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Ptomascopus morio displays simpler parental care than Nicrophorus species. The effects of carcass size and clutch number on clutch size in P. morio were examined. Clutch size was related to carcass size. There was a negative correlation between number of clutch and clutch size for most sizes of carcass. Longevity of females was shorter when the carcass size was larger, such that total lifetime fecundity did not differ among carcasses of different sizes. The clutch size of P. morio was larger than that of Nicrophorus quadripunctatus. The clutch size of P. morio declined rapidly with repeated clutch production, but that of N. quadripunctatus was rather constant. This indicates that N. quadripunctatus maintains a more constant clutch size than P. morio over several reproductive attempts, although the former displays more complex parental care.  相似文献   

The behaviour of female Necrophorus vespilloides whose clutches had been removed partially or completely was tested in laboratory experiments. If the reproductive activities can proceed without disturbances, the first larvae reach the carcass 56 h after the start of egg-laying. If no larvae come to the carcass, all females resume egg-laying within five days. The second clutch (‘replacement clutch’) is, on average, smaller than the first one. If the eggs from the replacement clutches are also removed, the females produce new clutches until no more carrion is available. One larva coming to the carcass prevents production of replacement clutches with 20 % of the females. 5 and 10 larvae prevent a higher proportion of females from producing new clutches; the reaction of the female depends on the size of the carcass offered and on the number of larvae present on the carcass. There are two behavioural options for the females with respect to time when egg-laying is resumed. Some females produce a replacement clutch while the larvae are still at the carcass; other females wait until the larvae leave the carcass. In the presence of only a few larvae at the carcass most females show both forms of behaviour under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Early and late season clutch parameters were examined over a three year period in the Florida scrub lizard, Sceloporus woodi. Precipitation levels were monitored throughout the study. In the early and late season of 1984 and the early season of 1986 precipitation levels approximated long-term mean levels of precipitation. In 1985 a severe winter drought occurred. Clutch size was positively related to body size in all samples in every year. In 1984 and 1986, egg size was not related to clutch size, whereas, in 1985 egg size was negatively related to clutch size. In 1985, females produced large clutches of small eggs early in the season and small clutches of large eggs late in the season. In 1984, no seasonal changes in egg or clutch size occurred. In the late season of 1986, females produced the largest clutches and the smallest eggs of all the samples, but egg and clutch size were not statistically different from the early season egg and clutch size of 1986. Total clutch dry weight, an estimate of total clutch energy, was not different in any of the six sampling periods. These data do not support current adaptationist models that attempt to explain the control of clutch and egg size in lizards. It is argued in this paper that egg and clutch size may vary in response to past environments that affect a female's physical condition, as well as, current resources that may be important for maintenance and reproduction. Egg and clutch size appear to be plastic traits selected to respond to proximal environmental variation, whereas, the investment of total dry matter/clutch has been optimized.  相似文献   

Melittobia digitata Dahms (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) is a wing polymorphic, gregarious ectoparasitoid of bees and wasps. In nature, females of this wasp start to produce their progeny after feeding on the host. The first adults to develop will emerge as short wing morphs (SWM). Mother and daughters will lay eggs in the same hosts, and the following females to develop will emerge as long wing morphs (LWM). We evaluated the effects of the clutch size on the development, egg load, and wing morph differentiation of M. digitata. Developmental time was shorter when insects developed in small clutches, and immature survivorship was reduced in the largest clutch (400 eggs/host). Morph differentiation was also affected by the clutch size. SWMs developed in small clutches (5 and 25 eggs/host) while LWMs in large clutches (200 and 400 eggs/host). However, both morphs developed in intermediate clutches (50 and 100 eggs/clutch), with a decreasing number of SWMs developing with the increase in the clutch. The size and egg load of each morph was affected with the increase in the clutch size, although the forewing length/hind-tibia length ratio was kept constant for each morph developing from different clutch sizes. Egg load of LWMs was also reduced when compared to the SWMs that developed from the same clutch, although LWMs females were larger (longer tibia length). We discuss the possible mechanisms inducing the morph differentiation in M. digitata, as well as the physiological, behavioral, and ecological changes facing each morph.  相似文献   

Seed beetles (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) lay their eggs on discrete resource patches, such that competition among larvae for food is an important component of their biology. Most seed beetles, including Stator limbatus, lay eggs singly on individual seeds and avoid superparasitism except when seeds are limiting. In contrast, S. beali, a closely related congener, lays eggs in clutches on a single seed. We tested the hypothesis that natural selection on larval life history characters favors small clutches (selection against large clutches) in S. limbatus, but that selection against large clutches is relaxed in S. beali because of the large size of its host's seeds. We manipulated clutch size and examined its relationship to offspring fitness. Clutch size affected the survivorship of S. limbatus larvae(r 2=0.14), but had no detectable effect on the survivorship of S. beali larvae (r 2=0.04). Also, clutch size had a large effect on development time and body weight of S. limbatus, but not of S. beali. We discuss the implications of this result for the evolution of clutch size in S. limbatus and S. beali.  相似文献   

Lack ( 1967 ) proposed that clutch size in species with precocial young was determined by nutrients available to females at the time of egg formation; since then others have suggested that regulation of clutch size in these species may be more complex. We tested whether incubation limitation contributes to ultimate constraints on maximal clutch size in Black Brent Geese (Black Brant) Branta bernicla nigricans. Specifically, we investigated the relationship between clutch size and duration of the nesting period (i.e. days between nest initiation and the first pipped egg) and the number of goslings leaving the nest. We used experimental clutch manipulations to assess these questions because they allowed us to create clutches that were larger than the typical maximum of five eggs in this species. We found that the per‐capita probability of egg success (i.e. the probability an egg hatched and the gosling left the nest) declined from 0.81 for two‐egg clutches to 0.50 for seven‐egg clutches. As a result of declining egg success, clutches containing more than five eggs produced, at best, only marginally more offspring. Manipulating clutch size at the beginning of incubation had no effect on the duration of the nesting period, but the nesting period increased with the number of eggs a female laid naturally prior to manipulation, from 25.4 days (95% CI 25.1–25.7) for three‐egg clutches to 27.7 days (95% CI 27.3–28.1) for six‐egg clutches. This delay in hatching may result in reduced gosling growth rates due to declining forage quality during the brood rearing period. Our results suggest that the strong right truncation of Brent clutches, which results in few clutches greater than five, is partially explained by the declining incubation capacity of females as clutch size increases and a delay in hatching with each additional egg laid. As a result, females laying clutches with more than five eggs would typically gain little fitness benefit above that associated with a five‐egg clutch.  相似文献   

Summary There is evidence that the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana, and some other organisms of temperate latitudes produce fewer and larger eggs as the reproductive season progresses. There are at least two models that could explain this phenomenon.Proponents of the parental investment model claim that females are selected to increase egg size, at the cost of clutch size, late in the season in order to produce larger and competitively superior hatchlings at a time when food for hatchlings is in low supply and when juvenile density is high. In this model the selective agent is relative scarcity of food available to hatchlings late in the reproductive season, and the adaptive response is production of larger offspring.The alternative explanation (bet-hedging model) proposed in this paper is based on the view that the amount of food available to females for the production of late-season clutches is unpredictable, and that selection has favored conservatively small clutches in the late season to insure that each egg is at least minimally provisioned. Smaller clutches, which occur most frequently late in the season, are more likely to consist of larger eggs, compared to larger clutches, for two reasons. Firstly, unlike birds, oviparous lizards cannot alter parental investment after their eggs are deposited, and therefore, in cases of fractional optimal clutch size, the next lower integral clutch size is selected with the remaining reproductive energy allocated to increased egg size. With other factors constant, eggs of smaller clutches will increase more in size than eggs of larger clutches when excess energy is divided among the eggs of a clutch. Secondly, unanticipated energy that may become available for reproduction during energy-rich years will similarly increase egg size a greater amount if divided among fewer eggs.  相似文献   

The expression and maintenance of maternal behavior in the earwig,Euborellia annulipes, was examined through manipulation of clutch size, age, and species and through observations of interactions between brooding females. Females underwent discrete gonadotrophic cycles culminating in oviposition of first clutches that were highly variable in size. Neither the head capsule width nor the age of the mother was correlated with clutch size. Maternal care extended through embryogenesis and for the week following hatching. Clutch removal significantly shortened the interclutch interval, indicating that the presence of brood inhibited the onset of the second gonadotrophic cycle. Brooding females readily accepted replacement clutches of the same age. Thus, mothers did not appear to distinguish their own eggs from those of other females. Experimental doubling of clutch size did not significantly reduce the proportion hatching or fledging. In contrast, reducing clutch size diminished the percentage successfully fledging. Manipulation of clutch age resulted in reduced hatching/fledging success. Placing two females, each with newly laid clutches, in the same cage usually resulted in egg transfer from the nest of one female to that of the other within 12 h. Nests of females with larger forceps were significantly more likely to contain both clutches. When mothers with first clutches were paired with mothers with third clutches, eggs were more likely to be transferred to the nest of the older female.E. annulipes females with newly laid clutches appeared to accept as replacement clutches eggs of the earwigDoru taeniatum. Alien clutches were maintained for the typical duration of embryogenesis; however, noD. taeniatum hatchlings were observed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test the hypothesis that clutch size covaries with egg volume and hatching success in the Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis. We determined clutch size and egg volume in a sample of 131 nests, and we used the data to check whether egg volume varied among nests according to clutch size, while taking into account the effects of egg laying order. We also estimated hatching success rate and investigated the relationship between hatching success and clutch size. Egg volume varied among clutches according to clutch size, with eggs being larger in three-egg clutches than in two-egg clutches. Moreover, three-egg clutches showed higher daily survival rates, and hence hatching success, than two-egg clutches. Overall, our results suggest that in the Yellow-legged Gull clutch size covaries with egg volume and hatching success, which could possibly reflect an age effect through different mechanisms. Indeed, older females could be hypothesised to exhibit greater breeding performance than younger females because of their higher experience in tapping energy resources for egg formation and defending nests from dangers. Moreover, due to their age, older females are likely to have lower residual reproductive potential and should invest more heavily in current breeding attempts.  相似文献   

We test the adaptive value of clutch size observed in a natural population of the chestnut weevil Curculio elephas. Clutch size is defined as the number of immatures per infested chestnut. In natural conditions, clutch size averages 1.7 eggs. By manipulating clutch size in the field, we demonstrate that deviations from the theoretical ”Lack clutch size”, estimated as eight immatures, are mainly due to proximate and delayed effects of clutch size on offspring performance. We show the existence of a trade-off between clutch size and larval weight. The latter, a key life-history trait, is highly correlated with fitness because it is a strong determinant of larval survival and potential fecundity of offspring females. The fitness of different potential oviposition strategies characterized by their clutch sizes, ranging from one to nine immatures, was calculated from field- estimated parameters. Chestnut weevil females obtain an evolutionary advantage by laying their eggs singly, since, for instance, fitness of single-egg clutches exceeds fitness of two-egg clutches and four-egg clutches by 8.0% and 15.1% respectively. Received 4 August 1999 / Accepted: 7 October 1999  相似文献   

The seasonal decline in clutch size in birds can be a response to the environmentally conditioned decrease in prospects for offspring or a consequence of a lower physical ability of late‐breeding females. To find out which of the explanations apply in Tree Swallows Tachycineta bicolor, we assessed whether replacement clutch size in this species is affected by an individual female's ability to lay a certain number of eggs. To do this, we measured the decline in clutch size as a function of laying date between first and replacement clutches in individuals that re‐nested following natural failure, and compared this with the rate of decline in clutch size with laying date for Tree Swallows that laid only a single clutch in that season. Additionally, we assessed whether the clutch size and the rate of its seasonal decline varied across years. We accounted for the truncated and under‐dispersed nature of clutch size data by using a Bayesian approach in the analysis. We found little variation in the rate of clutch size decline across years at our breeding site. Accounting for this seasonal decline in clutch size, mean clutch size was similar between single‐time breeding females and those that laid replacement clutches, implying that the number of eggs laid on the second attempt by female Tree Swallows is determined by laying date, rather than by the female's physical ability to produce a clutch of a certain size.  相似文献   

Our understanding of life history evolution has benefited from debates regarding the underlying causes, and geographic ubiquity, of spatial patterns in avian clutch sizes. Past studies have revealed that birds lay smaller clutch sizes at higher elevation. However, in most previous studies, investigators have failed to adequately control for elevational differences in breeding phenology. To better understand the elevational gradient in avian clutch size, we need to know how clutch size changes across the entire elevational breeding range of a species (i.e., the shape of the relationship between elevation and clutch size), and whether the elevational gradient in clutch size is merely an artifact of elevational gradients in breeding phenology or breeding season length. We examined the relationship between breeding elevation and clutch size of Red‐faced Warblers (Cardellina rubrifrons) along a 1000‐m elevational gradient in Arizona. Our objectives were to determine how clutch size changed with elevation, and if the relationship between clutch size and elevation merely reflected elevational changes in breeding season length or phenology. The proportion of 5‐egg clutches decreased and the proportion of 3‐ and 4‐egg clutches increased non‐linearly with increasing elevation, even after controlling for the elevational gradient in nest initiation date. Thus, average clutch size declined across the elevational breeding range of Red‐faced Warblers, but this decline was not due to elevational variation in breeding phenology. Timing of breeding changed, but the duration of the breeding season did not change appreciably across the elevational gradient. Hence, elevational differences in breeding season length or breeding phenology cannot explain why Red‐faced Warblers (and perhaps other birds) breeding at higher elevations have smaller clutches.  相似文献   

In obligately siblicidal bird species, aggressive behavior bya dominant chick results in a fixed brood size of one, yetthese species usually show clutch size variation between individuals.Simmons proposed that variation in clutch size in obligatelysiblicidal species is related to a trade-off between egg qualityand egg quantity: some individuals produce a single highly hatchable egg, while others produce two small, lower qualityeggs. We tested the egg quality hypothesis as an explanationfor observed clutch size variation in the Nazca booby (Sulagranti), an obligately siblicidal seabird. We tested the assumptionthat egg volume is positively correlated with hatchabilityand the prediction that eggs from one-egg clutches are largerthan eggs from two-egg clutches. We did not find a positive relationship between egg volume and hatchability in this species.Eggs from two-egg clutches were either equivalent in volumeor larger than eggs from one-egg clutches. Thus, the egg qualityhypothesis was rejected as an explanation for clutch size variationin the Nazca booby. Instead, two-egg clutches appear to befavored because of the insurance value of the second-laid egg,while one-egg clutches result from food limitation.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Optimal clutch size theory predicts that individuals will oviposit the number of eggs that increases their fitness. In Anastrepha ludens Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae), females oviposit larger clutches in unripe (firm) fruits than in ripe (soft) fruits. The following hypotheses were tested: (1) Using fruit firmness as an indicator of fruit quality, A. ludens females vary the number of eggs per clutch every time they reach an oviposition decision. (2) Maximising offspring survival with respect to either unripe or ripe fruit requires placing large clutches in firm fruit and smaller clutches in soft fruit. 2. Agar spheres were used as artificial hosts. Three agar concentrations resulted in three degrees of firmness. Mango fruits Mangifera indica L. served as natural hosts. Ripe and unripe fruits were used to test soft and firm host conditions respectively. Females laid significantly larger clutches in the firmer artificial hosts than in the softer hosts. They also laid significantly more eggs in artificial hosts without sugar than in hosts with sugar. Firm (unripe) mangoes also received significantly larger clutches than soft (ripe) mangoes. 3. When an individual female was first presented with a firm artificial host, it laid a large clutch. If subsequently offered a soft host, the female laid a significantly smaller clutch. Finally, if again offered a firm host, clutch size was increased significantly. 4. Possible trade‐offs in offspring fitness were explored in ripe and unripe mangoes by measuring offspring egg‐to‐adult survival, pupal weight, mean adult longevity, and fecundity. Despite the fact that larval survival was greater in soft fruit than in firm fruit, parameters such as pupal weight, mean longevity, and fecundity of adults stemming from both fruit types did not differ significantly. 5. A probable trade‐off between high offspring mortality caused by host unsuitability and low offspring and adult mortality caused by parasitism and predation is discussed as the reason for the exploitation of sub‐optimal hosts.  相似文献   

Within-year variation in clutch size has been claimed to be an adaptation to variation in the individual capacity to raise offspring. We tested this hypothesis by manipulating brood size to one common size, and predicted that if clutch size is individually optimized, then birds with originally large clutches have a higher fitness than birds with originally small clutches. No evidence was found that fitness was related to the original clutch size, and in this population clutch size is thus not related to the parental capacity to raise offspring. However, offspring from larger original clutches recruited better than their nest mates that came from smaller original clutches. This suggests that early maternal or genetic variation in viability is related to clutch size.  相似文献   

Clutch size decisions by Aphaereta minuta (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a polyphagous, gregarious, larval-pupal endoparasitoid, were studied under laboratory conditions. This parasitoid attacks larvae of Diptera inhabiting ephemeral microhabitats such as decaying plant and animal material. Females oviposit in young larval stages, but the eventual size of the host pupa determines host food availability for competing offspring. The size of the pupa can differ greatly between host species. We questioned how A. minuta females deal with this delay between the moment of oviposition and eventual host food availability, and whether they make clutch size decisions that benefit their fitness. It was shown that females indeed vary their clutch size considerably and in an adaptive way: (1) females lay larger clutches in larvae of host species that produce larger pupae, even when the larvae are the same size at the moment of oviposition, and (2) females lay larger clutches in larger larvae than in smaller larvae of the same host species. The latter seems functional as larvae parasitized at an older stage indeed developed into larger pupae compared to larvae parasitized at a younger stage. Furthermore, mortality of parasitized young host larvae was greater than that of both unparasitized larvae and parasitized older larvae. Under field conditions the risk of mortality of young host larvae is expected to be even higher due to the limited period of microhabitat (host food) availability, strong scramble type competition between the host larvae, and the longer period of being exposed to predation.  相似文献   

Maternal effects are typically thought to enhance rather than reduce offspring performance, but asynchronous hatching (ASH) in birds typically produces a size hierarchy within a clutch that frequently reduces the growth and survival of nestlings from eggs that hatch later. Given that yolk steroids can significantly affect offspring phenotype and that in many species the levels of yolk steroids have been found to increase with laying order, the maternal transfer of steroids to egg yolk has been proposed as a mechanism for females to offset the deleterious effects of ASH. To test this hypothesis, we determined whether yolk steroids varied with laying order or clutch size in Common Grackles (Quiscalus quiscula). Because ASH varies with clutch size (hatching span averages 48 h in five-egg clutches, 24 h in four-egg clutches) and regularly results in the starvation of later hatched nestlings, we predicted: (1) testosterone and 17?-estradiol levels should increase with laying order in both clutch sizes to mitigate the negative effects of ASH on last-hatched nestlings, and (2) the increase should be greater in five-egg clutches due to more pronounced hatching asynchrony. Using a competitive-binding steroid radioimmunoassay, we found no systematic variation in either testosterone or estradiol levels relative to laying order or clutch size. In the absence of evidence that yolk steroids interact adaptively with ASH, research must look elsewhere for potential benefits that might compensate for the costs these steroids impose on nestlings.  相似文献   

Models for clutch size in species where a female deposits eggs into a larval resource of limited carrying capacity are developed. Previous models of clutch size related mainly to vertebrates (notably birds) where parental care limits clutch size. Our models cover cases where a single female “saturates” a larval food patch with larvae. The main predictions are that (1) extra eggs should be laid to compensate for larval moratility; (2) clutches should generally be smaller than the size that yields the maximum number of surviving larvae/clutch; (3) in species that gain resources for eggs in the adult stage, clutch size will be unaffected by age-independent parental mortality between clutches; (4) clutch size should reduce throughout life in species that gain resources for eggs before the adult stage; (5) similar species, but which are constrained to produce constant-sized clutches, should lay smaller clutches if their total potential egg production is low; (6) clutch size should increase with increasing search costs for oviposition sites. An ESS model of double-oviposition (where two females sometimes lay in the same larval food patch) indicates that the first female should generally lay more eggs than the second female; the difference in clutch size should decrease as the probability of double-oviposition increases, and should decrease as the search costs for larval food plants decreases. Many of the predictions have some support from data on insect oviposition.  相似文献   

Factors determining clutch size of birds have long been the central issue in studies in life histories. It is assumed that the configuration of brood patches could limit the maximum clutch size. To test this hypothesis we manipulated clutch sizes and measured egg temperature as well as reproductive consequences in black-tailed gulls Larus crassirostris , which usually lay two egg clutches and have three brood patches. Mean egg temperature in 4-egg clutches (32.6±1.0°C) was significantly lower than in 2-egg (34.6±0.4°C) and 3-egg clutches (34.1±0.4°C), because egg temperature of the coolest egg within a 4-egg clutch was often substantially lower than the other three eggs. The proportion of eggs hatching from 4-egg clutches (11.6%) was lower than those of 2-egg (49.1%) and 3-egg clutches (52.0%). Four-egg clutches had longer incubation periods (29.6±1.3 day) than 2-egg (28.1±1.7 day) and 3-egg clutches (28.0 ±1.3 day). The results indicate that incubation capacity, which may be determined by the configuration of brood patches, limits the maximum clutch size in black tailed gulls, but not the actual clutch size typically laid.  相似文献   


The age at first breeding and the influence of age on laying date, clutch size, and egg size of white-fronted terns were studied at the Kaikoura Peninsula, New Zealand, between 1971 and 1976. Of the 134 banded birds recovered breeding at Kaikoura, 63% were marked as nestlings at Kaikoura; the remainder came from colonies within 104 km. The bird is extremely capricious in its choice of nesting locality, and there are indications that it is not consistently philopatric. A small number bred as 3-year-olds, but the majority did not commence breeding until after they were 6 years old. Most pairs (73%) were of partners with an age difference of 1 year or less. Laying date and egg size varied with the age of the parent, but clutch size showed no significant change in relation to age. Mean egg volume did not vary between one-egg and two-egg clutches, but in two-egg clutches the first egg laid was significantly the larger in length, breadth, and volume. Single-egg clutches were the most common, but as the season progressed the proportion of two-egg clutches increased. There was no significant seasonal change in egg size.  相似文献   

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