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根际细菌诱导的植物系统抗性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述根际细菌诱导ISR的机制及其信号传递途径的研究进展。  相似文献   

一种筛选拟南芥突变体的有效方法   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
赵淑清 《遗传》2001,23(3):260-262
经甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变处理的拟南芥种子,接种于MS培养基上,垂直放置培养4天后,将幼苗转移至胁迫培养基中,以倒置幼苗180°所形成的弯曲生长根作为指标筛选拟南芥耐营养胁迫突变体。利用这种方法,成功地筛选到一个耐低钾的隐性单基因拟南芥突变体。本方法同样适用于其他类型突变体的筛选。 Abstract:his paper introduces a root-bending assay for isol ation of Arabidopsis mutants tolerant to nutrition stress. Seeds of wild-ty pe Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype Landersberg erecta) were mutagenized wi th ethyl methyl sulfide (EMS),and M2 populations were screened for mutants. Fo ur-day-old seedlings with 1-to 1.5-cm-long roots were transferred from the vertical agar plates onto to a second agar medium that was supplemented with det erminate stress. The seedlings were arranged in rows, and the plates were orient ed vertically with the roots pointing upward. After another 4 days, the root be nding seedlings were selected for putative mutants and transferred to soil to gr ow to maturity.Seeds from the putative mutants were screened again to determine the true mutants.By using this root-bending assay we have isolated a low-K+-tolerant (lkt1) mutant which is caused by single recessive nuclear mutation. F or lkt1 mutant screening,K+concentration of the medium was 100μmol/L because root growth of wild type seedlings was completely inhibited at or below this con centration.This root-bending assay is also applicable to other type of Arabid opsis mutant isolation.  相似文献   

一株抗生素产生菌的研究初报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从土壤中筛得一株能产生抗生素的细菌,经鉴定属于假单胞菌科假单胞菌属,抗菌谱分析表明,它对革兰氏阳性细菌有较强的抗性,而对革兰氏阴性细菌抗性弱,其活性成分能耐以100℃,0.5h 水浴,且能通过0.22um微孔滤膜。  相似文献   

韭菜根际荧光假单胞菌株的分离和初步研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘国奇  蒋如漳   《微生物学通报》1999,26(3):189-192
从韭菜(Alliumtuberosum)根内分离出荧光假单胞菌PseudomondsfluorescentDEI。用筛选出的具有利福平抗性的自发突变株P.F.NKDE2通过拌种和拌培养土回接韭菜,结果表明:P.F.NKDE2能定殖于韭菜根表、根内和根固土中.播种前用P.F.NKDE2拌种,对韭菜生长有明显的促生效果;与对照相比,幼苗的单株根重、主根长、单株叶重及子叶长度四项指标均有显著差异。  相似文献   

从杂草DRB中筛选微生物除草剂的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用NPC和CVP富集培养基从马唐和狗尾草的根部分离到假单胞菌792株,欧氏菌515株,通过对大肠杆菌的抗代谢毒性试验,对原宿主的萌发抑制试验,杀草试验以及对两种草坪草的安全性试验,筛选的S7菌株能100%抑制狗尾草的种子萌发,对供试草坪草不仅没有负影响,而且对高羊茅的种子萌发还有轻微的促生作用,尽管S7在狗尾草的芽后处理中校正防效只有56.7%,但分析认为以杂草DRB作微生物除草剂的目标菌株会更有前途。  相似文献   

采用MPC和CVP富集培养基从马唐和狗尾草的根部分离到假单胞菌792株、欧文氏菌515株。通过对大肠杆菌的抗代谢毒性试验、对原宿主的萌发抑制试验、杀草试验以及对两种草坪草的安全性试验,筛选的S7菌株能100%抑制狗尾草的种子萌发,对供试草坪草不仅没有负影响,而且对高羊茅的种子萌发还有轻微的促生作用。尽管S7在狗尾草的芽后处理中校正防效只有56.7%,但分析认为以杂草DRB作微生物除草剂的目标菌株会更有前途。  相似文献   

一株花生根际铁载体产生菌的分离鉴定及耐药性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:从花生根际筛选铁载体产生能力较强的菌株,对其进行鉴定及耐药性分析。方法:用梯度稀释法从花生根际中分离出细菌,在刃天青(CAS)检测平板上依显色圈的大小从中筛选出一株铁载体产生能力较强的菌,并对其进行生理生化鉴定和16S rDNA序列分析,用抗生素梯度平板检测其对9种常见抗生素的抗性。结果:筛选出一株产铁载体的菌株D15,13项生理生化指标除甲基红试验呈阳性外,其他均与恶臭假单胞菌相同;其16S rDNA与恶臭假单胞菌的同源性为100%;该菌对氨苄青霉素、氯霉素、利福平、红霉素、新霉素、链霉素、四环素都有不同程度的的抗性,对卡那霉素和庆大霉素表现较强的敏感性。结论:获得铁载体产生菌D15,经鉴定为恶臭假单胞菌,该菌耐药性符合用转座子诱变法研究铁载体合成的相关基因的条件。  相似文献   

荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)是一种重要的植物根际促生菌,它能够产生藤黄绿脓菌素、2,4-二乙酰基藤黄酚、硝吡咯菌素、吩嗪-1-羧酸等抗生性次级代谢产物,可抑制多种病原物,在农作物土传病害的生物防治研究中具有重要意义.总结了荧光假单胞菌中已确立的抗生性次级代谢产物的合成机制,重点阐述了相关基因的结构、功能,以及利用生物工程技术对荧光假单胞菌进行遗传操作的最新进展,同时对荧光假单胞菌在生物防治中的应用和其作为生防菌剂的前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

对于包括铜绿假单胞菌在内的众多微生物而言,群体感应系统是细菌表达毒力因子的重要调节子.Las和Rhl是群体感应两个主要组成部分.Las和Rhl分别受自诱导剂N-3-氧化十二烷酰基-L-高丝氨酸内酯(3-oxo-C12-HSL)和N-丁酰-L-高丝氨酸内酯(C4-HSL)的影响.最近的研究进展显示群体感应分子尤其是3-oxo-C12-HSL具有调节宿主免疫系统的能力.本实验展示了3-oxo-C12-HSL可以诱导鼠源巨噬细胞(RAW264.7)的凋亡和吞噬作用.把合成的3-oxo-C12-HSL加入RAW264.7细胞培养基中,发现细胞生活力以一种依赖于3-oxo-C12-HSL的浓度(6.25 to 100 μmol/L)和培养时间(2 to 24 h)的方式逐渐丢失.同样,我们观察到3-oxo-C12-HSL的细胞毒活性,用3-oxo-C12-HSL处理的细胞出现细胞形态上的改变,这一改变表明3-oxo-C12-HSL处理的细胞加速凋亡,这一点同时也被其他多个标准(caspases3、8和9,线粒体膜电位,磷脂酰丝氨酸的表达)所证实.中性红吞饮实验证明,3-oxo-C12-HSL会显著地减小RAW264.7细胞的吞噬能力(P < 0.05).同时,高浓度的3-oxo-C12-HSL会降低RAW264.7细胞对铜绿假单胞菌的吞噬作用(P < 0.001).这些数据表明3-oxo-C12-HSL能特异性地促进细胞凋亡的诱导和RAW264.7细胞吞噬能力的减小.这可能和3-oxo-C12-HSL诱导的细胞毒性有关.最终我们的实验数据证明,群体感应信号分子3-oxo-C12-HSL在铜绿假单胞菌感染的致病机理中扮演着重要的角色.  相似文献   

荧光假单胞菌2P24的PcoI-PcoR 群体感应(QS)系统信号合成基因pcoI的表达受多种因子的调控, 其中GacS-GacA双因子调控系统在转录水平正调控信号合成基因pcoI的表达。为进一步研究QS系统调控因子, 将2P24基因组文库转入gacA缺失的pcoI基因转录报告菌株PM203 (pcoI-lacZ, gacA-), 筛选可提高pcoI表达的基因。结果表明粘粒pP32-24可显著提高pcoI转录水平, 亚克隆实验证明其中的功能基因为pcoI; 外源添加标准信号分子3-氧-己酰高丝氨酸内酯(3-oxo-C8-HSL)同样可显著提高pcoI基因的表达, 表明pcoI基因的表达对自身有正调控作用。同时构建了QS系统的另外一个组分pcoR基因的缺失突变体, pcoR基因缺失后pcoI的表达和N-乙酰高丝氨酸内酯信号分子(AHL)的产量明显低于野生菌株及其互补菌株, 并显著降低该菌株的生物膜(Biofilm)形成能力。这些结果表明菌株2P24的PcoI-PcoR QS系统中, 信号合成基因pcoI的表达受自体反馈调控, pcoR基因参与pcoI基因表达的调控以及生物膜的形成。  相似文献   

Abstract: To protect themselves from disease, plants have evolved sophisticated defence mechanisms in which the signal molecules salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and ethylene often play crucial roles. Elucidation of signalling pathways controlling disease resistance is a major objective in research on plant-pathogen interactions. The capacity of a plant to develop a broad spectrum, systemic acquired resistance (SAR) after primary infection with a necrotizing pathogen is well-known and its signal transduction pathway extensively studied. Plants of which the roots have been colonized by specific strains of non-pathogenic fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. develop a phenotypically similar form of protection that is called rhizobacteria-mediated induced systemic resistance (ISR). In contrast to pathogen-induced SAR, which is regulated by salicylic acid, rhizobacteria-mediated ISR is controlled by a signalling pathway in which jasmonic acid and ethylene play key roles. In the past eight years, the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana was explored to study the molecular basis of rhizobacteria-mediated ISR. Here we review current knowledge of the signal transduction steps involved in the ISR pathway that leads from recognition of the rhizobacteria in the roots to systemic expression of broad-spectrum disease resistance in aboveground foliar tissues.  相似文献   

Abstract: In Arabidopsis thaliana, non-pathogenic, root-colonizing Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS417r bacteria trigger an induced systemic resistance (ISR) that is phenotypically similar to pathogen-induced systemic acquired resistance (SAR). In contrast to SAR, WCS417r-mediated ISR is controlled by a salicylic acid (SA)-independent signalling pathway that requires an intact response to the plant hormones jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET). Arabidopsis accessions RLD1 and Ws-0 fail to express ISR against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and show enhanced disease susceptibility to this pathogen. Genetic analysis of progeny from crosses between WCS417r-responsive and non-responsive accessions demonstrated that ISR inducibility and basal resistance against P. syringae pv. tomato are controlled by a single dominant locus (ISR1) on chromosome III (Ton et al., 1999[294]). Here, we investigated the role of the ISR1 locus in ISR, SAR and basal resistance against three additional pathogens: Xanthomonas campestris pv. armoraciae, Peronospora parasitica and turnip crinkle virus (TCV), using accessions Col-0 (ISR1), RLD1 (isr1) and Ws-0 (isr1) as host plants.  相似文献   

A 3,6-di-O-benzylated demethylallosamizoline derivative was glycosylated at the 4-position with an N, N′-diphthaloylchitobiosyl moiety by using the thioglycoside method. After de-protections, the resulting demethylallosamidin-like pseudotrisaccharide was evaluated as an inhibitor against a couple of chitinases.  相似文献   

紫外线强烈诱导的谷胱甘肽转移酶基因的功能鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘新仿  李家洋 《遗传学报》2002,29(5):458-460,T003
植物谷胱甘肽转移酶(glutathione S-transferases,GSTs)基因家族在逆境反应和植物生长发育过程中都起着非常重要的作用。为了阐明GST在紫外辐射下是否对植物有保护作用,以紫外强烈诱导表达的GST、cDNA为探针,筛选拟南芥cDNA文库,获得了这种GST的全长cDNA;利用此cDNA构建植物表达载体,并通过农杆菌介导法转化拟南芬,使其在拟南芥中得到大量表达;通过对转基因植株的紫外辐射耐性分析,证实了该GST的过量表达可明显增强拟南芥对紫外辐射损伤作用的耐受性。  相似文献   

研究了表油菜素内酯(epi-BR)对拟南芥细胞体外分化的影响.表明epi-BR不仅能促进愈伤组织的增殖,而且还能有效地诱导愈伤组织转绿,继而分化绿芽和长成小植株,其诱导频率高达70%以上。电镜观察表明,epi-BR诱导的转绿细胞中的叶绿体发育正常。  相似文献   

拟南芥室内培养技术   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文报道了室内培养拟南芥的一些简便易行的改进技术.采用我们改进的营养土、蛭石、素沙混合培养介质和直播方式培养拟南芥,并根据其生物学特性在温度、空气湿度、土壤水分和光照等方面给予适当管理,能培养出生长更健壮、更好地满足实验要求的拟南芥植株.此外还介绍了播种、浇水、生育期调节、种子保存、病虫害防治和防混杂等环节的一些技巧措施.与其他培养方法相比,此法不仅简便、效果好,而且适合较简易的培养条件.  相似文献   

Plastid transformation in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Plastid transformation is reported in Arabidopsis thaliana following biolistic delivery of transforming DNA into leaf cells. Transforming plasmid pGS31A carries a spectinomycin resistance (aadA) gene flanked by plastid DNA sequences to target its insertion between trnV and the rps12/7 operon. Integration of aadA by two homologous recombination events via the flanking ptDNA sequences and selective amplification of the transplastomes on spectinomycin medium yielded resistant cell lines and regenerated plants in which the plastid genome copies have been uniformly altered. The efficiency of plastid transformation was low: 2 in 201 bombarded leaf samples. None of the 98 plants regenerated from the two lines were fertile. Received: 13 February 1998 / Revision received: 24 April 1998 / Accepted: 5 June 1998  相似文献   

Deem AK  Bultema RL  Crowell DN 《Gene》2006,380(2):159-166
Prenylated proteins undergo a series of post-translational modifications, including prenylation, proteolysis, and methylation. Collectively, these modifications generate a prenylcysteine methylester at the carboxyl terminus and modulate protein targeting and function. Prenylcysteine methylation is the only reversible step in this series of modifications. However, prenylcysteine -carboxyl methylesterase (PCME) activity has not been described in plants. We have detected a specific PCME activity in Arabidopsis thaliana membranes that discriminates between biologically relevant and irrelevant prenylcysteine methylester substrates. Furthermore, we have identified an Arabidopsis gene (At5g15860) that encodes measurable PCME activity in recombinant yeast cells with greater specificity for biologically relevant prenylcysteine methylesters than the activity found in Arabidopsis membranes. These results suggest that specific and non-specific esterases catalyze the demethylation of prenylcysteine methylesters in Arabidopsis membranes. Our findings are discussed in the context of prenylcysteine methylation/demethylation as a potential regulatory mechanism for membrane association and function of prenylated proteins in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

郝林  曹军  冯树 《应用生态学报》2001,12(2):269-271
以细菌Xanthobacter autotrophicus卤代烷烃脱卤酶基因为遗传负选择标记,建立了该基因在拟南芥中反式失活的实验系统,在卤代[烷烃脱卤酶转基因的拟南芥中,有1株表现为转基因失活,离体核run-off转录实验表明为基因转录后沉默(这里特指沉默位点),用这一转基因沉墨植株与同源转基因高效表达植株(这里特指同源转基因位点)杂交,结果96%的F1代植表现为同源基因反式失活,将F1代植株自交,使部分沉默位点与反式失活的同源转基因位点分离,结果200株子代中有42株表现DhlA活性,158株无DhlA活性,即 dhlA沉默植株与表达植株之比为3.76:1,表明沉默位点是以孟德尔显性因子方式使同源转基因位点反式失活的。  相似文献   

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