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郧县人类头骨化石与周口店直立人头骨的形态比较   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
对郧县人类头骨化石与周口店直立人头骨作了形态上的比较以检验直立人特征在郧县头骨化石上的表现情况.比较项目包括眶上圆枕、枕骨圆枕、枕平面与项平面之间的转折情况、眶后收缩、颅骨最大宽位置、颅盖低平情况、前额后倾情况和颅容量.结果表明,在郧县人类头骨化石的这些特征项目中,有的因头骨破损和变形而难以肯定.其余的则应是早期智人的特征.从形态上讲,郧县人类头骨化石目前还难肯定是属于直立人,而有可能属于智人,如果认为“直立人”和“智人”是两个不同的物种的话.  相似文献   

发现于埃塞俄比亚MiddleAwash地区Bodo地点距今60万年的人类头骨化石是迄今发现的最为古老和完整的非洲中更新世人类化石。由于Bodo头骨化石在形态特征上兼有直立人与智人的特点,多年来学术界对其分类地位一直存在争议。Rightmire认为Bodo头骨化石与BrokenHill及Petralona等在分类上属于古老型智人的中更新世人类更为接近,是非洲直立人向古老型智人过渡的代表。至少在距今60万年的中更新世早期直立人向古老型智人转变的成种事件在非洲就已经发生。以Bodo头骨为代表的一批更新世中期非洲和欧洲人类化石构成了可能是后期人类祖先的人属海德堡种。这些观点导致了近年学术界对古老型智人在非洲及欧亚出现时间以及更新世中期非洲和欧亚地区古人类相互之间演化关系的关注。基于这样的背景,本文对年代与Bodo化石接近的周口店直立人头骨特征与Bodo头骨的相似及差异表现情况进行了对比研究。结果发现Bodo头骨在一系列特征上与周口店直立人相似,同时在包括颅容量在内的其它一些特征上呈现出后期智人的特点,但总体形态上似乎与直立人更为相似。作者认为尽管这种进化上的镶嵌现象在中国古人类化石记录上也广泛存在,但由于中国人类化石标本在年代上的不确定性,目前还没有可靠的证据说明这种集直立人与智人化石特征为一体的镶嵌性在中国古人类化石出现的时间接近或早于非洲。考虑到中国与非洲直立人生存年代的巨大差异及人类演化的不同步或地区间差异,具有较多后期人类特征表现的人类首先出现在非洲是完全可能的。根据这些研究对比,作者就人类演化的镶嵌现象、更新世中期非洲与亚洲地区人类演化上的差异等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1 993年在南京汤山葫芦洞发现了2具人类头骨化石-南京1号头骨和南京2号头骨.这2具头骨化石先后经过两次研究都被认为是属于直立人.近几年来,对南京人类头骨化石作了更深入的研究,研究涉及的内容可归纳为:1)对南京2号头骨作了复位和复原、进行了重新鉴定.对南京1号头骨作了颅容量计算;2)对南京1号头骨作了更广泛的比较,对比标本包括周口店直立人头骨、印尼Sangiran 17直立人头骨、肯尼亚KNM-ER3733头骨和东非Bodo头骨;3)对南京1号头骨的适应性特征-鼻梁高耸进行了论证.这些研究的结果表明:1)南京2号头骨应属于早期智人而不是直立人.南京1号头骨的颅容量,经计算,为871 ml.该颅容量与周口店3号头骨的相当,二者年代也应相近(周口店3号头骨的年代为57.8万年);2)南京1号头骨显示出地区性的形态特征.提示了中国人群南北两大类型的形态差别早在南京直立人生活时期已显出端倪.南京1号头骨及和县头骨可能代表一类中国南方的直立人群,其形态与以周口店直立人为代表的中国北方直立人群有些不同.南京1号头骨在脑颅上显示出较多的与KNM-ER 3733头骨相近的特征,但在面颅上二者相差较大,提示了直立人某些成员在至少1Ma期间脑颅形态保持稳定.南京1号头骨与Bodo头骨的比较结果与"中心和边缘"假说的推测相符合,在东亚这个"边缘地区",现代人群的面颅测量性特征可追溯到直立人群那里;3)南京直立人的高耸鼻梁是适应性特征,是对寒冷或(和)干燥气候适应的结果,并不意味着"西方血统".  相似文献   

针对学术界有关非洲与亚洲直立人关系的争论,本文对一些用来支持非洲早期直立人从直立人中分离出来而归入匠人的主要形态学证据进行了检验,用于研究的标本包括迄今在东非发现的年代最早的直立人KNM-ER 3733、KNM-ER 3883和KNM-WT15000头骨化石,这些石是被提倡非洲与亚洲的直立人分离两个种的学者归入匠人的主要标本,对这些非注早期直立人与中国直立人18项头骨特征对比显示:一些被认为是局限于亚洲直立人的独有特征在上述非洲直立人头骨都有出现,存在于非洲直立人与中国直立人之间的颅骨特征上的差别主要体现在特征的表现程度与方式的不同,作者认为根据本文对比的颅骨特征,非洲直立人与中国直立人在颅骨形态上非常相似,他们之间的形态差异反映了直立人具有较宽的形态变范围,认为亚洲直立人具有特化的衍生性状的观点在本文不能得到支持。  相似文献   

邢松  张银运  刘武 《人类学学报》2012,31(3):250-258
德日进认为周口店直立人保持着形态上的稳定性; 这种进化上的缓慢性表明周口店直立人进化过程中无论何时都未曾发生过外来移民的闯入, 从而打乱、干扰或推进其进化过程。本项研究采用三维结构重叠和精确测量数据的方式对比了周口店第一地点晚期代表周口店直立人(ZKD)5号头骨相对于早期代表ZKD3的形态特征演化变化, 并与南京直立人(NJ)1和2号头骨之间的差别进行了对比。结果表明, 周口店晚期标本相对于早期标本来说, 头骨尺寸在各个方向上都有所增加, 但轮廓形状基本保持一致, 与同期的南京古人类的相比, 周口店直立人的演化速率显得很慢。这很可能是由于缺乏基因交流的缘故; 周口店直立人群有可能是一个相对隔离的群体。本项研究支持德日进等关于周口店直立人群缺乏基因交流的观点。  相似文献   

南京汤山古人类化石的发现及其意义   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
简述了南京汤山直立人头骨化石发现的经过j描述了头骨的形态特征;通过对比认为,汤山直立人头骨与北京周口店直立人的相近程度大于其与安徽和县直立人的相近程度;据共生的哺乳动物分析,汤山直立人的地质时代为中更新世晚期.  相似文献   

南京直立人与印尼、周口店直立人的面颅形态比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张银运  刘武 《人类学学报》2005,24(3):171-177
本文对南京直立人1号头骨与印尼Sangiran17头骨和周口店11号头骨作面颅形态上的比较。结果表明,南京1号头骨的面颅与周口店11号头骨的有许多共同的形态:较小的面颅尺寸、眶下区呈扁平状、较扁平的上部颜面、眶上圆枕较纤细、中眶型的眼眶、发育有颧切迹、上颌骨颧突基部位置较高等。南京1号头骨的面颅在另外一些方面显示出与Sangiran17头骨的形态上相近:阔上面型的面型、眶上圆枕内侧部比外侧部稍靠前、眶上圆枕下缘略呈平直状、鼻梁发育有中矢锐嵴、鼻梁横向呈峰状拱起、颧骨下缘外展、颧结节相对位置稍偏外侧、颧骨较高等。南京直立人面颅兼具周口店直立人11号头骨的和印尼直立人Sangiran17头骨的形态。从南京直立人的面颅形态可以推测我国南方的与北方的直立人群之间在体质形态上已经出现一定程度的地理变异。南京1号头骨面颅上的某些形态特征,如颧骨下缘外展等,可能反映了特征的梯度变异现象。这些特征的梯度变异的成因目前还很难确定。  相似文献   

南京汤山古人类化石的发现及其意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
简述了南京汤山直立人头骨化石发现的经过j描述了头骨的形态特征;通过对比认为,汤山直立人头骨与北京周口店直立人的相近程度大于其与安徽和县直立人的相近程度;据共生的哺乳动物分析,汤山直立人的地质时代为中更新世晚期.  相似文献   

刘武 《人类学学报》2003,22(2):174-175
1993年 3月 1 3日 ,在江苏省南京市汤山葫芦洞发现了一具人类头骨化石。经初步鉴定 ,属于直立人。随后又发现了另一具头骨化石。这两件化石分别编号为南京直立人 1号头骨和 2号头骨。这是继北京周口店、陕西蓝田、安徽和县之后 ,在中国发现的最为完整的直立人头骨化石。由于初步的动物群对比显示与汤山直立人伴生的哺乳动物化石都是周口店中更新世动物群的成员 ,南京汤山直立人很可能代表着与周口店相同时代的直立人成员。这一发现对于进一步揭示东亚地区直立人化石特征 ,研究直立人的分布、变异及生存环境具有十分重要的价值。化石发现后 ,…  相似文献   

1966年在周口店第1地点发现的5号(ZKD-5)额顶骨和顶枕骨碎片是迄今唯一保存下来的周口店直立人头盖骨化石。以往研究发现,ZKD-5眶上圆枕处存在食肉类齿痕,该个体生前可能遭遇过鬣狗的捕食;虽资料记载周口店直立人头骨化石存在暴力冲突导致的创伤痕迹,但原始化石丢失,难以对其进行深入分析。本文以ZKD-5额顶骨化石为研究材料,通过肉眼、体视显微镜和CT技术,对其表面痕迹及骨骼内部解剖结构进行观察。结果显示ZKD-5额顶骨化石上除食肉类齿痕外,右侧眶上圆枕前侧及上侧存在多处不规则的创伤愈合痕迹,可能是暴力冲突过程中钝器击打所致的非致命伤,但不排除意外摔伤的可能性。ZKD-5的创伤痕迹是继南京人、马坝人及和县人之后,东亚地区中更新世古人类头骨创伤的新发现,为世界范围内中更新世古人类创伤记录增加了新的案例,为探讨周口店直立人的生存方式提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

Previous work by several researchers has suggested that the cranial sample from Zhoukoudian possesses a unique metric pattern relative to the African and Asian specimens assigned to Homo erectus. The current study readdresses this issue with an expanded fossil sample and a larger and more comprehensive set of cranial measurements. To test the patterns present in the assemblage, canonical variates analysis was performed using a covariance matrix generated from the Howells data set. From this, interindividual Mahalanobis distances were computed for the fossils. Random expectation statistics were then used to measure statistical significance of the Mahalanobis distances. The results show that the Zhoukoudian hominids exhibit a unique metric pattern not shared by the African and Indonesian crania sampled. In these tests the Hexian calvaria resembled the African and Indonesian specimens and differed significantly from the craniometric pattern seen in the Zhoukoudian fossils. The Zhoukoudian specimens are characterized by a wide midvault and relatively narrow occipital and frontal bones, while the African and Indonesian crania (including Hexian) have relatively broad frontal and occipital dimensions compared to their midvaults. These results do not suggest that a multiple-species scenario is necessary to encompass the variation present in the sample. Based on the current evidence it is more probable that this variation reflects polytypism influenced by environmental adaptation and/or genetic drift.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present data on the morphological features and linear measurements for the Hexian Homo erectus and other comparative endocasts, in order to highlight variation during human brain evolution. The endocast of Hexian was reconstructed in 1982, and an endocranial volume of 1,025 ml was estimated. The geological age is about 412 ka, or roughly contemporaneous with the Zhoukoudian (ZKD) specimens. There are some differences between Hexian and the modern Chinese male endocasts in our sample, including low position of the greatest breadth, low maximum height, a well-marked and prominent frontal keel, the flat surface of the frontal lobes, prominent sagittal keel along the center frontal and parietal lobes, depressed Sylvian areas and parietal lobes superiorly, strong posterior projection of the occipital lobes, anterior position of the cerebellar lobes relative to the occipital lobes, and the relative simplicity of the meningeal vessels. Compared with the ZKD, Indonesian, and African Homo erectus specimens, Hexian has more morphological features in common with ZKD. Principal component analyses indicate that Hexian is closest to the ZKD Homo erectus compared with the modern Chinese and other Homo erectus, but its great breadth distinguishes it. Metric analyses show that the brain height, frontal breadth, cerebral height, frontal height, and parietal chord from Homo erectus to modern humans increased, while the length, breadth, frontal chord, and occipital breadth did not change substantially.  相似文献   

张银运  刘武 《人类学学报》2007,26(3):237-248
KNM-ER 3733人类头骨化石的年代为距今1.78百万年,1975年发现于肯尼亚。Walker和Leakey注意到这具头骨与周口店直立人的在脑颅形态上很相近,但二者在年代上相差大约1百万年,故认为直立人形态在这1百万年期间是稳定的。长期来此观点缺乏更多的人类化石证据来支持。1993年在中国发现了南京1号人类头骨化石。该头骨与KNM-ER 3733头骨一样兼具脑颅和面颅,且都属于成年女性个体,但南京1号人类头骨化石的年代比KNM-ER 3733人类头骨化石的要晚大约1百万年。因此,南京1号人类头骨是目前所知的可用来验证直立人头骨形态是否在1百万年期间保持稳定的唯一合适的人类头骨化石材料。形态比较表明,这两个人类头骨化石的脑颅虽然在眶上圆枕上沟的发育程度、眶后收缩的程度、额骨横向隆起的程度、角圆枕和乳后突的发育与否、顶骨形状以及骨壁厚度的表现上有所差异,但有更多的形态性状显示出相近。这些相近表现在脑颅的长、宽、高值上;颅容量上;脑颅的低矮性上;脑颅最大宽之位置上;额骨、顶骨、枕骨之矢弧值的比例上;眶上圆枕的纤细上;顶骨的大小和矢向扁平性上;颞线位置和颞鳞顶缘的形状上;枕鳞的低宽形状上;上枕鳞与下枕鳞之间的转折形状和比例上;枕骨圆枕和枕骨圆枕上沟的发育程度上等。这两具头骨的面颅虽然有同属突颌型的面角、皆发育有鼻骨间嵴、两鼻骨组成的上部宽度与下部宽度皆差别很大,但有更多的形态性状显示出差别。这些差别表现在面型上、颜面上部扁平度上、眶形和眶型上、上颌额突外侧面的朝向上、鼻骨横向隆起程度上、鼻梁外突程度上、鼻型上、颧骨下缘外展程度上、颊高上、颧上颌下缘的形状上、上颌颧突基部的位置上以及颧结节的位置上等。因此,南京1号头骨与KNM-ER 3733头骨之间在脑颅上显示出较多的相近性状,在面颅上则显示出较多的相异性状。脑颅方面的相近性状大多具有分类上的鉴别价值。这两个头骨脑颅形态的相近支持把KNM-ER 3733头骨鉴定为"直立人"的观点;也提示了南京1号头骨的脑颅似乎保持着1百多万年前的"祖先"形态。如果直立人的某些成员在至少1百万年期间保持着形态稳定的话,则这种形态上的稳定主要是表现在脑颅形态上。这两具头骨的面颅形态上较大差异的意义,目前尚不清楚。  相似文献   

南京汤山直立人颅容量的推算   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
张银运  刘武 《人类学学报》2003,22(3):201-205
以耳上颅高推算现代人颅容量的公式可适用于汤山直立人1号头骨的颅容量的推算。汤山直立人1号头骨的颅容量推算值为871ml,与周口店直立人3号头骨的颅容量值相近,提示了汤山直立人的年代“早于40万年或更早”的看法更可取些。  相似文献   

This paper investigates patterns of cranial capacity evolution in Homo erectus, early Homo sapiens, and in regional subsamples of H. erectus. Specifically, models explaining evolution of cranial capacity in these taxa are evaluated with statistical techniques developed for the analysis of time series data. Regression estimates of rates of evolution in cranial capacity are also obtained. A non-parametric test for trend suggests that cranial capacity in both H. erectus and early H. sapiens may increase significantly through time. Cranial capacity in an Asian subsample of H. erectus (comprised of Chinese and Indonesian specimens) increases significantly through time. Other subsamples of H. erectus (African, Chinese, and Indonesian) do not appear to increase significantly through time. Regression results generally corroborate results of the test for trend. Spatial and temporal variation may characterize evolution of cranial capacity in H. erectus. Different patterns of cranial capacity evolution may distinguish H. erectus from early H. sapiens.  相似文献   

The morphology and affinities of early and middle Pleistocene Homo erectus in East Asia have been explored since the late nineteenth century. A fragmentary hominid cranium (Nanjing no.1) recovered in Tangshan near Nanjing, China bears directly on these issues. In the present study, the morphological features of Nanjing no.1 are described and compared with Homo erectus from both Eurasia and Africa. Our results indicate that this middle Pleistocene hominid fossil should be referred to as Homo erectus. The sharing of typical Homo erectus features with African and European counterparts demonstrates that Homo erectus is a widely distributed lineage that evolved during the million years after its Pliocene origins. The differences between Nanjing no.1 and Zhoukoudian suggest certain level of regional variation in East Asian Homo erectus.  相似文献   

The recently described cranium from Ngawi, East Java, is an important addition to the human fossil record. Several workers have placed Ngawi 1 into a grouping with the Ngandong and Sambungmacan specimens due to an overall metric and nonmetric similarity to those fossils. Multivariate comparisons of cranial shape have not been performed utilizing Ngawi, however, so it is unknown whether this specimen will fall within the current range of variation in those samples or if it will extend that range. Likewise, the inclusion of the Ngawi skull will allow a new test of the hypothesis that the African and Indonesian specimens currently allocated to Homo erectus exhibit a craniometric pattern that is significantly different from that seen in the Zhoukoudian crania. Mahalanobis distances will be used to examine the levels of variation present in a large sample representing the most complete African, Indonesian, and Chinese specimens of H. erectus. Statistical significance of the distances generated will be calculated using random expectation statistics. The results indicate that Ngawi shares strong shape similarities with the African and Indonesian specimens studied, and exhibits significant differences with the Zhoukoudian fossils. This supports earlier work by a number of scholars that found evidence of a unique craniometric pattern at that Chinese site. In addition, these tests indicate that cranial shape remained relatively invariant on Java for much of the Pleistocene. These findings, in conjunction with evidence for the appearance of unique nonmetric traits in the late-surviving Ngandong crania, suggest that the hominid populations of Java were relatively isolated for extended periods of time.  相似文献   

The external morphological features of the temporal bone are used frequently to determine taxonomic affinities of fossils of the genus Homo. Temporal bone pneumatization has been widely studied in great apes and in early hominids. However, this feature is rarely examined in the later hominids, particularly in Asian Homo erectus. We provide a comparative morphological and quantitative analysis of Asian Homo erectus from the sites of Ngandong, Sambungmacan, and Zhoukoudian, and of Neandertals and anatomically modern Homo sapiens in order to discuss causes and modalities of temporal bone pneumatization during hominid evolution. The evolution of temporal bone pneumatization in the genus Homo is more complex than previously described. Indeed, the Zhoukoudian fossils have a unique pattern of temporal bone pneumatization, whereas Ngandong and Sambungmacan fossils, as well as the Neandertals, more closely resemble the modern human pattern. Moreover, these Chinese fossils are characterized by a wide midvault and a relatively narrow occipital bone. Our results support the point of view that cell development does not play an active role in determining cranial base morphology. Instead, pneumatization is related to available space and to temporal bone morphology, and its development is related to correlated morphology and the relative disposition of the bones and cerebral lobes. Because variation in pneumatization is extensive within the same species, the phyletic implications of pneumatization are limited in the taxa considered here.  相似文献   

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