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We have undertaken the first detailed analysis of Rho GTPase function during vertebrate development by analyzing how RhoA and Rac1 control convergent extension of axial mesoderm during Xenopus gastrulation. Monitoring of a number of parameters in time-lapse recordings of mesoderm explants revealed that Rac and Rho have both distinct and overlapping roles in regulating the motility of axial mesoderm cells. The cell behaviors revealed by activated or inhibitory versions of these GTPases in native tissue were clearly distinct from those previously documented in cultured fibroblasts. The dynamic properties and polarity of protrusive activity, along with lamellipodia formation, were controlled by the two GTPases operating in a partially redundant manner, while Rho and Rac contributed separately to cell shape and filopodia formation. We propose that Rho and Rac operate in distinct signaling pathways that are integrated to control cell motility during convergent extension.  相似文献   

Activin-like signaling plays an important role in early embryogenesis. Activin A, a TGF-beta family protein, induces mesodermal/endodermal tissues in animal cap assays. In a screen for genes expressed early after treatment with activin A, we isolated a novel gene, denoted as BENI (Brachyury Expression Nuclear Inhibitor). The BENI protein has a conserved domain at the N-terminus that contains a nuclear localization signal (NLS), and two other NLSs in the C-terminal domain. BENI mRNA was localized to the animal hemisphere at the gastrula stages and to ectoderm except for neural regions at stage 17; expression persisted until the tadpole stage. The overexpression of BENI caused gastrulation defects and inhibition of elongation of activin-treated animal caps with reduction of Xbra expression. Moreover, whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed reduced expression of Xbra in BENI mRNA-injected regions of gastrula embryos. Functional knockdown of BENI using an antisense morpholino oligonucleotide also resulted in an abnormal phenotype of embryos curling to the dorsal side, and excessive elongation of activin-treated animal caps without altered expression of mesodermal markers. These results suggested that BENI expression is regulated by activin-like signaling, and that this regulation is crucial for Xbra expression.  相似文献   

Calpains are a family of calcium-dependent intracellular cysteine proteases that regulate several physiological processes by limited cleavage of different substrates. The role of Calpain2 in embryogenesis is not clear with conflicting evidence from a number of mouse knockouts. Here we report the temporal and spatial expression of Calpain2 in Xenopus laevis embryos and address its role in Xenopus development. We show that Calpain2 is expressed maternally with elevated expression in neural tissues and that Calpain2 activity is spatially and temporally regulated. Using a Calpain inhibitor, a dominant negative and a morpholino oligonoucleotide we demonstrate that impaired Calpain2 activity results in defective convergent extension both in mesodermal and neural tissues. Specifically, Calpain2 downregulation results in loss of tissue polarity and blockage of mediolateral intercalation in Keller explants without affecting adherens junction turnover. We further show that Calpain2 is activated in response to Wnt5a and that the inhibitory effect of Wnt5a expression on animal cap elongation can be rescued by blocking Calpain2 function. This suggests that Calpain2 activity needs to be tightly regulated during convergent extension. Finally we show that expression of Xdd1 blocks the membrane translocation of Calpain2 suggesting that Calpain2 activation is downstream of Dishevelled. Overall our data show that Calpain2 activation through the Wnt/Ca2+ pathway and Dishevelled can modulate convergent extension movements.  相似文献   

We used cDNA microarray analysis to screen for FGF target genes in Xenopus embryos treated with the FGFR1 inhibitor SU5402, and identified neurotrophin receptor homolog (NRH) as an FGF target. Causing gain of NRH function by NRH mRNA or loss of NRH function using a Morpholino antisense-oligonucleotide (Mo) led to gastrulation defects without affecting mesoderm differentiation. Depletion of NRH by the Mo perturbed the polarization of cells in the dorsal marginal zone (DMZ), thereby inhibiting the intercalation of the cells during convergent extension as well as the filopodia formation on DMZ cells. Deletion analysis showed that the carboxyl-terminal region of NRH, which includes the "death domain," was necessary and sufficient to rescue gastrulation defects and to induce the protrusive cell morphology. Furthermore, we found that the FGF signal was both capable of inducing filopodia in animal cap cells, where they do not normally form, and necessary for filopodia formation in DMZ cells. Finally, we demonstrated that FGF required NRH function to induce normal DMZ cell morphology. This study is the first to identify an in vivo role for FGF in the regulation of cell morphology, and we have linked this function to the control of gastrulation cell movements via NRH.  相似文献   

The Xenopus gene crescent encodes a member of the secreted Frizzled-related protein (sFRP) family and is expressed in the head organizer region. However, the target and function of Crescent in early development are not well understood. Here, we describe a role of Crescent in the regulation of convergent extension movements (CEMs) during gastrulation and neurulation. We show that overexpression of Crescent in whole embryos or animal caps inhibits CEMs without affecting tissue specification. Consistent with this, Crescent efficiently forms complexes with Xwnt11 and Xwnt5a, in contrast to another sFRP, Frzb1. As expected, the inhibitory effect of Crescent or Xwnt11 on CEMs is cancelled when both proteins are coexpressed in the neuroectoderm. Interestingly, when coexpressed in the dorsal mesoderm, the activity of Xwnt11 is rather enhanced by Crescent. Supporting this finding, the inhibition of CEMs by Crescent in mesodermalized but not neuralized animal caps is reversed by the dominant-negative form of Cdc42, a putative mediator of Wnt/Ca2+ pathway. Antisense morpholino oligos for Crescent impair neural plate closure and elicit microcephalic embryos with a shortened trunk without affecting early tissue specification. These data suggest a potential role for Crescent in head formation by regulating a non-canonical Wnt pathway positively in the adjacent posterior mesoderm and negatively in the overlying anterior neuroectoderm.  相似文献   

Fibrillin-based human diseases such as Marfan syndrome and congenital contractural arachnodactyly implicate fibrillins in the function and homeostasis of multiple adult tissues. Fibrillins are also expressed in embryos, but no early developmental role has been described for these proteins. We use three independent methods to reveal a role for Xenopus fibrillin (XF) at gastrulation. First, expressing truncated forms of XF in the embryo leads to failure of gastrulation concomitant with a dominant-negative effect on native fibrillin fibril assembly. Expressing truncated XF also inhibits normal progression of the patterned, polarized cell motility that drives convergence and extension at gastrulation and perturbs directed extension in cultured explants of dorsal mesoderm. Second, injection of a synthetic peptide encoding a cell-binding domain of XF into midgastrula embryos causes acute failure of gastrulation associated with defective fibrillin fibril assembly. These injections also reveal a critical role for this peptide in the fibril assembly process. Third, morpholino-mediated knockdown of translation of XF in the embryo also perturbs normal gastrulation and directed extension. Together, these data show that native Xenopus fibrillin is essential for the process of directed convergent extension in presumptive notochord at gastrulation.  相似文献   

The Wnt-PCP (planar cell polarity, PCP) pathway regulates cell polarity and convergent extension movements during axis formation in vertebrates by activation of Rho and Rac, leading to the re-organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Rho and Rac activation require guanine nucleotide-exchange factors (GEFs), but the identity of the GEF involved in Wnt-PCP-mediated convergent extension is unknown. Here we report the identification of the weak-similarity GEF (WGEF) gene by a microarray-based screen for notochord enriched genes, and show that WGEF is involved in Wnt-regulated convergent extension. Overexpression of WGEF activated RhoA and rescued the suppression of convergent extension by dominant-negative Wnt-11, whereas depletion of WGEF led to suppression of convergent extension that could be rescued by RhoA or Rho-associated kinase activation. WGEF protein preferentially localized at the plasma membrane, and Frizzled-7 induced colocalization of Dishevelled and WGEF. WGEF protein can bind to Dishevelled and Daam-1, and deletion of the Dishevelled-binding domain generates a hyperactive from of WGEF. These results indicate that WGEF is a component of the Wnt-PCP pathway that connects Dishevelled to Rho activation.  相似文献   

Convergent extension (CE) movements in gastrulation are essential for the establishment of the body axis during early vertebrate development. Although the precise molecular mechanisms of CE movements are not clearly understood, noncanonical Wnt pathway is known to be important for the control of CE movements. Here, we present evidence that PKA is implicated in noncanonical Wnt pathway. Overexpression and specific depletion of PKA inhibit CE movements. PKA depletion also disrupts cell morphology, protrusive activity, and cortical actin formation in dorsal mesodermal cells. Moreover, PKA activity is negatively regulated by major components of planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. In line with this, overexpression of PKA can rescue the inhibition of CE movements caused by overexpression of these molecules. We also demonstrate that this regulation of PKA activity is dependent upon Galphai signaling. As a negative component of PCP signaling, PKA inhibits not only the activation of RhoA and JNK but also the Dsh-Daam1-RhoA complex formation which is essential for the regulation of RhoA activity. Together, our study suggests a molecular pathway from Wnt/Dsh/PKA signaling to Rho activation in PCP signaling.  相似文献   

PACSIN2 regulates cell adhesion during gastrulation in Xenopus laevis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We previously identified the adaptor protein PACSIN2 as a negative regulator of ADAM13 proteolytic function. In Xenopus embryos, PACSIN2 is ubiquitously expressed, suggesting that PACSIN2 may control other proteins during development. To investigate this possibility, we studied PACSIN2 function during Xenopus gastrulation and in XTC cells. Our results show that PACSIN2 is localized to the plasma membrane via its coiled-coil domain. We also show that increased levels of PACSIN2 in embryos inhibit gastrulation, fibronectin (FN) fibrillogenesis and the ability of ectodermal cells to spread on a FN substrate. These effects require PACSIN2 coiled-coil domain and are not due to a reduction of FN or integrin expression and/or trafficking. The expression of a Mitochondria Anchored PACSIN2 (PACSIN2-MA) sequesters wild type PACSIN2 to mitochondria, and blocks gastrulation without interfering with cell spreading or FN fibrillogenesis but perturbs both epiboly and convergence/extension. In XTC cells, the over-expression of PACSIN2 but not PACSIN2-MA prevents the localization of integrin β1 to focal adhesions (FA) and filamin to stress fiber. PACSIN2-MA prevents filamin localization to membrane ruffles but not to stress fiber. We propose that PACSIN2 may regulate gastrulation by controlling the population of activated α5β1 integrin and cytoskeleton strength during cell movement.  相似文献   

We cloned Xenopus Strabismus (Xstbm), a homologue of the Drosophila planar cell or tissue polarity gene. Xstbm encodes four transmembrane domains in its N-terminal half and a PDZ-binding motif in its C-terminal region, a structure similar to Drosophila and mouse homologues. Xstbm is expressed strongly in the deep cells of the anterior neural plate and at lower levels in the posterior notochordal and neural regions during convergent extension. Overexpression of Xstbm inhibits convergent extension of mesodermal and neural tissues, as well as neural tube closure, without direct effects on tissue differentiation. Expression of Xstbm(DeltaPDZ-B), which lacks the PDZ-binding region of Xstbm, inhibits convergent extension when expressed alone but rescues the effect of overexpressing Xstbm, suggesting that Xstbm(DeltaPDZ-B) acts as a dominant negative and that both increase and decrease of Xstbm function from an optimum retards convergence and extension. Recordings show that cells expressing Xstbm or Xstbm(DeltaPDZ-B) fail to acquire the polarized protrusive activity underlying normal cell intercalation during convergent extension of both mesodermal and neural and that this effect is population size-dependent. These results further characterize the role of Xstbm in regulating the cell polarity driving convergence and extension in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) is an actin-binding, membrane-associated protein expressed during Xenopus embryogenesis. We analyzed its function in cytoskeletal regulation during gastrulation. Here, we show that blockade of its function impaired morphogenetic movements, including convergent extension. MARCKS was required for control of cell morphology, motility, adhesion, protrusive activity, and cortical actin formation in embryonic cells. We also demonstrate that the noncanonical Wnt pathway promotes the formation of lamellipodia- and filopodia-like protrusions and that MARCKS is necessary for this activity. These findings show that MARCKS regulates the cortical actin formation that is requisite for dynamic morphogenetic movements.  相似文献   

Dynamic reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton at the leading edge is required for directed cell migration. Cofilin, a small actin-binding protein with F-actin severing activities, is a key enzyme initiating such actin remodeling processes. Cofilin activity is tightly regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events that are mediated by LIM kinase (LIMK) and the phosphatase slingshot (SSH), respectively. Protein kinase D (PKD) is a serine/threonine kinase that inhibits actin-driven directed cell migration by phosphorylation and inactivation of SSH. Here, we show that PKD can also regulate LIMK through direct phosphorylation and activation of its upstream kinase p21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4). Therefore, active PKD increases the net amount of phosphorylated inactive cofilin in cells through both pathways. The regulation of cofilin activity at multiple levels may explain the inhibitory effects of PKD on barbed end formation as well as on directed cell migration.  相似文献   

During gastrulation, the archenteron is formed using cell shape changes, cell rearrangements, filopodial extensions, and convergent extension movements to elongate and shape the nascent gut tube. How these events are coordinated remains unknown, although much has been learned from careful morphological examinations and molecular perturbations. This study reports that RhoA is necessary to trigger archenteron invagination in the sea urchin embryo. Inhibition of RhoA results in a failure to initiate invagination movements, while constitutively active RhoA induces precocious invagination of the archenteron, complete with the actin rearrangements and extracellular matrix secretions that normally accompany the onset of invagination. Although RhoA activity has been reported to control convergent extension movements in vertebrate embryos, experiments herein show that RhoA activity does not regulate convergent extension movements during sea urchin gastrulation. Instead, the results support the hypothesis that RhoA serves as a trigger to initiate invagination, and once initiation occurs, RhoA activity is no longer involved in subsequent gastrulation movements.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that proper spatiotemporal expression and the physical assembly state of fibronectin (FN) matrix play key roles in the regulation of morphogenetic cell movements in vivo. We examine the progressive assembly and 3D fibrillar organization of FN and its role in regulating cell and tissue movements in Xenopus embryos. Expression of the 70 kD N-terminal fragment of FN blocks FN fibril assembly at gastrulation but not initial FN binding to integrins at the cell surface. We find that fibrillar FN is necessary to maintain cell polarity through oriented cell division and to promote epiboly, possibly through maintenance of tissue-surface tension. In contrast, FN fibrils are dispensable for convergence and extension movements required for axis elongation. Closure of the migratory mesendodermal mantle was accelerated in the absence of a fibrillar matrix. Thus, the macromolecular assembly of FN matrices may constitute a general regulatory mechanism for coordination of distinct morphogenetic movements.  相似文献   

Nearly all processes in cells are regulated by the coordinated interplay between reversible protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. Therefore, it is a great challenge to identify all phosphorylation substrates of a single protein kinase to understand its integration into intracellular signaling networks. In this work, we developed an assay that holds promise as being useful for the identification of phosphorylation substrates of a given protein kinase of interest. The method relies on irreversible inhibition of endogenous kinase activities with the ATP analogue 5'-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (5'FSBA). 5'FSBA-treated cell extracts are then combined with a purified activated kinase to allow phosphorylation of putative substrate proteins, followed by a two-step purification protocol and identification by fingerprint mass spectrometry. Specifically, we applied this method to identify new phosphorylation substrates of the Drosophila p21-activated kinase (PAK) protein Mbt. Among candidate proteins identified by mass spectrometry, the dynactin complex subunit dynamitin was verified as a bona fide Mbt phosphorylation substrate and interaction partner, suggesting an involvement of this PAK protein in the regulation of dynactin-dependent cellular processes.  相似文献   

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