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Peroxidase and esterase isozymes were investigated during plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis in Bambusa vulgaris, The transition of non-embryogenic calli to embryogenic calli, somatic embryo development, germination and subsequent flowering of somatic embryo derived shoots were associated with selective expression or repression of isoforms of peroxidase and esterase. Non-embryogenic callus showed six peroxidase and four esterase bands. During somatic embryogenesis and germination of somatic embryos, some bands were suppressed and new isoforms of peroxidase and esterase appeared. During flowering, in addition to four peroxidase bands, a new unique esterase band ‘a’ appeared. Each developmental stage was thus associated with a definite isozyme profile.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence for a connection between DNA replication and the expression of adjacent genes. Therefore, this study addressed the question of whether a herpesvirus origin of replication can be used to activate or increase the expression of adjacent genes. Cell lines carrying an episomal vector, in which reporter genes are linked to the murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) origin of lytic replication (oriLyt), were constructed. Reporter gene expression was silenced by a histone-deacetylase-dependent mechanism, but was resolved upon lytic infection with MCMV. Replication of the episome was observed subsequent to infection, leading to the induction of gene expression by more than 1000-fold. oriLyt-based regulation thus provided a unique opportunity for virus-induced conditional gene expression without the need for an additional induction mechanism. This principle was exploited to show effective late trans-complementation of the toxic viral protein M50 and the glycoprotein gO of MCMV. Moreover, the application of this principle for intracellular immunization against herpesvirus infection was demonstrated. The results of the present study show that viral infection specifically activated the expression of a dominant-negative transgene, which inhibited viral growth. This conditional system was operative in explant cultures of transgenic mice, but not in vivo. Several applications are discussed.  相似文献   

利用半嵌套巢式PCR结合RACE技术从菊科植物甘菊[Chrysanthemum lavandulifolium(Fisch.ex Trautv.)Makino]中分离得到了一个长度为1 450 bp的片段.序列分析结果表明,其开放阅读框全长1 140bp,编码379个氨基酸残基;在GenBank 比对并进行系统进化分析可知,该片段为CMO同源基因,命名为ClCMO.利用不同胁迫处理进行分析发现,在非胁迫条件下ClCMO基因在甘萄茎、叶、花叶中均有表达信号,在根中没有表达;其可以响应干旱、高盐胁迫和脱落酸(ABA)的诱导,不响应冷热胁迫,并且其表达在水杨酸(SA)诱导下受抑制.这些结果表明,ClCMO基因是提高植物耐干旱、高盐能力的有效基因资源.  相似文献   

The neural retina has been widely used to study the developmental patterns of ganglioside metabolism. Recent findings about in vitro differentiating chick embryo retina cells showed that: a) GD3 and GD1a ganglioside patterns undergo the most dramatic changes; b) when the cells emit neurites, GD3 ganglioside and a group of complex gangliotetraosylgangliosides (GTOG) are transiently coexpressed; c) synchronized developmental phenomena are dissociated by anti-GM1 antibodies; d) GD3 remains as a major ganglioside in differentiated neurons, though it is almost not immunoexpressed; e) GTOG affect antibody binding to GD3; f) the content of gangliosides involved in neural differentiation modifies their immunostain localization on cell membrane; g) after exogenous GTOG uptake, immature neurons mimic GD3 immunoflourescent localization of mature cells; h) a subset of purified retinal ganglion cells express GTOG characteristic of mature neurons.  相似文献   

A protocol for quick regeneration of a large number of plantlets of Artemisia annua (source of a potent antimalarial drug) is being reported. Multiple shoots were obtained in large numbers from juvenile as well as vegetative parts of mature plant on Murashige and Skoog’s medium (MS) having 3% sucrose and 800 μM myoinositol and supplemented with NAA (0.5 μM) + BAP (13.0 μM) + GA3 (0.3 μM) + Asp (300.0 μM) + Glu (700.0 μM) + Arg (300.0 μM) + Cys - HCl (30.0 μM). Reversal of reproductive to vegetative phase and back to reproductive phase could be achieved in the cultured flower buds. The shoots obtained on the above medium could be induced to flower. In addition, new shoots that differentiated from vegetative parts of juvenile and mature explants also produced flowers when cultured on MS with GA3 (0.3 μM). Since artemisinin estimation is correlative to flowering, our results would facilitate better understanding of biosynthesis of this drug in vitro.  相似文献   

用同源筛选方法,从水稻 (Oryza sativa L.) 基因组文库中分离到一个与人类肿瘤抑制基因QM具有同源性的基因,命名为OSQM1.该基因包括4个外显子和3个内含子,编码219个氨基酸,其中有46个碱性氨基酸,其等电点高达11.02.同源性搜寻发现此基因存在于真核生物中而且保守性较强,表明它可能具有重要的作用.Northern分析结果表明,它在不同的水稻器官中都有表达,但在花和愈伤组织中的表达水平明显低于其他营养器官.它在根和叶中的表达水平受环境因素的影响.  相似文献   

用同源筛选方法 ,从水稻 (OryzasativaL .)基因组文库中分离到一个与人类肿瘤抑制基因QM具有同源性的基因 ,命名为OSQM1。该基因包括 4个外显子和 3个内含子 ,编码 2 19个氨基酸 ,其中有 4 6个碱性氨基酸 ,其等电点高达 11.0 2。同源性搜寻发现此基因存在于真核生物中而且保守性较强 ,表明它可能具有重要的作用。North ern分析结果表明 ,它在不同的水稻器官中都有表达 ,但在花和愈伤组织中的表达水平明显低于其他营养器官。它在根和叶中的表达水平受环境因素的影响。  相似文献   

Cells from neural retina from 7-day chick embryos were cultured on polylysine-coated dishes up to 7 days. The small, round-shaped cells at seeding differentiated progressively, and after 4 days in vitro the majority had enlarged bodies and abundant processes. The content of protein and DNA was essentially unchanged during the entire period of culture. The incorporation of radioactivity from [3H]glucosamine into gangliosides declined slightly, reaching about 65% of the initial values at the end of the culture period. The proliferating activity measured by the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA decreased to 10% or less of the initial value after 3 days in vitro. Almost at the same chronological times as in ovo, the synthesis of GD3 and of a ganglioside partially identified as GT3 decreased from 70 and 19% of the total incorporation into gangliosides in the first 20 h of culture to about 7 and 5%, respectively, after 3 days in vitro. Conversely, the synthesis of GD1a increased from about 6% at the beginning to about 70% at the end of the culture times. Immunocytochemical analyses of the expression of gangliotetraosyl gangliosides in cultured cells showed that these gangliosides appeared in the bodies and processes of cells having neuronal morphology; very little immunostaining of the scarce flattened cells, probably Müller cells, was found. The results indicate that the changes in ganglioside metabolism, which lead to decreased synthesis of gangliosides lacking the galactosyl-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl disaccharide end and to increased synthesis of gangliotetraosyl gangliosides, occur in cells that in culture differentiate into neurons.  相似文献   

Ammi majus L. (Apiaceae), an important medicinal herb, constitutes the principal commercial source of xanthotoxin that is commonly used in leucoderma. Since the seed set and germination is poor, the present investigation was undertaken to propagate A. majus through tissue culture and monitor the yield of xanthotoxin (furanocoumarin) in the resultant callus and plantlets. The callus obtained from the cotyledonary leaves on MS medium supplemented with indoleacetic acid (IAA) + kinetin (Kn) + casein hydrolysate (CH), differentiated shoot buds on a medium additionally enriched with adenine. Plantlets 3.5 cm tall, resulted upon transfer of shoots to MS medium with indolebutyric acid (ISA) and glutamine. These plantlets flowered in vitro. The yield of xanthotoxin detected in regenerating cultures is more than hitherto reported from any other tissue including the seeds. lsozymes profile for leucineaminopeptidase (LAP), esterase and peroxidase could be used as reliable markers for the characterization of various stages of growth of callus and regenerants. The present report would prove advantageous in multiplication of Ammi majus and also in inducing enhanced levels of xanthotoxin.  相似文献   


Cyto-histological changes accompanying the formation of adventitious buds in excised cotyledons of Lactuca sativa were studied during the first 12 days after planting in vitro. Prospective proliferating cells can first be recognized, already on the first day after planting, by a marked increase in nuclear and nucleolar volumes, followed on the second day by a burst of cell divisions involving particularly mesophyll cells. Then lignified elements develop together with meristematic center, forming a callus-like tissue in the inner part of the cotyledons. At the third day of culture, the epidermal cells start to divide with a periclinal wall followed by an anticlinal division. In the following days of culture the epidermal cells, which divide mainly with periclinal walls, form layers of cells below the surface, gradually filling up the intercellular spaces. From the 8th day on, the buds protude above the surface and develops into shoots. These results are discussed in relation to DNA content of nuclei of Lactuca sativa cotyledons and to the time course of cell division and tracheary element formation. The very regular sequence of changes associated with the initiation and development of the bud makes the in vitro culture of Lactuca cotyledons an appropriate System for histochemical and biochemical studies.  相似文献   

构建原核表达载体pET-FABP,优化表达条件,采用免疫学方法鉴定纯化的FABP融合蛋白。载体pMD19-T-FABP和pET-44a(+)经EcoRⅠ和HindⅢ双酶切,将回收的FABP片段与pET-44a(+)连接,构建原核表达载体pET-FABP并在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中表达,优化表达条件,纯化FABP融合蛋白,Western blotting鉴定。成功构建了原核表达载体pET-FABP并在大肠杆菌中高效表达。纯化后的蛋白经SDS-PAGE和Western blotting鉴定正确。构建的表达载体pET-FABP可以在大肠杆菌中大量表达Nus-FABP融合蛋白,为进一步研制FABP亚单位疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

酪氨酸磷酸化蛋白在体外获能豚鼠精子上的分布与表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究豚鼠精子获能过程中蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化的变化规律,将豚鼠精子悬浮于改良的TALP获能培养基中,在5% CO2 孵箱37 ℃培养,以精子与金霉素(CTC) 荧光结合类型为指标评价精子获能状态,用免疫荧光技术和Western blot方法检测酪氨酸磷酸化的蛋白在精子上的分布以及酪氨酸磷酸化水平的变化。结果显示,随着获能的进行,发生蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化的精子占总精子的百分比增加,由未获能前的36%增至获能7h时的92%。酪氨酸磷酸化的蛋白分布变广,由精子头部扩增至精子头部、鞭毛主段和中段。另外,有80,45,40kDa的三种蛋白发生酪氨酸磷酸化,其中40kDa的蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化水平自精子体外培养后呈递增趋势,45kDa的蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化自培养3h后发现并呈递增趋势,而80kDa的蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化水平在精子培养3h时最高,后呈递减趋势。  相似文献   

SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like(SPL)基因家族在植物成花转变与花器发育中起重要调控作用。该研究基于甜橙(Citrus sinensis)基因组数据,对甜橙SPL家族成员及其启动子区进行生物信息学分析,并采用qRT-PCR检测其在甜橙不同花期、不同品种花芽和叶片的表达特异性,为深入探讨CsSPLs基因在甜橙成花诱导中的功能奠定基础。结果表明:(1)共鉴定出15个含有SBP保守结构域的甜橙SPL基因,分别命名为CsSPL1~CsSPL15,且分布在6条染色体上。(2)CsSPL1~CsSPL15基因编码的氨基酸长度为130~1075 aa,分子量为14.73~118.75 kD;系统发育分析将15个CsSPLs分成8个亚族,除CsSPL4外,其他CsSPLs均与拟南芥SPL家族成员聚类。(3)顺式作用元件分析表明,CsSPLs启动子中含有大量光响应元件,推测CsSPLs可能在甜橙响应光调控过程中发挥重要作用。(4)转录组数据分析显示,CsSPLs在甜橙愈伤组织、花、叶片和果实中均有表达,其中CsSPL3、CsSPL4、CsSPL7、CsSPL8、CsSPL12、CsSPL13、CsSPL14和CsSPL15在花和叶片中较高表达。(5)qRT-PCR检测显示,CsSPLs在甜橙不同花期、不同品种花芽和叶片组织中的表达均有显著上调趋势,且采样各时期下早花品种‘赣南早’花芽和叶片中CsSPLs的表达量均高于对照品种‘纽荷尔’。研究认为,甜橙成花组织内CsSPLs基因的高表达是其花期提前的主要因素。  相似文献   

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