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Meiotic recombination is not random in the proximal region of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC). It is clustered at four restricted positions, so-called hotspots. Some of the MHC haplotypes derived from Asian wild mice enhance recombination at the hotspots in genetic crosses with standard MHC haplotypes of laboratory mouse strains. In particular, the wm7 haplotype derived from Japanese wild mouse indicated an approximately 2% recombination frequency within a 1.2 kb fragment of DNA in the interval between the Pb and Ob genes. Interestingly, this enhancement of recombination was observed only in female meiosis but not in male meiosis. Mating experiments demonstrated that the wm7 haplotype carries a genetic factor in the region proximal to the hotspot, which instigates recombination. In addition, the wm7 haplotype has a genetic factor located in the region distal to the hotspot, which suppresses recombination. From the molecular characterization of the two hotspots located in the Eb gene and the Pb-Ob interval, it appeared that there are several common molecular elements, the consensus of the middle repetitive MT-family, TCTG or CCTG tetramer repeats, and the solitary long terminal repeat (LTR) of mouse retrovirus.  相似文献   

Definitive characteristics of meiotic recombination events over large (i.e., >1 Mb) segments of the human genome remain obscure, yet they are essential for establishing the haplotypic structure of the genome and for efficient mapping of complex traits. We present a high-resolution map of recombination at the kilobase level across a 3.3-Mb interval encompassing the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Genotyping of 20,031 single sperm from 12 individuals resulted in the identification and fine mapping of 325 recombinant chromosomes within genomic intervals as small as 7 kb. Several principal characteristics of recombination in this region were observed: (1) rates of recombination can differ significantly between individuals; (2) intense hot spots of recombination occur at least every 0.8 Mb but are not necessarily evenly spaced; (3) distribution in the location of recombination events can differ significantly among individuals; (4) between hot spots, low levels of recombination occur fairly evenly across 100-kb segments, suggesting the presence of warm spots of recombination; and (5) specific sequence motifs associate significantly with recombination distribution. These data provide a plausible model for recombination patterns of the human genome overall.  相似文献   

The molecular analysis of crossing-over within the mouse major histocompatibility complex provides a useful approach for the study of the structural characteristics of meiotic recombination. In this study five intra-I-region recombinants, each derived fromI k/I b heterozygotes, were characterized for restriction-fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) characteristic of theI region of the two parental strains. Southern blot analysis of intra-I recombinant strains A.TBR2, A.TBR3, A.TBR5, A.TBR13, and A.TBR17 using sixI-region DNA probes revealed that the point of crossing-over in all five recombinants occurred within a 6.2-kbKpnI-EcoRI segment located within theE gene. The segments of DNA containing the crossover point from each of the recombinant chromosomes were cloned by screening partial genomic libraries constructed in gt7 bacteriophage. Construction of partial restriction maps of the cloned segments from the parental and recombinant chromosomes permitted the boundaries of the area containing the crossover site to be narrowed to a 4.0-kb segment located almost entirely within an intron of theE gene. The recognition that the points of crossing-over in all five recombinants studied are clustered in a relatively small area of theI region provides further evidence for a hot spot of recombination associated with theE ß gene.This work was supported by Grants AI14424 and AI20317 from the National Institutes of Health. J. Kobori was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Arthritis Foundation. E. Zimmerer was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Charles and Johanna Busch Fund of the Bureau of Biological Research. D. Spinella was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Charles and Johanna Busch Fund.  相似文献   

V G Korolev 《Genetika》1992,28(11):5-14
A review of research on genetic control of meiotic recombination is presented. The genes controlling different stages of meiotic recombination were revealed. Possible relationship of the gene products with the process of genetic recombination is under discussion.  相似文献   

Koehler KE  Cherry JP  Lynn A  Hunt PA  Hassold TJ 《Genetics》2002,162(1):297-306
Genetic background effects on the frequency of meiotic recombination have long been suspected in mice but never demonstrated in a systematic manner, especially in inbred strains. We used a recently described immunostaining technique to assess meiotic exchange patterns in male mice. We found that among four different inbred strains--CAST/Ei, A/J, C57BL/6, and SPRET/Ei--the mean number of meiotic exchanges per cell and, thus, the recombination rates in these genetic backgrounds were significantly different. These frequencies ranged from a low of 21.5 exchanges in CAST/Ei to a high of 24.9 in SPRET/Ei. We also found that, as expected, these crossover events were nonrandomly distributed and displayed positive interference. However, we found no evidence for significant differences in the patterns of crossover positioning between strains with different exchange frequencies. From our observations of >10,000 autosomal synaptonemal complexes, we conclude that achiasmate bivalents arise in the male mouse at a frequency of 0.1%. Thus, special mechanisms that segregate achiasmate chromosomes are unlikely to be an important component of mammalian male meiosis.  相似文献   

Studies with two closely related inbred chicken strains show that regression of Rous sarcoma virus-induced tumors is a dominantly inherited trait, controlled by a gene within, or closely linked to, the major histocompatibility complex (B region). Strain G-B2 birds are capable of regressing Rous tumors, while strain G-B1 birds are uniformly susceptible to progressive Rous tumor development. Evidence for crossing over between the genes controlling serologically determined MHC antigens on erythrocytes and genes controlling Rous sarcoma growth was obtained. The MHC-linked gene which confers the ability to regress Rous sarcomas is designatedR-Rs-1. The allelic gene which allows for progressive tumor growth in homozygous birds is designatedr-Rs-1.  相似文献   

The K, I and S regions of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are composed of long tracts of DNA which differ in sequence divergence. A correlation exists between the location of an MHC gene in a variable or conserved chromosomal tract and the degree of polymorphism and diversity of the proteins encoded by its alleles. Variable tracts appear to be the result of mechanisms which mutate certain coding and non-coding sequences to the same extent and selective pressures operating on the genes.  相似文献   

By use of Southern blot analyses and low copy number probes, the fine structure of the Q region of the mouse major histocompatibility complex was studied in more detail. With a probe recognizing the even-numbered genes Q4, Q6, and Q8, it was evident that Q4 and/or the regions flanking Q4 are polymorphic, whereas Q6 and Q8, and their flanking regions are nonpolymorphic. Perhaps the most noteworthy finding is that at least two strain haplotypes, H-2 k and H-2 f, possessed extensive deletions in the Q region. The most striking deletion was found in the H-2 f haplotype, where the QI through Q9 genes appear to be missing. Because of these extensive deletions the functional importance of the Q region is questioned.  相似文献   

The sites of meiotic recombination in the class II region of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are clustered at hotspots. To search for hotspots in the class III region, we mapped combiantional break-points of 79 Ab: H2-D recombinants with 11 DNA markers; these included Tnx, the gene for an extracellular matrix protein, tenascin X, the Notch-related Int3 gene, and a microsatellite marker, D17Mit13, none of which had previously been mapped precisely. The results gave the gene order Eb-61.11-Int3-Tnx-Cyp21/C4-Bf-Hsp68c-D17Mit13-Tnfa/Tnfb-D. The crossover sites in 40 of the 79 recombinants were cofiend within the Eb/Int3:Tnx/Cyp21 interval. The result demonstrated that an unequal distribution of recombination is a general feature of the mouse MHC, suggesting the presence of a recombinational hotsopt within the Int3:Tnx interval.  相似文献   

We have isolated a class I gene from the TL region of the A/J mouse. The gene, T2A, is a homologue of the C57BL/10 mouse gene T2. In the process of mapping this gene we screened a number of BALB/c class I cosmid clusters with a T2A flanking probe. Several of the hybridizing clusters were found to contain identical DNA segments and could therefore be linked together into one single BALB/c TL region which appears to be identical to the TL region of the C57BL/10 mouse. However, two of the hybridizing clusters do not overlap with the C57BL/10 TL region. It appears that these two clusters represent a partial duplication of the TL region in the BALB/c mouse.  相似文献   

Summary The mouse autosomal locus that determines the form of phosphoglycerate kinase found only in testes is shown here to be closely linked to but not included within the major histocompatibility complex on Chromosome 17. Data are presented that strongly favor the location of this locus, designated Pgk-2, distal to H-2, Qa-1, and Qa-2, and closely associated with T1a. The Pgk-2 strain distribution pattern for 103 inbred and congenic strains of mice is given. Because Pgk-2 is polymorphic among inbred strains, it should be of value in linkage studies.  相似文献   

The sites of meiotic recombination in the proximal region of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are clustered at hotspots. Some MHC haplotypes derived from Asian wild mice increase the frequency of recombination at such hotspots when heterozygous with standard laboratory haplotypes. The wm7 and cas3 haplotypes, have a hotspot close to the Lmp-2 gene (Lmp-2 hotspot), and the cas4 haplotype has a hotspot about 100 kilobase (kb) proximal, close to the Pb gene (Pb hotspot). To examine the effect of a double dose of hotspots, we estimated the rate of recombination and determined the location of the breakpoints in crosses of wm7/cas3 and wm7/cas4. In 3570 backcross progeny we identified 29 new recombinants in the H-2K to Ab interval, at a frequency of 0.81%. This frequency is 40-fold higher than in crosses between laboratory haplotypes and very similar to those previously obtained in crosses between these wild and standard laboratory haplotypes. Thus, a double dose of hotspots has no additive effect on the frequency of meiotic recombination. The site-specificity of recombination was also conserved. Twenty-three breakpoints were confined within 5.4 kb in the Lmp-2 hotspot, and six breakpoints from the cas4 cross were located in the Pb hotspot, which we have now confined to a 15 kb segment. Correspondence to: T. Shiroishi.  相似文献   

Analysis of the B-G antigens of eight chicken major histocompatibility complex (B) system recombinant haplotypes by high resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis has provided evidence for the transfer of the complete B-G subregion in seven cases. In the eighth, a partial duplication within the B-G subregion appears to have occurred. In this recombinant, the entire array of polypeptides associated with one parental allele, B-G 23 is expressed together with nearly the entire array of B-G polypeptides of the other parental haplotype, B 2. This compound polypeptide pattern corroborates the serological evidence for a partial duplication within the B-G subregion and provides indirect evidence for the existence of multiple loci within B-G and for a means by which polymorphism may be introduced into the chicken major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

Chickens of a commercial pure White Leghorn line were typed for B-F and B-G by serological, biochemical and molecular biological methods. Amongst 287 typed animals of one particular line, three animals with recombinant haplotypes were identified. Compared to earlier reports this revealed a statistically significant (P < 0 –05), tenfold higher recombination frequency in this chicken line.  相似文献   

Thewm7 haplotype of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), derived from the Japanese wild mouseMus musculus molossinus, enhances recombination specific to female meiosis in theK/A interval of the MHC. We have mapped crossover points of fifteen independent recombinants from genetic crosses of thewm7 and laboratory haplotypes. Most of them were confined to a short segment of approximately 1 kilobase (kb) of DNA between theA 3 andA 2 genes, indicating the presence of a female-specific recombinational hotspot. Its location overlaps with a sex-independent hotspot previously identified in theMus musculus castaneus CAS3 haplotype. We have cloned and sequenced DNA fragments surrounding the hotspot from thewm7 haplotype and the corresponding regions from the hotspot-negative B10.A and C57BL/10 strains. There is no significant difference between the sequences of these three strains, or between these and the published sequences of the CAS3 and C57BL/6 strains. However, a comparison of this A3/A2 hotspot with a previously characterized hotspot in theE gene revealed that they have a very similar molecular organization. Each hotspot consists of two elements, the consensus sequence of the mouse middle repetitive MT family and the tetrameric repeated sequences, which are separated by 1 kb of DNA.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the DNA Data Bank of Japan nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers d90007-9. Offprint requests to: T. Shiroishi.  相似文献   

Induction of nonspecific resistance to Schistosoma mansoni infection after the i.v. injection of viable BCG was investigated in outbred mice and a panel of inbred and H-2 congenic strains. Significant protection was induced in CF1, A/J, C57BL/6, C57BL/10, DBA/2, C57BR, and SJL mice. BALB/c mice were not protected whereas CBA and C3H mice expressed intermediate degrees of protection. Expression of the protective phenomenon is not controlled by genes within the MHC as shown by the marked differences in response between BALB/c and DBA/2 (H-2d) as well as between C57BR and C3H (H-2k) mice. H-2 congenic strains with C57BL/10 background (B10.A and B10.D2) were high responders. BALB.B10 mice carrying the high responder (B10) MHC on the nonresponder (BALB/c) background were not protected. The degree of splenic hypertrophy did not correlate with the expression of nonspecific resistance. These results demonstrate that, in addition to controlling specific immune responses, genetic differences influence the nonspecific protective phenomena related to BCG administration as well.  相似文献   

The association between HLA sharing and recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) was tested in 123 couples and the association between HLA sharing, and the outcome of treatment for unexplained infertility by in vitro fertilization (IVF) was tested in 76 couples, by using a new shared-allele test in order to identify more precisely the region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) influencing these reproductive defects. The shared-allele test circumvents the problem of rare alleles at HLA loci and at the same time provides a substantial gain in power over the simple chi 2 test. Two statistical methods, a corrected homogeneity test and a bootstrap approach, were developed to compare the allele frequencies at each of the HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DR, and HLA-DQ loci; they were not statistically different among the three patient groups and the control group. There was a significant excess of HLA-DR sharing in couples with RSA and a significant excess of HLA-DQ sharing in couples with unexplained infertility who failed treatment by IVF. These findings indicate that genes located in different parts of the class II region of the MHC affect different aspects of reproduction and strongly suggest that the sharing of HLA antigens per se is not the mechanism involved in the reproductive defects. The segment of the MHC that has genes affecting reproduction also has genes associated with different autoimmune diseases, and this juxtaposition may explain the association between reproductive defects and autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

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