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Saprotrophic fungi were investigated for their bioweathering effects on the vanadium‐ and lead‐containing insoluble apatite group mineral, vanadinite [Pb5(VO4)3Cl]. Despite the insolubility of vanadinite, fungi exerted both biochemical and biophysical effects on the mineral including etching, penetration and formation of new biominerals. Lead oxalate was precipitated by Aspergillus niger during bioleaching of natural and synthetic vanadinite. Some calcium oxalate monohydrate (whewellite) was formed with natural vanadinite because of the presence of associated ankerite [Ca(Fe2+,Mg)(CO3)2]. Aspergillus niger also precipitated lead oxalate during growth in the presence of lead carbonate, vanadium(V) oxide and ammonium metavanadate, while abiotic tests confirmed the efficacy of oxalic acid in solubilizing vanadinite and precipitating lead as oxalate. Geochemical modelling confirmed the complexity of vanadium speciation, and the significant effect of oxalate. Oxalate–vanadium complexes markedly reduced the vanadinite stability field, with cationic lead(II) and lead oxalate also occurring. In all treatments and geochemical simulations, no other lead vanadate, or vanadium minerals were detected. This research highlights the importance of oxalate in vanadinite bioweathering and suggests a general fungal transformation of lead‐containing apatite group minerals (e.g. vanadinite, pyromorphite, mimetite) by this mechanism. The findings are also relevant to remedial treatments for lead/vanadium contamination, and novel approaches for vanadium recovery.  相似文献   

The reaction of chromium(III) chloride, salicylic acid (SA) and ethylenediamine (en) led to the formation of chromium complex [Cr(SA)(en)(2)]Clx2H(2)O(1). The crystal structure belongs to monoclinic system with the space group P2(1), R(1)=0.0358. In this compound, Cr(III) atom is six-coordinated in octahedral coordination geometry by one phenolic hydroxyl oxygen, one carboxylate oxygen from the salicylic acid and four nitrogen atoms from two ethylenediamine molecules, respectively. The transfer manners of Cr(III) from the title compound to the low-molecular-mass chelator, ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and the iron-binding protein apoovotransferrin (apoOTf) were followed by a combination of UV-visible (UV-Vis) and fluorescence spectra in 0.01M Hepes at pH 7.4. The results show that Cr(III) can be transferred from the complex to apoovotransferrin with the retention of the salicylate acted as a synergistic anion.  相似文献   



Development of novel metallodrugs with enhanced anti-proliferative potential and reduced toxicity has become the prime focus of the evolving medicinal chemistry. In this regards, gold (III) complexes with various ligands are being extensively investigated. In the current study renal and hepatic toxicity of a newly developed gold (III) compound [Au(en)Cl2]Cl was assessed by histopathological evaluation of liver and kidney specimens of rats exposed to the compound.


Male rats (n = 42) weighing 200–250 gram were injected single, varying doses of gold (III) compound [(dichlorido(ethylenediamine)aurate((III)]chloride [Au(en)Cl2]Cl in the acute toxicity component of the study. In the sub-acute toxicity part, a dose of 32.2 mg/kg (equivalent to 1/10 of LD50) was administered intraperitoneally for 14 consecutive days before sacrificing the animals. After autopsy, the renal and hepatic tissues were preserved in buffered formalin. Processing of the samples was followed by histopathological evaluation. The results were compared with the normal controls (n = 11).


A dose of 32.2 mg/kg (1/10 of LD50) revealed no renal tubular necrosis. The predominant histopathological finding was mild pyelitis, a prominence of eosinophils and mild congestion. The hepatic lesions comprised varying extents of ballooning degeneration with accompanying congestion and focal portal inflammation.


Gold (III) compound [Au(en)Cl2]Cl causes minimal histological changes in kidney and liver of rats, reflecting its relative safety as compared to other clinically established antineoplastic drugs.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the title compound, SnCl(C6H5)(C4H9)[S2CN(C2H5)2], was determined and refined to an R factor of 3.2% for 4876 reflections. The molecule contains five-coordinate tin in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal arrangement with the tin atom lying 0.20 Å below the equatorial plane formed by one of the sulphur atoms, S(1), and the donor carbons of the butyl and phenyl groups. The chlorine and the other sulphur atom, S(2), occupy axial sites, making a S(2)SnCl angle of 156.85(1)°. The SnS(2) bond is markedly elongated (2.764(1) Å) compared to the SnCl bond (2.449(1) Å) and the SnS(1) bond (2.454(1) Å). The structure resembles those of analogues such as (C6H5)2Sn(glygly) in having both hydrocarbon ligands located in the equatorial plane. Crystal data: space group P1: a = 8.291(2) Å, b = 14.726(3) Å, c = 9.509(2) Å, α = 96.24(2)°, β = 107.02(3)°, γ = 116.70(2)°, Z = 2, R = 3.2% for 4876 independent reflections.  相似文献   

The interaction of [Ru(NH3)5Cl]2+ and [Ru(NH3)6]3+ complex ions with calf thymus DNA has been studied at various r values (r = [Mn+]/[DNA-P]). Electronic spectra of metal-DNA solutions have been recorded and compared to the spectra of metal, as well as of DNA, solutions. Melting curves have been taken for the determination of DNA melting temperature (Tm) in the presence of the above complex ions. The results showed a biphasic melting of the DNA strands for relatively high r values. The Tm for the first phase increased with increasing r values, indicating metal ion interaction with the phosphate moieties of the DNA. The appearance of a second-phase melting, in connection with electronic spectra, pH values, and conductivity measurements of metal ion solutions, is indicative of the initial complexes' transformation to [Ru(NH3)5OH]2+, which binds preferentially to double-stranded rather than single-stranded DNA, thus leading to a second melting curve at a higher temperature than the first one.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,118(2):129-134
Improved and simple methods for the preparation of [Fe2OX6]2tau; (X = Cl Br I) complexes are described. The complexes were obtained in high and purified yields as the BzPh3P+ or R4N+ salts. An X-ray crystallographic study of (BzPh3P)2 [Fe2OCl6] revealed a structure for the complex anion in which the two iron atoms are linked by gdot; -oxo bridge and the terminal coordination sites are occupied by the chloride ligands. Mcolon; ssbauer and infrared spectra for the complexes are reported.  相似文献   

The crystal structure and absolute configuration of the (?)589-dibenzoylmonohydrogentartrate salt of the cation [Co(pyridine)4Cl2]+ have been determined from a three-dimensional X-ray analysis. Single crystals were grown from dimethylsulfoxide: space group P212121, Z = 4, and cell dimensions a = 21.463(4), b = 23.112(3), and c = 7.490(1) Å. Full-matrix least-squares refinement on F converged at R = 0.075, 196 variables and 2029 observations. The cation has pseudotetragonal coordinate geometry, with axial Cl and equatorial N atoms. The dihedral angles between the pyridine ligands and the equatorial plane are 47(1), 39(1), 50(1), and 45(1)° and torsional isomerism is responsible for the solid-state chiroptical properties of the cation. The preferential crystallization of the P atropisomer of the cation is attributed to a general electrostatic attraction between cation and anion.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin from Chromatium vinosum has been solved by molecular replacement using data recorded with synchrotron radiation. The crystals were hexagonal prisms that showed a strong tendency to develop into long tubes. The hexagonal prisms diffracted to 2.1 A resolution at best, and a structural model for C. vinosum ferredoxin has been built with a final R of 19.2%. The N-terminal domain coordinates the two [4Fe-4S] clusters in a fold that is almost identical to that of other known ferredoxins. However, the structure has two unique features. One is a six-residue insertion between two ligands of one cluster forming a two-turn external loop; this short loop changes the conformation of the Cys 40 ligand compared to other ferredoxins and hampers the building of one NH...S H-bond to one of the inorganic sulfurs. The other remarkable structural element is a 3.5-turn alpha-helix at the C-terminus that covers one side of the same cluster and is linked to the cluster-binding domain by a six-residue external chain segment. The charge distribution is highly asymmetric over the molecule. The structure of C. vinosum ferredoxin strongly suggests divergent evolution for bacterial [3/4Fe-4S] ferredoxins from a common ancestral cluster-binding core. The unexpected slow intramolecular electron transfer rate between the clusters in C. vinosum ferredoxin, compared to other similar proteins, may be attributed to the unusual electronic properties of one of the clusters arising from localized changes in its vicinity rather than to a global structural rearrangement.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of [Sm(OPMePh2)4I2]I, 1, was determined by X-ray diffraction and refined anisotropically to a final R value of 0.067 from 3040 reflections with I>3.0σ(I). The space group was P2/a and Z=2. The unit cell dimensions were: a= 17.777(6), b=13.559(2), c=11.656(4) Å, α=γ= 90.0 and β=97.25(3)°. The cation geometry was octahedral with the Sm(III) bonded to two mutually trans I ions and four OPMePh2 groups. A third non-bonded I was present elsewhere in the cell. The SmI and SmO distances were 3.077(1) and 2.27(1) Å respectively. Two of the SmOP angles were 172.1(6)° and the other two were 162.0(6)°.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the binding of square planar cis- and trans-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] complexes and the octahedral [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ complex to tRNAphe from yeast was carried out by X-ray crystallography. Both of the carcinostatic compounds, cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ show similarities in their mode of binding to tRNA. These complexes bind specifically to the N(7) positions of guanines G15 and G18 in the dihydrouridine loop. [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ has an additional binding site at N(7) of residue G1 after extensive soaking times (58 days). A noncovalent binding site for ruthenium is also observed in the deep groove of the acceptor stem helix with shorter (25 days) soaking time. The major binding site for the inactive trans-[Pt(NH3)Cl2] complex is at the N(1) position of residue A73, with minor trans-Pt binding sites at the N(7) positions of residues Gm34, G18 and G43. The similarities in the binding modes of cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ are expected to be related to their carcinostatic properties.  相似文献   

The dichlorobis(2-phenylazopyridine)ruthenium(II) complexes, [Ru(azpy)(2)Cl(2)], are under renewed investigation due to their potential anticancer activity. The three most common isomers alpha-, beta- and gamma-[RuL(2)Cl(2)] with L= o-tolylazopyridine (tazpy) and 4-methyl-2-phenylazopyridine (mazpy) (alpha indicating the coordinating Cl, N(pyridine) and Nazo atoms in mutual cis, trans, cis positions, beta indicating the coordinating Cl, N(pyridine) and Nazo atoms in mutual cis, cis, cis positions, and gamma indicating the coordinating Cl, N(pyridine) and Nazo atoms in mutual trans, cis, cis positions) are synthesized and characterized by NMR spectroscopy. The molecular structures of gamma-[Ru(tazpy)(2)Cl(2)] and alpha-[Ru(mazpy)(2)Cl(2)] are determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The IC(50) values of the geometrically isomeric [Ru(tazpy)(2)Cl(2)] and [Ru(mazpy)(2)Cl(2)] complexes compared with those of the parent [Ru(azpy)(2)Cl(2)] complexes are determined in a series of human tumour cell lines (MCF-7, EVSA-T, WIDR, IGROV, M19, A498 and H266). These data unambiguously show for all complexes the following trend: the alpha isomer shows a very high cytotoxicity, whereas the beta isomer is a factor 10 less cytotoxic. The gamma isomers of [Ru(tazpy)(2)Cl(2)] and [Ru(mazpy)(2)Cl(2)] display a very high cytotoxicity comparable to that of the gamma isomer of the parent compound [Ru(azpy)(2)Cl(2)] and to that of the alpha isomer. These biological data are of the utmost importance for a better understanding of the structure-activity relationships for the isomeric [RuL(2)Cl(2)] complexes.  相似文献   

[Rh2Cl2(CO)4] reacts with the ligands L (2-pyridone, 2-thiopyridone, and the isomers 6-methyl-2-thiopyridone, 2-methylmercaptopyridine, and N-methylthiopyridone) to give initially, when L/Rh = 1, the bridged-cleaved compounds cis- [RhCl(CO)2L]. Further additions of 2-methyl- mercaptopyridine, N-methylthiopyridone, or 2-pyridone caused no further change, but 2- thiopyridone and 6-methyl-2-thiopyridone gave new cis-dicarbonyl species (L/Rh = 2) and eventually monocarbonyl species (L/Rh > 3). All these solutions are air-sensitive and air oxidation of a solution of [Rh2Cl2(CO)4] with an excess of 6-methyl-2- thiopyridone gave fac-[Rh(MeC5H3NS)3] the X-ray structure of which shows three equivalent chelating 6-methyl-2-thiopyridonato ligands.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》2006,359(11):3785-3789
The molecular structures of the dimeric cobalt compounds [Co(PPhMe2)(CO)3]2 and [Co2(PPhMe2)3(CO)5] have been characterised by X-ray crystallography. The compound [Co2(PPhMe2)3(CO)5] contains both bridging and terminal carbonyl groups in the solid state.  相似文献   

The crystal structure and magnetic properties of a penta-coordinate iron(III) complex of pyridoxal-4-methylthiosemicarbazone, [Fe(H2mthpy)Cl2](CH3C6H4SO3), are reported. The synthesised ligand and the metal complex were characterised by spectroscopic methods (1H NMR, IR, and mass spectroscopy), elemental analysis, and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The complex crystallises as dark brown microcrystals. The crystal data determined at 100(1) K revealed a triclinic system, space group (Z = 2). The ONSCl2 geometry around the iron(III) atom is intermediate between trigonal bipyramidal and square pyramidal (τ = 0.40). The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility (5-300 K) is consistent with a high spin Fe(III) ion (S = 5/2) exhibiting zero-field splitting. Interpretation of these data yielded: D = 0.34(1) cm−1 and g = 2.078(3).  相似文献   

The kinetics and stereochemistry for the base catalysed substitution reactions of all seven isomers (4 mer and 3 fac) of both [Co(dien)(ibn)Cl]2+ and [Co(dien)(ampy)Cl]2+ have been studied in detail, for water and azide ion as entering groups. The stereochemistry for the azide ion anation of some of the [Co(dien)(diamine)OH]2+ species have also been investigated. The mer isomers are of comparable reactivity and amongst the fastest reacting pentaaminechlorocobalt(III) complexes known. They are also much faster to hydrolyse than the fac species. In both the ibn and ampy systems, a common product stereochemistry is observed for the four reactant mer isomers (the product is a mixture of all four mer configurations), for both azide ion and water as nucleophiles, but not for the three fac reactants (H2O as nucleophile). The kinetic and equilibrium distributions are quite different. For the mer isomer reactions, a common trigonal bipyramidal five-coordinate intermediate deprotonated at the sec-NH of the dien is overwhelmingly implicated. The substitution mechanisms are argued in detail. Other data reported include isomerisation rates and equilibrium distributions for some mer-hydroxo and a mer-aqua complex of exceptional reactivity, equilibrium distributions for the mer-phosphato complexes in the ampy system under different pH conditions, the crystal structure for the isolated m1-[Co(dien)(ampy)OP(OH)3]Cl3 · 2H2O species, and a rationale for its predominance at neutral pH based on internal H-bonding.  相似文献   

〔四-[3-甲氧基-4-(N-咔唑)正丁氧苯基],4C4-TPP〕和〔四-[3-甲氧基-4-(N-咔唑)正己氧苯基],4C6-TPP〕是两个结构相似但侧链不同的卟啉化合物,4C6-TPP的侧链长于4C4-TPP。应用紫外吸收光谱、荧光光谱和园二色谱,研究了4C4-TPP和4C6-TPP与小牛胸腺DNA(Calf thymus, ctDNA)之间的相互作用。结果表明:4C4-TPP和4C6-TPP均以侧链插入DNA与之作用,计算二者与DNA之间的结合常数,4C6-TPP与DNA的结合常数远大于4C4-TPP与DNA的结合常数。基于4C4-TPP与4C6-TPP二者之间结构差异仅在于侧链基团,证明了侧链基团对于卟啉与DNA作用的影响不是主要决定于其空间尺寸大小,取代基化学结构是影响卟啉与DNA的相互作用的重要因素。  相似文献   

Substitution of thf ligands in [Cr(thf)3Cl3] and [Cr(thf)2(OH2)Cl3] was investigated. 2,2′-Bipyridine (bipy) was reacted with [Cr(thf)3Cl3] to form [Cr(bipy)(thf)Cl3] (1), which was subsequently reacted with water to give [Cr(bipy)(OH2)Cl3] (2). Reaction of 1 with acetonitrile (CH3CN), pyridine (py) and pyridine derivatives to form [Cr(bipy)(L)Cl3] (L = CH3CN 3, py 4 and 4-pyR with R = NH25, But6 and Ph 7). In addition, the substitution of bipy in [Cr(thf)3Cl3] was followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy at room temperature, which showed completion of the reaction in ca. 100 min. Complex 2 was characterised by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The theoretical powder diffraction pattern of 2 was compared to the experimentally obtained powder X-ray diffraction pattern, and shows excellent agreement. The dimer [Cr2(bipy)2Cl4(μ-Cl)2] was cleaved asymmetrically to give the anionic complex [Cr(bipy)Cl4] (8) and [Cr(bipy)2Cl2]+ (9). Complexes 8 and 9 were characterised by single crystal X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

Three new compounds formulated (ClO4)2[Fe(pq)3] (1), (BF4)2[Fe(pq)3] · EtOH (2) and {(ClO4)[MnCr(C2O4)3][Fe(pq)2(H2O)2]} (3), where pq is 2,2′-pyridylquinoline, have been synthesised and characterised. Despite the different crystal packing exhibited by 1 and 2, the cationic species [Fe(pq)3]2+ are structurally quite similar. At 293 K, the Fe–N bond lengths are characteristic of the iron(II) in the high-spin state. In contrast to 1, 2 undergoes a continuous spin transition. Indeed, at 95 K its structure experiences a noticeable change in the Fe–N bonds and angles, i.e. the Fe–N bonds shorten by 0.194 Å on the average. The magnetic behaviour confirms that 1 is fully high-spin in the 4–300 K temperature range while 2 shows a spin transition centred at T1/2 = 150 K. The corresponding enthalpy, entropy and interaction parameter are ΔH = 7.49 kJ mol?1, ΔS = 50 J K?1 mol?1and Γ = 1.35 kJ mol?1. Compound 3 has been obtained as a microcrystalline powder. The magnetic properties of 3 point at the occurrence of ferromagnetic coupling below 100 K and the onset of a ferromagnetic ordering below 10 K (Weiss constant equal to 6.8 K). The Mössbauer spectra of 3 show the occurrence of a magnetic order at T ? 4.2 K.  相似文献   

The title compounds, Ni(C5H14N2O)2Cl2 and Ni(C5H14N2O)2Br2, are isomorphous and crystallize in the orthorhombic space group Pnna with unit cell dimensions a = 13.182(3), b = 14.860(4), c = 8.742(2) Å, and a = 13.637(5), b = 15.009(4), c = 8.815(3) Å, respectively. The densities Dc and Dm are 1.42 and 1.425(4) g cm−3 for the chloride compound and 1.67 and 1.65(1) g cm-3 for the bromide; Z = 4. The data of both compounds were collected with an automatic four-circle diffractometer using ω-scan mode. The crystal structures were solved by direct methods, and the refinements, based upon 1388 and 1285 reflections with Fo > 6.0σ(Fo), yielded conventional R factors of 4.0 and 7.5%, respectively.The compounds are monomeric bischelates, where four nitrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms are coordinated octahedrally to a nickel(II) ion. The oxygen atoms are in cis-position to each other. The exact symmetries of the cations are C2. The ligand molecules are not deprotonated and are coordinated tridentately to the central atom. The six-membered ring of the chelate is in chair conformation and the five-membered ring in antisymmetric skew conformation. The chloride and bromide ions are weakly bonded to the structure with hydrogen bridges.The magnetic susceptibilities of the compounds were determined in the temperature range 93–303 K, and in both cases the magnetic data indicated octahedral nickel(II) coordination sphere with no interaction between the metal atoms.  相似文献   

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