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Anecdotal reports from blue crab fishermen in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida suggested that bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) followed their boats, and stole bait fish from crab pots soon after they were deployed. To investigate these reports, we made biweekly observations from IRL commercial crab boats from January 1998 to January 1999 (670 h). Only 2.8% of the 18,891 crab pots surveyed revealed evidence of dolphin/crab pot interaction. Dolphin interactions included: (1) begging at boats, (2) feeding on discarded bait fish, (3) engaging in crab pot tipping behavior, and (4) dolphin mortality from crab pot float line entanglement. Overall, 16.6% of the 1,296 dolphins sighted interacted with fishing boats. Seasonal trends were evident, with fishery interactions peaking in the summer. Crab pot interactions ranged from 0% to 36% of the traps checked daily. Different methods of securing the bait-well door and the role of trap locality were tested using a replicated experimental design. Results showed significant differences in successful bait removal by dolphins, among the degrees of door security ( P < 0.001) and between trap location ( P < 0.01). Thus, increased door security may help to reduce the negative impacts to the fishery and dolphins involved.  相似文献   

The causes of dolphin and whale stranding can often be difficult to determine. Because toothed whales rely on echolocation for orientation and feeding, hearing deficits could lead to stranding. We report on the results of auditory evoked potential measurements from eight species of odontocete cetaceans that were found stranded or severely entangled in fishing gear during the period 2004 through 2009. Approximately 57% of the bottlenose dolphins and 36% of the rough-toothed dolphins had significant hearing deficits with a reduction in sensitivity equivalent to severe (70-90 dB) or profound (>90 dB) hearing loss in humans. The only stranded short-finned pilot whale examined had profound hearing loss. No impairments were detected in seven Risso's dolphins from three different stranding events, two pygmy killer whales, one Atlantic spotted dolphin, one spinner dolphin, or a juvenile Gervais' beaked whale. Hearing impairment could play a significant role in some cetacean stranding events, and the hearing of all cetaceans in rehabilitation should be tested.  相似文献   

Odontocete depredation involves stealing or damaging bait or prey already captured by fishing gear. The increase in depredation is of concern for small stocks of cetaceans because interactions with fishing gear can lead to serious injury or mortality through entanglement or ingestion. Using long‐term data sets available for the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) community in Sarasota Bay, Florida, we investigated recreational fishing gear interactions by (1) examining temporal patterns in depredation and associated behaviors from 2000 to 2007; (2) quantifying the behavior of dolphins that depredate or engage in associated behaviors; and (3) identifying factors associated with the rise in depredation locally. The number of incidents of dolphins (primarily adult males) interacting with recreational anglers and boaters increased following 2004. Depredation and associated behaviors increased during red tide lags and tourist seasons during times of prey depletion and heightened angler and boater activity. Dolphins with a history of fishing gear interactions shifted away from natural activity patterns and were more likely to be within 50 m of fishing lines. Recreational fishing gear interactions were attributed to a two percent population decline in Sarasota Bay in 2006 and need to be considered along with other cumulative human impacts in the development of conservation measures for dolphins.  相似文献   

Interactions between marine mammals and fisheries are a growing problem, and effective management requires assessment of the factors driving the interaction and of the impacts on fisheries. We used data from interactions between artisanal fisheries and bottlenose dolphins around the Balearic Islands to assess these factors and impacts. Observers collected data during 1,040 fishing operations over 3 yr. Location and year were important factors affecting interaction probability, with some areas showing large increases over the study period. We estimated the combined cost of catch loss and net damage as 6.5% of the total catch value (95% CI ?12.3%, ?1.6%), and the annual loss to be 3.4% (95% CI ?6.5%, ?0.1%) of the total catch by weight. This weight equates to the dietary needs of ~12 dolphins (95% CI 0.2, 22), suggesting the fishery is not a vital food source for the dolphin population. Two dolphins died through entanglement during the observed fishing operations. We observed 3% of the total fishing activity, by weight, in 2003; scaling up this mortality directly suggests that as many as sixty dolphins may be dying in nets each year. This interaction likely has serious conservation implications for the dolphin population.  相似文献   

The responses of wild, non-provisioned bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) to swim attempts from commercial swim-with-dolphin tour boats were systematically observed during two research periods: 1994–1995 and 1997–1998. A total of 255 groups of dolphins was encountered during boat-based surveys and 36% ( n = 93) were exposed to at least one swim attempt. The operators' success with swim attempts, defined as at least one dolphin milling within 5 m of at least one swimmer, decreased from 48% in 1994–1995 to 34% in 1997–1998, and avoidance responses to swimmers increased from 22% to 31%. Dolphin response was found to vary according to swimmer placement. The greatest increase in avoidance occurred when swimmers were placed in the dolphins' path of travel. Based on sighting records of 266 individually identified dolphins, it was estimated that an average dolphin was exposed to 31 swim attempts per year. This level of exposure suggests that individual dolphins have, with cumulative experience, become sensitized to swim attempts. When a swim attempt was successful, on average it involved 19% of the group. Age-class differences in interaction rates showed that juveniles were significantly more likely to interact with swimmers than adults. This study highlights the importance of longitudinal studies in evaluating human impact and suggests the urgent need for similar studies of potential human impact on other toothed cetaceans.  相似文献   

Spotted dolphins in the eastern Pacific Ocean associate with yellowfin tuna. During the chase and encirclement phases of purse-seining for tunas, dolphin attempt to evade encirclement with the purse-seine net. We used data on evasive behavior (1982–2001) and numbers of purse-seine sets (1959–2001) to study the relationship between evasion and fishing effort. Results show that in nearshore areas first exploited by the fishery in the early 1960s, dolphins exhibited high evasion, but with a limited correlation between evasion and cumulative effort. In areas farther offshore next exploited in the mid-to late-1960s, dolphins showed high evasion and a significant correlation between evasion and cumulative effort. Dolphins in far-western and southern areas, first exploited in the late 1960s to early 1970s, exhibited low evasion, with little relationship to cumulative effort. We hypothesize that this spatial pattern is the result of two types of pressure from fishing: early effort in nearshore areas with a high risk of mortality that generated a lasting evasive response, followed by a longer period of even greater effort but with lower risk of mortality that generated evasion by longer-term learning.  相似文献   

Two near shore small cetaceans occur commonly along the Maharashtra coast, the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin and Indo Pacific finless porpoise. These cetaceans frequently interact with fisheries in this region due to overlap in space and resource use. Besides stranding records, little ecological information is available about these species from Maharashtra. We conducted 143 semistructured interviews to document local ecological knowledge and community perceptions of small cetaceans in 30 coastal fishing villages in Sindhudurg. Perceptions of finless porpoises were largely neutral, whereas humpback dolphins were negative. A classification regression tree (CART) analysis (root node error: 60%) showed that the annual cost of gear damage was an important predictor variable of humpback dolphin perceptions, followed by occupation (gear type) and age. Entanglements were reported for both species in large and small gill nets, and shore seines. Perceived net damage and catch loss due to humpback dolphins was six times greater than that of finless porpoises. However, finless porpoises were reportedly more frequently entangled in gear than humpback dolphins. We provide an insight into the perceptions of cetaceans in the local community and the fisheries‐cetacean interactions that shape them.  相似文献   

Accurate identification of human‐induced injuries that lead to death or interfere with reproduction is important for marine mammal management, as deaths exceeding established limits can lead to restrictions on fisheries or vessel operations. The fates of cetaceans last seen swimming with attached gear, particularly in pelagic fisheries, or with vessel strike lacerations, have been difficult to predict. Survival and reproduction data from long‐term research on resident common bottlenose dolphins near Sarasota, Florida were examined relative to consequences of fishing gear ingestion, line entanglements, vessel strikes, and amputations of unknown origins. Fishing hooks embedded in the throat, goosebeak, or esophagus, or line wrapped around the goosebeak, generally lead to death. Multiple, constrictive line wraps around fin insertions can lead to amputation, blood loss, impaired mobility, or infection. Dolphins with ingested gear or severe entanglements may swim away with the gear, but likely die later. Propeller injuries involving only soft tissue were often survivable. Some dolphins survived amputations of the distal ends of fins, and continued to reproduce. As a precautionary approach, dolphins with ingested gear or severe constrictive entanglements should be considered mortalities, but extrapolations of findings from coastal bottlenose dolphins to other cetaceans and different gear must be done with caution.  相似文献   

In the Atlantic, economic losses have been reported from shark, swordfish and tuna longline fisheries due to depredation by cetaceans. We examined interactions of odontocete cetaceans with commercial longliners operating in waters off Brazil and the Azores archipelago during 2006–2007, analysing relationships between catches, depredation on hooked fish, cetacean sightings, acoustic records of cetacean presence and environmental variables. Data were provided by skippers of six vessels and by on-board observers for two vessels. The percentage of longline sets depredated by cetaceans was low (ranging from 1% to 9% of total sets per ship) but the proportion of fish damaged was high (up to 100%) when depredation occurred. Catches were related to the phase of the moon, cloud cover, sea surface temperature and water depth whereas cetacean sightings were primarily related to catches. In particular there was a positive association between Delphinus delphis sightings and catches of swordfish, and between Stenella frontalis sightings and mako catches. Acoustic detection was low when depredation by false killer whales occurred although high rates of clicks were detected when delphinids were sighted and false killer whales were by-caught. This may indicate that false killer whales are not echolocating when feeding on fish hooked on a longline. Guest editor: V. D. Valavanis Essential Fish Habitat Mapping in the Mediterranean  相似文献   

  • 1. The eastern tropical Atlantic (ETA), extending from Mauritania south to Angola, is inhabited by at least 34 cetacean species. Knowledge of cetaceans and the human activities affecting them in the ETA is scant.
  • 2. Available literature was reviewed over three eras of ETA cetacean research: the whaling era (1700s–1950s); the stranding and specimen era (1950s–70s); and the modern field research era (1980s–present). Eight human activities were documented to impact ETA cetacean species: directed takes (whaling and small cetaceans); by‐catch or entanglement in fishing gear; the ETA tuna purse seine fishery; overfishing; habitat loss and degradation; vessel strikes; marine ecotourism; and live captures for display. Climate change may represent a future threat.
  • 3. Directed takes of small cetaceans were documented in 12 ETA countries, and incidental by‐catch (especially in gillnets) in at least nine countries. Additionally, unknown levels of cetacean mortality occur in ETA tuna purse seine fisheries. The use of cetaceans as ‘bushmeat’ was documented in 15 countries and involved at least 23 species. Little information could be found on cetacean mortality in Liberia, Benin, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, São Tomé and Príncipe or the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • 4. Human activities were most frequently and widely reported to impact on common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus and Atlantic humpback dolphins Sousa teuszii, which are particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic interactions due to their nearshore occurrence.
  • 5. The lack of information on the scale of impacts and on cetacean abundance and population structure in the ETA currently hinders assessments of the sustainability of mortality levels.

The spatial and seasonal distribution of cetaceans and possible links with environmental conditions were studied at the Galician continental shelf. Data were collected between February–August 2001 and June–September 2003 during opportunistic surveys onboard fishing boats. Seven species of cetaceans were identified from 250 sightings of 6,846 individuals. The common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) was by far the most frequently sighted and the most widely distributed species. Spatiotemporal trends in cetacean distribution and abundance, and their relationships with environmental parameters (sea depth, SST and chlorophyll-a) were quantified using generalised additive models (GAMs). Results for all cetaceans were essentially the same as for common dolphins alone. Modelling results indicated that the number of common dolphin sightings per unit effort was higher further south. The number of individual common dolphins seen per sighting of this species (i.e. group size) was however higher in the north and west of the study area, higher later in the year and higher in 2001 than in 2003. In contrast, the number of common dolphin calves seen (per sighting of this species) was higher in the south. Models including environmental variables indicated larger common dolphin group sizes in deeper waters and at higher chlorophyll concentrations (i.e. in more productive areas). There was also a positive relationship between survey effort and group size, which is probably an artefact of the tendency of the survey platforms (fishing boats) to spend most time in areas of high fish abundance. Numbers of common dolphin calves per sighting were found to be higher in shallower waters. The results are consistent with common dolphins foraging mainly in deeper waters of the Galician continental shelf, while more southern inshore waters may represent a nursery area.  相似文献   

Stranded cetaceans reported from the territorial waters of Hong Kong during the period May 1993 to March 1998 were examined to establish factors that may have contributed to their death. During the current study, 28 Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphins (Sousa chinensis), 32 finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides), and four bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were necropsied. Bacteria (15 species) were isolated from nine animals. Of these bacteria, 47% were of possible fecal origin reflecting the high level of sewage contamination in Hong Kong's waters. One finless porpoise displayed wounds caused by a shark attack, and two female finless porpoises presented prolapsed uteri. At least 10 finless porpoises showed evidence of moderate to heavy lungworm infections (Halocercus pingi), and this appears to have been a factor contributing to death in at least six animals. Evidence suggesting blunt traumatic injury (probably caused by boat collisions) was found in six cetaceans (three finless porpoises and three hump-backed dolphins). Signs of fishery-related mortality were detected in at least nine animals (six hump-backed dolphins, two finless porpoises, and one bottlenose dolphin). Of these two human-caused mortality types, pre-existing disease or bacterial infection were detected in 29% of cases. Results indicate that human factors may have played a significant role in the death of at least 15 animals (32% of hump-backed dolphins, 15% of finless porpoises, and 25% of bottlenose dolphins).  相似文献   

Most studies of delphinid‐trawler interactions have documented the surface behavior of dolphins feeding on discarded bycatch, but not their subsurface behavior around demersal trawl gear. Using video cameras mounted inside trawl nets, we recorded the subsurface behavior of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a demersal fish trawl fishery in northwestern Australia. Footage from 36 trawls across the fishery was analyzed to determine the extent of dolphin‐gear interactions and the behavior of dolphins inside the nets. Interaction rates were high, with dolphins present inside and outside the nets during 29 and 34 trawls, respectively, and for up to 99% of the trawl duration. The proportion of foraging behaviors exhibited inside the nets was higher than the proportions of traveling and socializing behaviors. Twenty‐nine individuals were identified inside the net, seven of which returned repeatedly within and between trawls and fishing trips, but were observed primarily in the same localized areas in which they were first recorded. Our results suggest that entering trawl nets may be a frequently occurring, yet specialized behavior exhibited by a small subset of trawler‐associated dolphins. We propose that gear modifications, not spatial or temporal adjustments to fishing effort, have the greatest potential to reduce dolphin bycatch.  相似文献   

Frozen muscle samples from 44 striped dolphins stranded on the Spanish Mediterranean coasts from 1990 to 1993 have been studied by means of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction site analysis. Thirty-five of these dolphins were affected by a die-off occurring during this time in the western Mediterranean Sea. The mtDNA from each dolphin was digested with 15 restriction endonucleases that recognized 61 different restriction sites. The specific location of these sites on the mitochondrial gene map allowed us to determine the distribution of variability along this molecule. From the restriction analysis, a total of 15 different composite patterns or haplotypes was obtained and their phylogenetic relationships established both by cladistic and phenetic methods.
Estimates of sequence divergence among the 15 haplotypes ranged from 0.148% to 0.919%. Haplotype diversity (average heterozygosity) obtained was 0.789, a high value compared to other available data on cetaceans, especially considering that only a small area of the distribution of the species has been sampled. Neither population subdivision nor any evidence of correlation between haplotype frequencies and temporal or geographic distribution of dolphins has been detected.  相似文献   

Despite achievements in dolphin conservation for the tuna purse‐seine fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean, debate continues about the magnitude and importance of dolphin mortality caused by small (unobserved) vessels. In‐port sampling of tuna catch size composition is a potentially cost‐effective means of identifying unobserved vessels that may be catching tunas associated with dolphins because yellowfin tuna caught in association with dolphins are larger, on average, than those caught in other types of purse‐seine sets. A classification algorithm to predict purse‐seine set type (“dolphin” vs. “nondolphin”) was built from port‐sampling data on yellowfin tuna length‐frequencies and the date and location of fishing of large (observed) vessels. This classification algorithm was used to screen the port‐sampling data of small vessels collected during 2006‐2009, assuming the fishing practices of the two groups resulted in similar catch characteristics. From these results, hypothetical time series of dolphin mortality for small vessels were constructed and incorporated into a population dynamics model, along with mortalities of large vessels. Results suggest that any dolphin mortality of small vessels is unlikely to be substantially affecting trends in dolphin abundance. These results underscore the importance of in‐port sampling, in combination with at‐sea observation and fishery‐independent surveys, to effective management.  相似文献   

Data collected by scientific technicians aboard tuna purse seiners in the eastern Pacific Ocean since the early 1970s have allowed us to study the biology and herd dynamics of pelagic dolphins. A pattern of increasing group size in the morning and subsequent decline in the late afternoon or night was evident for spotted, spinner, and common dolphins, as well as for large yellowfin tuna that associate with dolphins. Diel patterns were also apparent in the formation of mixed-species herds of spotted and spinner dolphins and tuna-dolphin aggregations. Different patterns, however, were displayed by bottlenose dolphins and by yellowfin and skipjack tunas that did not associate with dolphins. It appears that these diel patterns are produced by an interaction of predation pressure and prey distribution.  相似文献   

Within the Ecosystem-based fisheries management framework, we evaluated the changes over time in bycatch species of the European tuna purse-seine fishery operating in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Bycatch data was collected during two scientific observer programs conducted in the late 1990s and in the late 2000s. Over these two time periods, we compared the temporal trends in bycatch species composition, the probability of occurrence of functional groups per fishing set, the spatio-temporal species richness and the potential impact on several species listed in the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The analyses were performed separately on the two main fishing modes of the fleet, i.e. sets on free-swimming school sets and on fish aggregating devices (FADs). Owing data quality constraints, we did not estimate bycatch rates. Ours results showed that the species composition of sharks caught on FADs decreased over time. The total species richness was higher for FAD sets than for free-swimming school sets (87 vs. 61 species respectively), such difference is common between fishing modes worldwide. For the species catalogued as threatened by the IUCN, in free-swimming schools, 25.5 % of the species caught during first period increased to 30.4 % during second period, while for FAD-fishing the increase was from 28.8 % during first period to 34.9 % in second period. Ours findings suggest that tropical tuna purse-seine fisheries should include ecosystem-based governance of bycatch. Effective tuna management will require a combination of technological improvements for mitigating incidental catch of vulnerable species, best use of byproduct species, regulations in fishing practices and in spatial distribution of fishing effort, and international agreements that, together, can monitor and manage bycatch, reducing the negative fishing effects on the epipelagic ecosystem biodiversity.  相似文献   

A controlled experiment was carried out in 1996–1997 to determine whether acoustic deterrent devices (pingers) reduce marine mammal bycatch in the California drift gill net fishery for swordfish and sharks. Using Fisher's exact test, bycatch rates with pingers were significantly less for all cetacean species combined ( P < 0.001) and for all pinniped species combined ( P = 0.003). For species tested separately with this test, bycatch reduction was statistically significant for short-beaked common dolphins ( P = 0.001) and California sea lions ( P = 0.02). Bycatch reduction is not statistically significant for the other species tested separately, but sample sizes and statistical power were low, and bycatch rates were lower in pingered nets for six of the eight other cetacean and pinniped species. A log-linear model relating the mean rate of entanglement to the number of pingers deployed was fit to the data for three groups: short-beaked common dolphins, other cetaceans, and pinnipeds. For a net with 40 pingers, the models predict approximately a 12-fold decrease in entanglement for short-beaked common dolphins, a 4-fold decrease for other cetaceans, and a 3-fold decrease for pinnipeds. No other variables were found that could explain this effect. The pinger experiment ended when regulations were enacted to make pingers mandatory in this fishery.  相似文献   

A total of 1,715 km of boat-based surveys and 1,521 km of aircraft-based surveys was conducted from 1986–1989 to assess the distribution, relative abundance, and ecological relationships of cetaceans in the northern Gulf of California. Seven cetacean species were seen; in decreasing frequency of groups encountered they were: bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus ; vaquitas, Phocoena sinus ; common dolphins, Delphinus delphis ; fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus ; Bryde's whales, B. edeni ; gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus , and killer whales, Orcinus orca. Common dolphins were numerically dominant and bottlenose dolphins were seen most often. Bryde's whales and vaquitas had the smallest group sizes. In general, the odontocete cetaceans were separated spatially, whereas the distribution of Bryde's and fin whales overlapped considerably.  相似文献   

Atlantic white-sided dolphins ( Lagenorhynchus acutus ) are among the most abundant, and least studied, cetaceans in coastal New England. Between April and October 1984 through 1997 we sighted 1,231 groups of Atlantic white-sided dolphins, primarily on Stellwagen Bank and Jeffreys Ledge (two shallow glacial deposits along the coasts of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine). Mean group size was 52 (≥90.9), and was significantly larger from August through October (71.9 ± 111.4) than April through June (35.0 ± 45.4). Calf sightings were uncommon until June and July, after which they were present in over 50% of groups. Combined with observations of apparent newborn calves, this confirms that early summer is an important calving period. The presence of calves did not, however, solely account for the increase in group size. Boat interaction (bow- and stern-wake riding) was the most commonly recorded behavior (47.4% of sightings), followed by traveling (31.4%), interactions with other cetacean species (27.6%), social interaction (15.5%), and feeding (9.5%). While feeding was uncommon, one observation of apparently coordinated "ball" feeding was seen with sand lance ( Ammodytes spp.) as the visible prey. Aerial behavior showed a positive correlation with group size, although it was often impossible to tell whether the same dolphins were leaping repeatedly. Eighty-eight dolphins were photo-identified using either unusual body pigment or a distinctive dorsal fin. While several individuals were reidentified between years and between areas, no reidentifications were made within a year in the same area. Unusually pigmented individuals were much more likely to be reidentified than those with distinctive dorsal fins, most likely due to higher visibility. We suggest that Atlantic white-sided dolphins are generally using the study area as transients in what appears to be a large home range.  相似文献   

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