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The aim of the project was to determine the effects of sudden change in potassium concentration in inland saline water on the survival, osmolality and condition indices of western Australian King Prawn—Penaeus latisulcatus Kishinouye. Australia has large volumes of inland saline water that could be used for aquaculture but is often deficient in K+. Western king prawn is a candidate species for culture in inland saline water. Such waters require K+ fortification for prawn survival and growth. Trials were conducted in tanks to determine the effect of sudden change in K+ concentration in inland saline water samples on the survival, osmolality and condition indices of western king prawns. Prawns in tanks were acclimated to inland saline water procured from Wannamal—an inland location in Western Australia. After 3 days of acclimation, prawns were subjected to sudden increase in medium K+ concentration over 1 h, ranging from 80% to 100% of the marine water K+ concentration by adding potassium chloride. Identical inland saline water was added to the control tanks over the same time period. Survival, ingestion rate and osmoregulatory capacity (OC) were then recorded over 19 days. At the conclusion of the trial, survival ranged from 71% to 78% in the potassium-enriched tanks whereas 100% mortality was observed in the control tanks by day 11. Ingestion rate of prawns was significantly higher in the experimental tanks than in the control. Osmoregulatory capacity of potassium-enriched prawns was significantly lower post- than pre-ionic change and significantly higher at the conclusion of the trial than both pre- and post-ionic change. There was no significant difference in OC between water types at any time period. These results indicate that prawns can tolerate sudden increase in K+ content in inland saline water and the higher K+ concentration increases survival and OC, but other measures indicate the prawns were experiencing stressful conditions. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected Papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

The estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulatus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) inhabits salt marshes along the South Atlantic coast from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) to Patagonia (Argentina). In the present study, salinity tolerance (0-45‰; 16-1325 mOsm/kg H2O) and hemolymph osmotic and ionic (Na+, Cl, and K+) regulation in both female and male C. granulatus were analyzed in summer and winter. Results showed that both female and male C. granulatus are euryhaline. Mortality was only observed in extremely low salinity (0‰; 16 mOsm/kg H2O) for both sexes. For females, the LT50 at 0‰ salinity was similar in summer (20.1 h) and winter (17.4 h). Males were more tolerant to salinity than females in both seasons, and mortality was observed only in summer (LT50 = 50.9 h). Results from freshly collected crabs or long-term (16-day) osmotic and ionic regulation experiments in the laboratory showed that male C. granulatus is a better hyper-osmoregulator than female in summer and winter. However, a hypo-osmoregulatory ability was only observed in females experimentally subjected to salinity 40‰ (1176 ± 11 mOsm/kg H2O) in both seasons. In both sexes, hyper-osmotic regulation was achieved by hyper-regulating hemolymph Na+, Cl, and K+ concentration. In females, hypo-osmotic regulation was achieved by hypo-regulating hemolymph Na+ and Cl concentration. Long-term (16-day) osmotic and ionic regulations in different salinities were similar in males or females collected and tested in summer and winter. Despite this lack of a seasonal effect on hemolymph osmoregulatory and ionoregulatory patterns in males or females, a marked seasonal difference in the dynamics of these processes was observed for both sexes. In the first 2 days after hypo-osmotic shock (20‰→5‰; 636→185 mOsm/kg H2O), variations in female osmolality and ion (Na+ and Cl) concentration were larger and faster in winter than in summer, while in males the opposite was observed. Furthermore, a seasonal effect on the crab response to hyper-osmotic shock (20‰→40‰; 636→1176 mOsm/kg H2O) was only observed in males. A new osmolality and ion (Na+ and Cl) concentration steady state was faster achieved in winter than in summer. Regarding sexual differences, females showed a better capacity to hypo-regulate the hemolymph osmolality and Na+ concentration than males, even after a sudden increase in salinity (hyper-osmotic shock) in both seasons. On the other hand, males showed a better capacity to hyper-regulate the hemolymph osmolality and Na+ concentration than females, even after a sudden decrease in salinity (hypo-osmotic shock), especially in winter. Taken together, results reported in the present study suggest the need to consider both sex and collection season as important factors in future osmotic and ionic regulation studies in estuarine crabs.  相似文献   


This study assesses the effect of temperature and fluctuations in salinity on the nitrogen excretion and osmoregulation of Penaeus vannamei juveniles to determine the lowest stress combination so that these can be used to optimize production of the Mexican strain in culture. The ammonium excretion rate of juveniles acclimated to 20, 24, 28 and 32°C was measured. Fluctuating salinity levels were applied to these animals in a sequence of 40%o, 33, 25, 18, 11, 18, 25, 33 and back to 40%o. The results indicate that when the salinity was reduced from 40 to 11%> the ammonium excretion of the shrimp was reduced. The osmotic concentration of the animals was hyposmotic as the salinity decreased from 40 to 25%o, hyperosmotic during the 18–11–18 in %> interval and hyposmotic as the salinity increased from 25 to 40%> again. The range of isomotic points over this range of salinity was 712–777mmol Kg‐1. The ammonium excretion of P. vannamei exposed to these experimental conditions can be attributed to the process of osmoregulation because excretion was increased when the shrimp were hyper‐regulating and reduced when they were hypo‐regulating. Based on our results, the animals experience the lowest stress in a temperature between 27 to 30°C and a salinity close to the isosmotic point between 25 ‐ 27%o. We propose that this should prove to be the optimal temperature and salinity regime for culturing the Mexican strain of P. vannamei.  相似文献   

The flounder, Paralichthys orbignyanus, is found in coastal and estuarine waters of the Western South Atlantic Ocean. It is being considered for aquaculture due to its high market price and wide tolerance to environmental factors such as salinity, pH, and nitrogenous compounds. The objective of this study was to characterize the ionic and osmotic regulation of P. orbignyanus over the range of its tolerated ambient salinities (0-40‰) and to evaluate the survival and growth in freshwater (0‰) and seawater (30‰) over 90 days. After 15 days of exposure to different salinities (0‰, 10‰, 20‰, 30‰ and 40‰), plasma osmolality and ionic (Na+, Cl, K+ and Ca2+) concentrations slightly increased with salinity. The isosmotic point was estimated as 328.6 mOsm kg−1 H2O and corresponded to 10.9‰ salinity. After 90 days, survival was similar in freshwater and seawater, but osmo- and ionoregulation was significantly affected in freshwater and flounders reared in this medium showed a lower growth rate than those reared in seawater. Based on the results from this study, P. orbignyanus can be characterized as a marine/estuarine euryhaline teleost capable of hyper/hypo iono- and osmoregulation over the fluctuating salinity regime faced by this species in the environment. Furthermore, results suggest that the lower growth rate exhibited by P. orbignyanus in freshwater could be due, at least partially, to a higher energy expenditure associated to a higher branchial Na+, K+-ATPase activity in this environment.  相似文献   

Addition of NaCl at 2.5% to tryptic soy broth (TSB) significantly increased the growth of Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae. Tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon held in 25 per thousand seawater were injected with P. damsela subsp. damselae grown in TSB containing NaCl at 0.5%, 1.5%, 2.5% and 3.5% at a dose of 8.48 x 10(4)colony-forming units (cfu)shrimp(-1). Over 24-96 h, the cumulative mortality was significantly higher for the shrimp challenged with P. damselae subsp. damselae grown in 2.5% NaCl than those grown in 0.5%, 1.5% and 3.5% NaCl. In another experiment, P. monodon held in 25 per thousand were injected with TSB-grown P. damselae subsp. damselae (8.48 x 10(4)cfushrimp(-1)), and then transferred to 5 per thousand, 15 per thousand, 25 per thousand (control) and 35 per thousand. After 96 h, the mortality was highest for the P. damselae subsp. damselae-injected shrimp held in 5 per thousand, and the lowest for the P. damselae subsp. damselae-injected shrimp held in 25 per thousand. In a separate experiment, P. monodon held in 25 per thousand and then transferred to 5 per thousand, 15 per thousand, 25 per thousand (control) and 35 per thousand were examined for immune parameters, and phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency of P. damselae subsp. damselae after 12-96 h. The THC, hyaline cell, phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency decreased significantly for the shrimp held in 5 per thousand, 15 per thousand and 35 per thousand after 12h. It is concluded that tiger shrimp P. monodon transferred from 25 per thousand to low salinity levels (5 per thousand and 15 per thousand) and high salinity (35 per thousand) had reduced immune ability and decreased resistance against P. damselae subsp. damselae infection.  相似文献   

The Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis, is a euryhaline teleost which has important ecological roles in the brackish-water marshes of its native range as well as commercial value as live bait for saltwater anglers. Effects of osmoregulation on growth, survival, and body condition at 0.5, 5.0, 8.0 and 12.0‰ salinity were studied in F. grandis juveniles during a 12-week trial. Relative expression of genes encoding the ion transport proteins Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA), Na+/K+/2Cl cotransporter(NKCC1), and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl channel was analyzed. At 0.5‰, F. grandis showed depressed growth, body condition, and survival relative to higher salinities. NKA relative expression was elevated at 7 days post-transfer but decreased at later time points in fish held at 0.5‰ while other salinities produced no such increase. NKCC1, the isoform associated with expulsion of ions in saltwater, was downregulated from week 1 to week 3 at 0.5‰ while CFTR relative expression produced no significant results across time or salinity. Our results suggest that Gulf killifish have physiological difficulties with osmoregulation at a salinity of 0.5‰ and that this leads to reduced growth performance and survival while salinities in the 5.0-12.0‰ are adequate for normal function.  相似文献   

The green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, is an anadromous species that migrates from freshwater (FW) to seawater (SW) relatively early in its life history, although the ages and sizes of juveniles at SW entry are not known. Developmental constraints of osmoregulatory organs may either prohibit (i.e., due to salinity tolerance limits) or minimize (i.e., due to substantial osmoregulatory or ionoregulatory energetic costs) SW entry in small fish. Interestingly, larger green sturgeon are often encountered in brackish water (BW) estuaries, perhaps due to an energetic advantage in occupying these near-isosmotic environments. To test hypotheses concerning fish-size effects on the energetic costs of occupying habitats of different salinities, we measured oxygen consumption rates in green sturgeon representing three age groups (100, 170, and 533 days post hatch; dph), which were acclimated for 5 weeks to one of three salinities (FW, <3‰; BW, 10‰; or SW, 33‰). Also, after 7 weeks, final wet masses were compared and blood and muscle tissue samples were taken to assess osmoregulatory abilities. There were no differences in body-mass-adjusted oxygen consumption rates between any salinities or ages, indicating that the energetic costs were not prohibitively high to occupy any of these salinities. The only mortalities occurred in the 100 dph SW group, where 23% of the fish died, from apparent starvation. Final wet masses were comparable between FW and BW for each age group and with the 533 dph SW group, but were lower in SW groups at 100 and 170 dph. Similarly, osmoregulatory abilities, in terms of plasma osmolality, Na+, K+, lactate, and protein concentrations, and muscle water content, were comparable in FW and BW groups at all ages, and with the SW group at 533 dph. These results indicated an age/body size effect in hyperosmotic adaptability, and that juvenile green sturgeon may be found in FW or BW at any age, but only have the ability to enter SW by 1.5 years (75 cm, 1.5 kg) of age.  相似文献   

Researchers examining the mechanisms of ichthyotoxicity of Pfiesteria shumwayae have come to different conclusions about the role of toxin in this process. Some attribute fish mortality solely to direct attack by these pedunculate dinoflagellates on exposed fish tissue while others have provided evidence for a role of a soluble toxin. Detection of toxin, especially in low concentrations, is a function of the sensitivity of the selected bioassay methods and the various groups addressing this question have utilized different methods. One notable difference in fish bioassay methods utilized to detect Pfiesteria-associated toxin (PfTx) is the species of fish tested. Studies that have not detected PfTx in bioassays generally have used Cyprinodon variegatus (sheepshead minnow) as the test fish while those that have detected toxin generally used Oreochromis spp. (Tilapia). In this study response of these two fish species was compared to determine their relative sensitivity to physical attack by P. shumwayae and to PfTx. The results indicate that Oreochromis niloticus is more susceptible to P. shumwayae and its associated toxin than C. variegatus and implicate differences in the ability these species to osmoregulate as a contributing factor for this phenomenon. Salinity stress enhanced susceptibility of O. niloticus to PfTx and thus improved the sensitivity of the bioassay. The observation that salinity stress enhances toxicity to O. niloticus provides additional information regarding the mechanism of PfTx toxicity although the conditions utilized are not representative of the natural habitat of these freshwater fish.  相似文献   

The energy budget, water balance and osmoregulation of the fruit bat, Rousettus aegyptiacus, were studied during normal hydration and during water restriction (oven-dried apple diet). The water input and output were balanced during both normal hydration and water restriction. The kidney of the fruit bat is well adapted to handle the water load from its fruit diet by excreting large volumes (14% of the body mass per day) of dilute urine (113±25 mosmol·kg H2P-1) as well as reducing urine volume (-95%) and increasing urine osmotic concentration (555±280 mosmol·kg H2O-1) during water restriction. The haematocrit, plasma haemoglobin and total protein concentrations did not increase during water restriction and heat exposure, suggesting the conservation of plasma volume. Gross energy intake was not alfected by water restriction. However, digested energy intake and digestibility were significantly reduced. The effective regulation of energy and water budgets during water restriction suggests that the fruit bat can cope with seasonal climatic changes and with variable fruit supply during various seasons.Abbreviations BM body mass - DEI digested energy intake - EWL evaporative water loss - GEL gross energy intake - NH normal hydration - T a ambient temperature - WR water restriction  相似文献   

Previous studies on non-diadromous euryhaline teleosts introduced a hypothesis that the lowest level of gill Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) activity occurs in the environments with salinity close to the primary natural habitats of the studied species. To provide more evidence of the hypothesis, two medaka species, Oryzias latipes and O. dancena, whose primary natural habitats are fresh water (FW) and brackish water (BW) environments, respectively, were compared from levels of mRNA to cells in this study. The plasma osmolalities of O. latipes and O. dancena were lowest in the FW individuals. The muscle water contents of O. latipes decreased with elevated external salinities, but were constant among FW-, BW-, and seawater (SW)-acclimated O. dancena. Expression of NKA, the primary driving force of ion transporters in gill ionocytes, revealed different patterns in the two Oryzias species. The highest NKA α-subunit mRNA abundances were found in the gills of the SW O. latipes and the FW O. dancena, respectively. The pattern of NKA activity and α-subunit protein abundance in the gills of O. latipes revealed that the FW group was the lowest, while the pattern in O. dancena revealed that the BW group was the lowest. Immunohistochemical staining showed similar profiles of NKA immunoreactive (NKIR) cell activities (NKIR cell number × cell size) in the gills of these two species among FW, BW, and SW groups. Taken together, O. latipes exhibited better hyposmoregulatory ability, while O. dancena exhibited better hyperosmoregulatory ability. Our results corresponding to the hypothesis indicated that the lowest branchial NKA activities of these two medaka species were found in the environments with salinities similar to their natural habitats.  相似文献   

An unusual saltwater population of the freshwater crocodilian, Crocodylus johnstoni, was studied in the estuary of the Limmen Bight River in Australia's Northern Territory and compared with populations in permanently freshwater habitats. Crocodiles in the river were found across a large salinity gradient, from fresh water to a salinity of 24 mg · ml-1, more than twice the body fluid concentration. Plasma osmolarity, concentrations of plasma Na+, Cl-, and K+, and exchangeable Na+ pools were all remarkably constant across the salinity spectrum and were not substantially higher or more variable than those in crocodiles from permanently freshwater habitats. Body fluid volume did not vary; condition factor and hydration status of crocodiles were not correlated with salinity and were not different from those of crocodiles from permanently fresh water. C. johnstoni clearly has considerable powers of osmoregulation in waters of low to medium salinity. Whether this osmoregulatory competence extends to continuously hyperosmotic environments is not known, but distributional data suggest that C. johnstoni in hyperosmotic conditions may require periodic access to hypoosmotic water. The study demonstrates a physiological capacity for colonisation of at least some estuarine waters by this normally stenohaline freshwater crocodilian.Abbreviations ANOCOVA analysis of covariance - BW body weight - CF condition factor - ExNa exchangeable sodium - HF hydration factor - SVL snout-vent length - TBW total body water - THO tritiated water  相似文献   

Hu Y  Fromm J  Schmidhalter U 《Planta》2005,220(6):838-848
Salinity greatly reduces the leaf cross-sectional area of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during its development, which may lead to variation in the architectural properties of growing leaves that would result in a change in leaf physiological functions. Our objective was to characterize the effect of salinity on the spatial distribution of the cross-sectional area and the anatomy of large and small veins of a growing wheat leaf. Spring wheat was grown in a growth chamber in soils with or without 120 mM NaCl. Leaf 4 in both treatments was harvested 2–3 days after its emergence and then cut into five transverse segments. Examination of the transverse sections revealed that salinity significantly reduced the cross-sectional area, width, and radii of both epidermal and mesophyll cells along the leaf axis. Reduction in the cross-sectional area and width occurred mainly at the leaf base, indicating that these reductions occur during the period of leaf initiation. The reduction in cross-sectional area was attributed to a decrease in the size of the vein segments and a reduced number of medium and small veins. The thickness of the leaf was also reduced under the 120 mM NaCl treatment. A greater intercellular air space in the large vein segments under saline conditions was also found. The approximately 35% reduction observed in the number of veins under saline conditions (mainly in the number of small veins) may suggest that salinity reduces the capacity for re-translocation of mineral nutrients and assimilates. The reduced area of protoxylem and metaxylem in midrib and large vein segments in growing tissues may be responsible for lower water deposition into the growth zone under saline conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of salinity on germination, seedling emergence, seedling growth and ion accumulation of a euhalophyte Suaeda salsa L. in an intertidal zone and on saline inland were investigated. Brown seeds of S. salsa were heavier and better developed than black seeds in both the intertidal zone and on saline inland. The brown seeds/black seeds ratio for S. salsa in the intertidal zone was much higher than that for S. salsa on saline inland. More germinated seeds grew as seedlings under high salinity for S. salsa from the intertidal zone than S. salsa on saline inland; high salinity decreased the shoot length more severely for S. salsa from saline inland than for S. salsa from the intertidal zone; the seedling growth at a range of NaCl, measured either as shoot length or shoot dry weight, for S. salsa from the intertidal zone was lower than that of S. salsa from saline inland. In conclusion, for S. salsa from the intertidal zone there appears to be selection for slower growth and producing more brown seeds. The establishment of populations of S. salsa in different saline environments depends on the responses of seed germination, seedling emergence and seedling growth to salinity. These characteristics may determine the natural distributions of S. salsa populations in different saline environments.  相似文献   

Distichlis spicata and Suaeda aegyptiaca are two potential halophytic plant species for bioremediation of salt degraded soils, and development of saline agriculture. The physiological responses of the species to different levels of salinity (EC 0, 12, 24, 36, and 48 dS/m) in a controlled environment experiment were studied. Both species showed a high level of tolerance to elevated concentrations of salt in the irrigation water. The shoot fresh and dry weights in S. aegyptiaca increased till 36 dS/m and were sustained under 48 dS/m while in D. spicata, both parameters decreased as salinity increased. Glycine betaine accumulation did not change in D. spicata with increasing salinity, whereas proline content revealed a marked increase of 7.13 fold in 48 dS/m salinity compared to the control, which showed its critical osmoprotection role in the plant. In S. aegyptiaca, both osmolytes content significantly increased at high salinity levels (36 and 48 dS/m) up to 3.22 and 2.0 folds, respectively. Overall, S. aegyptiaca had a better potential of Na+ phytoremediation, and tolerated higher salinity compared to D. spicata. In contrast, the vigorous root and rhizome growth in D. spicata made it a proper solution for protecting the soils against further erosion under saline conditions.  相似文献   

Salt-tolerant Agrostis stolonifera ecotypes commonly grow on upper salt marshes, environments regarded as having a limited nitrogen supply. The interaction between salinity and nitrate supply limitation was studied in two ecotypes of A. stolonifera, one isolated from an upper salt marsh and one from an inland habitat. The ion, amino acid, glycine betaine and sugar contents of the two ecotypes were determined over a range of external salt concentrations and levels of nitrate supply. In vivo nitrate reductase activity was also measured. Several low molecular weight nitrogenous compounds accumulated in the salt-stressed plants. Nitrogen supply limitation had a great effect on the way in which the plants responded to salt stress. In particular, the concentrations of the soluble organic nitrogenous compounds were reduced. The results are discussed with respect to the salt marsh environment, and possible models for cytoplasmic osmoregulation are presented.Acknowledgements: One of us (MJH) gratefully acknowledges the receipt of a research studentship from the Science Research Council, U.K. We would also like to thank Mrs E. E. Griffiths for skilled technical assistance, and Dr I. Ahmad for help with the amino acid analysis.  相似文献   

Ecophysiological responses of Litopenaeus vannamei were evaluated as functions of environmental salinity and animal size. Growth rate, routine metabolic rate, limiting oxygen concentration, and marginal metabolic scope were determined for L. vannamei acclimated to, and tested at, salinities of 2, 10, and 28 ppt, all at 28 °C. Routine metabolic rate (RMR), estimated as oxygen-consumption rate per unit body weight for fasted, routinely-active shrimp, was independent of salinity but decreased with increasing shrimp weight. Limiting oxygen concentration for routine metabolism (LOCr) decreased with increased shrimp weight for the 10 and 28 ppt treatments, but not for the 2 ppt treatment. Marginal metabolic scope (MMS = RMR/LOCr) also decreased with increasing shrimp weight and was independent of salinity. Growth rate was significantly less at 2 ppt than at either 10 or 28 ppt, which gave similar growth rates.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the leaf concentration of compatible osmolytes were investigated in three halophytic species (Lepidium crassifolium, Camphorosma annua and Limonium gmelini subsp. hungaricum) native to a salty-sodic grassland. The investigated species were shown to accumulate both carbohydrate- and amino acid-derived osmolytes. The leaf tissues of C. annua (Chenopodiaceae) preferentially stored glycine betaine and pinitol, while in L. gmelini (Plumbaginaceae) beta-alanine betaine, choline-O-sulphate, and pinitol were accumulated. In the leaves of L. crassifolium (Brassicaceae) a very high amount of proline, associated with a high level of soluble carbohydrates was found. Not only the biochemical nature of the osmolyte, but also the seasonal pattern of osmolyte accumulation showed significant species-specific fluctuations. In addition, the cellular levels of the observed osmolytes changed with the growth period and according to the environmental parameters. The highest concentrations of osmolytes were found in March, when low temperatures, hypoxic conditions and high salt concentrations were the main constraints to plant growth. The high structural diversity of osmolytes combined with their multifunctionality and the seasonal flexibility of the metabolism in plants facing multiple stresses is discussed.  相似文献   

Sea bass is an euryhaline fish that lives in a wide range of salinities and migrates seasonally from lagoons to the open sea. However, to date, the influence of water salinity on sea bass melatonin levels has not been reported. Here, we evaluated the differences in plasma and tissue melatonin contents and melatonin binding sites in sea bass under four different salinity levels: seawater (36‰), isotonic water (15‰), brackish water (4‰) and freshwater (0‰). The melatonin content was evaluated in plasma, whole brain, gills, intestine and kidney, while melatonin binding sites were analyzed in different brain regions and in the neural retina. Plasma melatonin levels at mid-dark varied, the lowest value occurring in seawater (102 pg/mL), and the highest in freshwater (151 pg/mL). In gills and intestine, however, the highest melatonin values were found in the seawater group (209 and 627 pg/g tissue, respectively). Melatonin binding sites in the brain also varied with salinity, with the highest density observed at the lower salinities in the optic tectum, cerebellum and hypothalamus (30.3, 13.0, and 8.0 fmol/mg protein, respectively). Melatonin binding sites in the retina showed a similar pattern, with the highest values being observed in freshwater. Taken together, these results reveal that salinity influences melatonin production and modifies the density of binding sites, which suggests that this hormone could play a role in timing seasonal events in sea bass, including those linked to fish migration between waters of different salinities for reproduction and spawning.  相似文献   

Invertebrates are increasingly raised in mariculture, where it is important to monitor immune function and to minimize stresses that could suppress immunity. The activities of phagocytosis, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), myeloperoxidase (MPO), and lysozyme (LSZ) were measured to evaluate the immune capacities of the sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, to acute temperature changes (from 12 °C to 0 °C, 8 °C, 16 °C, 24 °C, and 32 °C for 72 h) and salinity changes (from 30‰ to 20‰, 25‰, and 35‰ for 72 h) in the laboratory. Phagocytosis was significantly affected by temperature increases in 3 h, and by salinity (25‰ and 35‰) changes in 1 h. SOD activities decreased significantly in 0.5 h to 6 h samples at 24 °C. At 32 °C, SOD activities decreased significantly in 0.5 h and 1 h exposures, and obviously increased for 12 h exposure. CAT activities decreased significantly at 24 °C for 0.5 h exposure, and increased significantly at 32 °C in 3 h to 12 h exposures. Activities of MPO increased significantly at 0 °C in 0.5 h to 6 h exposures and at 8 °C for 1 h. By contrast, activities of MPO decreased significantly in 24 °C and 32 °C treatments. In elevated-temperature treatments, activities of LSZ increased significantly except at 32 °C for 6 h to 12 h exposures. SOD activity was significantly affected by salinity change. CAT activity decreased significantly after only 1 h exposure to salinity of 20‰. Activities of MPO and LSZ showed that A. japonicus tolerates limited salinity stress. High-temperature stress had a much greater effect on the immune capacities of A. japonicus than did low-temperature and salinity stresses.  相似文献   

Water sources of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. trees were investigated on a semiarid floodplain in south-eastern Australia. The trees investigated ranged in distance from 0.5 to 40 m from a stream, with electrical conductivity 0.8 dSm–1, and grew over groundwater with electrical conductivity ranging from 30 to 50 dSm–1. The sources of water being used by the trees were investigated using the naturally occurring stable isotopes of water and measurements of soil water potential. Xylem water potential and leaf conductance were also examined to identify the trees' response to using these sources of water. Trees at distances greater than about 15 m from the stream used no stream water. The trees used groundwater in summer and a combination of groundwater and rain-derived surface-soil water (0.05–0.15 m depth) in winter. In doing so they suffered water stress at electrical conductivities higher than approximately 40 dSm–1 (equivalent to approximately –1.4 MPa). Trees adjacent to the stream used stream water directly in summer, but may have used stream water from the soil profile in winter, after the stream had risen and recharged the soil water. E. camaldulensis appeared to be partially opportunistic in the sources of water they used.  相似文献   

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