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We present an endoscopic probe that combines three distinct optical fibre technologies including: A high-resolution imaging fibre for optical endomicroscopy, a multimode fibre for time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, and a hollow-core fibre with multimode signal collection cores for Raman spectroscopy. The three fibers are all enclosed within a 1.2 mm diameter clinical grade catheter with a 1.4 mm end cap. To demonstrate the probe's flexibility we provide data acquired with it in loops of radii down to 2 cm. We then use the probe in an anatomically accurate model of adult human airways, showing that it can be navigated to any part of the distal lung using a commercial bronchoscope. Finally, we present data acquired from fresh ex vivo human lung tissue. Our experiments show that this minimally invasive probe can deliver real-time optical biopsies from within the distal lung - simultaneously acquiring co-located high-resolution endomicroscopy and biochemical spectra.  相似文献   

Complexes of Salmonella typhimurium lipopolysaccharide toxin (LPS) with low density lipoproteins (LDL) prepared in vitro have been analyzed. LPS-LDL complexes were found to comprise approx. 0.24 mg LPS/mg LDL protein. The major protein of complexes was apolipoprotein apoB-100 (greater than or equal to 90-95%). Incorporation of LPS molecules into LDL was accompanied by small changes in lipid composition, i.e. the phosphatidylcholine content was diminished by approx. 11% and the free fatty acid concentration was raised 2-fold. Analytical ultracentrifugation showed that insertion of LPS into LDL results in the increase of a portion of particles with higher density (lower flotation coefficient) compared to initial LDL. As was evidenced by ESR, in LPS-LDL complexes, the phospholipid hydrocarbon chains are more ordered than in LDL. 31P-NMR spectra indicated that in LPS-LDL complexes the mobility of phospholipid polar headgroups is restricted in comparison with LDL. Application of the shift reagent (Pr3+) revealed that phospholipid molecules form a monolayer structure on the surface of complexes. Upon binding of LPS to LDL, a maximum of the apoB intrinsic fluorescence was slightly red-shifted (1-2 nm) which may testify that the localization of apoB remains nearly unchanged. For LPS-LDL complexes, the accessibility of apoB fluorophores to quenchers (I-, Cs+, acrylamide) did not dramatically differ from that of LDL. It is concluded that rather large amounts of LPS (about 9-10 molecules) can accommodate in one LDL particle without severely perturbing its original composition and structure. Moreover, in the LPS-LDL complexes, oligosaccharide chains of LPS screen notably neither phospholipid polar headgroups nor, what is very important, apoB. LPS-LDL complexes are suggested to be able in vivo to bind to cellular apoB/E receptors, possible LPS receptors and scavenger-receptors of macrophages (monocytes).  相似文献   

目的:通过电子顺磁自旋共振技术(ESR)动态观察大鼠在过热条件下肝脏的氧化还原状态.方法:将52只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分成4组:①加温组:麻醉后进行整体加温到直肠温达(43.0±0.5)℃,持续15 min;②对照组:只进行麻醉处理;③,MPG预处理组:用抗氧化剂MPG预处理后,再进行与上述①同样条件的加温处理;④非MPG预处理组:在③中用生理盐水代替MPG.经过以上处理后在不同时间点取肝脏制备组织匀浆,测定ESR波谱.结果:与对照组比较,加温组热暴露处理后记录的ESR波谱振幅-时间直线斜率增大,2 h达最大值.以后逐渐恢复,24 h接近对照组水平.经抗氧化剂预处理上述反应减弱.结论:过热能诱导肝脏产生活性氧,增强其氧化还原反应.  相似文献   

S Rufini  J Z Pedersen  A Desideri  P Luly 《Biochemistry》1990,29(41):9644-9651
The capacity of the snake venom neurotoxin beta-bungarotoxin to induce fusion of small unilamellar liposomes was demonstrated. The fusion process was studied spectroscopically using three different methods: (i) by resonance energy transfer, using fluorescent lipid analogues; (ii) by the Tb/DPA assay; (iii) by electron spin resonance, using spin-labeled phospholipids. For the latter technique, a new method of analysis based on Fourier-transform component separation was developed. The fusogenic activity was found to be strongly correlated with the known phospholipase A2 activity of the toxin: both functions were shown to have a specific requirement of Ca2+ at almost stoichiometrical concentrations, much below the threshold values found for unspecific divalent cation induced vesicle fusion. Similarly, the presence of phosphatidic acid in the target membrane was essential for both fusogenic and enzymatic activities. The results suggest a molecular mechanism of fusion involving protein binding to negatively charged groups on the membrane surface, followed by local formation of lysophospholipids and as a consequence hereof the creation of point defects in the lipid structure. On the basis of these findings, a model is put forward to explain the specific mode of action of beta-bugarotoxin in vivo.  相似文献   

Three isoforms of human tyrosine hydroxylase were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity as the apoenzymes (metal-free). The apoenzymes exhibit typical tryptophan fluorescence emission spectra when excited at 250-300 nm. The emission maximum (342 nm) was not shifted by the addition of metal ions, but reconstitution of the apoenzymes with Fe(II) at pH 7-9 reduced the fluorescence intensity by about 35%, with an end point at 1.0 iron atom/enzyme subunit. The fluorescence intensity of purified bovine adrenal tyrosine hydroxylase, containing 0.78 mol tightly bound iron/mol subunit, was reduced by only 6% on addition of an excess amount of Fe(II). Other divalent metal ions [Zn(II), Co(II), Mn(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II)] also reduced the fluorescence intensity of the human enzyme by 12-30% when added in stoichiometric amounts. The binding of Co(II) at pH 7.2 was also found to affect its 1H-NMR spectrum and this effect was reversed by lowering the pH to 6.1. The quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence of the human isoenzymes by Fe(II) was reversed by the addition of metal chelators. However, the addition of stoichiometric amounts of catecholamines, which are potent feedback inhibitors of tyrosine hydroxylase, to the iron-reconstituted enzyme, prevented the release of iron by the metal chelators. Fluorescence quenching, nuclear magnetic relaxation measurements and EPR spectroscopy all indicate that the reconstitution of an active holoenzyme from the isolated apoenzyme, with stoichiometric amounts of Fe(II) at neutral pH, occurs without a measurable change in the redox state of the metal. However, on addition of dopamine or suprastoichiometric amounts of iron, the enzyme-bound iron is oxidized to a high-spin Fe(III) (S = 5/2) form in an environment of nearly axial symmetry, thus providing an explanation for the inhibitory action of the catecholamines.  相似文献   

The binding of bivalent metal ions Cu2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ to low-density lipoproteins (LDL) was investigated by the ESR technique. The monitoring of ESR spectra of paramagnetic Mn2+ ions in the presence of above-listed cations made it possible to evaluate the dissociation constants of their complexes with LDL. The effective dissociation constant of the complex Mn(2+)-LDL used for calculations was KD = (1.1 +/- 0.4) x 10(-4) M according to literature data. The investigated cations may be classified into two groups: 1) low dissociation constants were characteristic for Cu2+ ions [KD = (1.3 +/- 0.5) x 10(-4) M], which demonstrated a high oxidative ability, and for Zn2+ [KD = (0.95 +/- 0.45) x 10(-4) M] and Mn2+ ions, which could strongly influence the copper-induced LDL oxidation; 2) Ca2+ and Mg2+ were characterized by higher values of KD [(6 +/- 1) x 10(-4) M and (7.5 +/- 1.5) x 10(-4) M, accordingly] and slightly affected the Cu(2+)-induced oxidation of LDL. The results of the present work reinforced our earlier conjecture that cations may influence the process of lipid peroxidation, binding only to particular binding sites on the surface of LDL.  相似文献   

The pathway for the in vitro equilibrium unfolding of the tubulin heterodimer by guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) has been studied using several spectroscopic techniques, specifically circular dichroism (CD), two-photon Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), and time-resolved fluorescence, including lifetime and dynamic polarization. The results show that tubulin unfolding is characterized by distinct processes that occur in different GdmCl concentration ranges. From 0 to 0.5 M GdmCl, a slight alteration of the tubulin heterodimer occurs, as evidenced by a small, but reproducible increase in the rotational correlation time of the protein and a sharp decrease in the secondary structure monitored by CD. In the range 0.5-1.5 M GdmCl, significant decreases in the steady-state anisotropy and average lifetime of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence occur, as well as a decrease in the rotational correlation time, from 48 to 26 nsec. In the same GdmCl range, the number of protein molecules (labeled with Alexa 488), as determined by two-photon FCS measurements, increases by a factor of two, indicating dissociation of the tubulin dimer into monomers. From 1.5 to 4 M GdmCl, these monomers unfold, as evidenced by the continual decrease in the tryptophan steady-state anisotropy, average lifetime, and rotational correlation time, concomitant with secondary structural changes. These results help to elucidate the unfolding pathway of the tubulin heterodimer and demonstrate the value of FCS measurements in studies on oligomeric protein systems.  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism of cefoxitin sodium with bovine serum albumin was investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy at different temperatures. The results showed that the change of binding constant of the synchronous fluorescence method with increasing temperature could be used to estimate the types of quenching mechanisms of drugs with protein and was consistent with one of fluorescence quenching method. In addition, the number of binding sites, type of interaction force, cooperativity between drug and protein and energy‐transfer parameters of cefoxitin sodium and bovine serum albumin obtained from two methods using the same equation were consistent. Electrostatic force played a major role in the conjugation reaction between bovine serum albumin and cefoxitin sodium, and the type of quenching was static quenching. The primary binding site for cefoxitin sodium was sub‐hydrophobic domain IIA, and the number of binding sites was 1. The value of Hill's coefficients (nH) was approximately equal to 1, which suggested no cooperativity in the bovine serum albumin–cefoxitin sodium system. The donor‐to‐acceptor distance r < 7 nm indicated that static fluorescence quenching of bovine serum albumin by cefoxitin sodium was also a non‐radiation energy‐transfer process. The results indicated that synchronous fluorescence spectrometry could be used to study the reaction mechanism between drug and protein, and was a useful supplement to the conventional method. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of the chemical structure of nitroxyl spin probes on the rate at which ESR signals are lost in the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was examined. When the spin probes were reacted with either hydroxyl radical (.OH) or superoxide anion radical (O(2)(.-)) in the presence of cysteine or NADH, the probes lost ESR signal depending on both their ring structure and substituents. Pyrrolidine nitroxyl probes were relatively resistant to the signal decay caused by O(2)(.-) with cysteine/NADH. Signal decay rates for these reactions correlated with reported redox potentials of the nitroxyl/oxoammonium couple of spin probes, suggesting that the signal decay mechanism in both cases involves the oxidation of a nitroxyl group. The apparent rate constants of the reactions between the spin probe and .OH and between the spin probe and O(2)(.-) in the presence of cysteine were estimated using mannitol and superoxide dismutase (SOD), respectively, as competitive standards. The rate constants for spin probes and .OH were in the order of 10(9) M(-1) s(-1), much higher than those for the probes and O(2)(.-) in the presence of cysteine (10(3)-10(4) M(-1) s(-1)). These basic data are useful for the measurement of .OH and O(2)(.-) in living animals by in vivo ESR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The effect of the chemical structure of nitroxyl spin probes on the rate at which ESR signals are lost in the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was examined. When the spin probes were reacted with either hydroxyl radical (OH) or superoxide anion radical (O2) in the presence of cysteine or NADH, the probes lost ESR signal depending on both their ring structure and substituents. Pyrrolidine nitroxyl probes were relatively resistant to the signal decay caused by O2 with cysteine/NADH. Signal decay rates for these reactions correlated with reported redox potentials of the nitroxyl/oxoammonium couple of spin probes, suggesting that the signal decay mechanism in both cases involves the oxidation of a nitroxyl group. The apparent rate constants of the reactions between the spin probe and OH and between the spin probe and O2 in the presence of cysteine were estimated using mannitol and superoxide dismutase (SOD), respectively, as competitive standards. The rate constants for spin probes and OH were in the order of 109 M−1 s−1, much higher than those for the probes and O2 in the presence of cysteine (103–104 M−1 s−1). These basic data are useful for the measurement of OH and O2 in living animals by in vivo ESR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Conventional functional monomers together with fluorescent monomer, trans-4-[p-(N,N-dimethylamino)styryl]-N-vinylbenzylpyridinium chloride (vb-DMASP), were copolymerised in the presence of a target molecule, nucleotide-cAMP that acted as a molecular template. The polymer was copolymerised in thin-layer films. After removal of the template the functionalised cavities that exist in the fluorescent material are able to specifically bind the template. Subsequent adsorption of the template-cAMP causes quenching of fluorescence of the polymer. The specific photochemical processes accompanying the template adsorption are discussed further. The imprinted polymers monitored by both steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence techniques show specificity and selectivity of binding of the template on the imprinted functionalised cavities.  相似文献   

Here, we describe novel puromycin derivatives conjugated with iminobiotin and a fluorescent dye that can be linked covalently to the C-terminus of full-length proteins during cell-free translation. The iminobiotin-labeled proteins can be highly purified by affinity purification with streptavidin beads. We confirmed that the purified fluorescence-labeled proteins are useful for quantitative protein-protein interaction analysis based on fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS). The apparent dissociation constants of model protein pairs such as proto-oncogenes c-Fos/c-Jun and archetypes of the family of Ca2+-modulated calmodulin/related binding proteins were in accordance with the reported values. Further, detailed analysis of the interactions of the components of polycomb group complex, Bmi1, M33, Ring1A and RYBP, was successfully conducted by means of interaction assay for all combinatorial pairs. The results indicate that FCCS analysis with puromycin-based labeling and purification of proteins is effective and convenient for in vitro protein-protein interaction assay, and the method should contribute to a better understanding of protein functions by using the resource of available nucleotide sequences.  相似文献   

Salts of monovalent cations at concentrations less than 10 mm and buffers such as tricine were found to increase spillover from Photosystem II to Photosystem I in green plant photosynthesis as measured by a decrease in chlorophyll a fluorescence at room temperature. At 77 °K, they increased the fluorescence emission at 735 nm relative to the bands at 685 and 693 nm indicating that Photosystem I was receiving a greater part of the excitation energy. Divalent cations and monovalent cations at concentrations greater than 10 mm reversed the fluorescence changes.  相似文献   

Myosin II molecules assemble into filaments through their C-terminal rod region, and are responsible for several cellular motile activities. Three isoforms of nonmuscle myosin II (IIA, IIB and IIC) are expressed in mammalian cells. However, little is known regarding the isoform composition in filaments. To obtain new insight into the assembly properties of myosin II isoforms, especially regarding the isoform composition in filaments, we performed a combination analysis of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS), which enables us to acquire information on both the interaction and the size of each molecule simultaneously. Using C-terminal rod fragments of IIA and IIB (ARF296 and BRF305) labelled with different fluorescent probes, we demonstrated that hetero-assemblies were formed from a mixture of ARF296 and BRF305, and that dynamic exchange of rod fragments occurred between preformed homo-assemblies of each isoform in an isoform-independent manner. We also showed that Mts1 (S100A4) specifically stripped ARF296 away from the hetero-assemblies, and consequently, homo-assemblies of BRF305 were formed. These results suggest that IIA and IIB can form hetero-filaments in an isoform-independent manner, and that a factor like Mts1 can remove one isoform from the hetero-filament, resulting in a formation of homo-filaments consisting of another isoform.  相似文献   

Decay of the hypervalent muscle pigment ferrylmyoglobin, formed by activation of metmyoglobin by hydrogen peroxide, was found, when studied by a combination of ESR and UV/VIS spectroscopy in aqueous solution at physiological pH, to proceed by parallel second- and first-order kinetics. At pH below 6.5 a sharp ESR signal (g = 2.003) with an increasing intensity for decreasing pH were observed in solutions frozen in liquid nitrogen, and a broad signal (g = 2.005) was seen throughout the studied pH range also in frozen solutions. The g = 2.005 signal is suggested to arise from an intermediate formed in an intramolecular rate-determining electron-transfer in ferrylmyoglobin, whereas the g = 2.003 signal is caused by a radical formed in a proton-assisted electron-transfer initiating the specific acid-catalysed autoreduction.  相似文献   

15-Deacetyl-13-glycine substituted hypocrellin B (GDHB) is a new type of hypocrellin derivative with enhanced red absorption longer than 600 nm and water solubility. When an anaerobic DMSO or DMSO-buffer (pH 7.4) solution of GDHB was illuminated with >470 nm light, a strong electron spin resonance (ESR) signal was formed. The ESR signal was assigned to the semiquinone anion radical of GDHB (GDHB*-) based on a series of experiments. GDHB*- was predominantly photoproducted via the self-electron transfer between the excited- and ground-state species. Decay of this species, both in the presence and absence of electron donor, was consistent with second-order kinetics. In aqueous solution, the TEMPO counter-spin experiment indicated the formation of GDHB*- that could not be detected by ESR method directly. The formation of GDHB*- and hydroquinone of GDHB (GDHBH*-) was also confirmed by spectrometric method. These findings suggested that GDHB was at least a favorable type I phototherapeutic agent.  相似文献   

Under simulated physiological conditions, the reaction mechanism between cefixime and bovine serum albumin at different temperatures (293, 303 and 310 K) was investigated using a fluorescence quenching method and synchronous fluorescence method, respectively. The results indicated that the fluorescence intensity and synchronous fluorescence intensity of bovine serum albumin decreased regularly on the addition of cefixime. In addition, the quenching mechanism, binding constants, number of binding sites, type of interaction force and energy‐transfer parameters of cefixime with bovine serum albumin obtained from two methods using the same equation were consistent. The results indicated that the synchronous fluorescence spectrometry could be used to study the binding mechanism between drug and protein, and was a useful supplement to the conventional method. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism of cefpirome sulfate with lysozyme at different temperatures (298, 310 and 318 K) was investigated using fluorescence quenching and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy under simulated physiological conditions. The results clearly demonstrated that cefpirome sulfate caused strong quenching of the fluorescence of lysozyme by a static quenching mechanism. The binding constants obtained using the above methods were of the same order of magnitude and very similar. Static electric forces played a key role in the interaction between cefpirome sulfate and lysozyme, and the number of binding sites in the interaction was close to 1. The values of Hill's coefficients were > 1, indicating that drugs or proteins showed a very weakly positive cooperativity in the system. In addition, the conclusions obtained from the two methods using the same equation were consistent. The results indicated that synchronous fluorescence spectrometry could be used to study the binding mechanism between drug and protein, and was a useful supplement to the fluorescence quenching method. In addition, the effect of cefpirome sulfate on the secondary structure of lysozyme was analyzed using circular dichroism spectroscopy. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Macrophages were briefly pulsed with a spin-labelled synthetic polypeptide, poly(L-tyrosine:L-glutamic acid) poly DL-alanine:poly L-lysine (n-TGAL) in the presence and absence of anti-TGAL-antibody, and the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of the cell suspension compared with the spectrum of free n-TGAL in solution. Spectral analysis indicated two cell-associated n-TGAL pools, one composed of freely rotating label held in an aqueous environment, susceptible to protease digestion and ascorbate reduction, and a second highly concentrated pool, sequestered intracellularly, and held within a highly ordered, polar microenvironment. The ESR analyses were completed within minutes of antigen pulsing, employed very small numbers of live cells, and did not damage the cells being tested. The utility of the technique in screening fatty acid-antigen conjugates for macrophage uptake was demonstrated.  相似文献   

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