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目的:建立利用荧光标记法检测氨肽酶抑制剂和肿瘤细胞结合的方法。方法:以异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)标记氨肽酶N抑制剂LYRM03和Bestatin,制备荧光探针FITC-LYRM03、FITC-Bestatin,应用荧光显微成像观察和流式细胞仪检测标记化合物FITC-LYRM03、FITC-Bestatin对肿瘤细胞的结合与氨肽酶N抑制活性的相关性。结果:化合物LYRM03和Bestatin具有肿瘤细胞的氨肽酶N抑制活性,荧光标记化合物FITC-LYRM03、FITC-Bestatin能与肿瘤细胞有不同程度的结合。结论:标记化合物FITC-LYRM03、FITC-Bestatin和肿瘤细胞的结合与对肿瘤细胞的氨肽酶N抑制活性相一致。  相似文献   

鳞翅目昆虫氨肽酶N与Bt毒素的结合及其与Bt抗性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着Bt Cry作物在我国的广泛应用和推广,靶标害虫对其抗性风险已成为Bt Cry作物生态安全研究的重要内容.氨肽酶N(Aminopeptidase N,APN)是位于昆虫中肠刷状缘膜囊泡(Brush Border Membrane Vesicles,BBMV)上Bt Cry毒素重要的受体蛋白之一,它与Bt Cry毒素...  相似文献   

本研究旨为克隆鸡氨肽酶N(chAPN)基因,高效表达可溶性目的蛋白,并测定其生物学功能。应用RT-PCR方法从鸡胚肾细胞中克隆chAPN的基因片段,经测序鉴定后再克隆至原核表达载体pCOLD-TF,构建重组原核表达质粒pCOLD-TF-chAPN,在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中经不同条件诱导表达目的蛋白;利用镍柱亲和层析法纯化可溶性蛋白,并进行SDS-PAGE、Western blotting鉴定;Leu-PNA酶促反应和ELISA等方法检测目的蛋白生物学功能。结果显示,重组质粒pCOLD-TF-chAPN在大肠杆菌中以可溶形式高效表达;酶促反应及ELISA结果显示该蛋白具有酶活性,可结合传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV),并表现为剂量依赖性。这为今后研究chAPN的酶活性、作为IBV受体及抗病毒功能奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

吴宗翰  杨扬  杜金  胡静  宋慧 《菌物研究》2013,11(2):82-84
通过体外和小鼠体内试验,验证荧光标记的小刺猴头菌多糖的稳定性和生物体内代谢途径。结果表明:标记后的小刺猴头菌多糖体外稳定性在24 h内良好,小鼠体内代谢途径主要通过消化系统代谢,并在8 h内基本代谢完毕,这一结果为荧光标记真菌多糖的药理活性提供了依据。  相似文献   

氨肽酶N的表达及其与结石形成的关系(英文)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 为研究大鼠高胆固醇饮食时 ,肝脏氨肽酶N(APN)在实验结石形成中可能的结石发生作用 ,采用 1.2 %胆固醇饮食 4周 ,诱发新西兰兔胆囊结石形成 .根据兔APN基因cDNA序列设计引物 ,提取肝脏总RNA .利用RT PCR检测肝脏APNmRNA水平的变化 ,用组织化学方法观察肝脏毛细胆管膜上APN的表达 .观察新西兰兔胆囊结石形成过程中肝脏APN的mRNA水平的变化、APN表达及胆汁中APN活性、胆脂、总蛋白含量的变化 ,探讨APN在胆石形成中可能的作用 .经成石饲料饲养后 ,随着胆汁饱和度增加和APN活性加强 ,胆囊结石组肝脏APNmRNA水平较对照组明显增高 ,胆囊结石组胆汁中总胆固醇、CSI、总蛋白浓度及APN活性均明显高于对照组 ,且胆汁中APN活性与肝脏APN的表达及胆汁CSI增高呈正相关 .结果提示 ,当存在胆汁过饱和的情况下 ,APN很可能作为促成核因子在胆结石形成早期发挥重要作用  相似文献   

通过对小刺猴头发酵浸膏多糖和黑木耳发酵浸膏多糖进行荧光标记,得到2种真菌多糖的荧光标记产物,即小刺猴头菌多糖-FITC和黑木耳多糖-FITC。通过紫外分光光度计、酶标仪和荧光分光光度计对标记后的真菌多糖进行扫描,并进行运算,得到该2种真菌多糖的荧光物质的取代度,分别为0.79%和0.71%。同时对标记后多糖的体外稳定性进行研究,结果表明,小刺猴头发酵浸膏多糖标记物和黑木耳发酵浸膏多糖标记物在PBS溶液、血浆及尿液中稳定性良好。  相似文献   

比较两种荧光探针异硫氰酸荧光素FITC和Cy5标记鹿茸提取物PAEs的最佳方法。用FITC和Cy5分别标记PAEs得到标记物FITC-PAEs和Cy5-PAEs;用SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳检测并比较两种荧光染料标记蛋白分子量的差异;用酶标仪检测在特定波长处OD值计算其标记率;用PC12细胞验证两种荧光染料的生物安全性;将荧光标记物分别与人工胃液和人工肠液共孵育,观察它们在其中的稳定性。结果表明,两种荧光染料标记PAEs蛋白分子量并无明显差异,但FITC-PAEs荧光强度稍强。通过计算标记率表明两种荧光染料均可充分标记PAEs,但Cy5价格昂贵。相比于FITC-PAEs,Cy5-PAEs在人工胃液和人工肠液中稳定性较差。因此,我们选择标记率高,在人工胃液和人工肠液中较为稳定且对机体无毒副作用,价格合理的FITC荧光染料标记PAEs并用于后续实验研究。这为建立蛋白类中药大分子的活性示踪方法,开发口服蛋白类药物奠定基础。  相似文献   

【目的】Bt杀虫蛋白(Bacillus thuringiensis)具有高度的靶标特异性,已经被广泛用于农业害虫防治。Bt杀虫蛋白要发挥杀虫活性,必须首先与其受体蛋白结合,氨肽酶N(Aminopeptidase N)是一类重要的Bt受体蛋白。因此,分析该受体与Bt杀虫蛋白的结合能力,可为进一步明确不同Bt的分子作用机制、Bt的抗性治理以及新Bt的开发应用等提供借鉴。【方法】本文利用Ligand blot和Elisa方法比较了棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera中肠APN4(Aminopeptidase N4,APN4)与Cry1Ac、Cry2Aa的结合能力。【结果】原核表达的APN4片段与活化的Cry1Ac、Cry2Aa都可以结合,解离常数(Kd)分别是48.59 nmol/L和21.73 nmol/L。【结论】APN4片段与Cry1Ac、Cry2Aa的结合能力在数量级上不存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

设计简并引物,采用RT-PCR方法对粉纹夜蛾Trichoplusia ni (Hübner)细胞系BTI-TN5B-4的氨肽酶N (aminopeptidase N, APN)基因cDNA片段进行了克隆和序列分析, 通过两对引物扩增出了两种氨肽酶N基因的cDNA片段, 大小分别为188 bp 和564 bp,分别命名为AS188(GenBank登录号: CD809324)和AS564(GenBank登录号: CD809326)。对这两个片段推导的氨基酸序列进行同源性分析, 结果表明两者与已报道的鳞翅目昆虫中肠的Cry1Ac 毒素受体氨肽酶N有较高的同源性。  相似文献   

林莉  余小强  关雄  邵恩斯 《昆虫学报》2021,64(7):771-780
[目的]氨肽酶N(aminopeptidase N,APN)是昆虫消化系统中重要的蛋白酶.本研究旨在对在褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens中肠中两个具有较高转录水平的apn基因(nlapn1和nlapn4)在中肠上皮细胞上的表达及其蛋白功能特性进行鉴定与分析.[方法]利用最大似然法进行褐飞虱NLAPN1和NLA...  相似文献   

构建过表达白细胞介素-12(interleukin-12,IL-12)的THP-1单核系肿瘤细胞模型,从形态学、巨噬细胞表面标志表达水平及吞噬功能3方面探究过表达IL—12能否调节单核系肿瘤细胞向巨噬细胞分化。结果发现,与空白和空载组相比,IL-12组的THP.1细胞界限不明显,散在细胞增多;呈圆形或不规则圆形,偶见毛刺状突起;核仁模糊或消失,核染色质条索状浓集;CD68mRNA和蛋白表达量均升高俨〈0.05)。与空白组相比,CDllbmRNA和蛋白表达量升高不明显俨〉O.05),但72hCD11b蛋白表达量明显高于相同培养条件下的空载组(P〈O.05)。培养72h后各组细胞吞噬能力比较,IL-12组吞噬率(36.7±1.2)%高于空白组(15.7±3.1)%和空载组(28.O±1.5)%,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。上述结果提示,过表达IL-12可以促进单核系肿瘤细胞向巨噬细胞分化。  相似文献   

引起流感世界性大流行的主要原因与流感病毒表面抗原血凝素(HA)和神经氨酸酶(NA)频发的变异有很大关系,抗原的变异使得流感病毒可以逃逸机体的免疫防御,而且使许多应用中的疫苗失去防御效果。综述2009年世界暴发的H1N1新型流感病毒的结构在进化过程中发生的变异,有助于增加人们对流感病毒的了解,从而有效的治疗和预防流感大流行。  相似文献   

Incorporation of 4.5 nmol fluorescein isothiocyanate/mg rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum, or of 7.4 nmol/mg purified ATPase, was sufficient to inhibit the activity completely. These results are not consistent with the suggestion (Pick, U. and Karlish, S.J.D. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 626, 255-261) that 2 mol ATPase were inhibited by each mole of reagent incorporated. A single labelled peptide was purified from the inhibited ATPase and it was shown that Lys 3/190, 10 residues from the N-terminus of tryptic fragment B, was the reactive lysine residue. This site is close to a potential nucleotide-binding fold in the ATPase sequence. A similar peptide showing only 2 conservative replacements was isolated from the sarcoplasmic reticulum of the lobster.  相似文献   

The source of nitrogen in the spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi was quantified by a 15N-labeling technique. N was applied as coated urea to the soil and in solution to plant shoots. Soil-applied fertilizer had a significant effect on spore % 15N (P<0.01), with a 24–75% contribution to spore N. Fertilizer applied to either alfalfa shoots or bahia grass shoots had little effect on spore % 15N, accounting for 0–14% or 1–9% of spore N, respectively. These results indicate that AM fungi obtain spore N mostly from the soil. The small amount of spore N originating from shoot-applied N may have been obtained via root exudation. Accepted: 6 November 2000  相似文献   

The15N abundance of plants usually closely reflects the15N abundance of their major immediate N source(s); plant-available soil N in the case of non-N2-fixing plants and atmospheric N2 in the case of N2 fixing plants. The15N abundance values of these sources are usually sufficiently different from each other that a significant and systematic difference in the15N abundance between the two kinds of plants can be detected. This difference provides the basis for the natural15N abundance method of estimating the relative contribution of atmospheric N2 to N2-fixing plants growing in natural and agricultural settings. The natural15N abundance method has certain advantages over more conventional methods, particularly in natural ecosystems, since disturbance of the system is not required and the measurements may be made on samples dried in the field. This method has been tested mainly with legumes in agricultural settings. The tests have demonstrated the validity of this method of arriving at semi-quantitative estimates of biological N2-fixation in these settings. More limited tests and applications have been made for legumes in natural ecosystems. An understanding of the limits and utility of this method in these systems is beginning to emerge. Examples of systematic measurements of differences in15N abundance between non-legume N2-fixing systems and neighbouring non-fixing systems are more unusual. In principle, application of the method to estimate N2-fixation by nodulated non-legumes, using the natural15N abundance method, is as feasible as estimating N2-fixation by legumes. Most of the studies involving N2-fixing non-legumes are with this type of system (e.g., Ceanothus, Chamabatia, Eleagnus, Alnus, Myrica, and so forth). Resuls of these studies are described. Applicability for associative N2-fixation is an empirical question, the answer to which probably depends upon the degree to which fixed N goes predominantly to the plant rather than to the soil N pool. The natural15N abundance method is probably not well suited to assessing the contribution of N2-fixation by free-living microorganisms in their natural habitat, particularly soil microorganisms.This work was supported in part by subcontracts under grants from the US National Science Foundation (DEB79-21971 and BSR821618)  相似文献   

A Ca2+--activated neutral protease has been purified from chicken skeletal muscle to homogeneity by a new method which employs affinity chromatography on casein CH-Sepharose 4B. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that the purified enzyme consists of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 76,000. For half-maximum activity this protease requires 50 μM Ca2+ ions and its optimum pH is 7.6. The protease is inhibited by leupeptin, antipain, E-64 and endogenous inhibitor. The purified protease is very labile upon storage; after 3 days at 4°C no detectable activity remained.  相似文献   

Blood dendritic cell antigen 2 (BDCA-2; also designated CLEC4C or CD303) is uniquely expressed on plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Stimulation of BDCA-2 with antibodies leads to an anti-inflammatory response in these cells, but the natural ligands for the receptor are not known. The C-type carbohydrate recognition domain in the extracellular portion of BDCA-2 contains a signature motif typical of C-type animal lectins that bind mannose, glucose, or GlcNAc, yet it has been reported that BDCA-2 binds selectively to galactose-terminated, biantennary N-linked glycans. A combination of glycan array analysis and binding competition studies with monosaccharides and natural and synthetic oligosaccharides have been used to define the binding epitope for BDCA-2 as the trisaccharide Galβ1–3/4GlcNAcβ1–2Man. X-ray crystallography and mutagenesis studies show that mannose is ligated to the conserved Ca2+ in the primary binding site that is characteristic of C-type carbohydrate recognition domains, and the GlcNAc and galactose residues make additional interactions in a wide, shallow groove adjacent to the primary binding site. As predicted from these studies, BDCA-2 binds to IgG, which bears galactose-terminated glycans that are not commonly found attached to other serum glycoproteins. Thus, BDCA-2 has the potential to serve as a previously unrecognized immunoglobulin Fc receptor.  相似文献   

Summary The combination of using15N for determining the amount of nitrogen fixed by a legume crop in field experiments and the labelling of only one treatment at a time in each treatment combination is shown to be conceptually and experimentally valid for determining the effect of cultural practices on the amount of nitrogen fixed by a legume crop.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study aimed to develop a quantitative method for measuring mass concentrations of Type 021N, a bacterium causing bulking in activated sludge. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fluorescence in situ hybridization was used to determine the relationship between the concentration ratio of the mass of the bacterium Type 021N to mass of activated sludge, and the proportion of fluorescence area imparted by probe G123T specific for Type 021N to that obtained with probe EUB338 for bacteria. A linear relationship existed between the cube root of the mass concentration ratio and square root of this area proportion. CONCLUSIONS: A standard curve was obtained for quantifying Type 021N in activated sludge. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This method may allow the determination of growth rate constant of filamentous bacteria in activated sludge, information that will help in understanding their ecology.  相似文献   

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