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Four patients underwent microvascular transfer of a lateral arm fascial flap to salvage severely ischemic digits by means of induction of neovascularization. The cause of the digital ischemia was direct trauma (crush injury) in one patient and chronic embolic phenomena (proximal arterial occlusion) in three patients. None of the patients had responded to traditional therapy, including treatment with one or more of the following: anticoagulation, lytic therapy, oral vasodilators, digital sympathectomy, and vein bypass grafting. Each patient underwent noninvasive (Doppler ultrasound, digital pressures, digital temperatures, vascular refill) and invasive (angiogram) vascular assessment preoperatively. After microvascular transfer of the lateral arm fascial flap, all patients reported symptomatic relief, and objective improvements were documented by both noninvasive and invasive assessment criteria. One patient developed a seroma at the donor site; another experienced a late complication of thrombosis of the flap after his wound dehisced. A 6-month follow-up evaluation demonstrated neovascular collateralization and stable improvement without regression in the remaining patients. The authors present their clinical experience and propose a treatment algorithm for patients with chronic digital ischemia.  相似文献   

Helmholtz is quoted to have said that if he'd had any influence in creation he would have returned the human eye to its maker for revisions. The same could be said of the heart with its only very rudimentary ability to defend itself against ischemia. Ischemia was obviously not a problem during evolution: Early man did not live much longer than prime time for reproduction and no selection bias existed to prevent vascular diseases, an affliction of later life. In spite of this natural disadvantage of aged males the number of existing although not very efficient defense mechanisms is surprisingly large. It is the general belief that the knowledge of these mechanisms may lead to the development of new therapies that hopefully improve the imperfect product of natural selection. (Mol Cell Biochem 160/161: 209–215, 1996)  相似文献   

Based on the authors' previous data showing that the lipophylic cethyl group promotes the penetration of amino acids through the blood-brain barrier, proline cethyl ester was synthesized and studied as a neuropharmacological tool. The substance administered to rats systemically (intraperitoneally) was shown to be able to provoke a deep amnesia when tested by the conditioned avoidance performance. Piracetam abolished the amnestic effect of proline cethyl ester while sodium hydroxybutyrate administered in the dosage range provoking the nootropic effect did not change that amnesia. The data suggest that proline may be considered as one of the possible endogenous amnestic factors. The close structural similarity of the piracetam cyclic fragment to proline, which resulted in their competition, appears to be one of the reasons for piracetam antiamnestic activity.  相似文献   

Study of the immune reactions of the humoral and cellular types in rats, which had suffered terminal condition, has demonstrated the development of sensitization. The degree of the immunological shifts was determined by clinical death duration and by the period of postresuscitation. Injection of piracetam (100 mg/kg, subcutaneously) within the first 10 days after resuscitation noticeably reduced the manifestations of neurosensitization.  相似文献   

The effects of anti-inflammatory steroids and BW-755C (both of which inhibit the formation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes) were studied in ischemia-induced edema and necrosis of the rabbit ear utilizing an occlusion reperfusion model. The results were compared with cyclooxygenase inhibitors which selectively block the synthesis of prostaglandins without affecting leukotriene production. Significant inhibition of the progression of necrosis was observed with both methyl prednisolone and BW-755C. The cyclooxygenase inhibitors, naproxen and low-dose indomethacin had no effect on the progression of ear necrosis. By contrast, high-dose indomethacin significantly inhibited edema but accelerated the progression of necrosis.  相似文献   

The effects of anti-inflammatory steroids and BW-755C (both of which inhibit the formation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes were studied in ischemia-induced edema and necrosis of the rabbit ear utilizing an occlusion reperfusion model. The results were compared with cyclooxygenase inhibitors which selectively block the synthesis of prostaglandins without affecting leukotriene production.Significant inhibition of the progression of necrosis was observed with both methyl prednisolone and BW-755C. The cyclooxygenase inhibitors, naproxen and low-dose indomethacin had no effect on the progression of ear necrosis. By contrast, high-dose indomethacin significantly inhibited edema but accelerated the progression of necrosis.  相似文献   

Immunomodulatory effects of piracetam and a number of its derivatives were studied in mice. It was shown that multiple injections of such substances at a dose of 50-200 mg/kg change the amount of antibody-forming cells in the spleen of animals immunized with sheep red blood cells. The dose of 200 mg/kg was the most effective one, with the direction of immunomodulatory activity depending on the chemical composition of the compounds. Thus joining of phenol radical to piracetam molecule strengthened immunosuppression, and vice versa insertion of hydrazide group led to stimulation of antibody formation. It is stressed that immunosuppressive effect of piracetam must be taken into consideration during the clinical use of the drug.  相似文献   

Pyracetam was found to inhibit free-radical lipid peroxidation, slow oxygen consumption in the liver mitochondria and increase hemoglobin oxygen-binding properties. It is assumed that the ability of pyracetam to inhibit lipid peroxidation is a mechanism which determines its antihypoxic effect.  相似文献   

Effects of repeated piracetam (PIR) injections in a dose of 40 and 250 mg/kg/day on the learning in Water rats were studied. It has been found that character of the effects depends on typological features of the animals. Rats with strong predominance of excitation (choleric type) showed low sensitivity to PIR. Small dose of PIR provoked clear negative effect in rats with relative balance of the basic nervous processes: excitation and inhibition (sanguine and phlegmatic types). Despite of expressed activation of associative process, it complicated integrative activity. Small dose of PIR showed anxiolytic and psycho-stimulant actions only in initially unlearned rats characterized by high level of fear. Large dose of PIR had negative influence on the learning process in all animals, irrespective of typological features. Thus, the results of this study allow to suppose that the individual sensitivity of an animal to action of a pharmacological medication is caused by morpho-functional and neurochemical intraspecific heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A simple and effective technique is described for salvaging TRAM flaps with venous compromise. This has proven to be a valuable supplement to our technical armamentarium.  相似文献   

Piracetam produces a more pronounced effect on cerebral circulation disturbed by hemorrhagic shock as compared with intact animals. Piracetam has a depressant effect on the nervous regulation of cerebral circulation by suppressing the reflex constriction of the vessels in both arterial systems of the brain. The cerebrovascular effects of piracetam are not mediated through the GABAergic bicuculline-sensitive mechanisms, which is supported by experiments where the drug exhibits its effects under the blockade of GABA receptors.  相似文献   

A new antagonist of the vasoconstrictor eicosanoids, L-640,035, was studied in a standardized model of myocardial ischemia (MI) in anesthetized cats. This eicosanoid antagonist was not found to exert any overt hemodynamic action in cats subjected to a sham myocardial ischemia protocol. However, the antagonist markedly reduced the S-T segment of the electrocardiogram when administered 30 min after permanent occlusion of the left coronary artery. Moreover, circulating activities of the marker enzyme creatine kinase (CK) were markedly attenuated by L-640,035 3-5 h after the onset of MI. This was verified by cardiac biopsies 5 h post-MI since myocardial CK activities decreased much less in treated MI cats than in MI cats receiving only the vehicle for L-640,035 (i.e., ethanol). The active metabolite of the antagonist in biological fluids (i.e., L-636,499) markedly antagonized the vasoconstrictor actions of endoperoxide and thromboxane analogs, but not of noneicosanoids in isolated perfused coronary arteries.  相似文献   

Cell-free hemoglobin solutions with high oxygen affinity might be beneficial for selectively delivering oxygen to ischemic tissue. A recombinant hybrid hemoglobin molecule was designed using the human alpha-subunit and the bovine beta-subunit, with placement of surface cysteines to permit disulfide bond polymerization of the tetramers. The resulting protein generated from an Escherichia coli expression system had a molecular mass >1 MDa, a P50 of approximately 3 Torr, and a cooperativity of n = 1.0. Anesthetized mice were transfused during 2-h occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Compared with transfusion with 5% albumin, cerebral infarct volume was reduced by 41% with transfusion of a 3% solution of the high oxygen-affinity hemoglobin polymer and by 50% with transfusion of a 6% solution of the polymer. Transfusion of a 6% solution of a 500-kDa polymer possessing a P50 of 17 Torr and a cooperativity of n = 2.0 resulted in a 66% reduction of infarct volume. These results indicate that cell-free Hb polymers with P50 values much lower than that of red blood cell hemoglobin are highly capable of salvaging ischemic brain. The assumption that the P50 of blood substitutes should be similar to that of blood might not be warranted when used during ischemic conditions.  相似文献   

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