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A new name (Pteroceras semiteretifolium H. Æ. Peders.) and two new combinations (P. cladostachyum (Hook.f.) H. Æ. Peders., P. unguiculatum (Lindley) H. Æ. Peders.) are presented. The correct application of the name P. pallidum (Blume) Holttum is discussed.  相似文献   

Victoria Sosa 《Brittonia》1994,46(3):208-210
Bletia greenwoodiana, a species found in oak-pine forests in Durango and Jalisco, Mexico, is described and illustrated. It is distinguished by its purplis flowers, with the dorsal sepal and petals narrowly elliptic and acuminate at the apex. Its trilobed lip has wide lateral lobes, forming short sinuses, with rounded apices. The midlobe is very short, one third of the total length of the lip, with an emarginate apex dividing it into two small lobes.  相似文献   

Bletia purpurea is the most widespread species in its genus. Morphological variation has been recognized throughout the range of its distribution. In this paper, the morphological variation from 63 populations (583 individuals) ofBletia purpurea is assessed to determine whether more than one species were present. Forty-four quantitative and qualitative characters were examined by univariate analyses and exploratory multivariate analyses. Univariate analyses indicate that quantitative characters such as lateral sepal width, petal. width, lip length, and lip width are significantly different for populations from Acazónica, Mexico. Floral parts in the populations from Acazónica are the smallest among all populations. Qualitative characters such as petals covering the lip midlobe and horizontal lip position are found exclusively in the same populations. We concluded that these populations should be described as a new species,B. riparia. Multivariate analyses indicated that morphological variation among the other populations cannot be ascribed to geographic distribution or ecological factors.  相似文献   

Taxonomic history of two confused genera , Gastrochilus and Saccolabium, is briefly reviewed . It is concluded that they are distinct from each other . In Gastrochilus the lip is semiglobose-saccate with indistinct side-lobes and a much larger mid-lobe , the column is footless and the pollinia are porate , while in Saccolabium the lip is cylindrical-spurred with indistinct side-lobes and a small mid- lobe , the column has a short foot and the pollinia are solid . The former is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia and the latter is restricted to Java and Sumatra of Indonesia . As a result , a proposal is made to modify the conserved name Saccolabium and to exclude the previously listed synonym or rejected name Gastrochilus in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (No . 1822 .) .  相似文献   

回顾盆距兰属(Gastrochilus)与囊唇兰属(Saccolabium)两个混淆属的简史。它们为彼此明显不同的独立属。盆距兰属的唇瓣为半球形囊状,侧裂片不明显,中裂片甚大;蕊柱无足;花粉团具孔隙。囊唇兰属的唇瓣为圆筒状距形,侧裂片明显,中裂片很小;蕊柱有短足;花粉团实心。前者广泛分布于亚洲热带与亚热带地区;后者则只局限于印度尼西亚的爪哇与苏门答腊。因此,建议在国际命名法规中取消保留名Saccolabium以及作为其异名的废弃名Gastrochilus(1822号)。  相似文献   

The genus Trachoma is considered congeneric with Tüberolabium. All necessary transfers to Tüberolabium are made. Four new combinations are made in the recently established Parapteroceras. A key to the species of Parapteroceras and a key to Parapteroceras and allied genera are provided.  相似文献   

中国兰科植物研究杂记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了中国兰科植物一个新记录属和三个新记录种,短距兰属(Penkimia)、短距兰(P.na-galandensis)、长序大苞兰(Sunipia cirrhata)、白花叉喙兰(Uncifera thailandica).短距兰属(Penkimia)区别与鸟舌兰属(Ascocentrum)在于侧萼片合抱蕊柱,唇瓣没有任何附属物以及锥形的距;长序大苞兰的花序长于叶,唇瓣基部具一个胼胝体;白花叉喙兰唇瓣的距后弯并朝向子房.  相似文献   

本文对兰科中9个亚族的分类问题进行了探讨,并发表了5个新亚族:宽距兰亚族Subtrib Yoaniinae、肉药兰亚族Subtrib.Sterosandrinae、紫茎兰亚族Subtrib.Risleyinae、坛花兰亚族Subtrib.A- canthephippiinae和筒瓣兰亚族Subtrib.Anthegoiinae。  相似文献   

通过野外考察和标本研究,将Gastrochilus fuscopuntuatus和Oberonia pumila分别处理为Gastrochilus pseudodistichus和Oberonia insularis的异名;将Gastrochilus somai处理为一个独立的种;并报道了中国兰科4个新记录种:毛唇石豆兰Bulbophyllum gyrochilum、独龙石斛Dendrobium praecintum、高山阔蕊兰Peristylus superanthus和狭瓣大苞兰Sunipia angustipetala。  相似文献   

Swedish material of Dactylorhiza incarnara s. l. shows little variation at commonly investigated allozyme loci. However, interpretable variation was found at one esterase locus. All plants investigated of D. incarnata var. cruenta from southern Sweden (with spotted leaves) were homozygous for allele a at this locus, whereas all plants investigated of D. incarnata var. ochroleuca were fixed for allele b. In D. incarnata var. incarnata , both alleles were found, although the b allele dominated. In northern Swedish material of D. incarnata s. l., only allele b was found, regardless whether the material had spotted leaves (sometimes referred to as var. cruenta ), or had unspotted leaves.
These results indicate that there is restricted gene flow between var. cruenta and the other varieties in southern Sweden, although they often grow in mixed populations. The northern Swedish material with spotted leaves appears not to be related to the southern var. cruenta .  相似文献   

Two new species of the orchid genus Quekettia are described. Colombian Quekettia aureliae is distinguished from similar Q. microscopica by the pandurate lip with a pair of small, flap‐like calli in the isthmus between hypo‐ and epichile, and deeply emarginated epichile apex. Quekettia senghasiana found in Guyana resembles Q. papillosa but it is characterized by the free lateral sepals, oblanceolate, obtuse petals and much larger lip which is oblong–obovate in outline and with lip disc being papillate only near the base.  相似文献   

This paper contains a brief survey of the four subgeneric sections which comprise the genusBrassavola R. Br. of theOrchidaceae, with special reference to the group of species (§Grandiflorae Rolfe) whichSchlechter proposed separating fromBrassavola as the genusRhyncholaelia. The author maintains that these species should be allowed to remain inBrassavola as a distinct section.  相似文献   

The embryology of diploid and polyploidNigritella species is described. The development of the adventitious embryos of the polyploids in relation to the sexual embryos of the diploids has been given special consideration. Partial sexuality in the apomicticN. nigra has been proven for the first time by chromosome counts in proembryos after pollination of a tetraploid plant with pollen from a diploid species.  相似文献   

In the discussion aboutGlomera andGlossorhyncha reasons are give how to delimit and redefine the two genera. The genusGiulianettia is merged intoGlossorhyncha. A list of species belonging to each genus is included resulting in several new combinations.  相似文献   

The genusBarkeria (Orchidaceae) consists of four species and eight subspecies (the treatment includes a key) of epiphytic plants endemic to Mexico and Central America.Barkeria is separated from the genusEpidendrum on the structure of the rostellum and column in the flower, plus shape of the pseudobulbs. The authors suggest thatBarkeria is most closely related toCaularthron based on the general shape of the flowers, widely spreading fleshy column wings, and structure of the rostellum.  相似文献   

Incompatibility in Dendrobium (Orchidaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
JOHANSEN, B., 1990. Incompatibility in Dendrobium (Orchidaceae). A unique self-incompatibility system in Dendrobium is demonstrated by more than 1700 pollination experiments. The majority (72%) of the 61 species that were self-pollinated showed self-sterility. In contrast with many other orchid genera Dendrobium showed high incompatibility in interspecific pollinations. Self-and interspecific incompatibility is expressed by flower abscission and not by inhibition of pollen germination or pollen tube growth. The incompatibility system is gametophytic and complementary, and it is likely that the auxin content in the pollinia triggers the incompatibility reaction. Microscopical investigations on the detached cells of the stigma (here called eleutherocytes) after compatible and incompatible pollinations, suggest that the incompatibility response is probably controlled by these cells.  相似文献   

A merger of the genera Evrardia and Chamaegastrodia is proposed, and an annotated enumeration of five species so far recognized is proposed.  相似文献   

中国兰科耳唇兰属补志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在《中国植物志》第18卷中记载了四种国产耳唇兰属Otochilua植物。其中的白花耳唇兰O.albus系根据某些植物学家的引证,而不是作者自己检视的标本。在第一作者近来的一次赴欧访问中,仔细检视了保存在那里的耳唇兰属标本,特别是Smith与Seidenfaden所引证的标本:Forrest 9493(E)、16168(K,E)、27753(K,P,E)与F.E.Younghusband s.n.(K)。其中只有F.E. Younghusband s.n.是真正的白花耳唇兰,其余的应是宽叶耳唇兰O.lancilabius和耳唇兰O.porrectus。作为对《中国植物志》第18卷的补充,本文对白花耳唇兰作了订正,并根据西藏标本进行了描述。  相似文献   

The karyotypes of ten species of Holcoglossum (Orchidaceae), a highly endangered and diversified genus from China, were investigated to study the infrageneric relationships, biogeography, and speciation patterns in the Hengduan Mountains. The karyotype formulae of the studied species are as follows: 2 n  = 38 = 20m + 18sm in H. subulifolium , 2 n  = 38 = 22m + 16sm in H. amesianum , 2 n  = 38 = 26m + 12sm (6 SAT) in H. lingulatum , 2 n  = 38 = 26m + 12sm in H. wangii , 2 n  = 38 = 10m + 28sm in H. kimballianum , 2 n  = 38 = 14m + 22sm + 2st in H. flavescens , 2 n  = 38 = 24m + 12sm + 2st in H. rupestre , 2 n  = 38 = 14m + 20sm + 4st in H. sinicum , 2 n  = 38 = 16m + 14sm + 8st in H. weixiense , and 2 n  = 76 in H. tsii . The karyotypes of two tropical species, H. amesianum and H. subulifolium , are the most primitive in the genus, whereas those of four temperate alpine species, H. sinicum , H. rupestre , H. weixiense , and H. flavescens , are more advanced. H. tsii is a tetraploid and H. rupestr e may be one of its ancestors. The low frequency of polyploidy in Holcoglossum in the Hengduan Mountains region supports the conclusion that chromosome stasis during rapid speciation is common there.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 283–288.  相似文献   

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