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Song G  Jernigan RL 《Proteins》2006,63(1):197-209
Domain swapping is a process where two (or more) protein molecules form a dimer (or higher oligomer) by exchanging an identical domain. In this article, based on the observation that domains are rigid and hinge loops are highly flexible, we propose a new Elastic Network Model, domain-ENM, for domain-swapped proteins. In this model, the rigidity of domains is taken into account by using a larger spring constant for intradomain contacts. The large-scale transition of domain swapping is then novelly decomposed into the relative motion between the rigid domains (only 6 degrees of freedom) plus the internal fluctuations of each domain. Consequently, this approach has the potential to produce much more meaningful transition pathways than other simulation approaches that try to find pathways in a search space of large numbers of dimensions. In this article, we also propose a new way to define the overlap measure. Past approaches used an inappropriate comparison of the large-scale conformation displacement against the computed infinitesimal motions of modes. Here, we propose an infinitesimal version of the large-scale conformation change and then compare it with the modes of motions. As a result, we obtain much better overlap values. Using this new overlap definition, we are also able for the first time to give a clear, intuitive explanation why "open" forms tend to produce better overlap values than "closed" forms with traditional ENMs. Finally, as an application, we present a simple approach to show how domain-ENM can be used to generated transition pathways for domain-swapped proteins.  相似文献   

Homogeneous glucokinase (EC from the thermophile Bacillus stearothermophilus was isolated on the large scale by using four major steps: precipitation of extraneous material at pH 5.5, ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose, pseudo-affinity chromatography on Procion Brown H-3R-Sepharose 4B and gel filtration on Ultrogel AcA 34. The purified enzyme had a specific activity of about 330 units/mg of protein and was shown to exist as a dimer of subunit Mr 33,000. Kinetic parameters for the enzyme were determined with a variety of substrates. The glucokinase was highly specific for alpha-D-glucose, and the only other sugar substrate utilized was N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine. The enzyme shows Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with a Km value of 150 microM for alpha-D-glucose. The glucokinase was maximally active at pH 9.0.  相似文献   

Esterase 2 (EST2) from the thermophilic eubacterium Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius is a thermostable serine hydrolase belonging to the H group of the esterase/lipase family. This enzyme hydrolyzes monoacylesters of different acyl-chain length and various compounds with industrial interest. EST2 displays an optimal temperature at 70 degrees C and maximal activity with pNP-esters having acyl-chain bearing from six to eight carbon atoms. EST2 mutants with different substrate specificity were also designed, generated by site-directed mutagenesis, and biochemically characterized. To better define at structural level the enzyme reaction mechanism, a crystallographic analysis of one of these mutants, namely M211S/R215L, was undertaken. Here we report its three-dimensional structure at 2.10A resolution. Structural analysis of the enzyme revealed an unexpected dimer formation as a consequence of a domain-swapping event involving its N-terminal region. This phenomenon was absent in the case of the enzyme bound to an irreversible inhibitor having optimal substrate structural features. A detailed comparison of the enzyme structures before and following binding to this molecule showed a movement of the N-terminal helices resulting from a trans-cis isomerization of the F37-P38 peptide bond. These findings suggest that this carboxylesterase presents two distinct structural arrangements reminiscent of the open and closed forms already reported for lipases. Potential biological implications associated with the observed quaternary reorganization are here discussed in light of the biochemical properties of other lipolytic members of the H group.  相似文献   

The conformational stability of the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein (HPr) from Bacillus subtilis has been determined using a combination of thermal unfolding and solvent denaturation experiments. The urea-induced denaturation of HPr was monitored spectroscopically at fixed temperatures and thermal unfolding was performed in the presence of fixed concentrations of urea. These data were analyzed in several different ways to afford a measure of the cardinal parameters (delta Hg, Tg, delta Sg, and delta Cp) that describe the thermodynamics of folding for HPr. The method of Pace and Laurents (Pace CN, Laurents DV, 1989, Biochemistry 28:2520-2525) was used to estimate delta Cp as was a global analysis of the thermal- and urea-induced unfolding data. Each method used to analyze the data gives a similar value for delta Cp (1,170 +/- 50 cal mol-1K-1). Despite the high melting temperature for HPr (Tg = 73.5 degrees C), the maximum stability of the protein, which occurs at 26 degrees C, is quite modest (delta Gs = 4.2 kcal mol-1). In the presence of moderate concentrations of urea, HPr exhibits cold denaturation, and thus a complete stability curve for HPr, including a measure of delta Cp, can be achieved using the method of Chen and Schellman (Chen B, Schellman JA, 1989, Biochemistry 28:685-691). A comparison of the different methods for the analysis of solvent denaturation curves is provided and the effects of urea on the thermal stability of this small globular protein are discussed. The methods presented will be of general utility in the characterization of the stability curve for many small proteins.  相似文献   

The armadillo domain is a right‐handed super‐helix of repeating units composed of three α‐helices each. Armadillo repeat proteins (ArmRPs) are frequently involved in protein–protein interactions, and because of their modular recognition of extended peptide regions they can serve as templates for the design of artificial peptide binding scaffolds. On the basis of sequential and structural analyses, different consensus‐designed ArmRPs were synthesized and show high thermodynamic stabilities, compared to naturally occurring ArmRPs. We determined the crystal structures of four full‐consensus ArmRPs with three or four identical internal repeats and two different designs for the N‐ and C‐caps. The crystal structures were refined at resolutions ranging from 1.80 to 2.50 Å for the above mentioned designs. A redesign of our initial caps was required to obtain well diffracting crystals. However, the structures with the redesigned caps caused domain swapping events between the N‐caps. To prevent this domain swap, 9 and 6 point mutations were introduced in the N‐ and C‐caps, respectively. Structural and biophysical analysis showed that this subsequent redesign of the N‐cap prevented domain swapping and improved the thermodynamic stability of the proteins. We systematically investigated the best cap combinations. We conclude that designed ArmRPs with optimized caps are intrinsically stable and well‐expressed monomeric proteins and that the high‐resolution structures provide excellent structural templates for the continuation of the design of sequence‐specific modular peptide recognition units based on armadillo repeats.  相似文献   

I Tanaka  M Kimura  J Kimura  J Dijk 《FEBS letters》1984,166(2):343-346
The low-Mr proteins (tentatively called protein I and II) were purified from 2 M NaCl extracts of the Bacillus stearothermophilus ribosome. Their amino acid sequences have been determined from the peptides obtained by digestion with trypsin, chymotrypsin, and pepsin, and by cleavage with CNBr, using the micro-DABITC/PITC double-coupling method [FEBS Lett. (1978) 93, 205-214]. Protein I contains 56 residues and has an Mr of 6514. Protein II had 37 residues with an Mr of 4361. The amino acid sequence of protein I shows significant similarity to L32 from E. coli, whereas that of protein II is slightly, if at all, related to ribosomal protein L34 from E. coli.  相似文献   

表面活性剂对嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌产高温蛋白酶的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了表面活性剂对嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌(Bacillusstearothermophilus)WF146产胞外高温蛋白酶的影响。结果表明,表面活性剂Tween80在0.05%~0.1%(体积比)浓度范围内对WF146产酶有一定的促进作用。在培养基中添加0.1%Tween80可使发酵液酶活提高12.7%,Tween20和TritonX100则抑制嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌WF146产酶。另外,TritonX100抑制嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌WF146生长,而Tween80和Tween20不抑制其生长。  相似文献   

When concentrated in mildly acidic solutions, bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) forms long-lived oligomers including two types of dimer, two types of trimer, and higher oligomers. In previous crystallographic work, we found that the major dimeric component forms by a swapping of the C-terminal beta-strands between the monomers, and that the minor dimeric component forms by swapping the N-terminal alpha-helices of the monomers. On the basis of these structures, we proposed that a linear RNase A trimer can form from a central molecule that simultaneously swaps its N-terminal helix with a second RNase A molecule and its C-terminal strand with a third molecule. Studies by dissociation are consistent with this model for the major trimeric component: the major trimer dissociates into both the major and the minor dimers, as well as monomers. In contrast, the minor trimer component dissociates into the monomer and the major dimer. This suggests that the minor trimer is cyclic, formed from three monomers that swap their C-terminal beta-strands into identical molecules. These conclusions are supported by cross-linking of lysyl residues, showing that the major trimer swaps its N-terminal helix, and the minor trimer does not. We verified by X-ray crystallography the proposed cyclic structure for the minor trimer, with swapping of the C-terminal beta-strands. This study thus expands the variety of domain-swapped oligomers by revealing the first example of a protein that can form both a linear and a cyclic domain-swapped oligomer. These structures permit interpretation of the enzymatic activities of the RNase A oligomers on double-stranded RNA.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional domain swapping occurs when two or more identical proteins exchange identical parts of their structure to generate an oligomeric unit. It affects proteins with diverse sequences and structures, and is expected to play important roles in evolution, functional regulation and even conformational diseases. Here, we search for traces of domain swapping in the protein sequence, by means of algorithms that predict the structure and stability of proteins using database-derived potentials. Regions whose sequences are not optimal with regard to the stability of the native structure, or showing marked intrinsic preferences for non-native conformations in absence of tertiary interactions are detected in most domain-swapping proteins. These regions are often located in areas crucial in the swapping process and are likely to influence it on a kinetic or thermodynamic level. In addition, cation-pi interactions are frequently observed to zip up the edges of the interface between intertwined chains or to involve hinge loop residues, thereby modulating stability. We end by proposing a set of mutations altering the swapping propensities, whose experimental characterization would contribute to refine our in silico derived hypotheses.  相似文献   

Designed armadillo repeat proteins (dArmRP) are promising modular proteins for the engineering of binding molecules that recognize extended polypeptide chains. We determined the structure of a dArmRP containing five internal repeats and 3rd generation capping repeats in three different states by X‐ray crystallography: without N‐terminal His6‐tag and in the presence of calcium (YM5A/Ca2+), without N‐terminal His6‐tag and in the absence of calcium (YM5A), and with N‐terminal His6‐tag and in the presence of calcium (His‐YM5A/Ca2+). All structures show different quaternary structures and superhelical parameters. His‐YM5A/Ca2+ forms a crystallographic dimer, which is bridged by the His6‐tag, YM5A/Ca2+ forms a domain‐swapped tetramer, and only in the absence of calcium and the His6‐tag, YM5A forms a monomer. The changes of superhelical parameters are a consequence of calcium binding, because calcium ions interact with negatively charged residues, which can also participate in the modulation of helix dipole moments between adjacent repeats. These observations are important for further optimizations of dArmRPs and provide a general illustration of how construct design and crystallization conditions can influence the exact structure of the investigated protein.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of ribosomal protein S18 from Bacillus stearothermophilus has been completely determined by automated sequence analysis of the intact protein as well as of peptides derived from digestion with Staphylococcus aureus protease at pH 4.0 and cleavage with cyanogen bromide. The carboxy-terminal region was verified by both amino acid analyses of chymotryptic peptides and by mass spectrometry from the terminal region. The protein contains 77 amino acid residues and has an Mr of 8838. Comparison of this sequence with the sequences of the S18 proteins from tobacco and liverwort chloroplasts and E. coli shows a relatively high similarity, ranging from 42 to 55% identical residues with the B. stearothermophilus S18 protein. The regions of homology common to all four proteins consist of several positively charged sections spanning the entire length of the protein.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the phosphocarrier protein, HPr, from Bacillus subtilis has been determined by analysis of two-dimensional (2D) NMR spectra acquired for the unphosphorylated form of the protein. Inverse-detected 2D (1H-15N) heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation nuclear Overhauser effect (HMQC NOESY) and homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn (HOHAHA) spectra utilizing 15N assignments (reported here) as well as previously published 1H assignments were used to identify cross-peaks that are not resolved in 2D homonuclear 1H spectra. Distance constraints derived from NOESY cross-peaks, hydrogen-bonding patterns derived from 1H-2H exchange experiments, and dihedral angle constraints derived from analysis of coupling constants were used for structure calculations using the variable target function algorithm, DIANA. The calculated models were refined by dynamical simulated annealing using the program X-PLOR. The resulting family of structures has a mean backbone rmsd of 0.63 A (N, C alpha, C', O atoms), excluding the segments containing residues 45-59 and 84-88. The structure is comprised of a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet with two antiparallel alpha-helices on one side of the sheet. The active-site His 15 residue serves as the N-cap of alpha-helix A, with its N delta 1 atom pointed toward the solvent to accept the phosphoryl group during the phosphotransfer reaction with enzyme I. The existence of a hydrogen bond between the side-chain oxygen atom of Tyr 37 and the amide proton of Ala 56 is suggested, which may account for the observed stabilization of the region that includes the beta-turn comprised of residues 37-40. If the beta alpha beta beta alpha beta (alpha) folding topology of HPr is considered with the peptide chain polarity reversed, the protein fold is identical to that described for another group of beta alpha beta beta alpha beta proteins that include acylphosphatase and the RNA-binding domains of the U1 snRNP A and hnRNP C proteins.  相似文献   

The structure of Drosophila LC8 pH-induced monomer has been determined by NMR spectroscopy using the program AutoStructure. The structure at pH 3 and 30 degrees C is similar to the individual subunits of mammalian LC8 dimer with the exception that a beta strand, which crosses between monomers to form an intersubunit beta-sheet in the dimer, is a flexible loop with turnlike conformations in the monomer. Increased flexibility in the interface region relative to the rest of the protein is confirmed by dynamic measurements based on (15)N relaxation. Comparison of the monomer and dimer structures indicates that LC8 is not a domain swapped dimer.  相似文献   

The histidine-containing protein (HPr) of bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) serves a central role in a series of phosphotransfer reactions used for the translocation of sugars across cell membranes. These studies report the high-definition solution structures of both the unphosphorylated and histidine phosphorylated (P-His) forms of HPr from Bacillus subtilis. Consistent with previous NMR studies, local conformational adjustments occur upon phosphorylation of His 15, which positions the phosphate group to serve as a hydrogen bond acceptor for the amide protons of Ala 16 and Arg 17 and to interact favorably with the alpha-helix macrodipole. However, the positively charged side chain of the highly conserved Arg 17 does not appear to interact directly with phospho-His 15, suggesting that Arg 17 plays a role in the recognition of other PTS enzymes or in phosphotransfer reactions directly. Unlike the results reported for Escherichia coli P-His HPr (Van Nuland NA, Boelens R, Scheek RM, Robillard GT, 1995, J Mol Biol 246:180-193), our data indicate that phosphorylation of His 15 is not accompanied by adoption of unfavorable backbone conformations for active site residues in B. subtilis P-Ser HPr.  相似文献   

J Kimura  M Kimura 《FEBS letters》1987,210(1):85-90
The complete amino acid sequences of the 5 S rRNA binding proteins L5 and L18 isolated from ribosomes of the moderate thermophile Bacillus stearothermophilus are presented. This has been achieved by the sequence analysis of peptides derived by enzymatic digestions with trypsin, chymotrypsin, pepsin, and Staphylococcus aureus protease, as well as by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide. The proteins L5 and L18 consist of 179 and 120 amino acid residues, and have Mr values of 20,163 and 13,473, respectively. A comparison of the sequences with their counterparts from the Escherichia coli ribosome reveals 59% identical residues for L5, and 53% for L18. For both proteins, the distribution of conserved regions is not random along the protein chains: some regions are highly conserved while others are not. The regions which are conserved during evolution may be important for the interaction with the 5 S rRNA molecule.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that naturally existing functional domains can serve as building blocks for complex protein structures, and that novel functions can arise from assembly of different combinations of these functional domains. To inform our understanding of protein evolution and explore the modular nature of protein structure, two model enzymes were chosen for study, purT‐encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (PurT) and purK‐encoded N5‐carboxylaminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase (PurK). Both enzymes are found in the de novo purine biosynthetic pathway of Escherichia coli. In spite of their low sequence identity, PurT and PurK share significant similarity in terms of tertiary structure, active site organization, and reaction mechanism. Their characteristic three domain structures categorize both PurT and PurK as members of the ATP‐grasp protein superfamily. In this study, we investigate the exchangeability of individual protein domains between these two enzymes and the in vivo and in vitro functional properties of the resulting hybrids. Six domain‐swapped hybrids were unable to catalyze full wild‐type reactions, but each hybrid protein could catalyze partial reactions. Notably, an additional loop replacement in one of the domain‐swapped hybrid proteins was able to restore near wild‐type PurK activity. Therefore, in this model system, domain‐swapped proteins retained the ability to catalyze partial reactions, but further modifications were required to efficiently couple the reaction intermediates and achieve catalysis of the full reaction. Implications for understanding the role of domain swapping in protein evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

The solution structure and dynamics of the Bacillus subtilis HPr-like protein, Crh, have been investigated using NMR spectroscopy. Crh exhibits high sequence identity (45 %) to the histidine-containing protein (HPr), a phospho-carrier protein of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP):carbohydrate phosphotransferase system, but contains no catalytic His15, the site of PEP-dependent phosphorylation in HPr. Crh also forms a mixture of monomers and dimers in solution whereas HPr is known to be monomeric. Complete backbone and side-chain assignments were obtained for the monomeric form, and 60 % of the dimer backbone resonances; allowing the identification of the Crh dimer interface from chemical-shift mapping. The conformation of Crh was determined to a precision of 0.46(+/-0.06) A for the backbone atoms, and 1.01(+/-0.08) A for the heavy atoms. The monomer structure is similar to that of known HPr 2.67(+/-0.22) A (C(alpha) rmsd), but has a few notable differences, including a change in the orientation of one of the helices (B), and a two-residue shift in beta-sheet pairing of the N-terminal strand with the beta4 strand. This shift results in a shortening of the surface loop present in HPr and consequently provides a flatter surface in the region of dimerisation contact, which may be related to the different oligomeric nature of these two proteins. A binding site of phospho-serine(P-Ser)-Crh with catabolite control protein A (CcpA) is proposed on the basis of highly conserved surface side-chains between Crh and HPr. This binding site is consistent with the model of a dimer-dimer interaction between P-Ser-Crh and CcpA. (15)N relaxation measured in the monomeric form also identified differential local mobility in the helix B which is located in the vicinity of this site.  相似文献   

In the process of oligomeric structure formation through a mechanism of three-dimensional domain swapping, one domain of a monomeric protein is replaced by the same domain from an identical monomer. The swapped domain can represent an entire tertiary globular domain or an element of secondary protein structure, such as an -helix or a -strand. Different examples of three-dimensional domain swapping are reviewed; the functional importance of this phenomenon and its role in the development of new properties by some proteins in the process of evolution are considered. The contribution of three-dimensional domain swapping to the formation of linear protein polymers and amyloids is discussed.  相似文献   

A new form of well-ordered three-dimensional crystals of intact 50 S ribosomal subunits from Bacillus stearothermophilus have been obtained. Electron micrographs of positively stained sections of these crystals revealed that the ribosomal particles are packed closely. The cell parameters have been determined. Representative electron micrographs and their computed contoured filtered images are shown.  相似文献   

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