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We investigate methods for regression analysis when covariates are measured with errors. In a subset of the whole cohort, a surrogate variable is available for the true unobserved exposure variable. The surrogate variable satisfies the classical measurement error model, but it may not have repeated measurements. In addition to the surrogate variables that are available among the subjects in the calibration sample, we assume that there is an instrumental variable (IV) that is available for all study subjects. An IV is correlated with the unobserved true exposure variable and hence can be useful in the estimation of the regression coefficients. We propose a robust best linear estimator that uses all the available data, which is the most efficient among a class of consistent estimators. The proposed estimator is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal under very weak distributional assumptions. For Poisson or linear regression, the proposed estimator is consistent even if the measurement error from the surrogate or IV is heteroscedastic. Finite-sample performance of the proposed estimator is examined and compared with other estimators via intensive simulation studies. The proposed method and other methods are applied to a bladder cancer case-control study.  相似文献   

M C Wu  K R Bailey 《Biometrics》1989,45(3):939-955
A general linear regression model for the usual least squares estimated rate of change (slope) on censoring time is described as an approximation to account for informative right censoring in estimating and comparing changes of a continuous variable in two groups. Two noniterative estimators for the group slope means, the linear minimum variance unbiased (LMVUB) estimator and the linear minimum mean squared error (LMMSE) estimator, are proposed under this conditional model. In realistic situations, we illustrate that the LMVUB and LMMSE estimators, derived under a simple linear regression model, are quite competitive compared to the pseudo maximum likelihood estimator (PMLE) derived by modeling the censoring probabilities. Generalizations to polynomial response curves and general linear models are also described.  相似文献   

Independent censoring is a crucial assumption in survival analysis. However, this is impractical in many medical studies, where the presence of dependent censoring leads to difficulty in analyzing covariate effects on disease outcomes. The semicompeting risks framework offers one approach to handling dependent censoring. There are two representative estimators based on an artificial censoring technique in this data structure. However, neither of these estimators is better than another with respect to efficiency (standard error). In this paper, we propose a new weighted estimator for the accelerated failure time (AFT) model under dependent censoring. One of the advantages in our approach is that these weights are optimal among all the linear combinations of the previously mentioned two estimators. To calculate these weights, a novel resampling-based scheme is employed. Attendant asymptotic statistical results for the estimator are established. In addition, simulation studies, as well as an application to real data, show the gains in efficiency for our estimator.  相似文献   

We prove that the slope parameter of the ordinary least squares regression of phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) conducted through the origin is identical to the slope parameter of the method of generalized least squares (GLSs) regression under a Brownian motion model of evolution. This equivalence has several implications: 1. Understanding the structure of the linear model for GLS regression provides insight into when and why phylogeny is important in comparative studies. 2. The limitations of the PIC regression analysis are the same as the limitations of the GLS model. In particular, phylogenetic covariance applies only to the response variable in the regression and the explanatory variable should be regarded as fixed. Calculation of PICs for explanatory variables should be treated as a mathematical idiosyncrasy of the PIC regression algorithm. 3. Since the GLS estimator is the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE), the slope parameter estimated using PICs is also BLUE. 4. If the slope is estimated using different branch lengths for the explanatory and response variables in the PIC algorithm, the estimator is no longer the BLUE, so this is not recommended. Finally, we discuss whether or not and how to accommodate phylogenetic covariance in regression analyses, particularly in relation to the problem of phylogenetic uncertainty. This discussion is from both frequentist and Bayesian perspectives.  相似文献   

Summary In this article, we propose a positive stable shared frailty Cox model for clustered failure time data where the frailty distribution varies with cluster‐level covariates. The proposed model accounts for covariate‐dependent intracluster correlation and permits both conditional and marginal inferences. We obtain marginal inference directly from a marginal model, then use a stratified Cox‐type pseudo‐partial likelihood approach to estimate the regression coefficient for the frailty parameter. The proposed estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal and a consistent estimator of the covariance matrix is provided. Simulation studies show that the proposed estimation procedure is appropriate for practical use with a realistic number of clusters. Finally, we present an application of the proposed method to kidney transplantation data from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients.  相似文献   

Summary Case–cohort sampling is a commonly used and efficient method for studying large cohorts. Most existing methods of analysis for case–cohort data have concerned the analysis of univariate failure time data. However, clustered failure time data are commonly encountered in public health studies. For example, patients treated at the same center are unlikely to be independent. In this article, we consider methods based on estimating equations for case–cohort designs for clustered failure time data. We assume a marginal hazards model, with a common baseline hazard and common regression coefficient across clusters. The proposed estimators of the regression parameter and cumulative baseline hazard are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal, and consistent estimators of the asymptotic covariance matrices are derived. The regression parameter estimator is easily computed using any standard Cox regression software that allows for offset terms. The proposed estimators are investigated in simulation studies, and demonstrated empirically to have increased efficiency relative to some existing methods. The proposed methods are applied to a study of mortality among Canadian dialysis patients.  相似文献   

Summary Quantile regression, which models the conditional quantiles of the response variable given covariates, usually assumes a linear model. However, this kind of linearity is often unrealistic in real life. One situation where linear quantile regression is not appropriate is when the response variable is piecewise linear but still continuous in covariates. To analyze such data, we propose a bent line quantile regression model. We derive its parameter estimates, prove that they are asymptotically valid given the existence of a change‐point, and discuss several methods for testing the existence of a change‐point in bent line quantile regression together with a power comparison by simulation. An example of land mammal maximal running speeds is given to illustrate an application of bent line quantile regression in which this model is theoretically justified and its parameters are of direct biological interests.  相似文献   

In many clinical trials and evaluations using medical care administrative databases it is of interest to estimate not only the survival time of a given treatment modality but also the total associated cost. The most widely used estimator for data subject to censoring is the Kaplan-Meier (KM) or product-limit (PL) estimator. The optimality properties of this estimator applied to time-to-event data (consistency, etc.) under the assumptions of random censorship have been established. However, whenever the relationship between cost and survival time includes an error term to account for random differences among patients' costs, the dependency between cumulative treatment cost at the time of censoring and at the survival time results in KM giving biased estimates. A similar phenomenon has previously been noted in the context of estimating quality-adjusted survival time. We propose an estimator for mean cost which exploits the underlying relationship between total treatment cost and survival time. The proposed method utilizes either parametric or nonparametric regression to estimate this relationship and is consistent when this relationship is consistently estimated. We then present simulation results which illustrate the gain in finite-sample efficiency when compared with another recently proposed estimator. The methods are then applied to the estimation of mean cost for two studies where right-censoring was present. The first is the heart failure clinical trial Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction (SOLVD). The second is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) database study of the cost of ulcer treatment.  相似文献   

Wang CY  Wang N  Wang S 《Biometrics》2000,56(2):487-495
We consider regression analysis when covariate variables are the underlying regression coefficients of another linear mixed model. A naive approach is to use each subject's repeated measurements, which are assumed to follow a linear mixed model, and obtain subject-specific estimated coefficients to replace the covariate variables. However, directly replacing the unobserved covariates in the primary regression by these estimated coefficients may result in a significantly biased estimator. The aforementioned problem can be evaluated as a generalization of the classical additive error model where repeated measures are considered as replicates. To correct for these biases, we investigate a pseudo-expected estimating equation (EEE) estimator, a regression calibration (RC) estimator, and a refined version of the RC estimator. For linear regression, the first two estimators are identical under certain conditions. However, when the primary regression model is a nonlinear model, the RC estimator is usually biased. We thus consider a refined regression calibration estimator whose performance is close to that of the pseudo-EEE estimator but does not require numerical integration. The RC estimator is also extended to the proportional hazards regression model. In addition to the distribution theory, we evaluate the methods through simulation studies. The methods are applied to analyze a real dataset from a child growth study.  相似文献   

A predictive continuous time model is developed for continuous panel data to assess the effect of time‐varying covariates on the general direction of the movement of a continuous response that fluctuates over time. This is accomplished by reparameterizing the infinitesimal mean of an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes in terms of its equilibrium mean and a drift parameter, which assesses the rate that the process reverts to its equilibrium mean. The equilibrium mean is modeled as a linear predictor of covariates. This model can be viewed as a continuous time first‐order autoregressive regression model with time‐varying lag effects of covariates and the response, which is more appropriate for unequally spaced panel data than its discrete time analog. Both maximum likelihood and quasi‐likelihood approaches are considered for estimating the model parameters and their performances are compared through simulation studies. The simpler quasi‐likelihood approach is suggested because it yields an estimator that is of high efficiency relative to the maximum likelihood estimator and it yields a variance estimator that is robust to the diffusion assumption of the model. To illustrate the proposed model, an application to diastolic blood pressure data from a follow‐up study on cardiovascular diseases is presented. Missing observations are handled naturally with this model.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the Buckley-James estimator of accelerated failure time models with auxiliary covariates. Instead of postulating distributional assumptions on the auxiliary covariates, we use a local polynomial approximation method to accommodate them into the Buckley-James estimating equations. The regression parameters are obtained iteratively by minimizing a consecutive distance of the estimates. Asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator are investigated. Simulation studies show that the efficiency gain of using auxiliary information is remarkable when compared to just using the validation sample. The method is applied to the PBC data from the Mayo Clinic trial in primary biliary cirrhosis as an illustration.  相似文献   

Guo Y  Manatunga AK 《Biometrics》2007,63(1):164-172
Assessing agreement is often of interest in clinical studies to evaluate the similarity of measurements produced by different raters or methods on the same subjects. Lin's (1989, Biometrics 45, 255-268) concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) has become a popular measure of agreement for correlated continuous outcomes. However, commonly used estimation methods for the CCC do not accommodate censored observations and are, therefore, not applicable for survival outcomes. In this article, we estimate the CCC nonparametrically through the bivariate survival function. The proposed estimator of the CCC is proven to be strongly consistent and asymptotically normal, with a consistent bootstrap variance estimator. Furthermore, we propose a time-dependent agreement coefficient as an extension of Lin's (1989) CCC for measuring the agreement between survival times among subjects who survive beyond a specified time point. A nonparametric estimator is developed for the time-dependent agreement coefficient as well. It has the same asymptotic properties as the estimator of the CCC. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators. A real data example from a prostate cancer study is used to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

Biomedical researchers are often interested in estimating the effect of an environmental exposure in relation to a chronic disease endpoint. However, the exposure variable of interest may be measured with errors. In a subset of the whole cohort, a surrogate variable is available for the true unobserved exposure variable. The surrogate variable satisfies an additive measurement error model, but it may not have repeated measurements. The subset in which the surrogate variables are available is called a calibration sample. In addition to the surrogate variables that are available among the subjects in the calibration sample, we consider the situation when there is an instrumental variable available for all study subjects. An instrumental variable is correlated with the unobserved true exposure variable, and hence can be useful in the estimation of the regression coefficients. In this paper, we propose a nonparametric method for Cox regression using the observed data from the whole cohort. The nonparametric estimator is the best linear combination of a nonparametric correction estimator from the calibration sample and the difference of the naive estimators from the calibration sample and the whole cohort. The asymptotic distribution is derived, and the finite sample performance of the proposed estimator is examined via intensive simulation studies. The methods are applied to the Nutritional Biomarkers Study of the Women's Health Initiative.  相似文献   

Chang SH 《Biometrics》2000,56(1):183-189
A longitudinal study is conducted to compare the process of particular disease between two groups. The process of the disease is monitored according to which of several ordered events occur. In the paper, the sojourn time between two successive events is considered as the outcome of interest. The group effects on the sojourn times of the multiple events are parameterized by scale changes in a semiparametric accelerated failure time model where the dependence structure among the multivariate sojourn times is unspecified. Suppose that the sojourn times are subject to dependent censoring and the censoring times are observed for all subjects. A log-rank-type estimating approach by rescaling the sojourn times and the dependent censoring times into the same distribution is constructed to estimate the group effects and the corresponding estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. Without the dependent censoring, the independent censoring times in general are not available for the uncensored data. In order to complete the censoring information, pseudo-censoring times are generated from the corresponding nonparametrically estimated survival function in each group, and we can still obtained unbiased estimating functions for the group effects. A real application and a simulation study are conducted to illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

The accelerated failure time model is presented as an alternative to the proportional hazard model in the analysis of survival data. We investigate the effect of covariates omission in the case of applying a Weibull accelerated failure time model. In an uncensored setting, the asymptotic bias of the treatment effect is theoretically zero when important covariates are omitted; however, the asymptotic variance estimator of the treatment effect could be biased and then the size of the Wald test for the treatment effect is likely to exceed the nominal level. In some cases, the test size could be more than twice the nominal level. In a simulation study, in both censored and uncensored settings, Type I error for the test of the treatment effect was likely inflated when the prognostic covariates are omitted. This work remarks the careless use of the accelerated failure time model. We recommend the use of the robust sandwich variance estimator in order to avoid the inflation of the Type I error in the accelerated failure time model, although the robust variance is not commonly used in the survival data analyses.  相似文献   

Song X  Wang CY 《Biometrics》2008,64(2):557-566
Summary .   We study joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data. There are two regression models of interest. The primary model is for survival outcomes, which are assumed to follow a time-varying coefficient proportional hazards model. The second model is for longitudinal data, which are assumed to follow a random effects model. Based on the trajectory of a subject's longitudinal data, some covariates in the survival model are functions of the unobserved random effects. Estimated random effects are generally different from the unobserved random effects and hence this leads to covariate measurement error. To deal with covariate measurement error, we propose a local corrected score estimator and a local conditional score estimator. Both approaches are semiparametric methods in the sense that there is no distributional assumption needed for the underlying true covariates. The estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. However, simulation studies indicate that the conditional score estimator outperforms the corrected score estimator for finite samples, especially in the case of relatively large measurement error. The approaches are demonstrated by an application to data from an HIV clinical trial.  相似文献   

Ghosh D 《Biometrics》2008,64(1):149-156
Summary .   Considerable attention has been recently paid to the use of surrogate endpoints in clinical research. We deal with the situation where the two endpoints are both right censored. While proportional hazards analyses are typically used for this setting, their use leads to several complications. In this article, we propose the use of the accelerated failure time model for analysis of surrogate endpoints. Based on the model, we then describe estimation and inference procedures for several measures of surrogacy. A complication is that potentially both the independent and dependent variable are subject to censoring. We adapt the Theil–Sen estimator to this problem, develop the associated asymptotic results, and propose a novel resampling-based technique for calculating the variances of the proposed estimators. The finite-sample properties of the estimation methodology are assessed using simulation studies, and the proposed procedures are applied to data from an acute myelogenous leukemia clinical trial.  相似文献   

We propose a method to estimate the regression coefficients in a competing risks model where the cause-specific hazard for the cause of interest is related to covariates through a proportional hazards relationship and when cause of failure is missing for some individuals. We use multiple imputation procedures to impute missing cause of failure, where the probability that a missing cause is the cause of interest may depend on auxiliary covariates, and combine the maximum partial likelihood estimators computed from several imputed data sets into an estimator that is consistent and asymptotically normal. A consistent estimator for the asymptotic variance is also derived. Simulation results suggest the relevance of the theory in finite samples. Results are also illustrated with data from a breast cancer study.  相似文献   

Case-cohort analysis with accelerated failure time model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kong L  Cai J 《Biometrics》2009,65(1):135-142
Summary .  In a case–cohort design, covariates are assembled only for a subcohort that is randomly selected from the entire cohort and any additional cases outside the subcohort. This design is appealing for large cohort studies of rare disease, especially when the exposures of interest are expensive to ascertain for all the subjects. We propose statistical methods for analyzing the case–cohort data with a semiparametric accelerated failure time model that interprets the covariates effects as to accelerate or decelerate the time to failure. Asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are developed. The finite sample properties of case–cohort estimator and its relative efficiency to full cohort estimator are assessed via simulation studies. A real example from a study of cardiovascular disease is provided to illustrate the estimating procedure.  相似文献   

Lin DY 《Biometrics》2000,56(3):775-778
The semiparametric proportional means model specifies that the mean function for the cumulative medical cost over time conditional on a set of covariates is equal to an arbitrary baseline mean function multiplied by an exponential regression function. We demonstrate how to estimate the vector-valued regression parameter using possibly censored lifetime costs. The estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal with an easily estimable covariance matrix. Simulation studies show that the proposed methodology is appropriate for practical use. An application to AIDS is provided.  相似文献   

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