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Fetal hypoglycaemia consequent on food withdrawal for 48 h in sheep in late pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in fetal PGE2 plasma concentrations and myometrial contractility. To assess the contribution of fetal hypoglycaemia and related cellular glucopenia in the increased production of fetal PGE2 we studied the effect of 48 h insulin infusion to the fetus. Fetal whole blood glucose was lowered from 19 +/- 2 to 9 +/- 1 mg.dl-1. This experimental regimen maintains glucose availability to those fetal cells in which insulin increases glucose uptake. Fetal umbilical venous and femoral arterial PGE2 concentrations and umbilical veno-arterial PGE2 difference were unchanged, but maternal uterine veno-arterial difference for PGFM increased during the insulin induced fetal hypoglycaemia. Myometrial activity was also unchanged. We conclude that the increased fetal PGE concentration previously reported during food withdrawal is due to a deficiency of glucose to specific insulin dependent cells within vascular beds served by the fetal cardiovascular system. In addition, the findings suggest a need for a supply of glucose of fetal origin for cells that are responsible for increased PGFM concentrations in the maternal uteroplacental circulation.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of maternal supranutritional selenium (Se) and nutrient restriction during mid and late gestation on placental characteristics and fetal liver glycogen, ewes received either adequate Se (ASe) or high Se (HSe) prior to breeding. On d 64 of gestation, ASe and HSe ewes remained at 100% of requirements (controls; CON) or were restricted (RES; 60% of requirements). On d 135 of gestation, fetal weight (P  0.08) was greatest in both HSe and CON ewes. Placentome number, mass, and caruncular and cotyledonary weight were not different (P  0.17) among treatments. Fetal mass:placental mass ratio was less (P = 0.06) in RES compared to CON ewes. Compared to ASe, HSe exhibited increased (P  0.08) cellular proliferation and DNA concentration and decreased (P = 0.07) cellular size in cotyledonary tissue. Nutritional restriction decreased (P  0.08) cotyledonary protein concentration and cellular size. VEGF receptor 1 (Flt) mRNA in cotyledonary tissue was greater in HSe compared with ASe ewes (P = 0.06) and in RES compared with CON ewes (P = 0.08). There was no effect of diet on caruncular growth variables (P  0.13) or on placental vascularity (P  0.11). Progesterone was greater (P  0.08) in ASe–RES ewes compared to all groups at d 90 and ASe–CON and HSe–CON at d 104. Although fetal glucose and cortisol concentrations were not affected by diet, fetal liver glycogen was greater (P = 0.04) in ASe–RES compared to ASe–CON and HSe–RES ewes with HSe–CON being intermediate. Both Se and nutritional plane may impact placental function and fetal growth, as fetal weight and liver glycogen are altered despite similar placental vascularity measurements.  相似文献   

The exposure of pregnant sheep to high ambient temperatures (43 degrees C) for 8 hours, sufficient to significantly elevate maternal and fetal body temperature +2.0 degrees C (p less than 0.001) and +1.9 degrees C (p less than 0.001) respectively, resulted in significant increases in PGE2 plasma concentrations in both the maternal and fetal circulations. Plasma PGF2 alpha concentrations were significantly raised in the fetal circulation but not the maternal during hyperthermia. The increase in prostaglandin concentrations were correlated with the magnitude of the increase in maternal and fetal body temperature. Uterine activity also increased during hyperthermia, probably as a result of the increase in prostaglandin concentrations. We propose that increased synthesis and release of prostaglandins from the uterus and/or placenta is an adaptive response to hyperthermia, and may protect the fetus from the consequences of heat stress.  相似文献   

The administration of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN; nitroglycerin) is increasing during preterm pregnancies, yet its disposition and, importantly, the extent of fetal exposure remain to be elucidated. When used as a tocolytic (pharmacological agent that stops uterine contractions), it is administered transdermally (24-48 h). Here, we quantified the maternal and fetal steady-state plasma concentrations of maternal intravenous GTN in preterm sheep and continuously monitored maternal and fetal vascular parameters to observe possible dose-dependent vascular effects. Preterm (120 days gestation) pregnant sheep (n = 6) were instrumented with maternal femoral arterial (MA) and venous (MV) and fetal femoral arterial (FA) and umbilical venous (UV) polyethylene blood-sampling catheters. During maternal GTN infusion (3.0 micro g.kg-1.min-1, 60-min duration) the steady-state GTN concentrations ([GTN]) were as follows: MA, 98.6 +/- 9.0 nM; UV, 17.4 +/- 7.6 nM; and FA, <5 nM. There were no changes in maternal and fetal mean arterial pressure and heart rate or in uterine activity. Overall, the steady-state [GTN] was established by 5 min, and the UV/MA ratio of [GTN] was 0.18. The FA [GTN] (<5 nM) indicates that the fetus cleared essentially all GTN in the UV, and the maternal and fetal heart rate and mean arterial pressure appear to be independent of maternal GTN infusion.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive endothelin concentrations in maternal and fetal blood   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Immunoreactive-endothelin (ir-ET) concentrations were determined in peripheral maternal blood and in umbilical cord blood just after delivery. The concentrations in both the umbilical artery (2.83 +/- 1.36 pmol/l plasma, Mean +/- SD) and vein (3.37 +/- 1.53 pmol/l) were significantly higher than those found in maternal venous blood (1.43 +/- 1.02 pmol/l). On the other hand, ir-ET levels in maternal blood were not significantly different when compared with those found in non-pregnant women (1.50 +/- 0.83 pmol/l). No significant difference of ir-ET levels between the umbilical artery and vein was observed. A highly significant correlation (r = 0.60, p less than 0.01) of ir-ET levels between the umbilical artery and vein was observed. Also, a significant correlation (r = 0.48, p less than 0.01) between umbilical vein and maternal vein ir-ET levels with a weaker correlation (r = 0.36, p less than 0.05) between umbilical artery and maternal vein ir-ET levels was demonstrated. The present study indicates that ir-ET may be actively secreted in fetal circulation and the plasma levels in maternal and fetal circulation may have a possible relation.  相似文献   

We measured fetal breathing movements and fetal carotid arterial prostaglandin E concentrations during adrenocorticotrophin-induced labour in 6 pregnant sheep and in 6 control animals starting at day 127. The 6 ACTH-treated animals went into labour on average 97 h after the onset of infusion and the incidence of fetal breathing movements diminished during the last 12h before the onset of labour. There was a significant negative relationship between the incidence of fetal breathing movements and fetal carotid arterial prostaglandin E concentrations (r = -0.88; P less than 0.001) in ACTH treated animals. These data suggest a role for prostaglandin E in the diminution of fetal breathing movements prior to the onset of labour.  相似文献   

The effect of maternal nutrition level during the periconception period on the muscle development of fetus and maternal–fetal plasma hormone concentrations in sheep were examined. Estrus was synchronized in 55 Karayaka ewes and were either fed ad libitum (well-fed, WF, n=23) or 0.5×maintenance (under-fed, UF, n=32) 6 days before and 7 days after mating. Non-pregnant ewes (WF, n=13; UF, n=24) and ewes carrying twins (WF, n=1) and female (WF, n=1; UF, n=3) fetuses were removed from the experiment. The singleton male fetuses from well-fed (n=8) and under-fed (n=5) ewes were collected on day 90 of gestation and placental characteristics, fetal BWs and dimensions, fetal organs and muscles weights were recorded. Maternal (on day 7 after mating) and fetal (on day 90 of pregnancy) blood samples were collected to analyze plasma hormone concentrations. Placental characteristics, BW and dimensions, organs and muscles weights of fetuses were not affected by maternal feed intake during the periconception period. Maternal nutrition level did not affect fiber numbers and the muscle cross-sectional area of the fetal longissimus dorsi (LD), semitendinosus (ST) muscles, but the cross-sectional area of the secondary fibers in the fetal LD and ST muscles from the UF ewes were higher than those from the WF ewes (P<0.05). Also, the ratio of secondary to primary fibers in the ST muscle were tended to be lower in the fetuses from the UF ewes (P=0.07). Maternal nutrition level during the periconception period did not cause any significant changes in fetal plasma insulin and maternal and fetal plasma IGF-I, cortisol, progesterone, free T3 and T4 concentrations. However, maternal cortisol concentrations were lower while insulin concentrations were higher in the WF ewes than those in the UF ewes (P<0.05). These results indicate that the reduced maternal feed intake during the periconception period may alter muscle fiber diameter without affecting fiber types, fetal weights and organ developments and plasma hormone concentrations in the fetus.  相似文献   

Concentrations of prostaglandin E (PGE), PGF and 6-oxo-PGF (the hydrolytic product of PGI2) were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) in myometrium, endometrium, cotyledons, amnion and chorioallantois taken from different uterine areas from chronically catheterized sheep bearing fetuses which had died 12–26 h previously (n=4) or 34–72 h previously (n=4). These two groups of animals were designated fetuses dead <30 h and >30 h respectively. The time of fetal death was assessed on the basis of fetal heart rate and blood gases. At the time of the tissue collection the ewes were between 123 and 130 days after mating. For comparative purposes, tissues also were collected from four sheep bearing live chronically catheterized fetuses at 130 days of gestation.For myometrium, concentration of PGF, PGE and 6-oxo-PGF were significantly higher in sheep bearing dead fetuses, compared to those bearing live fetuses. Analysis of variance also showed a significant effect of uterine area on myometrial PGE concentrations, concentrations being higher in tubal areas than elsewhere. Concentrations of PGE, PGF and 6-oxo-PGF were higher in endometrium taken from uteri containing dead fetuses. In cotyledons, concentrations of PGF and 6-oxo-PGF but not PGE, were significant elevated following fetal death. Concentrations of 6-oxo-PGF, but not PGE or PGF, were elevated in both chorioallantois and amnion of sheep bearing dead fetuses, compared to those bearing live fetuses. In association with elevated PG concentrations, there was a progressive increase in the frequency and maximum amplitude of uterine contractions. These results show that PG concetrations are elevated following fetal death in sheep, and suggest an association between elevated PG concentrations and delivery of the dead fetus.  相似文献   

With no acceptable method for collecting fresh rumen fluid from zoo ruminants, it was proposed that fecal bacterial concentrations may be correlated with rumen bacteria. If so, fecal bacterial concentrations could be used to study both the effects of diet on rumen bacteria as well as rumen abnormalities. Total and cellulolytic bacterial concentrations were determined in whole rumen contents and feces of sheep using a most‐probable‐number (MPN) assay. In a Latin square design, four crossbred ewes were fed diets of 100% long or chopped orchardgrass hay (OH) and 60% ground or whole shelled corn plus 40% chopped OH. In a second trial, the sheep were fed a pelleted complete feed at varying levels of intake i.e., control at 2.0% of body weight and at 1.8, 1.6, and 1.2% of body weight. Higher total rumen bacterial concentrations (P<0.01) were found on the high concentrate diets as compared with the high forage diets. Grinding the corn also increased total bacterial concentrations (P<0.05). Fecal concentrations of total bacteria were higher (P<0.01) with the high concentrate diets. Chopping the forage decreased the concentration of fecal cellulolytic bacteria (P<0.05) but had no effect on their concentration in the rumen. An inverse linear relationship (P<0.01) was observed between total bacterial concentrations in the feces and diet intake. Although relationships were observed between the rumen and feces for total and cellulolytic bacterial concentrations, they were dependent on diet, particle size, and level of intake. Thus, fecal bacterial concentrations cannot be used to reliably predict rumen bacterial concentrations. Zoo Biol 27:100–108, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mercury and selenium concentrations were determined in scalp hair samples collected postpartum from 82 term pregnancy mothers and their neonates. Maternal mercury and selenium had median concentrations of 0.39 μg/g (range 0.1–2.13 μg/g) and 0.75 μg/g (range 0.1–3.95 μg/g), respectively, and corresponding median neonatal values were 0.24 μg/g (range 0.1–1.93 μg) and 0.52 μg/g (range (0.1–3.0 μg/g). Amalgam-based restorative dental treatment received during pregnancy by 27 mothers (Group I) was associated with significantly higher mercury concentrations in their neonates (p<0.0001) compared to those born to 55 mothers (Group II) whose most recent history of such dental treatment was dated to periods ranging between 1 and 12 yr prior to pregnancy. In the Group I mother/neonate pairs, amalgam removal and replacement in 10 cases was associated with significantly higher mercury concentrations compared to 17 cases of new amalgam emplacement. Selenium concentrations showed no significant integroup differences. However, the selenium/mercury molar ratio values were lowest in the Group I neonates, compared to their mothers and to the Group II mother/neonate pairs. This ratio decreased as mercury concentration increased, and this interrelation was statistically significant in both groups of mother/neonate pairs. The data from this preliminary study suggest that amalgam-based dental treatment during pregnancy is associated with higher prenatal exposure to mercury, particularly in cases of amalgam removal and replacement. The ability of a peripheral biological tissue, such as hair, to elicit such marked differences in neonatal mercury concentrations provides supporting evidence of high fetal susceptibility to this form of mercury exposure. The data are discussed in relation to the differences between maternal and fetal mercury metabolisms and to mercury—selenium metabolic intereactions in response to mercury exposure.  相似文献   

Observations in 5 fetal sheep at 120-134 days gestation, using either real time ultrasound or direct emg recordings to detect fetal movements, showed an association between such movements and cardiac accelerations (greater than 2 s duration and 4 beats/min amplitude). Neuromuscular blockade with gallamine abolished the fetal movements but not the accelerations.  相似文献   

Local interaction of maternal and fetal placental blood flows was studied in two groups of unanaesthetized near-term sheep. Five sheep were exposed to a simulated dive to 100 feet of seawater (4.03 atmospheres) for 25 min. Six fetuses received an infusion of noradrenaline (6.8 micrograms/[kg x min]). Radioactive microspheres were administered simultaneously to mother and fetus before (control) and after (test) the experimental manipulation. Maternal and fetal relative activities, defined as % of total placental radioactivity divided by % of total placental weight, were calculated for 1-g pieces of cotyledonary tissue under control and test conditions. Pieces of cotyledons were defined as matched if the direction of change in relative activity from control to test was the same for mother and fetus. In the absence of an interaction between the maternal and fetal placental circulations, the probability of a piece of cotyledon being matched is 0.5. In each series of experiments the proportion of all cotyledon pieces having maternal and fetal relative activities that changed in the same direction was significantly greater than 0.5. Thus, the majority of the placental mass responds to a physical or chemical perturbation of the fetus in such a way that changes in relative perfusion are qualitatively matched in the adjacent maternal and fetal placental circulations.  相似文献   

The binding of methadone to maternal and fetal plasma proteins was determined throughout the third trimester in the pregnant ewe. Blood was sampled from chronic indwelling catheters placed in the maternal aorta and fetal aorta. Methadone binding was determined by use of equilibrium dialysis with (3H)-methadone. Maternal binding ranged from 50.4 to 89.5%, with a mean of 76.2 ±1.3 (SE)%. Fetal binding was initially significantly lower than maternal binding, but increased rapidly in the last two weeks before parturition. Prior to 130 days gestation, the ratio of fetal binding to maternal binding was 0.40 ± 0.03. This binding ratio increased to 0.82 ± 0.08 in the last few days of pregnancy. Preliminary results suggested that maternal binding was higher in the early post-partum period. These results demonstrate that the relationship between maternal and fetal plasma binding of methadone changes rapidly towards the end of pregnancy, and fetal binding approaches maternal binding at parturition.  相似文献   

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