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A solution is presented for the problem of how to find ancestral codons which minimize the number of mutations over a given network of species for which character-states of aligned amino acid sequences among the contemporary species are known. Three theorems which allow this “maximum parsimony” problem to be solved are proved; then the use of these theorems in finding maximum parsimony ancestral codons is illustrated on a network of chicken and mammalian alpha globin amino acid sequences at two alignment positions.  相似文献   

This paper shows, within the limitations of the assumption stated below, that approximately 27–29 of the unmutated codons which determine the amino acids of cytochrome c are invariant because of biological requirements. A mutation is defined here as the change of a single base in the sequence of a trinucleotide codon, which change alters the amino acid coded for. Codons, if any, in which mutations would be vigorously selected against are termed invariant codons. We assume that, subject to one adjustment, those mutations in the cytochrome c gene which survived in the descent of today's species are randomly distributed among the variable codons. The one adjustment arises from the possibility that a very few codon positions may exhibit frequencies of mutation sufficiently great to justify the exclusion of these codons from the overall distribution on the grounds that the frequency of mutation occurring in these few positions is clearly inconsistent with the assumption of randomness. There are 5 out of the total 110 codons in the cytochrome c structural gene which have clearly sustained an abnormally large number of mutations.This project received support from grants to W.M.F. from the National Institutes of Health (NB-04565) and the National Science Foundation (GB-4017).  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was employed to examine the role played by specific surface residues in the activity of cytochrome c peroxidase. The double charge, aspartic acid to lysine, point mutations were constructed at positions 37, 79, and 217 on the surface of cytochrome c peroxidase, sites purported to be within or proximal to the recognition site for cytochrome c in an electron-transfer productive complex formed by the two proteins. The resulting mutant peroxidases were examined for catalytic activity by steady-state measurements and binding affinity by two methods, fluorescence binding titration and cytochrome c affinity chromatography. The cloned peroxidases exhibit similar UV-visible spectra to the wild-type yeast protein, indicating that there are no major structural differences between the cloned peroxidases and the wild-type enzyme. The aspartic acid to lysine mutations at positions 79 and 217 exhibited similar turnover numbers and binding affinities to that seen for the "wild type-like" cloned peroxidase. The same change at position 37 caused more than a 10-fold decrease in both turnover of and binding affinity for cytochrome c. This empirical finding localizes a primary recognition region critical to the dynamic complex. Models from the literature proposing structures for the complex between peroxidase and cytochrome c are discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of chymotryptic and tryptic peptides of Hippopotamus amphibius cytochrome c were determined by a recent modification of the manual Edman sequential degradation procedure. They were ordered by comparison with the structure of the hog protein. The hippopotamus protein differs in three positions: serine, alanine, and glutamine replace alanine, glutamic acid, and lysine in positions 43, 92, and 100, respectively. Since the artiodactyl suborders diverged in the mid-Eocene some 50 million years ago, the fact that representatives of some of them show no differences in their cytochromes c (cow, sheep, and hog), while another exhibits as many as three such differences, verifies that even in relatively closely related lines of descent the rate at which cytochrome c changes in the course of evolution is not constant. Furthermore, 10.6% of the hippopotamus cytochrome c preparation was shown to contain isoleucine instead of valine at position 3, indicating that one of the four animals from which the protein was obtained was heterozygous in the cytochrome c gene. Such heterogeneity is a necessary condition of evolutionary variation and has not been previously observed in the cytochrome c of a wild mammalian population.  相似文献   

We derive an analytic expression for site-specific stationary distributions of amino acids from the structurally constrained neutral (SCN) model of protein evolution with conservation of folding stability. The stationary distributions that we obtain have a Boltzmann-like shape, and their effective temperature parameter, measuring the limit of divergent evolutionary changes at a given site, can be predicted from a site-specific topological property, the principal eigenvector of the contact matrix of the native conformation of the protein. These analytic results, obtained without free parameters, are compared with simulations of the SCN model and with the site-specific amino acid distributions obtained from the Protein Data Bank. These results also provide new insights into how the topology of a protein fold influences its designability, i.e., the number of sequences compatible with that fold. The dependence of the effective temperature on the principal eigenvector decreases for longer proteins, as a possible consequence of the fact that selection for thermodynamic stability becomes weaker in this case.  相似文献   

Summary A model of molecular evolution in which the parameter (intrinsic rate of amino acid substitution) fluctuates from time to time was investigated by simulating the process. It was found that the usual method of estimation such as Poisson fitting underestimates this variation of the parameter when remote comparisons are made. At the same time, four distance measures (minimum base difference, Poisson fitting, random nucleotide substitutions and negative binomial fitting) were tested for their accuracy. When the substitution rate is not uniform among the amino acid sites, the negative binomial fitting gives most satisfactory results, however, one needs to know the parameter beforehand in order to use this method. It was pointed out that the fluctuation of the evolutionary rate is expected if the nearly neutral but very slightly deleterious mutations play an important role on molecular evolution.Contribution No. 1087 from the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka-ken, 411 Japan.  相似文献   

Summary We examine in this paper one of the expected consequences of the hypothesis that modern proteins evolved from random heteropeptide sequences. Specifically, we investigate the lengthwise distributions of amino acids in a set of 1,789 protein sequences with little sequence identity using the run test statistic (r o) of Mood (1940,Ann. Math. Stat. 11, 367–392). The probability density ofr o for a collection of random sequences has mean=0 and variance=1 [the N(0,1) distribution] and can be used to measure the tendency of amino acids of a given type to cluster together in a sequence relative to that of a random sequence. We implement the run test using binary representations of protein sequences in which the amino acids of interest are assigned a value of 1 and all others a value of 0. We consider individual amino acids and sets of various combinations of them based upon hydrophobicity (4 sets), charge (3 sets), volume (4 sets), and secondary structure propensity (3 sets). We find that any sequence chosen randomly has a 90% or greater chance of having a lengthwise distribution of amino acids that is indistinguishable from the random expectation regardless of amino acid type. We regard this as strong support for the random-origin hypothesis. However, we do observe significant deviations from the random expectation as might be expected after billions years of evolution. Two important global trends are found: (1) Amino acids with a strong α-helix propensity show a strong tendency to cluster whereas those with β-sheet or reverse-turn propensity do not. (2) Clustered rather than evenly distributed patterns tend to be preferred by the individual amino acids and this is particularly so for methionine. Finally, we consider the problem of reconciling the random nature of protein sequences with structurally meaningful periodic “patterns” that can be detected by sliding-window, autocorrelation, and Fourier analyses. Two examples, rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin, show that such patterns are a natural feature of random sequences.  相似文献   

The isolation and chemical characterization of polypeptide IV from beef heart cytochrome oxidase is described. The protein is one of the main (stoichiometric) components of the oxidase. It is the largest polypeptide of the enzyme synthezised in the cytoplasm and has, as such, also been identified in enzyme preparations from yeast and Neurospora. A partial sequence, consisting of 105 amino acid residues which give a frame work of the covalent structure of the polypeptide is obtained from N- anc C-terminal sequencing and from the cyanogen bromide fragments of the chain. The isolation and sequencing of the fragments of this membrane protein are discussed.  相似文献   

P K Warme 《Biochemistry》1975,14(16):3518-3526
Conformational energies have been evaluated for each of the staggered side-chain conformations associated with the 261 amino acid substitutions known to occur among 60 eucaryotic species. At least 86% of these substitutions can be sterically accommodated (one at a time) within the structure of horse-heart cytochrome c resulting from conformational energy refinement. Simultaneous incorporation of all pertinent amino acid substitutions found in eight representative species into the refined horse-heart structure is also shown to be sterically possible, with few exceptions. In two cases (Pekin duck cytochrome with 10 substitutions and Samia cynthia cytochrome with 24 substitutions), all substitutions could be readily incorporated, and the total energies associated with their computed structures differed by less than 10 kcal/mol from that of horse-heart cytochrome c. In the cytochromes from rattlesnake (22 substitutions), tuna (18 substitutions), and Neurospora crassa (36 substitutions), tyrosine could not be substituted for phenylalanine at position 46, within the constraints of the calculations. However, when all of the remaining substitutions were incorporated into these three cytochromes, their computed conformational energies differed by less than 30 kcal/mol from that of horse-heart cytochrome c. Between two and four amino acid substitutions cause high energies in the cytochromes from human, baker's yeast, and cotton seed, but all of the remaining substitutions are consistent with a low energy conformation. These results suggest that the structures of homologous proteins may be even more similar than has previously been recognized. Substitutions of all possible amino acid types at the invariant positions (where all eucaryotic cytochromes c bear the same amino acid) have revealed some cases where different amino acids can be accommodated, thus demonstrating that the biological constraints on amino acid substitutions are often different from the purely steric constraints investigated in this work.  相似文献   

Summary A method for estimating the evolutionary rates of synonymous and amino acid substitutions from homologous nucleotide sequences is presented. This method is applied to genes of øX174 and G4 genomes, histone genes and-globin genes, for which homologous nucleotide sequences are available for comparison to be made. It is shown that the rates of synonymous substitutions are quite uniform among the non-overlapping genes of øX174 and G4 and among histone genes H4, H2B, H3 and H2A. A comparison between øX174 and G4 reveals that, in the overlapping segments of the A-gene, the rate of synonymous substitution is reduced more significantly than the rate of amino acid substitution relative to the corresponding rate in the nonoverlapping segment. It is also suggested that, in the coding regions surrounding the splicing points of intervening sequences of-globin genes, there exist rigid secondary structures. It is in only these regions that the-globin genes show the slowing down of evolutionary rates of both synonymous and amino acid substitutions in the primate line.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of cytochrome c isolated from the sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina has been determined by comparison of the compositions of the tryptic peptides to those predicted from the published sequences of cytochromes c from other insects. Cytochrome c from L. cuprina differs at a single residue when compared to cytochrome c from the screw worm fly Haematobia irritans, a species belonging to the same order as the blowfly. This substitution, proline for alanine, has been located at position 44 in the protein chain.  相似文献   

D S Auld  G J Pielak 《Biochemistry》1991,30(35):8684-8690
The interaction of the N- and C-terminal helices is a hallmark of the cytochrome c family. Oligodeoxyribonucleotide-directed random mutagenesis within the gene encoding the C102T protein variant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-cytochrome c was used to generate a library of mutations at the evolutionary invariant residues Gly-6 and Phe-10 in the N-terminal helix. Transformation of this library (contained on a low-copy-number yeast shuttle phagemid) into a yeast strain lacking a functional cytochrome c, followed by selection for cytochrome c function, reveals that 4-10% of the 400 possible amino acid substitutions are compatible with function. DNA sequence analysis of phagemids isolated from transformants exhibiting the functional phenotype elucidates the requirements for a stable helical interface. Basic residues are not tolerated at position 6 or 10. There is a broad volume constraint for amino acids at position 6. The amino acid substitutions observed to be compatible with function at Phe-10 show that the hydrophobic effect alone is sufficient to promote helical association. There are severe constraints that limit the combinations consistent with function, but the number of functionally consistent combinations observed exemplifies the plasticity of proteins.  相似文献   

This paper continues an examination of the hypothesis that modern proteins evolved from random heteropeptide sequences. In support of the hypothesis, White and Jacobs (1993, J Mol Evol 36:79–95) have shown that any sequence chosen randomly from a large collection of nonhomologous proteins has a 90% or better chance of having a lengthwise distribution of amino acids that is indistinguishable from the random expectation regardless of amino acid type. The goal of the present study was to investigate the possibility that the random-origin hypothesis could explain the lengths of modern protein sequences without invoking specific mechanisms such as gene duplication or exon splicing. The sets of sequences examined were taken from the 1989 PIR database and consisted of 1,792 super-family proteins selected to have little sequence identity, 623 E. coli sequences, and 398 human sequences. The length distributions of the proteins could be described with high significance by either of two closely related probability density functions: The gamma distribution with parameter 2 or the distribution for the sum of two exponential random independent variables. A simple theory for the distributions was developed which assumes that (1) protoprotein sequences had exponentially distributed random independent lengths, (2) the length dependence of protein stability determined which of these protoproteins could fold into compact primitive proteins and thereby attain the potential for biochemical activity, (3) the useful protein sequences were preserved by the primitive genome, and (4) the resulting distribution of sequence lengths is reflected by modern proteins. The theory successfully predicts the two observed distributions which can be distinguished by the functional form of the dependence of protein stability on length.The theory leads to three interesting conclusions. First, it predicts that a tetra-nucleotide was the signal for primitive translation termination. This prediction is entirely consistent with the observations of Brown et al. (1990a,b, Nucleic Acids Res 18:2079–2086 and 18: 6339-6345) which show that tetra-nucleotides (stop codon plus following nucleotide) are the actual signals for termination of translation in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Second, the strong dependence of statistical length distributions on sequence-termination signaling codes implies that the evolution of stop codons and translation-termination processes was as important as gene splicing in early evolution. Third, because the theory is based upon a simple no-exon stochastic model, it provides a plausible alternative to a limited universe of exons from which all proteins evolved by gene duplication and exon splicing (Dorit et al. 1990, Science 250:1377–1382).  相似文献   

The sequence determination of polypeptide VII from beef heart cytochrome c oxidase is described. The amino acid sequence is deduced from overlapping tryptic peptides and peptides obtained after cleavage with Staphylococcus aureus protease. The protein consists of 85 amino acids corresponding to a Mr of 10026, in agreement with a value of 9500 obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The amino acid sequence around the only methionine present is very similar to sequences around the invariant heme binding methionine of the cytochrome c family. This similarity suggests that the protein is one of the heme bindings subunits of the oxidase.  相似文献   

Two forms of yeast cytochrome c synthetases with different specificities were resolved, one (synthetase I), solubilized from mitochondria or the cell debris with Triton X-100, recognizing not horse apocytochrome c but yeast apo-iso-1-cytochrome c as a substrate and the other (synthetase II) still bound with the particulate fraction from mitochondria after treatment with Triton, recognizing both horse and yeast apocytochromes c. The activity with labeled yeast apo-iso-1-cytochrome c as a substrate of cytochrome c synthetase I can be quantitatively inhibited by nonlabeled Candida krusei apocytochrome c and partially by nonlabeled tuna apocytochrome c but not by nonlabeled horse apocytochrome c indicating a specific amino acid sequence being recognized. However, an enzyme similarly solubilized from beef heart mitochondria recognized both horse apocytochrome c and yeast apo-iso-1-cytochrome c for attachment of heme. In view of the fact that the yeast synthetase II and the beef synthetase can both utilize either horse apocytochrome c or yeast apo-iso-1-cytochrome c as substrates, we suggest that these enzymes may also be involved in biosynthesis of cytochrome c1, that is, the ability to attach heme to apocytochrome c and apocytochrome c1 may have been conserved in eucaryotic cells, and that both synthetases may therefore be homologous.  相似文献   

Some algorithms are described for the search of regions in a nucleic acid sequence that, when translated into amino acids, are homologous to a given amino acid pattern. All algorithms are modifications of the dynamic programming method for sequence comparison such that the translation of codons is taken into account. One of the algorithms has been implemented as a FORTRAN 77 program. The program operates on files that follow the format of the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Data Library.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of locust cytochrome c was determined, although the overlap between chymotryptic and tryptic peptides at residues tyrosine-97 and leucine-98 was not observed, owing to an anomalous tryptic break duplicating the chymotryptic digestion. The molecule consists of a single polypeptide chain of 107 residues, homologous with other mitochondrial cytochromes c. In common with other known insect cytochromes c, it possesses a non-acetylated, four-residue tail at the N-terminus relative to glycine-1 of the standard alignment. A molecular phylogeny for 17 species was constructed relating the cytochrome c molecules of Schistocerca gregaria and other invertebrates with those of representative taxonomic groups. Experimental details are given in a supplementary paper deposited as Supplementary Publication SUP 50077 (24 pages) at the British Library Lending Division, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ, U.K., from whom copies can obtained on the terms indicated in Biochem. J. (1977) 161, 1.  相似文献   

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