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1. Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were compared among a diverse array of first‐order alpine tundra streams of the Swiss Alps. 2. A principal components analysis separated sites into three main groups: rhithral streams, rhithral lake outlets, and kryal sites including outlets and streams. Rhithral streams contained the most diverse and taxon rich assemblages, being colonised by both non‐insect taxa and Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Diptera. 3. Rhithral lake outlets supported high densities of non‐insect taxa such as Oligochaeta, Nemathelminthes and crustaceans. Despite low taxon richness, kryal sites had high Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera abundances. Chironomidae were most common at all sites. 4. Collector‐gatherers were dominant at all sites, whereas filter‐feeders were rare. Scrapers and shredders were more common in streams than lake outlets. 5. Water temperature and algal standing crops were higher at rhithral lake outlets than rhithral streams, perhaps providing more favourable habitat for non‐insect taxa. Glacial runoff was the dominant factor influencing macroinvertebrate assemblages of kryal streams and kryal lake outlets. Alpine lakes influenced the environmental conditions of their outlets and, consequently, their macroinvertebrate assemblages unless being constrained by a glacial influence.  相似文献   

Increased taxon sampling greatly reduces phylogenetic error   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several authors have argued recently that extensive taxon sampling has a positive and important effect on the accuracy of phylogenetic estimates. However, other authors have argued that there is little benefit of extensive taxon sampling, and so phylogenetic problems can or should be reduced to a few exemplar taxa as a means of reducing the computational complexity of the phylogenetic analysis. In this paper we examined five aspects of study design that may have led to these different perspectives. First, we considered the measurement of phylogenetic error across a wide range of taxon sample sizes, and conclude that the expected error based on randomly selecting trees (which varies by taxon sample size) must be considered in evaluating error in studies of the effects of taxon sampling. Second, we addressed the scope of the phylogenetic problems defined by different samples of taxa, and argue that phylogenetic scope needs to be considered in evaluating the importance of taxon-sampling strategies. Third, we examined the claim that fast and simple tree searches are as effective as more thorough searches at finding near-optimal trees that minimize error. We show that a more complete search of tree space reduces phylogenetic error, especially as the taxon sample size increases. Fourth, we examined the effects of simple versus complex simulation models on taxonomic sampling studies. Although benefits of taxon sampling are apparent for all models, data generated under more complex models of evolution produce higher overall levels of error and show greater positive effects of increased taxon sampling. Fifth, we asked if different phylogenetic optimality criteria show different effects of taxon sampling. Although we found strong differences in effectiveness of different optimality criteria as a function of taxon sample size, increased taxon sampling improved the results from all the common optimality criteria. Nonetheless, the method that showed the lowest overall performance (minimum evolution) also showed the least improvement from increased taxon sampling. Taking each of these results into account re-enforces the conclusion that increased sampling of taxa is one of the most important ways to increase overall phylogenetic accuracy.  相似文献   

Resource pulses are a key feature of semi‐arid and arid ecosystems and are generally triggered by rainfall. While rainfall is an acknowledged driver of the abundance and distribution of larger animals, little is known about how invertebrate communities respond to rain events or to vegetative productivity. Here we investigate Ordinal‐level patterns and drivers of ground‐dwelling invertebrate abundance across 6 years of sampling in the Simpson Desert, central Australia. Between February 1999 and February 2005, a total of 174 381 invertebrates were sampled from 32 Orders. Ants were the most abundant taxon, comprising 83% of all invertebrates captured, while Collembola at 10.3% of total captures were a distant second over this period. Temporal patterns of the six invertebrate taxa specifically analysed (Acarina, ants, Araneae, Coleoptera, Collembola and Thysanura) were dynamic over the sampling period, and patterns of abundance were taxon‐specific. Analyses indicate that all six taxa showed a positive relationship with the cover of non‐Triodia vegetation. Other indicators of vegetative productivity (seeding and flowering) also showed positive relationships with certain taxa. Although the influence of rainfall was taxon‐dependent, no taxon was affected by short‐term rainfall (up to 18 days prior to survey). The abundance of Acarina, ants, and Coleoptera increased with greater long‐term rainfall (up to 18 months prior to survey), whilst Araneae showed the opposite effect. Temperature and dune zone (dune crest vs. swale) also had taxon‐specific effects. These results show that invertebrates in arid ecosystems are influenced by a variety of abiotic factors, at multiple scales, and that responses to rainfall are not as strong or as predictable as those seen for other taxa. Our results highlight the diversity of invertebrates in our study region and emphasize the need for targeted long‐term sampling to enhance our understanding of the ecology of these taxa and the role they play in arid ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. We tested how strongly aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa richness and composition were associated with natural variation in both flow regime and stream temperatures across streams of the western United States. 2. We used long‐term flow records from 543 minimally impacted gauged streams to quantify 12 streamflow variables thought to be ecologically important. A principal component analysis reduced the dimensionality of the data from 12 variables to seven principal component (PC) factors that characterised statistically independent aspects of streamflow: (1) zero flow days, (2) flow magnitude, (3) predictability, (4) flood duration, (5) seasonality, (6) flashiness and (7) base flow. K‐means clustering was used to group streams into 4–8 hydrologically different classes based on these seven factors. 3. We also used empirical models to estimate mean annual, mean summer and mean winter stream temperatures at each stream site. We then used invertebrate data from 63 sites to develop Random Forest models to predict taxa richness and taxon‐specific probabilities of capture at a site from flow and temperature. We used the predicted taxon‐specific probabilities of capture to estimate how well predicted assemblages matched observed assemblages as measured by RIVPACS‐type observed/expected (O/E) indices and Bray–Curtis dissimilarities. 4. Macroinvertebrate taxon richness was only weakly associated with streamflow and temperature variables, implying that other factors more strongly influenced taxa richness. 5. In contrast to taxa richness, taxa composition was strongly associated with streamflow and temperature. Predictions of taxa composition (O/E and Bray–Curtis) were most precise when both temperature and streamflow PC factors were used, although predictions based on either streamflow PC factors or temperature alone were also better than null model predictions. Of the seven aspects of the streamflow regime we examined, variation in baseflow conditions appeared to be most directly associated with invertebrate biotic composition. We were also able to predict assemblage composition from the conditional probabilities of hydrological class membership nearly as well as Random Forests models that were based directly on continuous PC factors. 6. Our results have direct implication for understanding the relative importance of streamflow and temperature in regulating the structure and composition of stream assemblages and for improving the accuracy and precision of biological assessments.  相似文献   

We document invertebrate benthic and drift dynamics in a regulated river in central Spain at two temporal scales: seasonal (for both benthos and drift) and daily (for drift). The benthic abundance of individuals and taxon richness generally increased in the summer. Drift abundance showed no seasonal or daily variation, but taxon richness of drifting individuals was higher in the spring. Both ben‐thos and drift showed clear seasonal changes in taxonomic composition. Interestingly, some benthic taxa showed their highest abundances in the spring, while others were more abundant in the summer. In contrast, most drifting taxa were more abundant in the spring. Different functional feeding groups showed different patterns of variation throughout the year, both in the benthos and the drift. Daily variations in drift were present in very few taxa and functional feeding groups, and only in some seasons. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We experiment with artificial data to test the response of five numerical techniques in extrapolating paleo-environments for no-analog conditions. No-analog conditions are those beyond the technique calibration (modern) data set and will be encountered in applications to the geologic past, though they may not be easy to recognize. In the ideal, a numerical technique will correctly extrapolate to no-analog conditions. Failing this, the technique will have a consistent, predictable error response to increasing no-analog conditions, as these are measured by a reliable index. The no-analog conditions that we used are a natural extension of the calibration conditions we created. Thus we test techniques for their response to shifting environmental conditions rather than for factors unrelated to the ecology of the taxa (e.g. post-depositional fossil preservation). Five numerical techniques we test with our hypothetical data are (1) multivariate regression of species percents, (2) correlation-based principal components with linear regression, (3) covariance-based principal components with linear regression, (4) correlation-based principal components with non-linear regression, and (5) the Imbrie and Kipp technique. All the techniques show increasing estimation error as conditions depart from those of the calibration data set. There are two main causes of error in our estimates: (1) the distorting effects of matrix closure on taxon abundances; and (2) generation of ratio no-analogs among species abundances because of non-linear responses to conditions departing progressively from the calibration range. With all the techniques, the distribution of error for no-analog conditions is complex. Non-linear regression with factors shows the least predictable error response. We found that currently developed no-analog indicators do not have a good correlation to estimation error. This means that better indicators, more closely linked to the accuracy of estimates, need to be developed.  相似文献   

1. Relating processes occurring at a local scale to the natural variability of ecosystems at a larger scale requires the design of predictive models both to orientate stream management and to predict the effects of larger scale disturbances such as climate changes. Our study contributes to this effort by providing detailed models of the hydraulic preferences of 151 invertebrate taxa, mostly identified at the species level. We used an extensive data set comprising 580 invertebrate samples collected using a Surber net from nine sites of second and third order streams during one, two or three surveys at each site. We used nested non‐linear mixed models to relate taxon local densities to bed shear stresses estimated from FliesswasserStammTisch hemisphere numbers. 2. An average model by taxon, i.e. independent from surveys, globally explained 25% of the density variations of taxa within surveys. A quadratic relationship existed between the average preferences and the niche breadth of taxa, indicating that taxa preferring extreme hemisphere numbers had a reduced hydraulic niche breadth. A more complete model, where taxa preferences vary across surveys, globally explained 38% of the variation of taxa densities within surveys. Variations in preferences across surveys were weak for taxa preferring extreme hemisphere numbers. 3. There was a significant taxonomic effect on preferences computed from the complete model. By contrast, season, site, average hemisphere number within a survey and average density of taxa within a survey used as covariates did not consistently explain shifts in taxon hydraulic preferences across surveys. 4. The average hydraulic preferences of taxa obtained from the extensive data set were well correlated to those obtained from two additional independent data sets collected in other regions. The consistency of taxon preferences across regions supports the use of regional preference curves for estimating the impact of river management on invertebrate communities. By contrast, the hydraulic niche breadths of taxa computed from the different data sets were not related.  相似文献   

Diatoms are increasingly being used in the bioassessment of aquatic systems. However, autecological information for many common taxa is incomplete. We explored the potential of classification (CT) and regression tree (RT) approaches to identify the hierarchical interaction among water quality variables in predicting the relative abundance of ten common stream diatom taxa in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands ecoregion. RT analysis was also used to identify environmental change points corresponding to major shifts in species abundances. We also used traditional weighted-averaging approaches (WA) to model taxon pH and total phosphorus (TP) optima. RT and WA approaches provided different, yet complementary, information on the complex relationships between common stream diatoms and environmental variables. Both RT and CT highlighted the interaction of stream acidity (pH, acid neutralizing capacity (ANC)), and TP in structuring the stream diatom assemblage. For the RT of taxa, where pH was an important predictor, higher pH predicted higher relative abundances. In contrast, higher TP predicted lower relative abundances for some diatom taxa (e.g., Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kütz.) Czarnecki), while predicting higher relative abundances for other taxa (e.g., Planothidium lanceolatum (Bréb.) Round & Bukht., Gomphonema parvulum (Kütz.) Kütz.). The environmental change point for pH derived from RT analysis was lower than WA optima for all species. We suggest that RT change point analysis can be used to complement traditional WA optima approaches, especially when diatom taxa’s abundances are affected by interactive environmental factors, to provide more refined information on stream diatom environmental preferences. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

As coral bleaching events become more frequent and intense, our ability to predict and mitigate future events depends upon our capacity to interpret patterns within previous episodes. Responses to thermal stress vary among coral species; however the diversity of coral assemblages, environmental conditions, assessment protocols, and severity criteria applied in the global effort to document bleaching patterns creates challenges for the development of a systemic metric of taxon‐specific response. Here, we describe and validate a novel framework to standardize bleaching response records and estimate their measurement uncertainties. Taxon‐specific bleaching and mortality records (2036) of 374 coral taxa (during 1982–2006) at 316 sites were standardized to average percent tissue area affected and a taxon‐specific bleaching response index (taxon‐BRI) was calculated by averaging taxon‐specific response over all sites where a taxon was present. Differential bleaching among corals was widely variable (mean taxon‐BRI = 25.06 ± 18.44%, ±SE). Coral response may differ because holobionts are biologically different (intrinsic factors), they were exposed to different environmental conditions (extrinsic factors), or inconsistencies in reporting (measurement uncertainty). We found that both extrinsic and intrinsic factors have comparable influence within a given site and event (60% and 40% of bleaching response variance of all records explained, respectively). However, when responses of individual taxa are averaged across sites to obtain taxon‐BRI, differential response was primarily driven by intrinsic differences among taxa (65% of taxon‐BRI variance explained), not conditions across sites (6% explained), nor measurement uncertainty (29% explained). Thus, taxon‐BRI is a robust metric of intrinsic susceptibility of coral taxa. Taxon‐BRI provides a broadly applicable framework for standardization and error estimation for disparate historical records and collection of novel data, allowing for unprecedented accuracy in parameterization of mechanistic and predictive models and conservation plans.  相似文献   


Specialist and generalist life histories are expected to result in contrasting levels of genetic diversity at the population level, and symbioses are expected to lead to patterns that reflect a shared biogeographic history and co-diversification. We test these assumptions using mtDNA sequencing and a comparative phylogeographic approach for six co-occurring crustacean species that are symbiotic with sea anemones on western Atlantic coral reefs, yet vary in their host specificities: four are host specialists and two are host generalists. We first conducted species discovery analyses to delimit cryptic lineages, followed by classic population genetic diversity analyses for each delimited taxon, and then reconstructed the demographic history for each taxon using traditional summary statistics, Bayesian skyline plots, and approximate Bayesian computation to test for signatures of recent and concerted population expansion. The genetic diversity values recovered here contravene the expectations of the specialist–generalist variation hypothesis and classic population genetics theory; all specialist lineages had greater genetic diversity than generalists. Demography suggests recent population expansions in all taxa, although Bayesian skyline plots and approximate Bayesian computation suggest the timing and magnitude of these events were idiosyncratic. These results do not meet the a priori expectation of concordance among symbiotic taxa and suggest that intrinsic aspects of species biology may contribute more to phylogeographic history than extrinsic forces that shape whole communities. The recovery of two cryptic specialist lineages adds an additional layer of biodiversity to this symbiosis and contributes to an emerging pattern of cryptic speciation in the specialist taxa. Our results underscore the differences in the evolutionary processes acting on marine systems from the terrestrial processes that often drive theory. Finally, we continue to highlight the Florida Reef Tract as an important biodiversity hotspot.


The effects of the management of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) crops on the abundances of aerial and epigeal arthropods were assessed in 66 beet, 68 maize and 67 spring oilseed rape sites as part of the Farm Scale Evaluations of GMHT crops. Most higher taxa were insensitive to differences between GMHT and conventional weed management, but significant effects were found on the abundance of at least one group within each taxon studied. Numbers of butterflies in beet and spring oilseed rape and of Heteroptera and bees in beet were smaller under the relevant GMHT crop management, whereas the abundance of Collembola was consistently greater in all GMHT crops. Generally, these effects were specific to each crop type, reflected the phenology and ecology of the arthropod taxa, were indirect and related to herbicide management. These results apply generally to agriculture across Britain, and could be used in mathematical models to predict the possible long-term effects of the widespread adoption of GMHT technology. The results for bees and butterflies relate to foraging preferences and might or might not translate into effects on population densities, depending on whether adoption leads to forage reductions over large areas. These species, and the detritivore Collembola, may be useful indicator species for future studies of GMHT management.  相似文献   

Abstract Dictyoptera, comprising Blattaria, Isoptera, and Mantodea, are diverse in appearance and life history, and are strongly supported as monophyletic. We downloaded COII, 16S, 18S, and 28S sequences of 39 dictyopteran species from GenBank. Ribosomal RNA sequences were aligned manually with reference to secondary structure. We included morphological data (maximum of 175 characters) for 12 of these taxa and for an additional 15 dictyopteran taxa (for which we had only morphological data). We had two datasets, a 59‐taxon dataset with five outgroup taxa, from Phasmatodea (2 taxa), Mantophasmatodea (1 taxon), Embioptera (1 taxon), and Grylloblattodea (1 taxon), and a 62‐taxon dataset with three additional outgroup taxa from Plecoptera (1 taxon), Dermaptera (1 taxon) and Orthoptera (1 taxon). We analysed the combined molecular?morphological dataset using the doublet and MK models in Mr Bayes , and using a parsimony heuristic search in paup . Within the monophyletic Mantodea, Mantoida is recovered as sister to the rest of Mantodea, followed by Chaeteessa; the monophyly of most of the more derived families as defined currently is not supported. We recovered novel phylogenetic hypotheses about the taxa within Blattodea (following Hennig, containing Isoptera). Unique to our study, one Bayesian analysis places Polyphagoidea as sister to all other Dictyoptera; other analyses and/or the addition of certain orthopteran sequences, however, place Polyphagoidea more deeply within Dictyoptera. Isoptera falls within the cockroaches, sister to the genus Cryptocercus. Separate parsimony analyses of independent gene fragments suggest that gene selection is an important factor in tree reconstruction. When we varied the ingroup taxa and/or outgroup taxa, the internal dictyopteran relationships differed in the position of several taxa of interest, including Cryptocercus, Polyphaga, Periplaneta and Supella. This provides further evidence that the choice of both outgroup and ingroup taxa greatly affects tree topology.  相似文献   

A field study was designed to concurrently evaluate differences in colonization by benthic macroinvertebrates on a range of artificial substratum types (single particles of natural rock or clay brick and baskets of natural substratum) after three colonization periods (1, 8 and 29 days). Fauna on the artificial substrata were compared to natural substratum and the effect of natural epilithic cover on colonization by zoobenthos was determined. Densities of total number of organisms and the seven most abundant taxa, total number of taxa and quantity of organic material were greater on the natural substratum than on the artificial substratum types. Relative abundances of taxa on pairs of the artificial substratum types, unlike pairs of each artificial substratum type and the natural substratum, were statistically correlated. Among the artificial substratum types densities of total number of organisms and about one-half of the most abundant taxa, total number of taxa and quantity of organic material were greatest in the substratum baskets. Natural epilithic cover on the single rock particles and substratum baskets affected the densities of total number of organisms and two of the seven most abundant taxa. These taxonomic groups were at approximately two to six-fold greater densities on the substrata with fine sediment. consistent patterns in densities of the zoobenthos on the substrata were found after each colonization period. In our study all measures of the macroinvertebrate assemblages (densities of each taxon, total number of organisms, total number of taxa and relative abundances of taxa), with few exceptions, were different between each artificial substratum type and natural substratum. This result showed the abundance and composition of the macroinvertebrate fauna on artificial substratum types were different from the natural substratum. Therefore, the choice of using artificial substrata instead of direct sampling of the natural substratum should be carefully made. Among the artificial substratum types relative abundances of taxa were similar on the single substratum particles and substratum baskets indicating single particles instead of baskets might be used to sample the zoobenthos. Investigators should consider the potential effect of the natural epilithic cover of substratum particles on colonization by zoobenthos when choosing the type of artificial substratum.  相似文献   

This study has investigated the taxon‐specific responses of fauna to patch edges, and how these relate to patch attributes (patch size, seagrass biomass and water depth), and hydrodynamics in the seagrass habitat. Faunal abundances were sampled at the edge, 2 m in from the edge, and in the middle of 10 seagrass patches of variable size in Port Phillip Bay, Australia. Five of nine taxa showed edge effects. There were higher abundances at the edge compared with the middle for porcellid harpacticoids, and an increase in abundance from the edge to the middle of the patches for tanaids and isopods. For caprellid and gammarid amphipods, the edge effect varied across patches. Changes in current within the patch and patch size were related to the variability in the edge effect pattern of caprellids. None of the measured environmental variables (seagrass biomass, current and water depth) or patch size had a role in the variable edge effect pattern of gammarid amphipods. At the patch level, the distribution of six of nine taxa in this study, namely isopods, polychaetes, ‘other harpacticoids’, porcellid harpacticoids, cumaceans and gammarid amphipods, was related to differences in average water depth, average seagrass biomass and patch size. Our study indicates that the faunal response to edges cannot be generalized across seagrass habitat, and the implications of habitat area loss will vary depending on the taxon under consideration.  相似文献   

Whether bacteria display spatial patterns of distribution and at which level of taxonomic organization such patterns can be observed are central questions in microbial ecology. Here we investigated how the total and relative abundances of eight bacterial taxa at the phylum or class level were spatially distributed in a pasture by using quantitative PCR and geostatistical modelling. The distributions of the relative abundance of most taxa varied by a factor of 2.5–6.5 and displayed strong spatial patterns at the field scale. These spatial patterns were taxon‐specific and correlated to soil properties, which indicates that members of a bacterial clade defined at high taxonomical levels shared specific ecological traits in the pasture. Ecologically meaningful assemblages of bacteria at the phylum or class level in the environment provides evidence that deep branching patterns of the 16S rRNA bacterial tree are actually mirrored in nature.  相似文献   

It is difficult to make skillful predictions about the future dynamics of marine phytoplankton populations. Here, we use a 22‐year time series of monthly average abundances for 198 phytoplankton taxa from Station L4 in the Western English Channel (1992–2014) to test whether and how aggregating phytoplankton into multi‐species assemblages can improve predictability of their temporal dynamics. Using a non‐parametric framework to assess predictability, we demonstrate that the prediction skill is significantly affected by how species data are grouped into assemblages, the presence of noise, and stochastic behavior within species. Overall, we find that predictability one month into the future increases when species are aggregated together into assemblages with more species, compared with the predictability of individual taxa. However, predictability within dinoflagellates and larger phytoplankton (>12 μm cell radius) is low overall and does not increase by aggregating similar species together. High variability in the data, due to observational error (noise) or stochasticity in population growth rates, reduces the predictability of individual species more than the predictability of assemblages. These findings show that there is greater potential for univariate prediction of species assemblages or whole‐community metrics, such as total chlorophyll or biomass, than for the individual dynamics of phytoplankton species.  相似文献   

Two or more exemplars of the same taxon forming a nonmonophyletic group on a molecular tree may be viewed as representing surviving populations of a deep shared ancestral taxon, and if different species of the same genus, then theoretically phenotypically static remnants of punctuated equilibrium. That taxon may be mapped on a molecular cladogram and evolutionarily resolved at the taxon level inclusive of all exemplars. The technique for mapping taxa on a molecular tree, termed here caulistics, is much like mapping traits but recovers macroevolutionary information at the taxon level. All lineages arising from the mapped taxon are its direct descendants. Mapped taxa superimposed or overlapping may reveal packaged adaptive traits. When a mapped taxon is well split by another mapped taxon on a molecular tree, atavistic saltation based on triggering an epigenetically retained trait complex is a theoretical explanation. Caulistics combines traditional taxonomy and molecular phylogenetics to reveal previously unknown aspects of the macroevolutionary past.  相似文献   

Metacommunity theory, which has gained a central position in ecology, accounts for the role of migration in patterns of diversity among communities at different scales. Community isolation has a main role in this theory, but is difficult to estimate empirically, partly due to the taxon‐dependent nature of dispersal. Landscapes could be perceived as either fragmented or connected for organisms with contrasting dispersal abilities. Indeed, the dispersal ability of a taxon, and the spatial scale at which eco‐evolutionary processes shape local diversity, determine a taxon‐dependent metacommunity network. In this paper, we introduce a methodology using graph theory to define this taxon‐dependent metacommunity network and then to estimate the isolation of local communities. We analyzed the relative importance of local conditions versus community isolation as determinants of community richness for 25 taxa inhabiting 18 temporary ponds. Although local factors have been the foci of most previous empirical and theoretical considerations, we demonstrate that the metacommunity network is an equally important contributor to local diversity. We also found that the relative effect of local conditions and the metacommunity network depend on body size and taxon abundance. Local diversity of larger species was more affected by patch isolation, while taxon abundances were associated with positive or negative effects of isolation. Our results provide empirical support for the proposed role of metacommunity networks as determinants of community diversity and show the taxon‐dependent nature of these networks.  相似文献   

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