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Samenvatting Op grond van theoretische overwegingen meende schrijver te mogen verwachten, dat anaerobe bacillenniet in benzidinebouillon,niet in bloedbouillon dochwel in benzidine-bloedbouillon gedurende herhaalde passages zouden kunnen worden voortgekweekt. Dit blijkt inderdaad het geval te zijn. Dit pleit voor de hypothese vanM'Leod en Gordon, dat de obligate anaerobie der anaerobe bacillen berust op hun vorming van peroxyde, terwijl zij voor die stof uitermate gevoelig zijn en bij gebrek aan katalase of peroxydase deze niet onschadelijk kunnen maken. De combinatie van bloed en benzidine bezit dit vermogen om peroxyde te verwerken in hooge mate; vandaar dat zij samen den groei van anaerobe bacillen aan de vrije atmospheer mogelijk maken. De proeven vanGoldie, die anaerobe bacillen in aerobe zou hebben omgekweekt, werden niet bevestigd. Summary The author expressed the opinion that on theoretical considerations he expected that anaerobe bacilli would not be bred in benzidine-bouillon, nor in blood-bouillon, but would continue to be bred in benzidine-blood-bouillon during repated passages. This, as a matter of fact, proves to be the case. This speaks well for the hypothesis ofM'Leod and Gordon that the obligate anaeroby of the anaerobe bacilli is based on their producing peroxyde, whereas they are extremely sensitive to this substance and by lack of catalase or peroxydase are unable to render this harmless. The combination of blood and benzidine has this power to assimilate peroxyde in a high degree; hence it is possible that together they permit the culture of anaerobe bacilli in open containers. The experiments of Goldie, who is said to have converted anaerobe bacilli into aerobe, have not been confirmed. Voordracht gehouden voor de vergadering der Ned. Vereen. voor Microbiol. op 5 Mei 1934 te Baarn.  相似文献   

Palliative care in dementia and the dismantlement of nursing home medicinePalliative care is mostly restricted to the terminal phase of incurable illness. According to the WHO revised definition palliative care is specifically directed towards patients and families facing life-threatening illness. This definition is not adequate to orient and direct palliative care policies in non-cancer diseases such as dementia. Although dementia is incurable from the outset, its course is often protracted, resulting in a terminal stage only after several years. This disease trajectory necessitates an alternative palliative approach, implying a proactive attitude of nursing home physicians in facilitating early and timely discussions with patients and their proxies on advance care planning and treatment of complications and concomitant diseases. This, together with their specific training in the treatment of the long term sequelae of chronic diseases, defines the success of Dutch nursing home medicine in foregoing inappropriate hospital admissions and providing adequate medical care in the nursing home. However, recent reorganisations of nursing home care and its funding threaten to downgrade the quality of medical care for patients with dementia in Dutch nursing homes by focusing unilaterally on welfare ideology and ‘marketization’ of long term care, thus underestimating the importance of a palliative care policy in dementia.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Voordracht voor de Vergadering van de Ned. Ver. v. Microbiologie, gehouden te Utrecht op 12 November 1938. Uitvoerige publicatie met literatuur volgt in den vorm van een dissertatie.  相似文献   

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