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CRAMP was identified from a cDNA clone derived from mouse femoral marrow cells as a member of cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptides. This peptide shows potent antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria but no hemolytic activity against human erythrocytes. CRAMP was known to cause rapid permeabilization of the inner membrane of Escherichia coli. In this study, the structure of CRAMP in TFE/H2O (1 : 1, v/v) solution was determined by CD and NMR spectroscopy. CD spectra showed that CRAMP adopts a mainly alpha-helical conformation in TFE/H2O solution, DPC micelles, SDS micelles and liposomes, whereas it has a random structure in aqueous solution. The tertiary structure of CRAMP in TFE/H2O (1 : 1, v/v), as determined by NMR spectroscopy, consists of two amphipathic alpha-helices from Leu4 to Lys10 and from Gly16 to Leu33. These two helices are connected by a flexible region from Gly11 to Gly16. Previous analysis of series of fragments composed of various portion of CRAMP revealed that an 18-residue fragment with the sequence from Gly16 to Leu33 was found to retain antibacterial activity. Therefore, the amphipathic alpha-helical region from Gly16 to Leu33 of CRAMP plays important roles in spanning the lipid bilayers as well as its antibiotic activity. Based on this structure, novel antibiotic peptides having strong antibiotic activity, with no hemolytic effect will be developed.  相似文献   

The broad spectrum of antibacterial activities of host defense cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) arises from their ability to perturb membrane integrity of the microbes. The mechanisms are often thought to require assembly of AMPs on the membrane surface to form pores. However, three dimensional structures in the oligomeric form of AMPs in the context of lipid membranes are largely limited. Here, we demonstrate that a 22-residue antimicrobial peptide, termed VK22, derived from fowlicidin-1, a cathelicidin family of AMP from chicken oligomerizes into a predominantly tetrameric state in zwitterionic dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles. An ensemble of NMR structures of VK22 determined in 200mM perdeuterated DPC, from 755 NOE constrains including 19 inter-helical NOEs, had revealed an assembly of four helices arranged in anti-parallel fashion. Hydrogen bonds, C(α)H-O=C types, and van der Waals interactions among the helical sub-units appear to be involved in the stabilization of the quaternary structures. The central region of the barrel shaped tetrameric bundle is non-polar with clusters of aromatic residues, whereas all the cationic residues are positioned at the termini. Paramagnetic spin labeled NMR experiments indicated that the tetrameric structure is embedded into micelles such that the non-polar region located inside the lipid acyl chains. Structure and micelle localization of a monomeric version, obtained from substitution of two Tyr residues with Ala, of the peptide is also compared. The mutated peptide VK22AA has been found be localized at the surface of the micelles. The tetrameric structure of VK22 delineates a small water pore that can be larger in the higher order oligomers. As these results provide structural insights, at atomic resolution, into the oligomeric states of a helical AMP in lipid environment, the structural details may be further utilized for the design of novel self-assembled membrane protein mimics.  相似文献   

The solution secondary structure of calcium-saturated skeletal troponin C (TnC) in the presence of 15% (v/v) trifluoroethanol (TFE), which has been shown to exist predominantly as a monomer (Slupsky CM, Kay CM, Reinach FC, Smillie LB, Sykes BD, 1995, Biochemistry 34, forthcoming), has been investigated using multidimensional heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The 1H, 15N, and 13C NMR chemical shift values for TnC in the presence of TFE are very similar to values obtained for calcium-saturated NTnC (residues 1-90 of skeletal TnC), calmodulin, and synthetic peptide homodimers. Moreover, the secondary structure elements of TnC are virtually identical to those obtained for calcium-saturated NTnC, calmodulin, and the synthetic peptide homodimers, suggesting that 15% (v/v) TFE minimally perturbs the secondary and tertiary structure of this stably folded protein. Comparison of the solution structure of calcium-saturated TnC with the X-ray crystal structure of half-saturated TnC reveals differences in the phi/psi angles of residue Glu 41 and in the linker between the two domains. Glu 41 has irregular phi/psi angles in the crystal structure, producing a kink in the B helix, whereas in calcium-saturated TnC, Glu 41 has helical phi/psi angles, resulting in a straight B helix. The linker between the N and C domains of calcium-saturated TnC is flexible in the solution structure.  相似文献   

The composition of the 2-keto aldoses D-glucosone (1), 6-deoxy-D-glucosone (2), D-allosone (3), and D-galactosone (4) in organic solvents has been determined using NMR spectroscopy. Whereas these keto aldoses form mixtures with up to 15 different isomers in water, the number of forms is significantly decreased in organic solvents. Equilibrium mixtures of 1, 2, and 4 in Me(2)SO, DMF, and pyridine consist to 70-90% of the prevailing alpha-1,5-pyranose form. Two bicyclic forms with a proportion of 80% are the main isomers of 3 in pyridine. Generally, forms with non-hydrated keto functions prevail in non-aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

Transportan is a 27-residue peptide (GWTLN SAGYL LGKIN LKALA ALAKK IL-amide) which has the ability to penetrate into living cells carrying a hydrophilic load. Transportan is a chimeric peptide constructed from the 12 N-terminal residues of galanin in the N-terminus with the 14-residue sequence of mastoparan in the C-terminus and a connecting lysine. Circular dichroism studies of transportan and mastoparan show that both peptides have close to random coil secondary structure in water. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles induce 60% helix in transportan and 75% helix in mastoparan. The 600 MHz (1)H NMR studies of secondary structure in SDS micelles confirm the helix in mastoparan and show that in transportan the helix is localized to the mastoparan part. The less structured N-terminus of transportan has a secondary structure similar to that of the same sequence in galanin [Ohman, A., et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 9169-9178]. The position of mastoparan and transportan relative to the SDS micelle surface was studied by adding spin-labeled 5-doxyl- or 12-doxyl-stearic acid or Mn2+ to the peptide/micelle system. The combined results show that the peptides are for the most part buried in the SDS micelles. Only the C-terminal parts of both peptides and the central segment connecting the two parts of transportan are clearly surface exposed. For mastoparan, the secondary chemical shifts of the amide protons were found to vary periodically and display a pattern almost identical to those reported for mastoparan in phospholipid bicelles [Vold, R., et al. (1997) J. Biomol. NMR 9, 329-335], indicating similar structures and interactions in the two membrane-mimicking environments.  相似文献   

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy performed on surface-supported bilayer membranes allows for the monitoring of changes in membrane properties, such as thickness, ion permeability, and homogeneity, after exposure to antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). We show that two model cationic peptides, very similar in sequence but different in activity, induce dramatically different changes in membrane properties as probed by impedance spectroscopy. Moreover, the impedance results excluded the “barrel-stave” and the “toroidal pore” models of AMP mode of action, and are more consistent with the “carpet” and the “detergent” models. The impedance data provide important new insights about the kinetics and the scale of the peptide action which currently are not addressed by the “carpet” and the “detergent” models. The method presented not only provides additional information about the mode of action of a particular AMP, but offers a means of characterizing AMP activity in reproducible, well-defined quantitative terms.  相似文献   

Tritrpticin, a Trp-rich cationic antimicrobial peptide with a unique amino acid sequence (VRRFPWWWPFLRR), is found in porcine cathelicidin cDNA. Tritrpticin has a broad spectrum of antibacterial and antifungal activities and hemolytic activity comparable to that of indolicidin. To investigate the mechanism of the bacterial killing action of tritrpticin and to identify structural features important for bacterial cell selectivity, we designed several tritrpticin analogs with amino acid substitutions of the Pro and Trp residues. Circular dichroism studies revealed that the substitution of Pro-->Ala (TPA) or Trp-->Phe (TWF) leads to significant conformational changes in SDS micelles, converting the beta-turn to alpha-helix or to poly-L-proline II helix, respectively. Compared to tritrpticin, TPA retained most of its antimicrobial activity, but showed enhanced hemolytic and membrane-disrupting activities. In contrast, TWF showed a 2-4-fold increase in antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria, but a marked decrease in both hemolytic and membrane-disrupting activities. Taken together, our findings suggest that compared with the beta-turn and alpha-helical structures, the poly-L-proline II helix is crucial for effective bacterial cell selectivity in tritrpticin and its analogs.  相似文献   

The NANP repeating sequence of the circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum was displayed on the surface of fd filamentous bacteriophage as a 12-residue insert (NANP)(3) in the N-terminal region of the major coat protein (pVIII). The structure of the epitope determined by multidimensional solution NMR spectroscopy of the modified pVIII protein in lipid micelles was shown to be a twofold repeat of an extended and non-hydrogen-bonded loop based on the sequence NPNA, demonstrating that the repeating sequence is NPNA, not NANP. Further, high resolution solid-state NMR spectra of intact hybrid virions containing the modified pVIII proteins demonstrate that the peptides displayed on the surface of the virion adopt a single, stable conformation; this is consistent with their pronounced immunogenicity as well as their ability to mimic the antigenicity of their native parent proteins.  相似文献   

PMAP-23 is a cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptide identified from porcine leukocytes. PMAP-23 was reported to show potent antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria without hemolytic activity. To study the structure-antibiotic activity relationships of PMAP-23, two analogues by replacing Trp with Ala were synthesized and their tertiary structures bound to DPC micelles have been studied by NMR spectroscopy. PMAP-23 has two alpha-helices, one from Arg1 to Arg10 in the N-terminal region and the other from Phe18 to Arg23 in the C-terminal region. PMAP-1 (Trp(7)-->Ala) shows similar structure to PMAP-23, while PMAP-2 (Trp(21)-->Ala) has a random structure in the C-terminus. PMAP-2 was found to show less antibacterial and vesicle-disrupting activities than PMAP-23 and PMAP-1 [J. H. Kang, S. Y. Shin, S. Y. Jang, K. L. Kim, and K.-S. Hahm (1999) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 264, 281-286]. Trp(21) in PMAP-23 which induces an alpha-helical structure in the second alpha-helix is essential for the antibacterial activity of PMAP-23. Also, the fluorescence data proved that Trp(21) at the second alpha-helix is buried deep into the phospholipid in the membrane. Therefore, it implies that Trp(21) in the second alpha-helix at the C-terminus of PMAP-23 may play an important role on the interactions with the membrane and the flexible region including two proline residues may allow this alpha-helix to span the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of alpha-conotoxin ImI, a potent antagonist targeting the neuronal alpha7 subtype of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), has been investigated by NMR spectroscopy. On the basis of 181 experimental constraints, a total of 25 converged structures were obtained. The average pairwise atomic root mean square difference is 0.40+/-0.11 A for the backbone atoms. The resulting structure indicates the presence of two successive type I beta-turns and a 310 helix for residues Cys2-Cys8 and Ala9-Arg11, respectively, and shows a significant structural similarity to that of alpha-conotoxin PnIA, which is also selective for the neuronal nAChR.  相似文献   

Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is used to determine the membrane-bound topological structure of a cationic β-hairpin antimicrobial peptide in which the number of Arg residues has been halved. The parent peptide, PG-1, was previously found to form transmembrane β-barrels in anionic membranes where the Arg residues complex with the lipid phosphate groups to cause toroidal pore defects in the membrane. In comparison, the charge-attenuated and less active mutant studied here forms β-sheets that lie on the surface of the zwitterionic membrane and only partially insert into the anionic membrane. The mutant also exhibits much looser contact with the lipid headgroups. These results indicate that transmembrane insertion and tight Arg-phosphate association are two important elements for strong antimicrobial activities of this class of peptides. Comparison with other β-hairpin antimicrobial peptides studied so far further suggests a relative potency scale for the various mechanisms of action for the β-sheet family of antimicrobial peptides. The transmembrane insertion-toroidal pore mechanism is the most potent in disrupting the lipid bilayer, followed by the large-amplitude in-plane motional mechanism. The carpet model, where peptides aggregate on the membrane surface to cause lateral expansion and eventual micellization of the membrane, is a weaker mechanism of action.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the important component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, contributes to the integrity of the outer membrane and protects the cell against bactericidal agents, including antimicrobial peptides. However, the mechanisms of interaction between antimicrobial peptides and LPS are not clearly understood. Halictines-2 (HAL-2), one of the novel antimicrobial peptides, was isolated from the venom of the eusocial bee Halictus sexcinctus. HAL-2 has exhibited potent antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and even against cancer cells. Here, we studied the interactions between HAL-2 and LPS to elucidate the antibacterial mechanism of HAL-2 in vitro. Our results show that HAL-2 adopts a significant degree of β-strand structure in the presence of LPS. LPS is capable of inducing HAL-2 amyloid formation, which may play a vital role in its antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

We have produced a small antimicrobial peptide PFWRIRIRR in bacteria utilizing production in the form of insoluble fusion protein with ketosteroid isomerase. The recombinant peptide was rapidly and efficiently isolated by acidic cleavage of the fusion protein based on the acid labile Asp-Pro bond at the N-terminus of the peptide. The peptide has antibacterial activity and neutralizes macrophage activation by LPS. The selectivity of the peptide against bacteria correlates with preferential binding to acidic phospholipid vesicles. Solution structure of the peptide in SDS and DPC micelles was determined by NMR. The peptide adopts a well-defined structure, comprising a short helical segment. Cationic and hydrophobic clusters are segregated along the molecular axis of the short helix, which is positioned perpendicular to the membrane plane. The position of the helix is shifted in two micellar types and more nonpolar surface is exposed in anionic micelles. Overall structure explains the advantageous role of the N-terminal proline residue, which forms an integral part of the hydrophobic cluster.  相似文献   

The aqueous solution structure of the 21-residue vasoactive peptide hormone endothelin-3 has been determined using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy. A total of 177 proton-proton distance measurements and 5 chi 1 dihedral angle constraints derived from NMR spectra were used to calculate the structure using a combination of distance geometry and dynamical simulated annealing calculations. The calculations reveal a highly ordered, compact conformation in which a helical region extending from K9 to C15 lies in close apposition with the C-terminal hexapeptide; this interaction seems to be largely driven by hydrophobic interactions. Structure-activity studies are interpreted in terms of the conformational features of the calculated endothelin-3 structure.  相似文献   

Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to study the motion of 2H and 19F probes attached to the skeletal muscle actin residues Cys-10, Lys-61 and Cys-374. The probe resonances were observed in dried and hydrated G-actin, F-actin and F-actin-myosin subfragment-1 complexes. Restricted motion was exhibited by 19F probes attached to Cys-10 and Cys-374 on actin. The dynamics of probes attached to dry cysteine powder or F-actin were very similar and the binding of myosin had little effect indicating that the local probe environment imposes the major influence on motion in the solid state. Correlation times determined for the solid state probes indicated that they were undergoing some rapid internal motion in both G-actin and F-actin such as domain twisting. The probe size influenced the motion in G-actin and appeared to sense monomer rotation but not in F-actin where segmental mobility and intramonomer co-ordination appeared to dominate.  相似文献   

The biologically active conformation of a novel, very potent, nonpeptidic stromelysin inhibitor was determined by X-nucleus filtered and multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. This bound conformer was subsequently docked into the stromelysin catalytic domain (SCD) using intermolecular distance constraints derived from NOE data. The complex showed the S1′ pocket of stromelysin to be the major site of enzyme-inhibitor interaction with other portions of the inhibitor spanning the S2′ and S1 binding sites. Theoretical predictions of SCD-inhibitor binding from molecular modeling studies were consistent with the NMR data. Comparison of modeled enzyme-inhibitor complexes for stromelysin and collagenase revealed an alternate binding mode for the inhibitor in collagenase, suggesting a similar binding interaction might also be possible for stromelysin. The NMR results, however, revealed a single SCD-inhibitor binding mode and provided a structural template for the design of more potent stromelysin inhibitors.  相似文献   

Stomoxyn and spinigerin belong to the class of linear cysteine-free insect antimicrobial peptides that kill a range of microorganisms, parasites, and some viruses but without any lytic activity against mammalian erythrocytes. Stomoxyn is localized in the gut epithelium of the nonvector stable fly that is sympatric with the trypanosome vector tsetse fly. Spinigerin is stored and secreted by hemocytes from the fungus-growing termite. The structure of synthetic stomoxyn and spinigerin in aqueous solution and in TFE/water mixtures was analyzed by CD and NMR spectroscopy combined with molecular modeling calculations. Stomoxyn and spinigerin adopt a flexible random coil structure in water while both assume a stable helical structure in the presence of TFE. In 50% TFE, the structure of stomoxyn is typical of cecropins, including an amphipathic helix at the N-terminus and a hydrophobic C-terminus with helical features that probably fold in a helical conformation at higher TFE concentration. In contrast to stomoxyn, spinigerin acquires very rapidly a helical conformation. In 10% TFE the helix is highly bent and the structure is poorly defined. In 50% TFE, the helical structure is well defined all along its sequence, and the slightly bent alpha-helix displays an amphiphilic character, as observed for magainin 2. The structural similarities between stomoxyn and cecropin A from Hyalophora cecropia and between spinigerin and magainin 2 suggest a similar mode of action on the bacterial membranes of both pairs of peptides. Our results also confirm that TFE induces helix formation and propagation for amino acids showing helical propensity in water but also enhances the helix propagation propensity of nonpolar beta-branched residues.  相似文献   

Mts1 is a member of the S100 family of Ca2+-binding proteins and is implicated in promoting tumor progression and metastasis. To better understand the structure-function relationships of this protein and to begin characterizing its Ca2+-dependent interaction with protein binding targets, the three-dimensional structure of mts1 was determined in the apo state by NMR spectroscopy. As with other S100 protein family members, mts1 is a symmetric homodimer held together by noncovalent interactions between two helices from each subunit (helices 1, 4, 1', and 4') to form an X-type four-helix bundle. Each subunit of mts1 has two EF-hand Ca2+-binding domains: a pseudo-EF-hand (or S100-hand) and a typical EF-hand that are brought into proximity by a small two-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. The S100-hand is formed by helices 1 and 2, and is similar in conformation to other members of the S100 family. In the typical EF-hand, the position of helix 3 is similar to that of another member of the S100 protein family, calcyclin (S100A6), and less like that of other S100 family members for which three-dimensional structures are available in the calcium-free state (e.g., S100B and S100A1). The differences in the position of helix 3 in the apo state of these four S100 proteins are likely due to variations in the amino acid sequence in the C-terminus of helix 4 and in loop 2 (the hinge region) and could potentially be used to subclassify the S100 protein family.  相似文献   

Integrins are heterodimeric cell‐surface proteins that play important roles during developmental and pathological processes. Diverse human pathologies involve integrin adhesion including thrombotic diseases, inflammation, tumour progression, fibrosis, and infectious diseases. Although in the past decade, novel integrin‐inhibitor drugs have been developed for integrin‐based medical applications, the structural determinants modulating integrin‐ligands recognition mechanisms are still poorly understood, reducing the number of integrin subtype exclusive antagonists. In this scenario, we have very recently showed, by means of chemical and biological assays, that a chimeric peptide (named RGDechi), containing a cyclic RGD motif linked to an echistatin C‐terminal fragment, is able to interact with the components of integrin family with variable affinities, the highest for αvβ3. Here, in order to understand the mechanistic details driving the molecular recognition mechanism of αvβ3 by RGDechi, we have performed a detailed structural and dynamics characterization of the free peptide by natural abundance nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Our data indicate that RGDechi presents in solution an heterogeneous conformational ensemble characterized by a more constrained and rigid pentacyclic ring and a largely unstructured acyclic region. Moreover, we propose that the molecular recognition of αvβ3 integrin by RGDechi occurs by a combination of conformational selection and induced fit mechanisms. Finally, our study indicates that a detailed NMR characterization, by means of natural abundance 15N and 13C, of a mostly unstructured bioactive peptide may provide the molecular basis to get essential structural insights into the binding mechanism to the biological partner.  相似文献   

In nature, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) represent the first line of defense against infection by pathogens; thus, they are generally good candidates for the development of antimicrobial agents. Recently, we reported two potent antimicrobial peptides, KWLRRVWRWWR-amide (MAP-04-03) and KRLRRVWRRWR-amide (MAP-04-04), which were derived from a fragment of Ixosin-B-amide (KSDVRRWRSRY). Since some cationic AMPs exhibited cytotoxic activity against cancer cells, in the current study, we further investigated the anticancer activity of these potent antimicrobial peptides by antiproliferative assays and wound-healing assays, and the effect of peptide on the cytoskeleton alteration and cell morphology were analyzed by confocal microscopy. Results indicated that MAP-04-03 not only exhibited inhibitory effects on the proliferation (IC50 = 61.5 μM) and on the cell migration of MCF-7 breast cancer cells (at a concentration of 5 μM), but also affected the cytoskeleton at the concentration of 25 μM. These results demonstrated that MAP-04-03 can serve as a lead peptide analog for developing potent anticancer agents.  相似文献   

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