA3999 has the characteristics expected of a nitrite reductase apoprotein gene mutant. Here we have used pB-NiR1 in RFLP analysis to determine whether the mutation carried by STA3999 is linked to the nitrite reductase apoprotein gene locus Nii. An RFLP was identified between the wild-type barley cultivars Tweed (major hybridising band of 11.5 kb) and Golden Promise (major hybridising band of 7.5 kb) when DraI-digested DNA was probed with the insert from the partial barley nitrite reductase cDNA clone, pBNiR1. DraI-digested DNA from the mutant STA3999 also exhibited a major hybridising band of 11.5 kb after hybridisation with the insert from pBNiR1. F1 progeny derived from the cross between the cultivar Golden Promise and the homozygous nir1 mutant STA3999 were heterozygous for these bands as anticipated. Co-segregation of the Tweed RFLP band of 11.5 kb and the mutant phenotype (leaf nitrite accumulation after nitrate treatment/loss of detectable nitrite reductase cross-reacting material at Mr 63000) was scored in an F2 population of 312 plants derived from the cross between the cultivar Golden Promise and the homozygous mutant STA3999. The Tweed RFLP band of 11.5 kb and the mutant phenotype showed strict co-segregation (in approximately one quarter (84) of the 312 F2 plants examined). Only those F2 individuals heterozygous for the RFLP pattern gave rise to F3 progeny which segregated for the mutant phenotype. We conclude that the nir1locus and the nitrite reductase apoprotein gene Nii are very tightly linked.  相似文献   

Jia H  Ren H  Gu M  Zhao J  Sun S  Zhang X  Chen J  Wu P  Xu G 《Plant physiology》2011,156(3):1164-1175
Plant phosphate transporters (PTs) are active in the uptake of inorganic phosphate (Pi) from the soil and its translocation within the plant. Here, we report on the biological properties and physiological roles of OsPht1;8 (OsPT8), one of the PTs belonging to the Pht1 family in rice (Oryza sativa). Expression of a β-glucuronidase and green fluorescent protein reporter gene driven by the OsPT8 promoter showed that OsPT8 is expressed in various tissue organs from roots to seeds independent of Pi supply. OsPT8 was able to complement a yeast Pi-uptake mutant and increase Pi accumulation of Xenopus laevis oocytes when supplied with micromolar (33)Pi concentrations at their external solution, indicating that it has a high affinity for Pi transport. Overexpression of OsPT8 resulted in excessive Pi in both roots and shoots and Pi toxic symptoms under the high-Pi supply condition. In contrast, knockdown of OsPT8 by RNA interference decreased Pi uptake and plant growth under both high- and low-Pi conditions. Moreover, OsPT8 suppression resulted in an increase of phosphorus content in the panicle axis and in a decrease of phosphorus content in unfilled grain hulls, accompanied by lower seed-setting rate. Altogether, our data suggest that OsPT8 is involved in Pi homeostasis in rice and is critical for plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that allow plants to respond to variable and reduced availability of inorganic phosphate is of increasing agricultural importance because of the continuing depletion of the rock phosphate reserves that are used to combat inadequate phosphate levels in the soil. Changes in gene expression, protein levels, enzyme activities and metabolite levels all point to a reconfiguration of the central metabolic network in response to reduced availability of inorganic phosphate, but the metabolic significance of these changes can only be assessed in terms of the fluxes supported by the network. Steady‐state metabolic flux analysis was used to define the metabolic phenotype of a heterotrophic Arabidopsis thaliana cell culture grown on a Murashige and Skoog medium containing 0, 1.25 or 5 mm inorganic phosphate. Fluxes through the central metabolic network were deduced from the redistribution of 13C into metabolic intermediates and end products when cells were labelled with [1‐13C], [2‐13C], or [13C6]glucose, in combination with 14C measurements of the rates of biomass accumulation. Analysis of the flux maps showed that reduced levels of phosphate in the growth medium stimulated flux through phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and malic enzyme, altered the balance between cytosolic and plastidic carbohydrate oxidation in favour of the plastid, and increased cell maintenance costs. We argue that plant cells respond to phosphate deprivation by reconfiguring the flux distribution through the pathways of carbohydrate oxidation to take advantage of better phosphate homeostasis in the plastid.  相似文献   

Mutations in apeR, a regulatory locus of the outer membrane esterase apeE from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, were shown to be alleles of the pstSCAB-phoU high-affinity phosphate transport operon. Expression of apeE was induced by phosphate limitation, and this induction required the phoBR phosphate regulatory system.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis mutant pho1 is deficient in the transfer of Pi from root epidermal and cortical cells to the xylem. The PHO1 gene was identified by a map-based cloning strategy. The N-terminal half of PHO1 is mainly hydrophilic, whereas the C-terminal half has six potential membrane-spanning domains. PHO1 shows no homology with any characterized solute transporter, including the family of H(+)-Pi cotransporters identified in plants and fungi. PHO1 shows highest homology with the Rcm1 mammalian receptor for xenotropic murine leukemia retroviruses and with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Syg1 protein involved in the mating pheromone signal transduction pathway. PHO1 is expressed predominantly in the roots and is upregulated weakly under Pi stress. Studies with PHO1 promoter-beta-glucuronidase constructs reveal predominant expression of the PHO1 promoter in the stelar cells of the root and the lower part of the hypocotyl. There also is beta-glucuronidase staining of endodermal cells that are adjacent to the protoxylem vessels. The Arabidopsis genome contains 10 additional genes showing homology with PHO1. Thus, PHO1 defines a novel class of proteins involved in ion transport in plants.  相似文献   

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