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Interactions between niche cells and stem cells are vital for proper control over stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. However, there are few tissues where the initial establishment of a niche has been studied. The Drosophila testis houses two stem cell populations, which each lie adjacent to somatic niche cells. Although these niche cells sustain spermatogenesis throughout life, it is not understood how their fate is established. Here, we show that Notch signaling is necessary to specify niche cell fate in the developing gonad. Surprisingly, our results indicate that adjacent endoderm is the source of the Notch-activating ligand Delta. We also find that niche cell specification occurs earlier than anticipated, well before the expression of extant markers for niche cell fate. This work further suggests that endoderm plays a dual role in germline development. The endoderm assists both in delivering germ cells to the somatic gonadal mesoderm, and in specifying the niche where these cells will subsequently develop as stem cells. Because in mammals primordial germ cells also track through endoderm on their way to the genital ridge, our work raises the possibility that conserved mechanisms are employed to regulate germline niche formation.  相似文献   

The stem cell niche: lessons from the Drosophila testis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In metazoans, tissue maintenance and regeneration depend on adult stem cells, which are characterized by their ability to self-renew and generate differentiating progeny in response to the needs of the tissues in which they reside. In the Drosophila testis, germline and somatic stem cells are housed together in a common niche, where they are regulated by local signals, epigenetic mechanisms and systemic factors. These stem cell populations in the Drosophila testis have the unique advantage of being easy to identify and manipulate, and hence much progress has been made in understanding how this niche operates. Here, we summarize recent work on stem cells in the adult Drosophila testis and discuss the remarkable ability of these stem cells to respond to change within the niche.  相似文献   

Stem cells are defined by the fact that they both self-renew, producing additional stem cells, and generate lineal descendants that differentiate into distinct functional cell types. In Drosophila, a small germline stem cell population is influenced by a complex microenvironment, the stem cell niche, which itself includes a somatic stem cell population. While stem cells are unique, their immediate descendants retain considerable stem cell character as they mitotically amplify prior to differentiation and can be induced to de-differentiate into stem cells. Despite their importance, very few genes are known that are expressed in the stem cells or their early amplifying daughters. We present here whole-genome microarray expression analysis of testes specifically enriched for stem cells, their amplifying daughters, and their niche. These studies have identified a number of loci with highly specific stem cell expression and provide candidate downstream targets of Jak/Stat self-renewal signaling. Furthermore, functional analysis for two genes predicted to be enriched has enabled us to define novel regulators of the germline lineage. The gene list generated in this study thus provides a potent resource for the investigation of stem cell identity and regulation from functional as well as evolutionary perspectives.  相似文献   

To function properly, tissue-specific stem cells must reside in a niche. The Drosophila testis niche is one of few niches studied in vivo. Here, a single niche, comprising ten hub cells, maintains both germline stem cells (GSC) and somatic stem cells (CySC). Here, we show that lines is an essential CySC factor. Surprisingly, lines-depleted CySCs adopted several characteristics of hub cells, including the recruitment of new CySCs. This led us to examine the developmental relationship between CySCs and hub cells. In contrast to a previous report, we did not observe significant conversion of steady-state CySC progeny to hub fate. However, we found that these two cell types derive from a common precursor pool during gonadogenesis. Furthermore, lines mutant embryos exhibited gonads containing excess hub cells, indicating that lines represses hub cell fate during gonadogenesis. In many tissues, lines acts antagonistically to bowl, and we found that this is true for hub specification, establishing bowl as a positively acting factor in the development of the testis niche.  相似文献   

The stem cell niches at the apex of Drosophila ovaries and testes have been viewed as distinct in two major respects. While both contain germline stem cells, the testis niche also contains "cyst progenitor" stem cells, which divide to produce somatic cells that encase developing germ cells. Moreover, while both niches utilize BMP signaling, the testis niche requires a key JAK/STAT signal. We now show, by lineage marking, that the ovarian niche also contains a second type of stem cell. These "escort stem cells" morphologically resemble testis cyst progenitor cells and their daughters encase developing cysts before undergoing apoptosis at the time of follicle formation. In addition, we show that JAK/STAT signaling also plays a critical role in ovarian niche function, and acts within escort cells. These observations reveal striking similarities in the stem cell niches of male and female gonads, and suggest that they are largely governed by common mechanisms.  相似文献   

Stem cell niche is a specialized microenvironment crucial to self-renewal. The testis in Drosophila contains two different types of stem cells, the germline stem cells and the somatic cyst stem cells that are sustained by their respective niche signals, thus is a good system for studying the interaction between the stem cells and their hosting niche. The JAK-STAT and BMP pathways are known to play critical roles in the self-renewal of different kinds of stem cells, but the roles of several other pathways have emerged recently in a complex signaling network in the testis niche. Reports of independent observations from three research groups have uncovered an important role of Hedgehog (Hh) in the Drosophila testis niche. In this review, we summarize these recent findings and discuss the interplay between the Hh signaling mechanisms and those of the JAK-STAT and BMP pathways. We also discuss directions for further investigation.  相似文献   

Haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niches are specialized microenvironments that contain stem cells and regulate their maintenance. Cells at the interface of bone and the bone marrow (the endosteum) contribute to the creation of HSC niches. It remains uncertain whether this interface itself is a niche, or whether endosteal cells secrete factors that diffuse to nearby niches. Vascular and/or perivascular cells may also create niches as many HSCs are observed around sinusoidal blood vessels, and perivascular cells secrete factors that regulate HSC maintenance. Do endosteal and perivascular cells create distinct niches, or do they contribute to a common niche? We discuss a range of niche models consistent with recent evidence.  相似文献   

Stem cells are regulated by their surrounding microenvironments, called niche, such as cell–cell interaction and extracellular matrix. Classically, feeder cells as a niche have been used in the culture of iPS cells from both the mouse and the human. However, the regulation mechanism of stem cells by feeder cells as a niche still have been partially unclear. In this study, we used three murine iPS cell lines, iPS‐MEF‐Ng‐20D‐17, iPS‐MEF‐Ng‐178B‐5 and iPS‐MEF‐Fb/Ng‐440A‐3, which were generated by different reprogramming methods. In general, these cell lines commonly need the feeder cells as a niche to culture. Recently, the effect of substrate stiffness is known in stem cell study. First, we focused on the mechanical properties of feeder cells, and then we speculated that feeder‐less culture might be made possible by using molecules in place of the mechanical properties of the niche. Finally, we found that the combination of disintegrin (echistatin) and 2i (GSK3 inhibitor and MEK inhibitor) is a sufficient condition for three murine iPS culture. This novel method of mimicking the murine iPS cell niche may be useful to understand signaling pathways to maintain the pluripotency of stem cells.  相似文献   

Lifelong, many somatic tissues are replenished by specialized adult stem cells. These stem cells are generally rare, infrequently dividing, occupy a unique niche, and can rapidly respond to injury to maintain a steady tissue size. Despite these commonalities, few shared regulatory mechanisms have been identified. Here, we scrutinized data comparing genes expressed in murine long-term hematopoietic stem cells with their differentiated counterparts and observed that a disproportionate number were members of the developmentally-important, monoallelically expressed imprinted genes. Studying a subset, which are members of a purported imprinted gene network (IGN), we found their expression in HSCs rapidly altered upon hematopoietic perturbations. These imprinted genes were also predominantly expressed in stem/progenitor cells of the adult epidermis and skeletal muscle in mice, relative to their differentiated counterparts. The parallel down-regulation of these genes postnatally in response to proliferation and differentiation suggests that the IGN could play a mechanistic role in both cell growth and tissue homeostasis.  相似文献   

The establishment of in vitro culture systems to expand stem cells and to elucidate the niche/stem cell interaction is among the most sought-after culture systems of our time. To further investigate niche/stem cell interactions, we evaluated in vitro cultures of isolated intact male germline-niche complexes (i.e., apical complexes), complexes with empty niche spaces, and completely empty niches (i.e., isolated apical cells) from the testes of Locusta migratoria and the interaction of these complexes with isolated germline stem cells, spermatogonia (of transit-amplifying stages), cyst progenitor cells, cyst progenitor cell-like cells, cyst cells, and follicle envelope cells. The structural characteristics of these cell types allow the identification of the different cell types in primary cultures, which we studied in detail by light and electron microscopy. In intact testes germline stem cells strongly adhere to their niche (the apical cell), but emigrate from their niche and form filopodia if the apical complex is put into culture with "standard media." The lively movements of the long filopodia of isolated germline stem cells and spermatogonia may be indicative of their search for specific signals to home to their niche. All other incubated cell types (except for follicle envelope cells) expressed rhizopodia and lobopodia. Nevertheless isolated germline stem cells in culture do not migrate to empty niche spaces of nearby apical cells. This could indicate that apical cells lose their germline stem cell attracting ability in vitro, although apical cells devoid of germline stem cells either by emigration of germline stem cells or by mechanical removal of germline stem cells are capable of surviving in vitro up to 56 days, forming many small lobopodia and performing amoeboid movements. We hypothesize that the breakdown of the apical complex in vitro with standard media interrupts the signaling between the germline stem cells and the niche (and conceivably the cyst progenitor cells) which directs the typical behavior of the male regenerative center. Previously we demonstrated the necessity of the apical cell for the survival of the germline stem cell. From these studies we are now able to culture viable isolated germline stem cells and all cells of its niche complex, although DNA synthesis stops after Day 1 in culture. This enables us to examine the effects of supplements to our standard medium on the interaction of the germline stem cell with its niche, the apical cell. The supplements we evaluated included conditioned medium, tissues, organs, and hemolymph of male locusts, insect hormones, mammalian growth factors, Ca(2+) ion, and a Ca(2+) ionophore. Although biological effects on the germline stem cell and apical cell could be detected with the additives, none of these supplements restored the in vivo behavior of the incubated cell types. We conclude that the strong adhesion between germline stem cells and apical cells in vivo is actively maintained by peripheral factors that reach the apical complex via hemolymph, since a hemolymph-testis barrier does not exist. The in vitro culture model introduced in this study provides a platform to scan for possible regulatory factors that play a key role in a feedback loop that keeps germline stem cell division and sperm disposal in equilibrium.  相似文献   

The regulation of stem cell behavior and maintenance typically involves the integration of both intrinsic and extrinsic cues. One such external cue, integrin-mediated cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix, plays an important part in regulating stem cell function and maintenance. In particular, integrins help define and shape the microenvironment in which stem cells are found: the stem cell niche. Integrins have a diverse array of roles in this context including homing of stem cells to their niche, maintaining stem cells in the niche, developing stem-cell-niche architecture, regulating stem cell proliferation and self renewal, and finally, controlling the orientation of dividing stem cells. Because of their various roles in directing stem cell behavior, integrin-mediated adhesion and signaling in the niche have been implicated in processes that underlie cancer progression and metastasis.  相似文献   

Adult stem cells reside in specialized microenvironments, or niches, that are essential for their function in vivo. Stem cells are physically attached to the niche, which provides secreted factors that promote their self-renewal and proliferation. Despite intense research on the role of the niche in regulating stem cell function, much less is known about how the niche itself is controlled. We previously showed that insulin signals directly stimulate germline stem cell (GSC) division and indirectly promote GSC maintenance via the niche in Drosophila. Insulin-like peptides are required for maintenance of cap cells (a major component of the niche) via modulation of Notch signaling, and they also control attachment of GSCs to cap cells and E-cadherin levels at the cap cell–GSC junction. Here, we further dissect the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying these processes. We show that insulin and Notch ligands directly stimulate cap cells to maintain their numbers and indirectly promote GSC maintenance. We also report that insulin signaling, via phosphoinositide 3-kinase and FOXO, intrinsically controls the competence of cap cells to respond to Notch ligands and thereby be maintained. Contrary to a previous report, we also find that Notch ligands originated in GSCs are not required either for Notch activation in the GSC niche, or for cap cell or GSC maintenance. Instead, the niche itself produces ligands that activate Notch signaling within cap cells, promoting stability of the GSC niche. Finally, insulin signals control cap cell–GSC attachment independently of their role in Notch signaling. These results are potentially relevant to many systems in which Notch signaling modulates stem cells and demonstrate that complex interactions between local and systemic signals are required for proper stem cell niche function.  相似文献   

Since we still know very little about stem cells in their natural environment, it is useful to explore their dynamics through modelling and simulation, as well as experimentally. Most models of stem cell systems are based on deterministic differential equations that ignore the natural heterogeneity of stem cell populations. This is not appropriate at the level of individual cells and niches, when randomness is more likely to affect dynamics. In this paper, we introduce a fast stochastic method for simulating a metapopulation of stem cell niche lineages, that is, many sub-populations that together form a heterogeneous metapopulation, over time. By selecting the common limiting timestep, our method ensures that the entire metapopulation is simulated synchronously. This is important, as it allows us to introduce interactions between separate niche lineages, which would otherwise be impossible. We expand our method to enable the coupling of many lineages into niche groups, where differentiated cells are pooled within each niche group. Using this method, we explore the dynamics of the haematopoietic system from a demand control system perspective. We find that coupling together niche lineages allows the organism to regulate blood cell numbers as closely as possible to the homeostatic optimum. Furthermore, coupled lineages respond better than uncoupled ones to random perturbations, here the loss of some myeloid cells. This could imply that it is advantageous for an organism to connect together its niche lineages into groups. Our results suggest that a potential fruitful empirical direction will be to understand how stem cell descendants communicate with the niche and how cancer may arise as a result of a failure of such communication.  相似文献   

Signals that regulate stem cell activity during plant development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant stem cells are used continuously to generate new structures during the entire life-span of the organism. In the adult plant, stem cells are found in specialized structures called meristems. The meristems contain the stem cell niche together with rapidly dividing daughter cells that will ultimately differentiate into specific cell types. Some of the master genes that orchestrate the establishment and maintenance of the stem cell niche have now been identified in both the root and the shoot. Recent results show that these genes also determine the fate of the stem cells and that feedback signals from differentiated cells are involved in stem cell specification. These advances have provided a framework to understand how short-range and long-range signals are integrated to specify and position the stem cell niche in the meristems, and how the differentiation potential of plant stem cells is controlled.  相似文献   

Stem cells depend critically on the surrounding microenvironment, or niche, for their maintenance and self-renewal. While much is known about how the niche regulates stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, mechanisms for how the niche is maintained over time are not well understood. At the apical tip of the Drosophila testes, germline stem cells (GSCs) and somatic stem cells share a common niche formed by hub cells. Here we demonstrate that a novel protein named Shriveled (Shv) is necessary for the maintenance of hub/niche integrity. Depletion of Shv protein results in age-dependent deterioration of the hub structure and loss of GSCs, whereas upregulation of Shv preserves the niche during aging. We find Shv is a secreted protein that modulates DE-cadherin levels through extracellular activation of integrin signaling. Our work identifies Shv as a novel activator of integrin signaling and suggests a new integration model in which crosstalk between integrin and DE-cadherin in niche cells promote their own preservation by maintaining the niche architecture.  相似文献   

Stem cells are maintained and retain their capacity to continue dividing because of the influence of a niche. Although niches are important to maintain "stemness" in a wide variety of tissues, control of these niches is poorly understood. The Drosophila germline stem cells (GSCs) reside in a somatic cell niche. We show that Notch activation can induce the expression of niche-cell markers even in an adult fly; overexpression of Delta in the germline, or activated Notch in the somatic cells, results in extra niche cells, up to 10-fold over the normal number. In turn, these ectopic niche cells induce ectopic GSCs. Conversely, when GCSs do not produce functional Notch ligands, Delta and Serrate, the TGF-beta pathway is not activated in the GSCs, and they differentiate and subsequently leave the niche. Importantly, clonal analysis reveals that the receiving end of the Notch pathway is required in the somatic cells. These data show that a feedback loop exists between the stem cells and niche cells. Demonstration that stem cells can contribute to niche function has far-reaching consequences for stem cell therapies and may provide insight into how cancer can spread throughout an organism via populations of cancer stem cells.  相似文献   

Limbal niche cells located in the limbal Palisades of Vogt are mesenchymal stem cells that reside next to limbal basal epithelial cells. Limbal niche cells are progenitors that express embryonic stem cell markers such as Nanog, Nestin, Oct4, Rex1, Sox2 and SSEA4, mesenchymal cell markers such as CD73, CD90 and CD105, and angiogenesis markers such as Flk‐1, CD31, CD34, VWF, PDGFRβ and α‐SMA, but negative for CD45. In addition, the stemness of limbal niche cells can be maintained during their cell culture in a three‐dimension environment. Furthermore, expanded limbal niche cells have the capability to undergo adipogenesis, chondrogenesis, osteogenesis and endogenesis in vitro, indicating that they are in fact a valuable resource of adult progenitors. Furthermore studies on how the limbal niche cells regulate the aforementioned stemness and corneal fate decision are warranted, as those investigations will shed new light on how mesenchymal progenitors reverse limbal stem cell deficiency and lead to new methods for limbal niche cell treatment.  相似文献   

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