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Stomatal architecture and evolution in basal angiosperms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stomatal architecture-the number, form, and arrangement of specialized epidermal cells associated with stomatal guard cells-of 46 species of basal angiosperms representing all ANITA grade families and Chloranthaceae was investigated. Leaf clearings and cuticular preparations were examined with light microscopy, and a sample of 100 stomata from each specimen was coded for stomatal type and five other characters contributing to stomatal architecture. New stomatal types were defined, and many species were examined and illustrated for the first time. Character evolution was examined in light of the ANITA hypothesis using MacClade software. Analysis of character evolution, along with other evidence from this study and evidence from the literature on fossil angiosperms and other seed plant lineages, suggests that the ancestral condition of angiosperms can be described as anomo-stephanocytic, a system in which complexes lacking subdidiaries (anomocytic) intergrade with those having weakly differentiated subsidiaries arranged in a rosette (stephanocytic). From this ancestral condition, tangential divisions of contact cells led to the profusion of different types seen in early fossil angiosperms and Amborellaceae, Austrobaileyales, and derived Chloranthaceae, while the state in Nymphaeales is little modified. Formation of new, derived types by tangential division appears to be a recurrent theme in seed plant evolution.  相似文献   

In basal angiosperms (including ANITA grade, magnoliids, Choranthaceae, Ceratophyllaceae) almost all bisexual flowers are dichogamous (with male and female functions more or less separated in time), and nearly 100 per cent of those are protogynous (with female function before male function). Movements of floral parts and differential early abscission of stamens in the male phase are variously associated with protogyny. Evolution of synchronous dichogamy based on the day/night rhythm and anthesis lasting 2 days is common. In a few clades in Magnoliales and Laurales heterodichogamy has also evolved. Beetles, flies and thrips are the major pollinators, with various degrees of specialization up to large beetles and special flies in some large-flowered Nymphaeaceae, Magnoliaceae, Annonaceae and Aristolochiaceae. Unusual structural specializations are involved in floral biological adaptations (calyptras, inner staminodes, synandria and food bodies, and secretory structures on tepals, stamens and staminodes). Numerous specializations that are common in monocots and eudicots are absent in basal angiosperms. Several families are poorly known in their floral biology.  相似文献   

Recent advances in phylogeny reconstruction and floral genetics set the stage for new investigations of the origin and diversification of the flower. We review the current state of angiosperm phylogeny, with an emphasis on basal lineages. With the surprising inclusion of Hydatellaceae with Nymphaeales, recent studies support the topology of Amborella sister to all other extant angiosperms, with Nymphaeales and then Austrobaileyales as subsequent sisters to all remaining angiosperms. Notable modifications from most recent analyses are the sister relationships of Chloranthaceae with the magnoliids and of Ceratophyllaceae with eudicots. We review "trends" in floral morphology and contrast historical, intuitive interpretations with explicit character-state reconstructions using molecular-based trees, focusing on (1) the size, number, and organization of floral organs; (2) the evolution of the perianth; (3) floral symmetry; and (4) floral synorganization. We provide summaries of those genes known to affect floral features that contribute to much of floral diversity. Although most floral genes have not been investigated outside of a few model systems, sufficient information is emerging to identify candidate genes for testing specific hypotheses in nonmodel plants. We conclude with a set of evo-devo case studies in which floral genetics have been linked to variation in floral morphology.  相似文献   

The first three branches of the angiosperm phylogenetic tree consist of eight families with ~201 species of plants (the ANITA grade). The oldest flower fossil for the group is dated to the Early Cretaceous (115-125 Mya) and identified to the Nymphaeales. The flowers of extant plants in the ANITA grade are small, and pollen is the edible reward (rarely nectar or starch bodies). Unlike many gymnosperms that secrete "pollination drops," ANITA-grade members examined thus far have a dry-type stigma. Copious secretions of stigmatic fluid are restricted to the Nymphaeales, but this is not nectar. Floral odors, floral thermogenesis (a resource), and colored tepals attract insects in deceit-based pollination syndromes throughout the first three branches of the phylogenetic tree. Self-incompatibility and an extragynoecial compitum occur in some species in the Austrobaileyales. Flies are primary pollinators in six families (10 genera). Beetles are pollinators in five families varying in importance as primary (exclusive) to secondary vectors of pollen. Bees are major pollinators only in the Nymphaeaceae. It is hypothesized that large flowers in Nymphaeaceae are the result of the interaction of heat, floral odors, and colored tepals to trap insects to increase fitness.  相似文献   

A hypothesis has been advanced that logically combines “contradictory” facts concerning the early mammalian development and shows a natural relationship between the embryos developing from a fertilized ovum and from cells of the inner cell mass of blastocyst. When studying the theoretical questions of cloning, it is necessary to take into consideration the peculiarities of prenatal mammalian ontogeny, which make themselves evident upon comparison with other animals. The absence of yolk in the mammalian ovum defines sharp differences in the early development between mammals and other Amniota. The complete asynchronous cleavage results in the formation of morula followed by blastocyst, which hatches from zona pellucida and is implanted into the uterus tissue. This fact allows us to consider the blastocyst as a mammalian larva, which is fed owing to the maternal organism. It is known that, in the body of a larva (blastocyst), a new embryo develops from some somatic cells. This process is known as polyembryony, which is typical of the development of some parasitic insects. Polyembryony in turn is a variant of somatic embryogenesis, which is a form of asexual reproduction. Thus, the two different embryos, “conceptus” and “embryo proper,” have different origins: the first forms by the sexual way and the second, by the asexual way. Investigation of the mechanisms of somatic embryogenesis in mammals will help us to find conditions necessary for full reprogramming of donor somatic nuclei and provide for successful development of reconstructed embryos.  相似文献   

To date, molecular developmental studies have focused on vegetative rather than floral phyllotaxis because vegetative shoot apices are technically more tractable than floral apices in model plants. In contrast to evolutionary changes in the phyllotaxis of vegetative shoots, however, changes in floral phyllotaxis appear to have played a major role in angiosperm evolution. Consolidation of a whorled floral phyllotaxis in derived groups allowed synorganization of floral organs and further adaptive radiations. In basal angiosperms, floral phyllotaxis is more flexible. To study these phenomena, we need clarification of the complex relations of both spiral and whorled phyllotaxis with divergence angles, plastochrons, spiral versus simultaneous initiation of organs, parastichies, orthostichies, organ series, and whorls. Improved resolution of phylogenetic relationships and increased knowledge of the diversity of floral phyllotaxis will allow us to trace evolutionary changes in floral phyllotaxis in ever more detail. Already, such surveys have confirmed that floral phyllotaxis was unusually labile early in angiosperm evolution. Whether the original floral phyllotaxis in angiosperms was spiral or whorled is equivocal, but it appears that spiral floral phyllotaxis in Magnoliales and Laurales is derived rather than primitive.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the flower is the central feature of the angiosperms, little is known of its origin and subsequent diversification. The ABC model has long been the unifying paradigm for floral developmental genetics, but it is based on phylogenetically derived eudicot models. Synergistic research involving phylogenetics, classical developmental studies, genomics and developmental genetics has afforded valuable new insights into floral evolution in general, and the early flower in particular. SCOPE AND CONCLUSIONS: Genomic studies indicate that basal angiosperms, and by inference the earliest angiosperms, had a rich tool kit of floral genes. Homologues of the ABCE floral organ identity genes are also present in basal angiosperm lineages; however, C-, E- and particularly B-function genes are more broadly expressed in basal lineages. There is no single model of floral organ identity that applies to all angiosperms; there are multiple models that apply depending on the phylogenetic position and floral structure of the group in question. The classic ABC (or ABCE) model may work well for most eudicots. However, modifications are needed for basal eudicots and, the focus of this paper, basal angiosperms. We offer 'fading borders' as a testable hypothesis for the basal-most angiosperms and, by inference, perhaps some of the earliest (now extinct) angiosperms.  相似文献   

Embryology allows one to work with a wide array of characters (more than 50 in general) for each taxon of angiosperms. This paper, while providing a brief review of recent studies on Myrtales and associated families by me and my co-workers, discusses evidence for the general utility of embryological characters for the study of plant systematics. In particular, evidence is given that characters of seed coat anatomy may be best applied to the study of specific and sectional (and even familial) relationships, those of seed appendages as well as of integumentary morphology and histogenesis to the study of generic relationships, and other major characters to the study of familial relationships. Embryology thus provides many features that are complex and, when properly applied along with evidence from other sources, offers good indications of relationships at various taxonomic level, from the ordinal to the specific level. Despite its evident systematic value and increasing need, however, information on embryological characters is still lacking for a majority of genera, and even at the family level, data is lacking or insufficiently available for more than 30% of families. Recipient of the Botanical Society Award for Young Scientists, 1987.  相似文献   

Recent contributions from DNA sequences have revolutionized our concept of systematic relationships in angiosperms. However, parts of the angiosperm tree remain unclear. Previous studies have been based on coding or rDNA regions of relatively conserved genes. A phylogeny for basal angiosperms based on noncoding, fast-evolving sequences of the chloroplast genome region trnT-trnF is presented. The recognition of simple direct repeats allowed a robust alignment. Mutational hot spots appear to be confined to certain sectors, as in two stem-loop regions of the trnL intron secondary structure. Our highly resolved and well-supported phylogeny depicts the New Caledonian Amborella as the sister to all other angiosperms, followed by Nymphaeaceae and an Austrobaileya-Illicium-Schisandra clade. Ceratophyllum is substantiated as a close relative of monocots, as is a monophyletic eumagnoliid clade consisting of Piperales plus Winterales sister to Laurales plus Magnoliales. Possible reasons for the striking congruence between the trnT-trnF based phylogeny and phylogenies generated from combined multi-gene, multi-genome data are discussed.  相似文献   

The evolutionary significance of the c . 1000-fold range of DNA C-values in angiosperms (1C =  c . 0.1–127.4 pg) has often attracted interest. A recent analysis, which superimposed available C-value data onto the angiosperm phylogeny, that placed Ceratophyllaceae as the most basal angiosperm family led to the conclusion that ancestral angiosperms were characterized by small genomes (defined as 1C £ 3.5 pg). However, with the recent increase in DNA sequence data and large-scale phylogenetic analyses, strong support is now provided for Amborellaceae and/or Nymphaeaceae as the most basal angiosperm families, followed by Austrobaileyales (comprising Schisandraceae, Trimeniaceae and Austrobaileyaceae). Together these five families comprise the ANITA grade. The remaining basal angiosperm families (Ceratophyllaceae, Chloranthaceae and magnoliids), together with monocotyledons and eudicotyledons, form a strongly supported clade. A survey showed that C-value data were scarce in the basal angiosperm families, especially the ANITA grade. The present paper addresses these phylogenetic gaps by providing C-value estimates for each family in ANITA, together with C-values for species in Chloranthaceae, Ceratophyllaceae and a previously unrepresented family in the magnoliids, the Winteraceae.  © The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 175–179.  相似文献   

Sequences from 14 slowly evolving chloroplast genes (including three highly conserved introns) were obtained for representative basal angiosperm and seed-plant taxa, using novel primers described here. These data were combined with published sequences from atpB, rbcL, and newly obtained sequences from ndhF. Combined data from these 17 genes permit sturdy, well-resolved inference of major aspects of basal angiosperm relationships, demonstrating that the new primers are valuable tools for sorting out the deepest events in flowering plant phylogeny. Sequences from the inverted repeat (IR) proved to be particularly reliable (low homoplasy, high retention index). Representatives of Cabomba and Illicium were the first two successive branches of the angiosperms in an initial sampling of 19 exemplar taxa. This result was strongly supported by bootstrap analysis and by two small insertion/deletion events in the slowly evolving introns. Several paleoherb groups (representatives of Piperales) formed a strongly supported clade with taxa representing core woody magnoliids (Laurales, Magnoliales, and Winteraceae). The monophyly of the sampled eudicots and monocots was also well supported. Analyses of three major partitions of the data showed many of the same clades and supported the rooting seen with all the data combined. While Amborella trichopoda was supported as the sister group of the remaining angiosperms when we added Amborella and Nymphaea odorata to the analysis, a strongly conflicting rooting was observed when Amborella alone was added.  相似文献   

Flower development and anatomy of Acorus calamus and flower anatomy of A. gramineus were studied. Findings were compared with published reports on paleoherbs. Important developmental features include an abaxially median tepal that is initiated first and is similar to a flower-subtending bract and unidirectional flower development with an inversion of organ initiation sequence in the second tepal whorl. The mature gynoecium is largely synascidiate, but early development of carpels is plicate, and the apocarpous portion persists up to anthesis. The carpels form dorsal bulges on the style, enclosing longitudinal intercarpellary slits. The dominance of the synascidiate portion and the apical position of the placenta result from a late and distinct basal elongation of the gynoecium. Stigma, pollen transmitting tract, and ovary are filled with secretion. Secretory papillae are present from the stigma to the placenta; papillae also occur on the rims of the integuments of the ovules. In the uppermost part of the inflorescence, the adaxial floral sectors are reduced in number and structure, and at the apex of the inflorescence, a peloria-like structure is formed. Developmental and morphological similarities seem to be closer between Acorus and Piperales than between Acorus and other magnoliids.  相似文献   

Two types of embryonic development can be distinguished within nematodes, with a variable (Enoplia) or invariant (remaining species) cleavage. In the case of invariant cleavage two main variants of cell lineage are presented in nematodes, with the posterior (Rhabditea) or anterior (Dorylaimida) localization of endoderm material at the two-cell stage. This classification is in a good agreement with some modern nematode taxonomy and it is supported by molecular phylogeny studies. The variable cleavage is plesiomorphic. Traditional concept of "mosaic" cleavage is not applicable for nematodes as inductive interactions and a regulation of experimental interventions are usual attributes of any mode of nematode development. The representatives of order Rhabditida have almost identical cell lineage, but at the same time they have strong interspecific differences in mechanisms of ooplasmic segregation any early inductive interactions. The diversity of geometric patterns in the early cleavage, often at the level of individual random variations, is a usual characteristic of nematodes including species with the invariant cleavage. Thus, the early stages of nematode development are evolutionary very flexible, but at the course of embryonic development similarity of different species is progressively increased up to the uniform morphogenetic stages. The dynamics of variation in nematode development contradict to the von Baer's law but are in an agreement with the modern "hourglass model" (Doboul, 1994; Raff, 1986).  相似文献   

The B class genes, including homologs of the Arabidopsis loci APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILLATA (PI ), appear to play a conserved role in the determination of petal and stamen identity across core eudicot angiosperms. Understanding how and when these functions evolved is a critical component of elucidating the evolution of flowers, particularly the appearance of petaloid perianth organs. Before comparisons of gene expression patterns or functions can be made, however, it is necessary to establish the orthology of AP3 and PI homologs from basal angiosperms. Here, we report the identification and analysis of 29 new representatives of the B gene lineage from basal ANITA and magnoliid dicot angiosperms. These studies indicate that gene duplications have occurred at every phylogenetic level, both before and after the duplication that produced the separate AP3 and PI lineages. Comparison of genomic structure among PI homologs indicates that a 12-nucleotide deletion that had been considered synapomorphic for the whole PI lineage actually arose within the ANITA grade, after the split of the Nymphaeales but before the separation of the Austrobaileyales. Evidence for alternative splicing of the Nymphaea AP3 homolog is also presented. The implications of these findings for angiosperm systematics, the conservation of AP3 and PI gene function, and the evolution of the ABC program are discussed.  相似文献   

The ABC model of floral organ identity is based on studies of Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum, both of which are highly derived eudicots. Most of the genes required for the ABC functions in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum are members of the MADS-box gene family, and their orthologs are present in all major angiosperm lineages. Although the eudicots comprise 75% of all angiosperms, most of the diversity in arrangement and number of floral parts is actually found among basal angiosperm lineages, for which little is known about the genes that control floral development. To investigate the conservation and divergence of expression patterns of floral MADS-box genes in basal angiosperms relative to eudicot model systems, we isolated several floral MADS-box genes and examined their expression patterns in representative species, including Amborella (Amborellaceae), Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) and Illicium (Austrobaileyales), the successive sister groups to all other extant angiosperms, plus Magnolia and Asimina, members of the large magnoliid clade. Our results from multiple methods (relative-quantitative RT-PCR, real-time PCR and RNA in situ hybridization) revealed that expression patterns of floral MADS-box genes in basal angiosperms are broader than those of their counterparts in eudicots and monocots. In particular, (i) AP1 homologs are generally expressed in all floral organs and leaves, (ii) AP3/PI homologs are generally expressed in all floral organs and (iii) AG homologs are expressed in stamens and carpels of most basal angiosperms, in agreement with the expectations of the ABC model; however, an AG homolog is also expressed in the tepals of Illicium. The broader range of strong expression of AP3/PI homologs is inferred to be the ancestral pattern for all angiosperms and is also consistent with the gradual morphological intergradations often observed between adjacent floral organs in basal angiosperms.  相似文献   

Species within three families of basal angiosperms (Trimeniaceae, Winteraceae, Monimiaceae) illustrate differences and similarities in pollen within a species, between species and between genera. Trimenia papuana (Trimeniaceae) has dimorphic pollen (inaperturate, polyforate), each confined to different individual plants. Other species have either disulculate or polyforate pollen. Evolution seems to be from disulculate to inaperturate to polyforate. Present-day Winteraceae have pollen in permanent tetrads except four species of Zygogynum with monads. Why? Did such monads appear as fossils before tetrads in Winteraceae? Molecular studies of Takhtajania perrieri indicate it is basal but its unique bicarpellate unilocular gynoecium seems derived. Although Hedycarya arborea and Kibaropsis caledonica have near-identical permanent pollen tetrads, many other features are very different. Hedycarya species have permanent tetrads or inaperturate monads with spinulose, `starry' or other sculpturing, and it is suggested this and recent molecular data indicate further studies are needed to determine generic limits.  相似文献   

The morphology of specialized structures in the leaf epidermis of 32 species of basal (ANITA: Amborella, Nymphaeales, Illiciales, Trimeniaceae, and Austrobaileyaceae) angiosperms, representing all seven families and 11 of 14 genera, was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Distribution, density, and size of structures were also measured, and character evolution was analyzed. Hydropotes are a synapomorphy of Nymphaeales and ethereal oil cells are a synapomorphy of Austrobaileyales, but uniseriate nonglandular trichomes appear to have arisen independently several times. Specialized structures are frequently characterized by adjacent epidermal cells that have striking similarities in their form and arrangement (i.e., architecture) to subsidiary cells of certain types of stomatal complexes. Additionally, forms intermediate to oil cells and stomata, to trichomes and stomata, and to hydropotes and oil cells are present in some taxa. Thus, all of these specialized structures and their adjacent epidermal cells form complexes that may be homologous with, and evolutionarily derived from stomatal complexes, and the specialized structure, or portion thereof, may be homologous to the stoma or guard mother cell. Improved knowledge of the morphology and evolution of these structures in the earliest branching extant angiosperm lineages has a bearing on many diverse areas of botany.  相似文献   

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