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Netrin 1 is a long-range diffusible factor that exerts chemoattractive or chemorepulsive effects on developing axons growing to or away from the neural midline. Here we used tissue explants to study the action of netrin 1 in the migration of several cerebellar and precerebellar cell progenitors. We show that netrin 1 exerts a strong chemoattractive effect on migrating neurons from the embryonic lower rhombic lip at E12-E14, which give rise to precerebellar nuclei. Netrin 1 promotes the exit of postmitotic migrating neurons from the embryonic lower rhombic lip and upregulates the expression of TAG-1 in these neurons. In addition, in the presence of netrin 1, the migrating neurons are not isolated but are associated with thick fascicles of neurites, typical of the neurophilic way of migration. In contrast, the embryonic upper rhombic lip, which contains tangentially migrating granule cell progenitors, did not respond to netrin 1. Finally, in the postnatal cerebellum, netrin 1 repels both the parallel fibres and migrating granule cells growing out from explants taken from the external germinal layer. The developmental patterns of expression in vivo of netrin 1 and its receptors are consistent with the notion that netrin 1 secreted in the midline acts as chemoattractive cue for precerebellar neurons migrating circumferentially along the extramural stream. Similarly, the pattern of expression in the postnatal cerebellum suggests that netrin 1 could regulate the tangential migration of postmitotic premigratory granule cells. Thus, molecular mechanisms considered as primarily involved in axonal guidance appear also to steer neuronal cell migration.  相似文献   

To study the development of the cerebellum, we generated a transgenic mouse line Tg(malpha6-cre)B1LFR that expresses CRE recombinase under the GABA(A) receptor alpha6 subunit promoter. In this line, recombination of an R26R reporter allele occurred postnatally in granule cells of the cerebellum and dorsal cochlear nucleus, as well as in a subset of precerebellar nuclei in the brainstem. All neurons in which recombination occurred originated during embryogenesis from the rhombic lip. This might be explained by a very early specification event at the rhombic lip that primes cells derived from this structure to express the transgene during neuronal maturation. As no recombination occurred in the inferior olive, it may be derived from a distinct subset of precursors at the rhombic lip. No recombination occurred in any of the interneurons in the cerebellum (stellate cells, basket cells, and Golgi cells), consistent with the hypothesis that they are not derived from the same embryonic tissue as the granule cells.  相似文献   

Pax6 has been implicated in cerebellar granule cell development, however the neonatal lethality of the Sey/Sey mutant has precluded a more detailed study of this late developing neuronal type. In this study we use experimental mouse chimeras made from wildtype and Pax6-null embryos to circumvent early lethality and assess the developmental potential of mutant cells in the construction of the cerebellum. We have identified the granule cell as a direct target of mutant gene action, with glia and Purkinje cells being affected in what is largely a non-cell autonomous manner.Most dramatically, in postnatal day 21 (P21) chimeras, mutant cells are largely absent in the anterior and posterior cerebellum while present in central lobules, but amidst disorganized cerebellar architecture. Analysis of P0/1 and P10 chimeras demonstrates a profound temporally based defect where mutant cells colonize the anterior and posterior EGL but fail to migrate to the IGL. Mutant granule cells in the central lobules can reach the IGL in an abnormal manner, with large streams of cells forming raphes through the molecular layer.These studies provide new insights into the role of Pax6 in postnatal cerebellar development that pinpoint the granule cell as an intrinsic target of the mutant gene and key events in the life of the developing granule cell that depend upon normal Pax6 expression.  相似文献   

Machold R  Fishell G 《Neuron》2005,48(1):17-24
We have utilized an in vivo-inducible genetic-fate-mapping strategy to permanently label cohorts of Math1-positive cells and their progeny that arise in the rhombic lip of the cerebellar primordium during embryogenesis. At stages prior to E12.5, with the exception of the deep cerebellar nuclei, we find that Math1 cells migrate out of the cerebellar primordium into the rostral hindbrain to populate specific nuclei that include cholinergic neurons of the mesopontine tegmental system. Moreover, analysis of Math1-null embryos shows that this gene is required for the formation of some of these nuclei. Around E12.5, granule cell precursors begin to be labeled: first, ones that give rise to granule cells that predominantly populate the anterior lobes of the adult cerebellum and later, those that populate progressing more caudally lobes until labeling of all granule cell precursors is complete by E17. Thus, we demonstrate that the cerebellar rhombic lip gives rise to multiple cell types within rhombomere 1.  相似文献   

The rhombic lip, a dorsal stripe of the neuroepithelium lining the edge of the fourth ventricle, is the site of origin of precerebellar neurons (PCN), which migrate tangentially towards the floor plate. After reaching the floor plate, they project their axons to the cerebellum. Although previous studies have shown that the guidance molecules Netrin/DCC and Slit/Robo have critical roles in PCN migration, the molecular mechanisms underlying this process remain poorly understood. Here, we report that draxin, a repulsive axon guidance protein, is involved in PCN development. We found that draxin is expressed in the rhombic lip and migratory stream of some PCN in the developing hindbrain of mice. In addition, draxin inhibited neurite outgrowth and nuclei migration from rhombic lip explants. These results suggest that draxin functions as a repulsive guidance cue for PCN migration. However, we observed no significant differences in PCN distribution between draxin−/− and wild type embryos. Thus, draxin and other axon guidance cues may have redundant roles in PCN migration.  相似文献   

The rhombic lip is a discrete strip of neuroepithelium bordering the roofplate of the fourth ventricle, which gives rise to a defined sequence of migratory neuronal derivatives. In rhombomere 1 of the chick, early born cells give rise to post-mitotic hindbrain nuclei, while later derivatives comprise of cerebellar granule cell precursors, a unique proliferative, migratory precursor population that forms the external granule cell layer. We have examined the temporal specification of these two populations using a heterochronic grafting strategy, in ovo. When transplanted into younger neural tube, rhombic lip cells maintain their characteristic molecular markers and migrate into the hindbrain. Granule cell precursor derivatives of late grafts are, in addition, able to exploit neural crest streams to populate the branchial arches. Within the neural tube, derivatives of early and late rhombic lip progenitors display patterns of migration and process extension, characterised by specific trajectories and targets, which are consistent with their temporal origin. However, the normal temporal progression of cell production is disrupted in grafted progenitors: transplanted early rhombic lip fails to subsequently produce granule cell precursors. This indicates that, while the behaviour of derivatives is intrinsically specified at the rhombic lip, the orderly temporal transition in cell type production is dependent on extrinsic cues present only in the later embryo.  相似文献   

Wang VY  Rose MF  Zoghbi HY 《Neuron》2005,48(1):31-43
The rhombic lip (RL) is an embryonic proliferative neuroepithelium that generates several groups of hindbrain neurons. However, the precise boundaries and derivatives of the RL have never been genetically identified. We use beta-galactosidase expressed from the Math1 locus in Math1-heterozygous and Math1-null mice to track RL-derived cells and to evaluate their developmental requirements for Math1. We uncover a Math1-dependent rostral rhombic-lip migratory stream (RLS) that generates some neurons of the parabrachial, lateral lemniscal, and deep cerebellar nuclei, in addition to cerebellar granule neurons. A more caudal Math1-dependent cochlear extramural stream (CES) generates the ventral cochlear nucleus and cochlear granule neurons. Similarly, mossy-fiber precerebellar nuclei require Math1, whereas the inferior olive and locus coeruleus do not. We propose that Math1 expression delimits the extent of the rhombic lip and is required for the generation of the hindbrain superficial migratory streams, all of which contribute neurons to the proprioceptive/vestibular/auditory sensory network.  相似文献   

The PAX6 gene plays a crucial role in development of the eye, brain, olfactory system and endocrine pancreas. Consistent with its pleiotropic role the gene exhibits a complex developmental expression pattern which is subject to strict spatial, temporal and quantitative regulation. Control of expression depends on a large array of cis-elements residing in an extended genomic domain around the coding region of the gene. The minimal essential region required for proper regulation of this complex locus has been defined through analysis of human aniridia-associated breakpoints and YAC transgenic rescue studies of the mouse smalleye mutant. We have carried out a systematic DNase I hypersensitive site (HS) analysis across 200 kb of this critical region of mouse chromosome 2E3 to identify putative regulatory elements. Mapping the identified HSs onto a percent identity plot (PIP) shows many HSs correspond to recognisable genomic features such as evolutionarily conserved sequences, CpG islands and retrotransposon derived repeats. We then focussed on a region previously shown to contain essential long range cis-regulatory information, the Pax6 downstream regulatory region (DRR), allowing comparison of mouse HS data with previous human HS data for this region. Reporter transgenic mice for two of the HS sites, HS5 and HS6, show that they function as tissue specific regulatory elements. In addition we have characterised enhancer activity of an ultra-conserved cis-regulatory region located near Pax6, termed E60. All three cis-elements exhibit multiple spatio-temporal activities in the embryo that overlap between themselves and other elements in the locus. Using a deletion set of YAC reporter transgenic mice we demonstrate functional interdependence of the elements. Finally, we use the HS6 enhancer as a marker for the migration of precerebellar neuro-epithelium cells to the hindbrain precerebellar nuclei along the posterior and anterior extramural streams allowing visualisation of migratory defects in both pathways in Pax6(Sey/Sey) mice.  相似文献   

The upper rhombic lip, a prominent germinal zone of the cerebellum, was recently demonstrated to generate different neuronal cell types over time from spatial subdomains. We have characterized the differentiation of the upper rhombic lip derived granule cell population in stable GFP-transgenic zebrafish in the context of zebrafish cerebellar morphogenesis. Time-lapse analysis followed by individual granule cell tracing demonstrates that the zebrafish upper rhombic lip is spatially patterned along its mediolateral axis producing different granule cell populations simultaneously. Time-lapse recordings of parallel fiber projections and retrograde labeling reveal that spatial patterning within the rhombic lip corresponds to granule cells of two different functional compartments of the mature cerebellum: the eminentia granularis and the corpus cerebelli. These cerebellar compartments in teleosts correspond to the mammalian vestibulocerebellar and non-vestibulocerebellar system serving balance and locomotion control, respectively. Given the high conservation of cerebellar development in vertebrates, spatial partitioning of the mammalian granule cell population and their corresponding earlier-produced deep nuclei by patterning within the rhombic lip may also delineate distinct functional compartments of the cerebellum. Thus, our findings offer an explanation for how specific functional cerebellar circuitries are laid down by spatio-temporal patterning of cerebellar germinal zones during early brain development.  相似文献   

During development, precerebellar neurons migrate dorsoventrally from the rhombic lip to the floor plate. Some of these neurons cross the midline while others stop. We have identified a role for the slit receptor Rig-1/Robo3 in directing this process. During their tangential migration, neurons of all major hindbrain precerebellar nuclei express high levels of Rig-1 mRNA. Rig-1 expression is rapidly downregulated as their leading process crosses the floor plate. Interestingly, most precerebellar nuclei do not develop normally in Rig-1-deficient mice, as they fail to cross the midline. In addition, inferior olivary neurons, which normally send axons into the contralateral cerebellum, project ipsilaterally in Rig-1 mutant mice. Similarly, neurons of the lateral reticular nucleus and basilar pons are unable to migrate across the floor plate and instead remain ipsilateral. These results demonstrate that Rig-1 controls the ability of both precerebellar neuron cell bodies and their axons to cross the midline.  相似文献   

During brain development, Pax6 is expressed in specific regions of the diencephalon including secretory cells of the subcommissural organ (SCO), a circumventricular organ at the forebrain-midbrain boundary that originates from the pretectal dorsal midline neuroepithelial cells beneath the posterior commissure (PC). Homozygous small eye (Sey/Sey) mice lack functional Pax6 protein and fail to develop the SCO, a normal PC and the pineal gland. Small eye heterozygotes (Sey/+) show defective development of the SCO's basal processes which normally penetrate the PC, indicating that normal development of the gland requires normal Pax6 gene-dosage. A correlation between the defects of SCO formation and altered R- and OB-cadherin expression patterns in the SCO is observed in mutants suggesting a role for cadherins in SCO development.  相似文献   

The migration of cerebellar rhombic lip derivatives   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have used cell labelling, co-culture and time-lapse confocal microscopy to investigate tangential neuronal migration from the rhombic lip. Cerebellar rhombic lip derivatives demonstrate a temporal organisation with respect to their morphology and response to migration cues. Early born cells, which migrate into ventral rhombomere 1, have a single long leading process that turns at the midline and becomes an axon. Later born granule cell precursors also migrate ventrally but halt at the lateral edge of the cerebellum, correlating with a loss of sensitivity to netrin 1 and expression of Robo2. The rhombic lip and ventral midline express Slit2 and both early and late migrants are repelled by sources of Slit2 in co-culture. These studies reveal an intimate relationship between birthdate, response to migration cues and neuronal fate in an identified population of migratory cells. The use of axons in navigating cell movement suggests that tangential migration is an elaboration of the normal process of axon extension.  相似文献   

Recent studies have transformed our understanding of the embryonic rhombic lip by revealing the inductive cues, regional origins and guidance molecules that pattern the development of this important structure and its derivatives. In the cerebellum, a precise combination of anteroposterior and dorsalising cues induces a stream of migratory progenitors that give rise to the external granule cell layer, while more caudally, Netrin orchestrates the migration of hindbrain rhombic lip derivatives to form the precerebellar nuclei. The rhombic lip is thus emerging as a spatiotemporally distinct epithelium whose late appearance in both development and evolution is instrumental in generating a complex, functionally related but spatially distributed neural system.  相似文献   

Neuronal populations destined to form several precerebellar nuclei are generated by the rhombic lip in the caudal hindbrain. These immature neurons gather into the olivary and the superficial migratory streams and migrate tangentially around the hindbrain to reach their final position. We focus on the cells of the superficial stream that migrate ventrally, cross the midline and form the lateral reticular (LRN) and external cuneate (ECN) nuclei. The cells of the superficial steam are preceded by long leading processes; in the dorsal neural tube, they migrate in close apposition to each other and form distinct chains, whereas they disperse and follow Tuj-1 immunoreactive axons on reaching the ventral hindbrain. This suggests that, in the superficial stream, neuronal migration combines both homotypic and heterotypic mechanisms. We also show that the adhesion molecule TAG-1 is expressed by the migrating cells. Blocking TAG-1 function results in alterations in the superficial migration, indicating that TAG-1 is involved in the superficial migration. Other members of the immunoglobulin superfamily and known ligands of TAG-1 are also expressed in the region of the migration but are not involved in the migration. These findings provide evidence that the TAG-1 protein is involved as a contact-dependent signal guiding not only axonal outgrowth but also cell migration.  相似文献   

Long distance migration of differentiating granule cells from the cerebellar upper rhombic lip has been reported in many vertebrates. However, the knowledge about the subcellular dynamics and molecular mechanisms regulating directional neuronal migration in vivo is just beginning to emerge. Here we show by time-lapse imaging in live zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos that cerebellar granule cells migrate in chain-like structures in a homotypic glia-independent manner. Temporal rescue of zebrafish Cadherin-2 mutants reveals a direct role for this adhesion molecule in mediating chain formation and coherent migratory behavior of granule cells. In addition, Cadherin-2 maintains the orientation of cell polarization in direction of migration, whereas in Cadherin-2 mutant granule cells the site of leading edge formation and centrosome positioning is randomized. Thus, the lack of adhesion leads to impaired directional migration with a mispositioning of Cadherin-2 deficient granule cells as a consequence. Furthermore, these cells fail to differentiate properly into mature granule neurons. In vivo imaging of Cadherin-2 localization revealed the dynamics of this adhesion molecule during cell locomotion. Cadherin-2 concentrates transiently at the front of granule cells during the initiation of individual migratory steps by intramembraneous transport. The presence of Cadherin-2 in the leading edge corresponds to the observed centrosome orientation in direction of migration. Our results indicate that Cadherin-2 plays a key role during zebrafish granule cell migration by continuously coordinating cell-cell contacts and cell polarity through the remodeling of adherens junctions. As Cadherin-containing adherens junctions have been shown to be connected via microtubule fibers with the centrosome, our results offer an explanation for the mechanism of leading edge and centrosome positioning during nucleokinetic migration of many vertebrate neuronal populations.  相似文献   

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