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Cenozoic reptiles are characterized by physiological morphologicaland ecological systems with low energy requirements comparedto those of mammals. Ectothermy and low resting rates of metabolismare the primary physiological adaptations of reptiles that producelow energy demand. Adjustments of the oxygen-transport systemto different thermoregulatory characteristics among reptilesmay be reflected in blood viscosity oxygen capacity oxygen affinityand the temperature sensitivity of oxygenation. Other adaptationsreduce the energy cost of oxygen transport. Reptiles have lowhematocrits and large, widely spaced capillaries that contributeto a low fluid resistance in the vascular system but also limitthe oxygen transport capacity. The low oxygen affinity characteristicof the blood of most reptiles appears to facilitate diffusionof oxygen to the tissues, overcoming the intrinsic limitationsimposed by the morphological specializations of the cardiovascularsystem. The low blood oxygen affinity permits virtually allof the oxygen carried by the blood to be delivered to the tissuesduring periods of stress. It may also help to maintain a relativelyhigh arterial Po2 even when a right-to-left shunt occurs inthe heart. Reptilian erythrocytes are capable of reducing methemoglobinrapidly. The high concentrations of methemoglobin and polymerizedhemoglobin that occur in vivo may indicate that these compoundshave a functional role. In their blood physiology as in otheraspects of their biology reptiles are specialized animals thatreflect selective forces quite different from those that haveshaped the evolution of mammals.  相似文献   

Controlled slow breathing (at 6/min, a rate frequently adopted during yoga practice) can benefit cardiovascular function, including responses to hypoxia. We tested the neural substrates of cardiorespiratory control in humans during volitional controlled breathing and hypoxic challenge using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Twenty healthy volunteers were scanned during paced (slow and normal rate) breathing and during spontaneous breathing of normoxic and hypoxic (13% inspired O2) air. Cardiovascular and respiratory measures were acquired concurrently, including beat-to-beat blood pressure from a subset of participants (N = 7). Slow breathing was associated with increased tidal ventilatory volume. Induced hypoxia raised heart rate and suppressed heart rate variability. Within the brain, slow breathing activated dorsal pons, periaqueductal grey matter, cerebellum, hypothalamus, thalamus and lateral and anterior insular cortices. Blocks of hypoxia activated mid pons, bilateral amygdalae, anterior insular and occipitotemporal cortices. Interaction between slow breathing and hypoxia was expressed in ventral striatal and frontal polar activity. Across conditions, within brainstem, dorsal medullary and pontine activity correlated with tidal volume and inversely with heart rate. Activity in rostroventral medulla correlated with beat-to-beat blood pressure and heart rate variability. Widespread insula and striatal activity tracked decreases in heart rate, while subregions of insular cortex correlated with momentary increases in tidal volume. Our findings define slow breathing effects on central and cardiovascular responses to hypoxic challenge. They highlight the recruitment of discrete brainstem nuclei to cardiorespiratory control, and the engagement of corticostriatal circuitry in support of physiological responses that accompany breathing regulation during hypoxic challenge.  相似文献   

Hypoxia increases the ventilatory response to exercise, which leads to hyperventilation-induced hypocapnia and subsequent reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF). We studied the effects of adding CO2 to a hypoxic inspired gas on CBF during heavy exercise in an altitude naïve population. We hypothesized that augmented inspired CO2 and hypoxia would exert synergistic effects on increasing CBF during exercise, which would improve exercise capacity compared to hypocapnic hypoxia. We also examined the responsiveness of CO2 and O2 chemoreception on the regulation ventilation (E) during incremental exercise. We measured middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAv; index of CBF), E, end-tidal PCO2, respiratory compensation threshold (RC) and ventilatory response to exercise (E slope) in ten healthy men during incremental cycling to exhaustion in normoxia and hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.10) with and without augmenting the fraction of inspired CO2 (FICO2). During exercise in normoxia, augmenting FICO2 elevated MCAv throughout exercise and lowered both RC onset andE slope below RC (P<0.05). In hypoxia, MCAv and E slope below RC during exercise were elevated, while the onset of RC occurred at lower exercise intensity (P<0.05). Augmenting FICO2 in hypoxia increased E at RC (P<0.05) but no difference was observed in RC onset, MCAv, or E slope below RC (P>0.05). The E slope above RC was unchanged with either hypoxia or augmented FICO2 (P>0.05). We found augmenting FICO2 increased CBF during sub-maximal exercise in normoxia, but not in hypoxia, indicating that the ‘normal’ cerebrovascular response to hypercapnia is blunted during exercise in hypoxia, possibly due to an exhaustion of cerebral vasodilatory reserve. This finding may explain the lack of improvement of exercise capacity in hypoxia with augmented CO2. Our data further indicate that, during exercise below RC, chemoreception is responsive, while above RC the ventilatory response to CO2 is blunted.  相似文献   

1) Large temperature differences have a measurable effect onectothermic power consumption both at rest and during locomotion,yet this question remains to be satisfactorily addressed inecological studies looking at optimal foraging strategy andperformance. 2) Acclimation may influence the enzyme complementpresent in ectotherms and this could influence the energeticcost and efficiency of locomotion for ectotherms. 3) There maybe an optimal temperature for ectothermic locomotion and thismay vary from species to species, yet we measure power consumptionduring locomotion uniformly at 30°C. 4) Endothermic locomotionas demonstrated by birds is temperature sensitive, as was shownby Paladino and King (1984). Although the locomotory cost maynot change, thermoregulatory adaptations allow the bird to usethe heat produced during locomotion in the cold to reduce thermoregulatorypower requirements. 5) Avian hypothermia and inactivity is nota last ditch effort to save energy, but a strategy that allowsendotherms to conserve energy reserves during inactivity orstressful environmental conditions.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Three hundred and fifty-seven reptiles belonging to 15 species (11 genera, 7 families) from the Pacific Northwest were examined for haematozoa. Twenty-six (7.3%) had parasites. Eleven (3.1%) were infected with haemogregarines, 6 (1.7%) with microfilariae and 9 (2.5%) with unidentified organisms. Four species of snakes and 4 of lizards were positive. Several forms of haemogregarine from the Pacific gopher snake ( Pituophis melanoleucus catenifer ) are described.  相似文献   

爬行动物性别决定方式主要有遗传依赖型性别决定(genetic sex determination,GSD)和环境依赖型性别决定(environmental sex determination,ESD),而ESD又以温度依赖型性别决定(temperature sex determination,TSD)为主。研究爬行动物TSD有助于人们弄清楚环境条件对物种表型的影响,从而更好地利用环境条件和遗传基础的共同机制来人为的改善或者诱导具TSD型物种的进化方向,以实现自然和人类的最大利益。该篇综述从母系活动、气候变化(全球气候变暖)、类固醇以及TSD机制四个方面总结了近年来关于爬行动物TSD的最新研究。  相似文献   

Although the circadian blood pressure (BP) pattern has been extensively studied, the determinants of this rhythm are not fully understood. Peripheral vasodilatation is a regulatory mechanism for BP maintenance. However, it remains to be established whether the increase of nocturnal distal skin temperature associated with heat loss could also reflect the dipping status. For the first time, this paper investigates the relationship between BP and skin wrist temperature (WT), to evaluate whether the WT circadian rhythm can serve as screening procedure to detect dipping/non-dipping BP patterns. In addition, the authors compare the relationship between WT and other variables previously described as determinants of the BP pattern, such as physical activity and body position. Measurements of WT, motor activity, and body position for 5 d, plus ambulatory BP for 24-h during that span, were obtained from 28 diurnally active normotensive volunteers. WT was negatively correlated, whereas activity and body position were positively correlated, with systolic and diastolic BPs. However, these relationships were stronger during the rest than activity phase. In addition, a 78.6% concordance was detected between the observed dips in BP and the predicted BP pattern calculated based on the WT rhythm. Thus, these results suggest that the increase in WT produced by heat loss during the rest phase through peripheral skin blood vessels is the result of blood vessel vasodilatation reflexes in response to a shift from a standing to a supine position, together with shift in the circadian sympathetic/parasympathetic balance (nocturnal parasympathetic activation). In conclusion, WT could be considered as a potential new screening procedure to implement the diagnosis of non-dipping BP pattern. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Climatic gradients impose clinal selection on animal ecological and physiological performance, often promoting geographic body size clines. Bergmann’s rule predicts that body size increases with decreasing environmental temperatures given the need to retain body-heat through adjustments of body-mass-to-surface-area ratio. This prediction generally holds for endotherms, but remains controversial for ectotherms. An alternative interpretation, the ‘resource rule’, suggests that food abundance, primary productivity and precipitation (which, unlike temperature, do not necessarily correlate with geography), drive body size clines. We investigate geographic variation in body size within 65 species of lizards and snakes (squamates) based on an intercontinental dataset (6,500+ specimens belonging to 56 Israeli species, and multiple populations of nine Liolaemus species from Argentina and Chile). Bergmann’s rule is only rarely supported by our data (in four species, 6 %), whereas six species (9 %) follow its converse (hence, it is unsupported in 94 % of cases). Similarly, size increases with resource abundance in only 12 species (18 %). Therefore, although neither of the rules is supported, factors suggested by the resource rule are better predictors of body size than temperature. Surprisingly, we show that some measures of the extent of a species’ climatic envelope do not affect the likelihood of it showing a size-climate relationship. We conclude that negative size-temperature associations are an exception rather than a generality among squamates.  相似文献   

The green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is an endangered marine chelonian with a circum-global distribution. Reference blood parameter intervals have been published for some chelonian species, but baseline hematology, biochemical, and blood gas values are lacking from the Galapagos sea turtles. Analyses were done on blood samples drawn from 28 green turtles captured in two foraging locations on San Cristóbal Island (14 from each site). Of these turtles, 20 were immature and of unknown sex; the other eight were males (five mature, three immature). A portable blood analyzer (iSTAT) was used to obtain near immediate field results for pH, lactate, pO2, pCO2, HCO3, Hct, Hb, Na, K, iCa, and Glu. Parameter values affected by temperature were corrected in two ways: (1) with standard formulas; and (2) with auto-corrections made by the iSTAT. The two methods yielded clinically equivalent results. Standard laboratory hematology techniques were employed for the red and white blood cell counts and the hematocrit determination, which was also compared to the hematocrit values generated by the iSTAT. Of all blood analytes, only lactate concentrations were positively correlated with body size. All other values showed no significant difference between the two sample locations nor were they correlated with body size or internal temperature. For hematocrit count, the iSTAT blood analyzer yielded results indistinguishable from those obtained with high-speed centrifugation. The values reported in this study provide baseline data that may be useful in comparisons among populations and in detecting changes in health status among Galapagos sea turtles. The findings might also be helpful in future efforts to demonstrate associations between specific biochemical parameters and disease.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The episodic, or intermittent, breathing of frogsand many ectothermic vertebrates results in important fluctuationsof arterial blood gases. This pattern of breathing differs fromthe rhythmic and continuous alternation of inspiration observedin most homeotherms, which maintain O2 and CO2 levels withinnarrow ranges. These differences in pattern of breathing indicatethat the respiratory control systems of ectotherms and homeothermsdiffer substantially. The results of recent studies using invitro brainstemspinal cord preparations of adult frogs and premetamorphictadpoles (Rana catesbeiana and Rana pipiens) demonstrate, however,that the mechanisms for rhythm generation and pattern formationdescribed previously for mammals are also key features of therespiratory control system of frogs. These findings thereforesupport the hypothesis that the respiratory control system ishighly conserved amongst air breathing vertebrates, whetherthey breathe continuously or episodically.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2011,17(2):192-200
ObjectiveTo determine (1) whether long-term treatment with exenatide is associated with reductions in C-reactive protein (CRP), systolic blood pressure (BP), and triglyceride concentrations in addition to reductions in body weight and hemoglobin A1c (A1C) levels and (2) whether these beneficial results persist without any loss of effect while exenatide is being used, and whether they reverse after its cessation.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective review of 141 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with exenatide at a tertiary clinic.ResultsExenatide (mean duration of treatment, 1.4 years) decreased A1C (0.7%), weight (5 kg), systolic BP (8 mm Hg), and triglyceride concentrations (46 mg/dL) (P < .05 for all). Sixty-one patients continued exenatide therapy throughout the study (mean duration of use, 2.4 years). Exenatide treatment reduced their mean weight by 7 kg, systolic BP by 8 mm Hg, triglycerides by 52 mg/dL, A1C by 1.3%, and CRP by 2.4 mg/L (P < .05 for all). Reductions in systolic BP and CRP were not related to weight loss. The reduction in CRP concentration was significantly related to the baseline CRP concentration (r = 0.78; P < .001) and to change in A1C (r = 0.68; P = .02). Patients who stopped taking exenatide had a reversal of the benefits within 6 months after cessation of treatment.Conclusion:Exenatide treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes has durable and persistent beneficial effects on A1C, weight, CRP, systolic BP, and triglyceride concentrations. Cessation of treatment reverses all these beneficial effects within 6 months. There was no evidence of loss of its effects while exenatide treatment was continued. (Endocr Pract. 2011;17:192-200)  相似文献   

Korosov  A. V.  Ganyushina  N. D. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(9):1494-1502
Biology Bulletin - The maximum body temperature has meaning as the upper limit of temperature tolerance. Our statistical analysis made it possible to identify five indicators of the maximum body...  相似文献   

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