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A comparative study conducted on two saline coastal wetlands that have been developed into saltpans and two others (referred to as 'non-saltpans'), that are also saline but have no saltpans, describes the quality of lagoon water, benthic macroinvertebrates and waterbird communities characterising these wetlands. The wetlands were sampled monthly from September 2005–April 2006. Except for turbidity, which was significantly higher in the non-saltpans, (p < 0.05), all other physico-chemical parameters studied were not significantly different between the two wetland types (p > 0.05). The waterbird communities of the saltpans and non-saltpans, characterised by 48 and 50 species respectively, scored a Sorenson Index value of 0.88, indicating a high similarity. The population density of benthic macroinvertebrates in the saltpans and the non-saltpans was statistically similar (p > 0.05) but the population densities of waterbirds feeding exclusively on benthic macroinvertebrates were significantly higher in the non-saltpans (p < 0.05). Although the shallow ponds created for salt production might be providing more suitable feeding habitats for fish-eating birds, the development of these ponds has also reduced the exploitable area available to the birds feeding exclusively on invertebrates, requiring them to depend largely on the non-saltpans. Birds feeding exclusively on fish had significantly higher population densities in the saltpans (p < 0.05) than in non-saltpans. This was attributed to reduced efficiency of piscivory, due to the high turbidity associated with the non-saltpans. Waterbirds feeding on a wide range of food types showed no significant differences in their population densities (p > 0.05) in the two wetland types.  相似文献   

Ghana's 550 km coastline has about 100 wetlands out of which five large ones are managed as Ramsar sites, the rest being unmanaged. Recent pollution and misuse of unmanaged wetlands have necessitated a study into their roles in the support of waterbirds. Waterbird survey on four wetlands between September 2005 and April 2006 revealed that 51 waterbird species make use of the managed compared to 44 in the unmanaged wetlands. Average numbers of waterbirds were higher on the managed wetlands (10,510 ± 4862) than on the unmanaged wetlands (1348 ± 602) (P < 0.05) but mean population density of waterbirds (n/ha) was the same for both the managed (1860 ± 310) and unmanaged (1400 ± 220) (P > 0.05) wetlands. The population densities of waterbirds belonging to guilds 1, 5 and 7 were significantly higher on the managed wetlands (P < 0.05). In contrast, guilds 2 and 4 have significantly higher population densities on the unmanaged wetlands while the population density of guild 3 was the same (P > 0.05). There was an indication that during mid and late periods of the nonbreeding season, the unmanaged wetlands altogether may support a larger number of waterbirds belonging to guilds 2, 3 and 4 than the five managed wetlands.  相似文献   

Eric A. Kwei 《Hydrobiologia》1977,56(2):157-174
Two types of lagoon which occur along the West Coast of Africa described as open and closed, were studied using oceanographic methods. The parameters were temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and productivity. It was observed that rainfall, evaporation and the tides have a combined effect on the variations in the temperature and the salinity. The opening of the lagoons into the sea affects the level of the productivity and the rate at which salinity increases with time.Minimum temperatures at the heads of the lagoons were found to be lower than those near the ocean, while the maximum temperatures were higher at the heads. During the dry period, due to continuous evaporation of water, the salinity in the closed lagoon usually rises steeply, while those in the open lagoon rise gently.The levels of dissolved oxygen concentration in the open lagoon are higher than those in the closed lagoon. This is the result of the fact that phytoplankton count in the open lagoon is higher than that in the closed lagoon. There is also a greater diversity of phytoplankton and more live phytoplankton cells per cubic centimetre of water in the open lagoon than in the closed lagoon.As a result of all this, the main organic productivity in the open lagoon is higher than those in the closed lagoon.  相似文献   

This paper presents data from a twelve-year (1986–98) monitoring of waterbird populations at Muni Lagoon, and discusses the ornithological importance of the lagoon and trends in the use of the site by waterbirds. The small brackish lagoon forms part of the Muni-Pomadze Ramsar site situated on the Ghana coast. A total of 48 species of waterbirds were recorded at the site comprising of 29 species of waders, eight species of terns, two species of gulls, seven species of herons and egrets, one species each of duck and cormorant. The most abundant waterbirds species recorded on the site were the Curlew Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, Greenshank, Black-winged Stilt, Common Tern, Black Tern, Royal Tern and the Sandwich Tern. Three species of waders, Black-winged Stilt, Pratincole and Little Tern were observed to breed at the site. The highest numbers of waterbirds occurred on the site in the period September to March. The site remains an internationally important wetland site by virtue of supporting internationally important numbers of four species of terns: Royal Tern, Sandwich Tern, Common Tern and Black Tern. The value of Muni lies more in its use as a feeding/staging site for migrating waders that spend the non-breeding season in Ghana or pass through to winter further south, and as a roosting site for terns which feed mainly at sea. The use of the site by waterbirds has increased by some 400% between 1986 and 1998. This is attributed to improved prey availability resulting from the opening of the lagoon into the sea during the 1994 floods, and reduced disturbance of feeding and roosting birds. This would imply that the value of the site as waterbird habitat could improve considerably with appropriate habitat management interventions and continued protection.  相似文献   

In this study, 40 Atlanto-Mediterranean coastal lagoons were analyzed in order to evaluate the extent to which their ecological characteristics depend on hydrographic, trophic or geomorphologic features. Fish species richness increases with lagoon volume and the openness parameter, which characterizes the potential influence of the sea on general lagoon hydrology and is related to the total transversal area of the inlets, which connect the lagoon to the sea. On the other hand, the number of species decreases exponentially with the phosphate concentration in water. The fishing yield increases with the chlorophyll a concentration in the water column and exponentially with shoreline development. With respect to the fish assemblage composition, geomorphologic features alone explain 22% of the variance in the canonical analyses and an additional 75% when including the hydrographic and trophic characteristics of the lagoon, the latter on its own explaining only 3% of the observed differences.  相似文献   

Extensive ephemeral wetlands at Poyang Lake, created by dramatic seasonal changes in water level, constitute the main wintering site for migratory Anatidae in China. Reductions in wetland area during the last 15 years have led to proposals to build a Poyang Dam to retain high winter water levels within the lake. Changing the natural hydrological system will affect waterbirds dependent on water level changes for food availability and accessibility. We tracked two goose species with different feeding behaviors (greater white‐fronted geese Anser albifrons [grazing species] and swan geese Anser cygnoides [tuber‐feeding species]) during two winters with contrasting water levels (continuous recession in 2015; sustained high water in 2016, similar to those predicted post‐Poyang Dam), investigating the effects of water level change on their habitat selection based on vegetation and elevation. In 2015, white‐fronted geese extensively exploited sequentially created mudflats, feeding on short nutritious graminoid swards, while swan geese excavated substrates along the water edge for tubers. This critical dynamic ecotone successively exposes subaquatic food and supports early‐stage graminoid growth during water level recession. During sustained high water levels in 2016, both species selected mudflats, but also to a greater degree of habitats with longer established seasonal graminoid swards because access to tubers and new graminoid growth was restricted under high‐water conditions. Longer established graminoid swards offer less energetically profitable forage for both species. Substantial reduction in suitable habitat and confinement to less profitable forage by higher water levels is likely to reduce the ability of geese to accumulate sufficient fat stores for migration, with potential carryover effects on subsequent survival and reproduction. Our results suggest that high water levels in Poyang Lake should be retained during summer, but permitted to gradually recede, exposing new areas throughout winter to provide access for waterbirds from all feeding guilds.  相似文献   

Maike Piepho 《Hydrobiologia》2017,794(1):303-316
Submerged macrophytes improve water quality in shallow coastal lagoons but eutrophication often resulted in a degradation of macrophytes. Management measures that protect and restore macrophyte stands require knowledge on what limits macrophyte distribution. Information on macrophyte production and distribution in the Darss-Zingst Bodden Chain (southern Baltic Sea) is lacking since an almost complete loss of submerged vegetation in the 1980s. Nutrient input was reduced in the 1990s and macrophytes seem to recover, although turbidity is high and light conditions are still poor. However, this recovery raised hope that returning macrophytes could stabilize sediments and improve water clarity. In this study, seasonal changes in photosynthesis–irradiance curves of selected macrophyte species were used to calculate potential primary production in different depths and turbidity situations. Bathymetry of the area is then used to assess depth distribution and vegetated area. Since the so-calculated depth limits correspond well with the actual depth distribution in the field, macrophyte depth distribution is concluded to be mostly determined by light conditions. Most macrophytes grow in very shallow areas up to 50 cm depth where also 70% of potential primary production takes place. Present light conditions do not support a further expansion of macrophyte distribution in the DZBC.  相似文献   

Abstract:The lichen flora associated with twenty saline lagoons in England is described. Though often scarce, lichens were present on shingle, miscellaneous stones, half-submerged concrete structures, retaining walls, salt marsh vegetation, wooden posts, and strand-line materials. Sites that had been modified by the activity of man often held richer assemblages than ones in a more natural condition. The lichen flora is a mixture of common-place species and maritime specialists. The large lagoon behind Chesil Beach, known as ‘The Fleet’, was the most important site surveyed. Many of the marine lichens present are typical of very sheltered coastlines. Caloplaca suaedae, found at two sites, is described as new to science.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat use and diversity of waterbirds at one of the coastal and satellite lagoons around Lake Biwa, which is a registered wetland of the Ramsar Convention in Japan. To evaluate the importance for waterbirds of a lagoon around the freshwater lake, we conducted 26 censuses over 1 year on seven blocks with different landscape elements in a small lagoon. A total of 25 species were found and most of them (72%) belonged to a guild in which birds forage without diving. Species density (per ha) and diversity was high in blocks where Zizania latifolia Turcz and Phragmites australis L. reed beds existed. Not all of the waterbird species were feeding all the time, but were often resting in their preferred blocks, suggesting that they use the lagoon as both a refuge and a feeding site. Habitats with a structural reed bed community and shallow waters (<1 m depth) may be crucial determinants of high waterbird diversity in this small lagoon around which many people live.  相似文献   

Summary Seasonal and diurnal variations in sediment-water fluxes of O2, NO 3 , and NH 4 + as well as rates of nitrification, denitrification, and nitrate ammonification were determined in two different coastal lagoons of southern France: The seagrass (Zostera noltii) dominated tidal Bassin d'Arcachon and the dystrophic Etang du Prévost. Overall, denitrification rates in both Bassin d'Arcachon (<0.4 mmol m–2 d–1) and Etang du Prévost (<1 mmol m–2 d–1) were low. This was mainly caused by a combination of low NO 3 concentrations in the water column and a low nitrification activity within the sediment. In both Bassin d'Arcachon and Etang du Prévost, rates of nitrate ammonification were quantitatively as important as denitrification.Denitrification played a minor role as a nitrogen sink in both systems. In the tidal influenced Bassin d'Arcachon, Z. noltii was quantitatively more important than denitrification as a nitrogen sink due to the high assimilation rates of the plants. Throughout the year, Z. noltii stabilized the mudflats of the bay by its well- developed root matrix and controlled the nitrogen cycle due to its high uptake rates. In contrast, the lack of rooted macrophytes, and dominance of floating macroalgae, made nitrogen cycling in Etang du Prévost more unstable and unpredictable. Inhibition of nitrification and denitrification during the dystrophic crisis in the summer time increased the inorganic nitrogen flux from the sediment to the water column and thus increased the degree of benthic-pelagic coupling within this bay. During winter, however, benthic microalgae colonizing the sediment surface changed the sediment in the lagoon from being a nitrogen source to the over lying water to being a sink due to their high assimilation rates. It is likely, however, that this assimilated nitrogen is liberated to the water column at the onset of summer thereby fueling the extensive growth of the floating macroalgae, Ulva sp. The combination of a high nitrogen coupling between sediment and water column, little water exchange and low denitrification rates resulted in an unstable system with fast growing algal species such as phytoplankton and floating algae.  相似文献   

Zonation of grassland lying behind a coastal lagoon in Ghana is described, and related to seasonal fluctuations in moisture, chlorinity and aeration. The distribution of similar vegetation on the West African coast is discussed.  相似文献   

Vegetation communities, morphometric and water quality variables were sampled in 62 undisturbed coastal lagoons along a natural land-uplift gradient in the northern Baltic Sea. The lagoons had a morphological inlet threshold reflecting habitat isolation (i.e. the diminished connectedness of the lagoon to the sea) and located in different parts of the archipelago (corresponding to altering wave exposure). We used indirect multivariate methods to find changes in vegetation composition, and axes derived from the analyses were used in correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyses together with environmental variables. Habitat isolation proved to be the strongest predictor for vegetation composition. To identify significant change-points we used a method, which detects regime shifts by accounting for differences in chronological series and gives a regime shift index. Significant shifts in habitat isolation, average depth and total nitrogen were followed by shifts in species variables (i.e. dominant species, cover and species richness) and salinity, total phosphorus and turbidity. Of the species, especially Chara tomentosa showed a shift of high magnitude. Also a shift in wave exposure mirroring position of lagoons in the archipelago structured the species, but this division was seen only for less isolated lagoons. Our results suggest that lagoons are primarily structured by habitat isolation forming two structurally different regimes: one of less isolated lagoons dominated by a diverse array of vascular plants and marine algae of both outer and inner archipelago characters, and one with isolated lagoons dominated by high vegetation cover and dominance of Chara. In addition, vegetation seemed to stabilize water quality in the isolated regime by reducing turbidity and phosphorus, indicating a potential feed-back mechanism and a shift in structuring disturbances from abiotic to biotic factors with habitat isolation.  相似文献   

This article aims at studying wintering waterbirds in Tunisian coastal lagoons in order to support effective conservation measures. Species number and abundance of wintering waterbirds were assessed in January, each year from 2002 to 2007, in 10 lagoon sites belonging to four different lagoon systems. We counted 76 species and on average more than 120,000 birds per year, which represented more than 25% of the national population sizes. The most abundant taxonomic groups were waterfowls and waders, which also represented the highest species number. In general, the six most abundant bird species comprised collectively more than 77% of all birds counted. Considering all the studied lagoon systems collectively, for 13 species the lagoon systems should be considered as of international importance according the Ramsar Convention as they support regularly more than 1% of the populations. Only the lagoon system of the North held regularly more than 20,000 birds. The species abundances and species richness varied significantly among year and among lagoon systems. Based on our results we proposed priority conservation measures, these ecosystems being of major importance for wintering birds, at both national and international level.  相似文献   

In this study we measured the community respiration and the bacterial respiration as part of the overall degradation process of organic material. Additionally, the turnover rates of the pools of dissolved free glucose and acetate as representatives of the fraction of easily degradable low molecular organic solutes were determined. The study was performed in several coastal lagoons of the "Outer Delta of the Río Magdalena" in northern Colombia. The lagoons can be separated into two groups: The first group contains highly productive brackish lagoons with chl a concentrations ranging from 62-130 micrograms/l. The second group consists of less productive freshwater lagoons with chl a between 5.5-19 micrograms/l. Turnover rates of glucose and acetate were very fast in the highly productive lagoons resulting in turnover times of less than 20 min for both compounds. In the less productive systems the cycling of glucose and acetate was much slower. Here the mean values of the turnover times were 2 hr for glucose and 1.5 hr for acetate. The rates of bacterial DNA-formation measured as thymidine incorporation differed significantly between both groups of lagoons, being very high (1.86-2.76 nmol/l/hr) in the highly productive and relatively low (0.073-0.55 nmol/l/hr) in the less productive group. Water column community respiration ranged between 122 and 16 micrograms C/l/hr with means of 88 micrograms C/l/hr in the highly and 19 micrograms C/l/hr in the less productive group. In the first group the mean values of the bacterial contribution to community respiration amounted to 37% and in the second group to 18%. The bacterial respiration was determined in an indirect way via bacterial biomass production and assuming a growth efficiency of 50%. It is discussed whether this relatively high growth efficiency allows reasonable results in both groups of lagoons.  相似文献   

This study utilizes data from the Ghana Fertility Survey (GFS) (1979-1980) to investigate breast feeding in Ghana and the factors that affect it. Using life table procedures, we found evidence that, when other factors are held constant, older cohorts, women with no schooling, those who work in the agricultural sector, those affiliated with traditional Ghanaian religions, Mole-Dagbanis, rural residents, residents of the Volta, Brong-Ahafo, northern, and upper regions, and low-parity women show longer durations of breast feeding. It is recommended that, along with other fertility reduction measures, prolonged breast feeding among all Ghanaian mothers should be encouraged to help reduce conception and to ensure healthy children.  相似文献   

Female fish were kept under 16L:8D/20 degrees C in November and April and the onset of light and/or feeding times were shifted by several hours in the experimental groups. Photoperiod and feeding entrained significant fluctuations in serum gonadotropin hormone (GTH) levels when the onset of light and the first daily feeding were 4 hr apart, but not when they were 10 hr apart. Fish were subjected to 16L:8D for 14-16 days in February, and to either a constant warm (20 degrees C) or a diurnal sinusoidal (12-20 degrees C) temperature regime, the warmth being imposed during photophase or scotophase. While relatively high, uniform serum GTH levels were found throughout the 24-hr period in fish subjected to constant warmth, warm temperature during the day promoted fluctuations in serum GTH levels, and warmth during night resulted in relatively low, uniform serum GTH levels.  相似文献   

Rooted phanerogam communities in the shallow intertidal and subtidal coastal zone represent productive and healthy ecosystems. Inorganic nutrients are assimilated into seagrass biomass. Much of the organic matter resulting from moribund seagrass is rapidly mineralized, principally by bacteria. The microbial community of the rhizosphere is also highly active due to the supply of organic matter released during photosynthesis. This active sediment community plays an important role through carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous cycling in maintaining the stability and productivity of seagrass meadows. Over the last two decades, however, seagrass meadows in European coastal areas have declined due to increasing pollution. As eutrophication advances a trasition occurs from rooted phanerogram dominated communities to planktonic algal blooms and/or cyanobacterial blooms. Such changes represent the decline of a stable, high biodiversity habitat to an unstable one dominated by a few species. These changes of community structure can occur rapidly once the internal nutrient and organic matter control cycles are exceeded. A field investigation was undertaken to establish the spatial distribution of bacterial populations of Zostera noltii colonized and uncolonized sediment in the Bassin d'Arcachon, France. Bacteria were enumerated using both plate count and MPN techniques for different functional groups as well as determining the total bacterial populations present. Nitrogen fixation, ammonification, sulphate reduction rates, as well as alkaline phosphatase activity were also determined. Colonization of the Z. noltii roots and rhizomes was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. Results confirmed that higher bacterial populations were present in the rhizosphere of Z. noltii compared to uncolonized sediments. Furthermore, electron microscopy identified the rhizome as the main site of colonization for a diverse range of morphological groups of bacteria. Sulphate reducing bacteria were identified as the key group of bacteria involved in N-fixation in the rhizosphere of Z. noltii. The data will be discussed in relation to the role played by the rhizosphere microflora in supplying and mobilising nutrients in Z. noltii.  相似文献   

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