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《Small Ruminant Research》2010,94(2-3):202-205
Characteristics of α- and β-casein fractions in the milk of Korean-Saanen goats were compared with those of Holstein cow milk using capillary electrophoresis (CE) analysis. The αs1-CN content of the Saanen goat milk samples varied from 2.4% to 9.3% of total proteins. Total αs-CN content of the goat milk varied from 10.1% to 17.0%. Total β-CN content containing β1-CN and the β2-CN varied from 49.6% to 61.0% of total proteins. Average αs-CN to β-CN ratio of the Saanen goat milk from different farms was 0.24 ± 0.04, ranging from 0.17 to 0.33. The αs-CN (αs1-CN + αs0-CN) to β-CN (βA1-CN + βA2-CN) ratio of Holstein cow milk was 0.81, which was much higher than that of Korean-Saanen goat milk. The goat milk samples having more than 1.5 million cells/ml somatic cell counts (SCC) contained higher αs-CNs (P < 0.01) and lower β-CNs (P < 0.05) contents than milks with <1.5 million SCC. This resulted in a higher αs-CN to β-CN ratio (P < 0.01) in the milk with >1.5 million SCC.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present trial was to compare the percentages of necrotic and apoptotic polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) in goat milk with low and high somatic cell count (SCC). Twenty eight milk samples were collected from 20 lactating goats, determined to be negative in bacteriological examination, and divided in three groups, according to their SCC: samples with SCC lower than 500 × 103 cells/mL; between 500 and 1500 × 103 cells/mL; and higher than 1500 × 103 cells/mL. SCC was performed in an automatic somatic cell counter. Apoptosis and necrosis were quantified using dual-color flow cytometry with fluorescein labeled annexin-V and propidium iodide (PI). Results of the present study showed a significant positive correlation between the percentage of the viable PMNL and milk SCC (r = 0.495, P = 0.008), as well as a significant negative correlation between apoptotic PMNL and milk SCC (r = −0.486, P = 0.009). Results also pointed out lower PMNL viability rates due to higher apoptosis rates in milk samples with SCC lower than 5 × 105 cells/mL.  相似文献   

The study aimed at evaluation of total count and pattern of somatic cells, as well as lactose content in relation to the type of bacterial pathogens in goat milk. The study was conducted on 66 Polish White Improved and Polish Fawn Improved dairy goats. A total of 487 milk samples were taken from day 30th, 60th and 200th of lactation for three years. The milk samples were divided into four groups: group 1 – containing no pathogens, group 2 – with minor pathogens up to 1000 CFU/mL such as coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), alpha-haemolytic streptococci, Enterococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., group 3 – with minor pathogens (CNS) above 1 × 103 CFU/mL of milk and group 4 – with major pathogens such as Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus intermedius and Staphylococcus aureus.In the majority of milk samples (64.9%) no pathogens were observed. The CNS were isolated from 25.3%, while the major pathogens were from 9.8% of milk samples. Both the major pathogens and high numbers of minor pathogens influenced the total somatic cell count (SCC) and lactose content. The percentage of leukocytes in the total somatic cells amounted to about 50% in the milk samples, which contained a high number of CNS or major pathogens. In the remaining samples this value reached only about 35%. Close relationship occurred between the presence of bacterial pathogens and total SCC, percentage of all leukocytes and their subpopulations in milk. The percentage of eosinophils and neutrophils in the total SCC were dramatically higher (p ≤ 0.0016) in samples of group 4 as compared to groups 1, 2 and 3. The percentage of monocytes was the highest in milk samples containing large numbers of minor pathogens. No relationship was found between the type of isolated bacterial pathogen and the percentage of lymphocytes in milk. In most samples, the presence of bacterial pathogens in goat milk led to the increase of the total SCC. However, the microbiological analysis showed that the bacterial pathogens were presented in about 20% of milk samples containing low SCC (below 1 × 106/mL).  相似文献   

Much emphasis has been put on evaluating alterations in milk composition caused by clinical and subclinical mastitis. However, little is known about changes in milk composition during subclinical mastitis in individual udder quarters with a low-to-moderate increase in milk somatic cell count (SCC). This information is needed to decide whether milk from individual udder quarters with a moderate-to-high increase in milk SCC should be separated or not. The aim of this study was to determine how milk composition in separate udder quarters is affected when cow composite milk has low or moderately increased SCC levels. Udder quarter and cow composite milk samples were collected from 17 cows on one occasion. Milk yield was registered and samples were analyzed for SCC, fat, total protein, whey proteins, lactose, citric acid, non-protein nitrogen (NPN), lactoferrin, protein profile, free fatty acids (FFAs), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), proteolysis, sodium and potassium. Bacteriological samples were collected twice from all four quarters of all cows. The cows were divided into three groups depending on their SCC at udder quarter level. The first group comprised healthy cows with four udder quarters with low SCC, <50 000 cells/ml; composition was equal when opposite rear and front quarters were compared. In the second and the third groups, cows had one udder quarter with 101 000 cells/ml < SCC < 600 000 cells/ml and SCC > 700 000 cells/ml, respectively. The remaining udder quarters of these cows had low SCC (<100 000 cells/ml). Despite the relatively low average cow composite SCC = 100 000 cells/ml of Group 2, milk from affected udder quarters exhibited lower casein number, content of lactose and β-casein (β-CN), while the content of whey protein, sodium, LDH and α-lactoalbumin (α-la) were higher compared to healthy opposite quarters. In addition to these changes, milk from affected udder quarters in Group 3 also exhibited lower values of potassium and αs1-casein (αs1-CN) and higher values of lactoferrin when compared to milk from opposite healthy quarters. This indicates that even when the SCC in cow composite milk is low, there might exist individual quarters for which milk composition is changed and milk quality impaired.  相似文献   

In the present study, the relationship between total bulk milk somatic cell counts (BMSCC), differential BMSCC (macrophage, lymphocyte, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes), and antioxidant enzymes was investigated. Forty-three samples of bulk milk were selected randomly from eight dairy farms in the region of Sfax (Tunisia) in winter, from November 2005 to February 2006. Bulk milk samples were analyzed for antioxidant enzymes such as catalase, SOD and GSHPx activity and differential SCC. After that, milks were allotted according to their total SCC to: group 1, bulk milk with SCC below 1000x10(3) ml(-1); group 2, bulk milk with SCC from 1000x10(3) to 1500x10(3) ml(-1); group 3, bulk milk with SCC above 1500x10(3) ml(-1). BMSCC levels ranged from 400x10(3) to nearly 4000x10(3) ml(-1). Lymphocytes were the predominant cell type in all groups, but their proportion declined with the total BMSCC. Catalase and GSHPx activities were found to be significantly (P<0.001) correlated with total BMSCC and with the PMN population. In contrast, a weak correlation between the activity of the SOD and total or differential bulk milk somatic cells was observed. It has been suggested that milk cells, especially PMN, could generate a situation of oxidative stress in the mammary gland. Specifically, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals were probably the most important reactive oxygen metabolites released by PMN. To cite this article: H. Hamed et al., C. R. Biologies 331 (2008).  相似文献   

Monthly fluctuations in milk temperature, somatic cell counts, milk growth hormone and prolactin of lactating cows were measured in milk samples over a 1 year period. The seasonal patterns in milk temperature, somatic cell count and milk prolactin concentration showed a positive trend with increasing environmental temperatures. Milk growth hormone concentration increased with lactation level and declined significantly during summer heat. Milk temperature and the measured hormonal levels may serve as indicators of the impact of the climatic environment on lactating cattle.  相似文献   

Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) residues in milk are regulated in many parts of the world and can cost dairy farmers significantly due to lost milk sales. Additionally, due to the carcinogenicity of this compound contaminated milk can be a major public health concern. Thirty-four lactating dairy cows were utilised to investigate the relationship between somatic cell counts (SCC), milk yield and conversion of dietary aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) into milk AFM1 (carryover (CO)). The AFM1 in milk increased as soon as the first milking after animal ingestion with a pattern of increment up to the observed plateau (between 7th and 12th days of AFB1 ingestion). There was a significant (P < 0.01) effect of the milk yield whereas no effect could be attributed to the SCC levels or to the milk yield × SCC interaction. Similarly, the main effect of milk yield was also observed (P < 0.01) on the total amount of AFM1 excreted during the ingestion period. Although the plasma concentration of gamma-glutamyl transferase was significantly affected by aflatoxin administration, levels of this liver enzyme were within the normal range for lactating dairy cows. The current data suggest that milk yield is the major factor affecting the total excretion of AFM1 and that SCC as an indicator of mammary gland permeability was not related to an increase in AFM1 CO.  相似文献   

Combining gene targeting of animal somatic cells with nuclear transfer technique has provided a powerful method to produce transgenic animal mammary gland bioreactor. The objective of this study is to make an efficient and reproducible gene targeting in goat fetal fibroblasts by inserting the exogenous htPAm cDNA into the beta-casein locus with liposomes or electroporation so that htPAm protein might be produced in gene-targeted goat mammary gland. By gene-targeting technique, the exogenous htPAm gene was inserted to milk goat beta-casein gene sequences. Fetal fibroblasts were isolated from Day 35 fetuses of Guanzhong milk goats, and transfected with linear gene-targeting vector pGBC4htPAm using Lipefectamin-2000 and electoporation, respectively. Forty-eight gene-targeted cell colonies with homologous recombination were obtained, and three cell colonies were verified by DNA sequence analysis within the homologous recombination region. Using gene-targeted cell lines as donor cells for nuclear transfer, a total of 600 reconstructed embryos had been obtained, and 146 developed cloned embryos were transferred to 16 recipient goats, and finally three goats showed pregnancy at Day 90.  相似文献   

1. Analysis of individual samples of goat's milk by SDS-PAGE confirmed that they contain a polymorphic, high molecular weight (M(r) greater than 205 kDa) glycoprotein. 2. On SDS-gels, the polymorphism takes the form of two bands of variable mobility which usually stain with equal intensity. This polymorphism resembles that detected in milk mucins of other species and is best explained by an expression of codominant genes containing variable numbers of a tandemly repeated 60-base segment. 3. Analysis of milk fractions provided evidence that the goat mucin is exclusively a membrane protein, and that it can be purified from other fat globule proteins by gel filtration and peanut lectin affinity chromatography. 4. Among proteins in the goat milk fat globule, the mucin appears to be a strong immunogen but the resulting antibodies applied to Western blots only stained the cow's milk mucin mildly and the guinea pig and human milk mucins not at all.  相似文献   

Milk cell counts are good indicators of a mammary infection and milk quality. The present study was done to record diurnal rhythmicity in the milk somatic and differential cell counts during different seasons, milk strips and parity in Murrah buffaloes. Milk somatic cell counts (SCC) were measured by SCC counter and milk differential cell counts were measured microscopically after making a milk smear and staining it to identify neutrophils, lymphocytes and macrophages. Maximum milk SCC was observed in the summer season. Milk neutrophils were lowest during thermoneutral (TN), intermediate during the winter season and highest during the summer season. Milk lymphocytes were highest during the winter season, intermediate in the TN and lowest in the summer season. Diurnal rhythm in the milk SCC and neutrophil percentage is noticed in the summer season only. Maximum milk SCC values were observed in the late strip but neutrophils were highest in the early strip. Diurnal rhythm was observed in the late strip for neutrophils and in mid strip for the lymphocytes. Milk SCC and milk neutrophils were found to be the highest in the multiparous buffaloes and diurnal rhythm was observed only in the lymphocytes of primiparous buffaloes. Milk macrophages were higher in the morning samples of primiparous as compared to the multiparous buffaloes. In this pioneer study, diurnal rhythms in the milk cell counts of buffaloes have been studied extensively. This will help in maintaining low milk cell counts in buffalo and thus help in getting more milk per buffalo during stress periods.  相似文献   

Growth hormone is a positive regulator of mammary gland development. Dairy animals that are administered growth hormone display enhanced lactation performance, a desirable agricultural trait. The objective of the current research was to generate an improved milk production phenotype in a large animal model using over-expressed GH in the mammary gland to promote mammogenesis. To this end, we constructed a mammary gland-specific expression vector, pcGH, and demonstrated effective GH expression in goat mammary epithelial cells in vitro by ELISA. Then, to produce transgenic offspring that were capable of stable GH expression in vivo, the linearized pcGH vector was electroporated into goat fetal fibroblasts. Cell colonies that were positive for GH were used as donors for nuclear transfer to enucleated oocytes. A total of 253 morulae or blastocytes developed from the reconstructed embryos were transferred to 56 recipients, resulting in 24 pregnancies at day 35. Finally, six transgenic goats were born. PCR detection confirmed the success of the cloning procedure. To observe the mammogenesis of dairy goats, the GH transgenic goats were mated with a completely healthy buck. In the later pregnancy period, the mammary gland of the GH transgenic goats were extensive than non-transgenic goats. These experiments indicated that the pcGH vector was incorporated into the transgenic goats and affected mammogenesis, which laid a solid foundation for elucidating the impact of GH on mammogenesis and lactation performance.  相似文献   

The importance of goat milk in infant diet is growing, because it is reported that goat's milk in some cases is less allergenic than cow's milk. This is due probably to the lower presence of caseins associated with a specific type of alpha(s1)-casein. In caprine breeds, four types of alpha(s1)-casein alleles are identified and associated with various amounts of this protein in milk. The contribution of strong alleles to the goat milk is approximately 3.6 g/L of alpha(s1)-casein, while for middle alleles is only 1.6 g/L, weak alleles 0.6 g/L. The contribution of null allele is very low (or non-existent). The quantity of total caseins in caprine milk is positively correlated with the amount of alpha(s1)-casein. Milk from animals possessing strong alleles contain significantly more total caseins than milk from animals without those alleles. This is important because animals with mild alleles can be employed to produce milk for allergic subjects while the other animals can be used to produce milk for the dairy industry. This work shows casein profiles of two types of classified goat milk (B, strong alpha(s1) allele, 0, null alpha(s1) allele) with two-dimensional electrophoresis coupled with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry, and it confirms the different polymorphisms at locus alpha(s1) casein.  相似文献   

BackgroundData regarding yeast microbiota in goat milk is scarce.AimsTo isolate and identify species of the genus Candida in milk samples from clinically healthy goats, and evaluate their enzymatic activity and biofilm formation.Methods1092 milk samples from clinically healthy goats were collected and processed. The yeast isolates were identified by phenotypic, methods and their enzymatic activity (phospholipase, hemolysin and protease) and biofilm formation evaluated.ResultsWe obtained 221 Candida isolates belonging to six species: Candida kefyr (35.7%), Candida guilliermondii (33%), Candida famata (23.5%), Candida glabrata (5.9%), Candida albicans (1.35%) and Candida parapsilosis sensu lato (0.45%). Protease activity was detected in all Candida species while hemolysin activity was only present in C. kefyr, C. guilliermondii, C. famata and C. albicans. Only C. albicans showed phospholipase activity. With the exception of C. parapsilosis sensu lato, all Candida species formed biofilm, with 60.19% of the isolates being poor producers, 9.93% moderate producers, and 1.35% strong producers.ConclusionsThe milk of clinically healthy goats contains several species of the genus Candida that could play a role as opportunistic pathogens in mastitis.  相似文献   

Automatic milking systems have made possible the separation of high- and low-quality milk at the udder quarter level during the milking process. The aim of this study was to investigate the composition and yield of milk from individual udder quarters to determine whether deteriorated milk composition occurs in udders that are assumed to be healthy and whether quarters with high-quality milk are found in udders with high milk somatic cell count (SCC). Milk samples were collected on one occasion from 90 cows at udder quarter level and cow composite level. The milk was analyzed for content of total protein, whey protein, casein, fat, lactose, citric acid and SCC; milk yield was registered. The cows were divided into three groups depending on the SCC of their composite milk. Cows in group 1, cow composite SCC < 100 000 cells/ml, were assumed to have healthy udders. However, instances of increased SCC and decreased milk quality were discovered in one or more udder quarters of approximately 30% of the group. Cows in group 2, cow composite SCC of 100 000 to 300 000 cells/ml, and group 3, cow composite SCC > 300 000 cells/ml, were assumed to have affected udders. However, the majority of these cows had one or more udder quarters in which increased SCC and deteriorated milk quality were not detected. Calculations of bulk-tank milk values, when separation of milk from affected udder quarters was performed, indicate that SCC changes to a much greater degree compared to the other milk components. These results show that milk from affected udder quarters suffers compositional changes, but calculations of simulated separation indicate that the compositional changes in bulk-tank milk are small. The effect of separation of milk from individual udder quarters on bulk-tank milk needs to be further studied.  相似文献   

This study was designed to monitor the presence of Mycoplasma agalactiae and Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri (Mmc) in 66 dairy goat herds of a genetic improvement programme in a region of Spain where contagious agalactia is endemic. Over a whole lactation period, 300 bulk tank milk and 381 milk samples from goats with clinical mastitis were subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the two mycoplasma species. The presence of mycoplasmas (either species or both) was detected in 66.7% of the herds and M. agalactiae was identified in 95.45% of these positives herds. In a given infected herd, mycoplasmas were not continuously detected over the whole study period. Our findings indicate that in an endemic area, M. agalactiae and Mmc can be monitored through PCR analysis of mastitic milk and bulk tank milk (BTM) samples. Over a lactation period we recommend testing multiple BTM samples on a herd. No relationship was observed between the use of inactivated mycoplasma vaccines and the PCR detection of both mycoplasmas.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,91(1-3):139-141
A novel single nucleotide polymorphism—a C/T transition (RFPL-MspI) was found upon sequencing of a 439 bp DNA fragment, comprising whole exon 4 and parts of adjacent introns of the goat growth hormone receptor gene. This mutation was located at 8th nucleotide of exon 4 (position 94 according to GenBank Acc. No. AY739707). The nucleotide substitution has no effect on the amino acid sequence of the GHR protein. Within the cohort of 227 Polish dairy goats three genotypes were found: CC (frequency 0.96), CT (0.036), and TT (0.004). The frequency of C and T alleles was 0.978 and 0.022, respectively. It was shown that CC genotype goats had significantly higher lactose content and lower somatic cell count than those with the CT genotype. No association was found with the other milk production traits studied.  相似文献   

萨能奶山羊是著名的奶用山羊品种,波尔山羊则是世界著名的肉用山羊品种。为了研究波尔山羊体细胞在奶山羊卵母细胞中的去分化,我们针成年波尔山羊的颗粒细胞或耳皮肤成纤维细胞作为供核细胞(试验组),移入奶山羊中Ⅱ期的去核卵母细胞透明带下,经电融合和离子霉素与6-二甲基氨基嘌呤-DMAP)激活,直接移入同期发情奶山羊输卵管或经体内培养,将发育的重构胚移入同期发情羊子宫内。妊娠早期作B超诊断,确立妊娠的观察至足月。同时将奶山羊的35日龄胎儿成纤维细胞作供核细胞(对照组),按试验组同样方法处理,将重构胚直接移入同期发情的奶山羊输卵管内。结果:试验组,波尔羊颗粒粒细胞与耳皮肤成纤维2细胞的融合率分别为78.2%(115/147),57.4%(116/202),重构胚卵裂率为85.8%(115/134),桑椹胚,囊胚的发育率38.8%(52/134),早期妊娠三头,分别于妊娠40,60,60日龄终止妊娠。对照组,融合率为89.5%(136/152),早期妊娠率为42.9%(6/14),四头受体足月分娩,产四头公羊羔,其中三头存活,一头分娩时死于肺不扩张,并体重过大,显示胎儿过大综合症。经基因型鉴定证实,这四头克隆羔羊均源于同一胎儿成纤维细胞系。以上结果表明,波尔羊体细胞核在奶山羊卵母细胞中能够去分化,并维持一定程度的发育。  相似文献   

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