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Steady-state metabolic flux analysis (MFA) is an experimental approach that allows the measurement of multiple fluxes in the core network of primary carbon metabolism. It is based on isotopic labelling experiments, and although well established in the analysis of micro-organisms, and some mammalian systems, the extension of the method to plant cells has been challenging because of the extensive subcellular compartmentation of the metabolic network. Despite this difficulty there has been substantial progress in developing robust protocols for the analysis of heterotrophic plant metabolism by steady-state MFA, and flux maps have now been published that reflect the metabolic phenotypes of excised root tips, developing embryos and cotyledons, hairy root cultures, and cell suspensions under a variety of physiological conditions. There has been a steady improvement in the quality, extent and statistical reliability of these analyses, and new information is emerging on the performance of the plant metabolic network and the contributions of specific pathways.  相似文献   

Elementary modes (EMs) are steady-state metabolic flux vectors with minimal set of active reactions. Each EM corresponds to a metabolic pathway. Therefore, studying EMs is helpful for analyzing the production of biotechnologically important metabolites. However, memory requirements for computing EMs may hamper their applicability as, in most genome-scale metabolic models, no EM can be computed due to running out of memory. In this study, we present a method for computing randomly sampled EMs. In this approach, a network reduction algorithm is used for EM computation, which is based on flux balance-based methods. We show that this approach can be used to recover the EMs in the medium- and genome-scale metabolic network models, while the EMs are sampled in an unbiased way. The applicability of such results is shown by computing “estimated” control-effective flux values in Escherichia coli metabolic network.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The analysis of structure, pathways and flux distributions in metabolic networks has become an important approach for understanding the functionality of metabolic systems. The need of a user-friendly platform for stoichiometric modeling of metabolic networks in silico is evident. RESULTS: The FluxAnalyzer is a package for MATLAB and facilitates integrated pathway and flux analysis for metabolic networks within a graphical user interface. Arbitrary metabolic network models can be composed by instances of four types of network elements. The abstract network model is linked with network graphics leading to interactive flux maps which allow for user input and display of calculation results within a network visualization. Therein, a large and powerful collection of tools and algorithms can be applied interactively including metabolic flux analysis, flux optimization, detection of topological features and pathway analysis by elementary flux modes or extreme pathways. The FluxAnalyzer has been applied and tested for complex networks with more than 500,000 elementary modes. Some aspects of the combinatorial complexity of pathway analysis in metabolic networks are discussed. AVAILABILITY: Upon request from the corresponding author. Free for academic users (license agreement). Special contracts are available for industrial corporations. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://www.mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de/projects/fluxanalyzer.  相似文献   

Lactate accumulation in mammalian cell culture is known to impede cellular growth and productivity. The control of lactate formation and consumption in a hybridoma cell line was achieved by pH alteration during the early exponential growth phase. In particular, lactate consumption was induced even at high glucose concentrations at pH 6.8, whereas highly increased production of lactate was obtained at pH 7.8. Consequently, constraint‐based metabolic flux analysis was used to examine pH‐induced metabolic states in the same growth state. We demonstrated that lactate influx at pH 6.8 led cells to maintain high fluxes in the TCA cycle and malate‐aspartate shuttle resulting in a high ATP production rate. In contrast, under increased pH conditions, less ATP was generated and different ATP sources were utilized. Gene expression analysis led to the conclusion that lactate formation at high pH was enabled by gluconeogenic pathways in addition to facilitated glucose uptake. The obtained results provide new insights into the influence of pH on cellular metabolism, and are of importance when considering pH heterogeneities typically present in large scale industrial bioreactors. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:347–357, 2015  相似文献   



Cellular hypoxia is a component of many diseases, but mechanisms of global hypoxic adaptation and resistance are not completely understood. Previously, a population of Drosophila flies was experimentally selected over several generations to survive a chronically hypoxic environment. NMR-based metabolomics, combined with flux-balance simulations of genome-scale metabolic networks, can generate specific hypotheses for global reaction fluxes within the cell. We applied these techniques to compare metabolic activity during acute hypoxia in muscle tissue of adapted versus "na?ve" control flies.  相似文献   

As genome-scale metabolic reconstructions emerge, tools to manage their size and complexity will be increasingly important. Flux balance analysis (FBA) is a constraint-based approach widely used to study the metabolic capabilities of cellular or subcellular systems. FBA problems are highly underdetermined and many different phenotypes can satisfy any set of constraints through which the metabolic system is represented.Two of the main concerns in FBA are exploring the space of solutions for a given metabolic network and finding a specific phenotype which is representative for a given task such as maximal growth rate. Here, we introduce a recursive algorithm suitable for overcoming both of these concerns. The method proposed is able to find the alternate optimal patterns of active reactions of an FBA problem and identify the minimal subnetwork able to perform a specific task as optimally as the whole.Our method represents an alternative to and an extension of other approaches conceived for exploring the space of solutions of an FBA problem. It may also be particularly helpful in defining a scaffold of reactions upon which to build up a dynamic model, when the important pathways of the system have not yet been well-defined.  相似文献   

Metabolic reactions are fundamental to living organisms, and a large number of reactions simultaneously occur at a given time in living cells transforming diverse metabolites into each other. There has been an ongoing debate on how to classify metabolites with respect to their importance for metabolic performance, usually based on the analysis of topological properties of genome scale metabolic networks. However, none of these studies have accounted quantitatively for flux in metabolic networks, thus lacking an important component of a cell’s biochemistry.We therefore analyzed a genome scale metabolic network of Escherichia coli by comparing growth under 19 different growth conditions, using flux balance analysis and weighted network centrality investigation. With this novel concept of flux centrality we generated metabolite rankings for each particular growth condition. In contrast to the results of conventional analysis of genome scale metabolic networks, different metabolites were top-ranking dependent on the growth condition. At the same time, several metabolites were consistently among the high ranking ones. Those are associated with pathways that have been described by biochemists as the most central part of metabolism, such as glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid cycle and pentose phosphate pathway. The values for the average path length of the analyzed metabolite networks were between 10.5 and 12.6, supporting recent findings that the metabolic network of E. coli is not a small-world network.  相似文献   

Bayesian flux balance analysis applied to a skeletal muscle metabolic model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, the steady state condition for the multi-compartment models for cellular metabolism is considered. The problem is to estimate the reaction and transport fluxes, as well as the concentrations in venous blood when the stoichiometry and bound constraints for the fluxes and the concentrations are given. The problem has been addressed previously by a number of authors, and optimization-based approaches as well as extreme pathway analysis have been proposed. These approaches are briefly discussed here. The main emphasis of this work is a Bayesian statistical approach to the flux balance analysis (FBA). We show how the bound constraints and optimality conditions such as maximizing the oxidative phosphorylation flux can be incorporated into the model in the Bayesian framework by proper construction of the prior densities. We propose an effective Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) scheme to explore the posterior densities, and compare the results with those obtained via the previously studied linear programming (LP) approach. The proposed methodology, which is applied here to a two-compartment model for skeletal muscle metabolism, can be extended to more complex models.  相似文献   

The work presented here uses Monte Carlo random sampling combined with flux balance analysis and linear programming to analyse the steady-state flux distributions on the surface of the glucose-ammonia phenotypic phase plane of an Escherichia coli system grown on glucose-minimal medium. The distribution of allowable glucose and ammonia uptake rates showed a triangular shape, the apex corresponding to maximum growth rate. The exact shape, e.g. the diagonal boundary is determined by the relative amounts of nutrients required for growth. The logarithm of flux values has a normal distribution, e.g. there is a log normal distribution, and most of the reactions have an order of magnitude between 10(-1) and 1. The increase in the number of blocked reactions as growth switched from aerobic to micro-aerobic phase and the presence of alternate networks for a single optimal solution were both reflections of the variability of pathway utilization for survival and growth. Principal component analysis (PCA) provided us with significant clues on the correlations between individual reactions and correlations between sets of reactions. Furthermore, PCA identified the most influential reactions of the system. The PCA score plots clearly distinguish two different growth phases, micro-aerobic and aerobic. The loading plots for each growth phase showed both the impact of the reactions on the model and the clustering of reactions that are highly correlated. These results have proved that PCA is a promising way to analyse correlations in high-dimensional solution spaces and to detect modular patterns among reactions in a network.  相似文献   

Constraint-based flux balance analysis (FBA) has proven successful in predicting the flux distribution of metabolic networks in diverse environmental conditions. FBA finds one of the alternate optimal solutions that maximizes the biomass production rate. Almaas et al. have shown that the flux distribution follows a power law, and it is possible to associate with most metabolites two reactions which maximally produce and consume a given metabolite, respectively. This observation led to the concept of high-flux backbone (HFB) in metabolic networks. In previous work, the HFB has been computed using a particular optima obtained using FBA. In this paper, we investigate the conservation of HFB of a particular solution for a given medium across different alternate optima and near-optima in metabolic networks of E. coli and S. cerevisiae. Using flux variability analysis (FVA), we propose a method to determine reactions that are guaranteed to be in HFB regardless of alternate solutions. We find that the HFB of a particular optima is largely conserved across alternate optima in E. coli, while it is only moderately conserved in S. cerevisiae. However, the HFB of a particular near-optima shows a large variation across alternate near-optima in both organisms. We show that the conserved set of reactions in HFB across alternate near-optima has a large overlap with essential reactions and reactions which are both uniquely consuming (UC) and uniquely producing (UP). Our findings suggest that the structure of the metabolic network admits a high degree of redundancy and plasticity in near-optimal flow patterns enhancing system robustness for a given environmental condition.  相似文献   

The intimate relationship between scleractinian corals and their associated microorganisms is fundamental to healthy coral reef ecosystems. Coral-associated microbes (Symbiodiniaceae and other protists, bacteria, archaea, fungi and viruses) support coral health and resilience through metabolite transfer, inter-partner signalling, and genetic exchange. However, much of our understanding of the coral holobiont relationship has come from studies that have investigated either coral-Symbiodiniaceae or coral-bacteria interactions in isolation, while relatively little research has focused on other ecological and metabolic interactions potentially occurring within the coral multi-partner symbiotic network. Recent evidences of intimate coupling between phytoplankton and bacteria have demonstrated that obligate resource exchange between partners fundamentally drives their ecological success. Here, we posit that similar associations with bacterial consortia regulate Symbiodiniaceae productivity and are in turn central to the health of corals. Indeed, we propose that this bacteria-Symbiodiniaceae-coral relationship underpins the coral holobiont's nutrition, stress tolerance and potentially influences the future survival of coral reef ecosystems under changing environmental conditions. Resolving Symbiodiniaceae-bacteria associations is therefore a logical next step towards understanding the complex multi-partner interactions occurring in the coral holobiont.  相似文献   

Brain cancers demonstrate a complex metabolic behavior so as to adapt the external hypoxic environment and internal stress generated by reactive oxygen species. To survive in these stringent conditions, glioblastoma cells develop an antagonistic metabolic phenotype as compared to their predecessors, the astrocytes, thereby quenching the resources expected for nourishing the neurons. The complexity and cumulative effect of the large scale metabolic functioning of glioblastoma is mostly unexplored. In this study, we reconstruct a metabolic network comprising of pathways that are known to be deregulated in glioblastoma cells as compared to the astrocytes. The network, consisted of 147 genes encoding for enzymes performing 247 reactions distributed across five distinct model compartments, was then studied using constrained-based modeling approach by recreating the scenarios for astrocytes and glioblastoma, and validated with available experimental evidences. From our analysis, we predict that glycine requirement of the astrocytes are mostly fulfilled by the internal glycine–serine metabolism, whereas glioblastoma cells demand an external uptake of glycine to utilize it for glutathione production. Also, cystine and glucose were identified to be the major contributors to glioblastoma growth. We also proposed an extensive set of single and double lethal reaction knockouts, which were further perturbed to ascertain their role as probable chemotherapeutic targets. These simulation results suggested that, apart from targeting the reactions of central carbon metabolism, knockout of reactions belonging to the glycine–serine metabolism effectively reduce glioblastoma growth. The combinatorial targeting of glycine transporter with any other reaction belonging to glycine–serine metabolism proved lethal to glioblastoma growth.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11693-015-9183-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Metabolic flux analysis as a tool in metabolic engineering of plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methods of metabolic flux analysis (MFA) provide insights into the theoretical capabilities of metabolic networks and allow probing the in vivo performance of cellular metabolism. In recent years, an increasing awareness has developed that network analysis methods within the systems biology toolbox are serving to improve our understanding and ability to manipulate metabolism. In this minireview the potential of MFA to increase the chances of success in metabolic engineering of plants is presented, recent progress related to engineering and flux analysis in central metabolism of plants is discussed, and some recent advances in flux analysis methodology are highlighted.  相似文献   

Conventional metabolic flux analysis uses the information gained from determination of measurable fluxes and a steady-state assumption for intracellular metabolites to calculate the metabolic fluxes in a given metabolic network. The determination of intracellular fluxes depends heavily on the correctness of the assumed stoichiometry including the presence of all reactions with a noticeable impact on the model metabolite balances. Determination of fluxes in complex metabolic networks often requires the inclusion of NADH and NADPH balances, which are subject to controversial debate. Transhydrogenation reactions that transfer reduction equivalents from NADH to NADPH or vice versa can usually not be included in the stoichiometric model, because they result in singularities in the stoichiometric matrix. However, it is the NADPH balance that, to a large extent, determines the calculated flux through the pentose phosphate pathway. Hence, wrong assumptions on the presence or activity of transhydrogenation reactions will result in wrong estimations of the intracellular flux distribution. Using 13C tracer experiments and NMR analysis, flux analysis can be performed on the basis of only well established stoichiometric equations and measurements of the labeling state of intracellular metabolites. Neither NADH/NADPH balancing nor assumptions on energy yields need to be included to determine the intracellular fluxes. Because metabolite balancing methods and the use of 13C labeling measurements are two different approaches to the determination of intracellular fluxes, both methods can be used to verify each other or to discuss the origin and significance of deviations in the results. Flux analysis based entirely on metabolite balancing and flux analysis, including labeling information, have been performed independently for a wild-type strain of Aspergillus oryzae producing alpha-amylase. Two different nitrogen sources, NH4+ and NO3-, have been used to investigate the influence of the NADPH requirements on the intracellular flux distribution. The two different approaches to the calculation of fluxes are compared and deviations in the results are discussed. Copyright 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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