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Release of penicillinase by Bacillus licheniformis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Three forms of penicillinase from Bacillus licheniformis have been isolated. Two are secreted into the extracellular medium and one is membrane-bound. The secreted proteins are water-soluble; one has been previously described and sequenced, the other contains an amino-terminal extension of eight amino acid residues. The membrane-bound form behaves in all respects as a typical amphiphilic membrane protein. It binds one micelle of Triton XI00 and reassociates with egg lecithin to lipid vesicles into which the protein is incorporated. No lipids are covalently associated with the purified protein. Membrane penicillinase contains an amino-terminal peptide extension as compared to the exo forms. This tail is the most likely explanation to its amphiphilic properties.  相似文献   

Penicillinase was localized in log-phase cells of Bacillus licheniformis 749/C by labeling with ferritin-anti-penicillinase immunoglobulin G conjugate. Mildly fixed homogenized cells, isolated subcellular fractions, and frozen thin sections were labeled. The label was distributed in discrete patches in the cell envelope. The patches extended from the inside part of the membrane to the outside part of the wall. The inside part of the membrane was labeled more extensively than the outside part. The cytoplasm also bound some ferritin-immunoglobulin G conjugate. Immunoelectrophoresis and biochemical assay of cytosol material suggest that the cytoplasmic antigenic sites are a protease-sensitive form of penicillinase.  相似文献   

V Wittman  H C Lin    H C Wong 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(22):7383-7390
The penicillinase repressor (PENI) negatively regulates expression of the penicillinase gene (penP) in Bacillus licheniformis by binding to its operators located within the promoter region of penP.penI codes for a protein with 128 amino acids. Filter-binding analyses suggest that the active form of the repressor is a dimer. Genetic analyses of PENI derivatives showed that the repressor carrying either a 6-amino-acid deletion near the N terminus or a 14-amino-acid deletion at the C terminus was functionally inactive in vivo. A repressor derivative carrying a 6-amino-acid deletion within its N-terminal region was extensively purified and used in DNA footprinting and subunit cross-linking analyses. The results of these studies showed that the repressor derivative had lost its ability to bind operator specifically even though it could dimerize effectively. In similar studies, we demonstrated that an N-terminal portion of PENI with a molecular mass of 10 kDa derived by digestion with papain was able to bind operator specifically but with reduced affinity and had completely lost its ability to dimerize. These data suggest that the repressor has two functional and separable domains. The amino-terminal domain of the repressor is responsible for operator recognition, and the carboxyl-terminal domain is involved in subunit dimerization.  相似文献   

Saline-washed cells of Bacillus licheniformis strain 749/C (constitutive for penicillinase) were able to release exopenicillinase in the presence of concentrations of chloramphenicol that prevented protein synthesis completely. The release reaction was strongly pH-dependent, occurring at a faster rate at alkaline pH in anionic or cationic buffers than at neutral pH. A strongly pH-dependent release reaction was noted in growing cells also. The reaction in washed cells can be stopped completely by changing the pH to 6.0. Within 30 min at pH 9.0, about 55% of the cell-bound penicillinase was released; thereafter, release continued at a greatly reduced rate. Suspensions of washed cells retained their capacity to release penicillinase at pH 9.0 for 90 min. Penicillinase released at pH 9.0 from either cells or protoplasts was not readsorbed over a 60-min period after changing the pH to 6.0. The release reaction was strongly temperature-dependent. We examined the effect of a large number of metabolic inhibitors and other compounds on the pH-dependent release phenomenon. Quinacrine hydrochloride, chloroquine diphosphate, and chlorpromazine hydrochloride reduced secretion substantially at 10(-4)m. Deoxycholate and Triton X-100 were active at 10(-3)m, but tungstate, arsenate, and molybdate had small effects at 10(-1)m. The rate of exopenicillinase release at pH 9.0 from fully stabilized protoplasts was one-half that of intact cells. Protoplasts lysed in hypotonic media or detergents showed even greater reduction in releasing activity. Penicillinase released from washed cells at pH 7.5 or 9.0 appeared to be derived from the periplasmic tubule and vesicle fraction that was released by protoplast formation.  相似文献   

Modified prepenicillinase was accumulated in both Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis treated with globomycin. Although the inhibitions of processings of prepenicillinase and prolipoprotein by globomycin in E. coli are qualitatively similar, they differ in the degree of inhibition at given concentrations of globomycin. The processing of prepenicillinase proceeds much more rapidly in E. coli than in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

A penicillinase mutant penP102, isolated after ICR (acridine mustard) mutagenesis of Bacillus licheniformis strain 749/C, retains about 50% of the wild-type penicillinase specific activity. The penicillinase produced by this mutant differs from the wild-type protein in its sensitivity to pH and its electrophoretic behaviour. The penP102 mutation appears to have several other phenotypic effects, including an increase in the efficiency of release of the extracellular form of the enzyme.The penP102 penicillinase has been purified and its amino acid sequence compared to that of the wild-type enzyme. The mutation has resulted in the replacement of the last three amino acids of the wild-type enzyme and the addition of 17 residues at the carboxy-terminus. Comparison of the wild-type and mutant amino acid sequences shows that the mutational event is a single nucleotide deletion from the codon for asparagine265. Consideration of the possible nucleotide sequence for the region beyond the carboxy-terminus of the wild-type protein shows that there are no possible termination codons until four and six triplets beyond the codon for the carboxy-terminal lysine, indicating that the carboxy-terminus of the wild-type extracellular penicillinase is generated by proteolytic cleavage of a larger precursor protein.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane penicillinase from Bacillus licheniformis 749/C is hydrophobic in nature, although it is virtually identical to its riydrophilic exoenzyme counterpart in amino acid composition and sequence. Unlike the exoenzyme, however, the purified membrane enzyme retains [33P]phosphate and [3H]glycerol. By isoelectricfocusing the membrane enzyme is more acidic than the exoenzyme; it has a lower mobility in SDS gel electrophoresis, consistent with the presence of a very hydrophobic moiety. Unlike the exoenzyme, which binds no taurodeoxycholate, the membrane enzyme binds 10 molecules tightly and approximately 37 molecules in the presence of excess taurodeoxycholate (0.1% solution). The membrane enzyme is identical to the exoenzyme in its reaction with antibodies to exopenicillinase as determined by a radioimmune inhibition assay and immunodiffusion in agar. Heat stability studies indicate a slightly less stable conformation for the membrane enzyme, but this difference largely disappears in the presence of antibody to the exoenzyme. Conversion of membrane enzyme to exoenzyme has been achieved by brief treatment with trypsin, or by incubation of impure preparations at pH 9.0 in 25% potassium phosphate.Since the two forms of penicillinase are very similar in conformation, the hydrophobicity of the membrane form of the enzyme would seem to derive from combination with a hydrophobic moiety, probably phospholipid.  相似文献   

A frameshift mutation that affects the carboxy-terminal sequence of penicillinase has been shown to map at the end of the penicillinase structural gene, penP, which is near the linked regulatory gene, penI. The mutation appears to be polar on penI, suggesting that the penP and penI genes are in one operon, which is read in the direction PI.  相似文献   

T Imanaka  T Himeno    S Aiba 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(9):3867-3872
The penicillinase antirepressor gene, penJ, of Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 9945a was cloned in Escherichia coli by using pMB9 as a vector plasmid. The penicillinase gene, penP, its repressor gene, penI, and penJ were encoded on the cloned 5.2-kilobase HindIII fragment of the recombinant plasmid pTTE71. The penJ open reading frame was composed of 1,803 bases and 601 amino acid residues (molecular weight, 68,388). A Shine-Dalgarno sequence was found 7 bases upstream from the translation start site. Since this sequence was located in the 3'-terminal region of the penI gene, penJ might be transcribed together with penI as a polycistronic mRNA from the penI promoter. Frameshift mutations of penJ were constructed in vitro from pTTE71, and the penJ mutant gene was introduced into B. licheniformis by chromosomal recombination. The transformant B. licheniformis U173 (penP+ penI+ penJ) turned out to be uninducible for penicillinase production, whereas the wild-type strain (penP+ penI+ penJ+) was inducible. Only when these three genes (penP, penI, and PenJ) were simultaneously subcloned in Bacillus subtilis did the plasmid carrier exhibit inducible penicillinase production, as did wild-type B. licheniformis. It was concluded that penJ is involved in the penicillinase induction. The regulation of penP expression by penI and penJ is discussed.  相似文献   

The cloned gene coding for Bacillus licheniformis penicillinase (penP) was introduced into Escherichia coli in a heat-inducible lambda Qam vector. After induction, significant amounts of penicillinase were synthesized in the new host. The cellular location of the penicillinase was found to be almost exclusively the outer membrane fraction of E. coli, and virtually no soluble penicillinase was found. According to sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis, the size of the penicillinase from E. coli was identical to that of the membrane-bound form of the B. licheniformis penicillinase. Gel filtration in the presence of Triton X-100 suggested that the penicillinase from E. coli had amphiphilic properties, as does B. licheniformis membrane penicillinase. These results show that the export of the penicillinase to the outer membrane of E. coli involves the cleavage of the signal peptide from the prepenicillinase, giving an outer membrane component indistinguishable from the membrane penicillinase of B. licheniformis.  相似文献   

Protoplasis of Bacillus licheniformis 749/C (a mutant constitutive for penicillinase production) continued to synthesize and release penicillinase in hypertonic growth medium in the presence of trypsin and chymotrypsin at 25 mug each per ml. When the protoplasts were stripped of about half of their membrane-bound penicillinase by pretreatment at pH 9.5 or with a higher level of trypsin, penicillinase activity no longer increased in the presence of the proteases. This effect was immediately eliminated after addition of soybean trypsin inhibitor. These proteases do not significantly inhibit general protein synthesis. Stripped protoplasts of strain 749/C and of uninduced strain 749 (unable to synthesize penicillinase) were incubated with 50 mug of chymotrypsin per ml, and the supernatent fluids were examined immunochemically for peptides derived from the penicillinase chain. Such fargments were found only with the protoplasts capable of synthesizing penicillinase (strain 749/C). The direct detection of the products of protease degradation of a susceptible form of penicillinase provides strong evidence that, in stripped protoplasts of B. licheniformis 749/C, penicillinase synthesis continues in the presence of trypsin or chymotrypsin and that, in these modified membranes, the protease is able to act on an early form of the enzyme that has not yet attained the protease-resistant conformation characteristic of the membrane-bound and exopenicillinases. This finding is discussed in terms of the current models of penicillinase secretion.  相似文献   

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