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王屏  戴年华  欧阳雪莲  郭晓敏 《生态学报》2016,36(12):3666-3677
森林生态系统作为游憩经济系统的基础,保持生态结构完整是森林旅游协调发展的前提,但生态功能的发挥并非为旅游活动自然结果,很大程度有赖于游憩者的环境保护行为。选取加拿大班夫国家公园和中国张家界国家森林公园为问卷调研地,以解说驱动机制视角对森林游憩者生态行为影响进行研究,旨在运用相关分析、结构方程模型实证检验中西方森林游憩者生态行为生成的内在关联。结果表明:形成森林游憩者生态行为的过程逻辑定式为"生态知识-生态体验-生态态度-生态行为";1中西方森林游憩者生态知识、生态体验、生态态度与生态行为均存在正向相关;2森林旅游解说对中西方森林游憩者生态知识、生态体验、生态态度、生态行为均具有正向影响。  相似文献   

王甫园  王开泳  郑鑫  林明水 《生态学报》2021,41(17):7049-7062
生态空间是城市群人居环境的重要保障,探析城市群生态空间游憩利用扩展的格局及影响因素,对于完善城市群功能、构建均衡共享的生态空间游憩服务体系具有重要意义。以珠三角城市群为研究区域,从数量和面积两方面分析其在1990-2017年间区域内生态空间游憩利用的动态扩展特征,并探究其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)生态空间游憩利用的数量扩展方面具有"由少数点向内、外同时扩展→由外向内部分填充"的特征;(2)生态空间游憩利用规模扩展表现出"少数规模较大的孤点→边缘区和建成区内部同时扩展→中心填充"的空间特征;(3)生态空间游憩利用的空间扩展主要受人口增长、城镇化发展、休闲旅游需求变化、区域生态空间治理政策和城市群规划理念的综合影响。本研究总结了城市群生态空间游憩利用扩展规律和成因,启示城市群要通过生态空间治理政策与整体规划的优化推动全域生态空间游憩利用,并注重生态游憩空间配置与人口和城镇化发展、休闲旅游需求变化相协调。  相似文献   

唐明贵  胡静  吕丽  龚雅莉  覃小华 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8594-8604
生态游憩空间是生态文明建设和大众游憩权利普及的重要载体,是提升城乡居民生活质量和幸福感的重要场域。基于贵州省1982-2020年908处生态游憩空间样本数据,采用Google Earth批量获取生态游憩空间地理坐标,并使用ArcGIS 10.2对其进行空间数字化处理,采用热点分析工具识别其冷热点区的空间分布和演化特征,利用地理探测器测算主要驱动因子对生态游憩空间时空演化的解释力。研究发现:1)在时间演化上,生态游憩空间数量持续快速增长,面积全域扩展,数量由1982年的5处增加到2020年的908处,面积由0.05万km2演变为3.7万km2。2)在数量空间演化上,从极化分布转向均衡发展,分布方向始终呈东北-西南走向。3)在密度空间演化上,空间集聚随时序发生明显变化,贵阳市区始终是集聚高地,遵义市区最终成长为热点区。4)在驱动因素方面,自然环境要素对生态游憩空间时空演化具有基础约束效应,产业经济因素是其时空演化的内在驱动力,社会政策因素是其时空演化的外在推力。旅游收入占国内生产总值比重、建成区面积、相关政策和平均海拔是生态游憩空间数量时空演化的控制性驱动因子,而第三产业比重、农村居民可支配收入和固定资产投资是其密度时空演化的控制性驱动因子,生态游憩空间时空格局是多因素长期交互作用的结果。未来,贵州省生态游憩空间建设与发展应根据其分布特征及演化规律,通过科学规划、合理布局和城乡统筹发展,有序推进生态游憩空间的增量扩展和存量更新,有效破解生态游憩空间供给不平衡不充分的问题。同时,不断提升主导因子的驱动能力,促进城乡生态游憩空间供需协调耦合发展,逐步实现生态游憩空间的社会公平。  相似文献   

杨畅  王月容  汤志颖  王茜  段敏杰  漆良华 《生态学报》2022,42(16):6499-6513
风景游憩林是城市森林的重要组成部分,具有减菌、降噪、滞尘、释氧及调节人体舒适度等生态保健效应,探索具有良好综合生态保健效应的景观模式对游憩林的建设和管理尤显重要。以北京西山国家森林公园乔-灌-草、乔-草和灌-草等9种不同群落结构风景游憩林为研究对象,通过野外监测和室内分析相结合等方法,研究了空气负离子浓度、PM2.5浓度及消减率、噪音消减率、减菌率及人体舒适度的动态变化,分析了温度、湿度、风速等环境因子对生态保健效应的影响,运用综合指数法对生态保健效应进行定量评价。结果表明:(1)空气负离子浓度年变化范围为296.67-1090.00个/cm3,乔-灌-草结构年均最高,为(755.62±110.11)个/cm3,灌-草结构最低为(637.53±121.90)个/cm3;(2) PM2.5浓度年变化范围为6.83-63.04 μg/m3,且夏季 < 秋季 < 春季 < 冬季,乔-灌-草结构对PM2.5消减率最大(10.95%),灌-草结构最低(1.17%);(3)噪音消减率随着距离的增加均有一个最佳消减场,不同群落结构平均减噪率表现为乔-灌-草 > 乔-草 > 灌-草;(4)减菌率变化范围为11.65%-44.60%,且乔-灌-草 > 乔-草 > 灌-草;(5)乔-草结构人体舒适度最好,灌-草结构最弱;(6) PM2.5浓度和温度呈负相关,与湿度和风速呈正相关,细菌数量与温度、湿度、风速均呈正相关,噪音与温度、风速呈正相关,与湿度呈负相关,空气负离子浓度与湿度和风速呈负相关;(7)生态保健效应综合指数范围为1.6565-9.1387,总体排序乔-灌-草>乔-草>灌-草。北京风景游憩林的建设,在群落结构上以乔-灌-草为宜,在树种选择上优先考虑油松、刺槐、侧柏等具有生态保健效应的乡土树种。  相似文献   

刘炳亮  苏金豹  马建章 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4786-4794
鸟类在植物种子传播中扮演着重要的角色。为了研究旅游活动对鸟类传播种子的影响,在兴凯湖自然保护区游憩区和非游憩区选择黄檗(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.)树种作为观测对象进行对比研究。结果显示,游人活动高峰时段游憩区鸟的取食行为发生了明显改变,取食鸟的物种丰富度、取食频度、取食时间以及种子取食量均显著减少。观察发现,游人活动干扰是导致鸟的取食行为发生改变的根本原因。取食行为的改变,减少了种子的扩散机会,进一步导致了幼苗更新量的减少以及相对较短的扩散距离。此外,对幼苗更新格局的检验发现,游憩区幼苗在空间分布上明显偏向景观内部。产生该结果的原因与鸟的飞离路径有关,来自景观外部的游人干扰压力可能是导致鸟的飞行路径发生改变的主要原因。结果表明,旅游活动可能通过干扰动植物关系对植物产生连锁影响。  相似文献   

周媛  黎贝  李朋瑶  姚婧  陈明坤  唐密  张莉  陈娟 《生态学报》2024,44(13):5854-5866
城市生态环境问题日益突出,如何构建多功能耦合的绿地生态网络格局是促进人居环境可持续发展的重要议题。以成都市为研究区,基于"源-汇"理论,综合运用形态学空间格局分析(Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis, MSPA)、景观连通性指数、电路理论等方法对生物多样性保护、热环境改善、游憩服务构建单因子网络,分析源地、廊道、生态战略点等空间要素特征,形成基于"生态-气候适应性-游憩"多层级、多功能复合生态网络优化格局。结果表明:(1)筛选出"源"-"汇"景观(生态159-29个,气候适应性30-14个,游憩208-40个)。生物迁徙廊道在研究区中部、西南部呈团簇状分布;气候适应性廊道呈中部集聚、东西稀疏的分布特征;游憩廊道相对密集,以中心城区为核心向四周扩散。(2)多层级"源-汇"景观网络中,总长度上,游憩廊道 > 生物迁徙廊道 > 气候适应性廊道;总面积上,生物迁徙廊道 > 游憩廊道 > 气候适应性廊道。一、二级廊道的适宜宽度为生态廊道200、100m,气候适应性廊道100、60m;游憩廊道60、30m。(3)叠加多目标廊道获得生态关键点753个,干扰点2371个。游憩源地中8.18%的面积应退让给生态廊道和气候适应性廊道。多功能耦合的生态网络优化格局可激活不同景观资源的潜在价值,对协调生态保护与城市发展的双向需求,实现绿地资源在城市空间中的最优配置具有重要意义。  相似文献   

考虑到教育干预因素影响的随机性,本文构建了基于游客教育的旅游生态系统随机动力学模型.通过对随机模型的分析,获得了在游客教育这种外力干预影响下,旅游生态系统存在性以及可持续发展的条件.  相似文献   

晋秀龙  陆林  覃逸明 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6834-6842
在琅琊山风景区通过实地实验,分析了游憩活动对琅琊山风景区两种草地植物紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)和白三叶(Trifolium repens L.)种子发芽率的影响.结果表明:(1)游憩活动强度与两种植物种子发芽率呈负线性相关.近游道、中距离游道和远距离游道的3个实验组,紫花苜蓿种子平均发芽率依次为31.29%、39.41%、55.21%;白三叶依次为8.42%、14.62%、23.89%.距游道越远的实验组种子的发芽率越高,距游道最远的实验组和最近的实验组的种子发芽率差异显著.(2)柏油、水泥、台阶和泥质4种游道实验区的种子平均发芽率,紫花苜蓿依次为37.20%、40.27%、41.28%、48.13%;白三叶依次为10.37%、10.92%、14.23%、27.05%.旅游和游憩活动量较少的游道实验区种子的发芽率高于游憩活动量较大的游道实验区.此外,相同游道、相同实验位置的两种植物种子发芽率亦存在显著差异,表明不同植物种子萌发受到旅游活动的干扰存在差异.  相似文献   

刘亚萍  潘晓芳  钟秋平  金建湘 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3765-3774
运用条件价值评价法和旅行费用法对生态旅游区——武陵源风景区自然环境的游憩价值进行评价,并将评价结果进行比较。结果表明:以2004年的旅游人数180万人为基准,当年武陵源风景区自然生态环境的总游憩价值应为294594.9万元。CVM法评价当年武陵源风景区自然生态环境的消费者剩余价值为11844.72万元,利用TCM法两个回归模型计算得到的消费者剩余价值分别为109049.25万元和103593.73万元,分别高出CVM法评价结果的8.75倍和9.21倍。因此,在我国仅用CVM法的支付意愿来评价其自然生态环境的经济价值,其结果会偏低。建议在我国评价生态旅游区自然生态环境的经济价值时,需将CVM法中的支付意愿、赔偿意愿和旅行费用法综合起来进行评估,使评价结果更具有可靠性。更接近于自然生态环境的真实价值。  相似文献   

王甫园  王开泳  刘汉初 《生态学报》2020,40(11):3622-3633
随着休闲时代的来临,生态空间的游憩服务功能越来越受到重视。揭示生态空间游憩服务供需匹配性格局及其成因,对于优化城市群公共游憩空间布局、提升居民福祉至关重要。以珠三角城市群为研究对象,采用改进的两步移动搜寻法对区域内生态空间游憩服务的供需匹配性格局进行评价,并综合分析其成因。研究结果得出:(1)研究区生态空间游憩服务供需匹配性分布特征表现出边缘——核心的圈层式结构,边缘区供需比高于核心区;(2)生态空间游憩服务供需匹配性分布的空间不公平性较大;(3)供需匹配性格局受自然和人文因素的综合影响,其中自然因素主要包括海拔、生态游憩空间分布,人文因素包括人口密度、区域工业化与城镇化格局、规划与政策。珠三角城市群城镇化和工业化模式造就了环境不公平性的现状,核心区生态游憩服务供给不足,人居环境质量较低。城市群景观生态结构优化应注重进行生态修复,优化生态游憩空间分布。未来新城新区建设时应借鉴生态城市建设理念,实现生态游憩空间与生活空间、生产空间协调发展。  相似文献   

Because of the serious effects of pollution on water supply much closer attention has been paid to water quality than to other aspects of river integrity. However, channel form and water flow are relevant components of river health, and recent evidences show that their impairment threatens the services derived from them. In this article, we review the literature on the effects of common hydromorphological impacts (channel modification and flow modification) on the functioning of river ecosystems. There are evidences that even light hydromorphological impacts can have deep effects on ecosystem functioning, and that different functional variables differ in their responses. Three criteria (relevance, scale and sensitivity) in the selection of functional variables are suggested as a guide for the river scientists and managers to assess the ecological impacts of hydromorphological modifications.  相似文献   

A series of investigations are underway which have quantified the contribution of faecal indicators delivered to nearshore coastal waters from the sewerage system and riverine inputs. Studies have been completed in Jersey, Staithes, Yorkshire, South Wales and the North-west. The research protocols have involved quantification of high and low flow faecal indicator delivery from the sewerage system and riverine sources as well as construction of nonpoint source models designed to predict faecal indicator delivery from diffuse, catchment sources. These investigations suggest a dynamic, but predictable, balance between inputs from the sewerage system and from 'catchment' sources. The sewerage system dominates during low flow conditions but is often overtaken by riverine inputs during high flow conditions after rainfall. Many bathing beach locations exhibit non-compliance after rainfall when stream inputs, rather than sewerage inputs, commonly dominate. The implications of this input pattern is that routine monitoring data may not provide information relevant to new infrastructure planning designed to achieve bathing beach compliance. This suggests that the present scientific information base is insufficient to underpin the extensive UK infra-structure investment programmes designed to ensure compliance with existing EU Directive 76/160/EEC standards. Furthermore, results to date, suggest that management attention must expand from its historical focus on infra-structure provision to incorporate diffuse sources of faecal indicator loading which present a new set of management and modelling challenges.  相似文献   

Aim We examined comparative data for cryptobenthic reef fishes to determine how variation in regional species richness relates to local species richness, abundance, and taxonomic and trophic composition, and to test whether systems with higher species richness exhibit finer habitat partitioning. Locations Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia; Bahía de Loreto, Gulf of California (GoC), Mexico. Methods Cryptobenthic reef fish assemblages from four habitats (coral heads, rubble, and horizontal and vertical surfaces of boulders) were collected using clove oil. Differences in density, species richness and biomass were examined between regions and among habitats. Habitat associations were identified for each habitat/location based on multivariate ordination, and the statistical significance of patterns was tested using analysis of similarity (ANOSIM). In addition, the trophic group composition of the assemblages for both regions was examined. Results A total of 91 species in 20 families were recorded (GBR, 66 species; GoC, 25 species). Total and habitat species richness were higher on the GBR, whereas biomass was higher in the GoC. No difference in fish density between regions was found. Habitat division among assemblages was greater in the depauperate GoC. Only coral head associations proved to be distinctive on the GBR, whereas three sample groups were found in the GoC (coral heads, horizontal boulders and vertical boulders/rubble). Trophic composition in the two regions was markedly different, with omnivores dominating the GBR fauna and planktivores the GoC. Main conclusions A positive regional–local relationship in fish diversity was found between regions, but fish abundance in both regions remained similar. Contrary to expectations, habitat partitioning, at a community level, was greater in the depauperate GoC. Differences in trophic composition and patterns of habitat use appear to reflect the disparate history of the regions, whereas patterns of abundance may reflect the influence of fundamental relationships between size and abundance in communities. This study highlights the potential of reef faunas to conform to universal numerical trends while maintaining an ability to respond ecologically to local/evolutionary influences. The GoC fauna appears to be exceptionally vulnerable to natural and anthropogenic disturbance owing to the high numerical dominance of habitat‐specific species and to the limited potential for functional redundancy within the system.  相似文献   

In many species, individuals specialize on different resources, thereby reducing competition. Such ecological specialization can promote the evolution of alternative ecomorphs—distinct phenotypes adapted for particular resources. Elucidating whether and how this process is influenced by sexual selection is crucial for understanding how ecological specialization promotes the evolution of novel traits and, potentially, speciation between ecomorphs. We evaluated the population-level effects of sexual selection (as mediated by mate choice) on ecological specialization in spadefoot toad tadpoles that express alternative ecomorphs. We manipulated whether sexual selection was present or reversed by mating females to their preferred versus non-preferred males, respectively. We then exposed their tadpoles to resource competition in experimental mesocosms. The resulting distribution of ecomorphs was similar between treatments, but sexual selection generated poorer trait integration in, and lower fitness of, the more specialized carnivore morph. Moreover, disruptive and directional natural selection were weaker in the sexual selection present treatment. Nevertheless, this effect on disruptive selection was smaller than previously documented effects of ecological opportunity and competitor density. Thus, sexual selection can inhibit adaptation to resource competition and thereby hinder ecological specialization, particularly when females obtain fitness benefits from mate choice that offset the cost of producing competitively inferior offspring.  相似文献   

Accelerated contamination of habitats with debris has caused increased effort to determine ecological impacts. Strikingly, most work on organisms focuses on sublethal responses to plastic debris. This is controversial because (i) researchers have ignored medical insights about the mechanisms that link effects of debris across lower levels of biological organization to disease and mortality, and (ii) debris is considered non-hazardous by policy-makers, possibly because individuals can be injured or removed from populations and assemblages without ecological impacts. We reviewed the mechanisms that link effects of debris across lower levels of biological organization to assemblages and populations. Using plastic, we show microplastics reduce the ‘health’, feeding, growth and survival of ecosystem engineers. Larger debris alters assemblages because fishing-gear and tyres kill animals and damage habitat-forming plants, and because floating bottles facilitate recruitment and survival of novel taxa. Where ecological linkages are not known, we show how to establish hypothetical links by synthesizing studies to assess the likelihood of impacts. We also consider how population models examine ecological linkages and guide management of ecological impacts. We show that by focusing on linkages to ecological impacts rather than the presence of debris and its sublethal impacts, we could reduce threats posed by debris.  相似文献   

Quantifying sublethal effects of plastics ingestion on marine wildlife is difficult, but key to understanding the ontogeny and population dynamics of affected species. We developed a method that overcomes the difficulties by modelling individual ontogeny under reduced energy intake and expenditure caused by debris ingestion. The predicted ontogeny is combined with a population dynamics model to identify ecological breakpoints: cessation of reproduction or negative population growth. Exemplifying this approach on loggerhead turtles, we find that between 3% and 25% of plastics in digestive contents causes a 2.5–20% reduction in perceived food abundance and total available energy, resulting in a 10–15% lower condition index and 10% to 88% lower total seasonal reproductive output compared to unaffected turtles. The reported plastics ingestion is insufficient to impede sexual maturation, but population declines are possible. The method is readily applicable to other species impacted by debris ingestion.  相似文献   

From the perspective of system functions, the study analyzes the evolutionary characteristics of Shanghai's 17 districts based on the dynamic spatial and temporal differences of functional assessment of the eco-space recreational system from 2001 to 2011. Taking into consideration the functional coordination of complex systems, the elements of structural component are taken as the base of assessment framework (Diversity-Scale-Fit-Accessibility). By analyzing the results of the discrete data features, the differences and evolution of spatial pattern are studied. The studies suggest that the urban development and planning, the demographic factors in the region and the developmental stages of recreational demands are the main drivers of the pattern evolution. Furthermore, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are proposed.  相似文献   

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