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Tod F. Stuessy 《Brittonia》1969,21(4):314-321
The type species ofUnxia, U. camphorata, long considered as a species ofMelampodium, andPolymnia suffruticosa are regarded as congeneric, andUnxia L. f., which is closely related toPolymnia in the Melampodiinae, is re-established. A discussion of generic relationships is followed by a taxonomic treatment ofUnxia.  相似文献   

Three species are often accepted in Taeniatherum Nevski. Analysis of morphological characters show that indistinct limits occur between them. All taxa are found to be diploid (2n=14), with the same karyotype, but artificial hybridization shows genetical barrier to exist. For these reasons subspecific level is chosen for the taxa, viz. T. caput-medusae (L.) Nevski ssp. caput-medusae, T. caput-medusae ssp. crinitum (Schreb.) Melderis and T. caput-medusae ssp. asperum (Simk.) Melderis. Map showing known distribution of the subspecies is presented.  相似文献   

Revision of Comesomatidae (Nematoda)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The gross and fine morphology of the family Comesomatidae is reviewed and the systematic position of its members revised. Significant differentiating characters of the Comesomatidae within the Chromadorida are: a copulatory apparatus provided with apophyses, a female reproductive system with outstretched ovaries, the presence of marginal tubes within the oesophagus, and a non-sclerotized and enlarged tail tip. For classification within the family the following three main characters are used: the structure of the buccal cavity, the structure of the copulatory apparatus, and the arrangement of the cephalic sense organs. Structure of the Sabatieria type is considered basic. The genera are rearranged in three subfamilies as follows: Sabatieriinae ( Cervonema, Laimelia, Pierrickia, Sabatieria (syn. Actarjania), Scholpaniella ), Dorylaimopsinae (Dorylaimopsis (syn. Mesonchium), Hopperia, Metasabatieria, Paramesonchium, Vasostoma ), Comesomatinae ( Comesoma, Metacomesoma, Paracomesoma. ) Six species of Comesomatidae are described from the øresund, Denmark: Cervonema macramphis sp.n.; Laimelia filipjevi nom. nov. (syn. Sabatieria longicaudata Filipjev, 1922); Sabatieria hilarula De Man, 1922; S. ornata (Ditlevsen, 1918); S. punctata (Kreis, 1924); Dorylaimopsis punctata Ditlevsen, 1918. Representatives of these species constitute more than 40% of the total number of nematodes in the region.  相似文献   

Reldia (Gesneriaceae) includes terrestrial herbs with alternate leaves, inflorescences which often possess both primary and secondary pedicels but are epedunculate, small white, spurred flowers, a nectary usually reduced to a dorsal gland, and a bivalved capsule. The genus is distributed from Panama to northern Peru. In the present work five species are recognized: Reldia alternifolia from Panama; R. minutiflora , originally described from Peru, but distributed from this country north to Panama; two new species from eastern Ecuador, R. calcarata and R. multiflora , and one new species from Colombia, R. grandiflora . Two varieties of R. minutiflora are recognized, var. minutiflora and var. veraguensis. Reldia occurs in forested, deeply shaded and highly humid ravines usually along streams. The altitude ranges from sea level up to 2500 meters.  相似文献   

The genus Lycoseris is revised to include eleven species of dioecious subshrubs with mostly scrambling branches. It is distributed from Guatemala to northwestern and western South America, reaching south to Bolivia and southern Brazil. Three new species are described, viz. L. colombiana, L. minor , and L. peruviana. One new combination is made, viz. L. trinervis ssp. altissima.  相似文献   

Revision of Koinocystididae (Turbellaria)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The revision deals with the anatomy and systematics of the known 38 species of Koinocystididae. The taxonomy within the family is revised, a key for the identification of live specimens is given and an attempt is made to reconstruct the phylogeny of genera and species on the basis of anatomical transformation series. New genera are Axiutelga. Brunetia, Getula. Groveia, Itaipusina, Legula ana Neoutelga. New species are Groveia unicornis, Itaipusa bispina, I. curvicirra, Neoutelga inermis, Rhinolasius dillonicus and Utelga pseudoheinckei from the N. American Pacific coast (the latter species also from European coasts) and Itaipusina graefei from the Elbe estuary. Acrumena massiliensis Brunet is transferred from Koinocystididae to Acrumenidae fam.n. Four species are considered to be species incertae sedis.  相似文献   

David M. Johnson 《Brittonia》1989,41(4):356-378
The relationship between the Asian generaDisepalum Hook. f. andEnicosanthellum Ban (Annonaceae) is examined in a revisionary study. Despite the disparate perianth morphologies of the two genera, other characters support inclusion of all species in a single genus with nine species. The monocarp stalks in all species are found to be derived from the receptacle rather than the ovary, and are thus not homologous with those found in most other Annonanceae genera. Cladistic analysis indicates that the species on the mainland of Asia and of montane habitats are more primitive than the species of the lowlands and of Sumatra and Borneo. Two new combinations,Disepalum petelotii andD. plagioneurum, are necessary as a result of merging the two genera, and one species,D. aciculare, is described as new.  相似文献   

Within the genusLoxonia Jack, currently regarded as monotypic, three species are recognized:L. hirsuta Jack (Sumatra, Mentawai-Islands, Java, Borneo, Anambas-Islands, Malay Peninsula),L. discolor Jack (Sumatra) andL. burttiana A. Weber, spec. nova (Borneo). [Key with English translation p. 203.] There is evidence thatL. discolor is the most primitive species within the genus, the two others being derived from it.
Teil V der Beiträge zur Morphologie und Systematik derKlugieae undLoxonieae (Gesneriaceae).  相似文献   

在标本观察和野外调查的基础上,对细莴苣属Stenoseris植物进行了分类学修订,共确认了3种.有3个名称,即Stenoseris leptanthaShih,S.taliensis(Franch.)Shih和S.tenuisShih处理为新异名.此外,重新编制了细莴苣属分种检索表,并较为详细地记录了每种的分布地点.  相似文献   

西藏嵩草属(莎草科)的修订   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在标本观察和野外调查的基础上,对西藏的嵩草属Kobresia植物进行了分类学修订,共确认了36种和1亚种。更正了6个类群的学名,它们正确的名称是K. esenbeckii,K. fissiglumis,K. gammiei,K. littledalei,K. myosuroides ssp. bistaminata和K. vaginosa。有13个名称,即K. angusta,K. cercostachys var. capillacea,K. clarkeana,K. curticeps var. gyirongensis,K. deasyi,K. glaucifolia,K. hookeri,K. nudicarpa,K. prainii var. elliptica,K. seticulmis,K. stenocarpa,K. stenocarpa var. simplex和K. williamsii处理为异名,其中K. prainii var. elliptica,K. glaucifolia和K. stenocarpa var. simplex为新异名。发现了西藏分布的一个新记录种密穗嵩草K. handel-mazzettii。还收录了最近发表的假钩状嵩草K. pseuduncinoides和阔鳞嵩草K. woodii。此外,重新编制了西藏嵩草属分种和亚种检索表,并较为详细地登记了各类群在西藏的分布地点。  相似文献   

This revision describes, illustrates and documents morphological variation inDoniophyton (Compositae, Barnadesioideae), restricted to Argentina and Chile. Two species are recognized,D. anomalum andD. weddellii (sp. nova), possessing distinct morphological and chromosomal features, elevational tolerances, and nearly allopatric distributions.Doniophyton weddellii occurs primarily in central to northern Andean Chile and Argentina from 1900–4000 m a. s. l.;D. anomalum is found principally in centralwestern Argentina and south into Patagonia at 0–1800 m a. s. l. Close relationship exists withChuquiraga of subfam.Barnadesioideae. It is hypothesized thatDoniophyton evolved out ofChuquiraga in the high central Andes between Chile and Argentina. It is suggested thatD. weddellii differentiated first, correlating with an aneuploid chromosomal decrease from n = 27 (inChuquiraga) to n = 25. Further evolution and chromosomal decrease to n = 24 resulted inD. anomalum, with accompanying migration into southern Andes and Patagonia. Nomenclatural changes result from examination of protologues and type specimens:Doniophyton anomalum replaces the commonly used nameD. patagonicum, and a new species,D. weddellii, is described for the taxon masquerading under the routinely used superfluous nameD. andicola. This paper is dedicated with admiration and respect to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer, one of the world's outstanding plant systematists, and a leading scientist and administrator of the Institute of Botany of the University of Vienna  相似文献   

The subgenus Sphaerine of Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae) recently contains 33 validly published names. Extended field studies in Peru and extensive investigation of herbarium material revealed the urgent necessity for a revision. As a result, the number of species is reduced to 12, among them two species are newly described. 9 species are members of an other subgenus. A key to determine the species is given in English and Spanish. The typical growth form and its variability, habitat preferences and distribution are discussed separately for each species.  相似文献   

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